The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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tSraiW-.qw*;, DECEMBER 24. THE NEW YQEK CLIPPER. 1027 THE ORIQIIVAL ARMY HEK^ui^m, PAUL. CONCHAS W^"** 3 ^^^^^^^^ . _-_ 7^^^^^^ -......_.. _.. . iiimmi iust euro evulOITCn ABSOLUTELY THE IE08T SENSATIONAL AND SPECTACULAR OF CANNON AND CANNON BALL JUCCLINC EVEN EXHIBITED The Originator of hi* own line. HAS MANY IMITATORS, BUT NO EQUALS. This, the Second Week at HAMMEROTEINSVICTORIA THEATRE A Rwl, Enormous and Artistic Saccesl; the Talk of Broadway. ENGAGED BY MANAGER HAMMERSTEIN FOR NEXT SEASON, ON THBIOOFISJMJE* ."^'W.^jgSEffi^MSS CONCHAS has the best act of its kind on any stage in the world. PAUL CONCHAS receives the largest salary of any artist in his hne. MANAGER C. W. ANDERSON, of the lioston Music Hall, has offered him a two weeks' return engagement at a salary of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, HEAD WHAT N1W YORK M«CIR] The m«b»«r.^^^ urallni nets, baa been presented a genuine comedy - assistant. Conchas' act l» oil that hits been claimed for It. , 47 West 28th Street, Hew York HEAD WHAT HBW YORK IIUIUIRER. SAYS, , ..nd declined the urgent h „„i,.«t >rltl< He la a fine, manly-looking fellow, considerably over six feet In height, proportionately bu jSi"lBg ( wa5t orother.Indications of femininity. And for the flat time In the history of foreign Juggling acts, baa been presented a. genuine comedy" In consequence he was subjected to latlou posing In tltflits, Addr.M All Commwnieatloata to Hit Sol* «nd EXclSUtvs Manag.r for Ara.rlc, RHODE ISLAND. lroTldence.-At the Providence Opera House i Felix K. Wendelschaefer, manager) •f ter being' dark Dec. 12. the house opened n for five dnvs' performances, by Primrose's Minstrel Co.. which gave an excellent show. ; rne new Rogers Brothers' show occupies the house week of 10, bringing an unusually iLrie company. The attraction for Christ- mas week will be Sothern and Marlowe, in Shakespearean roles, their repertory here .elnsr "Much Ado About Nothing." "Romeo and Juliet? and "Hamlet." They will be seen three nlirhts. Pmpjmi Theatre (Spitz ft Nathanson, maaagers).—Billy B. Van and his company, ■q "The Office Boy." gave one of the best ento'talnments of the season week of 12. Katbryn Purnell. who formerly headed a stuck company at this bouse, produces a renertory week of 10. ber list Including "A (irent Temptation." "Nell Owynne" and "A Romanes In Ireland." The holiday week will be filled by Eugenie Blair, In "Iris." Imperial Theatre (Fellt R. Wendel- sohnefer, manager).—The Providence Dra- matic- Stock Co. continues to do fair busi- ness. -Its production of "The Dancing Girl," 12-17,-was meritorious, and the various mem- bers are seen' to advantage In "Carmen," 19- •>4 ! "Rip Van Winkle," with Malcolm Wll- iloms In the title role, Is in preparation for 20. ■Kr.tTn'a : Theatre (Charles Lovenberg, manager). —Rome new faces are seen at this popular house 10, among them a local violinist, Henri Fancier, who has Bklll and good -training. The bill la headed by Spa- don!, Juggler and Btrong man, who Is here for the flrst time. Others are: Dlgby Bell, In flronologue; Bert Howard and Leona Bland, In a sketch, "The Stage Manager:" Warren and Gardner, black face comedian and vocalist: Violet Dale, mimic; Paul Barnes, nionologlst: Rice and Elmer, hori- zontal bar comedians; Duffy, Sawtelle and Duffy, in a comedietta, "Papa's Swetheart:" Carew and-Hayes, In a song recital, "The Derby. Race;" Trask and Gladden, singers nnd'dancers : the La tells, gymnasts and ring performers, and Adair and Dahn, wire walk- ers. PAbkMosic Ham, (Harry Young, mana- ger).—The stock company, headed by the White" had a fair bouse 12. Murray Com- edy Co. 13, for five days. Mine. Rejane 21. ♦ ■» OREGON". Portland.