The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1028 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER «■» THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llrtltid. ( . ■■: " proprietor*. ALBERT J. BORIE, Boroiui* ikd HcaiNt8» Mamaobb. BATDBDAY, DECEMBEB 24, 1904. RATES. MNMMMH 12.80 per Inch, siagii col- AdrertliemtnU nt with border, 10 per cant, «stn. ■UBSCRIPTIOlf. Out year In advance, $4 ; ilx months, 12; three montha, II. Foreign postage extra. Single coplea will be aent, poitpa'.d, oa re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Term* are Cash. tHB CLIPPBB la Jaaoed every Wednaadaf Boning. The last lour (adrertlalng) paiea GO TO PUE8S on Saturday at 11 a. n.. ww the other pages on MONDAY and TDEBDAY. Tke Forme Cloalnst Promptly* Taaa- day, ait 10 o'clock A. M. Plaaae remit by expreea, money order, cheek, P. 0. order or registered letter. All caah en- closed wlta letter la at the risk of aendar. Addreas All CominunleaUoB* ta> THE NEW YOHK CLIPPER, 47 West 28tu Street, New York. Ktelttered Cable AMreu, "Aothomxt." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tni Clippm la located at Boom 602, Aabland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Bill, manager and correspondent, whera adrer- tlatmenta and aubscrlptlona ara receive* at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne Bt, London, W. C, John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions an received at our regular rate*. Tbb Climsb cam na oBiaiKM, waoi* bale and bstail, at our agents, Brentano'a news depot, 87 Avenue da l'Opera, Parla, Franco; M. Llllentbal, Frederick Strasse 101 (Tcrmlnua Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many; Diamond Newa Co., 07 Prado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book and Btatlonery Co., 128 Bacolla, Manila, P. L; Albert k Bon. 117- 180 King Bt, Bydney, Auatralla. THE) NEW YORK CLIPPER publish** only one edition, and tbat la dated from Kevr York. - ■ . (i. \V. It.. Junction City.—A could not alter tlic score after his hand had quitted the (ore- most peg. K A's band had not quitted the foremost peg, he won entitled to change his score from live to seven. There Is no penally /or scoring too few points. '-. ""'. r.'fi D., Itoston.^-Ile can not. '-' <'i.rvriJkxi>.—J. The rule la: any time before the t.-ilon Is exhausted, a player thinks he can make sixty-six without further draw- log, lie may, ir)icn It U htt turn to ledd, close.-' The rlih-nt haml men close pefore k card Ik led,'and consequently lx>fore a trick lias Iwen .taken. The leader haft the option of closing either beforo or after drawing from the tnlon, but nil drawing Is discon- tinued as soon as the leader closes. 2. No. niLl.lARUS, POOL, ETC. A.. Spencer, Mass.—The fact that the cue liall Is frozen to the 0 ball, does not militate ngnlust It's opportunity to make a perfectly fair stroke, provided, of course, while in the net of playing be docs not disturb the 0 ball, to wli'cb tlio cue .ball Is frozen. ATHLETIC. I* B„ New York.—The record for the dis- tance Is -'4ru. -10 sec, inado by J. White, In London, Erg., May 11, 1803. < ' ru\(j. II. 1\ K.. Philadelphia.—1. B wins. 2. See answers to card queries. MISCELLANEOUS. W. M. D., Plctoa.—Address the Attorney General of -oe State. 0. K., New York.—We can not undertake to answer queries regarding bets made with lki ok linkers It. K., Moonshiner.—Bartlett's Familiar Quotations will probably give you what you desire. It. L. W., New Windsor.—We can not aid you. K. I). H., Bridgeport.—B wins. The child la not an American citizen. OUR CHICAGO LETTER. FROM OU1! OWN CORHKSPONDENT. QUERIES ANSWERED. No llcpltes by Blall o r Teleaxrapk. AOPIISSM OB WMBttBABOBTS MOT 01V1N. All in qumbt or such bhoulo wbiti to SB08B WHOM THBT BEBK, IN CAM Of THIS CLIPPER 1'obt Office. All lbttbbb will ■B ADV1BTISBD ONK WBBK OHLT. 1» TBB ioOTB OF ANT THBATRICAL COMPANY IB BOUOHT. BBFBB TO OUB LIST Of KOUTM OH ANOTHER PAOB. WB CANHOT MND BODTBB BI KAIL OB T1LB QBAPH. DRAMATIC. XI A. M., Hartford.—We have no knowl- edge of the present whereabouts of. the party. Address n letter In our cure and we will udvertlso It In The CLiri-HU letter list. Mish «. V., Anderson, C. L. 8., St. Louis, Mrh. A. L, aouverueur, Mas. V. X., West Philadelphia, S. M. B.. Chicago. T, E. W., Edgertou. Miss L. U C„ Alleghsuy, .1. (.'.. New York, „ , Messrs. P. A. L. & Co., llostou, uud 13. S. L., Cohocs.