The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1036 1?m& ISTEIW: YORK CLIPPEE. •PEOEMBER 24, NEW TO, crrr. Hevfew ami C^njrtit^fii'-up)la of the fact that tbe star? a.i&ade a .big hid 'for public favor, and tna*t'they were crowded with buyers for tha' bplldeys,' the local the- atres bad yieir share of business, though, of course, the, attendance was not tip to .that •b previous-weeks.. At tbe Manhattan Thr- *THfc, on Monday jhlght, Dec. l\Mra. Flake and ber. atock company gave thY.first pro- duction,, on eby (Inge, of "Leah Klesc'hnn," 'a ore act play, by C. M. 8. Sicilian; Tbe piny and players received high,. .. '.. At The 'CTKRtptN Tin:.*™-,, on' tbe lame. right,vthe,rtnys gave lhe ( fljst down "town perjohniijce of "Down the rUte,* ».. At the'^ikcpsjl Thratrb Robert -K.' .Mantell. changed His Mil,.and gnve New Yorkers' their flr|t,oTlportlinlty df*Srt>1n|LhJ|m In "Othello."' and at the 'Mastic Tp^MR B«rUm Gal- Inml made tier feappsijrnticn In -t'liln city, In "Do'Kotny Yerhoh, of llnddon Hall.*., On 12 tbe Olympic Theat-hr, which has long been' Identified Jfrlfh'iDuHesqrie 1 noa' vaude- ville, was opened under the hinnogemcnt. of ? .J'rnresulntml . man's League held a bazaar, opening Thurs- day, jn, and Vloslog ly The affair was a pronounced success.....-Frltzl SfihelT, nt the Bntun wa y TnnATBR, closed 17, for one week,' In reopen In 'Tatln'trn." The continued attrnctlons^for the week ..ending n iyero: Bertha Gniinnd at. the Ma,tb*ticj, "Annie-Rus- sell at the G.uirick, George Cohan n,t Hie Naw, LinRRtr, '/It Happened in Nordland" at the Lnw 'Mom, K. ft.. Mantell at the I'niJtcKss, James K. Mackctt at the Lyric, Nat C, Goodwin at the Knickerbocker, "Woodland" at tho New York, Charles Wyndharo at the Nrw< J.rci%, "Ituirtpty- Dtimpty" nt tho New"Ajuiterda.m; Ethel Bar- rymore at the, Hudson, 'Eifaa May, In "The School Olrl," nt ihsJlRiMU) BqUARD, "Hlg- gledy-Plggledy" at Ihe WBana Music Hall, May Irwin at the Bum;, "The Sbo-Gun" at Wai+ack's, David Warfleld at Bhi.ahco'h, •The College Widow" at the Garden-, Mrs. rieke and stock company at the .Manhattan, 'Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage 1'atch" at the Savoy, John Drew at the IOmi'iiik, Andrew Mack nt the V auK tU W t k Stbekt, the Ger- man Stock Co. nt the Irvino IYacb, "Tlie Wlaard of Ox" at tho Acaormt ov Music, the Rays nt the Ambrican, Fritz) Scheff at tho UaoAnWAY, Nailco O'Nell at Daly's, and Louis Mann at the Criterion, tho three last named closing on thnt dnte. At Proctor's Fifth Aveneh nud Oxi) HotfBftHD and Twbnty-fipth Street Theatres, stock pro- ductions, with vaudeville between acts, con- tinued The. one. week stands closing IT were: "Down Our Way" at the Third Avenue, "The Minister's Daughters" at the Windsor, "The Isle of Spice" at the Grand Opcta House, Henrietta Crosinan, In "Sweet Kitty Betlatrs," at Proctor's Fmr-EioHrtr Street ; Cecilia Loftus at the Harmsm Oi-era Hoiisb, David the West Exd, "The Ninety and Nine" at the Metropolis, "The Great Automobile Mystery" at the Star, and "The Wayward Son" at the Olympic Variety ontertalnment was fur- nished at Tony Pastor's, the Victobia, the Yorkvillb, the Chicle, Keith's Union Sqparb, Proctor's Twenty-third Street, Miner's Bowery, the London, tho Dewey, Miner's Eihiitu Avenue, Jltiitrio & Sua- sion's and tho. Gotham. At Hubkb's Mu- seum the usual long list of curios and vaude- ville was'offered......For the week ending Dec, 17 (fourth week) the bills at the Mm 4 BOWLITAN Oikra Hoiisb were: Monday" night, 12, "Carmen," with the same cast at 4 .*. Whon last given. Wednesday night, 14, "Dlai. Mclsterslnger," with the east the same as' at Its previous performance. Thursday, HI. "rarslfal," w'th no change In the prcvloiiB cast Friday night, 10, "Ln Boheme" was sung, with thla cast: Mlml. Mine. Melba; Musotta, Bella Allen; Itodolfo, Mr. Caruso; Marcetlo, Mr. Hcottl; Colllne, Mr. Jonrnet: Hchaunard, Mr. Parvls; Beholt and Alcln- doro, Mr. Rossi;.Porplgnol, Mr. uiordaul; Scrgcnte, Mr. QUI; Doganlerc, Mr. Fanelll. This wan Mme. Melba's drat appearance In grand opera ln this c'ty since March, 1001. Arturo Vlgna conducted. Saturday, matinee, 17, "Die Walkurc," with this caat: Brunn- hllde, Mme. Sengcr-Beitaquo; Frlcka, Edyth Walker; Slegllnde, Mme. Emma Fames; Slcg- mund, Mr. Burgstaller; Wotan, Mr. Van Rooy ; Hnadlng, Mr. Blnss; Gerliilde, Bella Alten; Ortllndo, Miss Bauermelster; Walt- raute, Marion Weed; Schwerllelte, Mme. Louise Homer; Helmwlge,MargueriteLemon; Hlegrune, Paula Balph; Grlmgerde, Florence Million!: BoRewclse. Edyth Walker. Thla