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990 rrHE isnsw ( yo^k otjppjkr, D?CEMBEB 10. Clipper Post Office. In order to nvold tnlitikci arnd to Insure the prompt delivery of the letter, adv«rtl«ed IJ» lhlie list,«■ envelope" pfklnly Hdilrenxed xnaKt M •ent (or each letter, nnd n written order for the letter, atfcnVd with the (all name nnd ndiltemi nnd the line or bnalneis followed by the sender, innut also be encloned. Please mention the date (or num- ber) of TUB CLIPPBB, In which the letter* itnt tot we re««lvertUed. HDIES'tiST. I'M, Mrs. P. McMillan, LMa Fay, Eleanor Jlwllgan, Foster, Flore Francis 1 : anvil, Carrie May, Bertie Fowler, Kdesse Frances, Virginia I'riinccs, Virginia tssv Kve • • ain»Min. Mil* B (lllilrn Ri-ifrs il.iniuer, Grace f.lirlntone, Lotta uatctti. Mm. Chan. Cray, Alice iHliney Ulsters Grant, Bertha Harto. V*ra Hunt, Scillo Abbott, Marie Aulitco, MlM SI Asbton, Mar Alexander, , • ■ , Helen Allen, Both, Antolnelta Mme. Aldeu, Klvlo Allen, Mrs. -Ins. Arnold!, MUf. Alrten. Kllv Artelll, Flora Avolo; Fanny lirooka, Daily Jlncklca, ' '' .... JmftUt F.lelfl, tJDtlJa, iteraaroV Male liunn, Kstherlne licorditey, ., Adelaide Drown, Laura Ilurkbirt. Rose Jlctra, Millie Bannister. Virginia flnttln. ajjj Lnunon, Lillian Hell, Dorothy Harney. Violet Brows, L»ura Hoar*, Leonn Beatrice, Mile. Burundi, Joale Hell, Crystal Hroocll, Nellie Hrudncll, Nellie lleeson, Lulu, linker, Oeonto Hardy, Sw Hohrr. Ada Hamilton, Marie M. Hayes, Klertle Mails. Violet Howard, Ml« Clleu Hlgglns, Tom Harcourt, Daisy llelrnc*, Lettlo Ilnll, Jesilc M. Moasex, Amy Haywood Flora Hoffman; Mrs. Mnx Hart Mrs. Jerry lllllman, Alice i Tpafrms Kiiel Hall, Artie Clymer, Edna Cunningham Flora Confoaa. , , Madelon Cusbroan Mre.F Crawford, Edna M. Chapman Mamie Clifton, Ada Hilton, Lottie Cultbrope Mlytli Oirmeln, Mile. C'lnrat. Jlie . CUlTflrd, Bessie t'rltea Josephine dirties; May Cnkllnc i.ylo Curnalla, Kmma Dinner, Kilns mare, Lotlli Clark, Maml Clirttm, JcMla I'urli™. Sililln Dana, Victoria »ni>ree. Mluule I lead, Dorothy Ita'Fotfst, May IMimd Helen lmraiid, Jessie Dnral. Viola Diimont, Merle Davenport Mary I>eVore, Berna Davis. Annie Ulrdcller; Uott DmaTSh Fannl.' Dcsjratsr Maliel Ilevereim, Mrs. Uirry Ilorjcval. Theresa Pnncjan, Nellie DcVldey, Georgia Di.lil, Camilla I iiifT, Sadie D'nrvlllc, Irene I Vire, Qraco Kdwlna, Mlsa limns. Max Evelyn, Aotiie Kiel), Violet K'llstnn, Maud Kuw*rdjL^ _ i* ifny n. Freeman, Mrs. Charles FaS, Flow Q. Fillmore, Nellie Flndlay, Ajncs Favor. •••• Marguerite F.vcrett, Agues Ilnll, Mm .B.II. llnne, Marjorle Ilnncoek, Mm. .las. ITayea, Gertie Harrison, mm. n. c. Haynard, Jeaale Irish, Mar Johnston. May Jewell, Etta L- JcfTrlea, Flora Jensen, Knlln Kelly, Mra.T.F, Kellerman Sadie King. Vera KlelRli, ILirrlet Lancilon. llardlc Lntlna, lllllo Li.vell. Lury Laltmv Mlsa M. Lavell, Kdllh RMMMa, OHIo i.hh', Ollle l-orcna. Mvra I.oiiit. Lillian Lyons, litliel Leonard. Sadie LeBoT, Mta. La Marr, Irene Ubr, Ir.a La Hue, Baliet Latnont. Carrie Lynn, Gertrude LaMott. ■ Mm. Den Lrhr, lot LaTell Florence I.try, F.yelyn Lee,' Irehe Mack, Hstlle W Murka. Dorothy Mitchell, CoraL Mnnro. (Iracell, May, Lararda Marlon, Ssclle Mlrtel. Cora Mnrahull, 'Mtdelyn Mack, Beiule Monixt, I'oudy Mcx'llet, Mar aliitin, -tVeUM MurreUa, Edna Marshall. Ethel Muatasue, north a McMeen, Grace Murray. . lEluubsth Mnrroy, Flora J Vnnaton, Kledn Xlnrtln, Tliere^a ell, <1 Mr.r, Ber Moye. Helens Mfteliell, >Cora L .Nolan, Grace Norii hi. Maiulo NellHon Ilortfnse Nichols HI slew North. Victoria Noel, Lucille Nelu, Buth ITBMl, Lttey Owens, Mary A. • wens, Alto TOCk, EVB 1'uck, Lena Mia, Nettle I'eterson, Mrs. P. M. 1'hllllns. , Madeline I'ullmaD, Flora l'errln, Vlda 1. rhelna, Beatrice Pullman, Flora Parker, Minnie D. Plant. Ellis Primrose: •;• Dorothy Itnblnson. Etliel Koas, Delia Itt-ece, Leslie itysn. Lulu llhers Margaret Uaymond, •• Lliiile Boerwell, Clara Randall, Jeatle llnyownd. Blanche Heed, Lillian Rentfrow, Mrl, T, N. Rtnehirt, Stella BocU, Ella Khert, Paol lCldtiote, Pcess E *P"Ws. Kdmnsds, W. O. KTerftOE. Geo. FtUleTVCI. f. T Feather, Jim L Far, Gns False. O. H. Freeman. Richard I'ranUIn, Mcrt Fiance, Charles Frlek, F. C. Fox, Eddie Foster, Jesse W. T'erghson, Barney Fields AHanaon l-'oley. John nam, cuit Freed man, Baa Floyd, K. B. MMBOsV Searfasl Florence, Frees Fens, Charh* lj.lilin.iii. Harry l'irnana. Malt Fewln, Fred I'lpnan. Max RMdtlcb, Irwin Gardner, John nenaro A Bally Gano, 0. K. Goodman Arthur Goolmana, Musical Glass, J. L. Ollroy. Charles C.orman U Wcat Gleeson, J. B. GllssandO, a D. Grant, Colorado Oracle. G. 8. Cllrndon. Walter