—Sue nuawcr to M. A M 'll. ab s! e T., Philadelphia. —You certainly could not legnlly do so without tho permla- slon of the owner of tho original pro/uctlou, U A. W., Cleveland.—Address Dick & Fitz- gerald, 18 Ann 8treet, New York City. N. F.. New llrltaiu.—1. Wo havo no record of the death of cither party, 2. See answer to M. A. M., above. ... , II. A. M., Philadelphia.—1. Wo have no Knowledge of auy such publication. 2. We will publish In Tub Cliituk, during next MBy, a list of the Bummer parks. C. B., Cohoes.—1. There la uo nxed price for a play. 2. To muuagera. 2. Noao that A. 0. B. i G. II. B., Auburn.—Address 3. C. Dengan, 2157 North Clark Street, Chicago, A ltKAPEB, Marlou.—Addroaa the Indiana t)l»88 Novelty Co., lndluuuiiolls, lud. J. C. S., Douglas Airy.—Wo havo uo means ° MfM F.*H.. Newark.—Address Tony Pas- tor, Tonv Pastor's Theatre, New York City. 8. Bnos., Brooklya.—Watch our route list cfti'li wcclc Mibs Si. P., South Chicago.—Watch our route list each week, or address party In care of Tub Cumot nud we will advertise the lulicr lu our letter Hat. ' . C M. H., Troy.—I, Wo havo. not aeeu either of tho publications for Bcveral years. 2. Calm's (initio, published by Julius Ca in, ICmiilro Theatre Bulhllng, New \ork City, will doubtless Rive you what you desire. It T. T., Knox.—1. Wo do not publish tiloj-s. Address Dick & ntlgcrald, 18 Ann Street. New York City. 2. Address Ueovga nroadbtirst, Broadway Tlientro Building, Now ^U??.' & II. H. S.—Address William Col- lier, as per route in this issue. P. D., Chicago.—Address auy of our sketch writing odvertlscrs. D. V, H., Chicago.—Letter bus not beeu claimed. ... 0. E„ Navy Yard, Bostou.—Address party as ipec routo In tills Issue. Our records do nut show that he over did. Miss B. G., Wilmington.—1. The salary would depend upon the merit of tho act. 2. We. can not say what uu agent would do. :i. From $20 per week up. Mrs. H. L. G., Pittsburg.—Wutch our route list; each week, under heud of Uuilesyue and Vaudeville. ... • K; D., Chicago.—You ara right. ■ The Bar- iiurh & Unllcv circus did ulay In Chicago tinder tent In I91U5. Tlio tinlcs were Sept. 700. Your former query was understood to refer to Its appearance at UK Collsseum. ■ G. W. S., Jersey City.—1. A half Inch "airr." will cost 51.40. 2. A personal coll is utwaya. best. «.' .1. 8., Kllvcrstoiu'.—There Is it show by that title. See route Hat In this Issue. W. II. P.. Howard,—1. The word burlesque Hlpnllos "ludicrous representation, exagger- ated parody, satire." 2. We have no record as tp who first put burloaquo ou the stage. CARDS. 11. F. K.. riiNmlelphlii.—The tie, klug, queen, jack and ten la the better baud. .1. II. Vt'„ Murynvllloi—A ntust bo served with another curd before any of the other l>!aycrs ate aerved. Western Bnrean, Of the New York Clipper, Room S02, Ashland Block, Cnieago. In "Tito Harvester," nt the Grand Opera House, Otis Skinner offers the only novelty of tbo current days. Blanche Walsh, In "The Kreutzcr Sonata," at McVlckcr's, nud Margaret Anglln, In "The Eternal I'ciulu- Ine,' at Powers,' enter upon their final weeks. "The Girl from Kay's," at the Illinois. "Fan- tunn." at the Uarrick, and "His Illghness the lloy," nt the La Snllc, are continued at- tractions. The Augustln Daly Co., at Htudc- lutker'M, starts "The Clngalee upon Its final week, chancing tiie bill Christmas Day to "The t'otitttry Girl." The week stands for Dec. 18-24 include: Geo. Sidney, In "Busy lzzy," at the Great Northern; "The Charity Nurse," nt the Criterion; "Wedded and Parted," at the Columbus; "Wedded Uu: No Wife," Ht tho Albnmbra: "Wbv Women Sin," at the Academy of .Music; "The Spun <>C r.lfc." at the BIJou; Fay Foster Co., nt the folly, and Weber's Parisian Wldowa, nt Trocndcro. "Fran, Frou," at tho Bnsu Temple, und "Kast Lynne,-" at tho People's, ure the dramatic stock offerings, while May Howard, at the head of tbo Block company ut Sam T. Juck's. provides burlesque. Vaude- ville is furnished at the Chicago Opera House, I lay market, Olympic and Hyde & llchumn's. Ac the Grand Opera House oa Sunday night, 18, Tim Murphy will give it single performance of "Two Meu ttud a Girl." On Saturday night, 18, Mmc. ltejuuc closed a fortnight of French repertory at the Grand Opera House. A new and inter- esting factor In current amusements cntesed the lists Friday evening when the Boer Wnr begun a live Weeks' run at the Coliseum be- fore tremendous crowds and with striking success. Illinois '1:ii:ati:i: (Will J. Davis, mana- ger).