The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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DECEMBER 17. THE NEW YORK GLIPPEE. 1001 You Can SEE i The TITLE'S Good, J XJ s T You Can GUESS C TEXAS. ] £*• Worth.—At Greenwall'a Opera Hoasa ( ? h J' .^Y; Oreowall, manager) "The Saltan & Salo" had good returns Dk. 2, 3. The JMWMte "Co. presented "Bnlambo" 0. to rt large audience. Frank Daniels pt.eked the house 0. "Under Southern 8kles" 7. 8. County Chairman" 0, 10, KersnndV Min- strels 12. -The Silver Slipper" li. "Around the Town" 16, "The Virginian" 17. World of Players. Uamertlleand ItliitstreL — Notea from the "Waif of the SIMMs" Co.: The company opened Its season, Not. i!8, at PocomoM City, Md.. and Ihe show went big. The probable cause of the busi- ness Is due to the efforts of the boys of the Mai I.oniutxc, of Lorraine and Mnton, hat Joined bands with Kllitnheth Miller, con- tralto. They are booked solid, and will open on ihe Western circuit Feb. 1, lWu. Tub Qjavs bate Just finished ten weeks on the .Northwestern circuit, after playing company in lighting a big Are which threat- on the .Northwestern circuit, www piayiii] enTdto annihilate the whole town on Friday London and Hamilton, Can. They open a WISCONSIN. Milwaukee-.—While there was a alight follinc off In nitendnnce the past week, all thlnin considered, business was quite satls- factory. Alhammu (O. F. Miller, manager).— Billy Clifford won deserved applause, In "How He Won Her," Dec. 4-10, "McFadden's Flats" ll-l*. "Only a Shop Girl" 1S-1M. Daviunun (Sbermnn Brown, manager).— z Y The STORY'S Good, u , A ? t 5. B, .'?rr At 'he Grand Opera SSSff («a V Weiss, manager) "Miss Bob U hlte." Not. 20, 21, played to (rood business. T,.°.7 le9 rT Bo! ' 6 ha(1 < 00d business 22. "A Upto._Hm m*&r 24, had fair business. "Twefth Night" 26. "The Fatal Wedding." ?"• K? ye<1 t0 K°°d business. W. B. Patton, In -Trie Last Rose of Summer," played to a fair sited audience. "The Sultan of Sulu" had a very large audience. Warde and Kid- der, In ••Salammbo," Dec. 1. played to a crowded house. "Under Southern Skies" 6, •Why Women Sin" - man' 1 8, Frank Di pictures 10, "' llsh Daisy, Empire (T. J. Brady, manager).—Harry Corson Clarke played "Lost,- 24 Hours," to good business. Obphkum (A J. Lulker, manager).—This house Is adding new and popular attractions, and business is good. rilack S. Jeffera writes that he had to this season XVeV'li n T%r?v Ovefton^s •The Runaway Banker" Co.. on account ^mttojgff cMlne. ,^'^Overto^ la the founder of the died Nov. 27, at bis home In the Bronx. He wa» the first life member of the Bronx Elks. Death was due to Bright'!) disease. A wife and family sur- vive, hire. The funeral occurred on Nov. 20 and was conducted by the Elks. The Topst, Tinvv TRIO (O'Connell, Gold- ..—, „. .. ntnlth and Forrest) have lately concluded en- the management of John M. Ulckey, Include: gagements at Pastor's, New York; the How- J. C. Vernon. Walt Whitman, Frank Hoff. J J Boston: Garrlck. ..Ilmlngton. and Em- pire, rhllndelpbla. The trio li booked solid for twenty-seven weeks. Tkb Capitoi. Cm, vocalists and comedians, last season a feature with tbe Gurrlck Stock, have postponed their opening date, at Boston, from Dec. 5 to Dec. 10. company was doing a prosperous business, being booked solid until the Spring, It was thought best to close the show until both bad fully recovered. — Tbe people engaged to support William Humphrey, la "The Imperial Divorce," under lteglne" will have Its third production of tho season 11. "Die Fremde" Is down for 1*. Stab (Frank R. Trottmnn, manager).