The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1024 THE NEW YOEK OLIPPm December u ******** ALL OUR FILM COMB WITH BIO TIT LBS, AltD SHOW OCR TRADE ■ARK. FAT BE 1M First Class. 12 Cents Per Foot. COM! AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL N1VIR BUY "DUPI8. VINTAOB 114ft PIB8T HCNTINO DAT 147ft. PILOniMAGB AT LOURDES 800ft. BWINO 06ft. TOUR IN ITALY 787ft. CHItlSTMA8 NIGHT 147ft FROM CHRISTIANA TO THE NORTH CAPB 4Mft A8CENDINO MOUNT PILATU8 608ft. A PRINCESS IN DIS0UI8B 667ft. BOLL KIQHT 877ft. AUGUST, THE MONKEY 248ft. A CHEEKY TRAVELER 104ft BUTTERFLY 114ft BOAB HUNT 828ft. SMOKER TOO SMALL 86ft ICH CREAM EATER 82ft CLEVER BAKER 06ft BEHIND THE LENS 115ft. BOUND FOBT ARTHUR 248ft FANTASTIC FISHING 98ft FIGHT ON YALU 181ft IN A HDRRY TO CATCH THE TRAIN 181ft. NB8T ROBBERS. 164ft OHEZZI AND HIS DOGS 126ft. OPERA HAT 82ft JAPANESE AMBUSH 181ft THE STRIKE (A Social Drama) 442ft INDIANS AND COWBOYS (Attack On a Coach) 600ft. JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BROTHERS. 023ft. ANNIE'S LOVE STOBY 764ft PU8S IN BOOTS BBOft GAMBLER'S QUARREL .. 85ft UARNUM'S TRUNK. 410ft OUTLOOK AT PORT ARTHUR 131ft BABIES BATHING 65ft DI8AGREEABLB 6 O'CLOCK 100ft A GOOD STORY 82ft MISTAKE IN THE DOOR 115ft. DRAMA IN THE AIR - - 180 Feat ULUWQ AGEHTR, KLEINI OPTICAL CC as Mat* aUrewt, CHICAGO. LOUIS H The Newest and Best Histori. -il Film Ever Out Part of this Film has been taken on ground at Ver- sailles. The last Picture ihowi the Famous Water Fountains. AT JUDGEMENT OF SOLOMON NEW CATAIQ6UE, WITH 150 ILLUSTRATIONS. .» 42 E. 231 Strut Nw Yerfc. E . Advertisements intend! d for the Issue Dated Dec. 31 should reach us not Later than Dec. 24, if possible. Uaudepilk and minstrel Notice to Oar Correspondent!. .k T £5. Winbtanmis have finished playing tho Edison circuit and bad to cancel all their California time on account of Important business which called them to Boston. The Misses and Bears closed a successful fourteen weeks' engagement with Billy Clifford's "How He Won Her" Co., and will play -vaudeville dates the rest of the season. They open on the Castle circuit week of June 2. Jack E. Silvester broke bis nrm at the Star Theatre, Hamilton, Can., on Deo. 2, and bad to cancel twenty-five weeks' work. Marion and Deane have returned from Chicago. They report big success at Cleve- land's Theatre. They played at the Amer- ican Theatre, Sunday, Dec. 18, and are this week at Watson's, Brooklyn Tub original Three Hoses (Sammis, Edna and Jlmmle) report meeting with suc- cess In their new dancing act, ana will open on the Novelty circuit, at Denver, Col., Jan. 80. The Kekler Brothers, who do a musical comedy act, with the "Ell and Jane" Co., report that their act never falls to please. While 1'Ai.jiKR and Rolin80n were play- ing at tbe Star Theatre, Hamilton, Ont. they were Initiated In tbe United Order of Itaspberrles, Bush No. 87. They open on tbe Lang circuit at Butte, Mont, Jan. 18, In the meantime they ere playing through Ohio, Indiana ond Iowa, on tbe way West. The Buhuwick Music Hall, Id, Brook- lyn, baa changed hands. Crlnnlan Bros., who mo the Manhattan, at Norfolk, Va., secured the lease and took possession on Dec. 5. They put In a stock burlesque <M>m- l>any, with a bis; olio, and business baa In- creased wonderfully. Johnson A Sullivan are putting on tbe burlesques. Owino to the illness of Etta Chatham, the Chatham Sisters were compelled to can- eel all work for the month of December. They wilt lay off in Pittsburg, Pa., until after the holidays. WHY NOT HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR? THE E.M.RRE HAIR Rl ER At Christmas and Sew Year tolii be cele- brated Monday, Deo. IS, and Jan. I, respect- ively, we desire, wherever It it possible, that all matter Intended for the ittuet of The Clipped dated Dee. Si and Jan. 7, shall reaoh thU office not later than the Saturdays pre- ceding the dates of issue. A, Lodbriioubi, formerly professionally