—Sam Bernard. H.ittle Williams find all the other clever folk engaged In the per- formance of "The Citrl from Kay's," enter- tained good uudlcnces last week, and remain through the holidays. On Jan. 2'"Win. Gil- lette will be 6een, In "The Admirable Crlch- ton." I'r.wens' Theatre (Harry J. Powers, man- ager).—Margaret Anglln continues "The Kteraal Feminine" Into the second and last week of her engagement Monday night, 10. On Sunday night, 18. I,eon Wachsner's Ger- man Co. will comedown from Milwaukee for their cuslouiury weekly performance. Ou 20 Cecilia Lofttia opens In "The Serlo-Comlc Governess." Grand Opkba House (Harry AskiL. busi- ness manager).—Tim Murpby will be seen Sunday night only lu "Two Men and a Girl." On Monday night, 10, Otla Skinner begins in engagement in "The Harvester." Richard Mansfield Is underlined. On Saturday ulght, 17, Mrue. Hcjano closed a fortnight of French repertory, during which "society" showered coin Into the box oftlce. Garbick TitKAi'iiK, (Sam P. Gersou, busi- ness manager).—The one hundredth perform- ance of "Fiintuna" Is announced for Mouday mght. 10, to begin tbo twelfth week of a phenomenally successful run for this beauti- ful production. It will remain through the hollduya.'x Theatre, (Geo. C. Warreu, business manager).—Blanche Walsh en tor j upon the third and final week of her "ca- pacity" engage meut Sunday evening, 18, con- t.uttlng '"lite Kreutzcr Sonata" as her offer- ing. "In Old i.emucky" will be tho hohuay attraction, starting lta fortnight 2D. rbjbiiM Theatre (B. E. narmevcr, business luunuger).—The augustln Daly Mu- sical Co.. bended by Wm. Morris, starts "The Clagitlcc" upon Its fifth und dual week IP. Tho bill will change to "The Country Girl" 20. Flue business continues. La Sai.ii: Tubathe (10. It. Mackayc, busi- ness mauagcr).—"His Highness, the Bey," Is continued by tho stock company Into Its llflh week 10, wtlu. nothing said about Its successor. Al. Khcan continues to grow in populur favor, greatly enhancing the quality of the offering by his excellent work. Ghkat Noiithers Theatre (Fred C. Kb- trts, business manager).—Charley Grapewlri eujoyed a week of great prosperity for "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp." concluding Satur- duv night, 17, to give way to Geo. Sidney, who opens. In ■ "Busy lzzy." Sunday after- noon, 18, to remolu a week, and give way. In torn, to Bra Tnngttny. who Btages "The Smul'O Girl" Chiiatmos afternoon. Columbus Thkithk (Weber Bros., mana- gers).—Marv Cuuard has the leading role In VWcdtled and Parted," which opens here on Sttndny afternoon for one week, with "The Smart Set" billed to follow. Durlug the oust week Otis B. Thayer and Gertrude Boml- hlll presented "Sweet Clover," wive Friday night, to Columbus average uudlences. On Friday night, 10, they presented, for the first fine ou any clinic, "Senators from Grldlcy." u political comedy drama, In four acts, by Kilwnrd B. Kose, east as follows: Hannibal Hawkins, Otis B. Thayer • Clinton Ilargrave, Howard K. Itnou; David Wordley, John Jlaurleo Snlllvau : 1'hlleus Judsou, John C. Hrowuell: 8aiu. llolicrt Uobeon: Caleb Km- mons. J. M. Moss; Nick Slythe, Lew Nelson: .ludse Muimone. T. J. Norutoylo: Lem Blckctt. It. fiullliT: Bttdlcy l.ninpey. Judge Downing: HIrani Sllvetts. J. Mayer: Seanlon. Arthur Ouc! Jim. 0. T. Bryant: Arthur Lnrnpc, Kl- mcr Ellsworth: Ilutta Lclgbton, Helen Ra- vome: Marie Jones, Jenny Reeves Smith; kittle Fox, Kstelle Wynne: Mrs. Daisy Way- well, Harriett .lniklus. The presenting com- INtnj' was espoctnllv ussembled to "try XiOf'' the new' play with u view to tiscertitluinv; its nualltlcntlons ns u starring vehicle for Mr. Thayer. ' The concensus* of opinion pointed in i success, and It Is very probable (bat the piece will be umcutcd'us u toad Attrac- tion as soon as arrangement* can be per- fected. Mr. Thayer won especial favor In the lending role, and Helen llayome was an- other member of tho cast worthy of especial commendation for.alacere and. Intelligent •iSritebios' Thtatbe (Ben. M. fllroiix*busi- ness mnnager).—"Thn Charity Nurse' mdves over la the North side Bpntlny nftcrnoonjo c.peu an engagement mad* lip of the cUBte*B- ary fourteen performances. "The, White Tlfress orjapair.wair Inst weelfa artrtc- tlott, prolltlnfc* splendidly and pleasing lm Scutari or Mrsic (Wm. Hoclie. business manauer).