The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1020 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 17, FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT WHTEFOIR Fill RENTAL BUREAU, 84 I. CLAM BTBEET, OmOAOO, ILL Case Publishing company. LOOH.ORV. N.W VOHH ran i«.i AT Alt new* ithnoj. NEW FEATURE FILMS. The following list Includes all new Feature Films, selected because ^f their quality from the output of the various Film Manufacturers In the United States and Europe. Our guarantee goes with each subject, which will be shipped C. O. D., with privilege of examination and return, if not satisfactory, on receipt of express charges: FIBST CLASS EINSTBEL TALEHT. VOCALISTS: BASSO, to do Middle, or HEAVY BARITONE, to do Middle; TENOR SOLOISTS cornet irauBtbs strong for parades), doable84 Violin: DANUERS. to double brans: OTHER FIRbT CLASS, SOBER, RELIABLE PEOPLE. JOHN W. VOCEL'S BIG CITY MINSTRELS. Name lowest salary, atate what you can and wi'i do In Brut letter; I p» board, lodging and traua- portatlon. Addrasa JOHH WTVOGBI., Owner and Manager. ROUTE: Blonmsburg, Pa., Deo. IS; Berwick 14, Pittaton IS, Wllkasbarre id. Soranton IT, Norwich, K. Y.: 19: Oneonta, N. Y.. 20. LEARN MIND READING an*J how to cuutrul Die mind ut uihirt. Our book *■ Hi* iulii«i of miint Miiiluf, makti avarv _ io ottar tli»i *ii7 u«r iiiit can uiitUrtUud ana bawmsaittxifrkrulnil reader (n a •horlllwt. y.J c*a rr.tnltj *»u* frUoJi, |!r« publU aiHrltJa, r.-rm end help jeureilf to eoelei aaA ami mm eupoeee. Our both eiplelu all tfct tela c*T *JI the mlBd • rwultre Bti* Urare lee nubile. ,Yno t'ea lie Then All, Alee ulli bo* le to*- i ml the MMMl doctor ether ulnela uA atfco than ileMemlofl; Imporelblrfrit*. •'ThtHre- t*r*eflltilIlr*ll*frUi-*M , 'MBLrHjii r il,lf.Br»»l r tt'f *>B CENTS CLYDE PUB. CO*, Grand OroBitnf, Chicago, III. CAUL. McMAHON'S F»moui Theatrical RESTAURANT *7» SIXTH AVBNUB. Between nth and nth St, NEW YORK 011Y. Beit ot Food.Perfectly Cooled, Iiellcloualy fcerved. Prices reasonable. Special Dining Room lor Ladlee, WANTED, TO «PB», Strong; Dramatic Company Playing one, two or throe night alande to "pen new opera bouie In town ot 80O. Contributing territory, 8,oo>. Homo and aoenery all now; elecino lighted; capacity, 800. Stage, 10x40. Big buBlneaa aaaured. write. OL1NOER BROS., FrMklln, III. MANAGER WANTED, For CLArH IATHES' CO. Excellent company, established reputation, abil- ity, experience, wardrobe, printing, em. invca- ligation desired. Addreaa CLARA BATHES, Care of Charles Lindsay W'p'i Theatre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, "TBI IO BVBBABITB" (Blograpb). Length, t:s feet; price I1M.T0. ToU la a oomlo dib In seven icenea, which depict the experi- ence* of Br. Oltyman and bis family in looking for restaod happiness In tba suburbs. ••THI JLOlT CHILD" (Blograpb). Length, MB feet; prtt* f80.T0. This Is an exceedingly comical dim. showing • aeries of laughable ad- Tenure*. *hloh happened to a man anapected or stealing a baby. "INPOiaiBLB VOVAOK'MMellea;- Length. 1.0TI feet; price lie J oo. Tbls exception- al fllm shows the fanclf il adventures of a body of sclenti.ia.wh-> take a trip on an Impossible train nnder and over the sea. Tbls fl'm Is similar In style to lbs "Trip to the Boon.' 1 «FROH OHRItTI AN A TO THB NORTH CAPE" (Pathe). Length, 4W feet; price $51.12. Tola to e pbotographlo reprodactlon of various 5laces passed during a trip from Christiana to the forth Cape. The film oonld be called "In the Land ot the Midnight Sun," and ihowa some vrry artistic effect* "THUS ADTBNTVBB* OF SANDY MeGHEGOH" (Blograph anthorlied dupli- cate of original by Clarendon, London). Length. 