known as Irvine, aerial performer, writes: "I have established a leather goods house in Chicago known as tbe Loderbouse Co. The following old time performers are employed hero—Eddie Troy, one legged song and dance performer; Frank Gormanoskl, clarionet; Jennie Chrlstlanaon, serlo comic: the Great Uuuther, crayon artist; Henry Nelson, one legged acrobat; William White, comedian, and myself. On Dec. 28 we will give a stag en- tertainment, when the following will appear: The Blx Flying Banvards, Ben Turpln, come- dian; Harry Bowers, trapete performer; Blanch Brogan, Nay Leavltt. Al. Mastiff, Eddie Troy, Lulu Nervlol. Klele Duval, May O'Dell, Ruby Lyn. Eva Aldlne, Lilian Miller, Dollle Watson, Ella Hess, May Wilson, Car- roll Terry. ETrankle Kershaw, Oriental danc- ers ; May Howard, Haiol Kirk, Martlne, lilon- dell, Qeorglaona, and Irving, trapeie act" Marion U. Uoi.d, sister of the well known soubrette. Belle Qold, was married Dec. 11. la New York, by Hev. Dr. Coffee, to Samuel Lewis Jr., * lawyer of tbe nrm, Kneeland, Lefatra and Olase. Melville and Aieli.e write that on ac- count of tbe poor health of Mr. Melville tho team waa obliged to resign from the Fay Co. after • pleasant engagement of twelve weeks. They will spend tbe holidays at Qrand ltaplda, Mich., the home of Mr. Mel- ville, after which they will resume work In the West. Ciias. Hbi.bton (Ellis) and Oli.ib Hood (Blackwood) were married recently at Mem- phis, Tenn. In the future they will work with Maud Hood, and the trio will be known as the Hood Sisters and Heliton. They are well booked up In the South and Southwest. R. O. Knowlbb arrived In New York from England on Dec. 14. Opel wrltea that be Is In tala forty-ninth week of good success with the Archer-For- rester Co., doing his baton spinning act. Habit. Conieb Collier, Ringing and talk- ing comedian, who has not appeared In vaudeville since 1808, will again appear under the name of Harry W. Spies, and will do a rollned black face singing and talking specialty. Walter B. Hale, banJolBt, was suddenly called home on account of tbe death of his nother on Dec. 10. Bhe had been an in- valid for the past three years with paral- Jals. Interment was at Elm Lawn Cemetery, lufTalo, N. Y. Hathaway and Walton write: "Last week we played two houaea successfully, Hammersteln'a Victoria and Pastor's. We are booked solid until April 24, on the Poll and Keith circuits, also at Detroit, Kocheater, Buffalo and Toronto, Can. Next seaaon we will add to our refined dancing act a novelty spectacular finish, and will carry our own scenery and lights." Tub tkam or Summers and Winters are ust finishing two successful years In the west, Including the Goldsmith, Lang and Lubelakl circuits. Babt Charlotte Settle, of the Settles, celebrated her sixth birthday on Dec. 14, and was the recipient of many presents from her numerous professional friends and well wish- ers. Among the presents waa a beautiful floral piece, In the abape of a horseshoe. Edward Vintonb writes that his concert company of vocalists and life motion pictures played Steel's Opera House, Kalrbury, Neb., matinee and night Dec. 10, to good business, and gave satisfaction, and also at Hebron, Neb., Dec. 8. The company play all return dates from Dec. 23. In Nebraska and Kansas, until Jan. 20, at Hanover, Kan., making the company's third date at Hanover this season. The Vaidib Bisters are preparing to put out their act In new style. They will retain all of the old features which have made their aerial work eo sensational nud popular and will Introduce several new teats. Beginning early In the coming year, they have some excellent bookings. Tom Lewis and Sam J. Hvan nave signed a contract for five years with Sam 11. Har- ris and George. M. Cohan. This fact will quiet all rumors ns to their engagements. Tom IIaboi will hereafter work with his wife. The team will be known as the Hardies. Tont Mack, comedian, mourns tho death of his