—At the Marquam Grand (Cal- vin Helllg, manager) Rose Melville did good business Dec. 3, 6, In "Sis Hopkins." Jane Corcoran bad fair returns 7, 8, with "Pretty Peggy." Ben Greets Players did fair busi- ness matinee 0, 10 and evening, 10, in "Everyman." Florence Roberts week of 12, In repertory, beginning with "Zaza." Gad ski comes 10. under the management of Lola Steers. "A Chinese Honeymoon" 20, 21, "Princess Chic" 22-24. Columbia Theatre (A. H. Ballard, mana- ger).—The Columbia Theatre Stock Co. had a very good opening 11, In "The Prodigal Daughter." The company had fair business week of 4, In "Mistakes will Happen." Tbos. Q. Seabrooke 15 and matinee, 16. in "The Billionaire." The atock company will present "Camllle" week of 18. Empire Theatre (George L. Baker, man- ager).—"A Little Outcast" bad two capacity houses 11. "In Darkest Russia"- did fair business week of 4. "The Fatal Scar" 16-17, "Shore Acres" 18, 10, Black Pattl's Trouba- dours 20-24, "Ton Yonson" week of 25. Grand Theatre (F. Lincoln, manager).— Ripley Sisters, Arthur O. Folkert, Wil- liam Gross. Frank Melton, Musllner's trained sbeep. Fords, Ten Supbert Acts. Four Ollf&ns, the Elliotts, Sam and Ida Kelly and the Crandlacope. Baker's Theatre (Keating ft Flood, man- agers).—Great Eastern Trio, the Three Rex- zons, Harrison Bros., It. G. Baldwin, Bell and Thompson, Jack Hall and the biograpb. Star Theatre (S. Morton Cohen, mana- ger).—The Molassos, Blmm, Bomm, B-r-r-r, close Brothers, Fielding Comedy Four. Daisy Harcourt. I'd. Turner and the projeetoscope. Arcade Theatre (S. Morton Cohen, man- ager!. —Kenee Family. Rollins and Wilson, Aumann, Dell and Monitor, Genevieve Ar- tie) l and American bioscope. Ltuic Theatre (Keating 4 Flood, mana- gers).—Wheeler and Wilson Trio, Eddie De Voe. Miss Welsse, Wynn and Hart, Murray K. Hill, J. W. Wood, Collins Bros, and the vltnacope. Buoo Theatbb (Fred T. .Merlll, mana- ger).—Five Rennees, Ruby Kendall and Amy Thn. ; Theatre (Fbll l-.pstein, manager). ..", ,2" uffil, „,„„,„ Mfdlng* o C ver': W*«2 t*fiJS&5St rfR»»,»a«* ««.Ucc^Tn e d n '"Ta gu, T'.ngstrom Sisters, gave an enjoyable bur- Thompson, Prior and Norrls. Ben Jarrett, lesquc, "Dealers In White Chips.'' 12. For Joe Tbomi lesquc, week of 10 two burlesques are offered, under tbe titles; "The Sporty Girls" and "Broad- way Maidens." Westminster Thbatre (George H. Bntch- eller. manager).—Roble's Knickerbocker Bur- lesquers gave a One show 12-17, and pleased vood houses. The offering 19-21 Is the Aus- tralians. •NorfES.—Musical attractions of a hlgb class are receiving good patronage In Providence this Winter; as they did last Mme. Melba was heard to advantage In a concert nr Infantry Hall, 12 David Blspham will give a song recital in tbe same ball 27, nod Ysayie, the violinist, Is booked for Jan- uary, under the local management of Joseph M. Mann... Shepard's moving pictures nre o weekly Sunday ulght attraction at tbe Empire...... .A penny vaudeville theatre was opened on Westminster Street 10. Woonsocket.—At tbe Woonsocket Opera House (Josh E. Ogden, manager) this bouse ls-4ark:Dec. 10-23. "Uncle Hiram" plays 24. Tburber.ft Nasber Stock Co.. with Florence Hamilton, pleased 12-14 and 10, 17. Tbo vaudeville features were of a high order, and Included Pnulinettl and Plquo, Mile. Peplta Delnra. .John Weaterman and Master Phil Thuiber, Good average business. "The Girl from Kay's'', gave an excellent performance 15, to fair, business. Colonial Stock Co. week of 20. ■ .' . -HUB Theatre (Jas. W. Conklln, manager). —Blir.week .of 10: Felix Martin. Cnalon and Hastings, Sebutt and Smith, Adetene and Rubber, Qnlulan and Howard, Miss Herbert and Bessie Dolaa. The bill for 12-17 was booB, .Etta Victoria, Latelle Bros, and Ttllle Oohn proved strong drawing cards. Business continues good. Noras.