The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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101* THE NEW YOEK OLIBPI?H. DECEMBER 17, Clipper Post Office. In order to avoid mistakes »ud to Inaar* the prompt delivery of the letters advertised In ttala Hat, an envelope plainly addressed most be •ent fpr cub letter, and a written order for the letter, aliened with the full name and addreaa and the line of hualneaa follotved lir the aender, mum also he enclosed. Please mention the dnte (or num- ber) of THIS CUI'I'KR In which the letters sent for were advertiaed. LADIRV LIST. Draper, Berl Deuiiug. Anlitoti, Mabel ram, Tilly Allen, Mrs. J. S Krayne. lllaiich AlMonder, iM'ay, Kvi'Ijt. It' j: 1.1'. i .1 l.'i 11k Mrs. W Augua, Kathcrlne Aleili,; All.II, lliillu Alum, Klvle Aluu/aliino, Vera A Abbot I, Fay Aleene, Mile. Aintie, J'lura A I Mrs.L.N. Alexander, Felice Ahllu, f'.lvle Arnold), Mine. Aim, KOim Allen. J'earl Ailelll. Mile. Arnold, lillth AthIo, Jenny Adeline, l»ra llrewer, Nellie Itrmviu'. Mrs. V. T. IVtniniil, Mrs, H Jlr.vntil. Flora Jli'li.m, Ml 1 .*. Illlliielt. Mil Harlon. Delia 11 mil bury, . Mm. J. H. Ilrltton, fadlc Htnnelt, Trlile lllckel, Mr*. II. Itrudneil, Ncllli Illltr. Mrs. I'. H lleliaoul, Oraee & Vlolur IlmiKnll, Mark- Hurry, Dolly l'.uljwln, Murle Urooks, E.Helen Heckwilh Llnle Cook, Annie Currnn, Prances Oingleton, Coral Callfcrnp. Witt Cnrew, Jeniirtte Cllffonl, Viola Cannen, Hello Cotter, Llda Cosgrnve, Ktltel Cnrew, Mabel Colten, Mrs. W. Cunstlfillne, Kvelyu Cuttla. Bybll Curlyle, Lillian Carlisle, Irene Crosman, Henrietta Ctrilnoly. Dollle Campbell, Mr*. Jack Clay, Lottie Carroll, , ,. Minnie W. Cnrnno, Draw iXiiteu, MrH.Wm Carlisle, Fay Cllvcm, Miit't'le iHianuell, Uolilte M. Cormoutclle, Hottle Cameron, draco De Milt, Gertie Dalton, Ida Unuliip, Gertie UeVcre, Mamie Paler. Lotta 1)1X1111. lllB Dorothea Sisters lilllon, Fannie DqnKlaa, Grace HeLeon, Mabel Dunham, Norlnr lir Veiul, llosc Dell & Fonda Davenport, H.J Iiuii'itaii. Nellie Kmery, Maud Cverson, Lucille F.JIlof. Lucie limeraon. Bell llekerl, Carrie llmilnijlon, S '.* Rrllth Fuller. Mailellm Pillgar Mrs.A.H Florence. Kntliryr l'loyil, JiMle l-'innkcl. Fnnny Frnlerlrk. Flora C. KM, Delia Frances, Miss V, R jFre, Esther (iuln.-lla. t.rejrury. Bessie »in-y, I era ilreHiniii, Kbilc diamine. Minnie ri'.ldle. Annie llrayr Kelts loti-ill, Miss M. K. line, Murloii uinKlrr, May ■ lllwoli Mlsler* lllantl. Bessie ilurmaii, His. Arthur (irluii. Mrs.W.A. ■ IliidstoiiP, Mui'Ie fjiirilner, l|r*.. O. A. 'Jriiy, FliwHle iiiiwi'ii. r.iiwr linyes, iSertlc Hurt. Smile iloMen, Mamie Hamlin, Bessie lilllon, Murgle Haines, Mm. M. J. Hawthorne,, Lucille Nichols Nellie V Unell, Myrtle linen, Frauds Oeinva, ullle . Onion, Kitty ru-ki'ii, l-i Is II H. I'oineroy, Anns I'rlmrutt 1 , IMtnlby Calmer, Vera I'lnnkelt, metis IMunkeit lilnuch I'.'lnw. Metn I'itsoiiI, Unrelle Pendleton, ■' Louise Itumley, 1'iiiie llnnik'll, t'l.ivii Kiwi. Maiulle hnyinottil, limber M. LoiltVlck, Slells Ilnflrr, Allele Rtort Marituret Honera, lliiu'. Fraius"! Iloynnd, Mariara lulfirh, .Iran R/iyiiMHul, Viols Rlnaldii, Ena ■• lbibliisnii, Klhel llerr, France^', NoHHle iiiitno, Msrgle ilm-l , Mra. C.T. Mabel itlieiiunl. .Madeline Knxrenn, Marlon HnniFsy. Dontrlrc Hall. Jlnzel M. Ilnlnfortli Maliel llagen, ! IIdsii, Margaret Margaret Hunter. Gmee Ilartley, Flora ilmve- i .el'. I'ttuo Unrertnu, Ida * li'ilh-s Lorraine |[uyen, Mnrlou lopea, Mary Jtenmietle, Itoae Ji,-elvn. Ilnrit't [Calm, May Kniwr, Kittle M'dir. f.'.'irnllne l^alle, lienrllce Lnmar, Irene "A'moync Sktera l.OckW'KXl,' Vra. S. A. I^lglilon, JnmuR |j>ng, Lillian Lamberlon I.ncy 'xvvett, Lnvlcue. Nlta Long. Herlks I^MrT, alae, Graee J41-II. Ilattle It. Loninlon, Hurdle Lni'.v, Lllnc Lnnmlon llardie Iwong. Nellie l.uVclle. Alice Lcllnron, K*ta Leslie. Kittle Mark. Florence MC'iilten, lleaala Mortimer, Jemi Morris, Dorelta Morclli, Marie L McArtlicr, Mut;lcl Mnnley, >lra. Cliarles Melvale, Nellie (tel.j Mors, June Marlon, Itusa . Morris, Curie Melville, Sadie Marshall, Ethel Mmiv tin, Itose Mel.aln Sisters Mlsbel, Corn Msrlcn, Theresa I„ Mowrls Mrs.W.T Merrilltli, Anns Miller, Besslii McCarthy, Murlc Mumronl, May vloiitrose. Ilesale ilium, Flora W. ihirtliie. Ella Mursbnll, Anmette .Insey, Mrs. 41. iirlyn, Mora Ilober Kuilierliie llsyrnond. Kitty ItiiKsell, Mabel I'iishpII, Miss T. Iluymond, Nina St. A ii I Mini. Mis. William Sheridan, Maud Kteyeiis, E<lna Steele, Klsle singleton, Anns saiifnnl, Mnud seott, Dorothy Hiiwyer, Clara .