G«rry, William Gllaon, J. O. Grey, Gordoa urnranlce. Leando. J. W. Lee, A. 11. Lyater, Aifrtd Lloplncott, jj- y Willi* UtIb, Wliihua IM 1. A. EHK Bert Lyons, J. A. L. Lesley, Arthur 1.0T0, Joe Lee, Milton ^Br 1 F". I*0ih«rd, Bros- Ltno, Don LaTort. W. O. ljiTamle, Frank Lppes, 0. r.fice t Loe» Utell, Kdward Lee, H. Lennou, Neaton Lemy-Slock Co Ll i lit Held. Chaa l.mnent, Bert Lawrence-A HarrlnKton [osshera. Win. Lc Roy, Nat ronlc, Jack Lcwnnde, Oscar l.uZclle, E>lward Lesrr, T. C. MaDeil & Corbley MeDonouali, T.C McGUl. Darld Mack, J. J. Mitchell, George Metsettl Millard Brot'iers Marin. H. A. Morroll i; F-vans Mnl.ette, O. L. Moouey & Holbein Mosher's Bull Terriers Mendflle, Albert Mlllott Brew. Harrlc. Jack Crlawold Landa Gleasuh, J. A Bertha Gllnaeretti, Mr. G Greenwood, ' Marshall Georf*, O. V. Gllfoll, Harry Marter Mead, D. H. Marpar, Mr. Myers, J. K. .Marsh, A. L. McNemee, Mr. Maddux, A. H. Mtirphr, Bert Melville. Jean Mohamet. Mr. Mason. T. P. tlnodtrlend, OX Mackle, J. J Gordon. Mr. Gardner. Arlle Oallagber.-J. P Catdser, West A annsbtne Greason Charles Gordon. Cliff Grant, Colorado Oirnon, Jean Gilbert, II. 3. ticran. Boliert nice, Msrijerla I'Md, Lillian Rice, Fanny Chaw, Lillian »■««».,' Marguerite omnl, Cliff. W. ■»•■*» ««■ llardioun. W. Mrlre, VIvlna ' Scott, Kittle Sylvester liaise Starr, Francis Sweeney, Julia Sterling. May Street, Maiiil St. John tlliidyt Sy It cater, ]/>h1sb juito'er t McOor Smllh. Ml Hutre, M Mnntell, Grace llndge. Mrs, GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Ilawwn, A. IL llolloway, Charles Hawkins, 1-ew Holt, J. M. lllckok, I*. L. Hussy. George llorton, B. F. lllckey, John lieln, William Sawyer, Mae Sitters, Alice Miiiriu, Floy St. Claire. Marie B. TdppeT. l'eail Tnrnwali; Nellie Towjoer, Flora 'rhotnpaon Carrie Taylor Kathleen towler, Jegone Trowbridge, Helen Thomas, lna TreaUwell, '■■■ Ailelle Vassnr. Girls. A Vuiuu'ttn Louise Vincent, Klttr- Van Dellan, Helen Wilson. Pearl Wire,' M«r Wheeler, Miss Wade, Etta M. Woolser, Aline DttnDar Wilson, Lillian Ward, May i Wade. Edith B. Woods. Amelia Wenter l^oretta Walker, Madrid Webb, Mattle Wilson M.Grnce Wilcox, Anita Walton, Helen Ilittigertord W.T Hampton, Mr. llort. a' w.- Hodges, G. D. Hall, Henrr Howe A Decker Hnisraer * ' OllTette Hesly A Mealy Hllliard, W.E. Hasza, B, H. Htm lied, Eddie SJrnjPj . F. HeTcomte. OurUs A Webb Huuter, Dick Hyena Bros. Hollies. C. J. lloft*nian, 3. 3 IltirrlB. J. 9. llaiallton, Willy Hllliard, Robert llenlr. A bailee llsymsn. Mr. .A Mrs. Jack IlocTet; A. T. II, rrlfigtC'i B.B. Marlowe. C D. MacDonald, C.L ktooera, W. H. Moore, J. P. Maxsmlth, E. Mead. D. W. Moore, F. B. Mack, Lee Mason. Lowell McRoble, Wna. McDade. Eddie Meek, Donald Martina. Boot Miller. Marks Mantell. George Mack, J. 3. Miller A Kresko McCrscken, Samuel Maddox, A. W. Mack, J. H. McAlphi. J. T. Makorsky BOch Meller. Fxlward Mlnnclll, F. P. Morrlssey. T. P MecDonnld T.F, Matthews A • , Harris Mowrr, Eddie Marten, U- H- Mowatts. Five Moore, Frank Miller, Frank Morton, J.. C. . McNalr. JR. Mario, Ben MeMshon.Ttra Slelrose, W. F. Milan. Wni. Morrow. James Maaou, W.' N; Maskell Thomas Mnddot. Dick Miiiuilac. I, at. Muttelinan, C.ll .Murks, R. B. McDonald, Milu .Mornngl,. BaSaelt Martin A Qui; MtCiiiUen, J. ' Ruble, C. S. :uth. wiu luiaell, .:. I.awrwnre Pomao, Autotiio Keen. W. N. ~ P-rnleJIffe. H. >. Itlikerr, A. M. lluhlnson, Walter Rackett A sSJ llarafd Itedipopd. KJdle Huasflfe. Jv W. BE M. D. Itelcb, J Dies lllO, AdOlph ■ Raynwad, M. B. It(*sleys. The lUibertys, The Roeco, Great Itowan, Charles Rio, Otto ; Rice A Cohen Rnckett A Hitrnrd Rio, Georir* I.e!.lti«,,n. II. I. Sterenwin, J.W. SaTtre, B. F. .smith. O. B. Sadler, .tau.es Spann, Byron MMs, Jact sacks, a. D. Sanuiryoa, Majrnto Storm, Max Smith. W. H. Sheldon, Joseph Salrd. J. M. Stanhupc, Joseph Seymour, O. G. Simonda, Lew Sun. (Jus Selblnl AGroTlnl Sadler, J. H. Sullivan, Jerry Sar.ford. Jtro sonirnervllla Bob Sbsnoon, Harry Stetson, Harrr Scottish Trio Samuels, George Simpsons, The St. John, Allen SgicrTord Charles Smith A Fnller Sbanuen, F,. N. Sberoun Robert Fhanler. I". Snadonl, Panl Slmms, Wlllard bDorTord, Eugene Swift, Herbert Smith A fell Swarts, W. a P Schwarts. Fred Schrelber, Fred Sharplles, The Siilmonde, J. H. seeier, a w. Stone, Gar Sucks A Calleo Thomson A Searda Tangnay, J. A. 'I'l-evellick, R. F. Thompson, flallett Trimble, George Turner, Eddie Truesdell, Howard Tonne, Mr.. . Tltttt, Fred Tobnl, Muurlca Tenny, Ernest Toner. I'.'E. Thomas, Wm. Tipple, B, B. Trev.tlUck, B.F Trnvl«, F. H. Vincent, Jack Vamont, A; V. "Vade," Qreat Vlrden, 1>W ■ feraon, F. 0. lucent. F,' J. IrAeitA Dtmlsp YHIlsr, Alien Vsygc, Milton Vernon, Carl Vlrden A Dmilap Verome, Emll Vedmara. The Victor, Phil Vnek. F. H. Vuu Lossberg, , , . WlUltUD WHson. H. E. FENNSVLVAMA. PhllndelphU.