The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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December 24. THE ISTE^W YOR]^ CLIP(P^SCRV NO AGT IS COMPLETE WITHOUT THIS GREAT S0N8. The BEST SLIDES You Have Ever Used, $4.00 Per Set. bGNI) STAMP AND PROGRAM, MO CARDS, TO (OPPOSITE OLIPPER BOILDINli) HELF * HACER CO., IDSIC POBLISHEBS, 48 West 28th St., H. T. G. TAKE THE KI.KVATOH. Gillotte; Prlncipcasa dl Vl'lamonte, Ora Rub- tcll: Angelo KoHcaf I. Henry Hergman; Queer- CKHfl, Mabel Illte; Count dl Romano, Georgo MncFarlane; Hpaghettlnt and Murderallo, Joseph Mlron: Daulel Clancy, Walter Jones ; 1 Iberry, Alice I iiivi'v ; Miss Arrabella Adams, Allen llosmer; lUn. Kdward Seymour, Matcher Norton; Aleasanuro, Nell McNeil; Tessa, Mlrl Ackmkn. "A IIUS8IAN SPY," All original Uvo net melodrama, written by 11. IV. Haven, was given Its Initial perform- ance at Mohcrly, Mo., Oct. 24. The sceno •if Die first act Is laid In tno home of Harold Horton. a wealthy mun about town, In San Francisco. The remaining acta nre scones In (be Orient, chiefly at Che- nntlpo. Korou. The atory tella of the ad- ventures of n young American, Harold Hor- ton, during the present Russo-Japanese war, Hud tella of IiIh thrilling experiences In trac- ing the murderers-of his mother, one of whom h n Hlngaleac strangler, who does the deed at tin' instigation of a pseudo doctor, wbo In really a Russian spy, Iran Petroaky. I'i'i rimky, in order in wfn the nelco of Mrs. Horton, Induces tbo strangler to kill tbe lat- ter and then coerces the uelce to fly with him. lie endeavors to force ber to marry him, but lull*. Later ber cousin, young Horton, np- lieara upon the scene, accuses the doctor (Pe- irosky) of being 11 Bpy. The- doctor In con- imcd In n dungeon, manages to escape and meets Horton and a fight with sabreB ensues, Petrosky Is killed, tbo atrangler la shot by order of tbo Jnpancso general, and all ends well. The cast: Ivan Petroaky, Hal Defor- est : Harold Hortou, John Hoi an j Kal Knu. Harry It. McGlaln: Central fllloniarii. David I Ivors; Timothy Skinner. Chas. T. Hart: Bill llulaton. Mark Hoden I Capt. Mutaudc, Fred- rick Harrington; Nun Kaswan, R. B. Clark; Ayn-Son, Rachel Acton: Mrs. lillan Horton, .lannetle Wyathe: Kat-l-ahl ha, Mlunle Wil- son: Susan. Gertrude Gilbert, and Victoria h ebstcr, Consuulo Oainlllo Dagraar. "FAST l.IFH IN NEW YOnK," a melodrama, In'four acts and twelve scenea, by Theodore Kremer. was flrst presented My. 7, it tlio Windsor Theatre, New York < My. The story telle of a wayward wife, * 10 Is In love with a villain, and helps him, Willi two accomplices, to gain access to the husband's room, for tbe purpose of robb'ng mm ni n will and other valuables. He awakes '." . kH'cd. Meanwhile a young girl, daugh- ter of tbe murdered man's deceased, friend, Ih on her way from England as a ward of the siuln inau who has provided for her by will. On tier arrival she Is decoved to a so called "em- ployment" agency, whence she Is to be takon '<> Hie studio of tbe villain, after which It Is niiinned that her fast life shall commence. "«• she Is resclied la time by the nephew M tlio murdered man, who promptly falls In love with her. However, sbo la abducted "Ram. and In escaping from the carriage of "er abductors, she sustains an Injury which ^"nllocs her to a hospital for a long time. .» "'Phew has'spent all of bis money warchlng for the