-liver, Dorn Surnniervllle Amelia Stewart, Harriet Stephens, Mrs. Paul Frymour, Eileen Sinnroril, Dolly Smith. With M. Siuiifonl, Dollle Smdcrson, Jessie layers Margaret iilianiioy Myrtle Shrink, Merlhu Smith, Mrs.J.A. Stune. Bella Sinclair, Edith She, Mad St'nw, Gladys Sivnn. Kutbcrlne Taylor, Ennn Treiicry, Qucenle Victoria. Ktts Vuls, Louisa West. Elbe) Wells, Corlnns Wnrd, Msc Will by Josle Wuterman, Carrie >Vlndom, Oonstsn'ce WMtman, Helen Whirlwind, Kit Williams, Cora Woodruff, Dora Whipple, Bay Wallace, Flora V'eeks, Alice , Wood. B.'irbirs >VIIi>ok, Anita Wlllhiuw. Carlotta B'orton, Bessie Wagner. Julia « ii.-k, Inlets Wlllanl. Harriet Wnsbbtini. Blnnrb Wagner Slstera Wlllera, Dot Uosette, llnilln* Wltson, Gladys ilnrke Mrs.T.H llllrhrll, 'l'o|ie» Mullen, Joalc Nelniu, Mnud Nye Sielln G.W Newton, Kiln Weston, Evallne ^ ontig, Mrs. Edward /hanliia. Mile. Stepl!, Kmms GEXTl/KMKN'SI LIST. Tolas, Moil*. ndrews Kilwanl Ailnuis, W. C. Armstnil. F. 8. Aldcn, M. ArddL V. E. Auilc-rson. Oltud Adonis Trio Ausllll, GeorKO AllMIll, Dick Aiwtroue, Will A.linnliil. B. Alls-rlH, W. D. Allwitlere Axlell, Mr. Appel, Unhurt Avery, W. Avnlos, Mans. Allen, Frank Arniond, 1: V. Alllfon, Mr. & Mrs- Abrnni, K. J. A rule, Billy Allienlno, _ Frank Anderson, Mali All. Aimer Adnms, Andy Avoloa, The Arstnuig, Doc Al.tllllloR. S. A. needier, J. W. llnrrlngton, It.A llrown, Harry lirooks, Hf.lmrt llnrnea, l'nul _ llllllllKS, II. H Heymer. Joseph Ilrynii, Tom Iki.ver, W. H. Itnrnes, M. M. llceklry, a. B. Ilutblosh Joseph Birch, Jolln Bbyd, J. W. Bell, Johnny l'upn, Frank Bailey 4 Flclchcr Barnes & Wusbhnrn Bennett a Rich llowen, Clarence Illinmlell. 3. II. Brown, J. G. Uellclalre Bros. Bice, E. B. llrown, Harry Benedict, Q. F. Buatuutnan, Arthur Reone, G. A. Brown a Wright, W. A. Broeim, P. n. Barton, J. R. Burke, Charles Hockley, a. B, Brolllur. R. 1! Itehiioht; W. C, Braihlou, QnuflU Bishop, Joseph Baker, Oils Boyd, S. V. a. Brqno, Chris Mreena, Four Billing, Harry Barker. Harry Ervnnl. Siilll Bi'lso. Harry Boyd, s. V. R. linker, William lllnlihenii, Mr. Black, R. U Maine, 11. V. Boyd. C. It. Biiekeye Trio Blake. R. A. Barnes, Stmurt Bnyley. J. W. Bnrl7. Philip Black. J. J. Bailey, K. L. Blaekinoi'ii It n Brown. H. M. Blnghnni, Bnsscll Briton, Tisl Barnes, II. F. BrotiHiin, 1. N. BnrlH<rl. I.iiIrI Biir.7.1, Plelro Ituilow A Blehelson Brady, James Hlalr & McNully Bnrlrniii. Hnrde Brlmrs t'o., r.Il Uonnlmnn, OInni'i Biirrelle, b\ D Iienii. Mr. Brown ft Kills Sister Hlnckmnrc, A.t Bell, Dlg\iy llnlkley, Harry Barry, Mr. & Mrs. J. Brandon, .Toscpt Brandon & Wllej Omnelly, J, 0. Clark, Al OIltTord, Dnve nrockett. W. F Carsqaugh W.H. Cosuorc at Vlerrnei Carrctl, G. F. Carlton, Carl Ciatnbarllii F.W Carulli, Burr Creamer, F. 0 Carney, Osorge Caner, Walter Cacell, Dob t'.rmmvell. F A. i.'air, O. S. Chambers, G. P. Clark, Bert Cramer, Joe Cahlcu. Frank Creamer, T. P. Cosgmvc, T. Crowley & Foley (lulllonetle, Oelse* Coeclii, Mr. foe. c. I) Garr, G. II. Contra & Grnmly Con, Arthur Chandler, 0. Cain & De Forest Crook, at C. Clark, It. K. Chant, Fred Castle & Collins Cnunon, O. H. (Villus, BUI Crane. J. O. I'lieesinsii W.M. Collins, A. P. Cllee, Henry Ciirley, Pete r,'.t:l;i, A. Cooke, Hnliert Cohiirn. George Christian, Jolin Cllftivi, William Carleton, l*w Conlnn. Harry Carleton, Al lielnmr & Lee Downing, W. W, Dunbar. B. J. OcMuths, Tho Dnvls, Edward! >e Hue. Billy Oilier, J. It. Daley, II. M. Dnvls, A- w« Dee, Fnuik Davis, Hal ttunlay, Willie Duplne, Eugene Uaroiuaus, Carl Dobbvn, Win. Donnelly, v. Dell'Oro, LnlKl Dickens, J. O. tiarllngtou. A.O. OeVrles. S. Hemic. Sidney nepew. F- » DbtIs, U. J. 'lel^s.n. Clcent nnprec* Dunne .Oesgoii. G. L. lnvls, Aiisiln Ooyle, Major Dee, F. K. Drase, J. W. iAiiiuiitsou, U.A. ijwreace K!n?«trniid. J.A DeLaln, narry Kepler Trl Kar, Fred Clement Kerr, it; B. Kemper, II. Mm DrTerenux. Knbert Kyll. J. H. DrlKoll. George Kuadtre, W. C Doyle, Eddie DrArlton, RslP- Dodmm, B. F. Dupon, M. I.. Emmons, F. T. Earnest, Prince Elilon, R Micros & Cole .h Kluser. Mr. King, Joe iCnbrtt, O. L. Lee, H. & B. Line, F. D. l/-we, Walter i:mmett. Eugene Lee, M. V, Koo, II. W. Eirle, Bert Elton, 8s Edwardi, D, 8. LaMout, Fred Evens. D. KlQ. J. J. Enrty, J. J. l"l*teln. Louie Klflot. Jack " Kas, llatry I'lAliatrb-k Lynch, J. A. Livingston, BUI l-oomls, C. A. Ultoy, V. T. Lindsay's Dogs a MonKeys Li inn. I.e. - Frmirls, C. If. Foley & Dale 1', )'. P. 1'aliii, a T. J'riiliiel, Jules Furris, II. II. I'ergerson C. O. Famll. BBly 1 he*! Bros. 1'a fair, Frank Fnsler Willis A l'err»ison, Dave 1'laU, E. II. I liilny, John J.'alrlianks. Harvey Fletcher, L. Foreiiiau, I'^lgar Foster, t. W. Fatrs**, F. w. Fem Com. Four Falls, W. A. Frlel. Frank Frank, or sliurtey Dold Frist, Barney I'eeley. Dirk Frlnk, Faldle Fisher, Charles Kioto Shows FIumI Bros. Foster, Mr. C-ullmetle T. L. (lallngher, J. O. Guidon, Frank Qetler, U. K. Corman ft West Currcltson, Gray, Peter llalbicnili, Wallace llllroy, CJiurhiS (Jraham, Fred Gray, i.onlou limy, F. a. Glenson, J. B. Gordon, Dinllv, Men Gray, V. H. Gonnnii ft'West GisMlinaii Arthur Gregiiry, Frank clttiinon, Walter Green, J. !