was the reappearance of Mme. Senger-Bct- toque In this city for tho first time In fifteen years. Since her last appearance here, bow- ever, alio has risen from secondary to leading roles. It was therefore her first appearance here as Brunnhllde, and she made a fairly good Impreaslon. Alfred Herts conducted. Saturday night, 17, "11 Barbtere dl Slvlglla" was aung, with this cast: Roslna, Mme. Scmbrlch; Berta, Mlas Bauermelster; Conto d'Almavlvn, Mr. Dlppcl; Figaro, Mr. Gl- raldonl; Baslllo, Mr. Journet; Dr. Bartolo, Mr. Roasl; Ufflalalo, Mr. Glordanl; Florello, Mr, Beguo. Arturo Vigna conducted. It was tho first time thla season of each of tho last two named operas. Praetor's l-lfij-. ini.ili Street Tlie- Blt-a.^j. Austin l-'ynes, gnaeral manager).— rrom,' combination the scenes at this bouse this week change to straight vaudeville,.and tha bJDUW .wan. well Ailed .on the openlns night, Dec. lli. John W. Itnnnone heads tbe 'bill, and made his usual bit. Staley apd Hlrbeck cams next, in their clever trans- formation musical act, and Bailie Stembler proved a favorite, her singing being heartily applauded.' The Seven Grunatho Sinters, new' to the citentel of this home, quickly became favorites by their display of expert acrobatlim Helen Scnolder, In her 'cello solos, caught the house In good shape. Wal- ter Le Roy and Florence Clayton, in their comedy sketch, "A Horse on Hogan," suc- ceeded In winning mnnv laughs, others on the hill belag lteno and Hlchards. comedy acroimtH ; Holcomae, Curtis and Webb, ln Ihelr skit, "The. Botany Class," a ".vehicle whereby they Introduce clever singing, and Harry Parker's dog circus, Views of travel and the motion pictures were also displayed, yWclUng.fatorablo- comraent. Sundays con- tinuous concert attracted crowded audiences, afternoon and evening, Dee. 18. For Christ- tna's Week KIrk'e La Shelle presents "Check- ers." Konrteenth Street Theatre (J. Wes- ley Itosemiuesi, manager) .-—A revival »of "Tom Moore" was given by Andrew' M** k . Dec' in. and ,was thoroughly enjoyed by -.the audience. Of the cast, there were three who nppeared ln the original production three years ago, other than the star, namely, Myron Calico, as. the 'Prince; (Jeo. W. Deyo, as Robin Dyke, and Eddie Heron, as Knster, all of whom repented their former suceesses. Of the others, W.m. .1. Townsheud, ns Lord Moltn, gave a .most enjoyable performance, presenting a pleasing, "cheerful 'appearance ?nd receiving generous applause and laughter or his deft handling of linen and situations. Hugo Toland played the disagreeable part of Lovelace vei'y acceptably; Luke Mnrtlu gave the true rlug to the small part of Sheridan; Arthur Snader, as Beau lirunimel, was equal to emergencies, and Richard Gorman made a capital sneak ns I'arrell. Pearl Landers was winsome as Bessie, but her wig was rather unbecoming. Annie Mack Berleln, as Mrs. Malone, secured many laughs, and certainly worked bard to deserve success. Andrew Mack's songs were ns welcome and enjoyable as ever, and he was generously encored. The staging and costuming'were artlRtlc and the stage man- agement was excellent. The cast: Tom Moore, Andrew Slack; Prince of Wales, My- ron Cnlice; Blr Perclval Lovelace, Hugo Toland: Lord Molrn, Wm. J. Townshend; Robin Dyke, George W. Deyo: Sheridan; Luke Martin; Beau Bruaimel, Arthur Snader; Terence Farrell. Richard Gormaa: Buster, Kddlc Heron; MncDermot, Edward J. McCoi- mlck: Servant, Thomas E. Jackson; Bessie Dyke, Pearl Landers: Winnie Farrell, Mar- garet Sutherland; Lady Fltzherbert, Mae Stevenson ; Mrs. Mnlone, Annie Mack Berleln. Next week, "Common Sense Urackett." Windsor Theatre (A. H. Woods, mana- ger).—"Why Girls Leave Home" Is presented this week, with -the following cast: Dan Sherwood, Walter Walker; Joseph White, Henry M. Hicks: Sara Stone. Edwin B. Wol- cott; Police Captain, Phillips Smalley; Johnny Hobbins. Walter B. Gilbert; Mr. Toddles. Avon Breyer; Mr. Kelley, Arthur Cobb: George Hodge, John Arnold ; Boahor, Joseph Hobbins, Walter B. Gilbert: Mr. lloe Officer, Iklword Butler; Guard, John D. . Hull; Bartender, Harold Merrle; Pearl Sher- rich Conrled revived an old Geiinau comedy, y. 00 ?' D , clla Clarke: Dolly Fletcher, Anna entitled "Die Goldene Eva" (Gold Eva), by Marie Scbaefer; Minnie Sherwood, Esta You Schonlhan and Jtopiiel-Ellfeld, Tuesday. J-'erpent: Mrs. Sherwood, Katherinc Cherry; rw » _.,... .v. ..„..