The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1030 THE N"!EW YGEK CLIPPER. December 24. BACK, BACK, BACK ™ BALTIMORE TMK Rl B7 WILLIAH» and VAN AL8TY.VK. IZKD OOOIM SO NO MIT. S' IIMT ALU OTH 0ht0MO.87«na89Clart»Bt,Mr. BOB1BT JJMJffr M08B CUMBLE, General Mgr., Prof. Dept. > 9 45 W. 88th Street, New York City. Detroit, 10 Wlthtwell Bt., HBKBIETTA B. BLAB KB »n charge. IOWA. Hen Moines.—At Foster's Opera House ( Vfpi- Pouter, manager) Qeo. - Sidney, In "Bmut Izzt," drew h packed bonne Dec. II. l>xa Kendall presented'Weatherbeaten Ben- con," to two largo and well pleated audi- ences. 10. "Glittering Gloria" comes 20, "The Tenderfoot" 2o, Chad. Hawtroy 29, 80 Uim.vd opera House (Win. Foster, mann- cerl.—"The Cargo of Drink" played to ca- pacity $-10. Billy Clifford, wno presented "How Ho Won Her," 12-14, gave an excel- lent performance, to large houses. "A Hot old Time" 10-17. "McKadden's Flats" 10-21, "A llomnnce of Coon Hollow" 22-24. AvoiTOBitiM (Wm. Foster, manager). — •intues T. Powers, In "San Toy," Is booked for 20. . Lvckom (Nellie Wlllard Nelson, manager). — Popular prices drew large audiences to seo the semi-weekly change ofrepertory. . Buoy (W. C. Buchanan, manager).—The iilil for week of Dec. 12 Included: Tho Mid- dlcton'fl, Mannlklns, Johan and Molt. Delia Mini Fonda, the Allyna, Dellmore and Darrell, Mauler Bertram Whlto and the klnodromc, Trenton,—At Taylor Opera Home (Mont- gomery . Moses, manager) "Checkers," Dec. 12, played to Immense business. "The Merry Shop Olrls," 13, 14, did fairly well. "The Imperial Divorce," lit, pleased a r .iir •Ized house, . This heavy drums, In four nets, relating to the life of Napoleon, was written by Jehu O. Wilson, and named i<v lilm "Tho 'Star of Fortune," under which name It received Its first production In i.'og- land about eighteen years ago. William Humphery has now Joined hands with Mr. Von Studdiford again presented "Bed Feather," 11), 17, It being her third engage- ment here 'a the past year. The company was up to its usual line standard of excel- lence. Miss Van Studdlford's voice pleased immensely, as of yore.. Business was line. A word Is due the most excellent chorus. Sav- age's "Farslfnl" '£1. 24. National Theatiib (Max Hurtlg, mana- ger).—Nanette Comstoek and a tine company played to good business In "The Crisis." 12- 11. ' This play has never been given a better Wilson and they are producing the piny presentation here. It scored a great popular under the name of "The Imperial l>f- success. Blanche King, ably supported by llnrry Conor and an evenly balanced com- pany,, presented "Vivian's Papas." 16-17._to vorce." Its llrst American production wi-s clvoa at Norrtstown, X. J., Dec. 1 * cast: Napoleon I. Wm. Marquis De Beaumont, John Vernon; Tally- rand, Walt Whitman; Gen. Caracole, Harry Mack : Sir Hudson Lowe, J. H. Alexander; Col. Montreau, Joseph Davis: Father Grlm- aud, Frank J. Neff: Lieut. I* Hay, Edwlu Stevenson; Young King of Rome, Baby Do- rothy: Dr. Autommarcue, H. A. Edwards; Corporal Heade, Victor Ilenolt \_ Roustan, !Phl 'I'hIs house Is filled to capacity at every per- Louise, Julia Charles; Stephalne De Beau- foriusnre. BUI week of 10: Van Fossen and halrnes, Patrlca Clair; Mile. Therese, large and thoroughly amused audiences. The singing of Miss Bing was a feature. Dan McAvoy, In "His Honor, the Mayor of the Bowery •• 10-21. Baker Tiieatiii: (J. K. Boyle, manager).