The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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December 24. THE IfTEW YOBK- CLIPPER. 1031 TA1ILI3 OK t'ONTKNTM. «.tl«s qUjiW'* Ar^totes. Etc ; n MMB Rei.ine—Sketch ,. Sffili arid Sam I. Ryao-Sk.etch our London Letter.. ..... Music 'and Song • ••••• - t • • ueil and Fonda—Sketch. ...i... VMiirtevllle and. Minstrel UuS eW EH* F>Ws-Sketch. Cksff -ind Checkers. WirM of. Mayer* svw Plays • • Queries, Answered Our Cldes-go Letler With He Bill Posters. Cl!pp«r Po,t OfUce, I .etrstby, Telegraph Oh lh> «»•?••••;• Vaudeville Rout* List. Page. 1022 10X2 1022 1022 102.1 1024 1024. 1025. 1041 1024 102$ 1020, 1041 ir.20.1034, ionr, 10C8 1028 1021) 1040 1081 1031, 1032, 1033 . 1033, 1084 .Vcr York City—Review and Comment. 1030, 1037 1 'ruler the Tent? 1034 Australian Letter 1034 New plays Copyrighted ions M:« ellanoous 1038 , THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. A* .Chrbtmae and New Year will be cele- brated ilondati, Deo. 26°, and Jan. 2, retpect- trelv, we deiire, wherever it it pos&lble, that oil matter intended for the iuuen of Tun t'l.ipi-Kii dated Dec. St and Jan. 7, shall retch thin often not later than the Saturdays pre- tfjjMf <>« dates of issue. LATOT BY TEL EQBAPH. Monday- Riltkt'B OpealBBi In AH tha ' SIS Itow Town.. GOLDRN GATE GLEANINGS. Tlicrf la Any u mint It > of High ("In.. »nm.ff»«-nt to Tempt the Public. HpeoM vhpatclun to The New York Cmitbr. Has FnAXCisco, Dec. 20.—At tbc Columbta 'The Billionaire" opened 18, for a week, to a good house. "The Saltan of Sulu" follows 2(viTftVtWo weeks. Majestic— ".lira Bludsoe" I. this week's offering. "A Contented Woman" follows Christmas week. ai.i-a/.au. —Opening 10, "Peaceful Volley." "tqaf JJlye'r" follow.. fliaxn Opuka Horm—This Ih the third wtok Qf Wllllnms and Walker, their engage- ment having 1 Ueen extended a week on account of large business. Blanche and com- puny will open for three weeks on Monday, 2(1, ju "The Darling of the Goda," ber en- gagomtint being shortened one week, CAi.irnR.NiA.—This la the second and last week > of Hose Melville, In "Bis Hopkins." <lirlntrrms week, "Shore Acres." I'njjjTiAl,.—"The Two. Mttle Waifs," with tht etaiH Tempest and Sunshine, opened 10. Tivoi.i Opkra HotisK.—"King Dodo" Is now In itn fourth wet-k. Onriti.'i'M;—BUI opening Runday, IB: Lucy end Vl*,te,. Albertlul Mellvh, Aliln Ilemral, A. A. I'nilnnil, Vernon, l'ord Slstera, Hen rnanp the fit-eat, and the blograph. OfflTiis.—Monday, 10, and for twa weeks following, the fantastical , extravaganza, "Princess Fan Ton," the some as produced at (lie Grand Opera.House. In thin city, some i,ioiit|is.sK«. There will be over three hun- dred children taking part In the perform- ance, apt) entirely new scenery, costumes and uffedH 'n'll)' be Introduced. In conjunction wltb tun. play the animatlscope and blograpb will display 'new moving pictures. Nnrjju.—Hfin Kranclsco la to have a sen- son of' Grand Opera next Spring, commencing nhotit : Al>ril 10. There will be one we'.-k mid Ui'r all nrobahlllty two of this amuse- ilieul. G.> Schlotterbeck, representing the ronrted Metropolitan. Opera Co,, of New ■yq.rk,i reached this city recently to attend 1)lf p.rei|mln&rleti. The season will be given nt the riraitf Opera House and the local r'e- H|K)n^lhllllles have been Intrusted to Charles W...^trlM, tuslnesfl manager of the Tlvoll (ipvrft Hoaae It'ls rumored that Chox. P. H»IK : m#py years ago the resident maun- «er of, 54, ft. Leavltfs old Bush Street The- ulre, In UiIh city, and afterward tnannger of the .Victory and Auditorium Theatres, San ■ low, arid of the theatres In Stockton, Sacra- inqnta, V'resno and Oakland, as nlso of the f>yyjt of jlull > Barton, Is to assume the oian- sgemant■ of the California Theatre, In tills ulty, Ip August, 1005. The present mnna- «er of *tb'e theatre, Udward Ackermon, will I.robutilv t|»ve a »cw theatre built for i)lm. ../.•.Vipharlas J. Stlnc and bis wife tOlllo livaos). ryinrncU trom a tour of Austraiiii Deo.'18,'...'■. .The American Travesty Stntd vtfimil •further engagements In Austra- lia' uhi return to the United States, arriving liere : fWut Jan. 2 The net proceeds of the Afaociated Theatrical Managers' Asuo- • latloo of Han 1'Yanclsco annual benefit, at Die - Uriihuum, Friday afteruoon, Dec. ft, are^jr,'i q.O0O. KHOM OTHER POINTS. 