«_ 2«J> Hadle oil lick, Florence Lois Weber. Next Proctor's Fifth Avcnne 'Ehealre (J. Austin? Fyxies,,.general manager),—"D'Arcy .of .the Guards" -Is. revived, by the Mock com- p«oy this *fek, and tfce nerformaoces Dec. M).were both well attended, the evening au- dience' being a particularly largo one. Tha phy was -rlavarly acted and; beautifully staged; 'Edwin Arato,.lq the name role, gave a particularly dellghtfilt'-eanceptlon of tbe character/ and won tbe sincere-'tributes of bis auditors. H. Dudley Hawley "pjaved Capt. Townsend with skill and convincing force, and Isabelle Evelson did credblably. Mlrlcm Berg acted with conspicuous Jjever- •niss. The .cast: MaJot^John D'ArcyJEdwIn ATden: Colonel Jennlson, George Howell; MnJor^Dnlryfnple, William llefhert; Captain •Dacler. Soldeh'Powtll! Captain Keller, Ar- ihur Shaw: Certain Fdrquar, Albert now- don;. Captain Dc Couxrey, Ralph J, Locke; Captfcln Gregory, Wallace Ersklne ;i.Sergcnnt TrlpJ, Joseph Manning; Cnptnln Mlllhausen, Herald Orltfln: Captain Uaab, Joseph Wood- burne: Captain Henry TawnseniL' II. Dud- ley Hawley; Samuel Davis, Douflns Flint; Samlio, Iklwln i'owler: Mrs. Townsend, Ger- trude Berkeley; Pamela Towusafiil, Isabelle Evesson: Cynthia Dcane, Marlon Berg, vaudeville were: Slg. GerSiinal, whose great-HsatltODe voice always ireceives the warmest nfils*;vSallle Stemb|»r, who was In especial favor dfVtlia .opening dav because Oihw capital work; Freres; Griff, strong jawed gymnasts (first time here), whose act is • remarkable ln> Its class; Mr. and Mrs. Hwleknrd, in tbelr unlqnciiwd most agreeable singing specialty;',Seville Sisters, In an electric, butteroy dance, which was a weli (wectiled. and pretty humbee.: Mile. 55oar, on tho vrtre.;.. Dill and Wara,. singers and dancers; Prof. Struck, maglclatl„anu the mo- tion pictures. ,.- ■ • ' I'rineOHs /I'heatre <Sn m S,. Shubert, mnnnger).—Itoliert Mantoll .began Dec. 19 the third and last week' of bis engagement, niipenrlugon that date In "RleheTleTi," for the Srst, time In this city. Ills conception of Ihe rote, was a most interesting one, and the npplnnse'whlch rewarded Ills' work was sincere and merited to the full. Ills make- up. Was perfect, his reaulng was excellent, and save for a tendency to pitch bis voice nt too tow q keiMo carry well In the more subdued scenes, his portrayal was one of de- cided, force and Ability. There waa a dignity and distinction about his Interpretation ln Us entirety, and the great scene at the climax of the fourth act, where Richelieu draws the magic circle about bis ward, was carried with intense feeling and splendid effect. Marie Booth Russell waa sincere and generally capable as Julie, although she did not bring tbe necessary emo- tional • force to her-aid In the heavier scenes. W H. Montgomery. merited pr.ilse for Ids acting ns Adrian De Mauprat, and ", ie 0 V.',f r " ot the company gave satisfactory « d W J I"i. cf l st: . Cardinal Richelieu, Robert B. Mantell; Louis XIII, William Hunt; Gas- Jon, Duke of Orleans, John C. Connerv; Bnrndas, Warren Conlin; Adrian De Mau- iirar. W. H. Montgomery; De Berlnglinn, Frederick Forrest; Josoph, Csrl Ahrendt; Hugnet, David R. Young; FrnncolB, Harry Keefer; Clermont. II, Mott: Captain of the guards. Harry Howard: First Secretary, Walter Stearns; Second Secretary, Harry Kerns; Marlon De Lorme, Lillian Kings- bury, and Julie De Mortimer. Marie Booth Russell. Edwin Terry begins Christmas matinee an engageaicnt In "The House of Buriisldc." Irvlnir Place Theatre—Manager Heln- l'ructor's Twenty-third Street Tbc- ntre (.1. Austin Fynes, general manager).— John W. Banione made, on Dec. 19,lTi N«w York'reappearance In vaudeville, nfKr a itfe- cessful term in musical comedy/and be heatbi a fine bill this week In most agreeable man- ner. -His work'on the opening day w»s as futon v asbU efforts were wont to be'dnr- Ing bin metropolitan vaudeville wanderings of other days, and the new material la the act proved bright. . His manner of deliver- ing hit monologue, which he calls "A Peace ComralsslOBer," was capital. Olllett's mu- sical dogs gave an act which bad all the ele- ments of merit coupled with novelty, and the. canine tricks greatly Interested tbe au- dience. A. 0. Duncan's ventrlloqnlal work, with his up'to the minute talk, .bad the tribute of hearty laughter, 'and the first ap- pearance here of the "Seven English Daisies" resulted In a complete o&pltolatlon of ,the> au- dience to tbe singing and dancing skiM of this baker's half dozen entertainers. The act proved away from tbe general run and the work of the girls was sprightly ana effective. Stlnsoa add Morton, who are'-styled -The HI tie lUblwn Runners at the Laugh Show," soon, secured a strong hold on the