— "What Women Will Do" played to fair busi- ness 12-14. The company was up to all re- quirements. "A Struggle for Gold," 10-17, unirai, nam. •»•» uoiuii, nuu.uuu, proved to be mi Interesting melodrama, Prank Adams; Sentry McKay, H. B. Bcrdan;' capably cast. Entire satisfaction was given JoHcphlno Bonaparte, Helen Ashley; Marie MrAulcy, Casad and De Verne, the Flvo Hewitts and others,' . . ,. s linvrinport.—At the Burtls Opera House (L'hamberlln. Kindt A Co,, managers) busi- ness at the Hurtle the first part of the month was very good. Lew Dockstader Dec. 1, Idh Institute entertainment 2, y, "The Kat .««, Caro- line Morgan. Coming: Henry Miller 17, Chauncey Oicott 23, "A Chinese Honeymoon" 20. "Tho Volunteer Organist" 27. ■ Statu Street Thsatbe (Frank Shatters, manager).—"At the Risk of His Life." 12- 14, played to fair business. This play, a drama, In four acta, by Mark K. Swan, re- ceived Its premier at the Bijou Theatre, and business was fair. '"Queen of the White Blares" 10-21. "Why Women Sin" 22-24. Cook oi-kiia Ho can (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—S. K. O. still rules. The Four Mad- caps proved to be the big success of last week's bill. Bill for 10 and week: Henry Dixie, the Mouller Sisters, the Piccolo Mid- gets, Mile. Chester and her statue dog, Al. Carleton, McDonald and Huntington and the klnetograph. Corinthian TheathS (Eleury C, Jacobs, munnger).—Tho Transatlantic Burlesone^ played to the capacity last week. They gave a, capital show: In fact, the best of the sea- son thus far. Illta' Redmond, Alex. Carr, Yolnnde Wallace, Geo. P. Murphy, Warsaw Trent (Edward Renton. manager).—Bust- Bros., Adele Purvis Oorl and Tsuda scored ness at this resort continues big. Din for 1 big individual successes. The Kentucky 10 and week: Pascoe and Wilcox, Crane Belles 10-24. u Thbatrh (Nat Blossom, manager). Brothers, Bloom and .Cooper, Allure's monk- "Noras.—The Lyceum management has nr- —Programme for week of 12 Included: I.olA eys, Splssell -Bros., Leroy and Woodford, ranged with Ellcrt Newton for an explana- Pnun, V. E. Beaton, Mark Fields and Olvlo. Allen J. Shaw and tbe blograph. lory lecture and recital on Wagner's "Farsl- ' UtifiiroN Tudatiib (Oscar Baphael, mana- r>oTKH.—The performance at Mecca Plena- fal,' matinee of 20 A sacred concert .i.rt.—since this theatre Sh beon repaired, «re Park for the rest of the Winter season <>f Illustrated songs and moving pictures iirter the fire, business Is returning In hearty will be composed of amateurs and moving was given 18 to a large widlcnco at Coloulal response to" first class attractions. Change pictures... .._. . .^Fi-ankHulse has been np- Hall. ■ • i Albany.—At Harmanus Blecckcr Hall (II. R. Jacobs, manager) De Wolf Hopper mude his reappearance, in "Wang," Dec. 13, and a well Oiled bouse greeted blm. Maudo Adaina «■*. Burlesquers 2 1 !.' "Coon Hollow". 