girl, and, having no cm- P, '""P*! , ls reduced to tbe verge of starvn- i i ' ,"hllc wandering tbo streets he finds t£ K !l'' who ha « _/"»' ue * n discharged Jiom the hospital. They In turn nre bap- ii'nori upon by , bc tott |, leB „ w)fe au(i j ier I''""I! 1 , 1 companions. A police officer, whom I.',. vl » B J«'» hrlbe. attempts to separate the { 1 '.. b " t '» frustrated . In his designs, ^meeting of all parties occurs later, In a i»m 5 wtluon, whoro Sammy Ikensteln Ih ubi enocr. A pokei' game Is urranged as tbe "Wnran of settlement between the villain jno tbo nephew, the latter having realised ILStS* 8lun of money from a supposedly wot bless Investment. On the night of the H'Mlj villain casts off the woman who mm loBt all for him, and goes from her to i gamp i n , vnlco tho nep he W |„ guccess- j iiv fleeced of nil his money. Meanwhile Im Hp"!? one'revenges herself by assum- !•»?..!?"'. al "8»l»e and entering tho gambling ■,°in ; wb SJ' e •""• thAllenxes the winner, who *. Play Is had between them and the I,,'. J 0 "!? "" ln ,1 "' dlwgulsed oue, who >u.,?i ,*" ovcr tn tH0 nephew. 8hn then r,,, , ,1 ? l "*'lf.- denounces the- man who hoi wrongs bvCi hUoolg ulm „ na tlje k ,„ j,,,,.. self. Tlie cast: Sain my Ikensteln, Juilau Rose: John Drew, Francis Yale; Ouy Stand- ing, LouIb J. Cody; Duck Speedy, Harry Welch; Huroid Proctor, Albert Hall; Bill, Harry Scott; Joe, Sam Flanagan: Mike Hen- nessey, Albert Wilson: Belmont, Jumos Grant; Gaston, Jewels Ferrar: Capt. Win- ter, Mat. Walters; Claneey, policeman. Sam Thomas: Angolottl, II. De Rosa; Rubin, Al- fred Doll : Allen, Hugh Dossier; Gentleman, Harrv Kohn; Marker, Alfred Hutchlngs; Maude Irving. Ilertha Wilson: Leah Silver, Blanche Hensbaw; Madame Blcbepan, Tci- ale Lawrence; Nana. Frances Cameron; Mrs. Harvest, May Lawreuco: Mrs. Dooley, Julia Hurumerfleld: Mrs. Vcnncttc, Hannah May; lSlfta Proctor, Virginia Drew Trescott. "TUB UNWRITTEN LAW." A four act comedy drama, by Murk 13. Swan, received Its first presentation at Poll's Opera House. W'aterbury, Conn., Oct. 'JT. Tbe atory Is as follows: Paul Featberstonc, an artist, and wife, Mona, have as their guests Griffith Wolfe and Agnes Trevor. Wolfe was an un- successful suitor for tbe band of Mona, Paul's wife, while Agnes Trevor loves Paul, and tbey plan to separate them by arousing the other's Jealousy, but when Mona is shown what she l>ellevea to be proof tbat her hus- band loves ber no more, she declares "It I have lost my husband's love, I will win It back." When Paul has what ho supposes la proof that bis wife cares for him no longer, be declares tbat be will kill the man who hax supplanted him, but when in battle with Wolfe the shock and excitement causes bla sight to leave him. When this accident has befallen Puul, they have an easy mutter to separate him from his wife, for tbey tell him that bis wife will no longer live wltb him now that bo Is blind, and that she bss eloped with Griffith Wolfe. She, not knowing that her husband Is blind, is told tbat he has sought the society of Agnea Trevor, and she lenvos him. At a future accidental meeting, and through the aid of friends, Teddy Hallo- way and Maude IVnlleld, tbey (Paul and Mona) are made to understand the true atate of affairs, and arc united, Paul recovering his sight through the same manner In which It left him —tbe sbock and excitement of tho meeting. The cast ln full: Paul Fetherstouc, Wilfred Locas: Griffith Wolfe, Wilfred Cbag- non; Teddy Hallowny. J. J. Fltzslmmons; Count Victor Dl Bonnlttl, John Ardlsone; Jns-ipli Gregory, Charles M. Seajt; Mona Fetlicrstonc. Miriam Shelby: Agnes' Trevor, Muude Atkinson; Maude Penfleld, Minora Allen; Jane Potter, Lucille Allen Walker. "THE ISLE OF THE IIITT1 TS,- A musical comedy, In two acts, book and lyrics by Fritz and Frank Lanbant, music by Ernest K. Smith, was given Its original presentation at tbo Hancock Opera House, Austin, Tex., Nov. 20. Its atory treats of the embarrassing situations ln which the Hones brothers, Yalelock and Timelock, two American detectives, wbo come to tbe Island In search of a criminal, find themselves. Tbo Island Is In a state of turmoil, nud there Is a superstition among the native* that upon Die death of each king a successor will lie sent by Providence, and this successor Is the first stranger found seated upon tho throne. At tbe time of tbe story. Rubaduh, a weak minded circus clown, who had been cast ashore from a wreck, and who had sought refugn on tho throne, Is tho king of the island, and Q. T. Fox, tbe head of tbe secret service, and the man the Ignorant detectives am seeking, Is in league with the court chemist. Testum. ln n conspiracy to kill the king und gain the throne. The detectives arrive In disguise, to avoid detection by tbo man tliey seek, but they Inadvertently break up a performance of the Funday Carnival Co.. giving exhibitions daily on the Islsrfd. The King decrees tbat the culprits, when caught, shall be confined In the dungeon, and the detectives have to discard their disguises to evade suspicion, They are subMtroently employed by tbe king to tun down the man platting against him, and are also employed by the oarnlvol manager to track the men wbo Interrupted his exhibition. Prof. Hunter, an entomologist, visiting the Islands In BonrcU of specimens, nud Testuu), tho them- rf.T JUST OUT, II an VsntU&tm and nmicuLors journal DEV0TF.1) TO THE Theatrical Profession. PUBLISHED BY BROOKS BROS. & CO. AMONG TBE LEAD150 ARTICLES ABE: AMES IND ADDRESSES OF ALL THE ■MISERS and AQENTS IN T1IK UNITED STATEB AND ENGLAND. RAILROAD FARES To all points from New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago, and 113 FUNNY STORIEH AND IR01OBHTE OP TBE VAUDEVILLE PROFESSION. BIG VALUE FOR 10 CENTS. For sale at all newsdealers-or sent direct on receipt of 10 CENTS in silver or stamp* by J. R. HAnWS clipper STAMP, 46 Howard St., Boston, law, TEW DOLUHS VALUE FOR 10 CENTS, 1st, seek to employ the disguises.oast aside by the detectives, in order, to confer aocretly with Amanda Hope, alster-ln-law of tho American consul, wltb whom tbey arn . In love, and they are arrested by -tbe.detectives .-in the disturbers of tho carnival, and Amanda Is apprehended for plotting against the throne. The comedy ends happily and the detectives become tho Joint rulers of the Isle. The vast: Rubadub, Clinton 0. Brown: Sllpplnu. J. II. Adou Jr.; U. T. lux, Harry 1*. Blckler: Teatum, Lynn 11. Milam; Yale- lock Bones, I'rlu Q. Lanbam; Tlmoloi-k Iloncs. Frank V. I^anbam: Will Vellum, Mau- rice Wolf; Roach Hunter, Murray Oralism; •Jrooklyn llrldge, U. 8. Consul. Chas. Casey; Martha Urhlge. Kunlce Adon;: Dorothy Rrldge, Emily Maverick; Kred Bridge, Dirk Wall; Frank Truth. Max Blckler; «ue Ve- neer, . Anne Wilkinson; Amanda Hope, Mlla Iionnan ; Polly. Attle McClendon; Mademoi- selle Maloney, Roacoe Thomason. STT "TRACKED AROUND THB WORLD." A spectacle. In nix acta and twelve acenca, by (.'has. A. Taylor, was given. Its premier at Hottstown, l*a., Oct 25. The story: Bert Vox, alias,"Count Koxhnll," dispones of some stolen diamonds by selling ■ tfiem to Jack Fully, a Chicago diamond merchant, wbo mortgages his property In pert payment of same. Mr. Folly, learning from some source that tbe diamonds were stolen by Foxball, knows tbat If the facta were disclosed' It would bring disgrace upon his only.daughter. Babe. Folly makea an appointment with Fox, and the latter agroea at this meeting to refund tho money In return for tho dia- monds, but he Intend* to murder Folly and make away with both diamonds and ruoner. He accomplishes his purpose, but In search- ing the dead body of Fo)ly ho finds that the diamonds are gone, for, in the mean time, Folly had acquainted his daughter, Babe, with the facts, and has Intrusted the dia- monds to her keeping. Rabe, suspecting tbat Fox murdered her father, enlists the service of BUI Hickory, a man hunter, to help ber bring the murderer to justice, which Is ac- complished. Hickory Is assisted by Kddle Gates, n boy detective, who Is proprietor of a female minstrel show, which ac- companies -the trio In their trip around tbe world In pursuit of tho murderer. The cast: Rill Hickory. A. Byron Reasley ; Bert Fox, Edmuud Boragnau; Eddlo Gates, Georgia Mack ; Vandlne, Joieph R. Garry; Babe 7 Folly, Sadie Jansell; Jeanctte, Gertrude I* Brandt: Frisco Kate, Beatrice Golden; Nina,' Matte Oliver; Jack Folly, G. W. Marks: Moy Foy. Harry Morrison: Flannlgan, J. C. Malaldy; Dusty, George Harris; Guggenbclmer, II. N. Hubbard; Louie, Sydney Craven; Frit*, C W. Morton; Lord Beeswax, Alex. Mackenzie; Sonorlta Dolores, > Maude Hewell; Antonio, Wm. Miller; Pansy, Eltnorc Hill; Llllle, Mar- ?:arot Hogcn; "Chlcogo," Brenda Fowltr: lose, Helen Chester; Nellie Blv, Andree Mar- shall: Olive Clark, Daisy' Bradley; Chop Sucy Sal, Mona Karnes; Reuben Glue, Harlan Knight; Conductor, u. n. Morris;'Govet, W. A. Thomas; Porter, Geo, Kelly; Drummer, Frank Lyons; Haleralua. Ktta Rpbson; Klt- suma. Kiln 1'arkn ; Gum Hlng, Little Ah Ring; Queen of tho Bull Ring. Amy La 'Halle; Chaunccy, C. C. Coray: Ah Ham, I* Potter; Matador, J. T. Howard; Gatokecpcr, Waller Moore; Sailor Jack, Wnv Kemp; Officer, \V. V. Roser. ' i-mt V* *fc*/t WJM>%fc& i. VTrtiu < .; 7,/jfW ¥„ I I I ' i "TUB KRUBTEWR HONATA." Jncob Gordln'a foakr act dontealic d renin, which was traoalatcd by .Snmnel Hhlpmsn, waa given Ita flrat production .In Hngllsh at the Court Theatre, wheeling, W. Vn-. Nov. S\, by Illunche Walsh nnd Iht com- pany. The tlrst act occuth at the homo of oho Frledlaculer, a rich contractor In Rlis- siu. Ills elttoa. doagbter, llnttw, has hijen lictrayed by * ChrUtlan aoldler, and In order to saw her from disgrace t he fattier nego- tiate* with llrrgolrc, n 'Jewish mufllt'lan, itu marry t^r and bring ber. to America to live. The father settles a fair i-omptmaatlou on tlio young man, who o«nvH t» jmvpt tbo probo- ^Itlon. The second act tthds them la New York City seven years later,' and the fami- lies of, both' the young' Jew and the girl have also Immigrated to America. A child of the dead soldier Is born to tbe »Ife uUd the roster father treats Mm with otter edn- tempt fella,' a sister of Hattle, bis