1M feet; price |8t 01. A very humorous subject showing the adventure* ot Sandy, wh«*ls oensht by twoyounar ladles on a lonely beach while pre- paring to take his bath. "LOCOBOTIVB ■ LEG. AACBOl TRIOIV r*. stbam" (Blograph> Length, MS feet; prtoe MR *>• Tbl* Is an nnnsnal subject, showing a series rt race* between the powerful electric- train, whloh was tested by the Hew tork Central Railway and the regular fait Nail Train, We consider this the moat exalting, as well sa In- teresting railroad train scene f bat wa» ever made. ••A KAOB FOB A KISS" (Blograph an thoriitd duplicate from original by Hepworth, London). Length, MJ feet; price. This shows a pretty girl with rival lovers, one of them a Jockey and the other a chanffenr. Both of them plead for a klse and ahepropoaee a race between the two for the prize Toe race It ran four times around the track with varying fortunes, bu'. the automobile finally gets the best of it. when a con- stable arrests the chauffeur for speeding, and the Jockey wins the prize. Fu'l or notion and amuae- ™TII« BALTIC FI.BET AND THB NORTH SEA TBAwliEHS" (Biograph au- thorized duplicate from original made by War- wick, London). Length, 218 feet; prioe, $83.00. This la a posed picture, but Is unusually remark- able and of great public Interest because It de- taUa accurately the Incident which almost caused war between England and Russia. The opening scene shows the Trawlers at work, the men sort- ing Hah. The next shows the Rawlan Fleet Just before starting out for the Orient; next shows the Torpedo B >*t Destroyers. The next scene ah iwa the fleet Bring with all gnns. The two following scenes sh ,w the Trawlers after bavlng been dam- aged by tbe Russian fleet wltb huge boles In their ■CM. "AVBSIGING A CRIME, or BDRNBO AT THB STAKE" (PMey A Sterner). Length, tas feet; price. I87.7S. This is a highly sensation- al fllm showing robbery and murder, the alarm, the cbaae, and Una) capture of the murderer, end- ing wltb a burning at tbe stake. AMONG OTHER RECINT 8UBJICT8 WE CAN RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING: XITOABflON ... PCUSU1AI, THB MOONSHINERS INDIAN* ABO COWBOYS A Pai«OB*S IN DMOUISB A nSW BULL FIGHT A CHEEKY TRAVELER THB STRIKE ... THB TRAINED MONKEY, AUGUST Blograph) Blograph) Blograph) (Path*) (Paths) (P»th») I (Path*) (Path*) (Path* TTBft. 371ft. 960ft. seoft. SB7ft. 377ft. 104ft. 4411ft. 340ft. 15c. per foot. l»e. p*r root. lSe. per foot. 19c. per foot. lUc. per foot, 18c. per foot. 19c. per foot. IS*, par foot. 19c. per foot. We have li stoct isWcted Short FUm ot all Bakes, of which any quantity will be shipped 0.0. D., with privilege ol examination and selection, on receipt of Express Charges. WE DO NOT 8ELL SECOND HAND GOODS OF ANY DESCRIPTION. KLEINE OPTICAL CO., IN PROJECTION APPARATUS. 52 State St., CHICAGO, ILL. HEW TOBK BBAHCB, 127-129 West 324 Street. HAILED FREE.