20, "San Toy"'20,'University of Michigan Glee Club 31. Kun' response of programmo ench week. lurKKPOitr Thbatub (Mr. Blair, mann- er).—This house, recently opened up under nUvcrsn conditions, 1b gradually forging- to i he front. Business Is improving wit a a eliange of programme each week. i ■ . •• ■ ,. s ■ Odar Rapid*.—AtOrecno'sOpera Houso (Will 8. Collier, business manager) "Wife In Name Onlv," Dec. 7, hod a top heavy house. Clara Thropp, In "A Doll's House," 8, pleased, •Tho llovnl Chef." 10, ■ drew good business. "The Milage Postmaster," 12, ■ had a fair houso. ■ "TheHoly City," 13. pleased. "Ebeu. llolden" 14, "Houinnee of Coon Hollow" 10. Harrison J. Wolfs 17, "Two-Married Women" 1ft "Han Toy" 23, Thomas Jefferson 26, "Sor- geanl Kitty" 30. ".&. Texas Steer" 31. .^Auditorium (L. Phillips, resident mana- ger).—Tho people'for Week oM2 were: Hsrry und May Howard,' Blsooriet ahd Nowmnu, Les- ter and Moure,' Slgnorttn Kl Hat to, Stoddard and Wilson, and La Cbntlers.' PtiOPi.B'a (Kdw- Currao, manager).—Tbls) new theatre Is almost completed, and Will . open before Christmas with a big bill.. ' ii a liurHuMtori.--At tho Grand (Chauibor- lln, I'lniTlngloii & Co., managers) the Jeffer- nons did-fair business Dec. 8. "The Royal I'lict" had a good houso 0. Clara Thropp 1)1, "Tho Wizard of Os" had Its usual flno nudleuce 12. ' "Tried for Her Llfo" 14. "Iris" w, local "Pinafore" 17, the Flints 10 unil week., "A Wise Woman'' 20, "Coon Hollow" 28, Broadway Burlesquers 31 pointed Btago manager of Taylor's Opera House. 4' repeated her successes of former seasons, In "The Little Minister," HI, befor< c n large audl- Hobokeu.—The approach of Yuletldc Is not-helping business In thl» section to any great extent. Lyric (II. P. Soulier, manager).—Tho at- tractions arc: Qulnlau * 18-21, "Clnderolln " "Wife's Sec Empire —Week of hi: Matthews and Harris, John ismmbb Thbatrk (H. II. Jacobs, munacer). D. Gilbert, Barry and Johnson, Bio Broth- —"East l.ynne," 12-14, was a drawing Ki- el's, Campbell and Caullleld. Doherty's trained traction, ami "The Unwritten Luw," 16-17, Iioodles, . John and Annie Mack, McGruth hud fair attendance. The next attractions Iron, and tho klnetoscope. hero: "Heart and Sword" 10-21, and "Box- Note.— Charles A,. O'Mvalls, brother of one's Claim" 22-24. Beginning Christmas James F. O'.Mealla, head of.tho bill posting week nn cutlre rhougc of policy will go into interests In■ Hudson- and tho surrounding effect here, ns this theatre will thereattcr be c6unties died recently, after a short III- ' ness, from kidney trouble. Tho deceased was thirty five years old. and was. asso- ciated with bis brother JameB In business, controlling this section.for many.years. He was wall (mown and. highly respected. Tho Hoboken Elks and the Jersey City Foresters, of which bo was a member, attended the ob- sequies. . , ?