beconi-! Infathated With Oregolrc and tbe wife Muds her alster in the husband's embrace. Further complications arise when the husband accus-Jf the wife of "tbe marriage of I'Obveolenes." Tbe third act brings both families to Dm homo of FrMllandcr, on a farm in I'dqnuev- tlevt. The sister, tvita, In ititnr»"lletl to leave tiomq to shield Iter disgrace with tier brother-in-law. and the act ends with tho father- heart-broken. The last si-eoa bl'lrlga tbe faxglllcs together at the borne of Gre- golm'a pareuio Celta la rttiiintlng ber open shame In such a manner that the wife,.Hat- tle, In desperation, shoots both husband and sister. Tbe ; cast. Raphael Ftleillundcr, George Fawcctt: Mva, Jlnt. Henry Vandoh- horT; Haiti.-, Ulsbcbe Walsh; oils. Helen Ware: Kanmel. William WaUeswortb; ICf>h- rlara Fiddler, Wm, Travcm. Italia, Joiwii Ralph; Gregolre, Alexander Von Mltxel; Na- ta.-he, l.aura • Linden : Albert, Charles Clif- ton; Bliabolsky, Itli lyird lOaile. , , I I I I HP-f a very clover la. Glory gets |M • "AN AMERICAN PRINCBnS," A •' society, ■ problem play. In- four Arts, by Henry Bander, was first produced at the Val- entine Theatre, Toledo. O., Dec 0.'. Tine story tolls of a roan wbo, when'loft with u child by the (death of a dearly beloved wife, plunfes into speculation to forget his grief. He suc- ceeds-beyond reason,, wealth rolls In upon him. and bis daughter Ih brought-up like » prlnceas, - In seclusion and ■ luxury. Ills health k graduslly giving away hut he does not realize It and plana a last gigantic en- terprlKfl before be stop. Part'of his scheme nocesBltatea the closing of.n big steel plant. The daughter Inadvertantly comes upon one of the starving i women, a accue easues.and from the shock sne shs- tslns the ruptuto - of-n .blood ve«Bel. Tho father reproaches himself With being tho cause of it all, and at berrequest starts tin- works again, abandons his great coup and awaits In angolali new* from the sick room. Wben be htarx that his child will live he dies from heart failure. Cast! Arnold Win- gate, John U. Kcllerd; Maisueritc, Mary f-'opyrlg! Kauu: Mas Blchtor, James I" Wilson: AI- ""-Fate fred Fuller,, Geo. H. 1'robcrt :■ Henri DeaO-, pre, Nprral McGregor: Kmlly Bolton, Ada Ullmtn; .Gilbert Mors*-. Daniel Jarrolt: Hills Put num. Frederick V. Duff: INmiiIsn Hlnejalr, John T. Iloyle; Charlea-jJverord. Melvln Hrin :■ Dr. Andrews, Rolit A. KvanH: JnnKis, Harry .Htubbs; Unit, Mnhel Ayiwurd; P««ty, liorolhy Payne; William, James Uus- sell j. John, Albert Tucker. ' "THB OUKAT At TOMOHIIK '.. JltKTKHV," A melodrama, In four act i and nine iceqes, by Theodore, Kremer, was originally: pro- duced at Hand's Ojiera House. Troy, Ni Y. v SK?€ fhe Btory' Dr. WES* a hypnotist/ exerts his lufldencu on Jobullanymoie com- pelling tin- latter to believe bis wlfo Is oof true to blm. The doctor ho poisons John's mind that tho latter secures a-divorce. Not, content wltb this, tbo physician hires flssMK-' sins to.kill lbs husband. But they are tolled by u woman whom fho doctor had cast aside, wh"- fBc;r-«ttcrrl[rta by' Ofoovr Dooley nnd HcdaHik nrHonlgan. n- nurse inyild. It develops, by chance, thutjOlory.U the dnughlur of an old 'pel of Illxby'M,' who on his deathlied Intrustd Hlxby with IfKO.tMK), which, If Glory Is found, gooa to bar, but- If hIm- Is not found It boos to dlatant relative*- Thin ntnto of affsin Is,found out by Glory's enemies, and IImi pa'pura proving Gluhy's right to tho estate --t» stolen, blit nre regalnrd In " ty by Dooley nud He< impetH juat In time to New Hampshire, making a pretty climax in n strung dtamu... Tbo oast f Jerry Bliby, II. -T. Hwaync; Oroyaon Wolfe, Ht. Grorgo Dugelan: Kverett Aftlwrpe, II., Ht. Carr: way by Dooley und Kedctla. Glory gets (bo liig.i . Clara. Dorlncotirt, Mario Hegar; lie- dclla HrannigsD, Annie Dougldaa; Glory, Attic Bpenecr. .