—Mrs. Mary Conklln, mother of Jns. W;, Conklln. manager of the Hub Theatre, died at the borne of her son. In this city, Dec. 12-, at: the aee of ninety-three. Interment was at Lawrence. Mass. i -j'.'.'. ± »«» ' ' L*T. -'.' KENTUCKY. ompson and the vltascope. Maze (A. Shapiro, manager).—Mae Jack- son, Doreto Cordero, Anita Desanchez, Bea- trice Lorane and Vic Lewis. OaPiiEOU Theatre (W. A. Simons,- man- ager).—Zlnn's Burlesque Co., Mae Vernun, Ida Rositer. Francis Venlta Grey, Imogen Mansfield, Eva Winston, Nemo Catto, Miss Cecil, Hattle Ward, Lottie Leonard, Gertie Keith, W. C. Winn, Clifford Traloor. Mamie West. W. Harris, Lamont Bros.. Jennie Bent- ley, Georglc Verdi, Marjorle Mandevllle, W. Chas. Wlshsrd and Odetta. Fritz's New Theatre (J. J. West, mana- ger).—The Kobers. Edltb Raymond, Jack and Myrtle Mack, Leo and Sulkey and Bertha Lamnrr. Blazier's Coxcbbt Ham- (Ell B. Davis, manager),—The Hradfords, Stella Clair. Anita Desanchez, Genevieve De Forrest and Jennie Clair. EntcKSO.Vs Mcsic Hall (H. D. Griffin, manager).—Carmen, Anderson and the Mar- gesons. 4»» LOUISIANA. TEXAS. Ft. Worth.—At Greenwnll's Opera House 'Phil. W. Greenwall, manager) "The County Chairman" did fair business l»ec. 8, l». both tbe ploy and eompnny deserving better patron- age. Kersunds Minstrels, 12, pleased. "Tbe Silver Slipper" 14. Murray and Mack lo, She Virginian" 17, Joseph De Orasse 21. oily Varden" 22, "A Message from Mars" 24. Helen Grant ley 20. Standard Tiieatrb <M. De Beque. mana- ger),—-The Rustle" was tbe title of tbe curtain raiser week of 12. The Bennett Bros., Ben Clampitt and May Hunter were the openings. The Cromwells, Phillips and Gordon, Francis Sisters, Little Dot, t.ulu De Mar, Virginia Rankin, Luce and Luce, Ludevlne Benton, Lettie Colton, Tom ley nnd company and Lulu l.awton were re- tained. New pictures by the biograpb closed the show. Business opened heavy. Crown Theatre (Pbll Epstein, manager). —The Edmonds 12. Those Mamie Cur.... Fay Delmar, Billy Campbell, I.eah Dancourt, Belle Sampson, las. Thompson, Elsie Rus- sell, Haxel De Moncourt, Cbas. Hoey. Ethel P.ussell. Ada Yule and Saul Harris. -Roasted Lovers" brought out the stock. Business was big. i » Houston. —At the Houston Theatre (Henry Greenwall. manager) Frank Daniels, Dec. 0, In "The Office Boy," had the two best bouses of the season, and satisfied everybody. Murray and Mack had two good houses 10. "A Desperate Chance," 12. at popular prices, did splendidly. "The Virginian." 1.1. gave excellent satisfaction at two performances to fair houses. "The County Chalrmman IB. "Ghosts" 17. Empire Theatre (Jack Demark, mana- ger).—The house has been dark since 10. the week's business being satisfactory and ihe house closing for lack of attractions. Corson Clorke returns 10, for an Indefinite stay, and opens In "Whose Baby Are lou?' and "My Friend from India." Standard Theatre (Alvldo and Lasserre, managers) .•—Buslnesa Is excellent. People 12-17: Frank Harcourt, Margaret Burkbart, Mabel C. Wright. George and Belle Mlllon, Sadie Nellson. GUI Browole, Sam Buster, Cad Leverty, Thelma Holmes, Leonle Mendel, tbe Randalls. Jessie and Dan; Evelyn Earle, Olga Howard, Grace Lester Russell, Calvo. Pearl GUmore, May Von Colton, Ernest Bailey and Baker and Fonda. Note. —Raymond Whlttaker and the Em- pire Stock Co. left for a tour of the State 18, before disbanding for the season. ■ ■ ' Galveston.—At the Grand Opera House (Fred G. Wels, manager) "The Sliver Slip- per" pleased a good slied audience Dec. 0. Murray & Mack, In "An English Daisy," did falrlv well 0. Frank Daniels, In "The Office Boy," drew a big house 10, matinee only. "A Desperate Chance" had fair bouses 11. Ditstln Farnum, In "The Virginian," pleased a good sized bouse 12. Oisow.n nun 'Ray & Co., proprietors). —Week of 12: Virginia Heydeu, Jim Wolfe, Luclle Sin Clair. Oliver Delhi, Phil Delhi, Lillian Palmer, Gill and GUI, Lizzie Mitchell, the Great Runton, Ed. Wright. May Galls, Olga Davis, Pearl Lamont. Kittle Gray, Eva Wolfe, Alice Leary and Ethel Foster. The stock. In a comedy called "The Ladder of Fame." Business Is fair. ball nnd Donovan make up the bill for 10 nnd week. Fair business held Inst week. Hut.i.iDAt Street (George W. Rife, man- ager).