— The Cltv Sports, 4-10, drew well filled houses. Hose Hill Folly Co. week of 11. the Merry Maidens week of 18. Crystal tF. B. Winter, manager).—Con- nie Hay was a big winner the past week and Is- held over for week of 12, with Baby tiladvs, the Holdewortbs, Tnmalchl Vnknwii, llrncl'v and Hamilton, and the Oermolne*. Oiuno. —Manager J. W. Kenney continues to And favor. Mill 12 and week: Fred nnd Annie Pelot, Leonard and Drake, Irene Lee, Master Glenn Wortmnn nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Pierce. ■ ■ ■ ♦*» ALABAMA. Dallas—At Dallas Opera House (Geo. Anzy, manager) "Ben Hur," Nov. 28-Dec. 3, had S. R. 0. Frank Daniels played to a packed house 5. Ward and Kidder 6, 7, "The Sultan of Sulu" 8, 0, "Under Southern Skies" Bcsr (W. A. McDanlel, manager).—The Orattan-De Vernon Stock Co. opened In "Ca- rallle, to a packed house, week of 0. , Anntln.—At Hancock's Opera House (Geo. Walker, manager) "The Fatal Wed- ding" drew fair business Nov. 28. "The Isle of Huttuls." 20-Dec. 3, drew crowded bouses at Its first production on any stage. This is n new musical comedy, bv Fritz nnd Prank Lanhnm, music by B. K. Smith, and won the praise of everyone who saw the production. The local press praised the piece highly. "The Minister's Son" drew well Nov. 30. "The Sultan of Sulu." Dec. 1, played to crowded houses at advanced — Jessie Colton was compelled to close nEfa contralto Is (ieorgle Huntington with the Warner Comedy Co. on account or ,j, |IE miku.ltovs and their mannlklns were nervous prostration. Miss Colton returned enWKf< i aM Rn extra attraction for Tbanks- to her home at Indianapolis, Ind., where she -tfifi. w( *k »t the Arcade Theatre, Toledo, 0. will rest until able to resume her work. « —■■— »■-•— u....i. — Notes from "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" Co.: Since our opening, Oct, 23, at Statesboro, Gs.. where wc sold standing room, we have continued to pack them In with the old plav. Our business has been enor- mous for a' small company, but we bill like a circus, carrying our own three sheet stands, a big lot of special scenery, and play to popular prices. We plav all shes of towns. — Charles and Vera Gnnn are In Osceola, having closed a four months' engagement with ihJ Warner Co. They are golo>{ with a one piece attraction. — On Nov. IB Jessie Lee Knopp (Mrs. Gus Kapler) presented her husband, Gus «Vtv master • Geo Chris napler. with a young son. Gus Ropier fs still {£' | n ,°n - "d Kennedv, at the Globe Theatre, St. Louis, where be has gSya • ClitwPete™n ' ( Ai,7 Lewis writes from Seattle, Wash- that he has dissolved partnership with Lew Hearn, having played their last date at the Crystal Theatre, Seattle, It being a return en- Sagement. He will continue alone In his erman monologue and parody singing, which has been well received, F0LLOWI.N0 IS THE KXKCTTIVB 8TAFT (if John W. Vogel'n HI-,- City Minstrels.