••, Jfj $25 for Suits Meant to be $50 and More! The importer had one hundred and fifty-three pieces of goods contain- ing 4,070 yards of Winter woolens when he shouldn't have had any. We can't name the importer, because he wouldn't throw in his name in the bargain. There are 153 styles in the purchase. Perhaps too many pieces for you to look through. To facilitate selection they're sampled two on a card. You can pick out the style you like and have the big piece brought to you to examine. The lowest value you can choose is $50 worth.' You C42V strike a $75 quality. You CAN only pay—$25. , ', Sale starts to-morrow morning. Goods displayed on 2d floor only. ARNHEIM, Broadway and 9th St., New York. WANTBD, goad Comedy Acrobat or Acrobatic, Clown—lightweight—at once. Address ACROBAT, care of CLIPPER. Hindoo BOX, lot. of Magic, set of Marion- ettes. For sate cheap. List for stamp. J. S. HARTO. 703 Ho. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, 1ml. devoted to burlesque, after tbo order of Weber & Hclds. The first burlesquo will be "In Dreamland," 20-31. ugo, .0 tier. Week of 12, John and Nellie McCarthy mid Brown Brothers were features. , . s Kftokok.—At tlm Keokuk Opera Houso <E.. Jaeger Jr., manager) Clara Thropp, In "A Doles House," pleased Dec. 12. ''Tried fur Her Lite" came 13. The Broadway Bur- htipicrs bad a good advance outlook for 17. Coming: Mabsra's Minstrels 20, "Tho Vil- lage Postmaster" 22. "A Wise Woman" 28, "Coon Hollow" 20. e»» Proctok'u Theatiib (Howard Graham, resident manager). — High class vuudcvllle rules here, and draws excellent attendance at all times. For tho past week John C. nice and sally ( ohcu wero the top liners, with Majestic Musical Four, Nelson Farnum Troupe, the De Mutbs, Hul Merrltt, Gallcttl's eraer. City.—Tho attendance at all the dogs, Barry and Wilson, Mildred Hnusou and liar amusement resorts week ending Dec. «hc Proctorseope. For 10 and week • Mana. field-Wilbur Co., In "The Shadow ;" McWat- »5 *'« I" ou I. 1 " 1 «°mpany. Jack Theo Trio, Kelly Bros., .. Nichols, mana- gcr).—Variety nnd burlesnuo nro the strong inucnetH here, and tho dally and nightly at- tendance Is most satisfactory. Harry Brv- proprlotor).^-. anl;a Extravagansa Co.. 12-14, produced a .4 regu It waa uot very satisfactory. I'he attrac- tions' wero: "Tho Vacant Chair,", at the Academy: "A Bnco fur Life," «t the HIJou, Matthews and HuvcrTy, Three ] end tho Thoroughbred Burlesquers at the Boo the Bolfes and Harry B. Luster. An^K"h.Vre,umed°*buslne..«ndso ^feg.OTIA ^B tf ^ Jg 1 ^ ' far i-cports good business. Tho proprietor EEnL£JtaJ2X%i3$ t ,U N * w lorkl Is "Vli". Hugo, and 10. C. IJunUr .!• mana- J S!.5 1 7* i ¥' B i ite A «§L- ....... U lluoit (John W. Holmes NEW JHRHBY. Xe«vnrk,—At tho Newark - Theatre (Lcc Ottolengul, manager) tho best ottractlons continue to interest here. ThlH week, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, as SSaroya, In "The Sor- ceress," should create particular nttontlon. Hu-iiai'd Manafleld's engagement. Dee. 12-17, was an artistic event uud was successful. "The Pit" 20-81. E.MMin: Tiikaxiih (H. M. Hyams, msun- itee).—"The Ninety and Nino" expresses itood sentimont In on ablo way this week. "Two Little Sailor Boys" entertained fair audiences 12-17, Stella Mayhew, in "Tho Show Girl," 26-31. i Coi.imsia (M. J. Jacobs, manager).