'i'|ir'''WMk Preceding ChrUtmsu Koteai.for the l.o»l Drop In Uu.l- »«. All Ali»a« tht Ltoe-Thc Vlrat rl«rp»»u*T In America of "Mn- »|cb'. thltilren," Given by the Wpuhsner Stock Co., la Mllwraa- V«f— Viret Performance on Any Make o( "The Mraterlooa Stran. ■Mr/t uy the Tbanhonier Stock fit., In Mlln.olrf, Ciiicaqp', ti Itoc. 20.—The lull preceding Chtrlafrn'oa was more noticeable Monday night than on Htindny, when Culcago'a tiatial Sun- day buslucvs was generally recorded Tim Murphy played a "night nUnd" at tha Grand Opera House Bunday, giving -Twn Men and a Girl" to fair return* The Elks', benefit filled the Warrick Sunday a.fter- ooon Leon Wacbsner's Herman <:o. gave a double bill at Power'a. The Boer War continued to excellent business at the Coliseum Sam Bernard and "The Girl from Kay's," at the Illinois, "Fantan.t." at the Garrlck, and "His Highness the Bey," at the La Salle, were continued attractions which profited Sunday Blanche Walsh was sold out at McVlcker's Geo. Sid- ney opened In "Busy Ixzy" with the Great Northern rilled afternoon and night The popular priced combination houses In the outlying districts had their accustomed big Sunday arternoon and evening attendance. ...y .The Fay Foster Co., at tbe Folly, und Parisian Widows, at the Trocadero, provided excellent burlesque bills for big crowds end Sam T. Jack's was twice filled completely. •' The vaudeville houses accommodated their customary Sunday crowds »1oij- day night Otis Skinner opened at the Graud Opera House wltb "The Harvester," :he only novelty of the week Margaret Anglln, at Power's, and "The Clngalee," at the Studebakor. continued Into their final weeks Benefit programmes for Christ- mas charities are announced for the La Snl'i» Wednesday afternoon and at the Illinois Thursday afternoon. Pmr.AOBt.rilu, Dec. 20.—Fair gatherings at the theatres last night showed the bad effects Christmas shopping has on the pat- ronage "The Forbidden Land," tbe only novelty, was well received at the Chestnut. "Checkers" came to the Garrlck, and was welcomed by a good gathering....:. "Letty." at tbe Broad ; "The Shepherd King," at the Opera House; "nome Folks," at the Walnut: "Smiling Island," at the Crmlno, and "The Tenderfoot," at the Park, all con- tinued satisfactorily The rest of the combination houses fared well, considering. Meritorious stock productions had their full share of patronage A well filled house enjoyed the vaudeville at Keith's, the same being true of a similar style of enter- tainment nt the Bon Ton..., The burlesque houses showed a good grip on popularity, and Eleventh Street Opera House and Museum both fared well. Boston, Dec. 20.—Novelties were few In last night's offerings. Hilly B. Vun, in "The Krrand lloy," at the Globe, and "A Working Girl's Wrongs," at the Orand Opein House, opened to good sized houses. The continued attractions were as follows: Soth- t-rn and Marlowe, at the Hollls, In "Rom.") nud Juliet;" W. II, Crane, in "Business is Business," at tbe Colonial; "Tbe County Chairman," at the Tremont; '"Way Down East," at the Boston: Amelia Bingham, in "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson,'' at tbe Park, and "Plff! I'aff!! Pout!!!" at the Majestic At the Castle Square "The School for Scan- dal" waa the stock production, and tbe Bow. doln Square bill was "Children of .lie Ghetto." The usual change of bill wits made at the vaudeville, burlesque and nov- elty houses Attendance all along the line was only fair and it was very evident that this Is "shopping week." Cincinnati, Dec. 20.—Tbe week before Christmas was ushered In by good turnouts all around, no less than three nosy offerings being made. The Hamlin & Mitchell produc- tion of "Babes In Toyiand". came to the Grand and the extravagana was enjoyed by n great house "Why He Divorced Her," at the Lyceum, and "Thou Shalt Not Kill," nt Heuck's, were the other novelties "Holty Tolty" held the boards at the Walnut Street The Forepaugh presentation of "Tbe Bells" and "Nan, the Good for Noth- ing," crowded Robinson's Vaudeville ruled at the Columbia and Vanity Fair filled the People's. Washington, Dec. 20.