mother, who died on Dec. 14. Hilua m. Castano, of the Dancing Cas- tanos, has left Roosevelt Hospital, where she was a patient for eleven weeks with ty- phoid fever, and has joined her mother and brother at her home. ProdncM ANY SHADE ii OHE Application. It does not Destroy the Carting and Crimping, and It Is the only preparation which satisfactorily Restores Bleached, Gray and Faded Hair to any natural shade desired, giving life and lustre to the hair, leaving It soft, silky and olean. It Is Harmless, Pare, Effective and Son. For Sale at Leading Hair Dressers and De- partment Stores. Price One Dollar a Bottle. SEND FOB ILLU8TRATED BOOKLET 0. BJIFaUM MFG. CO., 68U Broadway, Pi. T. HARRY AND SADIE FIELDS, Who claim to be tbe originators of the Hebrew cake walk and the Yiddish donee, are playing under different managements this season. Mr. Fields Is being featured In one of A. H. Woods' big productions, and Is voted by managers and public to be one of the most popular comedians In the popular priced houses.. Mrs. Fields Is soon to appear In a new play, expressly written for her, entitled "Rebecca, a Child of the ahefto," representing b young Hebrew, Just over, In society. Her managers state It la especially adapted for Mrs. Fields, giving her plenty of opportunities to display her talents. «,: The lUnviLLB Sisters' Co. closed a suc- cessful season of thirty-six Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 12. They, were the leading feature of the company In their dancing act Marsh Do Varo and wife, In tbelr military fymnastlc comedy sketch, were very success- ul. The conipany was under tbe manage- ment of Mr. De varo. Geo. and Max Woodward, "Tbe Original Sunburned Rubes," have closed very success- ful engagements on the Keith ana Proctor circuits; also at other leading vaudeville theatres In the East They were last week playing a return engagement at Pastor's Theatre, N. Y. City. They open on the Kohl A Castle circuit In February and are booked solid for next Summer over tbe J. W. Gor- man circuit of Summer parka. Hows and Scott have returned Bast Their act, they Inform us, waa very well re- ceived on the Kohn A Castle, and Orpheum circuits. They are booked up solid. Florence M. Wallace, late of Man- cheater's Cracker Jacks, baa sailed for a trip through Europe. Obo. W. Leslie waa In hill given recently by the Shrlnera at Convention Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. Scanlan, Stevens and Siiuster have signed for a seven weeks' tour with Weber A Fields' "Hurly Burly" Co. Chains and Lono joined R. J. Erwood's "Lighthouse Robbery" Co., at Washington, N. J., Nov. 27. as a vaudeville feature. They have added a set of aluminum chimes and a large musical lyre, with which they close their comedy act. Tub Dayton Sisters are at Wlrth'a Palm Garden, Omaha. They recently closed a suc- cessful engagement at the Orpheum In St Paul, Minn. They will spend Christmas with their parents and Maud Dayton's daughter, Greta Griggs, at Kansas City, Mo. Mb. and Mrs. Jack Inform us they were not at the Bijou Theatre, Duluth, Minn, but were at tbe Illjou Theatre, Dubuque, la.. where their act, "A Judicious Investment,'' was a big success of tbe bill. They are booked uplo April 1, In all the leading vaude- ville houses, Including the Kohl A Caatle cir- cuit. They were formerly known as Jack and Paul, but being taken so often for two men, made the above change. Harry De Lain closed an eight weeks' en- gagement in Son Francisco, ana Is now play- ing over the Sam Lovertck circuit through Southern California. He returns to San Fran- cisco for the holidays, opening at the Chutes and the Lyceum Theatre. La Rose and Hatfield are meeting with success with their new character change act and trick wooden shoe dancing. Little "Bulsy," tbelr cake-walking dog, la also being well received. They open at the Qrand Opera House, Butte, Mont., Dec. 12, with Goldsmith circuit to follow. The Crystal Vaudeville