-•. ... , ,.I 4»'i ' ' Ke-w Plays sn.l lliftelir. t opy rtulit crt. "At fatal," In a prologue and three acts. Copyright** bv. U r. Fish. "Hartley A Oo.,'.' Ih liiur acta. Copyrighted hjt TV II. l>avls. ' "Cupid vu tbo Hun." Copy lighted by Hill. ton Bbilth. ■ . "Famlllcnrntor." Copyrighted by Curt ivi. gand. .«——•..>. .. "Our I|aby,'' lu'ono act. CbpyrlghlcU by J. J., Flvnti. :-,•,:.-. "Fails t>y Night." Copyrighted by Ueory l'lncna.' • .'','■'. • "The Rogers Brother* In'Paris," In three •els. Copyrighted by 3. J. Mi-Nally, •iTlte aambo Girl;" In throo acta. Copy- rlghtM by Frank It. Norcross. ^'Tbo Dream Chlkl," la prolopie and four parts, t'opyrlglin-d bv John T. Prince Jr.' "Adhemat," In four acta. Copyrighted by 1", WlliUch. , •"fho Itedgor Queen,)' lu four tuts. Copy- rlglrted by II. Belmar. "SHADOWS ON THK IIKARTH." A five net drama, by Louis Ke'gan. .was given its premier at tbe Opera House, llolyakc, Mass., Nov. ill. Tho lime of Its action Is mill, and'the scenes art laid on'.the Dela- ware River. Tho hearth about which the shadows play la that of George Berrlck, a miller. At the time the war breaks Out he, as captain, with his sons, Tom Katon. tho hero, and Fred Vaughtfu, the black sheep, enlist. Two daughters ore left behind with their mother, one plighted to Tom Raton, the ntber concealing ber relations with and mar- riage to Fred Vatighun, and accepting lui- At- tentions of the young minister. Thus Nell Derrick, wronged and weak, glvea ber secret to her alster, Kate. Her child, left on Ihc Rerrlck doorsteps, is taken In and Is to have the name of the son who went with his father and brother, but did not'come bark. The father returns with a shattered arm and the other son wltb a'maimed teg. Kn|e Rerrlck' Is defending the baby when Tier sister declares that she hales It. and their father comes into the-room and finds put thut the baby is bis grandchild, but neither daughter "will tell -which Is the mother.' The fattier seizes the boiling kettle add says'hr will do as HOlomou did to know wbo claims tbe child. Kate throws herself ov*r the known - ait • "Olorv."" * -flower ~girl'' Je'rry cradle to nrotect Ita occupant, and meekly Blab/, wbo haft made mousy ln tue thoarn- accepting; W alster^ disgrace, l»ave» the raf tisln^, meets Glory and bwt»»a> bouse, with tho baby. She goes t* Iota "~ "-~* '"- '"■ ~ batons mother, and then Kate's father. Iu vlolant anger over bis disgrace, and 1'ooj Baton, her-lover,. **om lore (a ao greet that thla peat test, defy «rji..ptb>r. t — l '_■■» WM-,.,, iuv uuvlui II,lu ITISl UHIUI-. .ibeu tho bUKhand lenrns the mil It be seeks his wife and tlnds her Just as (be doctor Is trying to abdnct hor In an automobile. Tbel-o Is a fight for possession of Ibe wife, and the, husband succeeds In taking her frem her ab- ductor. Tbe woman who was spurned by the physician completes her rovengc by touching a match to tbe unto and blowing It up, killing the doctor and