—"Mother Goose" entered upon Its second week wltb increnoed business at tbe National, the bouse being crowded, and the week promises great re- sults..... .Savage's English Grand Open Co. opened at the Columbia, In "La Ilo- heme," to a crowded audience...'..."Ruu- nlng for Office," at the Lafayette, began.a very promising engagement, and the house was filled Blaney's "More to Be Pitied than Scorned" packed the Academy....:. Fanny Rice and Stuart, tbe male Pattl, were the headline™ of a great bill at Chase's, packing the house afternoon and night Hellly and Wood's Big Show bad rapacity audiences at tbe Lyceum. Kansas City, Dec. 20.—Frederick Warde and Katbryn Kidder, In "Balammbo," opened n four nights' engagement at the Willis Wood Theatre last night, to fair attendance. Leslie and Dalley scored In "Tbe For- tune Hunters," at tbe Grand yesterday, open- ing with a good matinee and a big night house The Orpheum was packed twice to see Alclde Capltalne and a good vaude- ville bill At tbe Glllls Billy Clifford, in "How He Won Her," waa warmly received by big houses "A Texas Steer" did well at the Auditorium, and tbe Morning Glories burlesqued at the Century The ten cent bouse, the National, opened Its doors yesterday, to good attendance Yale'v Theatre drew Its customary Sunday business. "Glittering Gloria" conies to the Wil- lis Wood on Thursday. Mn.wACKBB, Dec. 20.—Sunday's openings were all well attended Tbe first Ameri- can performance of "Munich's Children" was given by the Wachaner Company nt tbe 1'abst, while tbe Thanbouser Company put on "The Mysterious Stranger," a new comedy. William Collier, In "The Dictator," waa "It" at tbe Davidson "Only a Shop Girl," at tbe Albambra, caught on from the jump "Escaped from tbe Harem," at tbe BIJou, waa also a favorite The Merry Maidens, at tbe Star, led Jn attend- ance, and both vlunday and Monday tbe en- tire show was tbe blggett kind of a bit. LomsviLLB, Dec. 20.—"Louisiana" opened at the Masonic to a packed house. .... ."Her Firet False 8t«p," at tbe Avenue, drew large bouses Sunday Rice k Barton attracted big audiences at the Buckingham Sunday.... Vaudeville at Hopkins' optaed to tbe usual Sunday crowds. On tbc Road, AH Rootr. Mast Reach Da Rot rater T han Mond ay. DRAMATIC. Adams, Mande (Cbirles Frohman, rajr.)—N. X. City 20, indefinite, Alien, Viols (.Charles W. Alien. n>rr.)—Blncbani- too, N. V.. 21. Albany 22, Thy 23, 24, N. Y. City ML HAHalte. Anelin, Margaret tFrank Perley mgr.)—Chicago, 111.. 19-24, Jaekwn. Mich., 2t>. Autre? Stock (Marry Mlttenthal, mrr.)—Lowell, atnss.. 20-dl. Archrr-Fofre.ter— simile, X. S., 18-24. "Arl.Tona." )>stern, M. B., Raymond's—Kenosha, Wl... 23. III.. 20. Rockford St, Freer*rt. 28, Dlion 20, Sterling; 30, Morrison HI. "Arlsona," Western, M. B. Raymond's—Helena, Mniit.. 21. Greit Fslls 22, Bottc 23, 24, Boie- man 20. Llvlnptoh 27. minor* 28. Miles City 2l>, Fargo, N. Dak., 31. Orand Forks Jan. 2, Cronkston, Minn., y, (Irifton. N. Dak., 4, Win- nipeg, Man.. 3-i. ••Across the I'scllc" trfarry Cltr Rlaney. mgr.) --Memphis. Tenn., 10-24.-Atlanta. Oa., 20:u. "An Amerlcnn Princess" John E. Kellerd (Dear- horn Theatre Co., mgrs.)—Brooklyn, X. Y., 10-24. "Alone In the World." Mlttenthal Brother*' (Leon Williams, mgr.)—^leteland, O., 19-24. Detroit, Mich.. 25-31. "After Midnight" (Spencer * Ahnrn. mgrs.)— lonekn. Kan., 23, St. Joseph. Mo.. 20. Omaha, Neb., 27. 28. Deo Moines, la., 29-31. "At'Crlpplo Creek"—Norfolk, Va., 10^24, Cam- don, S. J..-28-31. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Kllroy A Itrlttoo. mgrs.)—Ilopklosillle Ky„ 21. Marlon 22, t'nlootown 23, Htndersoi 24, lasonvllle. I oil.. 2S, Bedford 20, Slloomlnfton 27. "An ldtot Slave." Fred 0. Taylor's—Greenfield, <">.. 21, Wilmington 22, Mlamlstairg S3. Oer- mentown 24, Kattn 20. Connersfllle. Inrt., 27, Sheltiysllle 28, (Irrensliiirs 20, Madison 30. Seymour .11. "At'Mat of IIU Life" (Mark K. Hwan, mgr.) —N. V. City 10-24. Oaradeu, S. J., 20-28, Wil- mington, Del.. 20-31. ..-.-, B Dispells Bates (David Belaseo, mgr.)—Ran I'ron- etsro, Cal.. 19. 'Indefinite. Bnrryraore, Klb-'l (Charles Frohman, roar.)—N. V. City 19, Indefinite. Bellew, Kyrle (LleWer £ Co., mgrs.)