The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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DECEMBER 17. THE jSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 1000 This is the Big Knockout, and Was a Great Sensation at the Six Day Bicycle Race at Mad. 8q. Garden, last week. HEIHIE is the Song You Heard them Calling for til the Time. I IF YOU MISS ME THE GREATEST BALLAD OF THE AGE. AN ABSOLUTE SENSATION. These two Songs are by ROSE and THEY ARE IN OUR PLACE ALL DAY LONC, AND WILL BE MORE THAN PLEASED TO RUN OVER THESE SONGS FOR YOU. We have Professional Copies, and orchestrations In any key, to suit your voice, FREE. Send stamps for mailing. 48 W. 29th Street, NEW YORK. m PHIirTMG-Letusr Heads, Envelop*!, Pro- f«Mt<m»l oard*,»o.'P«rlOO. Sample for stamp. — Chortes Frobman. bai arranged for a dramatisation of "Wolfvllle," to be written bJ Clyde l°ltch. in conjunction with Willi. Steele who has secured the control of the dramatic rights from Alfred Henry Lewis iron? bU book, Wolfvllle. The play Is to be ready for production nert season. r —Votes from the Agnes Dardls Reper- tory Co.: We are making preparations for our next Summer season through Vermont ami Sew Hampshire. Our car Is being re- modeled and fitted np for the convenience of }be members, giving ample sleeping room and accommodation for twelve people. We have new scenery, and everything looks forward to as good, It not better returns than last season..^ 4 , HaTr | S> managers of Andrew Hack, have signed a contract by which he Is to make a twenty weeks' tour of Aus- tralia. Mr. Mack closes his present season March 10 In San Francisco. On March 18 be will sail with bis company for Sydney, wbere he will open on April 8, In "The Way to Kenmare." — Notes from the Du Vrles Stock Co.: At Johnstown, N. Y., Nov. 29, Baby Jack McKee was presented with a gold watch by the mem- bers of the company. It was bis first birth- day 1tu> companv Is made up as follows: Sam Du Vrles and Harry IS. McKee, proprie- tors and managers; the Great Ameta, Alma Hutberford, Ana Marlon, Josephine Gray, Net- tle Bagley, Maggie Rutherford, Oenevleve Rutherford, B. Ralph Browne, J. H. Doyle, Carrie Kaunt, Joseph O. Chandler, J. N. Du- val, Harry Joseph, Walter Landsdorf, Robert llarton, It. H. Hughs, BUI Smltb and little Jack McKee. The company has broken records In every bouse we have played tbls season, and managers say It Is one of the best stock i-ompanles tbey ever played. Harry E. Mc- Kee, with bis change act. and the Great Ameta are making successes. The show Is Looked, completely until July, 1805. After tbe presentation of the watch to Baby McKee, Mr. and Mrs. McKee gave a banquet to the entire company at the Kolaueka Hotel, and the health of the "young comedian" was drunk until the wee' hours. — North tiros.' Comedians (Western) Notes: After a very successful tour of Kan- sas, Oklahoma and tbe Indian Territory, ws are In our seventh week InTeias, and thus far the Btar State has accorded us grand receptions. At Wazahachle, Hlllsboro, Den- ton and Tyler, we bold the records for the largest bpsluess ever done by a popular price attraction, and each town bas been booked for a return date. At Dallas and Ft. Worth our business was highly satisfactory, as this Is a new attraction for this territory, and we play return dates In both cities. Our present tour takes us as far south as San Antonio, Tex., after which we go North for a sir weeks' tour, returning to Texas for eight weeks of return dates, which speaks well for the North Bros, company. The following comprise the roster: Frank C. Carter, sole manager; 11. C. (.'niter, business manager and treasurer: C. K. Leach, stage manager; J. B Street, stage carpenter; l.d. Peters, props; I.u Beta Falmntler, director of tbe Falmatler