—Mon- day. 10, tho policy of this bouse changed from melodrama to musical' oxtravagansa. The first week "The Japskys" Is given, aug- mented by the following vaudeville acts "The Great Automobile "Texas" 20-31. ' Bon Ton (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).—The Bohemian Burlesquors 10-24. Bum Dorcro'e aggregation 20-31. i .. i ■ . Cnuuirn.—At the Camden Theatre (M. W. Taylor, manager) Bob Fitzslmmous, In "A Fight for Love," cot the money the early finrt of last week, old admirers turning out n force to see him. "Tho Way of tho Trans- gressor," with the Landsecr dogs, closed the week with very satisfactory houses, On lapis: "Slaves of the Mine" bee. 22-24, "At Illak of His Life" aU-28, "At Cripple Creek" SU-81. Mystery" 10-24. laughable travesty, "Wild Oats," for the opening, and closed with "Hotel Glrlv-Olrly " L»a»*, OB>. geaTt aWIntrw and Primrose, Barrett and Bell, Collins and Vuck, Arllug- ton and Delmore and Threo Polos. Bil- houses ruled. Rush's Bon Tons, 1.V17, cave n fine performance, uud finished to good busl- ncss. in the company were: Cruce Leonard. Wllllama and Adams, the Livingstons and Cook and Cook. Coming here next: Bower" Burlcsuuers 10-21, Fred Irwin's Big Show MAGICIANS-LATEST PAPER TEABINO. Sleeves rolled up, hands shown empty, back and front, Oncers wide apart. Strip of tlssno paper 1b torn np and Instantly restored. Tbls Instantly cnanges Into three pieces of silk ribbon—rea, whlto and blue. Ribbon Instantly changes into American flag, which disappears In a shower of miniature silk nags. Hands always at arm's length from body. Whole enact accomplished In same time It takes for old paper tearing alone. No "fakes" to go over or between thumb or lingers. Eaiy lo perform. You will like It. Porncakwork, bos no eiiual. Read this again. Anparatus, »U accessories, explicit instructions. 60c. Send M. O. No lumps. J. S. UARTO, 103 So. Capitol Ave., Ind lsnapolla, Ind. bad a good house 12 and pleased. Byrne Brothers, In "Ulght Bells," 13, Hatlslied a big ,'Hidleure. "a Hooslcr Daisy" 17, innt- Inec and night. . Notu.— Col. T. A. Edwards, a well known scout and sbnwmun and prominent Elk, died suddenly at Corey, 0, und was buried 11. Erie Klks cumc In a special truln to attend the funeral. He was well known In, the profession. • ««» i KV.VSAS. i'»iM-kii. At the Crawford (Crawford & Ivano. managers) "Hide Tracked" came to u good bourn- Dec. 5. "Why Girls Leave Uomc," 8, hud the capacity. "Handy Bottom," 0,. did fair business. "The Village Parson," 10, had a good matinee and a fair house at night. Bockstader'si Minstrels, 11, did big business. William Collier, In."The Dictator,' 7 12, drew a big house. Coming: "Glittering Gloria" 13, "Iler ttnly Sin" 14, "The Fortuuo Hunters' 1 32' .'.„ l . but . Llltle Swede" 17, "Dora Thome" 18, "Tho Wlxurd of Os" 10. tbe Lyrle Opuru IMgl HUIDI.[a-BnriesqneB-2. SamDev eie THE UiTDIH I I, * D,B,, ' MAT « »ai^v. i^»5iW M ^ kl BuflflS i B « s ' USm « OQ N. ) Edmund Hayes-"AWl»e0uy» TO ALL M&NA0BB8 AHD THE PROFESSION IN GENERAL. THBRK IS HCT ONE MAYOR (»P THE UOWERY WHO HAS MADE THE TITLE FAMOUS, Harry Thomson, A lerry Christmas and A Happy lew Tear to All, MARWY THOMSON. Trur. NEW YORK 8TATK. S-At the Lyceum Theatre (Burns SSSh a,ann ?er).