—Detroit. Mich.. 1924. Buffalo, N. V.. 28-31. Brnrowell. William (Henri Oressllt, tap.)—De- tinit. Mlcl-., 1824, Cleveland, <>.. 20-31. Rlatr, F.ngente (Ororge A. Klnmenthai. mgr.)— Brooklyn, 9. E, 19-24. Providence, B. I.. 26- Fcrrifont. Harry U, J. ColMnan. mgr.)—Dan- .Die. III., 24, Rlnns Falls. ». Dak., 23. Sioux Cltr, In., 50. Fremont. .\>b„ 27. Llnroln 28. F.ifla City 29, Leavenworth, Iuin. (Soldlera' Home) 3d, l^nventvorth 31. _ Beston. I*nl»e (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—Saginaw. Mich., 18-21, Battle Creek 22. Kalaniaaoo 21. Fort Waytte. Int., 24, Flndlnv, 0., 2G. Lima 27. Marlon 28. Coloratms 29-31. Blnillej. Florence (Forester & Mlttenthal, mgrs.) --St. Paul. MInh.. 23-31. Hunting, liiunt (Bsrl Bargess, mgr.)—Waverly, N. V,. 1024. Auburn 2U-81. Bennett ft Moidtnn—South Norwalk. Conn.. 2fl-.ll.- Bennett A; Moulton—New Eeilford, Mass., 2fl-Jan. Breekenrldge Stock (Charles Breckenrldge, mgr.) Sedalla. Mo., lfl-2'4, Marshall 20-31. Bennett A Collin* Stock (J. May Bennett, mgr.) —Snlltvao. ML, 18-24. Carlisle 26-31. Burke-McC.nn (M. McCann. mgr.)—Oil City, Pa., 19 24. Niagara Falls. N. Y.. MM. BnrkeWoodward Comedy—Klkland. Pa., 19-21, Galetoo 22-24. Belcher'. Comedians (W. M. Belcher, mgr.)— Herlngton. Kan., 10-21. Osage City 22-24. J Benton's Comedians (P. II. Beaton, mgr.)— son, Okla., 10-21, Cblekasha, Inrt. Ter.. B-M. Okarche, Okla., 20-28, KlngUsher 20-31, via- tonga Jan. 2-4. , , "Benllur" (Klow ft Krlunger, mgrs.)— Oalteston, Tex., I0-2I. Hpuston 20-81. "Bonnie Brier Bu»h." .lames H. Stoitdart (Klrke l,i Sbeile. mgr.l—Mnroln. III.. 20, Hprlngfleld 21, Moberlv, Mo., 30, Topelu, Ken.. III. . "Buster Brown," Bastern, M. B. Raymojid s— Yonwrstown.. O.. 20, Sharon. Fa.. 27. Beaver Falls 28, MeKeesport 29, Charlerol 30, Con- nellsvllle 81. •" _ ' "Buster Brown," Western. M. B. Raytnonil ■— FlttsbuiiT, Pa., 19-24, Wsshlngton,, I). C.. 20-31. "Bestity Doctor," Fred K. Wrtehi h (ITios. W. l'r|or. mgr.)— Atlanta, da., 10-24, Birmingham, Ala., 20-31. _ ■ . "Bunch of Keys" (fins Bolhner, mgr.)—Caldwell. Ksn., 21. Arkansas Oily 22. Wichita 23. Hutch- IiiHon 24. Le.renworth 2.".. Chllllcothe, Mo., 20, nichmotut 27, Islington 28,.29, Fulton 30, Jef- ferson City .11. . _ .. _ ' "Break for Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs. Pgf.l— Braill. Ind., 21. Anderson 22, Alexandria 2.3, Hartford City 24, Van Wert, O., 2(1. Fort Wnyne, Ind.. 27, Marlon 28, Warsaw 20, Ply- mouth 30. l-ogonaport 3}. • ' ■' , "Breesy Time," Kastem (K. Webster 1Js. mgr.) —Fltsgerald, (la.. 22. Cordele 23, Mllledgevllle 24. Kutonton 26. Madison 27, Monroe 28, UrIIBii 29, Carrollton 30, Cedarlown (II. _ _ , "Breesy Time," Western (K. Webster Fits, mgr ) •-Clyde Ksn., 21. Helolt 22. Minneapolis 23, Herlngton 21. Lamed 27, Kinsley 28, Hutchin- son 2ft, Prntt 30, Wichita 31. , "Banker's OblUt" (Harry Shannon, mar.)—Okla- homa Cllt». Okla., 10-24, Hobart 20, Mangtun 27, Annadoka 28, Ocary 20, Watonga 30, Enid 31. "Bov of tlie Streets" (Herbert Tuson, «■/.)— Salisbury. Mo„ 21, Hlgbce 22. Ceiilr.lla 23, Mexico 24, Fulton 20, Cullfornls 27. Reilolla 28, lloonrlile 29. Brunswick 30. CMIIIcotbe ill. "Betrnycil at the Altar" (Braudt ft Oolilsmlth. n,grs.»—Seymeur. lad.. M, N«n» fsjlle 27, Ilun- Llrk 28. Kotomo 20, Rochester 30, Warsaw 31'. O . Crnne, Wm. H. (Charles Frohman, mrr,)—Ration, Muss,. 10-24, Washington, D. C, 2fl-.11. . Crosmac. H;nrlettu (David Belaseo ft Maurice Cnnlpbell, mgrs.)—Baltimore, Maas., Campbell. Mrs. Patrick (Charles '/robman. mgr.) —Newark. S. J., 19-24, l'lilladelpblo 20-Jan. 7. Comstock, Nannette (James K. Hickett. in«r.)~ Gmnd Rapids. Mleb.. 23-28. ToUxlo. O., 20-31. Collier. William (Charles Frohman, rogT.)—MII- «.mkee. Wis., 1121. Itoekford, III.. 22. Madi- sin. Wis., 23, I.a Crosse 24, Minneapolis, Minn.. Collnn. Geo. M. (Sam Harrla, mgr.)—N. Y. City Creston'Clarke (Jules Mnrry, mar.)—Plttsbiire, Fn.. 10-24, Richmond. Va., 20, 1'elcr.burg 27, Conniieat. Ma—New llaveu. Conn.. 20, 37, Spring. llelil, M«s*., 28, 20. ,__, _JJ.' Oorkelt, Jaacs J., -lint Inei alacatiley (Hal Dsv s. m»r.)— St. Poul, Minn., 18-21, Minneapolis Ccok-Cliiircli (H. W. Taylor, mgr.)—-Pltlsflelil. Mass.. 19 24, Troy, N. Y\, 2<l-31. Cnrpenter. Franklo (Jere Orady, mgr.)