audience's favor, and never l»t If slip during their time rai- view, While tbe Nelflon-Farnum < Troupe, capital-cotaedy acrobats, held absorbed atten- tion and scored heavily, as they deserved to do. Others-are: The Majestic ^Inoical Fo^r (Collins, Terrll! Brothers and Slmop), Who played . tlfeir several musical Instruments with decided success; Lillian Carllsnii'h, centraltt>, and Hovt, bluett face singer ana talker, whope offering possesses merit: tbe Grent Cfijck, sensational trick bicyclist; Bldd- gctt Sisters, singing and daniitig team; Kim- m*r, Juggler! Barry and Wilson, singing, tufting and dancing cotnedlans, and Edestas, cobledy. equilibrist. The motion pictures con- tlnui 1 . ■ •* " .*', ■ .. i-astor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, msna- gcr).—Christmas stiApping apparently hns no effect upon the attendance, nt this popular play boose, Jot two crowded houses witnessed :t tine bill Dec. 10, headed by Bailey and Madison. These favorites received an ova- tion on tbelr entrance and carried their series of tntnbllng and slap stick work to Ita success, being recoiled many tlmos. John F. Clark told many n*w stories and some olrt ones in a new way. He had them with him .from the start, and- fits song, "Come Back,"' won repeated call backs for him. The D'KImarg, In their wonderful barrel jumping, scored easily, and.galned a strong place as favorites; Weston' and Raymond, in ,','A Comedy of . Errors.'.' . scored easily; LouIbc Arnot nud Tom Gunn, In "Re- gan's Imtk," lave a merry little >Iicteh, Dec. 13, with the following cast: Frau Eva! lledwlg von Ostermann ; Barbara, Georgine Netiendorff; Ursel, Llna Hanseler: Chrostoph, Otto Meyer; Peter. Harry Waldcn; Frlwll. Margarcthe Russ: Bitter Haus von Schmel- alngcn. Max Hanseler; Graf Zeck, Gustav von Seyffertlt*: Gralln Agnes. Marie Reich- ai-dt. Mr. Walden and Miss Von Ostermann were particularly good In the struggle for supremacy between tho widow and her work- man. Mr. Von Seyffertltsi contributed bis usual excellent work. . The old German costumes were picturesque. "Sodom's Ende" was presented Monday, 10, and the artistic work of the company found favor. Harry Walden, an Willy, was particularly effective, rind greatly heightened the esteem in which lie has liecn held during his stay thus far. the cast also Included: Jacques Bareainow- skl. Helnrlch Habrlch; Adah. Mnrgarethe Ruhmkorf; Kitty Tattenberg, lledwlg v. Os- termnnu; Dr. Welse, August Meyei-Elgen; Snnkatsratb Drob'sch, Hermann Ceroid; Frap Betty Schonleln. Llna Hanseler; Erau Else Meyer, Berthn Sladller ; Siegfried Meyer, Iflngeii Ilohenwarth; Dr. Bruno Susskmd, Frlta Klelnku: Professor Rlemann, Otto Mayer: Janlkow, Frana Klerschner: Marie, Georglne v. J. Neudorff; Kramer, Max Frei- burg; Klarchen Erohllch, Margarethe Ruas; llosa, Martha Wllhelm; Minna, Rosa Rosee. '•pie Veistinkene fllocke" (The Sunken Bell), the delightful fairy drama, will be revived '!■>. ., T, ! lr «,Avenue Thentre—Manager Mar- iSL% Olxons attraction this week Is the Hist New iork production of "At RlBk of Ills Life.'' a four ant romantic melodrama, bv Mark E. Swnn. The cast was apportioned as follows: Julian Thome, superintendent of \R° ^" y . B works. Harry Lelgbton; Robert Wvcherlv. an aged Inventor, Roland Osborne; Alfred Wycherly bis prodigal nephew, Jo- seph H. Green; Robert hfiituu, a voung phv- alelan, Bon Hlggjna; John Cranshawe, a de- tective, Stephen Velpeau; Horrocke, an attor- ney, Douglas Lloyd: James, a servant, George Farmer: Marlon Chalmers, Mr. Wycherly'g nurse, Pauline Rona; Bessie Desmond, tho girl next door, Alice M. Williams; Helen Dangerfleld. Alfred Wychorly's evil genius, Ahngall Marshall; Mrs. Beverly Briton, a "medium," Francis Florida. The synopsis Includes tbe following scenes: Act 1. Mr, Wycherly's Garden, '^Tho Poisoned Bonk:" Act 2, the Library, Self Accused:" Act. fi, the Laboratory In the Old Tower. "The Bat- t«P f<"|.Fortune;•• Act 4, the Moorish Room, "Ihe Voice of Hie Dead." Tlie Swan Amuse- ntent Co, are vhc O'Donell. manager: ors; Frank .1. Ln'rd, business Mlner'a Eighth Avenue Theatre (Ed- win D. Miner, manager).—The Trocactcro Burlesniierg opened a week of Jollity here Dec. 11). and won tbelr way Into tbe hearts of their auditors. Tho skits, "A Misfit lamlly" and "Tlie Genuine," were well re- ceived. In the olio: Wm. Kartell, parodist: tho Grahams, in "Tho Lady Electrician:" Damm Broa., eccentric acrobats; Conlou, Ward, Dobbs and Leigh. The caat: Van, Frank Graham t Catterplllsr Tom, Andrew Leigh I Murphy Rosenbauni. Will Conlon: Iiiy Fltkpairick, Wm. Ilartell: Reginald Oofd, Tom Nolan; Rev, Skluny Bones, Mailv Ward; Willie, Wilbur Dobbs: Sportv Bill, Annie Cnrtor; Rose Wood. Annie Hill: Tough Ike. Rasor Back Pete, Dnmm Brothers. Next week, Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows. manager; Harry Lelgbton, stage manager Next week, "Too Freud to Beg." Urnnd Oporn Home (John II. Springer, manager).