The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1016! TETE IsHEW YOBK CLIPPER. December 17, CIRCUS PEOPLE Season WANTED ™>!> GREATER N ORRIS iron ROWE SHOW CIRCUS, MUSEUM, MENAGERIE and HIPPODROME. High CI^jj Performers, Genuine Novelties, a New Big Seneatlonal Act to Feature, Clowns and Concert People, Musicians for Four Bands, Bagpipers, Lady Buglers, Bosses and Workmen for All Departments, Agents and Bill Posters. • To compsttnt anil reliable people we ca>> offer good salaries and a long inion, Address Tlin.e who htt, wrlt.«n, write again. NOBBIS «fe BOWU, Sail JoSe, Cal. — - ANOTHER BIO HIT AT THB HOWARD. BOSTON, LAST WEEK, MADE BY a—»» GRACIE and REYNOLDS. Act was sncti • big lilt that After the Brit performanre was moved from fifth place down to sixteenth, following everything, and kept them screaming for la minutes In one. Have signed with Mesnra. Sullivan, Harris & Woods' new play, "For Fame and Fortune." LYRIC THEATRE 6* Tlae Gold Mhie 9 *««.•*_»€>}) of THIS We*t.»» PEOPLE IN ALL LINES WANTED, FOR STOCK AND ROAD ENCASEMENTS ! WANT GOOD PLAYS FOR STOCK, with special paper. GOOD AGENT WANTED ailditii, People not at liberty now, send in roar permanent 11. WAI/rBK VAN DYK1, Manager i.Tric Theatre, St. Joseph, Mo. SEASON 190S. The Creat Wallace Shows. ViSVSn w *» Show People, Freaks, Ifov.lty Acte, Lady Performere. lead TvaniBV, photo* anil mention .salary. Ticket Sellers that can grind all d AV. Al«o Want a Good Opening Assistant that has voice suitable tor Concert Announcement!. Address W. H. MrKAIlLAND. Manager Wallace Side Shows, Tltnsvllle, Pie. P. H.-An Al Freak for Platform Show. Write at once. Oapt. 0. K. White, write. IP- A"*. C Em .A. jc m? r MANAGER OR AGENT, AT LIBERTY FOR BALANCE OF SEASON. — K—1 consider Mr. Craft one of the best Mam my own woold not be at liberty—ROBRRT Address, Harrlstmri NOTE—1 consider Mr. Craft one of the best Managers I ever had, and were I to continue with ould not be at llberty-ROBKRT fir"' irg, Pa, Dec. 14; 1 Broadway and 2tth St., New York, OWNING Dec. it; Fottstown 16, .Reading 18 and IT; after 17, Metropolitan Hotel, WANTED IMMEOIATB:UY, FOR Miss Mamie Fleming Co., STRONG VAUDEVILLE FEATURE ACT. Bust be • novelty and the best. Prefer people capable of playing small parts. Good Repertoire People wanted at all times. Rend permanent address and full particulars. Addrtss, by letter or wire, w. u. orackv, Manager Kingston Opera House, Kingston, N. Y„ week Dec. 10, Oohoee, N. T,{ week Dec. at), New Brunswick, N. J. BESTFBOW'3 I0LLY PATEFINDEBS, BARD AND 0BCHE8TBA. Wo have the record of nreaklng all records. Betnrn dates every%vhs>*. Hoates.toosmall the only dlfllrulty. Compelled to tarn hundreds away nearly every night. Head the following and more to follow, PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, Nov. SO, 1904.—The Renttrow Jolly Pathfinders have last closed the most •ucoesstal repertoire week ever played In this city, 8. R. O. sign being displayed at every perform- ance. Mr. Rent r row hat one of the strongest companies on the road and his return will be wel- comed by his many, local friends.—U. F. HIGLEY, Ret. Manager. Talent of all hind* address J. N. RBNTFROW, per rout.. W.AVMTUCO QUIOk, CUTTER AND WILLIAMS' ENTERPRISES, Good trading Woman that Can.Play Strong Kmntlonal Lead and Good, Strong Heavy; Good Slnglnsr and Dancing Soubtette thnt Can Act, .. . Good Singing and Dancing Comedian. Send photo and programme and very lowest fealsry In first Ittter, and make your salary low as It Is sure. Pay own hotel. OTHER UBRFUL, STOilK FhOI'LK, write '.. • Charleston, W. va., weeit of Deo. la; Lexington, Ky. week of Deo. IB. Phelan Stock Co. I WOMAN FOR HEAVIES AND CHARACTERS. 