—The start glTett neh'it tWnafBws by Tlmnksglv|l naalsted by tHeMypnt of n mimbfrol t&L tttjought oul>plendlil nttetHJ.il> week, ttnd in A totir of the iltentre* . to fine an audience, of Pjnnll./lze. y.nll»ot'tbe prominent hoifsSii-lifje ..J- atTerliiga thlg week, »hlle tbe othera present mostly well tried but popular attradfofis: -' ■> '■ ™SSmW of Mcmc—The lobal season of grand opera, by the company from the Metro- politan Opera. House, under the direction of Hclorltb Conrled, commences this weekwltn. n production of "HMed et Juliette" on Tues- day .eveolnfr. . Those In, the ca^t nre: Mmes. Kafden, I<emnn, Baiiermelster,' 3151. hni^^li, l'laucon, Journet, .I'orvls. Bars, Mult I man a and Begtie. with N'athlin Frnnko as con- ductor. Tbo Boston Symphony. Orcbestrn Klric *. rtai/ipnt lin« two, cohcertu this week, Slonday - nnd »BLy ti? gBs Wedneartav evenings. At the former the ro- Xs rtinteltv of th lolHt la Olive Frernstad, at tbe latter Ysnyc. This week tae offering Is tbe New York St %cAKKio (Flpyo UumaA. .pajaJK&S ttrulnmept this week. «PPS^P r ^^TIJS bill, or !n!r|es<nie «7^ntn««»£. _»*°'5Jj; prarlded b« the Dalnar WreHs* BorteRqrlrrs ln«t week rnet with the nproval of the pat- rons. a« attested by the large attendarice. Jjlsfai ano Anon MrjsF.cst iCA. Brnden- liutgh: manager).—The female walking matrb Frank Burt, eonlllbrlst; tbe Sohtankls, con- jurers: Wyoming Jack a»4' «rft.t, to N ^>> wild West, and Baslie, vegetable'king. In the tlisatfe the programme Includes Ottrnao, iSwUI'rio, Eirzabeth Eslelle. the Cralgs, Mar WUislow. Geo. and May Woodward and the clneograpb. CALIFORNIA, West's Mlns't 84-L'U. "3>e Buaajiajs' ppaned a nights' engsjemefitW, to a rood sized bo •'fne Coiinty,Cnalmwn" comes 30-Dec Plttahnra-i — At the Xiion JThoaF. . Loa Angeles. — At the Mason Opera House (8.? C. Stf?". *>W*? r) .^ Wm - H - ^ fttels did moffertte business Nov. two . Jouse. .ne couniy,cnairaMD" comes 30-Dec. 3. Matlne Elliott week: of 12. ' 7X Morosco's Borpask (Oliver Morosco^ttan- ager).—L. B. Stockwetl and the Burhank Stock Co. drew well, in "A Midnight Bell," Week ending Nov. 20, and opened to fair bust- ness. In "'lhe.Magistrate," 2t. "The Octo- roon" Dec. 4 ' _ • >. ■ • Belasco (John H. Blackwood, manager).— Thd stock company presented "The Ohjls- tlao," Nor. 21 and week, to large and. well pleased audiences. "The Wblte HbTae Tavern" was .given H7, to a crowded house, and will draw well. Underlined, "A Lady of Quality." Grand OrEkA Hounn (Clarence Drown, The stars and Sam SIdman and Robert Har- ris scored heavily. "BuBter Brown" 12-11. Empibb (E. J. McCullough, manager).— Good business last week. This week, Gott- hold's Celebrities, Including: Fujl-Ko and Phillip Jean Bernard, Bostow, Bappo Sisters. Allen Doone and company, John Leonard and Malzle King, Yackley and Bunnell, Little Dorothy Earl, McKlsslck and Shadney. Harry La Mar and J. Francis Itooley. "Deserted at the Altar" 12-17. • = Acadev (Harry W. Williams, manager).— Rice ft Barton's pig Gaiety Co. 5-10. The . Tiger Lilies turned people away last week. Francis Neal, Collins and Wilson, Cloy El Vanity Fair Co. 12-17. ■ . mer, Walter Kerrlck. Joe Belmont, Stub- Grakd Opera Hohsb (Harry Davis, man- berfleld, Trvlng and Splelmon and. the vlta- Hill •TrJylTJny Mldgley, Mr. H(.we, Den Mortis, J. B. Heibtrt, ArthurlMonom. Jamea Altlnel, Joseph Argtll, W. • Arnwlue Wnltcr Armmrong Peter Aldcn, VV. H Areita, J. . Atrald, Jack Allen. W. 9. Alleu, W. B. All. Mnly■•• ., Anils, JlansBelJ Almoiit * if" Durooat AilellneA Hubbcr Anilsine Walter Arther, 0. A. Allen ft Bright Armstrong, Hnrry Aiiumi, Frits Arnold, W. H. Arther, Qns Aunncruau, . V. D. Andrew, F. Arnold, B. A. Adaou, H. F. AWollah. Jim Avolo, i Tarlle Ablltx, Edear Aiulrus, Jack Abnott, Frank AlHlallsh, M. B Allen, C. 0. llneon, J. Q. liollltcr & . .. Canfcll Horte, Harry lluah, Frank livruc. J. V. Purr ft Evani HrlBtol, W. M. Itradoa, Fr*l Kari-ra, W. W. llHnibard Chas. Kenton, Olids Biiiifbard. Bjrt^ Darnabee. If. 0. Brown. Uar- rla *Brown Coitomley' Trouite Iteach ft Bow- era Minstrels Itnah, J. F. Urady, D. W. Hrahara ft Myers Hn}le. R. A. linnet, J. M. Itaasett, Ruaaell Browne, R. B. Hiiulh ft Bqdd Bertreraon, A. Hunks, J. C. HeiUnl, Jckan Harcbnrd, Paul HeaaleT, At njreette, .D. T. Korke, John Brown, Ob>rlM Baker, Bert Heart. George Bed hi I, J eban Brockeyer, w.c Hell, Dlek ' Blackalone, 'Carroll