■' Mlefihen lisMsek, Harry Glrard, Gilbert Mnkclee. Mont Greene, K. I). Uormah ft West Ms Leo. W. .1. Gere, Larry •ireeu ft Werner UcNlsh Qsgnonx. Tli". Glldiy, fleorge Green, Veno Gray, sfaarj Gcuaro, W. S. Uaode, W. T. Giifslde. Condit ft Mack' Co. Miller Bros Gordon, Harry Mead. D. H. Gorman ft West Muck. Andrew Greene, E. D. Model Plate IloKiiii, Ernest Holland, K. J. Hrlines, W. J. llyleiial, Tom Harris, Q. H. Hnwt home, H. . Hamilton. H. R. MulleU, 1. W Kill, in WIII.VII. Petcnt, Mont l.iia-.ilil. Mr. ,1'luuiuicr, Lerter, C. C. Lampe, Jack Lewis, Andy Liibadle, Oliver Leiil.V. J. A. 1 elite, W. M. l-oc, A. 11. l-ee, Day IjTonr. -lack, Billy long, C. H. lewis, Clsnfle U>wla, Cliff LaSsV. King l.avlne. E. Lot/.. William Lea, F. .1. U-vnrds, The l.sDelle, Billy Lilt, O. O. J.aio', W. O. LaRoe. Great U-onar.l ftDrakc !«■, II. V. 1*0, Frtnk lailrd. Iluu- l»rt ft Fife I/wsee. Bert La Wands, Fred I ..vie, Tommy [.ester, II. C. Lowe, Allan Isiwrenee, Al Lee, R. II. .nVell. Frank J#e, Allen Lionel, C. J. Ussey, G. A. u- Rush, Bell l.asky. Jesse Leslie, Q. W. Inltnse, W. E. Merrltt, Hal .McFnrlaud ft M irraj Marttne Bros. Martin, A. P. Miller, Eddie Morton, Lou Mayo, Edgar Mirfire, K. K. Miller, 9. 0. Martlnnettle ft Sylvester Morrlssey, T. P. Mnnley, Charles Mulllcan, l-:dille Miller ft Botes Monday, Little Lincoln ramahsslki. Prof. Pryor. William Perry. J. Ii. Peiser. J. G. Perkins, B. P. Powers, a. W. Powers Bros, loiter ft Hart well Pfonty, C. Q.. I"ogson, l*ercy I'easley, Bob Qntnlsn Edward ltny, Eugene Kohl-Ins, F. A. ltoberta, Jo ltoberson, Sara Bead ft Writ* l.'eed. A. P. Bedding, K. A. Itehm, Georce Bispger, W.V..I* Beeves, Harry ' Iti.i. Charles ilelslng, W. 11.' Rockwood, U.G, Rlnn, (1. P. Itrymona, B. R. Itoblnson, G. K. Biusell, Frank Litter, Max liaynond. It. R. Itlch. B. L. Iliymore, Billy Both, C'lisrles Root, Ralph Ramsa, Q. W. Boberts, aJmes Rio, Aaolph Ross, Dsve Boyrr Bros. Itfajaw, John Rnyond, Frank lieynnlils, Leiv Boberts ft 2 Km met t Ibprd. Prett iilldile, W. P.. Rogers, 1'. J, Boylslon, Craig rtaynolds, Eddlo llussell, Frank Unymond, R. R Uliullng, Qeorge Seymour. 0. O. Stum, Mng Sun, ilns St. Auburn Will Simpson, Eddie Silver ton, \v. Stration, Seymont Shsw, E. F. Kmllh, J. S, Sinnllln. II. I. Sinltl., J. Syltester, J. E. Starkweather, J. A. Sheeley, Mnrtln Swan, M. E. Smith. W, F. Stuart, — Spry. T. B. Simon. Murray .-navlly, Bert Sparks. Charles Stanton, Walter Siimiionds, E. M Sivor Bros. Sheilman. \V. S. St. Clair, Kddlj 'colt.' T. A. WnlLer. ttsSBsMWassaa, J.isetib VailiU'lls, The |Wrlpht. Elba liero, l.arry Aiiniiiii.v, i.iiiik .-f-oii, i. A. Golden, Geo. F. Uslette, O. I.. Stevens. Charles Gillette, Charles Mathew, Csrti Sehwarls, Fred Gould, Al. Murdock. A. C. Slilpmsii. Ernest GaUagher, W.F. ilacDonald. Smftli, K, D. Great Sontliern w. H. Sylvester, - Minstrels McDonald Noble Lawrence Gordon, Frank Musselman C.II Smith ft ,..,w... I. ll', IIaYUIi \? K t • Gale ft Walters Moil. Rudolph Sharp. Phillips Gendiill, Blcliard McSLerme, J. T. Hwavtwood, J.J /l.-a.u.u f|S|,n Duo tl.~., Ol.nn Marquetti Millar, C. C. C. ijiren, iuw ..iinur, v.. ^.. v,. i^iuuit, Gardner. Cliss. Mooiv, Raymond s»eott ft Johneoa ■llyilou, Wulter Morion. Mr. .IcCres, Frank , Miller, Joe, Mgr S Martiu ft Walls. Jt R. M'eher, Johnny Whitney, C. B. ivieoft, C. A Worths, R. E. Williams ft Campbell Sun Bros. Show Charles Sllvorton, Clauds stnttz. j. a. i. s. I. Joe Jeett, A. H. Snow. G. W. llldpsmy Stuckhart, W.D, St. Leon, Alt Sweat asm, W.F. Smith, M. 0. Shields. Frank Shows Scaulsn. Morian ft Crane Big Mlka Mack. F. J. Bherwooil. W.E. Meunnold. W. J fisnleo, Cbtrlea Murray. J. J. S— Morrlssey. T. P. B Hrinchel, F. E. Hermes, Oscar Harrington, Mortimer, Chas. Melrose, Ernest MitdVe, A. A. lullv ft Meehsu llendrlcka, Bob lliininway. Joe lloldvu Broa. Baffin, ltslnb. Hacker, W. B. llarnsteln, Cbsi llaseall, Lon Hurtlg, I*w , Brown. Hnrrls ft llrown Heron Mortimer Mollis, F. W. Henry, CD. lliiineston. A. B llunvy. Harry How*. Wallace llmlgcs, Harry llohhs, Two llsrt, a A. Hutea, R. H. Hurdle, Tom nail. Bayraon Hale & Francis Hamilton, J. M Herzog Bros. Harrisons, The HtKlges, Frank Hauler. M. K. llyle, W. M. Ilnywanl ft Hitrward Hess, II. 11. llolllugsivorth. Prank lleunlngs, Lewis ft lleunlngs Hnssey. Gesree Hill. C. A. Homes, Kill llailliall, J. M. Hanson, R. P. llsnton, R. V. Herbert, V. F. ■ Harrington, Dan Hodge, R. U. Howard. Pros, Holllngs worth, Frank Harrington, J.J Iloo|*rs, The Harden, Ralph lleilrls, Harry Jnckson, A. J. Jordan ftllarvey Johnson, W. O. Jones, J. A. .Ionian, Fred Jonlon, Hurry Jackson, 11. .1. Jnckson, Arthur June, J. H. J<w. It. J. Jewetts, Tht Johnsoii. Walter Jones, Irving Johnson, ('. H. Koouts. W. 0. Kenney, U. O Bobby McOloskey, Harry Mario ft Aldo Mniion