—I'Jie Snow Slock In ■ tumatlc version of "Carmen," drew such decided to coiitlnuo the play week of Dec. 10 »S W 'rta t ?v9f^,* SFV <* Kol ». »»n« : iluffnlo—At tbe Stor Theatre (P. C. Cor- IK'fSSS WUPRtl. la "Wang," had a noil, manager) J. Frod /.liumerman's new B fcg HS.'i?. w »"? e Adams. In "The Little musical productlou. "Cupid & Co.." demands K .JSET* «,'}*? w .* W*, lt '; U8e 17 - Viola Allen, attention Dec. 10-24; ICyrle Bellew week.of '" .\r° Winters Talc," canio 23 and niatl- Wllton Lackayc did fairly well, and Otis ' 20, BMW .AHW* HorjSH (M. Kols, manager), 14 "Whr. 1 ;ffl^C had fair houseHli- IV ...V„", v ,llr, s Co Wrong" drew well l£ 17. "What Women Will Do" "E'm ° IotxY Thbamm (W. II. Buck; manugcr). ij a., i™ n . l "' lc ?? ue rs drew good bouses li- 14.. AuBirallan Burlesquers did well l|-.-17 fesguers'^L"^"' 8 **™ 10 " 21 ' ■WIS i"'^«l»'* r 9AnDKN"TnE*Tn£—This week's list ot rI* le- 'T At 1Il ° Majestic Theatre Oils „ Includes: Vnlerlo Bergerlc and Co., In "His SUnner drew big Doc. 12. Maudo Aduuis packed the house in. "The Olrl and the Major of the Bowery," met a good audience SSLJ& 0 nop*e will be dark Monday and Skinner won success. Tick Theatre (Walter S. Baldwin, man- ager).—"Moths" Is the current week's drama. "Clndorella" Christmas Week. "A Celebrated Case" drew nicely, bb usual. - Convention Ham. (H. L. Mecch, custo- dian).— Louis W. Gay's enterprise in book- ing Ysayo for Jan. 2. apparently will''bo amply rewarded,' a keen Interest belug al- i 11 illeh'Wrtiili'5'ani . old 'Wondrtl Ultciilo Duo ffi 5alva™m aud re, l, dy "PPf/ent aneut the concert JlSwHrd" and Andiir ^Iddle^Deo" , n »{ffi*'" &J2 HSSSS? will bo given 20-31; "A Girl of tho Streets" 925222 W!$f&£&£JM£ ^ -to din-ea Josenh Shutihv to hiu lo<<»i frienriu tiiio ?7 "°™ •"netograpn pictures. Die Obor- enees 12-17. "Fast Life lu New York" 20-3t •'■ Wai,u»iann:h Tiigatm (W. 8. Clark, man- iigct).—Weber's Dainty Duchess Co. lias- u large following here and should swell the re- ceipts perceptibly the proflout week. The Morciiz Troupe of acrobats Is featured as wit added attraction,, The Jolly Grass widpwa gave a graceful performance, In- eluding « good oll», last week. The New York stars 2H-;,1. pRQCTon'a THBAinn (J. Austin Fynes, gen era! mnbager):—Interest centres Oil In (he supearance of Isabella Irving, Dalntv, Burglar." Other features an est Hogau, May Isabel Flske. Prevost "and rreyost. Brown, Harrison nnd Brown, Lil- lian' Carlsmltu, Kelt ' and Buslk. Johnny evenly* good?'* 8utB0U - Business holds Notks.— Buffalo Bill was In town last weok, looking,'after Ills.New Jerssy, loco". UP-L^'m' •■•'"*•- Wildmann's Tlieutre mat- IMN will occur dolly during Chrlstmus and ?«ew Year's weeks A benefit will bo (riven at th ? Columbia Thenl" Dee. 20. for ?r. h i. e %. ,,,m . b, , n """•'volent.Assoclntlou.,... Tnesday; and-'-Parsifal" wmes'^^aiion Shelby. In "The Unwritten Law," 23, 24 Obpiieum Tubatre.