1 JOIN AT ONCE. Also VAUDEVILLE ACT TO FEATURE. Addresa ' RALPH A. WAKD, Manager. York, Pa., week Dec. IS. HARRIS-PARKINSON CO. ■ W ANTS Actor forOen'l Business with strong specialty. Property Man who csu act and do specialties, Also want a BIO MSOLK FBATUKK ACT, work in one, or extra strong Novelty Team (musical preferred), siate it you play pan*. Mention ail In first letter. OTUrK pkople, write, especially those who wrote hejorc. aliened oolite negative. s*nbrlery a neersslty. (Summer engagement Id the right people). KOOTY If. UAltRtVAcademy of Mi sic, Durham, N.C, week Deo. is; Academy of Music, ltoanote, Va., week; U«p. id. v. A I linEafW Kttj, UP WHICH THKY DKOIHK Ttl DISPONE, AND ttll I IHJlntLS VAfOKHII.LK ARTISTS WHO ABB IN NBBD OP MVY • ■SB ■ BBBPBBW maTKIUAL, communicate with THE VAUDEVILLE AUTHORS' BUREAU, * oSSbbsMS* "FIELiD STOCK €J€>^ WANTED—Repertoire People in all Hues. Versatile Leading Man, Chancier Maff,^ General Business Mas, General Business Woman. Others wilt*. State If you do specialties. Fares advanced, wui rent or Ouy r'limt tor Mot are Machines. i krankbylvestkr, Manager, New HarUord, Ark. (Owyn P.O.) TUB aiuaT BIjABOMATB MUSIC At, ACT IN TUB BUSIMB8S, Ward-Lester Oo., Touring the Coast as Special Vaudeville FEATURE With SOBLE STOCK CO. Films Films The Very Best Obtainable CRESCENT and PATHE. BEND FOR USTI. xPEfllA I. I A Moving Ploture Camera with or uuiaii! —Dariot Lens, tao.oo. The price we ask for tbtsconldn't pay for the material used In It. one pair Mcintosh Osb Bags, like new, 120. The Clneograph, with stereopticon Com- bined, 1906 Model, with a complete series of box- ing pictures, and a traveling trunk, |lOO;a rare bargain. Genuine Imported Condensers, $1.25 etch, $8.24 per pair. Qlant Film Cement, per bottle, isc. The best bard Limes, per dbz„ 90c, or In gross lota, one doz. in a can, $;. The Oxylltbe (Calcium) Light Outfit, Model B, $».». The only reliable light msklng ontnt for MoviogrictureB. We boy and sell all makes of Moving Picture Machines and Films In any quantity. 338 SPBUM'sTBEETr^ PHII.APEI.PHIA, PA. STIR THEATRE WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON AVES. St. Louis, IVIo. TRICES 13-25-35. CAPACITY $205.00. 14 SHOWS WEEKLY. OPEN TIME FOR minstrels, farce COMEDY AND DRAMATIC COMPANIES. VrVII_s_ BOOK 4 TO 8 WEEKS. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED THEATRE IN THE CITY. C, I>. CRAWFORD, Manngtr. AT LIBERTY, Versatile Character Actor RELIABLE AND EXPERIENCED. ONE PIECE OR FIRST CLASS REP. ROLAND H. BILL, , OALT, ONT., CANADA. WANTED. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Including PIANO player. Join on wire. FISHER & WALTERS' OWN CO., Scottda'o, Pa., Dec. 16-17; Ma»slllon.O.,Dec. 10-34. FOR THK FLUHART STOCK CO. Mm and Wornmfor Liids nil Hii.les. Others write. Address FLUHART STOCK CO., I.r-n Shields, Bus. Mgi.. Ogdrn, Utah. Wanted, Al Sketch Team, Man and wife, that change for one week; both work lu acts; ono must fake or ulay.plano. Salary sure. Slugie people, write, we open In Mo., near Kansas City, about Jan. 8. State all In Orst letter. Mo tickets. Addresa KELTNER A McDANIBL, • •. - »1T Carlisle