Bryant, Barry Bennett. Kred Bnms, V. II. Drowning W. E. llolse, Joe links:, W. H. Itrcoks, Q. BusiV Prank llrown, Walter Brady, W. A. MM * Burn* Bnrke, J. f. Bnru. Philip Burns, T. P. Burt: P. P. Brock, J. v. llrndjr \V. M. A Heckler, G. B Curues & Stewart Baxter, J. A. linker, U. V. Billnud, A. lleigeiton. Prof, brooks, II. ft ■ Carrie Dlrdaoc, J. I,. Baker, Milton lleecliold. Henry Hleoin, J. 0. Baldwin, F. P. Boxer ft ChrlBty Blauey, 0. H. Barkers, Ureal Berry ft Berry Brown, II. M. Cllaanilos, Bob Cooper, O.'W. Oolbj-a, The Unburn, John Connors, Lurry Caldern, A. K. Cablll, B. II. Chniiiller, J. 0. Clark ft Templo Carter, Billy Olinbb, 0. W. Ciockett, Wm. Cameron, W. D, Carle, Burlelgli Omllt, 81c Carroll, llllllo Curtis, Kcd Collier, William Clarld, Erncat Oiihlll, William Crui.ilall W. M Cramer. Kilwnrd Cnrlla J. tieorge Cue, Mr, cnyler, A. II. Chapman, "Sondy" Clayton. Frank Clark. W. F. Condon. F. 0. Campbell Dewey Clark. Bert Crawford ft ; Manning Campbell, F. S, Coburn. J. A. Carney, Oua Curtlas. J. F. Chspindle, Put Clemo ft . _ Ciiasouj Crowley, J- 0 Clermont B.M.F CUfford ft -. Bnymond Cniblree, Q. 'B. Cornelia. P«ter Camp, JdQk Carroll 'Coin.Co. Carney, GUI • Ccrlln, R. C. t'oren Family Ciuiulngbani ft Ford Coulter ft Hart Chapman, Will Campbell ft Jolinson DeShottay. Wm. Decker, Arthur I/ove. Jobuay Donaldson. C.A, ymutorlb ftBruco lay, J. L. DeMonde, Chester Dunbar, Aiehte Drew- Catvll Hugen, T. . Domliigues, Hyp Dugan, Tbomas Devear, Frank Houglas, a W. HeMlceo, Olo Deverc, G. M. Hnnlsy, Willie Davis lUil DiiQomn Edward Deeds, L. M. Day. J. P. Dougherty, .Andrew Dean, Sidney Dodd. Wm. II. DeCorum, J. T. lilxoii, H. V. Dunulug, K. W. Dale. W. L. Do Bull ft Granville Dicker™, T. J. Devoniiort. Wm. Dlxcy. II. B. Deliililno DeOlulrvllle 9.8 Deuel, J. F. Ducbemln A. A. Drew, J. 11. Dare, Daniel Duo. Maumlth Davidson, F. 8. De Bone Hetere, Billy Itxpay. ,0. B. Kdwsrds, Al I'jirl, Bert Kdwards, R. Ulto'u. gam Earle, Bert Wsertons, The Elvyii. • ■'■ -Mr. Lonue Ellis, C. It. Everi'tt, Oeorto IWIOtt. 0. 'M. i.uieiwn Harold i:im<>. Jack Fjistim,' V. A. I'.slirbnBVV Tli? Bills, A. W. J. Higbec. II. A Harris, Jssa Hsrlg, V. a llblen. W. F. Haynes, A. P. Helaton, Alfred nnmes. F. T. Herbert. F. T. Hilton, William Hen lb. Tom llorlnli, Charles Hatch Bros. Henderson ft , (, ,.• BflSa ltsvward, F. F. Uurtinon, Russell nrnella, ■-.-.••■ Hyde, Al , Inman. Great Ireland, Q. H. In lug, Oeorge Irwin, Jack Iters, C. IL Ireland, F. J. Jones. P. J. Johuaon, J. D. Johrjion, Mark Jenkins. L B. Jnliaaou, Al .lordnn, Jim john6on, F. E. Jenkins. Homer Jones, B. 0. Jones ft West Jet rs ton, 3. F! JOn'nn, Hnrry Jordnn, Fred Knoll, A. H. Kreu, J alia n Keller, A. M. Keely Bros.. 3 Kuhlmau. J. J. Krause. O. H. Krnerel, V. Keltoiis, Tbe 8 Ki>ont<, W. a "raitons, u • Kasolowsky. • ' Ktnlle Kuhlmau. J. J. Bung. W. A. B. Kohler, O^ Knight Bros, ft !■ SuwteUe Kola, J. S. Kratna. W. H, Klnrnld, J. A. Kublumn, J. J. Kllek. Bay LclHngwoll. J.D. I.ongscin, Victor Lelterta, Barton Leltner, Anton La Valla.,Tbe Lyons ft Lyons LcWltt. Charles Lyric Com. Four Leo. F. Loula Lacy, B. A. Lewis, Boylet Mnrtln. Al SlcWntters W.O Murray. James Maddox, R. a N'ortnii. B. J. NurtliwooJ Jack Nakin, John Noble, Milton Nelf, Ben Newbill. W. D. Kuan. W. P. Norman, Mr. NiiFon, c. n. Mehols & Crols Norrls, Wesley (iBbome. 0. O. Oler. \V. M. . true. Nick Obei worth. L.J Ward. Harold Wire's Sin Co.- Warner, Edward ,vijrner, Joseph Wallace Baiasay Raymond Wllui ft Haaaaa Wilbur Op. Co. Walters, Lew* Delia Wntson, W. IL Wright Joseph . Washington Dan Woodtborps The Williams, Pinky Wheeler, Punch Whiteside, Jack Wlelic. Curtis West, DeForest Williams, J. C. Wilson, J. 0. Wife's Etn Co. Wetby, Jake O'Domiell, John Willing. Chas Patterson James Peerl, W. ' Powers. J. T. Pelts, F. M. Parks. II. W. Palmer, J. F. Parker, Harry l'belan, W. B. Perkins, Rlchnrd Plimnl, Al Parker,. 1). 0. I-nckard, P. IL Itlclilng Bros. Philips, C. IL Piiwera Bros. Price, B. 0. Plnltt, Aubcrt I helps, B. H. Qululru, Dan Qulnlan, J. Qulnliin. Jolin Rogers ft Levlnc Itodn Woodward W.P Wnvn. a Saluer Walsh, Wm. Wooda, It. 0. Waldup. T. D. Ward. Harry Woodward, 0.3. Warda. Al Wlllard, a D. Wilson, T. P. Williams, D. Wlegand. Kddle Wood. M. B. Wilson, O. X. Weaver, Edwin Wire, Bid Wood. Btandlcy Wilson, - • ■ Bandyand Williams, J- Bj Whipple, Waldo Whitney, J. E. WlUlboa, Herbert Werta ft Judge Western. Frank West. Joe WeUlngatons, Tbe Wllllsms. . Edward Wllberham J. O Wilson, Tom Wlllard, Chas. Wilson. T. P. Waldmann. Edward Wlhll. Curtis Warren. J. 0. Voles, Samuel Young, J. E. Vouug, Frank Young, J. Wm. Booai) Htheet TnKATjtn (Mxon ft Zimmpr- mah", Wan5«iJ),^nic Admirable Crlch- tnil," prewnfed by William Gillette and com- pany, attracted Immense audiences, at this house uet. week and earned tUe' unstinted PWM o£ all who saw the performances. The current week la to end the local engagement, next week bringing William Faversham, In "Letty." , ; ; GAnitiCK Theatiib (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager).—As usual the advent of Richard Mans- field brought out Urge gatherings of our beBt playgoers, who appreciated to the full bis ad- mirable nrt.- "Ivan the Terrible" wa» seen for tbe first tlmo heje, and though tbe play aldnc would fiarflly prove'atrxactlyfe, It gbve Mr. Mansfield opportunity for one of bis mng- nlflcent character studies.. Tbe repertory for this, the second and last week of the engage- ment. Includes: "Richard III," "A Parlnlan Romance." "Beau Brummel," "Ivan the Ter- rible," "Dr. Jekyll aad Mr. Hyde" and "The Merchant of Venice." The announcement for tbe coming- week Is Arnold Daly, In "Can- dida." Chestoct Steebt Opeba House (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).—Tbe beginning of tbe four Weeks' engagement of Wright Iorlmer, la "The Shepherd King," attracted splendid gatherings to this house last week nnd the spectators appeared to be greatly pleased with tbe magnificence of the produc- tion. Dec 2(t brines Savage's English pro- duction of "Parsifal." CUEBTMDT STSBET THEATOB (Nlion & Zimmerman, managers).—The conglomera- tion of nonsense entitled "PIS! Paff!! Pout 1! !'* arrived last week at this bouse and by reason of Its amusing qualities and presentation by an exceptionally clever com- nany, earned tbe attention bestowed upon U by local theatregoers. Tbe same offering Is continued this week, with "An American Princess," a new play by Henry llaeder, scheduled for tbe week coming. Walnut Stbrbt Thkatisr (Frank Howe Jr., manager).—Tbe return of "Checkers," last week, brought out filled bouses and the popularity of tbe offering gives every reason to expect tbe same satisfactory slate at af- fnlrs .dining the current week, the last of the engagement. Next,'week, "Home Folks." ■ Casino (Ullas. Koenlg & Lederer, mana- ger*).—This |s.announced as the last week of Itlce's "Merry Shop Girls," though tbe at- tendance shows no signs of falling off. Cor next, week Lederor's production of George Hobart's ''Smiling Island" Is underlined. Park T/Iifatf.e .(F. G. Nixon-Nlrdllnger, manager),—Itlehard Carle, 'In "Tie Tender- foor, ,r holds the boards at this' house this week, with Denman Thompson, In "The Old Homestead," scheduled to follow. The pa- trons turned out In force last week and heartily applauded Adelaide Thurston, la "Polly Primrose." ' .NationalTheatre (Joseph M. Ttelly, man- ager).—After a very satisfactory week with "Why Girls Leave Home'.' this bouse now bag Joe. welch, In "Cohen's Luck." Next week brings "A Woman's Struggle." Qiund OPRnA nou.SH (G. A. Wegefartb, ronnageri.—"ltunnlng for Office" Is the cur- rent offering at tills house. The perform- ances of "Faust," by Lewis Morris and com- pany last week attracted crowded bouses. Coming next week, "A Chinese Honeymoon." People's Theatre (F, G. NlxonNlrdllager, manoger).—The offering for tbe present week at this house la the melodrama, "Dealers In White Women." Another melodrama, "Why Girls Leave Home," In coming next week. "A Wife's Secret" was the attraction last week, and It fared well.' :'. ,."... BtAtfEV's Atfcn 'Street Theatre (St. S. Scbleslncer, manager).—"Tbe Great Auto- mobile Mystery," a new thriller, by Theftdore Krcuer, holds the boards at this house this week, this being announced as tbe Orst local presentation. This Is to be followed next week by Barney Gilmore, In "Kidnapped In New York." The performances of "More to He Pitied Than Scorned," last week, were largely attended. . ~ . 1' - G-iraod Avextjb Tiieatrk (Miller ft Kauf- man, managers).—Tbis week's attraction at this house Is Nannette Comstock. in "Tbe Crisis." Judging by tbe large attendance last week, "David Harum" has lost none of Its potent drawing powers. Next week, "Tracked Around the World.". . • Hart'8 Nhw TheaTBb (John W. Hart, manager).—The patrons turned out. In force lust' week and welcomed Lillian Mortimer, In "A Girl of the Streets." Tbe melodrama, "A Working Girl's Wrongs" is' the card for the current week, with "The Flaming Arrow" to follow. Kowzpa van's TneATBE (Miller & Kauf- man, managers)'.