—Hnlcui, Mass., 20-11. . . „ Phase Malts llientr". A I Joseph Fnrrell, mgr.)— Hliiix City, la., 21-33. , _ „ Cirta I-raniulla (M. II. Carts, nur.)—Belle- vllle, Kmi.. 21. 22. Clyde 23. 21. Downs 20-:il. Carroll Conieily Hon Carroll, mgr.)—8:. Allninn. W. Va.. tn-24. Bluefleld 2031. Clifton Comedy—Tulsa, Ind. Ter., 10-24. Crrscent Comedy (lleifnian ft Oinnmluirs. mgrs.) —Mllltedr.sllle. fin.. 18-24, Amerlcus 2n:il. Cole. Rells. Comedians—Wnpiimicke, Iml. Ter., 22-24, Ad* 20-28. Crollu* «tock, Joseph J. Flynn's fS L. llarlln. bus, mvr.)—Rockland, Me.. 10-24, Water»lll« 20-31. College Dramatic (C. W. Wallls, mgr.)—Scotia, Ncbr., 19-21. Ismip 22, 23. Colonial Block—Woonsocket, R. I.. 2*1-31. "County Cbairuian," Kasteru tllenrr W. Savnf, mgr.)—Boston, Mass.. 10. lurt«OiiHe. _. "County Cbairuian," Western (Henry W. Savage, mgr.l—New Orleans, La.. 18-21. MoUIe, Ala, 20, I'eiWaoola, Fla., 27, Montgomery, Ala., 28, t'Aritimtns, Oa.. 20, Ulante 8ft .11. "Checkers" (Klrke I.n Slislle. msr.)t-Pbllodel- Pbla. Ps.. 10-24, N. Y. City 2o-.1l; "CVIlege WMow" tHenry W. Savage, mgr.)— N. T. Oltv 10. lui'etlrlttf ,_ _, , "Comnjon Sense Brn.bell" (Henry W. Savage, n'gr.)—»; Y. City 20, Indefinite. "Child Wife," Wm. T. Keogb'a—Manchester, N, II., 10-21, Loivcli, Mass., 22-21. New Haven, Conn., 20-28. "Child slave* of New York" <J. B, Isaac, mar.) —Columbus. 0„ 19-21. Daylon 22.24, Toledo 2:.-28. Haglnan, .Mich., 21-ul. "Call B-i/." F. II. Lambert (Harry Eawarda, acting mgr.l—Reading,' Pa., 2*1-38, Sctkutou Ullmore, Bsrsey (Hairy Montgomery, mgr.)— — - Ktw Haven, Ooun.. 19-21. Bridgeport UH. North Adams, Mass., 30, Glens Fnlla. N. V., 2R-31. "ChUd of the Slums" (P. E. Johnson, mgr.)— Wootreal, Can., 19-24. "Charity Nurse" (Qeorge B, Leonard, mgr.)— Chlckgn, 111., 1824. „ ' "Omntry Kid" ill. B. Whlttaker, mgr-)—Kirks- vllle. Mo., 21. Macon 22. Cbllllcothe 23, Trenton 21, itjlton, Knn„ 20, Wamego J7, Clay Center 20, Concohlta M. Sallna 81. "Chicago Tramp" (W. C. Be Bsngh, mgr.) — Okalooa, Miss.. 21. Tupelo S2, Boonrtlle 23. Corinth 24. Holly Springs 20, Oxford 27, Water Valley 28. Winona 39. "Curse of Dilnk." Chnrlr* E. Blaney's—Mlnne- spells. Minn., l*.-E4. "Circus Day" (H. M. Relss, mar.)—Saranac, !C. V.. 21. Massen* 22, Ogdenshurg 20, Oouvcr- nmr 27. Mnlooe 28, Lowrllle 29, Bronvllle 30, Pnltnn 31. D Drew, John (Cbarlea Frohman, mgr.)—X. Y. City 19.11. De'Otaase. Joseph (Frwl A. Ilaywahl. mgr.)— Fort Worth. Tex.. 21. Denton 22. McKlnney 2.1. Cersleana 24. Watahnrhle 30, Hlllshoro 27. Cleburne ,38, Slephensvllle 20, Brownaood 30, ComanclM 31. Bowling. Robert (P. P. Craft, mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Yv; 1M4. Davidson Stock (A. F, Davidson, mar.)— tenth. Bend. Ind., 10-24, Hsclne. Wis.. 23-31. Dale. Marie (W. R. Martin, mgr.)—Clarkmlnlr, Miss:, 19-34. Vlcksburg 20-31. Dndley. Frank (W. Dick Harrlaon. mgr.»—Co- lumbus. Miss., 1R-2I. Palley, W. K., Stock-st, John, N. B„ 10-Jan. 7. De Pew-Burdette (1'homns E. De Pew. mar. 1 — Chutltnooga. Tenn.. 1024, Itome, Oa., 2rt-:ll. Do Vrlea Stock tsaa Du Vrles, mgr.)—ltbac, X, Y., 19-24, Oeneva 2il-.11. Dmlge-Bowman-^JoplIn, Mo.. 10-21. "David Harum," No, 1 (Julius Calm, mar.)— llsltlmnre, Mil., 10-24, Rochester, N. Y., 20-28, Syracuse 29-31. "David Harum," No. 2 (Julius Csha, mgr.)—To- ledo, 0.. 2.V28, Columbus 29.31. "Devil's Auction," Charles H. Yale'a (M. Wise, mgr.)—Wahlner. Ida.. 31, Wallace 22. Mia- souls; Mont'.. 2.1. Helena 24. "Dora Thqrne." (Mowlam! ft Clifford. mgrs.I—Marlboro. Mass., 21, Manchester, X. 11., 32-34. Fltehburg, Mass., 30, Gardner 27, Tufnsr'a Falls 28. llolyok* 29-31. "Dora' Thorns," Western (George E. Crowder, mgr.)— lots, Kan., 21. "Dangers of Working Olrls" (A. U. Woods, mgr.) —Baltimore. Md.. 19-24. Buffalo, N. Y.. 20-31. "Deserted At the Altar" (Percy O. Williams, mgr.)-Buffalo, N. Y., 1024, Syracuse 20 29, ltochester 29.31. "novfD on the Farm" (Dan Emerson, mgr.)—Cur- tefsvllle, Oa.. 21, Certarvllle 22. Carrollton 23. Newman 24, Ortffln 20, Covington 27, F.ntonton 28. Cordelia 29. Tipton 30, "Dr; Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (I,. K. Pond, mgr.l— Pontlac. Mich.. 21, Toledo, 0., 22-24, Indlnn- spoils. Ind,, liii-28. "'the Sea" (1'hll Hunt, mgr.)