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J)ECIEMBER 10. THE STETW YORK CLIPPER. 995 WON'T TOO Xbo Intest »nd the greatest of Ihe great. The one grand masterpiece of ihyme, wason and melody. A first night lit and an undisputed triumph. All we ask of our numerous friend* la to GIVE IT A TRIAL. "A fair trial is (h» proofof thepudding ondyonliflcd this a "PUDDING" in more vrajBthnn one. If yon are in town juit drop m and hrar it. Yia know we're nlways delighted to see yon. If ;on are out of town just drop us a lino and will be more than delighted to send it to you. Our hits have been numerous in the past and they shall oontinue to be so in the future. ONE LITTLE SOLDIER MAN By ED. MADDEN and NEIL MORET. An extremely dainty and pathetic Japanese "War Song, irresistible in the extreme. A March Sang, constructed from pure sentiment and sweet, rippling melody. SWEETEST GIRL IN DIXIE A Novelty by ODEA, and ADAMS. There is no doubt but you have seen this song advertised from time to time, but if you hare not yot HEARD it (o advantage you should DO so at your earliest convenience, and there is no doubt if you an using Pretty and Dainty Lore Ballads, you will use this, and thank us for suggesting it By WILLIAMS and VAN ALSTTNE. The Raging Ooon Song. Roughest of the rough and smoothest of the smoothest. Day by day this pitiful tale of a busted ooon is gaining in popularity from Coast to Coast. It has just reaohed that stage whon tho audienoi wants to hear it again, when your applause begins at the introduction. Scores of letters daily report to us its wonderful success. SING If and you will not be sorry. *5 ^Aw^ 2>3th> Str MOSE BUMBLE, General Mgr. Prof. Bapt. ot, Now York City. •9 CHICAGO i 87 and 80 CLARKE 8T. DETROIT! 10 WITHERILL 8T. INRICTTA B. BLANKC In Ohari "iVST HOWARD & DORSET CO., GOOD SPECIALTY TEAM, COMEDY MUSICAL ACT, or GOOD ILLUSTRATED ■OHO AND MOVING PICTUHB ACT, FOR WEEK DBO. 96 (U.VK WBBK ONLY), AT PAKKKIIHIIIIKQ, W. VA. Open wllli Monday Mal)n««. Newell »nd Nlblo, write. Adoress GEO. B. HOWABD, Newark, Ohio. Notk I will not be In Newark until Sunday, Deo. II, but send all mall nutter triers. Nam* lowost salary and say all la flrat letter. _^____ and BE1V1ES, IDTESIII U11S. WT,, 146. 11T.. S-IO. WT., 133. HI,, 0-3. IHOENUES, OLD LADIES. Experienced People. Refined and flrat claps dreisers on and off. Absolnte sobriety. Male Specialty. One pleoe preferred. Indlanola, Iowa, Deo. 0; Osceola, Iowa, alter that TIIK UllKAT KlfULINII ViUDlCVILLB PAFHK. TIE AMD TMI RKVIIW, 401 Strand, .O. VORBIOM ■DBSORIPTIOM. runiQiun BUBHuniriiun. - - - - - - - -••.•«. «- PBOPBBSIONAL. ADVKIITIHKMKHTB, - - - *»••«•. Blnarl. CI... Irak NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND REP., IDA CAULK, OrTIOl TOI ST. AMIS advertisements will be received. Copies on i I BUM., warn ATTENTION! V 9 % SB 1 ' * ■ >p DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when jcu can handle goods that will sell themselves f Electric Belts from $1.00 per doi. np. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars, i 76o. dos; Eleotrlo Insoles, STXo.dos. pairs; Soap. $2.10 gross; Fine Medical Batteries. Send T6o. tor Sample Mo. 14 E. B., ezp. prepaid. Latest out. One third cash re- Iulred. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers ot Eleotrlo Bella and ppllanoea in TJ. 8. A. Established 1678. Leotnre and price list free. THE ELEOTBIO APPLI4ICE 00., Barlington, III. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 2« I n., 17 BO ; 28lu., $8.00' 821 n., $9.50 ; H 01 n., $10.50; 4 0! n., $ 12.00. CI reus Tru nls, 24x18x18, $7.50. Ulli Trunks™0x28x15. InSSi. $J2.o6. Lltho Trnnki. 42Hx28HH2, Inside, $16.00. Rii'ppod un receipt of $3.00, bsl. C. 0. v., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount 8IM0N8 A CO., CUNTUAI, T ttUNK FACTORY, Est. 1884, B. W. cor. 7th and Arch BtS., Phils. F0NK«C0.^ T .T^S HcVIOKER'S TIIEATIUO, OhlcaKo, 111. Telephone—Cen*- 1,804. Be for Catalogue. 8AVI YOUR VALUi Our Steel, Combination Lock. Trunk Safe height a^Bi), fastens lin your trunk. It Is a great worry saver. Send for details. PH.ICB, 85.00. THB|LO\VRlE SAFE AND LOOK CO., Qalesborg, HI., or 110« Hatlron Bldg., S. Y. DO YOU WRITE? Vaudeville Atlsta state what you want In the way I or new material. IF VOV HAVE WRITTEN A. ONE ACT PLAY, SKKTCII, MON-'LOQITB or eny- Itilos suitable f.r vaudeville com- munlr.e t» with TUB VAUDEVILLE ATJTEOBS' BUREAU, 305 East Rich St., Columbus, Ohio. JUGGLERS SUPPLIES.-- Globs, Batons. Onus, Wlrewalsera'Apperatus.Ko: Oatalog sad Beck. B4 i Globes, Boom, aratuBoBsu Asm. Stamp far B4 w. VsB.WTek,CUolna»u,t FILMS! FILMS! And Moving. Picture Mi oh last, all makes, boughl and for salo. PHILADELPHIA PILE EICBAHQE, 1808 Rorth 151b St., Philadelphia, Pa., 0. 8. A. STERE- OPTI- CON, Witt Eeetrto An, ouionss auv, vwiu lUuitratsd Hong Slides, TBOIiD. L 7V SI6. « or Aoetylene Lrkkl •Je., colored, FILMB BOOOUT AKU ; L.HETZ, act K.tM Street, Hew Tort 01 tv. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS ? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMT or NAVY BBTTS, TENTS, OUNB and EQUIPMENT OP EVERY DK80RIPTION. From OoTemment Auction. No matter what yon want In that line I can ■apply It Mow or second hand. Bend for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, BB South St., Philadelphia, Pa. s J. C. G0S8C0. ft Bollder* of ^*> HOW CANVA Catalogue anal r UETIIOIT sua Band List ( RICH. 0 SLIOHTLV VBBD Also Largs Stook of SEALSKIN JACKETS and FOBS. AJDRBWB, 3*0 Stele St., Chjeftf,*). PLAYS lO'w H O Y A L * l A.W.BROWNL BlPUmUSCLBlmthiUltaj*. pepju medietas e»«r mmlo. a. hun- dred million, ot Ihem hit. beta k>I4 la » .Ingle yw. OeneUr " bum, iioa aesasahe. i breath,sore throatand ... arUlDi from a Claordarad ati era relieved or eandbyRJp*a _ n J~ 2".™JHBfefM «lilat^i«7i»lfiot^n»fl7»-(»oii5^i»ri foraaorutsairoeeMloa. Alii For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH of the BLADDER. Cures all I Discharges in ^flours CAPSULES MiM CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. WHY PAY MORET Oar XXX Trunk has no Banal. gives It every advents log built Price , OASBY, 441 Itfl Superiority and Low itei It averp advantage over eny trunk made, be It on well seasoned Basswood, with a Contloaooa Bteel Binding, Canvas. Olued OD, and over 800 Blveu caei, Heavp Rawblds Handles, Yale Loek, Bin. Trap, made t» Bwlng la the ton, making In all the Best Theatrical Trues Guaranteed B Years. 28, |10,TB; 80, I11.2B : S3, Ill.TBi 84, 112.76: 80. $18.78; 88, 114.78 j 40, I1B.7B. Onr XX Trunk Compares Favorably with anp Theatrical Tronk Made. Built on Basswood Bos, Covered with Bali Duck, Glued on. Bound with Heavp Steel, Tale lock. Dowels and Double Hinges, Angle Bating, 1 810. Trej, 1 41n. Trap. A Very BtrODf Riveted Trunk. 