The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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DECEMBER 17. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1019 EDISON FILMS. PATENTKD AMD COPYRIGHTED OCT. 19, 100*. NER '.8 IWI WOUNDING OP AMFORTAS. PR0L0QDE. GREATEST RELIQI0U8 PRODUCTION IN MOVING PICTURES 8INCB THE PASSION PLAX. DRAMATICALLY AND PQOTOGRAPHICALLY PKEFKCT. SPECIALLY POSED AND REHEARSED. IDENTICAL TALENT, SCENERY AND COSTUMES USED IN THE ORIGINAL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION. LENGTH, 1,975ft. PRICE, $335.75 Complete Illustrated Lecture and Musical Score Furnished with Each Film. ARIIKST OF PARSIFAL. ACT I, SCENE I. KLINOSOR SUMMONS KUNDRY. ACT II. SCENE I. PARSIFAL IN THE MAOIC GARDEN. ACT II. SCENE II. DESTRUCTION OF THE MAOIC GARDEN. ACT II. 8CENBIII. mm RpP r :.*##'■ &*fcg" ./'•; iY ' EDISON MtMCTORII CO. MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. NEW YORK OFFICE: 83 CHAMBERS ST. CABLE ADDIIESS, KUIUL1AN, NEW YORK. CHICAGO OFFICE. S04 Wabash ATenue. OFFICE for UNITED KINGDOM : 25 CLERKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. KUNDR7 WASHES PARSIFAL'S FEET. ACT III. SCENE I. •BLLINO AOCNT8: THE KINETOORAPH CO 41 E. 21et St., New York. PETER BACIOALUPI 780-788 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. Our Western Office, 304 WABA8H AVENUE, CHICAGO, Carries a Complete Stock of Latest EDI8 0N FILMS, PROJECTING KINETO- 8COPE8, PARTS and 8UPPLIE8. PARSIFAL HEALS AMFORTAS AND BECOMES KINO OF THE HOLY UltAIL—ACT HI. BCENIO II. * SUCCESS SUCCESS * ■a I AR" FILM AN IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE —Ilf 40 TABLEiUI- THE LATEST AMD MOST 60B8E0US SPECTACLE IN MOVING PICTURES LENGTH, 11130ft. PRICK, 9910.00. Write (or our supplement 52, which contains Halt Tones and Kail Description. "Star" RinTSubjects. 039-833-DM A.tonl.hlnR Frame, ou-l-030-Tlie Wonderful ilo.e Tree (Special for Coloring), JUST KKCEIVKD. 037-638—The Shadow Lodr, - 630-640—A Wedding by Correspondence, ... • GAfSTOX MELIES, SO* BAST 38th ST., (TOW YORK CITY. i3ort. SsOOft. 134.00 170ft, 1:10.1)1) - i»3.i 138ft. .00 NEORESGOD HAIR CO.'S Wigs ^P Toupees W Street Wear * Popular Prices. 162 State Street, Illustrated Catalogue Free. 5th Floor, Chicago, III SHOES FOR 8TA0E, STREET AND EVENING. BX0LTJ8ITJ STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vmmp and Stage Lasts always on band. Mall Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. WILL.IAM BIRN8TEIN, •ml us Madison Square. MM BUth Ave., near »ist Btreet. N. T. Hie Only Theatrical 8upply Houm la Philadelphia, pm- 0011 SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, MILLS' PREPARED BURNT CORK, 40c. PER POUND. Qoode .est •Terywltere 0. O. D. when deposit aocomp.nles order. Send tor Booklet. Wt»# son, Sao worthktahth jg PHYLA., between Race ana YmoBta. .( THEIR FIRST QUARREL" A BOOIETY SKETCH, PREBENTED BY WILSON AND MORAN. NOW BOOKING•BAST. Address M. MAGNUS, 07 Clark St., Chicago. JUG6LERS S0PPUES..-HSS^3SS SOME NEW OUTDOOR AMUSEMENTS FOB SUHMPB HESOHT, Most liberal terms :o right parties. Address T0LCHB8TBB COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. STEREOPTICONS FROM 512.11 112.00 OP. NEW AND SECOND HANDS FILMS. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND BONO SLIDES. PEARCE N. Calvert Bt,, Balto-.Md. Flm Hifjeil Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Eta. Grand End of Century, rally Illustrated. BOOK CATA- liOGinB, Sto., (ree by mall, Catalogue of Parlor Trie lu tree MAKTINKA A CO., M(rs., 498 Slrta Are., N. T. DoYouWANTMIUTARYGQQDS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMT or HAV7 BUTTS, TENTS, QUN8 and EQUIPMENT OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. From Government Anotlon. No matter what you want IB tbatUne I can ■apply it New or second band. Bend (or catalogue. & B. ABRAHAMS, tn South St., Philadelphia, Pa. s J. 0. G088C0. af| Balldtr* of ^. HOW CANVA Catalogue and 1 r.__ DKTHOIT tod Hand List) r IBB. STJOH & m. R KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES rsrBANDS,SCaOOLSTriUHEII.MILrrAl and alt others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we publish several Hit.. WESTERN UNIFORM CO. 2J0 Clark Street Chicago III. SKla W«loht», Jewofr/, lS,.rw.r*, BU«. BrlUlant., MMfcnw and Gift Show Good* Prof. Wumnl Ones. Pain to. Bunt Cork, Face Powder, eta. Kowlter 1 . Sons; Books. Fall Una Sf Essie KaMeau. He>4 f»r Oia- mm mvXB catalog™ of PUr. aai BBTT m»». W (er ProCse. alonals and aauieaxa, seal on •ppllcatloa. m ui at., um To XJ. T. JO. Tran.lated means Vp-To-Dats, "ROCKED OH THE OCEAH OF TEARS" Profesilenal Copies fori).T.O program. Ron prof., 80eta. Orchestrations, IB ets. each. PUBLISHED BY The White Music Pub. Co., 736 rioirtoT in., Birruo... I. OPERA HOUSE LA FOLLITTa., TINN. Edna Foy last closed blr week. "Other People's Moner." SS, big hoase. OHRI8TMAB WEEK OPEN. Some good sharing company take It qnlok. Other good dates. Apply T. T. BLWFOHD, Manager. wies TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. sal 0»t latest ana: Moat Papular Style* In Ladlaa' Hair Drawlnf. AoMoBUCHa^COe, lie "J. Iflath Str.ot, ..... Phlladslphla. N. T. Rep.: H. HALLIWBLL, 108 E. 11th Bt. Mil ITADV Pnonfi uniforms, oann, Swords, RerolTsrs, Osnnons. Tenn, Ete. ■niBal I Mil I UVVUO Everything In the Mllltar» Line—(ully described Inoor large nagaclneOatalogae, containing net cash prtosa with upwards o( 1.000 Illustrations Price of catalogue 16 cents— nulled on receipt ofecentaln stamps, mentioning thlssdrertlsemeot Customers write ostbat our 'CATALOGUE 18 WORTH ITSWRIOHT IN GOLD." Wenavethalargeatatook In the world of military Ioode from Oovernment auctions. Dealers Supplied. Frsnce. Bannermsn, 679 Broadway, New Tork. DIRECT FROM WHOLESALE, HAVINO OF 10 to 16 PER CENT., ANT LENGTH. Swell Effects (or Shirt Waist Balls, CTMe. np. Exquisite ibapes In Orepe de Chene, aso. up. Oil Boiled Taffeta*. Ohlffon Taffetas, Feau de Seine, Bapho, Peau de Crepe, and all the newest, bait weaves at liberal dis- count. Bend too. (or fall Una samples, reluuded flrst order. Illl IIAIID9 ft PHIPPS, SO STATE BTREET, CIIIOAOO. IAVC YOUR VALUi Our Steel, Combination Lock, Trunk Safe Weight sxm), (astens In your* trunk. It la a great worry saver. Bend (or details PHICBJ, 18 00. TBBILOWBIE SAFE AND LOCK CO., Oslesbarg, III., or 1106 Fletlron Bldg. ». T. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. PLANTS, PALMS, TREES, GRASS PLOTS, FOLIAGE and EVERYTHING FOR 8TA0K and LOIIBY USB 00N8TANLY IN STOCK, 8ENO FOR CATALOGUE ANI) PRICE LIBT. DECORATIVE PUNT CO., 67 Lafayette Plaei, N. Y. PLAYS Fir Steel Ciapnlu, fir Ripiittlri Cupulit, fit Aaatttts LABQEBT AS80RTMFJNT IN THE WORLD. BooU tot bOBM *iTHif a, Negro Playa, Paper, Seenerr, Mm. Jarlay'a Wan Woska. Catalogue Free I Free I Ft*. I SAMUEL FRENCH, IT W. 23d St., Mow Tovfe. •Tin.. 301a... saia |BT9. CASH sain fft.»0. iaoo. WITH Mln M.SB. OitUKH Bod for call. TBUJIK AMO MAO CO., 18S Colambla, Awe., Phlladslphla, Pa.