—X. Y. City 19.24. "Deanerats Clmnc*." l'orrester ft Mlttenthal'.— Pittsburg. Pa.. 10-24. Philadelphia 2031. "Devil's'Ijtne.V Eastern (Rnnlce Fitch, mgr.)— I'rostburg. Mil., 21, Meyersdsle, Fa., 2.1. Johns- town 24, Du Bols 70, ClearSeld 28. Altoena VA. "Drlvto from Home," Patrice (Forrester ft .Mlt- tenthal, mgrs,)—St, Louis, Mo., 18-24. E Elliott, Jlaxlne (C. B. Dllllnghsm. mgr.)—Oak- l;,nd, cal.. 21. S;ui Jose 32, Stockton 23, Sacramento 24, Portland. Ore., 20-28, Tacomn. Wash:, 20. Victoria, II. C, 30, Vancouver 31. sen tike, Wash., Jan. 2, :), North Yakima 4, Spokane 0, 7. Edeaon, Robert (Henry n Harris, mgr.)—at. I'anl.'Mlnn.,' 23-31. Fdnafls. Welter (Wells, Dunne ft Harlan, mgrs.) —X; Y. City 19-24. Ellnore Sitter*—U, B. Raymond's—Montgomery. Alt., 10-22. Nashville. Tenn., 20.01. Ecliiise Stock (Llnyd ft Oenter, mgrs,)—Browns- ville,'Tex., Dec. 22-24, Matamoras, M«., 23- F.lstVn,' iorne— Saratoga, N. Y„ 20..1I. Kdwurds Stock i.leirerwn Hall, injtr.l—Grafton. W. Vs., ll-'l, Poristootitb, iv, 26-31. "Eternal City" (l.lehler ft Co., mgrs.)—Brook- lyn,,;N. Y., 20-31. "Esrapeil .from tbe Hnruni," James II. Wslllck's illany Earl, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis.. IM.34. "Eight Bells. ' Brjs. Byrne-Cleveland, O., 19-24. "Escaped from Sing Sing." .lame* II. Parker's— HrooMjri. X. St.. 1024. Philadelphia, l'a„ 20 (I). "Erat I.ynne"—Holyoke. Mass., 10-21, ' • kV Flake, Mr*. (Harrison Grey Flske, rugr.)- N. T. City 19, Indtflnlte.. Faversbam,'Wlllloin fCharle. Frohmnn. nuir.)-- I'hllatlelDhln, l'a„ 19-24, Puterson. X. J., 20. Tt*nt(p'27. Lancaster, Pa., 28, Reading 20, Allentowh 30, Esslon 31. Fltsiimmont, Robert, and Julia May Gilford (Jo*, Kdmonston, tngr.t — I'itllndelpbls. I'n.. tf»-l'i, Derby, Conn., 20. "" vni 20-31. Bridgeport 27, 28, New Hit- Feobrrg Stock (George U. Fenberg, mgr. )— Lynh, M><>., 10.31. I'lemlnc, Mnmlt. (W, H. Gracey, mgr.)—Colices, N. Y., 10-24. Flske,-MaV (J- C. Cosgrove, mgr.)—Conconl, N, II., 19-24, lliockton, Mass., 2fl-31. I lake ft St.H'k (K. D. Flske A T. V. Stock, mgrs.) —Fltehburg, Mass., 10-24. Manchester, N. II., 20-31. Fisher A Wallers Own (R. R. Fisher, mgr.)— Maaalllon. O.. III24, Warren 2031. Fluhart's Btnrk (I^n Shields, bus. mgr. I--SI. Anthony. Ida.. 20-22. Blaekfoot 2n-25. "Flnrajng Arrow," Lincoln J. Curler's tVt. V. Jackson, mgr.)—Annapolis, Md., 20, Richmond, Vs., 27, Newisvrt News 28, Norfolk 29, Peters- burg 30, Lynchburg 31. "I'aust," Porter J. White's—Malta. Mo., 211, Warrenalnirg 27. Wlufleld 28, Clinton 20, Gn- lena, Kan.. 30. nartbage. Mo., 31. "Female Detectives," llnssell Brothers (Samuel Blair, mgr.)—X. Y. City 10-24, Cleveland, 0., 20-81. "Fatal Wedding," Central. Sullivan, Harrla ft Woods'- (Cary McAdow, mar.)—Toledo, O.. 18. 21, Columbus 22-21, Dayton 23-28, Indianapolis, lnd„-20-31. > Fatal Wedding." Eaitern, Sullivan, Harris ft woods' (W, x. Salisbury, mgr.)—Helena. Ark., 20, Hot Springs 28, Little Rock 29, Memphis, Tenn,, 80. .11. "Fatal Welding," Western, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' in. T. Zlegler, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., 24, Woodland 20. East Auburn 27, Grass Valley 28, Virginia City, Nrv., 20, Caraon 30, Iteno ill. "From Han to Riches," Joseph Manlier <M. II. Xtyer*,. nurr.)—Ncvnrk, N. j., 19.24, X. Y. i ity in-ill. "For Ills Brother's Crime" (Geo. X. Bellinger, mgr, i—Buffalo, X. Y . 10-24, Pittsburg, Fa., 2(f,11. "Faoloyy Olrl," Eastern (Phil B. Isaac, mgr.)— Broooklyn. X. Y., 19-24, Baltimore, Md., 20UI. HI Y, Oily 10 24. "For Motber'a Hake." Rtiaco ft Holland's (Win. I'Ottle Jr.. mgr.)—Seattle, Wasli,, 18.34, TV coma 23-28. Portland. Ore., 29-31. "I'lnnlgan's Ball" (Ollle Mack ft Jiwepli W. Spttts, mgrs,)—I'bopnli, Arts., 22, Titeson 23, lilshee 24. El Paso. Tex., 2ft. 28, Thurtier 29, Cleburne 39, Fort Worth 30, Dallas 31. "Fnblo Uomsnl" (Oscar Jones, mgr.l—Wunblng- n.n. La„ 23, Ofs?biu>as 23, t.sfsyette 24. Frank- Ilo it. New Iberia 2U, Orowlvv 37. I.akv Charles.28, Orange. Tex.. 29. Galveston fist. "I'nsi Life In New York" (A. II. Woods, mgr.) — Jctwv City, N. J.. 19-24, Newark 20-31, "Porlaiieilliinler"—Kansas Oily. Mn.. 18-24. "Fiddle-Dre-Dee"—Newark. N. J., 20-31. O Goodwin, N. C. (George J. Applrlon. mgr.)