herself. . ■ m * "THK NIIOWMAVf* (;iri tit." . A drama. In four acta and eight «ocne», 'jy Ixlgai- Seideu, was produced for tbo flist tlmo on any stage at Hlatlngton, Pu,, on >ov, C. The scenes arc lata entirely In New York City, the first act taking p'occ lo Outral Park Casieo. The stoiy of toe ptuy centres around Glorlanna Gllddeo. btttor "Fraternity," In- one act. Copyrighted by G. P. Monogon. , "Jolly Baron, or tbe Miller's'. Daughter." Copyrighted by Harry Von Tllscr. The I>»dy and tbo Jockey." Copyrighted by T.ucllo.Yorko. "liove'a lottery." Copyrighted by M. «lt- maik A Hona, ■ "Man With tbe Rata.') sketch, In one act. Couyrlgfatod by- John Birch. 'Frima Donna and'the Professor." Cony- righted by H. Frederick and W, II.' ConleV . "Prlnon Lion tho Victor." Copyrighted by Henri .Mnrcell. ' "Tristan.und Isolde," In four acta. Copy- righted by L. k. Auspocher. "Tho Baby Hhuw it hm.viUc,'' n muslenl pl$y for children. Copyrlgjited by T. H. iiuni- son. .,..,.-.---' '''The Rrookdale l-'arm," Ih foor acts, Copy- righted 'by T. H.I BmUo, .JjTm lirama of Destiny." Copyrighted hy A. P. Uobberi. . ,."The face at the Wlfidow," lo three ncti. Conyrlgbtrd by T. H. Denlson. '''Fate, tho Mltftetarr," n playlet. Copy- righted \rr S. P. Bayer. . "'Tbo Friend of tbe Whole Fomlly," In three " btcil by T. H. IK-nlson. botogruph (ialleiy." In one art. jtJf. H. i)enlson. _ "Lord of tho.Mabor." Copyrighted by II. B. Marehali; e.'.-- "• I / : ■ '"t«ve-nbd Aiuirchy," lu four acts. Copy- righted J>y * H. D.-ulwiii., "•'■••lArro of Mlml." Copyrighted by ('. Aroin. ' "Merchant of Venice.". Copyrlghti'd by Mnrrltt Golly. .• .' * - ; "Murpby'K Mawixivode." Inlivo ads. Copy- righted by Held 4 (ijlbvit. •."Rock point' Light." Copyrighted by Wil- liam llobynjrr • •. .. ■ ■ " • ,; "RBWiwy tllub. In tbo Moon," In Ihrct; tko'.t. C'olM'righted by kj. D..l/lmw. ''tM.^I*otrlck's- Iftcf'th one act. Copy- righted by John t-'bouom. J •Tllff.-Wh'.r Butt.'' Copyrighted by Hum Covey,.*i v,- 1 . , "Itte Cc'tiaor ond the Outflel'Nh." « sub- irlnu dra ids, Jjopy>lghtM : liy L, 0, Kolley id -F.:lv».JArtie.- '■Monologues." CopyrJchtcd by Geo. mn and W, Day. "Kaliy Land," In one act, Copyrighted by Aj J. l»rmor«. ■:■■ '.',.■ • ^'•'Ttic Owat'Muy Fall/; Copyrighted by:M. . Snyder, ... . • •; "Holrosa crt\»Uierry-tferrii," a farce, In oni Oct.- Coi)yrl«btod by M.'.V. ittnlgb. "In- tbo-w n;ng,' r -a comudy; In one act. Opirlgbtod by I Till 1C Mlndll. . "IM to tho World." Copyrighted by W. I,. Han-er...v... . J .- . , • - "A Night Oot." a iketch, lu oue art. l.'opy- rigbtoiJ 6y N.'flbup/ , ■ •• - "• , "Hhadowed by Tbt««; Or .the 'three Pro- posaN." n one uct play.- copyrlgiiUd by A, w$m i Ucbed < tu bar, in a fatherly way. tiara Dortocouit. tbe leading-lady in Bitby's the- iitre, takes a (rtrong dlillke t(. Glory an/1. It Miami.-; _ Lnter explanatloua ununglo :the complica- tions. being of a ;aaiooa dbpofltlon, decldeo xo get her out bf tbe way, wtib the nwlstance. of twn. members of 'the oompnay, Greywm .wolfo •«aUr«ctt:Aithorptv Ctkt liioj atc-toJInl'U ...r-^fille/ Mr«», • Waloess mawger , of "Flnnngatr* MP Co...arid Bono Burdeu, « 9S'&ML ^f..* 0 !** 0 !!, we " matriej. lu tit "ojother of Watell :fb. "ZAgfaW HbMtnqn, of .tho "Dom :rtionie" en., t ftoddenly.flt ber. bome.ln Bradford, Pa., Dw>, 13, from r/netimoola, Bged el»ty-l y«Bre*^ llleil , 'mi (our so vr':V: V ■ J'.'- it. ; ■' !•».' w