Theatre, at Muskegon, Mich., opened Sunday, Dec. 4, play- ing three shows dally. The house staff Is aa follows: J. J, Brott, business manager; V. L. Brott, house manager; Jack Cremer, press agent; Herbert Ingranam, musical director; J. Jefferson, picture machine operator; Jack King, stage manager; H. Cbadwlck, door- keeper. The bill for the opening week was as follows: Miller's Dog and Monkey Cir- cus, Tomalchl Yankawa, Japanese juggler; Eleanor Butler and tbe Crystal Trio. The bill for week of Dec. 12 was: Powers and Theobold, Morris Manley, Louie Bates, W. P. Creswell (Bicycle BUI), the Crystalgraph and Illustrated songa. Harry Monboe AND Emma Parker, as "The Acrobatic God and the Dainty Sou- brette," have worked at Auatln A Stone's, Boston, and the Grand Opera House, there, Sunday nlgbt; the Hub Theatre, Woonsocket. R. I.; tbe Atlantic Garden, New York, and have other good bookings to follow. Cobbbtt and FORRESTER, who are now In their seventh week In the middle West, opened Dec. S, at the Empire, Torre Haute, Ind..and their act, they write, waB a decided bit They opened Dec. 12, at the Star. Muncle, Ind', with Smltl-'- Mllwaukce, tbe Lyceun open Feb. 0 over the Lyric and Empire cir- cuits, with the Three L circuit to follow, and are booked solid until January, 1900. Minola Mada Hurst, "Queen of the Magic Kettle," wrltea: "I was tendered a banquet at tbe Hotel Cecil, London, Bug., by the of- ficers of the United States warship Olym- pla befera leaving London for the continent" Mr. and Mas. Alfred Kblcy Inform us that after finishing a tour of tbe Orpheum Circuit at Now Orleans, La., they went to Winnipeg, Man., where they helped to open the New Dominion Theatre on Dec. 12. giv- ing two performances dally Id vaudeville. Lybtkr and Cookbj recently played a suc- cessful engagement at Fischers Theatre, San Francisco. WrtBRLBR and Hall, after playing seven successive months In the leading vaudeville houses, will spend the holidays at their home In Chicago, III. ned Dec. 12, at the Star. Muucle, Ind., h Smith's, Qrand Rapids, Mich.; Crystal, iwaukcc. Wis.; Weast's, Peoria, III., and Lyceum, Des Moines, Is., to follow. They Following is ths boster of B. W. Pabk- bb's Bmpibe Minstrels: B. W. Parker, F. M. Weeks, Sadie Parker, Mont Wakelee, Chaa. Coons, C. H. Llebel, Tony Hilton, Joe Klnner, Ed. Johnson, Ward Banford, Steve Scullon, H. W. Newell, Zeno, B. W. Parker. Orady, Harold Kennedy, Thomas Fay, Fred proprietor and manager; Sadie Parker, treas- urer; Mont Wakelee, stage director; Prof. Coons, leader of band and orchestra. Per- formers double In band. Al. and I'eabl Zimmerman, having fin- ished a successful return engagement over i tbe iniou circuit, will spend the holidays at their home In Chicago. They open In St. Louis Jan. 1, with the Southern circuit to follow, end reopen on tbe Bijou circuit May 8, making their third return engage- ment over that circuit Tun Two Colbb, fashion plate gymnasts, have signed with the Barnum A Bailey Show for the tenting season of 1905. They open Jan. 9 on the Proctor circuit, with other Eastern work to follow. The Bernsthinb announce that they met with misfortune In the fire In Denver, Col., when the Crystal Theatre burnt down on Dec. 1. They lost all their wardrobe, but played week of Dec. 12 In Pueblo, Col., and are having a new wardrobe made. Notes from Barlow and Wilson's Min- strblb. —Tbls company Is entering on Its twenty-first week of this season, and bust ness tins been good. Joe Saunders, bass singer, Joined at Helena. Harry Reynolds, tenor, also Joined. We will turn East next month nnd close our season at or near New York, May Lit. We open our Bummer sea- son under canvas June 1. Everybody with the company continues In good health, and Tub Clipper Is a welcome visitor In this part of the country. Rin'o and Williams opened Dec. 4 on the Crystal circuit, with the Qrauman circuit to follow. Their act, they write, Is meeting with success. Crowley