—X. Y. City 10.21. Boston, Mass., 20-Inn. 7. Gillette. V'llllunj (Charles Fr.ilimau, mgr. I—Fort Wayne, Ind., 21, Torre Haute 22, iodlnnnpolbi 2';. 24; Cincinnati, 0.. 20-31. fireet's Plaier. (Denl. Greet, mgr.)—Victoria, B, C, 21. Xanalmo 22, Vancouver 23, 24. Iti-lllng. b.m.'Wasb,, 20, Seattle 27, 28, Portland, Orv., Ml). Gullnnil, IHrtlin (J. F. Zlmmermau Jr., ingr.)— X. Y.. Oily 1924. (Jiouiler, Uelen (J. B. Delcher. mgr.)—Okla- homa City. Okla.. 'M, Otlnearllle, Tei.. 22, Shermap •'•'i. Gresmvllle 24, Fort Worth 23, 20. OtebWOv 27, Ulllsbvru 28, Temple 2V, Austin SO, 3I~ Gale, Florence (Kane, Hhlpman ft Oolvln, mgrs,) —Belauds. Cal,, 20. Pboriilg, Arts., 28, Tucwui 29. El Ptto, Tex., .10, Trinidad Colo., Jan. 2. I.a Junta 3, Colorado Spring* 4, Cripple Creek 0.- (Irltlltb. John (John M. Hlckey, mgr.)—Jtctton, Miss,, aw Vlcksburg 22. Natcbes 23, Fort <»lh- mn 24, Baton Riugr, f.a., 20. Itanablsonvllle 27. Blloil. Mist., 28, Hrttletburg 29, Meridian 20, Deaepollt, Ala., 81. •xviiu nuaiiit, .rinra,. ttvt virun a im», »>. 27. Borlltujton. VT.. 28, Troy. N. Y.. 20-31. Orspewln. Cbsrlc.i (John J. Kelran*. mgr.)—St. Lotus, Mo.. 18-24. Colnmbns, o.. 20-28. Clnser, Vanghsn, Stuck—Cleveltmt. o., 10, tn. OeOnlte. Grace Ilaywahl Stock (Winters A Kros*. mgrs.) —Decatur, III.. 19-24. Blooralngton 20-31. Oet.nsn Llllputlana, TscbiuU'*—Plalovlew. Xeh„ 21, Pierce 22, Stanton 23, WIsner 20, Hcribnef 28. Oaisule Big Stock (J. 8. Onralde, ;ngr.)—Bridge. ton, X. J„ 10-24. "Olrl from Kty's," Sam Bernard (Charles Froh- man, mgr.)—Chicago. III., 10-31. "Girl from Kay's," Charles Frobmon's— MhMl.*. town. Conn., 21, New Britain 22, Merldeu S3, Yonkers, N. Y„ 24, Harrlsliurg, Pa., 24, cs'ter 27, Reading 28, Pottavllle 20, Ks.ton 30. Allentown 31. "Oame Kceiier.'- Thonus J. Smith (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Springfield, Mos«.. 1921, Holyoke 2224, Elisabeth, X. J„ 2028. "Olrl of the Streets," Lillian Mortimer (J. I.. Yeronee, mgr.)—Philadelphia. Pa., 1024. Balti- more, Jid.. 20.11. . "Great Automobile Mystery." llurtig ft Seamnn's —Jersey City, N. J., 1924, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 20-31. "Girls Will Be Girls," Wm. A. Brady's—Pitts. burg, Ph., 20.11. "Orett Way" tFrank (,, Perry, mgr,)—Alliens. S. Dak,. 21. Letcher 32, Pnrkston 2.1, Trlpp- 34, Parker 20. I.cnnov 27, Canton 28, Murk Valley, la., 29, Akron 30. Havrarden 31. I II Hackett. James K—X. Y. City 10, Indefinite. llawtrey, Charles (Charles Frohman. ingr.r— San Antonio, Teg,, 21, Waco 22, Fort Worilt 24, Kauacs City, Mo.. 211.2s, Hunted. Virginia (Charles Frohman, mgr.)'— Philadelphia, Pa., 2tl-Jan. 7. I!npi»>r, I'diia Wallace (Frank McKee, mgr.)'— uraalia. Xobr.. 20-27, St. Joseph, Mo., 28, Kau- nas City 2B-3I. llollsnd, Mildred (Rdward C. White, ragr.i- Wheellaa, W. Va., 20. Hanfunl, Charles u. (F. Laurence Walker, mgr.) —Oltawo, Kan„ 31, I.eavenwortti (Soldiers' llomei 22, l.miiorlix 21, Abilene 24, Topeku 2d, Atchison 27, Xsbrotk.i City. Xel,r., 28, Lincoln 29, 80, Omahn 31. Illgglns, David (Stair ft Nlcolsl, mgrs).—I'hlla- ' delpbls, Ft.. id-Ill. Hall, George F. (W. J. Fielding, mgr,)—Wllkea- in.rrc. Pa., 19-31, Scrontun 22-24, Reading 20- 28, Harrlsburg 19-81. Hendricks, Ben (William Griy. mgr.)—Omaha, Nebr.. 21, Nebraska City, 22, Lincoln 29, 24/ . Hall, Don C—Laramie, >Vyo., 10-84, Cheyenne ■Ml. Illmmclcln'a Ideals (Joim A. Hlmmelcln, mgr.) — Norrlalown, I'n., 19-24, Cheslrr 241-.ll. Hlnuneleln'* Imperial Stock tit, p. nimmclrln, mgr.)—Sheboygan. Wis., 10-24, Oeliko«h 28.31. Hunt Slnck (B. H. Klllmnr, togr. |. -Waterloo, I int.. 19.24. Uryr.n, 0., 2tl-.ll. Howard-Dorset tA. M. Miller, bu». mgr.)—Park. etsburg, IV. Va„ 20.11. Henderson Stotk (W. J. ft R. It. Henderson, mars. I—Seymour, Ind., 19-24. llarcourt Comedy. Oharlta K. Harris (W. II. Shine, mgr,)—Lewlatoa, Me., 10-24, Bangor 20-.11. HnU'a Comedy (H. O. Allen, mgr.)—Sherman, Tex., 10 : 21, Declton 23-24, South Mc.Mester. ind. Ter., 2fl-3|. , llammqrid, PatUlna- (Clifton Whitman, iniir.)— Fort Fairfield, Me„ 20.31. Harvey ft Gag* Qpmtdy— Peeksklll. N. Y„ 10-24, Yonkers 20-31, Haeffler Show (Jack Itoeffler, rugr.)