—Tbe stock company Is tbls week p dminu, -iier Marriage vow..' "AiasKa,' last in."Letty," drew a crowded kunse SO. '"Sp week, proved to be a stirring melodrama, and berla" had good business Dec »' "Girls It was admirably presented by the stock. In Will Be Girls" amused -a large'audience 3. rehearsal -for tbe coming week, "Rose The E.V. Phelan Stock Co 5-lb Michel." week. Viola Allen Alvin (Harry .Davis, manager).— A Fool anl Bis Money," by tbe stock, 5-10. Last week 'The Village Postmnster" was a sue- cess in every war.- Wm. MeVar »cwl. m hrilllnnt style. Next week, "Marts, of the LoWlarJdg." . Gatett (James E. Orr, resident manager). —E. J. Morgan, In "Tbe Eternal Cfty." 010. "The Missourlans," beaded by Theodore Ham- ilton, drew well last week. "Captala Har- rington" 12-17.. ' -,-. - *?:, --.■ A\txdb (Harry Davis, maosger).—-The Musical Travesty Stock Co. disbanded 3. Man- ager Davis' plans hnve not been announced. It Is believed he will book traveling com- panies. Annie Eva Fay Is here this week. Bijoo (IL M. Gulick, manager).—For week of 5-10, "Tbe Fatal Wcddiag.'' Tbe ever 'A Friend of tbe Family" continues at this house 27 and week. Orpheum (Martla Beck, general manager). —y*atqrt«28nnd week: Mr.andMrs. Mark Miarpny, Carlisle's dogs and ponies, Augusta Close, Three Romanlers, Twelve Navajo Ulrla, CaaEeld and Carlton, Beed and Shaw and John T. Kelly and company. Unique (Hentx & Zallee, proprietors).— A good bill, attracting good business, at this bouse 27 and week. Broadway (A. J. Morganstern, manager). —Features 28 and week: Nagel and Adams, Spencer, Bcllevue and Roberts, Itousellea Aerlel, Bobert's Font and Eugene Bedell. Edwin' D- Fbxeman, a variety actor, died In the Soldiers' Home Hospital Nov. 26, of paratyaitj. . _'" .' ■ ■ • ■ ■ popular'Cbiuncey Olcott, In "A Bomance of : . - ' ■ . Athlonc," Oiled tbe house last week. "TUly Oakland—At tbe Maedonougb Theatre Olson" 12-17. • ' . (Hall & Barton, managers) "The County Dcquessp (R M. Gulick, manager).— Chairman" drew largely Nov. 21, 22. _ KUe- "Happy Hooligan" 0-10. Boss and Fenton, In "Twirly WTilrly,'! closed a big week 3 ford's Stock Co. 23-20. "A Chinese Honey- moon" plays return 28.28. "As You Like It" 30, r 'Pretty Peggy" Dec. 1, 2. LiBEBXT. (H. W. Bishop, manager).— Bishop's players drew well week ending Nov. 27, In "The Merchant of Venice." "A Stranger ia a Strange Land" 28 and week. "East Lynne" to follow. Bkll (Ed. Homan, manager).—Dec Sand week: Lystex and Cooke, tbe Hamlins, Miss Vivian, Bingham, Sawyer and Bingham, Arthur Prlngle, Hnegel Bros, and moving pictures. S. B. 0. continues. Koveltx (Tony Lubelskl, manager).—Dec. S and week: J. Murray Smith. Horry and ager).—Tbe splendid show last week brought out the patrons In crowds. Bill 5-10: Bobert Hllliard, Mlllman Trio, James Richmond Glenioy, Madge Fox. I'revost and Pxevost, McCabe, Sabine and. Vera, Ons Williams, Lavender and Tomson, 'Musical Bennett, Laura Millard, Carlo and his dog, Newell and Nlblo, Lecoy apd Waldo, Whelan and Searles and klnetograpb. : f ';. Star (Keystone Amusement Co., mana- g era).—Big business last week. Current II): Dunbar's Goat Circus, LToulse Earle. Hewes, tbe Great Wblte Yogi, Humes and Lewis, and Starogroph animated tableaux. Note.— The National Alliance of Bill Post- ers Is holding Its annual convention here this week. ■ ' ' a . ' Rrle.—At New Majestic Theatre (Erie Amusement Co., managers) .Victor's Band, Nov. 28, played to good business. Nanette Comstock, In "The Crisis," 28. was favored with large attendance, giving the best of sat- isfaction. Margaret Anglin, In "Tbe Eternal Feminine," Dec. 1, had good attendance. Billed : " 'WAJ Down East" 7, Creston Clarke 8, "The Snowman's Daughter" 10.,, -, Paiik' Opera House (J.~ L. GUson, fnana- get).—Last week, Kirk Brown Stock Co. drew large btlslness. "Why Women Sin" 6, G, "Queen of the Wblte Slaves" 8-10. scope. Business good. IOmpiee (Van Slyke k Carlson, managers). —Dec G and week: Pearce Bros, and Marks, the Slalcoms, Eva .Parker, Barnard's dog circus', Henry King and motion pictures. Business immense: -■ . 4»> OREGON. SCrnnton.—At the Lyceum (A J. Duffy, manager) the Yiddish. Opera Co. Dec.. 6-7, "Tbe Imperial Divorce" 10. Cecilia Loftus came 1, to a large house. Acadbut. (A. J. Duffy, manager).—"The ■Factory Girl' 1 6-7, "Down by tbe Sea" 8-10. Deserted at the Altar.". 1-3, drew good houses. Stab' lAlf. G. Herrlngton, manager).— The World Beaters 5-7, tbe Dainty Duchess 8-10, the Runaway Girls 12-14, the New York Stars 16-17. The Jolly Grass Widows. 1-3, DUed tbe bouse. •' , .• - , " • The OKrWuti has been leased by Morti- mer Snow, of Troy, N, xV, from Blaney A Sears, aid will' open Dee, 20 ' with" A flrgt class stock Co;, with Mr. Snow at the head. The house will be known as the Court Square Theatre. — - . ,- -» Altoonn.