ft Dean Mayo, Edgar Mnek, H. K. Montgomery. Hsrry McCnbe, J. L. Miner. Jerry Mnrvelle ft Gleason Mitchells. The Three Funny McCluin. II. It. Mac. Frank Melville, Frank Millard Bros. Mack, a ft Helen Murray, D. McTyre, Frank Murray. Lawrence Montague. H.I Hwrajr: Georgi Miaco. A. F. MrNlrliol. Jne Miller, Claude Miller. Billy Mimeher, n.vtharg Miller, Jiiiiim wstpar. A. J. Marshall ft Ervln Mornn ft Wilson MeCnrdy. J. A. Madden. I.. B. Milium. J. Marker, Gsorge MeGrevy ft Marshall McF.vIden, narry Murphy, T. 11. Nelsii. G. II. \ewlan, W. F. Nlhln. Frmlerlck Newton, Joe Netrrotto, J. B, Nevllts, W. A. Nrff, Ben N'lehoU. C. K. Noi'lhrup, II. L tirvllle, Frank Ollon, R. K. (Irion. B. d'Honnell. John Oi-hl. K. Ound. Joe • ■pel, Henry Owen ft Siinlnn lilts. 4 O'Cnnnelt, S. J. Piittersnn, L. D. Perry, Chas. D. Peterson, J. J. Pcrleiet, George,Wolf, Jack Park. P. F. Iwilsnn. J. K. Scott, H. J. Inrlnger. Will .llater. Boscoe Smith, J. J. St. Clslr, LeRoy Speedy, K. P. Stlckney, RobL Stanlays. The Slater ft Finch Sp.iuldlng. F.M. Slim J. M. Smith. Tony St. Clair. Ben Smith. Walter Selllckan, Charles Stanley, Martiu Spencer. Ben Sutherland Dan Small, T. O. Tlghe, T. V. Travis, Frank '/easier. Wilson 'lliomas, F. R. Thompson. Hnllett Trimble, «L 8. Taylor, P. M. Tyrrell. Al Tolln. II. I.. Tucker, Ji W. Travis^ F. H. Tee), 0. M. Tnrnour. Jtjles Tulle. W. A. Taiinehlli, K. D. Taylor, K. tt. 'thorn, Arthur Teeliow, George Trelegan, R.AV. Taylors, Tlic Taylor. Earl Thompson, O. N. Winchester R.L. | Wlllard, C. P. Satm * Howard Wolfe. I.en WocilwsrH. Hsrry Wentel, Fred Vonnc. Rdwln Yellow Besn, Chief Zsrrow Trio Zoysrra, Eddie 'Penny. C. K. Terrlll, liYsnk TUlson. It A. Harry Van. Kmest tlnlen ftDnnlap Vaggle, Mllo Valilnres, The Tir ana Vaefc. F. II. Vlllnlr. Allen Volkmnnn, Wm. Vnntello ft Nina Van Oaten, ILL. Vsiutht. S. K. Venn, Ovde rack. ii. v. Vender. Dlok Vim Slyke, Mr. Vetler. J. K. Wltson, Fred Williams. O. J. Wilson. George Williams. J. B. Wyckoff, Fred Wolters. Dnvtd While, C, F. Wilson. F. H. Wbltelaw, Arthur Wetsel, Harry IM'lHie.V, I,. \J< 1 .II,, I. r. IMll^lHI, J. ICelly 4 Vlolette I'sreor, Cliarles W.nnl, T. F ......... L-. T lilH-La. T., u .,,.l, 11-^1. a«1 1, Klrkc. F. J. Knapp, K. II. Kates Bros Keougb. Eilwln Reno, Welsh ft Melrose Kelly. J. K. Ketulell, Lee. Kenan. Frank Ksliler ft Marlon Kugrt. Lee Klnskt. R. S. Knapp, Harry l'lrelier. Joseph j'tcnnl Hi.-.. Pattnu, G. S. Parker. 11. t:. Piokop, Cburlcs Falls, A. It. Cool. R. S. Peauscliuildt ft ' Seller I t*«nl*0!» ft vv>|ey Price, O. P. Plstt, 9ldney I'luuril, Mr. WclUQl, 'r.'f. Wright ftWrlght Wclttcl. Tallies We«t»u, Clieuter Wei ell, Ben Wlahtiuun Allen Wright, U. Wnrron, W. J. WHmiu, "Bon Wlnrhestvr. RX Williams. R. a. Wliltson, Floyd Wolon, llorace Williams, Harry West, D*r«rr*at Waters, John W'slsh. Frank MelbourniWnker, Louis Woodnutt. Mr. W'rlchts, The Whelen, Frsnk Wrews, The 2 Iwest, J. O. ■BB NOTICE AT HEAD OF MIT. ««» PEX.VSYLVASIIA. Philadelphia.—The changes for the week bring to view here five offerings new to local theatre goers. These are "Lctty," presented by William Kaversnam, at the Broad; •'Can- dida," In wblch Arnold Daly appears at the GatTlck: "An American Princess," presented by the Dearborn management at the Chest- nut : "Home Folks," at the Walnut" and Lederer'n production of "Smiling Island," at tlil> casino. AciDBMY of Music.—The operatic per- formance tills week occurs'on Tuesday even- logi when "Alda" will be, presented by the foiWlnsT cast: Mines. Fames. Walker, Hchnf- fer, MM. Carusd, Scottl, Pladcoo, Muhl- tnonn nnd (Jlordanl. On Friday arternoon and Saturday evening the rhlladplpliln Or- chestra Elves concerts with Lillian Hlauvelt as soloist. The (Irst performance of the opera season, Tuesday evening of last week, brought out- a large and distinguished gathering. linoAn Htrrrt TttEATBB (Niton & Zimmer- man, managers).—The curtent week begins a fortnights engagement nt Ibis house for William Kflverslinm, presenting "Letly." The second and last week for William Gillette, In "The Admirable Crlchton," proved prosper- ous. Christmas week brings Mrs. Patrick Campbell, In "The Sorceress/' r,uiiiicK TitCATiiB (Frank Howe Jr, man- ager).—Arnold DalV brings his product Inn of "Candida" to this house this week. The engagement Is for the week only and on Wednesday nnd Friday evenings. Instead of "Candida" the double bill of "The Man of Destiny" nnd "How He I.led to ner Hus- band" will be presented. Mansfield's en- gagement closed last week with continued benvy attendance. Next week, "Checkers." Ciiehthit Sts,eei Opera House (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).—Wright Lorlmer continues his engagement in "The Shepherd King" this and next week. Christmas week brings Savage's production of "Parsifal," In English, for a fortnight's engagement. chestnut- Sti'.ekt Theatiu: (Nixon A Zim- merman, managers).