—"The Female Detectives," a three net comedy drama, by Chns. A. Taylor, In which the Russell Bros, nre starring, re- ceived Its first West side presentation Dec. It), and the comedians were greeted by a storm of applause. They are as funuy as ever and the supporting company Is a good one. The cast: Tom Clancy, John Russell; Jerry CUtney, James Russell: Grandpa Pratt, J. V. Tucker: Perry Morgan, David Edwin; il!" u ??' k jR 8 /... V ' M ' l)u Sllk °. PI" Ballev, Chas. II. Phillips; Mike, John Russell Jr. Sergeant, Thomas Boyle; Herman, William Bergen: Policeman, W. Stcdmau; Jasper, Tony Wass: Chink, J. McCnulpbell; William Double, Thomas Iteardon ; Jim Blythc, Georgo Llnncnian; Hniiniili Ellen Jane, Margaret M. Lewis; Dot, Antoinette Hart; Jess Adams, Annlo Conroy Russell; Fannie Adams Blanche Lelgbton; Old ling. Jane Hlssong. Next week, Geo. M. Cohen, In "Little Johnny Jonea." Yorkvlllc Theatre (Meyer R. Blmberg. manager).—High class vaudeville continued to please the patrons of this, tho newest addition to our city's vaudeville theatres. Tbe unuouncemonta for this week are: Myra Anioros and Charlotte, the Great Siioun. Tony Wilson and Mile. Helolse, Raymond and Cavorly, the Dc WIN* and Reta AVlu- llelrt. • ,:■-.. •- Weher Mnalo Hnll (Wrher & Zteffeld, niai'Hgersl.—''HlgaledyPlggledy" began Ita ninth week Dec. 1(1. Marie Dressier, suffer- ing from tonsllllls, was out of the caat 10. 17, returning lit, Edith Moyer playing her part meanwhile. week, "Queen of the White Slaves.' Circle. Theatre (Percy G. Williams, manager).—One of the best bills of the sea- son has .been booked for this, week here, the leading feature being the first metropolitan appearance of Ireland's Own Band, from Dublin, which has been n feature of the Irish Industrial Exhibit at the World'a Fair, St. Louis. Major Geo. Drum la bandmaster, and besides the excellent musicians, songs and dances were capably rendered by the Kelly Irlo. Lillian O'Mara and James Brady. The band scored a solid success. The extra feat- ure this week Is Rosarlo Guerrero and Co., In her one act pantomime, "The Rose and the Dagger," which met with tbe success ac- corded It iu other city theatres. A cordial reception was given the Mason-Keeler Co., In their sketclh "Honked by Crook." It was the American reappearance of tbe act, and was given well deserved applause. Other numbers which added eclat to the bill were: Sydney Grant, Hie popular story teller; Hreene nnd Werner, as tbe "Babes In the Jungle;". Rosalre nnd Doretto, comedy acro- bats; Median's dogs, and tbe vltagraph London Theatre (James H. Ciirtln, maa- agei).—The New York 8tars made tbelr Bowery bow Monday, Dec. 10, with good re- sults. "Stolen Sweets," which provides seri- ous complications and ranch reason for com- edy, used the complete company, with Charles H..Watson, Harry J. Kooper, John McMnhon, Alice Porter and Ethel C. Lelllott in the loads; George and Llllie Brennan made a good Impression with their clever dancing; (lie ^hreo Lelllotta introduced a neat mu- sical net, In whlrli the lady's violin and harp solos were highly appreciated, and the band finish earned encores; Loro and Pavne amused and surprised by their lively acro- batic work with good comedy fixings. The second act of the comedy wns livelier than the first, providing suitable finale. -The Inci- dental songs with chorus work were hand- somely staged and the many Btrlklng pic- tures were applauded. Next week, Louis Boble'a Knickerbockers. Miner's llowery Theatre (Tom W. Miner, manager).—The Blue Ribbon Girls, which, havo established an enviable rcputa- tion this season, drew a good bouse Monday evening. Manager Jack Singer keeps the performance up to concert pitch and excel- lont entertainment Is the result. "Caught with the GoodR" Is the curtain raiser, with Law Palmer as (lie principal fun maker. Ihe olio Introduces Mr. l'nlmcr In a series of Imitations, Le Roy and Lc Vnnlon, in a comedy hnrlzontnl bar act; Win. Kent, nam- SUffit ln tramp disguise: the Sixteen Bluo Ribbon Zouaves, nud their captain, Fred Haly, *ho perform n number of compli- cated manoeuvres with marvelous precision, concluding with a wall climbing exhibition; « ard anu Bradburn, German comedy sketch ; l'lshcr and Johnson, la n novel and aensn- tlonal bicycle act, and Nevlna and Arnold, n clever sketch team, who made a succss with "Won't You Fondle Me" and other songs, as well aa with tlicjr ulmble dnnclng. ■A Day nt tbe Rnces" provided a vnria finish. The costumes were brilliant. Next week, the Cherry Blossoms. HuLei'n Muaenni (John II. Anderson, mnungcr).