Sisters Orchestra; J. H. Harris, Clare Evans, William Rowe, Frank Husted, C. K. Leach, J. E. Street, J. H. St Vraln, Mabel Cullen, Millie Des Mooda. Altbea Davis, Alma Pal- mer, Frank Husted, agent, with Harry Eltlng, business manager In advance. — Tbe Echols A Hawkins Ideals closed a successful season of thirty weeks on Nov. 26. — Mnudrcss De Yore Is playing the heavy Id "The Denver Express" Co. — Roster of the Frank Hoilowny Comedy Co.: Wo closed our tenting season and tbls makes the eleventh week In opera houses. Busi- ness bas boen good so far. Executive stall: Frank llolloway, proprietor; James Thorpe, manager; Max Holloway, treasurer. Our company insists' of fifteen people and a hand and orchestra, Tbe Three De Lopps a feature of our show with their big Hcycle. act. One Davis is winning favor with his Hinging and dancing specialties. Lucy Franklin never falls to score a hit with her illustrated songs. Leslie Fletcher's band anil orchestra is praised by all. We will lour Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota and the Dakotae, making week stands. — Corlnne Runkel, the star of the Corlnne Rnnkel Stock Co., was formerly known In vaudeville at Baby Corlnne. and for the past soven years d'd an act with her brother and Ted Breton, known as the Bretcn-Bunkel Trio.' '. — Jacobs, and Vantyle are with Martin Julian's "Because She Loved" Co., both playing parts and doing their Chinese spe- cialty. — Electa Paige entertained Edna May Crawford nnd Van R. Boyd at her home In tbe Bronx on Thanksgiving Day, to a sumptuous Bpread. Miss Paige rendered some of her specialties. Miss Paige and Miss Crawford were laBt year with the Roe Stock Co., In support of Campbell Strattoa. „— Edwin Young .writes: "Lena Delalgle- Toung, little Edna, Master Bobble and my- self, recently withdrew from the R. A. Hanks A Little Outcast' Co. I organized the Ed- win Young Stock Co., opening the season at liocheater, IndV Dec. 1. The company will tour Indiana. Ohio and Pennsylvania. Harry Oarrlty, L. W. Martin, Edward Clark, H. A. Engllsl, Thos. Davis, Deda Walker, Mny Oermon and Mrs. Kimball are with the com- pany." — Louis J. Epstein, of tbe Benett-Moul- too Co. (Ad. P. Reed, manager), was re- cently elected a member of the Medina, N. Y., Aerie of Eagles. — Harry Le Clair continues successfully ns tbe Queen, with "Tbe: Sleeping Beauty oud tbe Beast" Co., which ts now touring New England. . ■— "lions Uamnn" Notes: Martin Bowers Is on his eighteenth week with this company, playing the tramp part. Dan Morris, and net- 'OS la stag* manager. Be is making quite « UH In Che part. Business Is good, and •rvttybody Is enjoying good health. The Ot.u llixiADLB Is among us every week. . —•Blanche Ring has been divorced from J»rnes Walker Jr. LIT HOg, ONBCENT BACH. AMY STYLE. SEND.20 Cent* for Sample*. JOBN OOBDOH.N. Y. W., corner Eighth andWalnnt 8ta.,PhUa.,Pa. COHSETIBTB WANTBD-Young Lady and Oentleuan for high class Vaudeville Act. Must be young and of good appearance. Splendid opportunity. Call or sddress OKF1CB 18s. 1441 Broadway, New York. WANTJBD, all 'round Sober Comedians, spe- cialties and parts; $1.26 per night and expenses. Money sure. TThomas Bros., West Decatur, Pa. WAMTKD aCIOK.-Strif.tly Al All 'Round 8. k D. Comedian. Most fake QOOD piano for ill. songs and overtures, stun* must please refined audiences and run 16 min.; change for 8 nights only. No "eccentrics" or booze tolerated, write all first letter for long season with this show; lust entering second sneceasf nl rear. Never missed a payday. Open Jan. 1. Htr>TLEY ENTERTAIN- ERS, care of F. W. BUNTLEY, Winona, Minn. QALATBA Illusions, Flying Lady and Black Art OotUta. Wax Figures, Ventriloquist Figures. Books on Illusions, etc. Lists for si amp. W. SHAW, Victoria, Mo. WASTED, for Repertoire, Al Character Woman. Singing and Dancing Comedian. Others, write. 