Street. Dalian, Teias, WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE In all Mm*. State lowest salary. We pay all. NKV1US TANNEit COMPANY. Cinlva, Illinois. J WM. A. LANG Vaudeville Booking Agent, SOLE EaSTEII BEPBE8ENTAT1TE OF THE MB OUST AMUSEMENT ffil, Which has its Haidquirttrs al 218 Hd 219 Dein, Bldg., SEATLE, WASH. ALL ACTS MUST BE SEEN OR KNOWN BYJWM. A. LANO. nr a wrnVlB FOR C0NTIN0O0S VAUDEVILLE THEATRES IN AND AROUND OniOAOO W AW I HM-AHa Good Novelty Acts, Good Comedy Sketch Teams and Extra Uood sinsB Turns. Mntt be good and not cheats. Lou of*work for the right people. Address "" WM. A. LANO, 811 and 3120gden Building, CHICAGO, ILL DON'T miss this. The greatest CROWD GETTER ever devise] NEV liEM,-BUHLESP A 200 ponnd live man can be dropped through trap door of scaffold 6 and 7 feet and hang with noose around his neck, any time desired without discomfort! Represents PERFECTLY a REAL execution' Will create an ENORMOUS SENSATION, ASTOUNDING and PK& PLEXING all who-see It work. (Ton can revive your '"victim 1 ' in »oi?r own way). Patented In U. S., and patent applied for In all .important foreign countries. No Infringements will he tolerated. SCIENTIFIC- ALLY CONSTRUCTED. (Kapeclally designed so that machine can quickly be taken apart and packed for shipment.' Weighs about 4(0 pounds. Even man witnessing this starts l Dg and phenomenal set will induce all of his acquaintances to see same, state fully territory covered by you. Address PATENT ILLUSION MACHINE CO., Room 11, Carr Bldg., 3d Ava., and E. 138th St., HEW YORK CITY. The M. A. Hunt Attractions. WANTB For Hunt's Scenic Revival ef Monte Criito, Juvenile Man. Two Heavy Men. Character Man, Characler Woman, Competent Stage Dlrerlnr, OarMnter7Elw^ PMjer. SHOW OPENS ABOUT JAN. 16. Booked solid. Sendpliui tt and rull particulars In first letter. Ex-managets with kids, boozeis, etc., save stamps. Wsnt people that can appreciate good treatment,|long season, and sure salary. For Bunt Stock Co., Leading Man, General Business Man and Woman. Those with specialties given preference. Mntt have experience and wardrobe. Join on wire. Management pays Hotel and R. R. silence a polim nagailveV People for Monte Crlsto address M. A. HUNT, Midland, Mich. Those for Stook Co., B. H. KILLMAR, »s per route: Edgerton, Ohio, Dec. 12 to 17; Waterloo, Ind., 19-24; Bryan, Ohio, JMI. Will lease a combination dining and sleeping carflIf in flrst elate condition. ANDREW do WIRE'S New Big Shows, Circus, Museum, Menagerie and Trained Animal Exposition. Wanted for season IMS. circus Acts of All Kinds. Riders with or without their own etock, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Contortionist snd Aerial Acts, Good Horizontal Bar Team, Clown and Comedy Acu, Singing and Talking Clown and Trained Animal ActB of alt kinds for Big Show.Rlng Master and Equestrian Director, Han to Work Trained Stock, Concert People, Colored Band that Sing and Dance and do Specialties, also Freaks and Noveltlea for Side Show, Bosses in All Depart- ments. Boss Canvas Han and Assistant. Boss Props, Chandelier Man, Assistant Boss Hostler, Boss Bill Poster to take charge of posting brigade, 10 Bill Posters, Programmers, Lithographers, Banner Men, Man to take charge of cook house, sober, Reliable, Experienced Men Only wanted. The Finest Equipped Wagon Show In America. Wanted. To Buy i or 6 Cages of Anlmala, Two Cameit, One Elephant; one that does an act lu the ring