—After a prosperous fortnight with "Flff! Pnff!! tail II* this house now has the first production In this city of a plnv. In four nets, by Henry Itaeder, entitled "4n American Princess." The pro- duction Is made by the Dearborn manage- ment, nnd under Hie same auspices neit week will lie seen "The Forbidden Land." Walnut Street Theatde (Frnnk Howe Jr., mnnnger).—Joseph Ilrooks' production of C. T. Dnzey'a American piny. "Home Folks." is seen for the first time IhLs week nt this house. The engagement Is for two weeks nnd is to be followed Christmas week ■R Chauncey olenit. "Checkers" continued to do n thriving business last week. -Casino i iciia h. Knenlg & Ledercr, mana- gers).—Rice's "Merry Shoo Girls" finished Its prosperous locnl engagement last week and this week we ore to hnve. Lederer's produc- tion of "Smiling Island." During the tore part of the week It Is necessary to bave dress rehearsals, so that the tlrst performance will oecur on Thursday evening. Finn Thbatbb (F. G. Xixon-NIrdllnger, munnger).—Klcbgrd Carle continues to en- tertain the patrons of this house during this week with "The Tcndefrfoot." This same attraction kept tba bouse completely filled throughout last week. Dec. 26 brings Den- man Thompson, lit "The Old Homestead." National TimwnK (Joseph M. Kelly, man- ager).—After a profitable week with "Cohen's I.uck," the offering ut this house aOw Is "A Woman'B Struggle"' Next week brlngB Rout. Fltzslmmons. (lit and ofeiia 1 lot-SB (G. A. Wegefsrth, manager).—"A Culuese Honeymoon', holds the hoards at tU's house this week. Last week's performances of "Running for Office" wore well attended. The anpouncenient for the coming week Is "Winsome Winnie." hWlkl Theatre <F. G. Mxou-Klrdllnger. manager).—Last week the patrons turned out In force and appreciated the thrilling scenes In "Dealers. In White Women." This week the offering Is "Why Girls Leave Home," with Thomas E. Shea scheduled to follow. Hi.aney's AncH Stbeet Theateb (M. S. Rculeslnger. manager).—"The Great Auto- mobile MyBtery," a new thriller, produced by Chas. E. Illaney, met with a hearty reception Inst week, drawing audiences of splendid size. This week's offering Is Barney Gllmore, In "Kidnapped In New York." Next week, "A Girl of the Streets." 'GiKAitn Avbxuu Theatbb (Miller & Kauf- man., managers).—"Tracked Around the World" Is the melodramatic offering for the current, week at this house. The announce- ment for the coming week Is "The Mis- sourlans." There was large patronage last week for tho admirable performances of "The Crisis." Habt'.s Nkw TURATna (John W. nart, manager).—"The Flaming Arrow" is the enr- reut offering at this house. The filled houses last week attested to the attractiveness of the melodrama, "A Working Girl's Wrongs." Underlined for the coming week: "The Little Church Around the Corner." Fonnr-Ai<mrs Theatre (Miller & Kauf- man, managers).—The admirable perform- ances of "Iter Marriage Vow," by the stock company last week, earned the commenda- tion of the patrons and the heavy patronage bestowed. This week, the stock Is present- ing "Rose Michel." while "Hazel Kfrke" Is in rehearsal for the coming week. SaakR's Bijou TnjjATnit (Carl Saake, man- ager).—"Lenh the Fors-ikcn'" and "Tho Youngest Lieutenant" are being presented by the German stock company this week, STANhAitii TliRATitR (Darcv ft Speck, man- agers).—In "The Land of the Living" the stock company has oportunity to distinguish Itself this week. Last week's performances of "On the Stroke of Twelve" proved very popular with the patrons. "The Game Keeper'' Is underlined for the coming week. Keith's New Thbatbh (H. T. Jordan, resident manager).—On the programme this week are: Mabel McKlnley. Kmmett De Voy nnd company, Six Gllnserittls, l'nul Itnrnes, I.nlgl Del Oro, Four Rlanos, Warren nnd Gnrdner, Cnrtcr and Rluford. Lavender and Totnson. Ada Arnnldson, Herbert Brooks. Kimball and Donovan, the Mnrlnelms, Mills and Morris, and the hlogrnph. Ron Ton Theatre (Ron Ton Amusement Co., managers).—This week's bill includes: Four Mistletoe Girls, Kdwards and Ullss, Paulino Wills. Muller and McGlll. Hnlltuan and Collins, Stuart nnd Shorty, Shcdman's trained dons, the Hollands, Louie West Slmmonds. llrown nnd Ktdrldgc, Howard and Monroe and Paul Gordon. Bur—HI Stheet Opera Housd (Frank Dtuuont, mnnnger).—One of the new features this week Is a burlesque, entitled "Frenzied Finance, or How Mrs. Chadwlck Got the Money." Nlpp, Nnnp end Nlpu aro also ou the programme, and Charles HeywoA-d helps to eutortaln. In addition thero Is the usual uttTilctlve tlrst part. Lyceum Tiihattoj 'John 0. Germon, man- ager).