— Lust week's atii -jast week's atleod- Wjrt of 10: Mr. and Mrs. braWM TiitATim (J. Laughlln, manager). —Montgomery Irving, in "For His Brothei's »."««, was big. ^rlme," tula week. "Happy Hooligan" next {j tt "l ner c rnne. the Five Philippine. Girls week. "Shadows on tbe Hearth" did very " U P Q !* ""J Hazclton. Joe Mor¥is, Bllssett well. und Scott and Lawrence Crane. Krclael'H j jMM Stevens, manugerv.'rt- Gained cats, dogs and monkeys. n ' ro,aels VmmrM at the Altar" Inst week. "Dangers w b " R .Tueatbii.— Last week's bill drew well Of. Working Girls" will be explained next ^f H k n of "v, "A Desperate WoSan," by the' week. "Queen of the White Slaves" did 8tar Dramatic Co. ' ' lne fairly, well. ■ i nTK w^KS^^ ^* > ^"l^ma^gerr^^ll a ^ a&r Vm. HL^'n 1 ,h Roller8 "S? 1 w « ek ' ' ,U( ' 'J^J^ne»tw" came to big buslnea.f b»e ?*'* ^?^l?» i M :..?b«». manager).—The .. Bastadlb (H." a. Hurtlg, manager)'— opening of this beautiful new house has Blanche Ring, in "Vlvlan-B PansiT° 5J2S January, when tho Farnum Stock Co. will come borne from Its road dates. The artl are doing their best to hasten matetrs. r of the Bowery," 22-24. i- *V» 0 ' , ' , "*«« , «-*At the Lyceum Theatre ,, Ev 1 *?! ff ', W8na « w >. Otis Skinner upiwared KS-*V(?.' om i n « ht only. «»'" crowdea ''Ji'T' .Dillon Lackiiyu. Supported bv nn ovenly balaiicetl comiwuy, appeared (on ,' pacify liouse 15, In Wc^™' Grace buslueas ■Illliu»1imii House (Mi Beis: n^ngo'rT 482S?n$8$ !*B?» ,,n ,'' "l«ht I)ee, 10, mm to Ilgnt 'Buster Blown," BbTI company. Mason and Maaon 20, "The Tenderfoot" J. II. Stoddnrt 31. AuDiTomiitt'(Under auspices Commercial Club)). —Gleason, tho horse tamer, opened a weak 12. Melba uppeare Jbb. 1KL under the auspices of the Pipe Orgun Aseoclatlou. ♦ » » C'ONNKCTICl'T. Hnrlford^~At Parsons* Theatre (Her bcrt C. Pareons, manager) "The Isle of Spice played to fair houses mutlnec and cvculng Dec. 10. Paula Edwards, in "Win- some Winnie," pleased 15. The Ysayo concert drew good business 10. Dan McAvoy 17, the Marvelous Fays and ucts in vaudeville IlAHTFOKD. OfEIlA HOUSB (Jennings & Graves, managers!.— "The Child Wife" pleased greatly 10. Ilarstu's moving pic- tures HUM to big business 11. "Unci? Josh Sprucebv" 12. "Why GlrlB Go Wrong" 13. ^i!! l S ,, , H r M T MlM, » \\ "Vut Life 111 Now lork, lft-17. proved Interesting. Harstu'a inoylug P cHires 18. Hanlon Bros? "Superb"'- 10-21. Notliiiig booked 22-24. Pou's (Louis C. Kllby, manager),—Week of 12: Berstow and LufTei-ty, In sobga and dances: Barrio nud Halvers In eccentric comedy: Keno, Walsh and Melrose, in acro- batic comedy: tlm Village Choir, Mason. iw" i".'.'? t £ om|,an f; J n " A Mischievous Boy: Mtzgibjons, McCoy and Fltzglbbons and bhe. Business was fairly good all week ♦«» ILLINOIS. *EE2*tT m M tuo Grand (Chamberlln, Har- ,! I8 . t0 , l J* Co -> managers) "Peggy from Paris." Dec. 10. came to good receipt "The Kanenjainmer Kids," lir drew well" "Busy I«y" came 12, to fair attendance Jeanne Towlcr put up a good show. "In Old Ken- tuclty" is. Coming: "The Vlfiage i\)«t- master" 25. "Malouey's Wedding" 2ff Broad "8na Toy"T **' tbe Inn *«" t »Hff«t Main Street Thbatbb (H. P. Churchill Shaw. De aud r. J. _. Weabt Thisathb j [C, 9. Barlson, mana- "A CORKER IN COAK." GEO. ATKINSON 0A1ETY, BPRIXOFIELD, ILL., Tn iS WEEK. ^AT LIBHRTY-Mr. and Mrs. John Baldwin, Comedy skutch Team, Dutch, Irish, Ulaok Pace, Singing and Dancing speolulties. Do doublen, One vanipsorgin or piano. Address JOHN IIALDW IN, Blokman, Belaw aro. WAXTKD—sketch Teams, Organ PloycrJ, Mngle Performers. Tickets? Yes. P. «.