—Col. I. S. I'otts. general agent; Chas, Duke flrlms- "ev, treasurer; Jake Schuck, assistant ngenl; Ham Berrv. programmer; John Click, banner man: Harry Lewis, lithographer; Gov. Ilowen, stnge manager; Al. 0. Peebles, stage carpen- ter ; Sol. Blltzen, electrician; Joe F.gan, pro- "■' tepher, master trans- In charge of banner boys; cuai. Peterson, checker up; Geo. II. been since May 10, as stock comedian. Maker, assistant manager. This company has - "Angell-s Comedians News-Let ter" a *»**^Sedla succewful tour of th'e South, a*_immmm*m weeklly paper Issued ^ every Sunday £**" andwMllegln l heir Westerntour at Schencc- "rder of l.aglcs, and upon examlna- ht little sheet. Issue i\o7 «'" the one at handT uelng cleverly lllus anuais nines w»s niieci uy iiu uuuei* "The Virginian," 3. had two large) es. "Hello. Bill," 0, *. drew very good Paul Ollmore 8, "Sergeant Ktlty" Mobile.—At tbe Mobile (J. Tnnnenbnum. manager) Joseph Murphy's Co., Dec. 2, hart big audience. Mr. Murphv wns III at New Orleans and.bis place was lllled by an under- study, audiences, returns. 0, "Human Hearts" 10, the Murray Comedy Co. 12-lrV "Sherlock Holmes'' 10, Frank Daniels II). Mahottv: (Julius Ducouinntt, manager).— With an excellent orchestra of ten pieces, new songs, good specialties, and with the old favorites on hand, the usual excellent business was the rule here week ot .'. CnrBTAi, Palacr (Leon Ducoiirnnti, mana- ger).—Tho already large list of performers] wns Increased the post weel; by the Hoffmans and n Japanese/ Juggler. Crowded houses prevail. Notkh.— Hnrry F. Bryan, general ngenf for the Robinson Amusement Co., arranged ail details for' Ills company, which arrives 12, to give the Street Fair and Carnival un- der tho auspices of Mobile .Verlc, No. 890, Alden'ahd'M. F. Kctchum. of the company, jrj y - v v" j B £ VcoverlnV the Northwest- has reached this office, iand upon■ eMoInn- err / 8tat( , 8i ncludlng the Pacific coast. tlon Proves to be a bright little sheet ,, ie ^^ ^ , w • { p|ay , ng dates and are well booked up. They were uusiness _ and legibly type-written. The News-Letter x xeuau WaUTtaw write that they are Waco—At the Auditorium (Jake Gar- Is a novelty. • meet in ir with success In the West. Thev opened ankle, manager) Ted Faust's Minstrels, Nov. —William Gillette's rest for two weeks Is ■ L!?._ ,a ^. !!™fe.*"a!K 28, had fair business. Elks' Imperial Mln- merely on account of nervous troubles. A strels, .10, Dec. 1, under tbe direction of number of complaints have been attributed Harry Miller and Clint Draper, and under the to Mr. Gillette, but this Is the real fact. auspices of B. P. O. Elks Lodge, 168, drew — Notes froin the Frnnlt H. Daniels Co.: We are In our sixty-sixth week, and ate booked solid until the first of July, lOofl. Meta Eyferth Joined Dec. 0, as also did Clareoce Batim. crowds both nights nnd won success. "Twelfth Night" 2. Warde and Kidder, 3, had good business. Billy Kersands' Minstrels, S, did good business. Duej "The County Chair- at"The"Orpbeum," Seattle, Nov. 28. They are on tbe Laag circuit, /Bwir IlEvi.MiN. who will manage Dare- Devil Tllden, has been connected with the Grand Opera house, Peoria, 111., for tbe past twenty-one years. MAIMH. Portland At the Jefferson Theatre (Cahn A Oram, managers) (he Clara Turner Stock Co. met with ruccesH last week, ore- centlng an interesting repertory, with Walter Stanton as a special vaudeville feature The Harrourt Comedy Co., Dec. 12-17. excepting 111, when Mme. Schumann-Helnk appears in "Love's Lotterv." "The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" 10-24. Portland Thbatrb (James M. Moore, man. t«y 22. "Dolly Varden r ' 23. the La Fl«;taj_* Alfresco, Amusenent Co., 1olned B^'BJSJ | n ' n new act , which, they Duffy, 8nwtelle and Duffy, (lain and Ds For- SlAsxiM and Balmo did not appear at tbe ager).