—Thu World Betters furnished a pro- gramme of burlesque and vaudeville for trie delectation of the pstmns this week. The Now York Stars provided excellent farce last week and were rewarded wlll't liberal patronage. TnncAtinRO (Floyd T.inmnn m*nnp*ri.— Reilly ft Wood's Dig Show held the boards lust w«-ck nnd delighted the bouse full of patrons each afternoon and evening. This week the programme la provided by the t'herrv Blossoms Ninth ano Ancn Mcmxm (C. A. Braden- bitrgh, manager).—Lionel..the lion face boy, heads the features In the curio hall this weeg others being: Cspt Chittenden, In- dian scout; Daisy Leroy, Circassian beauty ; Vlto Baslle, vegetable king: Geo. Brown, contortionist, and Wyoming Jack and'Bralrle Nell, Wild Wear. In the theatre the pro- gramme Includes: Buller and Raymond, Jennie Adams, Connell and Swan, John E. Drew. Florence Pierce, Lyric Comedy Four and the clneograph. Notes. —It Is announced that the first pro- duction on "Jane 8hore," In which Virginia Harned Is to star, will be made here Dec. 20. Nellie Follls, an actress at present rehearsing for the production of "Smiling Island," nt the Casino, waB married In this city Friday, 2, at the Cathedral, to Edward W. Burdlck, a lawyer, of New York. The reremony was performed by Rev. John C Carey, and the bride ws given away by Knox Wilson, an actor and musician. a " Plttshnru.—At the Nixon (Tho*. 3. Kirk Jr., resident manager) Viola Allen, In "Win- ter's Tale," Dec. 12-17. The second ana flnal week of "Mother Goose" closed 10. Business continued big. Ada Rehan 10-24. ALVlM (Harry Davis, manager).—'Marta of the Lowlands" is the stock offering this week. Last week's production of "A Fool and His Money" was very successful, nnd the attendance was ail that could be desired. "Sergeant James" 111-24. Gayetv (James R Orr, manager).—Wil- liam BramweU. In. "Captain Bsrrlngton," 12- 17. Large audiences were the rule last week tb see Edward J. Morgan, In "The Eternal City." Janet Waldorf snared the Doners with Mr. Morgan. Creston Clarke, In "Mon- sieur Heaitcalrc." 10-24. nuoii (tt. M. Gtilick. manager).—"Tilly Olson" 12-17. The popular melodromo, "The Fatal Wedding," played to great big busi- ness last week. "A Desperate Chance" 10- 24. DttQOESHB (R. M. Gullck, manager).— "Busier Brown," 12-17, the second visit this season. "Hnppv Hooligan,'' with George D. Melville, packed the house last week, crlm- mlns and Gore, Mnmle Conway, Clarice Whit- ney nnd Blanche Stella were accorded hearty rccept'ons. "The Burgomaster" 10-24 Empire (E. J. MeCullough. manager).— "Deserted at the Altar" 12-17. Gotthold's Vaudeville Celebrities drew large crowds last week. (Hickman Co. of Yiddish Players 10-24. Avenue (Harry - Davis, manager).—Anna Kva Fay remains another week, 12-17.. She drew 8. R. 0. last week and crowds wore turned away nightly. (Harry W. Williams, manager). —Manchester's Vanity Fair Co. 12-17. Rice & Barton's Big Gaiety Co. entertained last week la' a most successful manner. The patrons were on hand In crowds. The Gay Mnsquernders 10-24. Oband Opera House . Harry Davis, mon- ngcr).—Crowds filled this house last week. This week's bill: Cbrystsl Heme and Co.. Imperial Japanese Guards, O'Brien and Havel, Stnart Barnes, Maddox aod Prouty. Boston Brothers. Marlon Garson. Earl and Wilson. Cunningham and Lord, the De Les- seps, the La Jesses, Wenons- nnd Frank, Watermelon Trust and klnetograpn. Stab (Keystone Amusement Co., mana- gers).—Business was excellent last week, without one dull moment. Current week: The Adams Duo, Iva Doanette, Woods and Bohm,, Dainty Marjorle Barrett, Woods and Green and starograph action scenes. Notes. —Tbe National Alliance of Bill Posters and Billers of America held its an- nual convention here last week, at which everything passed off In a harmonious man- ner. One of the pleasant features of the gathering was a banquet nt the Colonial Hotel, on Tuesday night, at which many prominent people connected with tbe theatri- cal and other professions were present Janet Waldorf, a native of this city, was Donna Roma, In "Tbe Eternal City," at the Gnyety, last week, and was very, successful. She was tho recipient of many complimentary press notices James Richmond Glenroy, always n big favorite here, scored his usual success last week at tbe Grand Opera House. ......R. M Gullck, manager of the Bijou and Duquesne, has returned'from New York, where be lias been, for some time past, on theatrical business. « - - Hnrrisbnrar.—At the Lyceum (M. Belt, manager) "Polly Primrose" (Adelaide Thurs- ton) drew a fair sized audience Dec. 0. Grnce Van Studdlford, In "Bed Feather," had good business 10. "Checkers" 13. Rob- ert Downing 14, "Mr. Wlx of Wlckham" aiid "The Pretty Shop Girls" 15, nnd Henry Mil- ler 10. Opera House (M. Rels, manager).