— reams who ure not usbumed to be known ns man aud wile. WALT. O. MORGAN, Clifton Remedy Co. Home uddress, Lock Box 15, Iliookvllle, Sullim Co., Kans, SOKHIO AHTItlT at Liberty, exp-rlenccd in getting up original stun: best of references, and specimen designs If required. Knoxvlllo Journal and Tribune says: "And the scenic effects,' by Artist Louis UsvIb, were equal to those piferou" by the best high priced productions. Louis Uavls,' 21(1 RubsbII su, NaBl ivlile. To ne. WABTBU-Meillolne PeiTormors. Stale in first letter all your specialties and if you play oraan. Week standB. Join on Wire. Salary, all you are worth. Mr. and Mrs. La Vardo, write. Mgr. oufton Med. Co, North Star, Gratiot Oo„ Mien. 100 LETTERHEADS, or Env., 25c; Bait Tone, si; 5,000 Counon8: *i: «,ooo 32da. $1.24; eto.;8amplea,4o. HbwenShow Print, Howell.Mlch. ' ~'mV U8, Hr M 's excelent For cur- Blffl Beanos. Mr. and Mrs Larry ^ smith 8 : DoroU,y Dane - "2* bSS ^♦ awff^ tg the Grand Opera House (F ft PoweNon, manugor) "Ebeu.Holden" drew * Ow houso^Dec. 10,_« n d was wel" recolvTd TVROLKAN 8INOI0H8 and other Lady Vo- calists to Join immediately the Edelweiss Concert Co.; good wardrobe, voice and appearance neces- sary ; state lowest aalary. Address . EUELWE18S CO.. New Wrltaln, Conn. WANTEO-A good All Around Kan to work in big sliQwand concert or icain, Mnn and wife. Show ruui year around. Salaries sure. Also want Triple Borlzontal Bars and Pad. Most he cheap and In good condition. Addrens MCDON- ALD BROS. 1 SHOW, Adrsin, Qa.. Don. 24; Still- more, 0a., 27;'Oorsta, Ga.,28; Collins, Oa., tflir Readsvllle 30, Olcnvllle, Oa., 31; Smiley, 0a., Jaa.i; Blnonvl|le, Oa., 8. , • WANTBD, a Good comedian who osn obanae for a week. State If you fake organ. Also a Boubrette. Can use a good Orcan Player If yon do specialties. Bute lowest In first letter. J..W. MANSFIELD, Oloatmoiit, Penna. AT IVIBERTY, Neil Gallaghan, » J , i 1 J , 'L ComB<JI * n - Strong Singing Specialty. a bNlOS SQUARE, care Actors' Won, New York. CLEVER, VERSATILE COMEDIAN DOING 8THOIVO BPKCIALTIBH, Address FRED p. MILLER. Tbomaavllle, 0a. CARS. GOOD HOTBHjOARS FOB RBNT. CHEAP. ALL FOR- NIBHFD AND IN F15E CON- D1TION MIBSMoMAHON, Wellington Hotel. Cblesgo. WANTED QUICK, BLACK FACE SONG and DANCE COMEDIAN Who e»n do snenlaltleB anil nnt on acta. MQR. MODERN BEMEDY CO., Brighton, III, WART BAHITORE, BAL100N IAN With outfit. Boss Canvas Han. Stabs sii. write or wire. Hawthorn, Fla.,23: Madlaon^. ■ WLL1AM TOOT FAIIOHH SHOWS. V ' ff^LS 1 T' 3 1&L* Innwent Maids A 'sdy partner for Hkotchcs; must sing or masfw-' 9A Mwcr ' ln Tnc Village Post- I State height and wolclit. master,"' 21 dsneo. BILLV CONKOT, Tlflln, OMo.