—Archie Boyd and other good acts at Richmond Theatre, at North Adams, Mass., tracted excellent business last week. For although they were billed there. They have Dec. 12 and week the bill includes: Callahan dissolved partnership. Mr. Martini. has and Mack, Morion Mnuoin, Geo. W. Day, Galveston! At the Grand Onera House writes: "1 have Just completed an operatic (Fred 0 Wes manamri "The Sultan of "> me dy In three acts, that Is nnlaue and the Sufu" pleaSd n wluVuU tons* Nov." 20. Bjp'n'? ^ rlBlnal k„ ^Jf"*JSs? J£P& ••Under Southern Skies" did fairly well 30, W. Rlchter, a blind boy, eighteen years of Dec. 1. "Tbe Little Homestead'' had fair *8*-. . houses 2. "Why Women Sin" pleased a —The sudden Illness of Gertrude Dalton. good sized house 4. Howe's moving pictures one of the principal members of Tim Mur pleased 5. report, is a success. thb Scottish Trio made their first ap- pearance In New York City, at Tony Pastor's, recently, and met with entire success. FaosTo and Haiivky are playing for tbe reeond time this year the entire Danforth Bijou circuit, having Just finished the Crystal < » » WASHINGTON. o X But You MUST Y O XX HUR THE MELODY IT'S BVLLY. I! II 126 West 44th St.. NEW YORK. Tho Old Firm with New Ideas Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (John Core, manager) "Shore Acres" Dec. 4-8, "Arlwna" 7-10, "The Devil's Auction" 11, 12, Thomas Q. Seabrooke, In "The Bil- lionaire," 13, 14; Mme. Gadskl, la concert, is ; Jane Corcoran, In "Pretty Peggy," 10, 17. phy's company, wille playing In Blooming- circuit with success." They played ah en ton, 111., on Dec. 3, necessitated her tern- gagemint at Lund's Family Theatre, Kast St fiorarv retirement from the company. Acute i . . . ndlgestton was the complaint, which so de- veloped as to cause Mr. Murphy to leave her behind In the care of a trained nurse and a prominent physician of the city. She Is expected to be able to rejoin the company within a week. 7<oui». week of Nov. 14, and took In tho World's Fair at the same time. Habry II. Linu was a C'LiFPDn caller Dec. 12. He states that he has not retired, but Is a partner of Paul P. fltone, of the firm of Stone & l.lnd. comedy rlub Jugglers. They open next Monday In the West, to remain until Spring, Rfter which, they return for Kastern time. Wm. McCbne, father of Frank McCune, rest, and St. Onge Bros. City Ham, (Ira Stockbridge, mnnnger).—• Chns. A. Mills Course.. Booked: Boston Sym- phony Orchestra 20. Kotvrciimar Haw, (Tho Stelnert Cn., man- agers).—A One audlenco attended the shng recital given 8, with Oeo. Devon, tenor; Ed- win Isham, baritone, nud Mih. .1. E. Tlbhett, pianist. 4>»» KHNTVCKY. . ' " Week of 11, same company, in "My Official Wife." Third Avt.sit. (Russell k Drew, mana- gers).—Week of 4, Black Pattl Troubadours. Week of 11, "Yon Yonaon." "For Mother's Sake" 10-24. Thanksgiving matinee several were sitting 2 2, at his home In Pittsburg, Pa WtsB and Wilton write: "We opened on tbe Novellv circuit, booked for ten weeks in Colorado and Utah, beginning Nov. 14 in Denver to great success. 1 am featuring my Oriental song, 'Madagascar Queen.'" CLipronp and Raymond write; "LBHt Friday — Notes from Rentfrow's Jolly Pathfind- ers : Business continues marvelously good with us. At Portsmouth, 0„ we played to Seattle (J. P. Howe, manager).