—"Why Women Sin" will be ex- plained to West slders this week, starting Sunday nfteraoon. Then comes "The Heart of Maryland." During the past week Lottie Wlllams gave "Only a Shop Girl to well pleased and well proportioned audiences. Alhambiia Thbatrb (Jomea II. Browne, business manager).—Selma Herman will ap- pear this week In "Wedded, But No Wife, The play In which slie starred last season, "The Charity Nurse," was last week s at- traction. Next week, "Why Women Bin.' Bijou Thbatbf, (Wm. Boche, business manager).—"The Span of Ufe." that peren- nial thriller of enthusiastic souls. Is the at- traction which starts upon a West Bide ca- reer of fourteen performances Sunday after- noon. Next week's declaration Is "No Wed- ding Bells for Her." During the past week. "Hearts Adrift" attracted the customary Bijou crowds. . _ . , Burnt Temple Tiieatbb (Elizabeth Schrob- er, manager).—The Players Stock Co. will be seen In "Frou Frou'" starting Monday evening, Mnbcl Montgomery ond Geo. Alison playing the leads. Last week's bill was "The Wife." People's Theatre (Fred O. Conrad, man- ager).—The stock company gives "East Lvnnc" for the week before Christmas. Fu- gene Moore and Lillian O'Nell will play the leads. Last week "For Her Sake" enthused the crowds. Olympic Theatre (Abe Jacobs, manager for Kohl & Castle).—Opening Monday after- noon, 19: The Schiller Brothers, J. C. Fox, clnrk and Duncan, Pat Totthey. the Itnmsey Sisters, Lizzie McKcovcr, the O'RourkeBuv. nctte Trio, Howard Trucsdell and compiuiy, Wayne Wlnslow, Tecbow's cats. Lew Hun - - kins, Williams and Tucker. Willie Zimmer- man, the Society Belles and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. In last week's bill were many splendid vaudeville numbers, but particular favor was' merited and won by Felix, Barry and Barry, Josephine Sabcl, Delmore and Lee and Ryan and Richfield. Business con- tinues at capacity most of the time. Chicago Opera House (C. B. Draper, manager for Kohl & Cnstlc).—Opening" Mon- day afternoon 10: Peyton and Harris, Lit- tle Mildred, Kennedy and James. Leonard and Drake, Fern Melrose, Geo. K. Austin, Pierce and Malzee, Lawson and Namon, the Great Thcrcsses, "Happy" Jack Gardner, Polk and Koillns, Hayes and Healcy. the He Haven Sextette and Geo. K. Spoor's klao- drome. Harry La Rose and company were notably successful In last week's bill, othtr favorites being Howtev and Leslie, May Vokes and La Carmen Troupe. Havmauket TiiBATnH (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle).—Opening Mon- day afternoon, 10: Geo. W. Leslie, Rose Lee Tyler, Kenyoa und Dc Gnrino. Jennings mid Renfrew, Robert Nome, Trovollo, the -Misses Delmore, ltynn and ItlchHcId, Josephine Habf), rats. Barry and Barry, the Qulgley Brothers, lX'Iniore and !.ce nud Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Business is flnc here und the vaudeville bills arc always high class and appreciated. Htdr & Behman's (Archie Fills, malin- ger).—Blind Tom Is the feature of tho bill opening Monday afternoon, 10. O'Brien and Ilnvlll are an extra attraction. Slngsr's monkey comedians are new this week, along with the lOscainlllos. Holdovers are: Harri- son, Karl and Wilson, the Italian Trio, Laura Millard and 0 Hanua San and company. Sam T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. tiuson. manager).—May Howard begins the second week of tier engagement as the feature of the burlesque stock company Sunday after- noon, 18. "Mile Fi Fl' r und "Chlng-u-loo" will be continued for another week. Tbo olio will employ Mitchell nnd Love, the Five Juggling Normans, the Freeze Brothers and the Three Constantlne Sisters. Business continues evenly good nnd the bills give great satisfaction. Miss Howard has proven au attractive adjunct to an already popular orgnnlzatlou. Folly Tueatbe (Robert Fulton, mnnager). —The Fay Foster Co. opens Sunday nfter- noon for a return visit to "The Levee," scheduled for fourteen performances of a programme which won favor in this vicinity a few weeks ago. During the past week' we had our first visit of the season from the Merry Maidens, and the show proved one of the best laugh producers of the season. Nellie Hanley headed un excellent company, made up of pretty girls and clever comedians. TitncADEito Theatre (Robert Fulton, man- ager).