—"Dangers of Working Olrls Is the production 10 nnd week. "More to Be Pitied Than Scorned" closed 17. "The Factory Girl" Is billed for Christmas week. Blanev's tClinrles E. Blaney. manager).— "A Woman's Struggle" UMM. "On the Bridge at Midnight" drew well week ending 17. Next week, "Tlllls Olsen." Moni'mb.ntai. (James L. Kernan. mans- BPr i._The World Beaters 10 and week. Rellly * Wood closed a week of big business 17. Clark's Runaway Girls 28. Note. —Henrietta Crosmsn cornea to the Lyric (B. ITlrlch. manager) week of 20, In "Sweet Kitty Hellalrs," •*♦ . INDIANA. VIRGINIA. Norfolk, bin Shields, manager) Indianapolis—At English's Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager) Savage's English "red Dec. 8-10, In "La .'avnllerla Rustlcana," 'agiUccl" nnd "Tannhauser," to a suc- cession of large audiences, "linbes In. Toy- land," IS. 13 and Wednesday matinee, gave a bright and cntcby performance, which was beautifully staged and dressed, to very big business. Lulu Glaser. In "A Madcap Princess," for one performance lo. packed tho house to the doors nnd scored an un- qualified success. "The Mnld and the Mummy'.' 10. 17. Gabrlelle Rejane, In "/.azn, pAnK (Dickson & Talbott. managers).— "The Queen of. the Highway." 8-10. stood thoin up and made good. "Child Slaves of New York," 12-14, was another good one that filled the house twice a day. "Wedded and Parted'" 13-17. "Shadows of a Great City" 10-21, "El C'apltan," 22-24, "Dr. Jckyll nnd Mr. Hyde" 20-28. _ „ „, , Grand Opera Housh (Sltafer Zlegler man- ager).—Bookings for week of 10: Mabon's Watermelon Ulrls, as an extra attraction; Five Iji Troupe Carmen, Harry Ln Rose and Co.. the Minstrel Maids, Hoey and Lee, Tre- loar and Tempest, Klein and Clifton the Sil- vers and the bioscope. Creasy and Dayne, In • of -u, "Town Hall i Tonight," proved one of the _ most artistic nnd amusing sketches ever Prterslniru At the Academy of Music (Cor- innager) -A Girl from Dixie" gave two performances, Dec. 10, to vfry sat- isfactory returns. "The Prince or Pllsen, i;i, played to the capacity of the house. Har- low's Minstrels are booked for 1.. (HiANRV Theatrd (Jake Wells, manager). —Notwithstanding the approach of the holi- days thoro has been no falling off In the at- tendance at this house, and business la tho- roughly good. "At Cripple Creek" Is booked for week of 10. .. „. . Acme Tiieatrb (Chas. M. West, mana- ger).—People who piny this house week of lit are: liunan. nnu Davis. Clnrlco Vnugbn, Tessle Carroll and Weston and Siantone. Business is good. Bijou Tiikathb (Abb. Smith, manager).— People booked for wsek of 10 are: Harry T. Howard, John 8. West, Fowler nnd U Grande, Dllk nnd Shanaley, Poole and Rooks, John Burnbam, Mny Ogden and Olga Ulnck. Business Is good. Manhattan Theatre (.1. M. It 0. A. Crln- nlati. manager*).—Foe week of 10 the bill Is: Lillian Lewis, Jessie Collins, Edith Dunbar, Maggie Penman, Master Earl Boston, Anna Crouch. May Lemuels, Collins and Ln Helie, LI I lie Chester, Tommy Harris .Jr. nnd Charles E. Brandon. Bualnesa Is very good, Auditorium Theatre (J. M. llnrton. man- ager).—New people for week of 10 are: llorence Edwards, the Silvers, llayden and Hayes, Lenora Stetson, St. Uelmo, Frank llayden, Bobby Murray, Prof. Ross nnd K. Jean Buckley. Charles E. ltentz Is «tnga manager. Richmond.