—Week standing room at every performance. At the of , ne t eam of McCune and Grant, died Nov. of 4, James .Vein, in "Under Two Flags." Thanksgiving matinee several were sitting - on tbe stage. We went four hundred dollars over the house record. We opened at ChaileH- ton, W. Va., to standing room and tarncd people away. The Hunetaro Troupe of Jap- anese are the talk of all the towns we piny. Fred Danon, Baby Pullen nnd the Lynns are Alcassab (Bettls A Keogh, managers).— making good with their specialties. Darrell 11. n |gj, t Manager Barry, of the Dewey, Utlcii, Week of 4, Wiedemann Co., in "The Private Lyall Ib still In udvance, and his good work k. V., and tho team of Barry and Hennessy, Secretary" and "Held by the Enemy." Week and our. previous record ore evidenced by our wai presented by his partner, James Hon- of 11. "The Black Flag," by the same com- big openings. ,, netay, with a beautiful gold mounted Ragle — James Spencer was a Clipper caller t . n arm. After the show the performers par- last week on bis way to Join Edwin T. Emery, took of a spread. Among those present at Albany, N. Y. , were: Morrla and Montrose, the Great Platte, — Notes from the Wrights, formerly jlae Lawrence, Bessie Ralph, Stella Gray, known as the "Hearts of Tennessee Co.: j[ a y rjautibln. Gene Rreno and ourselves. We opened C-.t. 24, and have been doing a Barry and Hennessy sang their own compo- rlan "Sextette. Lumont's cockatoos, Cowles good business ever since. We are carrying sltlon, *My Own Colleen,' with which tbey and Alden, Sylvester, Yale Duo nnd moving ten people, all •wry clever In their respective agve ij tPI , very successful. We urn so pictures. lines and are playing some of our own bills, pleased with tbe charm (hat we have de- Empihe. —New: Lydell and Batterworth, among which are: "Hearts of Tennessee, <-lded to Join the Eagles at once and become —, "Harry Tracy, the Bandit^" £A JRaeb ^Mar- B |j, u n | filM ." Noteh ruoM Billy Kkrhanoh' Minhtrelh. —Billy Kersands' Coloi'cd Minstrels, now in Louisville.—At Macaulcy'aTheatre (John t. Macauley, manager) Margaret Anglln raroe Dec. 0, 0, presenting "The ICternal Fetn- "j good aiidlepres, and glvlr The Cincinnati Symphony inine," to good audlepces, and giving satis- "on. The Cincinnati Symphony or tra, under the direction of Frank Vnndei- factlon. rches- . gave a concert 7, drawing a largo • lola Allen, 8-10, had crowded houses. ' "flnhes In Toy. pany. OnPHBrjt.—New The Burkes, Arthur Jacksoi Wills and Collins, Fyne and Dandy, O'Brien and West. Musbner's educated sheep and pigs and moving pictures. Pastaoes. —New: Richard Burton, Aust- Dutch Walton. Ed. Devol, Aldean. Bros., 'Harry T;«v , •~»- ls Leona Clifton and moving pictures. rlage,' 1 "Betsey Bobblt s Husband and A Cetstal.— New: Deep 8ea Divers, Musi- Fatal 8car." Our players are: blue It., cal Harts. Fielding Comedy Four, Hickman Wright, proprietor and manager; Qep. Wcr- nud Morton and moving pictures. ncr, ngjnt: II. K. Ihomas, musical.director; Km son. —New: The Elliotts, "* Sally Randall, William Gross, Trio nnd moving pictures. CoMiqun (Mose Goldsmith, manager).