—Kltamurn ami his wouderfuf troupe ot Japanese acrobats still remain the feature attraction nt this popular resort, Others on the list arc: Bailor Jack and Mora- tana, Impalement act: Wohctun, tattooed In- dian qncon; Prof, Durkes, magic: WetmA In a musical act; Olo Olson and Capt. Austin, midgets. Mr. Olson is attracting marked nttcntlon, being one of the oldest living midgets In the world. Manny, the needle king. In tho theatre na excellent hill Is pre- sented, and crowded houses ure reported nt each performance. Wallack's Tlientre (Mrs. Then. Moss, manager),—"Tho 8io«im" gives laughter continually, entering Dec Iff Its eleventh jveck. John K. Heniuaw nnd May Tn-i HMMt Join the cast this week, Chus. B. Evana retiring.- , : New L> couui Theatre (Daniel Finh- man. manager).—Charles Wyntthanr" rim! ■ Mary Moore began their Ihlrtl week of artis- tic work Dec. 10, Id "Mrs. Gorrluge's Neck- lacs. which goes well; lOmersoh and Omeg with "Don't Notice it," secured' ail the success which was their due; Clarke and Klorette were certainly'fashion plates and created ,n favorable Impression; Walter. G. Browh 4nd Ell Is Sisters won great favor in their Bong and dance turn; Geo. and May Woodward are merry and welcome visitors, as. "Sunburned Rubes;" Gllkay and Dumnnt have an interesting singing net; the Do- macos surprise with tbelr gymnastic work; th* Manning Twin Sisters, In songs, dances nnd ncrobntlc work made things lively; Mr. and Mrs. Al. G. Belford have a clever and nmuslng act as a comedian and tough 'girt: Keene does some good comedy Juggling and the" vltagraph shows new pictures. Ketth'a Theatre (E. F, Albee, general manager".—Emmet De Voy and company head an excellent bill here this week, which served to attract tbe full Keith clleatei oa Monday, Dec.'19. MrV'De Voy and'his ca- pnble little company gave a very pleasing performance of a sketch entitled "Tbe Saint- ly. Mr. Billings," and their debut here was most auspicious. The bill also lists the Em- Sire City Quartet, In comedy and vocalisms; oseph Maxwell and A. S. .Simpson, In new songs by Mr. Maxwell, which were finely rendered by the author, and beautifully il- lustrated by Mr. Simpson; the. Marvelous Mlllman Trio (their debut here), clever aerial gymnasts; Chas. Setnon, In music and comedy; Jennie Veamans, la bcr original monologue; the Boston Bros., acrobatic nov- elty ; Walter C. Kelly, dialect comedian; Lavender and Tomson, In a laughable aklt, "A Touchdown;" Murphy and Francis, colored comedians; tbe Suglmoto Japs, equil- ibrists; Lulgl Del Oro, musical act: Wilbur Amos, comedy juggler, and the American blograph. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Kraua, man- agers).—Sam Deyere's Own Co, gave an ex- cellent entertainment of burlesque and vaude- ville nt the openlbg performance given here Dec. IP. before two packed houses. The show opens with n very amusing farce comedy culled "Tlie Dollar Line," which serves to In- troduce tho entire company, Including fifteen shapely females in pretty costumes, who do some very clever work. An excellent olio rollows, beaded by the always popular 8am Dcvere, who talked and sang himself Into great favor. Gertie Le Clair and her picka- ninnies wore well received. The Avon Com- edy Four scored a success In their clever farce, entitled "Tbe New Teacher." Marlon nnd Penrl. In an excellent singing mid tnlklng act. won favor. The Sbrodes, eccentric comlques, were well received. Mcf'ren and Poole, In an exhibition of short range shoot- Ing, gave n remarkable performance. Tho show, closes with a hurlesqne called "Harura Hcarujn," which again "Introduces the whole company In fetching costumes, backed up by handsome scenery, flashing electrical display and other up to date adjuncts. The piece is replete with fresh and amusing Jokes, fuunv Hlluations and catchy songs. Following Is Hie full caat: Michael Clancy, Jae J. Hiilll- van;.Ludwlg Schwnrtz, Urn Smith; Sehla- moszed Levy, Billy Pearl;, High Liver, Her- man Marlon; Tony Gillespie, chas. ScbrOde; Ailu.JIabura, Mamie Champion: Lizzie Who. Mlnnla Granville; Minnie, Ella Rent?.: Fannie, Gertrude Foster; Carrie, Helen Ward; Flossie Llllie Servlss: Pearlle. Klttlo Morris; Mandle, Ethel Marshall; Clyde, ItOso Blake; TeRsle, Eunice Podl: Mamie, Dale Morrison: Jcsslo. Sophie Webb. Next week, Majestic RiirleBquers. Atlnmlo Garden (W; Kramer's Sons, managers).