—At the Academy of MubIa (Chas. W. Ilex, manager) "The Prince of Pllsen'' played to large audiences Dec, 14, Harlow's .Minstrels 22. Creston Clarke 20, "The Flaming Arow" 27, Elizabeth Kennedy 28. Buoti TtiXATne {Wells * McKee, ntnnn- gers).—Week of Dec. 12, "At Cripple Creek" proved a great drawing card: splendid show. WcektOt 10, "On Thanksgiving Day ;" week Running for Office." -The Academy nf Music seen la vaudeville here week of 1... rue <Thos. G. I.oaih.'manager) woh dark week of Brothers Bard did some acrobatic feats that p^ 12i iinn^d; rjreaton Clarke 27. Eliza- won much applause. Business Is still limited Dat0 Kennedr to the capacity of tbe house. Louisville.—At Macauley's Theatre (John T..: Mocauley, manager) Lulu Glaser came nee., 12<14j. presenting "A Madcap Princess," to,.crowd«<k houses and giving complete satls- Toylana" followed 15 audiences. Coming: faction:' ."Babes In 17,-. .drawing large Madarae; Bejane 10. masonic Theatre (Chas: A. Shaw, man- ng«):£-"The Burgomaster," week of 12, at- tract*)} .-crowded houses at each performance. Tqe company was a good one and gave a pleating entertainment. For week of 10, "I,ouUlao'(t." Avknbb Theatrb (Chas. A. Shaw, mana- ger K—"Shadows of a Great City," week of ll,i brought out good crowds during Its en- gagement;' For week of 18, "Her First False Btjp." . DpCKiNGHAU Theatrb (Whallen Bros., mgnagei-s).—The Tiger Lilies, week of 11, at- tracted.crowded bouses, and gave a perform- nace to - the liking of the patrons of this House.. F«r week of .18, Bice k Barton's Ex- ttrattganxs Co. HoPKi.Nt*'. Theatrb (Wm. Relcfaman, real- aatuiger).—-Every . turn on the pro- le of 12 was a meritorious one. leadline.>* were McMahon's Minstrels, and Watermelon GlrlB. For week of laytqn Wbltc and Marie Stuart. Perch- H»m -the Two Pucks, Dorothy Kenton, Herbert Deveau, Km'tis' dogs and biograpb. .,' .. ijw ji e docnh—At tbe Kentucky (James E, manager) tbe Innocent Maids occu- boards Dec. 13. Nat Wills, 14. bad pod business, and "Sergeant Kitty," 16, did welL. "Afi Aristocratic Tramp." 17, matlneo nun; eight, had fair business. Coming: "En- »\*t Boothern Skies" 10, "Michael Strogoff" SO. S»m"T. Jack's Co. 29, "James Bovs' T 30, "Halrt; Tolty" SI, "The Mummy and Hum- mlog-BUd'' Jan. 2. Laslnjgioa.—At the Grand Opera House tCjias... gcott, manager) "Tbe Girl from DIxW" bad a good bouse Dec. ft. Viola Allen, nfUBM. and night, 7, crowded the bouse twnr-perfmtJiances. "Shadows of a Great City" bad fair houses 0, 10. "Miss Bob New Orleans.—At tbe Tnlane Theatre (W. H. Bowles, manager) "Tbe Office Boy." with Frank Daniels as the star, and a large supporting company, pleased at this high class playhouse week of Dec. 11. Tbe bill for week of 18 Is "The County Chairman." Crescent Theatre (W. H. Bowles, mana- ger).—"Human Hearts" enjoyed a good week's business 11-17, and pleased. The work of Frank Woodo, Henry Yorkey, Ida Bockwood. Belle Miller and Ruth Chandler was deserving of special mention. "Sherlock Holmes" 18-24. Grand Opera Hodsb (H. C. Fourton, man- ager).—"The Sign of tbe Fonr" proved a strong attraction week of 11. opening to capacity, matinee and nlgbt. 11, each and every member of this splendid company scor- ing heavily. Tbe offering for week of 18 is "All the Comforts of Home." CnEENWAl.L Theatre (Henry Greenwall, manager).—The bill offered by the Baldwin- Melville Co., for week of 11, was "Paul Re- vere," and It drew good bouses all week, winning much appreciation from the patrons. BUI for week of 18 Is "Tracked Around the World." Ltric Theatre (Seamons & Machette. lea- sees).—The Otympla Opera Co. scored an- other big success week of 11, presenting "The Wizard of the Nile," and enjoyed a good week's business. The work of Ed. Eagleton, Carl llayden. Frank Stammers, Lottie Ken- dall and Elanor Jenkins won them much ap- plause. The bill for week of 18 Is "When Reuben Comes to Town." Frexck Opera Hodsb (F. Cszelles, man- ager).