— New: Morris and Morrla, Dave Samuels, tbe Fletchers, Lois Mendelhall and Neff and Miller. ♦ «> ILLINOIS. ires. ncr, agent: h. k. inomas, musicMi mrwior; s, the Kalmos, Frank Rehberg, comedian; Jack Whue, Tom s the Empire McDow, Sidney Wright, Patrecla Wright, Theodora Glencoe, soubrette. and Dollle Fayne. On Tuesday night, after the show, the entire company was entertained at a ban their 'twentieth week of a record breaking tour, will shortly conclude their Southwest- ern time, cross tbe river, and make a com- plete tour of the old South, including all the principal cities, at the conclusion of which the larger cities of the North will be visited. The company remains the same as qnet given by Dick Egee, the genial manager at tne ' onen | D „ of the season and has re of the Lcnora Opera House, where all enjoyed re i VM j praise all along the line. Manager 1'corln.—At Hie Grand (Cbaiaberltn, Harrington fc Co., managers) "Tbe Holy Cltv" gnve a fine production Dec. 2. "Uncle Josh Perkins," 4. had good receipts. "Hot- test Coon In Dixie," 7, came to fair attend- ance. ComlnB' "In Old Kentucky" 15. Sam T. Jack's Co. 10, Lyman Twins 18, "Tried for Her Life" 19. ' • .... Main Street (F. P. Churchill, manager). -■-Attendance Is continually Increasing. For Van Tassen and McCauley, themselves. — Barnev Gerard, the writer, spent last week In Boston and I'tavldenre, where be went to make arraogments for the produc- tion next season of Ills musical farce, en- titled "An Honest Politician." — Eatelle Plimkett nnd sister, Lulu Brent, mourn the death of their mother, which oo curred Nov. 22, at her home In Trentou, N. J. — Chennlng Pollock has completed a new play, entitled "The Great Adventurer." In which Nixon k Zimmerman will present Thomas K. Shea early next Spring. — H. Forbes Richardson will take Mr. Hogan's place ns leading man with Miss Dardla this season, Mr. Hogsti's duties will Stueken, house. vl( Coming: Lulu Glaier 12-11, land" 1(5-17. Masonic (Chas. A. Shaw, manager).—Nal Wills, In "A Sou of Rest," drew Inrge audi- ences week of ,">. "Tbe Burgomaster 12-17. AvKNiju (Chas. A. Hlinw, manager).— Harry Clay Blaney, In "Across the Pacific." pleased large audiences week of 4. "Sha- dows of a Great City" 11-17. Hockinoium (Wiinllen Bros., managers). —The Morning Glories Burlesque Co. at- tracted crowded' houses week of 4. Tiger Lilies 11-17. Hopicixh ' (Wm. Rtlcbmao, resident mana- ger).—Week of 11: Mt-Mnhoii's Minstrel Maids and Watermelon Girls, Melrose Troupe, Hoey nnd Lee, Irene Frimtilvn, W. II. Lind- say's dogs, Merrltt and Ronella, and Ihe bio- graph. »«» NEBRASKA. DmnliK,—At Boyd's (W. .1. Burgess, mnn- nger) Ezra Kendall, In "Weather lteuten Hen- son, Dec, 11-13. Lew Dockslnder's Min- strels 1-1. Dorothy Morten, In "(llltterlug C.lorla." 1S-17; Marie Walnwrlght 18, "Ban, Toy" 10-21. Edna Wallace, Hopper 2.1, 24. The house has been dark the past week. Knim (C. S. Dreed, manager),—"A Mil- lionaire Tramp" II. "The Fortune Hunters" 12-14, Hilly Clifford 1R-17. Geo. Sldnoy, In, "Busy Juy," drew crowded houses 1-7. Kel- ler mystified large' audiences 8-10. Oui'liKtiM (Martin Beck, ^enorsl manager). —Business was very good all last week. Week of 11 : Tho Nelson Family. I'M I son and Krrol. I'hasslno, Pete'Baker, Ben Von Klein ami Grace Gibson, A, K. Csldura inul klnodtome. a-^. GEORGIA. current week: . the 8uttous. Jennings and Jewell, Ida How ell. Moos. Samavon and Peter J. Smith. Wbast (C. F. Bartson, manager).—1-or ne V permit him to play partsT The company current week: Bell and Henry, Grundy and | nc | udC g. Bobby ft|| oyi (j ro , \, fj-anklln, Weather, Lucy nhd Luclel, Robblna and £ c {r^tlu Kraok Y. Lewen, Fred H. Camamnn and Sawtelle and Sears. corthcll. KranK and Irlat. knockabout comc- Jaoobs (A. F. Jacobs, manager).