—Weber's Parisian Widows open Sun- day afternoon for their first week of the season here. The return visit of "The I,evec" of the Bentz-Santley Show resulted in goodly crowds last week, and the show gavo the very best of satisfaction throughout. Clark Street Museum (Louis M. Hedges, manager.)—Freaks and curiosities abound, and large crowds congregate to behold the wonders and enjoy the oft repeated bill of brief vaudeville numbers which complete the offering. London Dime Museum (Wm. J. Sweeney, manager).—In curio hall: Lulu Del Fuego, tattooed woman: Master Rimer, strong boy: Cursell'H female baad, and Mungn's trained ulllgntors. On the stage: Isa Ten Ryck, T'rlxle Fill, Blanche Carlcton, and Tom How- ard. •-.-;. Coliseum (Stewart Spladlng. manager)'.— Oir Friday evening the Boer Wnr began a five weeks' engagement here before crowds which nearly tilled all the available space In 'tills vast structure. The indoor setting for the monster spectacle proved an attrac- tive background for the scenes of animation nnd luinilc strife which aroused tho crowds to frequent demonstrations, and the show In lis present form loses little In effectiveness, generally speaking, in contrast to its out of door World's Fair location. Frank E. Flllls, who conceived nnd executed the World's Fair production, is innuuglng director of the present exhlbtlon, nud Is a personal factor of great force in the evident success of the scheme. He won a demonstrative hit for his masterful horsemanship, and the programme win run off under his supervision with marked smoothness and excellent effect. K. Sherman Danby Is In charge of the publicity department and demonstrated his ability In the. size of the opening house. Aftermath. —xclmn Rawlston opened ns a member of the stock compnnv ut the La Snllc Theatre Inst Monday night. 12. and proved a skillful and welcome addition to the; popular forces nt this house. She has n prominent role, in "Ills Highness, the Bey." aud Introduces her clever impersona- tions ns a specialty number Forrv. the "frog man." with Del Znrlo sisters. w*us in Chicago lust week. They nro members this tram . of Dixon & Mustard's "Hiiinpty Diintpty" Co Victor's Royal Venetian Band opens ns the feature attraction at Ra- \en4 Park. June 5 next, for foar weeks, with an option of the cotlro season. This Is the roshrt which J. J. Mnrdock will conduct, .lust north of here, in place of the Masonic Triple Roof Garden, lu which he has pre- viously been Interested Carlla nud Otto ienl| mo .documentary evidence of their suc- cess In Eastern vtiinievHIe since leaving bcrc n fctr weeks ago, for a. well booked tour..-... Klne nnd fJOtthold passed through town lust week on their way to begin a tour of the Orpaeuu) Circuit .ilx. uud Mrs. Al. Lawreace send Ch/I"^" JEPSmml the Western Bureau of The cliffeu from England, where Mr. Lawrence 1b tcor- ng be'Vfiy In vnudovllle..... .Mabello Mohr. vfio has been doing aecond^J'" 9 , 1 '*?, ' n ffi stock company at th« People a Theatre, has n'slgtie.1 from 1 the canrHiny-to t^' 00 ,"""- slcil studies Chicago.Lodge, No. 4. H. . r O Klks, will give a "Wilt P^tomMce nt the Gnrrlck fhentre^ounday nfternoon, JO, In aid of the.^rlty fund;'of that^or- ganization C. K. Byles. who has done most effective pres* "work for^ the .People I most eun:u»«; |,.l-,m. ....... -— --^- - .- Theatre, has resigned to go to New York... "Kvlles of llnssla" la the stock company bill this week nt the Calumet Theatre. South Chicago. Kittle De I-orme nnd Tedd Bracken ire plavlng the lends. The Trolley Cor Trio are the vaudeville feature Mr. and Mrs. Jnek arc presenting their vnudev lie Bketch In towns cootlguous to Chicago, being this week at the Star Theatre, Munclc, Ind. o» » . . PKWHYiVANIA. Philadelphia.—Large attendance at the thentres Is not expected this week, the week before Christmas, with all the large and small stores open In the evening and cvery : body busv Buying gifts. As ft result there arc a good many holdovera for the week, and only one novelty, "The Forbidden Land, being included In the weeks offering. Acapemv of Music—There Is an entire cessation of musical events at this house this week. There is no opera performance and neither the Boston Symphony nor the Philadelphia Orchestra gives coacerts. Broau Stbeet Theatre (Xlxon & Zim- merman, managers).