and Fboley report success In the Keith circuit They were at the Union Square Theatre, this city, Dec. 12-17. J. C. reorganized hla Co. No. 1, while at his home at North Sutton, N. IL, where they sll spent Thanksgiving. Roster la as follows: Prof, Crulksbtnk. humorist and violinist; Pauline Morton, balladist and serpentine dancer; Prof. L. Wilson, musical moke and comedian; Master Charles Howe, boy soprano: Ola Gay, song Illustrator and pianist; J. C, Armond, moving picture oper- ator and manager. Bydniix Dale baa canceled all datea, owing to a fractured knee, and Is resting at hla home In Allentown, Pa. He will open on the Grauman circuit in March, and will be assisted by Franklin Osborn, Alfred Ogden and Jesslo Nelll. Will H. Fox writes from Paris: "Amer- ican acta are going splendidly here. Pro- prietor Rostock treated me grandly during my engagement at his beautiful place of amusement." 8. E. Lester wrltea: "I have Joined hands with my wife and daughter, Ward and Lester, In a musical sketch, entitled 'A Kan- sas Yap,' which has proven very success- ful over the United Vaudeville Association houses. While recently playing Pueblo, Col., S TO L.* C £. W *■ •** n by ™ 8 manager of the Noble Stock Co., and he Immediately en- gaged us as a special feature to tour the coast circuit and coast territory for season of fifteen weeks." Lkona Raymond and Edna Wayne are uow In their eighteenth week with Weber's Parisian Widows, and are doing very nicely. Tna Ahbbnb, novelty acrobats, played Terre Haute, Ind., two weeks, being the feature act at the Empire weeks of Dec. B •"A Vs. ,T*L e ' 0D * n on tha Kohl-Castle cir- cuit Christmas week at the Olympic, Chi- cago. Their time Is hooked solid until No- vember, 1005. Hbnbt Frey and Davb Fbbocbon are In tbelr eighteenth week with the High Rollers Co., and their set "The Fox Hunters," haa made a success. They have added some new features to their act. and It la said to be one of the most original and novel singing and talking acta In vaudeville. Two Great Altoba writes that be Is not working with Ed. Parker,, but Is working alone. Marvel Princeton, of the Princeton Sla- ters, sailed for London, Bag., Dee, 10, to Join her sister, Mrs. James Walthour, pro- fessionally known ss Florence Princeton, who has been la Europe since Aug. 18. Their mother, professionally known as Flor- ence Zeller Stlfter. snd proprietor of Hub Thestrs, Mllford, Msss.. made a visit to New York to bid her daughter adieu. .OU'D know a Kipling story without his sig- nature. CLUB COCKTAILS •re in the same class. Their qualities are always recognized by the particular man. Manhattan, Martini, Ver- mouth, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin and York. C.F.HEUBLEINftBROL,P N X» HARTFORD NEW YORK LONDON Tj0> *± %v 0& Now approaches the season of coughs and colds.of rheumatism afld pneumonia, which numbers more victims than "plague, pestilence and famine." Against these evils there Is no surer all around safeguard l han Jaeger Under- wear. Famous the world over for Its curative as well as protective virtues. RICOMaWIHttD BV LEADING PHYSICIANS KVBSHYWHERE. BooKUtt and Samples Fret. DR. JIEGER'S S.W 8.00."S OWN STORES: Brooklyn: 604 Fulton St. Boston: SS0-2U Boyliton St. Philadelphia: mo Chestnut 8t Chicago: n State it. Agents in AH Principal mm. NEW YORK, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store in the World. That is because it is the most popular. We Ailow ProftitlonsJi A SPECIAL DISOOUHT OF 10 FEB OBIT. OB tbelr parents** 11 taelr names are o» onr Heqlttratlon Books, HO OOBHBOnON WITH AST OTUKE BTOBK. SS SSflBBSBSS MiHMnontsasnM ^JMMtm yr^T ACfflrninar ^ SlEGEIMOPERfe SUtlHJB/E. no UKW YORK. The Misses Sdndbbland akd Food* played at tbe Unique Theatre. Brooklyn, t-- x., week of Dec. B. < ... Powebb and Freed will spend the holi- days st their home In Philadelphia, tbelr ftrat occasion to do so In six years. John E. Caiip sailed for England Dec 1*>