—Fair business ruled week of 11 at this historic old playhouse, when the French Comedy and Dramatic Co. was seen Rnd ap- preciated In repertory. A change of bill Is prom lied fnr week of 18. Faranta'h Theatre (Slg. Faranta, man- ager).—"Tbe Scout's Revenge" drew large audiences at this lower district theatre last week, and won much applause, The offer- ing for week of 18. Is "The Deserted Bride." »t. Charles Orpheoi (Martin Beck, gen- eral manager).—One of the blggeat weeks over scored at this high claas vaudeville houso was cnloyed last week when tbe Road Show, under tbe personal direction of Martla Be.-k. presented one of the best kills ever seen here In vaudeville. Among those scoring heavily and working overtime an- swering encores were Mclntvra and Heath, Grace Palotta and tbe Four Millinery Maids, Srolrl and Ressner, Clarice Vance, tbe La- tunas Probst and Spessardy's liears aud ponies. The bill for week of 18: Creasy and Dayne. Three Ramonlers, Irene Franklin, the Namlias, the Texana Sisters, Twelve Navajo Girls and Drako's sheep and dogs. Notes. —Dustiu Farnum, of "The Vinr'n- Ian" Co., was tendered an elegant midnight supper at the cozy studio of Scenic Artist Louis F. Felt. Dec. 8, snd come fifty or sixty theatrical friends and members of the press were royally entertained. »■» — Joseph Hart and Carrie De Mar will be- gin a Joint starring tour In January, la u new play, entitled "The Conntrj Clob." Waco—At tbe Auditorium (Jake Gar- nnkle. manager) "The County Chairman," Dec. 8, drew a full house. Florence Gerald, who was born in this city, and who Bpent the earlv part of her life here. Is a member of the "company, and numbers hundreds of ac- quaintances and friends here. "The Sliver Sllpoer," I), gave a most excellent perform- ance, to a crowded bouse. Murray and Mack, lu "An English Daisy," 14. pleased. "A. Message from Mars" 22, "Dolly Varden" 23, "Babes In Toyland" 28. Note.— Phil Greenwall spent a few hours lu the city last Thursday. It Is more than llkelv that this gentleman will have the man- agement of the Auditorium next season. s ■■' ". - Dallas.—At tbe Dallas Opera House (Geo. Anzy, manager) Warde and Kidder played to fair business Dec. 0, 7. with matinee. "The Sultan of 8ulu" drew Immense business 8, 9. "Under Southern Skies" did fair business 10. with matinee. "The County Chairman' played to fair business 12-14. "Tbe Silver Slipper" IS, 16, Murray aud Mack 17, "The Virginian". 10, "Dolly Varden" 20. 21. Bush Temple (W A. McDanlels, mana- „ er )—Week of 12, the Grattan De Vernon Stock Co. opened for the week, ln "A Bachel- or's Honeymoon," lo big bualnesa. s Austin. — At Hancock's Opera Houso (Geo. Walker, manager), week of Dec. 0, "Ben Hur" drew crowded houses. Excur- sions were run In from all points within fifty miles bringing In each afternoon crowds of people. Murray and Mack. In "An Eng- lish Daisy," 12: Howe'H moving pictures 13, "The Virginian" 1I>. Joseph Murphy 1«. "The Silver Slipper" 17, Chas. Hawtrey 20, "Habes In Toyland" 24. ■ *»> MARYLAND. Gniquk (K.'B. Thorbus, manager).—This house is sharing in the general prosperity. For week of 10: Beach and Bench, Miss Adelyn, Addison and Livingston and others. A benefit matinee was blven 17 for 7'as /«• iliaiiapolit Morning fitor'a Santa Claua fund. EMPim' (Chas. Zimmerman, manager).— Weber's Parlslnn Widows gave a hrlgnl per- formance week of 12, to very big business. Imperial Burlesqiiers week of 10. Tomlinsox Hai.l. — Indianapolis Sym- phony Orchestra gave its first concert of the season 12, to a large audience. s Bvnnsvlllc.