—"Lctty" is continued n£ the offering at this house this week. Mil- ium Favcrsham opened his local engagement In this production last week and, with the assistance of his admirable company, won praise and profit from large gatherings. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, In "The Sorceressr' Is an- nounced for the coming week. Garrick Tueatbe (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager).—Though the house was by no means crowded there were goodly numbers who at- tended the performances of the Bernard Shaw plavs laat week by Arnold Daly and his company. "Candida,' 1 "The Man of Des- tiny" and "How He Lied to Her Husband" were all presented in a most fascinating man- ner, and those In attendance made up la ap- preciation what they lacked in numbers. "Checkers," recently seen at the Walnut, holds the boards this week. Next week, Virginia Horned. In the first performance on auy stage of "The Lady Shore." Chestnut Stbeet Opera House (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).—Business has continued of excellent proportions for "The Shepherd King" at this house. The current week ends the engagement. Next week brings "Parsifal," for a fortnight's engagement. Chestnut Theatre (Nixon A Zim- merman, managers).—Although the critics were somewhat severe with "An American Princess," presented for the first time here laat week, the play appears to have many elements of strength, and with expert tinker- ing should prove an Interesting drama. It was well played by John K. Kellard and associates, nnd was quite well received by local theatregoers. This week "The For- bidden l,and, which enjoyed a good ran in Chicago last Summer, holds the boards. Next week, De Wolf Hopper, lu "Wang." Walnut Stkeet Theatre (Frank llnwe Jr.. manager).—"Home Folks." the new rural play, by C T. Dazey. achieved notable success nt tills bouse lust week. Joseph Brooks' production proved to be all that could be desired, and the mpnble players In I lie east made the most of their opportunities. Tho uudlcnces were of goodly sizo and fully justified the continuation of the engagement tills week. Next week begins the annual en- gagement of Chounccy Olcott. Casino (Ellas, Koeaig & Ledercr, mana- gers).—The success of "Smiling Island," pre- sented for the first time at this house last Thursday night, was never in anv doubt after the beginning of tbe first act An audi- ence of splendid size was in attendance, and tbe lavish applause and evident enjoyment attested tbe attitude of the auditors. Geo. W. Lederer's production was made on na elaborate scale, and tbe local critics Joined with the public In praising. Attendance kept at capacity during the remainder of the week, uad there is every reason to anticipate a long and prosperous run. Park Theatre (F. G. Nixon-Nlrdllnger. manager).—Good attendance continues to fall to the lot of "The Tenderfoot." which closes its engagement nt this house this week. Next week and the week following, DenmanThomp- son. In "The Old Homestead." National Titcatrb (Joseph M. Kelly, man- ager).—Tbe attraction for the curreut week nt this bouse is Robert Fltzslmmons and Julia May Gilford, la "A FTght for Love." Attendance was good last week for "A Wo- man's Struggle." Next week, "A Desperate Chance. Grand Opera House (G. A. M'egcfarth, manager).—Paula Edwardes, In "Winsome Winnie," holds the boards at this house this week, with David Hlgglns, In "His last Dollar." scheduled to follow. "A Chinese Honeymoon" proved to be a popular offering last week, judging by the large attendance. People's. Theatre (f. g. Nlxon-Nirdllng otv manager).—The melodrama, "Why Girls Leave Home." attracted the patrons In large numbers lust week, nnd pleased them well. This week Thomas E. Shea appears In his repertory. Blaney's Arch Street Theatre nt 8 Schlcalnger. manager).—Lillian Mortimer, In her play, "Girl of the Streets." was the attrac- tion for the current week at this house. The patrons turned out iu force last week to welcome Barney Gilmore, in "Kidnapped In New York." Christmas week, "On the Bridge at Midnight." s Girard Alma Theatre (Miller & Kauf- man, managers).—A popular offering Inet week, was "Tracked Around the World," which provided n superabundant supply of thrills for the patrons. This week the at- traction Is tltc first presentation hero of "The 51 ssourlnas." with "The Ninety and Nine" scheduled to follow. Hart's New Theatre (John W. Hart, manager).