28, 87.25 j 80, $7.76; 82, $8.28; 84, 18.78; 88, $9.25; 88, $0.761 40, $10.20. 8XKKL, CLAD—Basswood Boi, Covered with Cold Rolls* Bteel. 1 Deep Tray, Yate Lock, Large Bolts and Dowsla The Bast Cheap Trunk on th. MAItRET. 28. $6.601 80, 16.00; 83, $8.80; 84, 17.00 ; 86, 7.50: 88, $8.001 40, $8.60 D. on receipt of $fl.0O. Write for CataiOfue. HatablUhed 47 Tears CO. D.'on receipt _ th Awe., Bet. S8th and BTth st. M. Y. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Arts' Iks Latest and Most Popular Styles In Ladles' Hair Drssilnj. A. M. BUCU & CO., lis H, Mlath Btreet, ..... I'blled.lphte. N. Y. Rep.! II. 1IALMWKLL, 109 B. 12th St. BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital Importance lo E.017 Sufferer of Blood Poison. FACT ORB—It Usee time to tell wheth- er yon mm permanently cured bp a treatment or merely patched ap for the present. FACT TWO—The Cook Bemedp Co. Is the onlp company or medical association In as- latence that baa been treating Blood Poison long enough to know that lis patients are enred to stay cored. FACT THBBB—The Cook Remedy Co. has many patients who were cured by Its magic remedy eighteen years ago who are today sound and well. FACT FOUB—The Cook Remedy Co. Is the largest and the only successful company In the world that aukea tha ears of Bloat Poison a specialty. VAOT FIVB— Patients cored by Cook Rem edy Co. are constantly passing succesatelly tbe various r*" 1 conservative are passing to the array and navy of tbe United Btataa. FAOTi*- treatmsnt solutely sore of a core or yonr money back. FACT SBVBir—Bvery other method at treatment known to tbe medical profeesloe gives but temporary relief. rigid enmlnatlona of the moet 1 life insurance companies, sad the examinations for admlsslos onr and navy of the United States. 1 SIX—If yon take Cook Remedy Co.'s t under their guarantee yon sua ab- FACT EIGHT—Good health la tha moat important thing In tha world to any psraoa. ABOTE EI6HT FACTS ABE AB80LDTELTT UIDEHIABLE. The Cook Reasedy Co. solicit the molt obstinate cases, and challenge tha world for a case they cannot cure. T*is disuse hss al- ways baffled the skill of tha most eminent physicians. For many years the Cook Rem edy Co. have made a specialty of treating this disease, and they hare unlimited capital behind their unconditional guaranty. Yon can be treated at home for tha same price and with the same guaranty. With those who prefer to go to Chicago the Cook Remedy Co. will contract to cure them or pay railroad and hotel bills, and make no charge If they fall to cure. If you have pimples, eruptions, mucous patches, pains, rheumatism, etc., write for Cook Itemed; co.'s free home treatment book, and learn all about contagions blood poison. If you want medical advice, give a history of your case, and their phyalclans will furnish sll tbe Information you wish without aay cbsrge whatever. Your salvation depends on Cook Bemady Co.. and on them alone. They will enrely cure yon. Mo other method ot treatment win Wkr Iwettite 011- »ti u i$rtiBiii tilt WmltrM toil WIIITE FOB FBBB 100-PAGE BOOK TO COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Mauonlo Temple, CHICAGO, U. 8 A. '