—The Grand (Pedley & Burch, managers) was filled almost to overflowing Dec. 0, and Viola Allen. In "Winter's Tale," added to her popularity here. "Babes In Toy- land," 8, played, both matinee and night, to big bouses. Mary Marble was, of course, the centre of attraction, and Little Chip as Alom, shared tbe honors with her. Grace Hazard also made a pronounced success. Daisy Faust and It. E. Warren also deserve special mention. Robert Edeson, In "Hanson's Folly." had a good audience, 0, and gave an exceptionally clever performance. Mr. Ede- son la surrounded by an excellent company. "In the Far East" 13, "Sergeant Kitty" 15, Margaret Neville. Co. week of 20. Pkopi.r'8 Theatre (Pedley It Burch, man- agers ).—The house was well filled 10, nnd the innocent Maids pleased all present. Soma good specialties were Introduced. Ward and Wado's Minstrels played to two big house* 11, nnd did good work. "In Convict's Stripes" 17; "Shadows of a Great City" 18. Evans' Hall was packed to overflowing 12 and the third number of the Y. M. C. A. Star Course was given by tbe Royal Hun- farlan Octette. The next number will be on 'eb. 3, and the attraction Is Slegel Meyer Dainty Co. The Life Savers fnl'ow 1.1. Notes. —The next attraction for tbe Elks building fund will he Montavllle Flowers on Dec, 10, followed by Ovlde Musln Jan. 2 Manager Pedley, of both tbe Grand and Peo- f lie's Theatres, recently spent a few days hern ooklng over his Interests la theso two houses. He lives In Owensboro, Ky., sod Is one of lbs most prominent citizens of that place. He Is actively .engaged in several difficult kinds of business and Is prominent In politics. Vlncrnnea.—At tbe McJImsey Theatre (Frank Green, manager) "Miss Bob White" had good business Dec 8. The Great I.n- fuyetle, 10, pleowd. Haskell's Indian Band closed Its tour 12, and played to rapacity business. "Little Red School House had iaii' business 13. Margaret Neville Co. IK and week. «»» COLORADO. 20, "The Flaming Arrow" 110. ♦ '»» WASHINGTON. Seattle. — At tbe Grand Opera Houso (John C'ort, manager) "The Devil's Auction" Dec. 11, 12. Thomas Q. Seabrooke, lu "The Billionaire," in, 14; Mme. Oadskl, In concert. Hi; Jane Corcoran nnd Andrew Bobaon, In "Pretty Peggy," 10, 17; "Tho Princess Chic" 18-20; Ovlde Musln Concert Co. 21, "A Chi- nese Honeynsoon" 22-24.' Seattle. Theatre (J. P. Howe, manager). —Week of 11, James Nelll Co.. In "An Amer- ican Citizen." Week of 18, James Nelll Co., In "My Official Wife." Third Avendh Tiibatrd (Russell & Drew, managers).—Week 'Of It, "Vna Yonson. Week of 18. "For Mother's Sake." To fol- low: "A Little Outcast." "Rudolph and Adolph" nnd "The Show Olrl." - Alcazar (Pettis h Kcogb, managers).— Week of 11, Platt-Fanulng Co., lu "Held By the Enemy" and "The Black Flog." Week of 18. Plntt-Fnnojng Co.; In "Monte Crlsto" Ciiristenshn'h Hall. —14-17 and week of 18, Ben Orcet'a Co., In -"Everyman," Orphbi'm THEATRB/—Nstv: The Mnrkleys. the Athon-Wllson-Clarke Co., Arlhur Jack- son. Rawls and Von Kaufman, Hie Great Ki- ll ridge, Lemool's Dog, Cut and Monkey Cir- cus and the moving pictures. Pantaob'b Theatre. —New: Herbert, tlm frog man: Kltchle nnd ItlrliardH, Klrtlo Stevens, the Delkas, tho FletchH's, carter and Mendell and tho moving pictures. Empire Thratrk.— .New: Kllppur Komedy Four, Bice and Walters, Wilson and Lei- cester, Leona Clifton and' tho moving pic- tures. CnTSTAi, Tiibatrr —New: The Fnlrcbllds. May and Miles,- Thornton nnd company and the moving pictures. Edison Theatrb. — New: Ben Jackson, Hemnon nnd Rodgers. Murphy nnd Andrews. Jennie Roberts, I'd. Tfaluor uud tho moving pictures. , .• t * -wi Comique Thratrb (Mote Goldsmith, man- ager).—New: Yale Duo, Netf nnd Miller, Paula La crolx, Levlna and Arlington, tlm Great Malcolm, Mao Stanley nnd the moving pictures. ,' • ' ' ♦»» ' MICHIGAN. Ball I more. — At Ford's Opera House (Cbarles K. Ford, manager) lllce'a "Meiiv Shop Girls" open Dec. 10. "Parsifal" drew full houses nightly, st double tbe usual sga^ag^ffwafa ^^x^s^s^^ a repertory of eight «r>»/«»- » lmm „ m „„ John T. Kelly and company. Charles Leonard AcAPKMi op Mttstc (Mxon ft /,lmmcrman r - Denver.