preferred. Privileges for Sale, Refreshment and Oandy Stand, Cane Raok Knife Board, Doll Rack, Balloons, Fans and Feather, Flowers. Show opens at Medina. N. Y., April 2t and worse East all neanon. Address, for three weeks. ANDREW DOWNIK, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, care McPhee'a Big Company. Permanentaddress,Medlnt|N.Y.,BoxH. QErTTEEL HEAVY HAH, for iti on a Una of parts, not over 511.91n; LADT, for Juvinilai, •bolt Sit. 4; GENERAL BIS HAH, wita apecUlties; COMEDIAN, with specialties; flOOD SKETCH TEAM. State lowest salary, as It Is sure. Tell all first letter. Pleasant engagement Winter and Summer, No time for idle correspondence. Those who wrote before, write again. Tickets anywhere to the right people. Address J EAVONS STOOK pO., London, Ont M Canada. GOOD OPEN TIME, CAMBRIDGE, OHIO. Population, 1B.00O. Saturdays, pay days, and always gomt frr rapacity. Qlas< douses. Potteries, Coal Mines, pay every Saturday iron Mills, Tin tWIs De Wolf Hopper>ec«ints, $1,11800. The to lowing Saturdays are open: Dec, 17,24, (], Jan. 7.21, Feb. 4.11, March 11, as, April I, 8, It, tl, 29, May u, 13. Address BBOB., Manage™ Colonial T heatre. '■' ■ '. , B =ggg***g Two Colored Male Dancers and Singers. FIRST CUSS, FOR NEW ACT. ; : J Photos, If possible, at once. Address H. A., core of OLIPPER OflJc;- Those who have written for engagements and have receive no answer 1 desire to. (hank. Sorry 1 couldn't engage all. TO managers i I HAVE CHOSBM WKtilV. PICKED FROM HUNDREDS. THB COMPANY WILL "GO STRONG" ANYWUKKE. PAPBR IS A THING OB BHADTY. Pralns, everlasting energy and money to baoL If managers In Pennsylvania and New York desire suoh an attraction, playing three day and week stands, kindly send open time ro Beilngum, W. vs. CLARKE B. FHLGAR, Manager, CLAIRE TUTTXJES COMEDY CO. " • '■ ADVAXCB A6KNT WANTBD, FOB WAS SUB TO BLAIVXK CO. PiJO. a. Any one who engages with this company and misrepresents qualifications as to experience, so- briety and general ntness to handle the work ahead of sn established attraction, will be dealt wim In no gentle manner. Fourteen weeks of record (breaking bnslncss to date. Tlmftbsokid solid to June 3, IMS. Address E. L. PAUL, Manager, Hterllng, Kan., Dec. 10, or as per route. One Pullman Sleeping and Dining Car, Combined, "HMIIEHA.'' __ Ten Sections. State Room. Smoking Room, Wssh Room. Toilet Room, Linen Closet, lolly tnuljiped with Carpet and Bedding, Kitchen with new Six Hole Range, Hot and Cold Water, 8iaki» OT J"i Room with Refrigerator, Baker Heater, Closet, Helps' Toilet Room: will feed and sleep InrtJ"'? pe. pie; Cellars underneath car; newly palmed—In first class condition. Just the thing for monthly exourslons or theatrical companies. Car at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, ready for Immediate service. Rent for ono month, two. in advance; $126 pcrmonth. In advance, for three or more moniluj. IJM «- posit. Don't write unless you need oar and have the money. h. COXE V, Mt. Vernon, Ohio- Alhambra Music Hall. SAVANNAH, OA. NEIL GILDE A, Proprietor and Manager* WANTED AT ONCE, First Clans Stage Manager that can produce Burlesques, Dramas. ComeoKs, etc.; Versatile Performers la all lines. Sketch Teams, Bister Acts. Single Women, For present ana - Address all correspondence to MBit. OfliDBA. »#.w., <vii.mi<| J Bl IUIIUUI. LU 011 JIUUa, OKQIU later dates. Address all correspondence to THE (3) 6RACBS :j*.'f.1**'»i*>» «****-•-* 'i