—The Aerial Shaws, trapeze ner- formers, Carter and Bltiford, presenting "A Klckapno Romance:" Devene and Shiirfi,'In acrobatic comedy ; May Ward, the vocal com- edienne: Monroe and rarker, tlie acrobatic tad nnd -the aouhrette; Mons. Abora, on fly- ing rngs, and the elite lady orchestra uro the attractions for this week. * \£ w * Plela "' Th p« tr « (Hamlin, Mitchell inerry players began' Dec. H) their third happy/weck la "It Happened in Nordland." Garden Theatre (Henry W. Savage, manager).—"The College Widow." stilt piay- lug to enormous business, begnu its four- tet'iith week Dec. 10. Dorothy 'Pennant was J'^ot the cast 18. the part, which is the title role, being playod by Lucy Gabeen. Vtctorln Theatre (Oscar Hammcrsteln, manager).—The hill for tbo curi-eot w-eek in! eludes: Paul Conchas, second nnd lost wnek : Kmmet Corrlgan and company. In "Jockey Jones;" John Ford and Mayme Gehrne. bmltli and Cook, Louis A. Simon mid Grace Gardner, in "The New Coachman;" Charlie Case, /eno, Carl and Zcno. Orpheus Cooiedy Four, Colby and Way, Galundo and the vlta- graph. „ ^ r, ° i ' rh *««*e fRam S. & Lee Slmbert. managers).—James K. Hackett began his third week; In "The KortUnes of the King' Dee. JO. Wodncsdoy matinees are In vogue, commencing II; • ". " ; Aindnny of Masle (fillmoro & Tomp- kins nianagers):—"The Wltard. of 0«"- en- U' r ? c '.J ts K * ventu week and last fortblgbt De*, lO,"Wlth'no sign of let up In business. Kalckerhoeker Theatre (Al. Ilav- tnnn. manager).—Nat C. Goodwin began h'ls fourth nnd last weekDec. If). Viola Allen, la "Wlutcr'a Tale," appears 20. * Criterion Theatre (Charles i,v„i,„., mapagerL—Arthur W. Finera'a much T' SH^SSSST'' 'S tareB '««». entitled *"; WlM'Without a Smile," was given i». n A American-'pteientatlon Monday nlsht xL ft li),r»t thUlheatfe. The work 1 was arfihSS 6 producediO«. 12, at IWynonaa*. "tJ' 1 .""* London, Eng where the neurotic dolii'i' dehtj around which Mr, Plnero S.! 1 ' fashioned his. play, found general wSS3 In the American-production the anti?. Wl i the. doll have been%xpurgaUd, but the V° remn'ns to play what pranks it will unon .h" minds of the audience. The act on o ? S* play transpires. In one Bcene, which L«* sents a large and well furnished roomin' boat house on the Thames River. HenS.J ltlpplnglll is a man of forty-four wflS EffiPiS'S foyefDment service, Rudd'enlV Ba% himself iM through the thonghtfuln»«« „ ' relative, who, In dying, leavesTiim a f^.?,'" ltlpplnglll prides himself umj? "hi"'!?'; that even twenty years of government .erVhi have not destroyed In Mm ''an almost i* normal perception of the Indlewu? ■• ' t reamy he Is a person with an excessWe r»" baolflr for being amused by trlfline L, He obtained a decree nisi of dlvo?fe fc' his first w re, but his solicitorxonotta L 0 "' t . made .absolute and Hlpplngul t SmSKl Ussly wont through a ceremony of marrh™ with Avis^Melcklejohn, whom be tahTnywR Mraunca'. Tbe Joung ih finds marriage and the society of sSJS,! RlWlnglll terribly tedious, aSd herlS S boredom atad laablllty to laugh at his oke, «n? toys are a great trial to her hu,K«? After the first shock upon discover hie , unpleasant marital position, he is nL„! glad that he is 'forcedi to teiiT?,;! That she is not his wife, for Ja,k An ffi^tfi* f / lena - lm« advised „. S the s^ock 'qr.iin announcement Sf »'*? tastrophe -foHowed by Joy nt <l\<u.JJ: that the catastrophe was'a mere bogv g ' act as «■ "violent upheaval of the aunfit forces-' of her nature, with the rel u 1? ?, awakening ber to. a sense of hnmor ti» news produces "a violent upheaval/' and fnS a moment causes Ripplngllf to relolee c \ll it is followedhy the heany lauihTn rt A «? however, reflection . shows that the „; preceded Instead of followed the anuL^ ment thac the Irregularity of their i.S gtt teUcwM. Swiftly after this thS and an pld frlead of his, and as a eESSZ to the blow of Avis, presents her"° hancee to Avis and Trood. Avis I« horrid"] and disgured; n she has already" received severe afiocks, Rlpplnglll has disclose,! » f£&&Z2S2* , L eoncernfig her "slilmm",! ,' hair which has caused considerable troukS between her and Trood, whose artistic ",t was first moved toward her by tbe beauty "t SKh^SSSi ^¥ g - Moreover; two montli Sftii^HjMS enjoying the luxuries ' wealth gave her, hap shown her that life" with a rich man, however unlovable has