—At the Broadway IV,. F. Me- Court, manager) Wllllnm Morris, lu "Who's Brown!"'Dec. 10-24. "The Sultan of Hulu" gave a tine show and bad packed houses 12- Tabou (Jraxd (E. V. McCourt, manager).— "The Runaways" 18-24. Meson and Mason. In "Frits and Holt /," had good bouses 11-17. Orpiieuu (Mnrtln Beck, gpneral manager). —Week of 11) -. Dorothy Russell, Fllson autl Hrfol. Brothers Hard, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kalamaaoo.—At the Academy of Muslct (B, A. Bush, mansgeri "The Two Johns" came to good business Dec. 111. Elwin Strong, In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," comes lu. "When tho Bell.Toils'! 17, "Tho Royal Cbttf" 20. "Sweet Clover" 21. Palace op Aml'skhlnth (W. E. .Munger. manager).—Tbls place, an n skirting rink. Is meeting with uninterrupted success. Ollle Voting und Brother, hoop rollers, will lie an additional at traction week of 10. . . . The Exposition op the Sni'THWcsTESN MU'IIIOA.V Pe CW lt ANH'I'KT STOCK ASSO- CIATION, 13-17, uttruclud large crowds, and] made some excellent exhibit*. managers).—"Ladv Teazle," with Lillian Russell In the title role, receives Its Initial production 10. The engagement Is for four nights only. "Cupid ft Co." closed a fair week 17. "Mother Goose" 20-31. Chase's (W. Warren De Witt, manager). —"Tbe Mysterious Mr. Bugle" la the attrac- tion for tut- current week. "Under tbe Red Robe" 2(1. Martin Alsop will succeed Robert T. Haines as . leading man. "Hamlet" win well received lust week.. ArnrroniUM (James L. Kernan, manager) —"David Harutn" 10-24, with William ft. Turner as David. Joe Welch did well last with "Cohen's Luck." For the holiday week "The Burgomaster" Is announced. Maryland (James L. Kernan. manager).— Elfle-Fsy, MaryDnpont and Wlllard Hutch- inson. Powell's marionettes, tbe Four Bolses, Crowley and Foley, Marlon Onrson and Kim- Fletcher, Camllle Comedy Trio, Shields and Paul. Marlon Llttletteld. Reed nnd Shaw, tho 't'annkas, klnodrome and Orpheum solo or- chestra. House packed. S'r.u Clhtih (A. It. Pelton, manager).— James J. Jeffries, In "Davy Crockett," 18-21. Frank Beacon. In "The Hill* of California," plnved *.o good houses 11-17. . Novelty (Henry Ltibelskl, manager).— Week of ID : Itulw Sims, Chas. Royal, Waldo and De Verc. tbe CIIITords, Frank Kay, Prof. Ulayck and trained teals Rnd tbe Ranrtolfs. Week of 12 : Torcat and Flop D'Allin, White and Frank. Bausers and Curtis, K. Fisher, Phll'lps and Marrett, Harry Green and Cole and Cole. Business good, Bar city.—At the Washington (W. ,T. Haunt, manager "Tim Forbidden Land" did hlg business nnd gitvo splendid satisfaction Dec. 7. Mlllkcn s Symphony Orchestra [ticked the hovwc 9. "Tlislma'' drew largo audiences at four performances 10, 11. "East Lynne" failed to appear 12, Booked: Edwin Young Slock Co. 18-21, "Voung,Tob« Hoxle" 22. 'rhe lloyal Chef' 1 24, 2f», "When Ills Bell Tolls" 20. Note. —Manager Datipt.snys be will mako all future- bookings direct from this tbeatro. Jackson.—At th« .Atbennuiu (H. J ter, manager). Ward ami Voket, In "A For- Pair- ■»«» -*C"M. MeLellab, author of Mrs. Flake's Blny, "Leah Kleicbna," salted for London iec. IT. ter, manager) Ward and of Pinks," did w«ll Dec. 0. "Uncle Hex" pleased 10. "The Two Johns" 12. "Art- zona." 13, pleased. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" 14, "Under Southern Skis*" IT. Due; James Kennedy fin. 10K. "The lloyal Cbef" 2fl, "Young Tnbe Hoxle" 2d. "Over Niagara Falls" 28, Margaret Anglln 20, Nellie Mc- Hcnry 31. .. , ,. i il •• I 4«» — Managor ;H. Utdhb 1 writes : "The Ferris Comedlons, which closed at Lorain, (>., ou ac- count nt the sudden and serious Illness of Leonora Alnsworth, the leading Infly, will reopen ogaln about the m'ddls of January," "\f.