—Applelon, Wla„ 19, In.lcnnlte. "Heart of Maryland" (David Belaseo, mgr.)— Chicago, III., 20-81. "Humpty Dumply" (Klaw ft Krlsnger, ragra.)— N. Y. City 10. Ind.Unlt.. "Heart of Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter's (Edmund Msnlev, nun,)—North Platte, Nebr., 28, Kear- ney 27. Hustings 21, Orand Island 20, Colltmbui 30. Fremont *i, "Her Only fin," Lincoln J. Carter's—Wlehlts. Kan., 2(1. Wellington 27. WlnUeld 28, Arksusa* City 20, Itiarkw.ri, ok|e., 30, Outbrls ill. "Home Folks" iJostnh Brooke, mar.)—Pblln- delpbla, l'«., 19-24, NT Y. City 20, Indefinite. "Holy Cll»," Biglcrn. Oonton ft Bennett's (Ed- ward Taylor, mgr.)—Ironton. O., 21, Ashland. !<.>.. 22, Winchester 20, Lexington 26, Frank- fort 27. , , "holy City," Western, Gordon ft Bennett's ,Henry Harrison, nun-.)—Lenmr.i, In., 21 Che- hike* 22 Lake 23, Hlous City 24, "Hearts Adrift" (tfntneer ft Aisirn, mgrs,)—-' Louisville, Kv.. 28-81. ' "Ilousisr Ol.-l,' 1 Kate Watson (Gits MM, mgr.) "T.f' , V.5 ta V 1 ,'.. 0 - *0*S!JS. Butler, Pa., 28, Orefn. v'lle .TO, Nile., 0., M. " l I W u F . l , , . , . t I'aliaileii." O. V. Whlloker's (K. A. Schiller, mgr.)—Louisville, Ky„ 18.24, Mem- rltls. Tenn., Jd-ai. "Itow He Won Hn." 0. V. Wbltaker'a (R. M. leltus, mgr.)—Kansas City, Vo„ 18.24, Hi. Louis 2831. "Hills of California"—Hastings, Neb.. 24, Omaha 29-31. "Heart snd Sword" —Albany. N. Y., 10-21. "Hot Old Time," Qua Hill'* (Harry Hill, mgr.) —Omaha, Nebr,, 3ft, "Happy Hooligan," Eastern, Gut Hill's (D. A. Kelley, mar.) —nuftelo, X. Y.. M-21, "Heart si Tesas" (A. Vlllalr, mgr.l—Plntin, 0., 21. Oreetivlll* 33, Xenla 20. "Hottest Coon lu Dixit" (ICugeno Hnnffnrd, mgr.) —rlt. Joseph, Mn.. 23, Tonrta. Kan., 27. Hens Hanson" (Jas. T. McAlpIn, tngr.i— Al- t-unoiil. Kan,, 01, Otwegn 22, Krlo 23, Mcain. mnn 24, West Mineral 23. Ciltiinhiw 20, Ciiffey- villa 27, Chetona 28, Vlnllu. Iml Ter,, an. Clurc.nore 110, Mutocfoo 111. "Holty Tolty" (JosspS M. flnlles, mgr.l—Cln- planall, O.. ia.»4, Terre Haute. Iml., 28, !•«. oucah, Ky., 31. Irwin, May fKitward It. Mailer, mgr.l~V. Y, Cltv 19. InMnlut. "Iri Newnorl." Peftr F. Dalley and Fny Temple. ton (Klaw I Krltnger, mgr*.)—New Haven, JSff»M^*l& " Cl'F 20, Ituleiliilte. "Ins"—Milwaukee. Wla., 20-28. "'J Old Kentucky," Jacob I.Hfe—Chicago. HI., "Irish Fawnhroker*" <mi|e Mick A Joseph W. Spears, mgrs.)-4lt,, Jrslfeh, Mo 10-23, Atehl- son, Knn.. 2fl. Paola 2J. tola 28, Olianilte. 2ft. Parsons (to, CoffeyvIII* Si, "In the Shadow' «(•!»* Ofllowa" (Morgan J. WIL •on- w«r.)— Scranton, Pa., 10-21, WHkealiiirr* '«! Jefferson, Thome*—Certir tttplds, la.. 20. .lames J. Jeffrie*— Denver, Colo., 18.24, Jcavona, Irene. Stock (tbttnas Js^ivnns. mgr.)— London, Csn„ 10-24, fit. Thomas 20-31. "Jame* Boys In Missouri" (Fra/ik G.ixtoln, mgr,> 'ffl2 ''.rToo 1 '"'*'" .''•«'" * I'erry-Delrolt, ill I Oil. i 1 1 'iH, "Jesse James" (J. II. .liiitinuin, bus, mgr.)— Oreenaliorg, Pa„ 21, Muw Kensington 24, f* Knott, Itoselle (Frank/L, r>,.r|(.y, mgr,)—Mall- w,ii. Wis., 31. Knii.C/tlre 22. Wlnnnn, Minn . 23. Manksto at. Ht. Cloud 23, Albert 2ii. Hmliiers 27. Grafton, N. I)ak„ 28, Orand Fork* 20, Winning. Marl.. 10. 31. Kruilnll, KM'ii iLlaMer ft f.Vi., mgrs.)—Colnmhus, • ■«.. 20, Indlstiapoll), Inrt,, 28, Uitlsvllle, \i s „ Keniteily. Kiliiibclb—WlltiiltlgKin, Del., 2d, nidi- inond, V«„ 28, Petersburg kit, Keller, Hurry—81. Louis, Mo , 23.31, K *i';K' iSiTisls l/u•r.r2 , :i..1 , l , : ,ft • ) ~ J " t "'" ,, ' , • "".■^^'Havini %lt :m "- , - M ' """" helth Stock (Del Lawrence, mgr.l—Golileadale, On-.. 19-21. Astoria, Oiv.. 30-.1l, Keystone Dramatle- (Ltw#iK:c B. McOIII. mgr.) '"), last., 10/24, Porllnud, Me,, 2C- -llnvcrlilll, 31. .Hlert-Vrben fllsrdln B. Klerk. mgr.l-Lawroncf, M.ias., ltl-24.. Mont|ielltr. Vt„ 20-31. Kenned/ C(m«ily (S. At Ktnm-dy, mgr.)—Delhi, X. Y.. in 21. DeisMlt 22-24. Keller Slock (A. M. Keller, mgr.l—Hoxle, Kan., 19.31. Hill City 2g.¥4. SlotkToi. 2*1-81. Kelly ft Bates— Gloucester, Mass., 1824, Flick- Inirg 20, 27, North Adlina 28-31. "Katttoltmmer Kiu" (Bloudsll ft Fennessy. mar*.)—Knlgbtstown, Inrt., 21. Onnnellsslll* 22, Dayton, O. (Soldiers' llomei, 23, Hamil- ton 24. Daylon 2Q.2H, Yoiingstowti 20-31. Is' I Lnfins, C*<.elln (Daniel Frohman, mge.l— Chicago, HI., 20-Jan. T.