—Good ,\ lant: 1-001 Browning, In buck and wing health. "TsW Gi.i/ Itki.unu: calls once a week without fall, Ton Martiv, who has been playing Josh, with thu "Joshua Slmpklns" Co. the past HCiiBon, was taken sick at Port Arthur and was obliged to leave tho company after the ihtluth engagement, and Is now 'it borne In St. Paul, In (he care of a physician. He will rejoin the company as soon as be recovers. IIoiverh AND Cuhtih write; "Wo arrived on tbe coast Just forty-seven weeks ago, and In that time have lost only three weeks, mak- ing Jumps. We have played the length of Parlfli: coast, including British Colum- allfornlu, sec- , f» and tho We Canton.—At tbe Grand Opera House (F. ner death. will play dates until about April and then i Powelson. manager) "Pals," with James —At Fredcrlctown, Mo., a new opera retire to our stock ranch In ». Dak., near J Corbett, agreeably surprleod a trood house, house will be readv for the holidays. It will Pierre, where we Intend to add horse rals- The Plav was Btaged very nlrel}-, and Cor- be seated throughout with opera chairs, Ing to our. other stock ventures. The wenth- nett exceeded all expectations. "Hottest f ( rnishcd with electric lights, bested by er In tbli country li grand for this time of sVoon la Dixie" Dec. 8, "Eben Ilolden" 10. »tcnn and bare new scenery. year," (.', Jay Smith Is now In Chicago comtilellai; this season's time and Hrranglng for next, hcason, when Kersands' Minstrels expect to spring some surprises on the minstrel world. During his slay in Chicago Manager Smith will take the Itoyal Arch deurees in Masonry, having been accepted in Washington Chap- ter. No. 4.1. Notbr rttou Baiilow & Wilhon'sj Min- sim.'—This company Is entering lis six- ... leenlb week, and business so far this Anwiisla,—The Ggtkill Carnlvnl Co. tin- season has been (inc. uud the H. II, G. sign Ished their saason at Charleston, 8. C, and lias been out three nights out of six. Kvery- then came back to this city for Winter quart body with the rnmpnny has been lu excellent leceinta bete. For current week: La Monte, Chas. and Tlllle Sells, TUIan Family and the Mldgele ys. Qnliicy.—At_the Empire (W. L. Busby, dances, Pearl Eastman and Eetelie Haw- thorn. — Tbe death of Mrs. William O'Connor. mother of Mrs. Frank W. N'ason, wife of Frank W. Nason. occurred at the. home of its, securing good housing and commodious grounds. Mr, Gatklll has arranged to pud '>« u permanent Winter /oo. mid opened for business Dec. 0, putting un two uutlneen per week for the children, and giving mier- tnlninents every night as well. Attendance was good no far. Opera Uorar..—Local tnlent put on "Bibl." 11 toy comedy, 8. Bengllt of thu tieorglu s. S, Assiiclstlon. Coming; "Onlnry Adams Sawyer" 12, ''The Beauty Doctor" 15, « i» KANMA8. wic-iiita —At tbe Crawford (E. L. Mart- ling manager) "Peggy from Paris" played to H. It. 0. Re. •». 'I'hs Sign of tue Fonr" pleased 'J. "Alphonso and Gaston" came to fair business 3. Dorothy Morton, la "Olilter- iDg Gloria," pleated a larip audience 0. Tour Auditorium (II. G. Toler & Son. proprietors).—Mr. Jolly lectured to n largo audience. The Sterling Slock Co. Inul gooil business fi-7. llalpli Bingham, Impersonator ond humorist; bad a good house 2. I,vine (Hurry Lewis, proprietor).—A big snow tor ten cents, tad dullness Is spleudld.