—At the Eleveath Avenue Opera House (T. C. Mlshler, manager) De Wolf Hop- per. No.v. 30, did well. .'Hlachel Goldstein" had a good house 20. "In the Shadow of the Gallows," 28, and "A Midnight Marriage," 21), .both did well. Mildred Holland had a large audience 30. "Siberia" Dec. 1, Creston Clark 2. "One Night In June," booked 3, canceled. William Bramwell 6, Chester De Vohde Stock Co. 6-10. Notb. —At the Academy of Music, Tyrone, "Brown's In Town" was presented Nov. 30. ' a Lancaster.—At Fulton Opera House (Chas. A. Yecker, manager) Mildred Hol- land, In "The Triumph of an EmpressV"'de- lighted a large house Nov. 28; 'The Mis- wanngei's).—.'ine stock company is tnla lighted a large house Nov 28 '" presenting in realistic manner the melo- Bourl Girl" did well 29. William Favers a. "Her Marriage Vow.' "Alaska," Inst In. "Letty," drew a crowded house "' MAntLA>D, ney ft Kellogg ltogera, F. J. ttay, F. ltoth, Charles Reap, W. n. Belff Bros.' Ueynnlils, Lew Uonnlre. B. tteno, 0. B. Keck, Win. B. ltussoll, Fred & Ollle nice Mr.AMrs.J. ltsclue ft Buymoml Kobetta. — I>an. Will Wkwell, J. a Itoyle. Harry Hnyniond, II. B. Zoellner, Carl Uaymond 4 Heda. H. L. Oaierlv Zasa. George Kechpforl& May Zara. Frank Bunkel. Morris SCeiinl, al. Bssaptt, F. V. Zjiufretta t iliisis. J. A, Mansfield Ulo; Adolpb Zena. Geo. SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST. ■■..<»» Carrib M. Scott, contortionist, owing to a severe cold and bronchial trouble, laid off at ber borne week of Nov. 21, for treatment Jones ami* Stirroit played the Opera House, Lawrence, Muss,, Wotk of Nov. •Vt, nnd Week of N<iv. i8 the Oneta House,jB»l*m, Mass.. with the Benuett * Moulttm Co, CitnWLRT and WOrt are In their.jlxtrt week irn the Kelth circuit and tbeirBct Is a RilrrKaa. Vfty Inform \\*. ' . Cast, HERUEkT. mnglelnn, reports continued success with bis act of magic. Saake'r Bijou Theatre (Carl Saake, man- ager).—The offerings by the German stock company this Week are "The Merry Wives of Windsor" and "The Little Wall Flower.^ ' ,\ Baltimore.—Chauncey Olcott opens at Standabd Theatbe (Darcy 4 8pecr> baana- Ford's Opera House (Charles E. Ford, man- gers).—The stock company did excellent work ager) Dec. 5, In "A Romance of Atblone." last week, In "Woman Against 1 oman," and "Terence" 8, for the rest of week. Busl- thelr reward came In the foroi of liberal aess was large last week with "The Prince patronage. This week the offoring Is "On of Pllaen."^ "Parsifal" In English 12-17. the Stroke of Twelve." while "The Land of Academy (Nixon & Zimmerman mana- tuo Living' Is In rehearsal for the coming gers).—Henry Miller, in "Joseph Entangled," week. the current week. "Cupid 4 Co." 12.^'The Keith's New Tbeatbb (II. T. Jordan, Sorcoreas" drew fairly week ending 8. . resident manager).—The exceptionally at- CBabe's 1W. Warren De W(tt, manager), tractive programme for the present^eek In- —"Lend Me Your Wife" for week \Jf 6. eludes: Hersog'a horses, Hynu and Itichlleld, "Held By the Enbmy" Was well done to big Portland,—At tbe Maronam Grand (Cal- vin llelllg, manager) "Candida" did fair busi- ness Nov. 21-23. uaverly's.Minstrels bad a crowded house 24. "Arlsona" did big busi- ness 25. 2B. Thos. Jefferson 28, 2D, in "Hip Van Winkle;" "The Devil's Auction" 30, Dec. i; "Who's Brown?" 2, 3, Hose Melville 6, 0, Jano Corcoran 7, 8. Columbia (George L. Baker, manager).— Tbe Columbia Theatre Stock Co. bad two good houses Nov. .27 to witness "Tbe New Daminlah." "Mistakes WlU Happen" Dec 4-10. A beneSt for Edith Angus, a member of the stock, Nov. 22, by professional and local talent, netted a sum In excess of $000 Miss Angus Is rapidly reroverlug her health, though still .In the hospital. KwrrjiE (George L. Baker, manager).—? "Grimes' Cellar Door," which was booked for Cordray'g Theatre, drew good houses 24-26. It Is now announced that tbe Stair St Hav- Uu Shows have been secured by Mr. Baker and will for the present be bulled at this house'. Gband (F. Lincoln, manager).—Mosllner'l trained sheep, the FOnr Ollfnns, Frye nnd Al- len, the Elliotts, Sam and Ida Kelly. Arthur O. Folkert, Winiam Gross, Frank Melton and tbe grandlscone. Baker's (Keating 4 Flood, managers).— The Onrl Family, Young and Brooks, Leander Bros.,'Earl and Trainer, Kobers, Mulleux and the blograph. Stab (3. Morton Cohen, manager).—Aus- trian ulrla, Mozart Comedy Four, Rice and Walters, Garrlty Sisters, Tint Welsh and the proJectosc4pe.' 'Arcade (fi. Morton Cohen, manager).