1 pay expenses. J. E. Preston, Ironton, O. FOB. 8»IJE—New Moire SUkollneSerpentine Dress, JS; » Colored Slides for Dance. 14; Black Art Outfit, lis. Lot of Tricks cheap. Fish Pole, S3; Nest of Enclose stamp or no answer. Mrs. WM. CARL, 131 Court St., Rochester, N. Y. 'Twould Cost $1,500.00 If you had me write to order all the orlgl" nal Monologues, Parodies, Sketches,ew., contained la Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of stage tan, con- taining 21 Original Parodies,» new Mono- logues, 4 great Sketches, new Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Oomlo Poems, Toasts and Epitaphs; two roaring farces. two big burlesques, besides hundreds of new Gags. Stories and Jests—so big pages. One doUarper copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 1. $1.50: any 3, $a; any 4, la.w or Budgets 3,4,7,8 and 9, j». Others ont of print. Send ah orders to my agent, 1» J. K, hki L, 1404 Third Ave., New York. 100 LETTEBJHEADS, or Env., 23c; Half Tone, Sl: 6,000 aids. f.1.24; 6.000 Coupons: $1: etc.; Samples,*?. Howell Show Print, Howell,Mich. MUSIC ARRANGED FOR ORCHESTRA and Piano. Original melodies written. Special muBlo for acts; One moslo for dramas, etc. Rea- sonable. Mall orders prompt attention. SDW1N DICEY, 141 W. loth St., New York Oily. WANTED, sketch Team, one that can sing and dance preferred. Also S. and D. Sonbrette that works In act". I want QOOD people, and am willing to pay for them. State all In first, and he ready tojoln on wire. Answer quick. Dr. E. A Pollard, Mgr. Modern Remedy Co., Coebnrn, Wise Co., Va. WANTED, Picture Machine, Taylor Secre- tary Trunk, Med. People with Musical and Danc- ing Specialties. All must be good. State all first letter. Mute Bnrke. the Stubblellelds, Stella Nye, write. DR. F. W. BUCK, Wakonaa, so. Dak. AT lib., Al B. P. Com., Descriptive comic Vocalist, Magic, Ventriloquist, Rube, Irish Biddy, Banjo, Change for week. Vamp Organ, St. Com. in Acta. Make good. 10. Exp. Want ticket Will J. Watson, Commercial Hotel. Hamilton, Ont. SKETCHES AND PLAYS WRITTEN TO ORDER, Address BERNARD RUNG, Play- wright, 7 Bolflncb St.. Boston, " WANTED AT ONCE, Operator with good Motion Picture Outot, III. Bong*, etc.; also Good Serlo Comic that can dance. Other good people, write. Ohas. Robinson, write at once or wire. HILLIE COLLINS, Clarksburg, W. Va. WA*TBD—Lady Pianist and Vocalist, Use- ful Sketch Team and Advance Agent. Piano play- er wanted. Week stands. Constant work all year 'round. State all first Jetter. MANAGER WYND- HAM, Lafayette, Chambers Co., Ala. WANTED QUICK, For the Orpheom, ST. PAUL, MINN., A Lady Orchestra of Five Pieces, Violin, Cornst. Clarionet, Trombone, Drums. State lowest salary first let'er. One year's en- gagement. Address CHAS. VRERCK, ORPHEDM TBEAT8B, St. Paul, Minn. PICTURE MACHINES. Hew and Second Band Btereoptlconi, Films, Bong Slides and Supplies. Picture machines re- built with all Improvements. Rheostats any volt- age. Mecnanloal effects for acta made. Expert repairing done. NEW TORE FILM EXCHANGE. N. POWBR,Mgr., uT Naaaan St., New York. Phone 8360 Cortland. WANTED, CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. WHY PAT MORE ? Oar XXX Trunk has bo Equal. Its Superiority tad Lou log built on well seasoned Baaswood, with a OontuMOM Steel Binding, Canvas, Glued on, and over 800 Rlvst* used. Heavy Rawhide Handles, Yale Lock. Sin. Tray, mad* M Swing In tbe top, making In all the Iliat Theatrical Truak. Guaranteed S Years. 28, »10 76 : 80. 111.25: 12, lil.Tij 84, I12.7C.J 88. 113.76; 88, 114.7* . 40, 115.71?. Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Mads. Built on Baaswood Box, Covered with Ball Duck, Glued on. Wound with Heavy Steel, Yale Loch, Dowels and Double Hinges, Angle Edging, 1 sin. Tray, 1 4ln. Tray. A Vary strong Riveted Trunk. 