—."Tbe Little Church Around the tumor Is the melodrama offered for The delectation of the patrons this week. The patrons were out In force last week and up- peared to thoroughly enjoy the stlrrl.ig scenes In "Klnuilnc Arrow." The announce- P.'. ent S? r tlle coming week Is "Escaped from blng Sing. l-OBEPAUOH's Theatre (Miller A Kauf- man, managers).—The stock company of 'ho house Is rippeurlng this week In "Hazel Kirke." while "The Chrlstlao" is In rehrnr*- "!. for Presentation the eomlug week. Rose Michel' received good treatment by the members of the stock last week and 1 he performnuccs were well attended Saakb'8 Bijou Theatre (Curl Saak», manager).— rhc German stock compauv nD- pears this week In "The Blessed Tnt-pinel!" on Monday evening au exhibition la given by the Tioga Turners. Stan-dard Theatre (Darcy A- Speck, man- agers).—The work of the members of the stock last week. In 'The T.atid of the Living." was worthy of the earnest commendation bestowed by the natrons, who attended the performances In large numbers. This week's offering la "Tbe Game Keeper." with "The Night Before Christmas" underlined for the coming week. Keith's New Theatbd (II. T. Jordan, resident manager).—On the programme this week are: The Royal Japanese Guard. John r. Rice and Sully Cohen, Jules and Kiln (tafrtftrii. Caleedo. Mayme liemlngtou. Kliuer Tenler. Kltzglbbons-MeCoy Trio. Kellv ond Vlolette. Billy Carter. Valroho Brothers, lie- tUBBj lorn Almond, Margaret Scott, O'Uuutkc and Buruette, Hill and Whlttaker, the bio. graph, and an exhibition of liquid air. Bon Ton Theatre (Bon Ton Amusement Co., managers). — The bill this week in- cludes: .Spoil's bears, Hoover Slaters, Rice Brothers. Topsy lurry Trio, Robinson and Grant, Ynckley and Bunnell, • Three Arm- atfongs, Mr;-and Mrs. Sam. King, Adah Courtney, Baby Bntschcr, JAos and Ryan Thompson and Kennedy, Jennie" Mitchell ami moving pictures. ' Eleventh 1 'Street Opera House (Frank Dumont. tnrtrHtgcr).—"How Mrs. Chadirlek Got the Money; or. Frenzied Finance," a very timely burlesque, made the hit of the bill last week, and is continued on the pro gramme. Charles Heywood and Napp, Nlpp and Napp, two special features, are also con- tinued, while the bill is rounded out with an attractive, first part. Filled bouses prevailed last week. Lyceum Titeatrk. (John G. Jermon, mana- ger).—Tho Thoroughbreds furnish the en- tertainment for tbe patrons this week. The patrons turned out In large numbers last week, nnd thoroughly enjoyed the fare pro- vided try the World Beatera. Next week brings Watson's Americans. Tbocadrbo (Floyd Lauaan, manager) The Cherry- Blossoms was the card laat week nnd proved to be an attractive one, Judgln- by tbe liberal' attendance. Thht week's en- tertainment Is provided by the RunawRv Girls, with the Bohemian Burlesquera sched- uled to follow. NIKIU and Ancn MrsEUM (C. A. Bradcn- burgh, manager).—Following the annual custom, manager Bradenburgh will distribute a large number of Christmas presents to the children attending Monday of next week in the curio hall this week are: Mrs. Gen- eral Tom Thumb and the American Llllpu- tlan company, Lionel, tbe lion face hoy the Bergerons, bypnotlc seance; Le Bent' cemedy juggler; Daisy Levy. Circassian queen; the Dellos, Illusionists; German Ko<e novelty musician, and George Brown, skole^ ton contortionist. In the theatre the nro- grnmme Includes: John Healy, Devcne iind Schurtz and Mortimer Baasett, Bacon nnd Hope. Gregory and Wood, Edythc Kellv, Morgan and Crane and the clncogrnpb. Notes. —Henry Miller, In "Joseph En- tangled," Is dac at the Garrick Theatre Jan. '.) George M. Cohan, in "Little Johnny Jones." comes to tbe Chestnut Street The- atre New Year's week. PlttHbnra;.—At the Nixon Theatrc.(Thus. F. Kirk, resident manager) Ada Itehun plnrs for one week Dec. 10-24. Viola Allen played to fair business last week, In "Win-' tcr's Tale." Richard Mansfield opens Christ- mas matinee, 28, for a week, In repertory. Alvin Theatre (Harry Davis, munugeri. —The offering of the stock company for the current week is "Sergeant James." "Mnrta of the Lowlands," as given last week, was an enjoyable production, thoroughly interest- ing throughout. Good crowds were present and attested their appreciation of the Sue work of the various members In vigorous np- plnnse. Wm. Courtenay and Jnne Ken mirk particularly distinguished themselves. Fur week commencing Monday tnutlnee, 20, Jules Verne's "Around the World In Uigntv Dnvs," h magnificent holiday production. In which l.'iU people will appear, including the famous Klrulfy ballet from the St. Louis World's Fair. Gavety Theatre (James E. Orr. resident tnnnugcr).