certain great pleasures, uad Trood Is poor. When she finds that the widow la to take her place her temper breaks bounds and ihe and Mrs. Lovette almost come to blows. The upshot Is that tha youth, vigorous tern; Pn ei " 2 n 2 F e ed of Avis prevail. She sends Trood flying, the widow ruas away, and at the falling of the final curtain Rlpplnglll li still In possession of his now smiling w|b «hatever the comedy may have been with the antics of the doll," ft is very untuior- estlng and tame without It. The first two nets drag along and weary the aiidlenea to the extent that the falling of the curtain on each Is welcomed. The last act Is somewhat brighter and causes considerable laughter, but one act does not make a play, and this one, with all its brightness, cannot overcome the dullness of the two preceding It. In fash- ioning the character of Mrs. Rlpplnglll Jlr. T. Am \1 a .""weeded In giving a role which Is dlfflcnlt to portray and thankless. That o( John Pullflnger, however. Is well drawn and is a good character study. The others are pictures of people ln everyday life. Margaret llllngton looked charming as Mrs. Rlpplnglll and acted the part capitally. As Hie un- smiling wife she thoroughly carried out the evident Intentions of the author, and her outburst of laughter following her hus- bands announcement of their unpleasant predicament wns excellently done. It was hysterical laughter, fully in keeping with the condition of ,a woman who leurns that through no fault of her own, her good name has been compromised. J. H. Baraes wns capital as John Pulllnger, Ernest Lawford X»\,! f( ??- (1 »» Seymour Rlpplnglll, and Elsie De Woll and Esther TIttefl were satisfactory as Mrs. Lovette and Mrs. Webbmarsb, re- Rpectlvelv. The cast In full: Seymour ltlp- plnglll, Ernest Lawford; Haynes Webbmarsb. l'rank Worthing; Vivian Trood, Frank Ath- jrlev; John Piilllnger, J. H. Baraes: Foley, Louis R. Grlset; Mrs. Rlpplnglll, Margaret llllngton; Mra Webbmarsb, Esther Tlttell; •},1ffi. , ' ,ov £ tte ' K !"'e Oe Wolf; Bates, Florence Wilkinson. New York Theatre (Klaw 4 Erlanger, managers).—"Woodland" opened Its fifth and last week Dec. 10, to continued capacity busi- ness. "Home Folks" 20, with a reduction la prices. . Liberty Theatre (Klaw & Erlaager, managers).—Geo. M. Cohan, In his comedy, Little Johnny Jones," began Dec. 19 his seventh and last week, giving a professional matinee 22. The Klaw & Erlanger Comedy Co., In "In Newport," 20. American Theatre (Klaw, Erlanger & Si, s '„ wagers).—The Rays, In "Down tlie J'ko, began their second and last week Dec. 11V 'Shadow* on tbe Hearth" comes 20. Relnseo Theatre (David Belasco, man- ager).—Day id Wartield. ln his great artistic success, "The Music Master," liegnn his thir- teenth week to the capacity. Extra mntlneei will bo given 20. 20, .fan 2, 5. , Qarrtek Theatre (Charles Frohman, manager).—Annie Russnli, in "Brother Jac- ques ' began her third week Dec. 19. Her en- gagement has been extended until the middle ownnimry. Manhattan Theatre (Harrison Grey FIske, manager).—Mra, Flake began her sec- ond week. In ber latest success. "Leah Kljjcnng," Dec. 10, to large business, Hudson Theatre (Henry B. narrli, manager).—Ethel Barrymore contlaues sne- Successfully In "Bunday," beginning ber sixth week Dec. 10, \ nijon Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mana- ger).—May Irwin, ln "Mrs. Black Is Back," entered her seventh week of laughter and success Dec. 19. Souvea'rs, In the shape of May Irwin's Cook Book, will be given tbe ladles who attend the performance 22. how Amsterdam Theatre (Klaw 4Er- langer, managers).—"Hurnpty Dumpty" opened Its sixth week prosperous!v Dec. 10- Savoy Theatre (Frank McKee, mana- ger).—"Mrs. Wlggs of tho Cabbage Patch," began Its sixteenth week, with tho ono hun- dred and twenty-fifth performance Dec. 10. Majestic Theatre (John S. Flaherty .Hiijeme Tiicatre (John S. riaueriy, manager).—Bertha Gallaud began her second and last week Iu "Dorothy Vernon, of Iladdon Hall," Dee. 10. "Ptff! Pan*!! FoufM!" 2»- Empire Theatre (Charles Frohman, manager).—John Drew, In "The Duke of Kll- lleraokle," began his sixteenth nnd lost week of capacity Dec. 10. Maude Adams, In "The Little Minister." 20. Herald Square Theatre (Charles Froh- mnn. manager).—Edna May. In "Tho 8chool Gin," began' her ninth and laat week Dec 19.. "Woodland" 28. Harlem,—At the Harlem Opera n«u«« (Alex. Llchtensteln, manager) Henry Miller, In-"Joseph Entangled," made his first Har- lem appearance this season Dec. 19. before a well filled house, and the star and com*