— Trained cockatoo circus, the Great Malcolm, Kittle' StevenA, Kate Coyle, Ix>Irester and Wilson and the American bioscope. Lt'eic (Keating & Flood, managers).— F.thcl Whiteside, Maud and Anna Kramer, the Juggling Beorks, Raymond and Tracy, John W. Wood and the vltascope. . Bnor (Fred T. Merrill, manager).—Walk- er and Label), Aubrey Sisters, Harry Steele, Lydell and Butterworth, Pearl Greyson and tbe vttascbpe; ■ MiZE' (A. Shapiro, manager).—Carmen, Eugenia Paloma, Annie Goldle and Helena. OitPHEUM (W. A. Simons, manager).— Zlnn's Burlesque Co., Mae Vernon, Amellta, Ida Boalter, Francis Vealta Grey, Imogen Jlnnsfield, Eva Winston, Nemo Catto, Miss Cecil, Lottie Leonard, Gertie Keith, W. C Winn, Clifford Tralnor, W. J. Mack, Mamie West, William Harris, Lamont Bros., Zer- reldu, Miss Harris, Marjorle Mandville and Uattle Ward. - Fbitz's Ntw Theatm (J. J. West mana- ger).—Tbe Great Westln, Florence West, the SUirkeys, Mullan and Kenny, Leslie Stirling, Connors and Connors, Ida Miller, Sadie Newell,.Maud Kinney, Aldean Bros., Booney nnd Forrester, Carrie Wlnchell, Llllle Stet- son, ,Bl«lle Wrenn, Josle Myers, J. J. West, Derry wicl Whlttlng and Horence Russell. Blaxiee's Conceut Hall (Ell B. Davis, manager).—The Bradfords, Stella Clair. Anita Desanches, Genevieve De Forrest and Jennie Clair. Eiiratsos's Mosic Hall (H. D. Griffin, manager).—Fay Leslie, Elsie Loureodnu, Jennie Ripley, Celma 8ommers and Gertrude Stevens. <■» i » MAINE. Bert Howard and Leona Bland, James J". Morton, Les Dahlias, Basque Quartette, Del- more nnd Lee. Earl and Eurl, Matthews and Ashley, tbe Chamberlains. Trask and Glad- den, Lillian Le Roy, Adair and Dahn, Con- war and Klllen and the blograph. ' Bon Ton Tiikathi: (Bon Ton Amusment Co., managers).—The bill this week Includes: Laura Comstock and company. Topsy Turvy Trio, Mosber's bull pups, Burrlngtoa and Mar- tel, Bon Ton Stock Company, In "Turning the Tables;" Allen and Delmalne, Hanley and Valeso, Nlblo and Itellly, Hilton, Lynch. Hoyt and 8oley, Ben Wilson, Harding and Weber, and Smith and Smtthera. Eleventh SinBirr Opera Hocsb (Frank Domont, manager.—Tbe same programme which has been dellghtlnc; the patrons tor several weeks past Is continued at this bonae. The burlesques. "Who bide Vare's Big Mule?" ''Mrs, Smlth-Blddlo's Servant Gill" and "Craay for Trading Stamps," have lost none of tbelr power to amuse; nnd the bal- ance of tbe programme meets with undoubted auprovaL LvcET^r Theatre- (John 0. flermon. man- ogerit—There was a Inrge turnout df patrons last week, attracted by tbe Gay Masipiernd- business week ending 3. ~ "Hamlet" 12. AuniroBiuM (James L. Kirnan, mana- ger).—"Superba" opened 6. "Huppy Hooli- gan" attracted full " houses. closing 3. "Cohen's Luck" Is billed for 12 and week. Portland.—At the Jefferson (Cahn ft Grant, managers) the E. V. Phelan Musical Gdmedy Co. was well patronized. Booked: Clara Turner Stock Co. 6-10.. PosTLAjro tJames E. Moore, manager).— The grand sacred ebneert, Nov. 27, for tbe bebeflt of the Worklngmen's Club ■ House, Maryland (James L. Kernan, manager). was very succesatpl, attracting a large audi —Charles Bradshaw and company, Dlgby ence - " U1 ' or ; lB>t week drew Immensely. Hell, Fulgora, Flndlay and Burke, Earl and Bl " for 5 and week: Archie Boyd and Bobert Wilson. Coaklcv and McBrlde, Aerial Smiths Galllard, In "After Many Years;" Gardner Paul Spadonl nnd the blograph week of 6. and Vincent, Harper, Desmond and Bailey, Business Is uniformly good.* HoLlidav Street (Qeorgc ager).—"Tracked Around the World"'cotnes HoLmoay Street (Qeorcc W. Rife, man- 5 and week. "The Flaming Arrow" did well closing a. "More to Be Pitted Than Scorned" "blanet's (Charles E. Blaney, manager).— Barney Gilmore, In "Kidnapped in New York," Ml. Business was big last week, with ,'.'A Working Girl's Wrongs." '.'Od the Bridge,Ot. Mlflhlght'J 13. VV¥4i ^ , J, ,w Ma-.«MCNTii. (James : L. Kernan, mana- ger).—The'Cfty Masqncradars G, The Vanity Fair Burlesauera closetl a prosperous week IL Itellly & Wood's Co. 12. ■ Lyric (B. Ulrlch. manager).—The Boston Symphony Orchfstra comest!, wlth'Ysaye as a special feature. Three Weatons, the La Tells and Ada Ar- noldson. Citt Hall (Ira Stockbrldge. manager).— In tbe Chas. A. Ellis course, Nov. 29. Willy Hess, Mlnble H. De Mosa, Boston Symphony Oiisrtet; Mr. KraSselt and Max GncU drew well. *.» •,•. . *:*■ -• . * > * J ; ?}.-'<>■•-+ ' OKLAHOMA. ouishomn ClryA-At the Overhoher Opera Bouse (Ed. OverhoUer, manager; "In Loulslara\"-Nov. 21. SoOsa's Band, 23, did fair ^bniloeii.. "A Desperate. Chance.'', 24. Sacked* tr^ 5 hoa»e. * "The Marriage of Kitty," 7, aid'fair business. JtOrey Stock 28-DeC. 4, "Glittering Gloria" 0.