28, 87.85 i 80, 87.76; 82, IB.28; 84, 88.76; 88, 8925; 88, $B.T>| 40, 8J0.25. STEEL CLAD.—Basawood Bog, Covered with Gold Roll** Steel. 1 Deep Tray, Yale Lock, Large Bolts and Dowels. The Best Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28, 18.60: 80, 10.00; 82, $6.56; 84, 17,00; 86, 7.60: 88, 88.00: 40, 18.60, ■hipped C. O. D. on receipt of 19.00. write (or Cats ion*. M. «. CASEY, 441 6th Ave., Bet. 30th and 27th Sts., N. Y. Established 47 Years. Good, Useful Pooplo for Repertoire. Preference given to those who can do specialties. A drat class and experienced BTAOti MANAGER, a good WINGING and DANCING BOUBRF.TTK, AGENT; preference given to a young and energetic man who can post hills, If need be. Address eg ,1 BERRY, Bristol Bonae, Cincinnati, Oblo ingi ,0)11 UP IN RIP UH HE. Address 8. D. FOWLER, Port Huron, Midi. WANTED QUICK A Sober aid Experienced Advance Agent. •TATE EVERYTHING F iTt. AT LET- TRR. Address OTTO H. KKAl SK JBan- stger. Wood*Sisters Co., Wswhsra, Team. STEVOS' COMEDY COMPACT Y/VAIVTS Worn in, 8econd Business, Specially las. Anything cast. Married couple only. Others write. HARRY A. STEVENS, Shilburn, Ind. WAXTBD, W)8 REPERTOIRE, Man and woman for Leads, Comedian. I pay all. Salary sore. People doing specialties preferred. BDWIlt BOOTfUMU CO., J. W. HONZE, Manager, Newberry, Fla. For Sale, a Rare Chances MUSIC HALL, suburban city; good business; bar; admission charged; twelve living room*. sickness cause of selling. Most be seen to be aoprt ■ cla»ed. AddressM. E. C.,care ot OUPPBBOFFICE, Wanted, Advance Agent For Moving Picture Show. One that under- stands working benefits. Must be sober and tellable. State salary In first letter. FRANK II., Mahanoy City, I'a. AT LIBEATT-W1U P.LEAH, The Blgh Clasa Novelty VENTRILOQUIST. Iniro. duolng life size walking and smoking figures. Address _„ _ _ _ . ALL AOEHT8, or 149 E. 21TH ST.. New York. FDBIH8HED BOOBS IB FLAT. Foot Large, Sunny Rooms, connecting (together or seperate): housekeeping or gentlemen; an improvements. 217 K.zetfa St., N. T. Duncan's bell. CLIHIOIBTtIST, Pint Olasi, At Liberty. Theatre or Vaudeville Bouse, Absolutely rell able. Address 0 BOWKS. gae la«t«tk street. New York Oltyj; IT IIBDIrTV After Deo. W, an Operatorwlth Al LlDljuI 11 Edison Machine. Plenty of films, Lady Singer, HI. Songs. Plenty of slides, single or double, rt. aLbal'oh, 1 • 1001E. 12th St., ESS City, Mo. WANTED QUICK, GOOD PIANIST Name lowest salary, I pay expenses. Week Stands. J. W. SlQHTs, (lakes, N. 11. CHEISTMAS OPEN AT COLUMBIA PA., POPULATION 17,000, FOR GOOD REPBRTOIRE CO., Deo. 26,27, S, or GOOD, BIQ ATTRACTION for Dec. 2a, matinee and ulght. (Julok. JOBN B. Bissi.NOER, Leasee and Mgr., Columbia, Pa. UI/AIVTED, Director. Repertoire People in Ml Lines, P.operly Man who can Act, Ability, experience, wardrobe, specialty 'mperatlve, Long, pleasant engagement to desirable people. Money n tire. Southern cities. Chris Momn, Ferdinand Urates*, wire. Aulmul Act may write. Address _■ JACOH SMITH, Toler Auditorium, Wichita, Kans. WA1VTED, SUNDAY NIGHT CONCERTS, BUFFALO, N. Y. I wont' first class Set* for the Academy Theatre Sunday night concerts: monologlsis, musi- cal acta and singing acts preferred. The law here doea not allow makeup or comedy ward- robe. Also forbids acrobatic, or acts who require special acenerey. Want features forXinim .unl New Year Sundays, also clubs (any good act). Rreak your Jump. Rehearsal, Acad- emy Theatre, U.30 P.M. Trains leave for Chicago at 11.110, Nuw York, ot midnight. CHAtC W. Ml'MAIION. Theatrical AgeSl, Room 42, Lewis mock,, 18% M. Hwan Mlreet, HuBalo, N. V. M. \ST. Heticil&y, WANT 20 BRASS BAND PEOPLE (TO DOUBLE STAGE). 