—Creston Clarke, In " lleniienlre," commenced a week's ciigngcnieiir Monday, 1!). "Captuln Burrlnglon" litis been seen here before, but never In heller shape thau as pruscntcd by "William ISr.nn- well lust week. Business wus very satis- factory and the star was received in bo ci- trcuicly cordial manner. The good company also received its share of applause. Fur Christ mns week. "Girls Will Bo Girls." Bijou Tiieatbb (It, M. Gulick. manager!. —"A Desperate Chance," a melodrama of particular interest to local playgoers. Is the current week's offedng. "Tilly Olson," .vith Gertrude Swlggett in the leading role, played to good business last week. The attraction for Christmas week is "For His Brother's Crime." Duquesnb Theatre (R. M. Gulick, man- ager).—"Buster Brown" played to the ca- pacity last week, and demonstrated the wis- dom of the management in booking the second engagement tbls season, which con- tinues for the current week. The Christmas . week offering will be Ward and Vokes. Empire Theatre (E. J. McCullough, man- igcr).—The Gllckman company of Yiddish players, bi'led for the current week, can- celed the date too late for tbe management to secure a substitute attraction, in conse- quence of which the house Is closed this week. Large audiences were present Inst week to witness the stlrrlug melodrama, "Deserted at the Altar." Everybody seemed pleased, and there wus no luck of applause for the good points. "On the Suwance River'' comes for week of 20. Avenue Theatre (Harry Davis, mnnager). —Anna Eva Fay. in exhibitions of mind rending, remains for week of 10. Her feat of turning people away, which was a regular thing during the previous week, was dupli- cated last week. Academy (Harry W. Wllllnms, manager). —The Gay Maequeraders Co. is entertain- ing this week. Manchester's Vaalty Fair Co. filled the house at every performance last week with lovers of burlesque, who showed by their enthusiastic applause how they ap- preciate a first class organlzatioa. Rellly & Wood's Co. wlil bo here for Christmas week. Granp Opera House (Harry Davis, man- ager).—Satisfactory business ruled through- out last week. The current bill: Fadeite's Orchestra, Murphy, Nlcholls and Co., Hill and Sylvlanl, Burke, Larue and iukcy Boys, Lnvlue Clmaron Trio, Mr and Mrs. Allison. Adamlnl and Taylor, Herbert Brooks nud Carrie Hill, Mills and Morris, Ada Arnold- son. Florence Fugan and klnetograpb. Stab Tiieatbb (Keystone Amusement Co.. managers).—Business continued good last week. This week's bill: Lc Vine and Aimer. Inez Gexirge, the Ixjcs, Frank C. McCauu and Starograpb pictures. a ■ - lliurlsburg,—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. Rclj. manager) "Checkers" drew good business Dec. 13 and scored heavily. Rob- ert Downing played 14. "The Merry Shop Girls" had a fair house 1-3, and Henry Miller, In "Joseph Entangled,"' did a medium business 10. The effect of the holiday shopping sea- son is very noticeable The attractions due are: "A Romance of Athlonc," with Chaim- coy Olcott. 10, and Lyman D. Howe's moving pictures 20. „ Opeilv House (M. Rcls, manager).—'The Strange Adventures of Amos Skectcr" drew poorly and tbe company closed here 14 for reorganization. "A Little Outcast" had nice business 15-17. "The Lost Boy" is due 10-21. Tbe John B. Wills Co., booked for tbe rest of theweek, canceled. Notes,. —Dtirno, the magician, did well at Mlddlctown, Pa„ 12, aud Robert Downing bad fair business thero 3!1 The MnjeBtic is tin. nnuie of a new theatre to be erected In this city, the ground for which Is to be broken Feb. 1,. It a burlesque and vuudevlllc house, and will be- erected on the [.•round purchased by John D. Mlshler, of Heading, for bis new playhouse, which pro- ject wna abandoned. C. E. uiidcgraff Jr.. «f Itendlng, who Is also Interested Tn theatres at Boston and elsewhere, Is tbo projector. In connection will he a bote! and business places. Tho theatre Is to be finished by Aug. 1 Wlillnoi Browne, treasurer of the Park Thea- tre. Erie, Pa., formerly of tbls city, was u visitor hero week of 12. , ' ■ Aitnonu. —At the Eleventh Aveuue Opera House (I. C. Mlshler, manager) "Ills Majesty aud the Maid" did fairly well Dec 12, "Jes*e