—"In tbe Shadow of tbe Gallows" drew well D-7, nnd "Deserted at tbe Alter" had big business 8-10. "The Strange Adventures of Amos Skeeter" 12-14, "A Little Outcast" 1S-17. Notes. —Harry Dnre, of Fredo and Dare, Is in a New York hospital recovering after an operation for appendlcifs Frederick Kerhy, of the "Polly Primrose" Co., was taken seriously. Ill here 9 and wng threatened with an attack of appendicitis. He did not lone n performance, but played under a phy- sician's care Francis X. Hope, manager of the "Polly Primrose" Co., was enter- tained nt dinner 0 by Maurice E. Rttss Illy S. HHI, who has a number of attractions on the road, was here 10, en route to bis borne at Reading. » Lancaster.—At the Fulton Opera House (Clius. A Yecker, manager) tbe E V. Pue- Inn Stock Co., In repertory, had very good business Dec. 5-10. except 7, when Adelaide Thurston, In "Polly Primrose," nleased a lnt-ge house. "Girls Will Be Girls" 13, Henry Miller 15. OitAN-iiE Stbkbt Opera Houss, wlilch has not been recently nsed for theatrical pur- noses, has been leased for two years by the Tr.tnsrontlncntnl Vaudeville Association, and will reopen 12. The house, will be conducted on the continuous performnnce plan. Bill for opening week Includes: Ilennlngs, I^wls and llennlngs, Misses Harrington and Mnrtell, Ader Trio Novelty Club. James and Davis, the Two Hollands, the Tennants, etc. a Scranton—At the Lyceum (A. J. Dnffy, mnnnger) Grace Van Studdlford 13. "Check- ors" 10. Vogel's Minstrels 17. Gllckmnn'a Opera Co., 0, was well received. William Humphrey, In "The Imperial Divorce," 10, drew well pleased houses. ACAnn»iY (A. 3. Dnffy. manager).—"The Way of the Transgressor" 12-14. "Escaped from Sing Sing" 15-17. "Down by tho Sea." 8-10, came to good houses. Star (Alf. G. Harrington, manager).— The Rnnnway Girls 12-14. the New York Stars lrt-17. The Dainty Duchess, 8-10, had overflowing houses. The World Beaters, 8-7 camo to large nnd delighted houses, l ■ Altoona.—At the Eleventh Avenue Opera House (I. C. Mlsbler, manager) William BramweU, In "Captain Bnrrlngton," had a Inrge nnd well pleased audience. Dec. 5. The Chester l)e Vondc Stock Co. bad full houses H-10. Coming: Mnry Emerson. In "His Ma- jesty nnd the Mnld." 12: ".lease Jnmes" 13, "The Mlssnurlau" 14, "Girls Will Be GlrlB" 15. Cbns. A. Lodcr HI, "Human Hearts" 17. Notes.— Glessner's Ojerh House, at Holll- dtiysliiirtr, was badly damaged by flro morn- ing uf 0. Si Boston—AL tbe Able Opera House (W. k. Detwlller, mnnnger) Wllflnm Faversham, Dec. 3, "Lost Boy,"- 5, and Lewis Morrison, 6, • played- to- fairly good business, ■■ii-j KeMher" enjoyed splcudld business 8. rwi "Volunteer OrganlEt" 20. "Maud Mullsr" *•' "Siberia" 28, ' T The unwritten Law" 2u -.tV; Ghl from Kay's" 30. "A Koxy Boy" 31 ' ««» . ! •OHIO. Cincinnati.—Musical Cincinnati Is look lug forward with Interest to the eniovm. n ; of a week of grand opera, and the advanci sale looks good. qsand Opf-ba House (Harry Ralnforth * John H. H&vlln, managers).—Henry w. Siv! age's Grand English Opera Co. will begin its engagement, Dec. 12, by presenting "Othello" "carmen," "II Trovatore," "Lohengrin," -i. Bohome," "Tannhauser," "Cavallerla n U sti. cana" and "I Pagllaccl" will follow in order Lost week Sam Bernard and Haute Wil- liams were the stellar performers in the mMt successful run of "The Girl front Kay's." "Bnhes In Toyland" 18. Walnut Stbect Theatre (M. C. Ander- son, manager).—J. IE Stoddart Is comiug 11 In "The Bonnie Brier Bush." Last week "Bnster Brown," os Interpreted by Master Gabriel, with the aid of a very Inteliinnt "Tlge," played to tremendous business ud a series of extra matinees proved decidedly profitable. "Unity Tolty" 18. ' HiiCCK's Ol'ECA Housn (Hetick. Stnlr a Fennessy, managers).—"Her Klrst False Step" was nut on 11, after Hetick & Ken- nessy's attraction, "The Charily Nurse," had, played to splendid business. Isabel Fenton was seen to advantage in the role ot Bessie Chambers. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" 18. Robinson's Opera House (George E. Fish k L. Forepaugh Fish, mnnngers).—The Fore- paugh Stock Co, Is to. stage Henry Arthur Jones' melodrama, "The Middleman," 11, Last week' the David Belr.sco success, "The Girl I Left Behind Me," played to a sentience of crushes, Lavlnla Shannon was seen as Kate Kenyon. On account of the Illness of John J. Farrell, Frederick Forrester look up the lines of Llent Hawksworth. "The Bells" and "Nan the Good for Nothing" 18. Columbia TrfEATRB (M. C. Anderson, man- a g er ),—ibe prosper Troupe were the head- liners of the bill offered 11, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Truesdell, Pat Rooney and Mar- ion Bert, Treloar and Tempest, the Silvers, Mitchell nnd Love, and Hubert Devenu as co- entertainers. Willy Zimmerman, Josephine Sabel and Charmlon were three members of last week's house bill who were decidedly popular. Lyceum Theatre (Heuck, Stair & Fen- nessy, manager).