—New edition of oar catalogue, Describing moving Picture Machines, Stereoptlcoa*, Films and Slide*. ORIOII The Girls in the Overalls" (COPYRIGHTED.) Th* Boat Advertised Fllm on Earth. Saa S-Faae Illustrated Article In NEW YORK JOURNAL, SAN FRANCISCO BZUSINBR, BOSTON AMERICAN, CHICAGO TRIBUNB and CHICAGO AHBRICAN, Etc., Sunday, Oct. 10. LENGTH, 350ft. PKXCE, 142. SEND FOB CIRCULARS. TRACKED by BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING IHEADLINER OF ALL The lost Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. | MOVING PICTURES. Film Ever Hade. Negative AotaaUy made In Colorado. Length, 460ft Price $64. Don't forget th* II hit, Thre* Ball* Killed and Nil Hon** Gored In Front «f Casnara, bENOTH, oOOft. PBIOB, |T*J.00. •thai- big WATCH FOH GREATEST BENBATIONAL FILM EVEH HADE. READY SOON. SEND NAME FOR ADVANCE I INFORMATION. SELI6 POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL H. H. BTJCKWALTBB, General Wastarm Agent, Danwar. Colo. » EUGENE CLINE *CO. RENT "We have made It poailble for all manager* to get a pletaara pro- gramme that la not anrpaaied by any Vaudeville Theatre In America. INSTALL OUR SERVICE. IT IS r ■HI 8! 10 E. 14th St., Hew Terk City. 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. SIEGMAN & WEIL, 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Btt. Spring snd Brooms), Nsw York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,... Tights. Wigs, ... Gold & Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wo Mnd goods C. 0. D., lubjoct io Inspection, but roqulro s deposit on oil Ordsrs. SCENERY For Every Thing. ELIZABETH CURTAIN CO., SEND 4 cts. FOB CATALOGUE No.*. Send lots. for Catalog?* No. e. Write tu. ELIZABETH, M.J. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, tU W. 23d ST., NEW TORK (014 Boater A Blal'a), HALLETT THOMPSON, Manager (late Wood's Orm.) Special rates to performers, $1 a week. SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With loving Picture Attachment. For showing both Moving Pictures aa well as Lantern Slides, and producing beautiful Dissolving •effects, Nuce. B»ry where tho best results are desired. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VIEWS sand FILMS IfKEM^Hf... Illustrating every subject of Art, Travel and Literature and all timely topics. Latest war scenes, Ut. Louis World's Fair, Etc. Popular ana Religious Illustrated hongs, Etc. In fact, unr subject sdapled for the giving of Public Entertainments. PWAPROFITJBLE BUSINESS FOR MEN WITH SMALL CAPITALS . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED OATALOQDK —Free—which tells the cost of an outfit, explains and Instructs you how to con- duct paying entertainments. McAllister, Mfg. optician, 49 NASSAU 8TREET, NEW YORK. Mlibarfv. "NERO." SSSSWR*!® ■alllVIIJj UMlVj ROCK NEBO, *H SO. Oeoi o'aiilea on Stage, and »nWe Batons. Qeorge St., Rome, N. Y. CAROUSEL FOR SALE, EXCHANGED AND REBUILT. KRBMEIV8 OAROUBBL WORKS, Ml 11th Ave., L. I. City.N.V_- Are 'oor specialty. Try us for prices. All our lamps are new code style, and will pais Inspec- tion In any sta'e. Band le. stamp for catalogue We are tbe patentee and mannfaotnrera of the 01 enln Stage Pocket. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC 8TAOK UOHTINO 00.. Electro-Optical Stage Lighting Apparatus, llj West 40th St., New York. Telephone not-nth St. AT LIBERTY, CLARIONETTIST. Address H. BOODE, Fulton, N. \ : AT LIBEBTY, ARRIE CHtTBCBIL^, OHARAOTERS AND HEAVIES. Mgrs. that are paying salaries, write me- ___^_ AdllresB^ROOaWAYVILLE, PA. Second Hand BAUD IBSTBOHEHTS BODOHT, BOLD and RXOHASOED. Send tor com- plete list. FBAJSK HOLTOH A CO., 10T E. Madison Street, Chicago, IM_ M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTOBNBT, 868 Brotdwaj, N«w Tork City.