20 State lowest. Pay yonr own,. Fall particulars. One piece. No tickets. No drunkards. A Hnmespnn Heart. F. L, HUNT, 1512 Tribune jtjsg Chicago. WANTED, For "Uncle Josh Sprueeby," Slide Trooibono Hand and Orchestra. Mention lowest salary. Pay own. Sonthbrldge, Mass., U; Putnam, cionn., U; Wllllmantlo 17, westerly, R.I.,80; FsU River21-82. P. B. LEVIS, Manager. AT LrBEHTT, Al Pianist, Sight reader. Transpose. Can Join on wire. AU1HE DEAN BRIOOS. Ply month. Wis. WANTSID QUICK, FOR BOYER & BURKE'S Hl-SI-and-l CO. Heavy, to double Trombone In Band; alio Tuba and Bass Player. Romloy Sisters, write, and other people. Address W. T. BOYER, Empire Theatre. Colambill, O. As Per Cut, IRI8H or BIDDY WIG $1. GEORGE WASH- INGTON WIG J1. THEATRICAL OCIDE, 10c. C. C. VOL AN, S24 Oreen St., Lockport, N. V. TO MANAGE STAR, STOCK CO. OR THEATRE. Addre** BOX T3, NILE*, Jilt Ilia Alt. ONLY 20 YEARS' PRACTICAL B3CPEBIEWCE, "THAT'S AIA." HENRY F. WILLARD WANTS QUICK. FOR PAIGE COMEDY CO.. HANDSOME YOUNO JUVENILE WOMAN, HKAVY MAN.SINOlNfl AND DANOINO COMKD1AN ANU SOUBRETTKANO JUVKNILK MAN. All must have good appearance on and oar. Rehearsals nstniu. Call at once. H. MABTYNNE, soo East uth street, New York. "Writing a Play,'' A little volume which brings together In a con- cise and practical way tbe principles governing the art and science of playwrniug, giving exam- ples, from standard plays, of the principles cor- rectly applied. Invaluable io the amateur, who Is unfamiliar with the demands of the drama, as well as the professional. Price, Postpaid, 50 Cents. ?. 1224 Hnmrd It., Phila.. Ft IMMEDIATELY, Handsome Young Juvenile, Light Comedy, WITH SPECIALTY PUEPERUED, Must join receipt of wire. Newberry, 8.0,, week J2; Oolninbln.S. C, week io. Mum he able to de- liver goods. HENRY F. WILLARD & CO., FEHVOIII COMPANY. WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINKS. STRONG SPECIALTY TO FE ATDRE PATH S TOOE CO., Blddglord Ma 0001) UELIAHliE MAN TOR OUABAOTBItS and OBNKRAL B08INH8B; good wardrobe. Vol|"o OLEVKK WOMAN KOR LBADb. IIKAV1KH anil OBNBItAL HimiNKSS; PIANO LKAl)i.ll ill" 0.!! Arrange and Transpose, Kellablo Hop. I'eopin In ?. l J. , .'.SP'!( wr "*l wlln Iul1 M'lloillars. WANTKK, KBATURB HPKUIALTY KOR WKKK DK(J. Jo, at Cnmiierland, lid. Write quick. H, A. DU BOI8, Manager, "Vcraa May," Oharieroi, I'a iNTKO, For Uncle Josh Sprueeby MUSIC Arranged, taped. eta, St. N. t. Arraogingamall sonrs. B parts, 90 t g wTaTt c bbtbmab, MYlfe WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLEand PIANIST 0. K OLTMER, flreat Bend, N. Y. Wanted for Holiday Week At ATTRACTION AT I'KARL OPERA HOOSK, llaudBeneat. DHACON MJLE8,Mgr.,Welilon l Ill. WANTED, BLACK FACE COMEDIAN, PIANO FLAYER, SKRTOI1 TEAM. Must be ladle* and gentlemen. Boozors, NO. Address tiCOKNE CUESTEK. Manager, H. of L. Med. Co,, (Jen. Del., Pittsburg, Kan- RING PERFORMERS, LOOK. Would like to loin a good Slog Ant. Also aood at band to hand balancing. c k. kennby, ATI Urlgg* Avontie, Brooklyn, if. T. WANTED—'Cello Piarir Wints EflgigniBt In or near New York Oily, for either Hotel or Opera House work. Address D.A., Caroot NKW YORK OLltTER. TO ]M *D BANI». Join quick. Address 1IAVK B. LBVIK, Bellinger, Texas, l<; San An- guio 17, lirownwood is. "~WANTED~AT ONCE, QOOD SKETCH TEAM. Hsntodo a'ronit comedy in act*. Change for on»woek. If you don't want, work, don't write, ss you must Join on wire. Adflrasa OHO. llHIiHTICR.Walnut, Ran; WANTED AT ONCE, For the Rockwell Dramatic Co,, Man to Play Character* and Ootneily with Spe otally. Would like to boar fmm man with Mov- ing Picture*. State all In first letter. Franc Clayton, telegraph nte. Address J, 0. ROOK WELL, Mgr.. Uxbrltlae, Has*. Ws»r.««Md QuloK, , 111 for HearlM, Character Han, Woman. OfBBR8, WRITE. Join on wire, Pay own. Money sent br letter. KERR EnWARIIS STOUK CO,,ofN*wark,Ohlo.