—"When Women Love" will come 11, following the Donaxettis, in their famed melodrama, "The Span of Life," by Sutton-Vane, which proved to be ns great a magnet as ever. "Why He Divorced Her," 18. People's Thbatbd (Hubert Heuck, mana- ger).—Rice k Barton's Gaiety Co. are booked to arrive 11. The Tiger Lilies gave one of the best shows ever seen on the stage "across the Rhine," and was rewarded with business thnt was overflowing in character. Vanity Fair Burlesque Co. ■_—___«_* Gossip op the Lobby. —Sam Bernard and Hattie Williams both gave Josephine Sabel liberal applause at a matinee at the Colum- bia Louis Bnttenberg has been secured to mnnagc Rocereto's Band, and that or- ganization will be heard at Music Hall dur- ing the Winter Boss Snow came to join "Buster Bown" here, and will succeed Al Lamar In the role of Michael O'Hare for the New York run of the play Louise Dresser Is resting here, snd goes East to join her husband, Jack Norwortb, In a swing around the. Keith circuit Manager George E. Fish has gone to New York The Great Lafayette presented W. E. Walker (Smiley) with a silver match box after bis successful engagement at the Columbia, and Bob Hllliard gave him a cane Edwin Cleary, formerly of Covington, was In Cin- cinnati during the week. He left the stage bo take up the roll of a contractor, and has gone to Athens, Greece, to direct the build- ing of a railroad Frank C. Payne came In advance of "The Girl from Kay's" William Hackctt, with Ezra Kendall, Is a graduate of tbe Davenport Dramatic Club, urn! bis associates In the amateur days are delighted with the success he Is achieving la "Weatberbeaten Benson." Dr. Selden Rnlnforth was the guest of honor st a luncheon given at the Queen City Club by Harry Ralnforth Manager M. C An- derson has been In New Orleans. (O. M. llefrner, manager) sa'ng" n Opera Co. delighted crowded houses 5-7. "An American Princess" drew to a . louse 8. Wilton Lnckaye, In "The I «■ Dayton.—At the Victoria Theatre (C. 0. Miller, manager) John E. Kellard, In "An American Princess," did a good business Dec. 0. Harry Beresford, In T 'Our New Man, drew fairly well 7. A splendid audience wit- nesbed Wilton Lackaye, In "Tbe Pit." 8. The Shriners' Minstrels (local) was well patron- ised 0. Richard Golden, In "Common Sense Hrackett," did a good business 10. Coming: Ada Rehan, In "Taming of the Shrew," 12; "Professor Napoleon" (local) 16, 17. National (Gil Burrows, manager).—Good business prevailed for "Her First False Step" 5-7. HI Henry's Minstrels did anS. H. O. business 8-10. Coming: Louise Beaton 12-14, the Great La Fayette Show IHi. Soldiers' Home Theathe.— "Touts was given (I, to good business. Coming: "A a rip to Chinatown" 15. . _.. Oiieun (Jos. T. Cnrrsn, manager).—™ bill for week of Dec 5 was Mr. unit Mr*. Parson, Joe Hunt, Levin Bros., Marriott ami Bud Fat-nun). Business good. Week of '-• The Francelllas, C. W. Thompson. Mllna Kberns, Robinson aud Palmer, and Ward ana Brown. a ' Ciiiumim* At Hie Great Southern The- atre (O. M. Heffner, manager) Sayage a Grand ~ Dec. C-i fair house b. drew good houses 9, 10. Coming: lllcharit Golden 12, Ada Rehan 13, "The Forbidden Land" 14, Lulu ulnser 10, Bejaoe 21. Ehpihb (H. A. Welsman, manager).—Tn» Empire Stock Co. played "Sayhn" to crosn- ed nouses.week of 5. Beryl Hope who made her farewell appearance, mndo n deciaeu success as Snpho. "At the White Horse Tavern" 12-17, "The Senator" 10-24. Gkajjo Opeba Hoosn (A. G. Ovens, mana- ger).—The Great Lafayette, M. nnd *■ American Gentleman," », 0. drew «'»■ "Holty Tolty" 12-14, Ward nnd Yokes 15-1 '■ High Stbf.ret (A. G. Ovens, manager--- "Queen of tbe Highway" and "Her 1'irn False Step" divided week of 5, to good busi- ness, "Wedded and Parted" 12-14, HI Hear) I Minstrels 10-17, "Child Slaves of New York 10-21, "The Fatal Wedding" 22-24. Notes.— Ida Adair, formerly of thei t.oj ltimbln Stock Co., Brooklyn, has been signed for leading lody of tbe Empire Slock Co. Doltnetsch Orcuesetra played here 1. under the auspices of the Woman's Musicui club. _ Cleveland.—At the Opera House (A. V. Harts, manager) Mrs. Patrick Campbell, J" "The Sorceress," Dec. 12-17. "Kyrle Belle* In "Raffles." gave entire sitlsfactlon. «*» Feather" 19-24. _. Colosial (Drew k Campbell, manager^. —"When Knighthood Was In Flower" Fa tho offering by Glaser Stock Co. this wee*. "The Girl I Left Behind Me" Jammed the house week of G. "Lend Me Five Shilling* nod "Arabian Nights" 10-24. . Kmpibb (Max Faetkeuhouer, manager).-' By leaps and bounds Farmltn and bis com- pany'have lumped Into popular favor. Al- ready It tt » most unoommon thing to be ante to obtain a.single seat after the performance lias commenced. "VlrglnluB" turned peo)V, e nwny week of 0. "Held by the Enemy 1-- 17, "Camllle" 10-24.