The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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DECEMBER 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1041 MISSOURI. 91. Loul*.—At the Century (J. J. Han- neriT. manager) Robert Edeson, in "Ban- ..m'a Folly," opened Dec 11, to splendid business. Mr. Edeson makes young Hanson u thoroughly likable chnp, and I'erclta West carried'off big lauicls. Edroond Breese, Pra- ter Coulter, Louise Compton, James Klyers mid Harrison I'ord nrc In the cast, and scored heavily, "'flie Maid aiul the Mummy" 18-24. Uiund Oi'un.v llousi: (John U. Sheeby. nianncer).—"The Sign of the Cross" opened it to a good house. George Flood made « forceful Marcus Superbus. Wade Morton, Mildred Gilbert, Bessie Toner and Adds, kiner were prominent. OM»iFic. <r. Sbort, manager).—"Peggy from Pirls" opened 12 to big business. Ar. iliur Dcagon, Grace Urr Meyers and Jacques Kruger were particularly well received. Josle Sadter was In high feather and delivered her caichv songs with a vim that caught tbe audi- ence like an electric shock. "Sergeant Kitty" 18--t. Standard '(Led Itelchenbach, manager).— Manuger itelchenbach offered one of tne best shows or tbe season in the Morning Glories, 11-17. Clarence Wilbur, who bends tbe Glories, unusually. diverting, and Lillian Hatha- way, Etta Cooper, May Burk and Louis Hart- luna were other favorites. The girls proved :i collection of pretty damsels, who can sins and dance and put on good clothes like Red- fern models. Tiger Lilies 18-24. IIavlis's (Was. tJaren, manager).—"A Des- perate Cbance" opened 11 to a big house. The enow storm was surprisingly effective. Eu- L-cole Bessorcr easily scored as Mrs. Loffer, "The White Tigress of Japan" 18-24. CruwroRD (0. T. Crawford, manager).— "The-Span.of Life," Sutton Vane's good old melodrama, opened to a big bouse 11. Lester K. Walter, Clyde Bates, Florence Ockcrman uud Miss Dickinson won especial honors. Imperial (D. l:. Bussell manager).—"At Ibc Old Cross Roads" delighted a big audi- ence last week. May Nanncry appeared as I'arcpn, the octoroon, the part created by Kslber Williams. William Brummell and A. J. Edwards gave clever Impersonations. Pa- trice, In "Driven from Home" 18-24. Star (C. P. Crawford, manager).—The stock company presented "Monte Crlato" last week, beginning 11, to good business. Tho Washington Avenue bouse has rapidly de- veloped a clientele of Its own. Ohkon (Geo. i-\ OlendorrT, manager).— "Soldiers of Fortune" had big houses. Laura Burt again delighted with her winsome work. The other principals! all made good. On.i'MiiiA (Frank Tate, manager).—Carter ]>'• Haven's Sextette was tbe neadliuer 11. The Thercses, in a comedy hypnotic act; Hayes and Heuly, Thome and Carlton, Polk and Collins, Jack Gardner, singer and monol- uglst: I.uwson and Nnruou, 'cyclists and bag punchers: Ilosa Lee Tyler, vocalist; Pierce :ind .Maizce. Kennedy and James, In the farcical skit, "Doctor Daffy,", anil George Austin, lu comedy: wire act, completed the bill. Stack Notes. —Sliubert's new theatre, tho Csrrlik, on Chestnut Street, will be opened Dot-. 'JO, when Ada ltelian and company will lie the attraction, In classic repertory. The •new playhouse will have a seating capacity of 1.4011, aud Is equipped with every modem ruliveiile-Jicc. The permit for the building was Issued two weeks after tbe Iroquois dis- aster at Chicago, uml every precntitlun was laken to safeguard the public. The Interior diTumtions are of Hie Louis XVIdcslgulngs. .'iml the vestibule Is finished in Imported marble in which the blue Alps Is conspicuous. The curtains ure extremely handsome and tin- doors ure carpeted under the seats. Mr. Su-asy, tbe architect, claims it will be the handsomest and most expensive theatre west of New York surpassing uuv of the Chicago theatres in its magnificence of general ef- fect, furnishings and finishings Gen. l'lct A. Cronje. the Boer war officer, tiled ah application with the Circuit Court asklug that Charles S. Wall, Ben. J. Vlljoen, Frank E. I'lllls and John G. Vaughnn be restrained from using the name of the petitioner In connection with tho Boer war show now beiug given in Convention Hall. Kansas, City. He alleges that he has signed a contract with n. A. Brady, to appear for Klnw & Er- lanser Owing to the objection on the patt of the Washington University authori- ties the plans for the preservation of a per- niiiiieut Pike have been abandoned. The 1'lke's buildings will be removed immediately. This will leave tbe Summer season lu the hands of Messrs. Hopkins and Jnunoupolo, who have succeeded heretofore so well In cuterlug to the tastes of the Summer garden patrons Mmc. Kannla Bloomlleld fcclslcr will give it piano recital In the Odoon Dec. TO..: .The German Stock Co. produced "IHo ••olden Eva" ("The Golden Eve") at the Olympic, Sunday night, Dec. 10, to a good ■J«JJ The Douazcttls, one of tho best of the athletic troupes now on the stage, yore with "Tbe Span of Life" at the Craw- ford last week Mike Hlgglns. a well known member of one of the earlier black face teams, Hlgglns and Mllllgan. Is ill at the City Hospital, In this city. He bad just returned from a tour to SIlex, Mo., when he was taken sick The Thcsolan Dramatic uuo presented a play and curtain raiser, at l.etnp s rark. Friday night. Dee. 9. The plays were A Slight Misunderstanding" and "Bor- uer Land." A good bouse was present •Sergeant Kitty" took Rojanes original time at the Century, Dec. 12, so that If Rclnnc comes at nil she will likely come to the Gar- rlck...,.Tho Hot Time Minstrels gave their annual entertainment nt tbe Odeon 12. to n pneked house .Burton Holmes gave tho lost of his "Travelogues" 15, at Y. M. C. a. Hail. "Japun" was his subject .leanor Rpuson opens here at tbe Olympic '>*.- 20. n "Merely Mary Aun.". ...... . "alter Mlrnln is showing his moving pic- tures at the local churches tills week. This week, Billy Clifford, In "How He Won Her.' and Clirlstmus week, "Mel'addeu's Bow of Mats." »-• ........ Arm ioi:trn (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- ment Co., managers).—Lnst week "The Vil- lage Parson" preached n good sermon to good sized houses. This week, "A Texas Steer," and Christmas week. "The Sign of the Cross." CMTitnr (Joseph Barrett, manager).— Last. week. the Imperial Burlesquers enter- tained In good style. This week, the Morning (Jlorles. and next.week, the Tiger Lilies. Yale's TiiK.vraK (Lloyd Brown, mana- ger).—Last week's bill drew good houses. The nets were: Crlmmins and Marks, the Ulrsch- horns, M. Samuels, Buy and Williams. Great KIpny, Frank Groh and the klhetoscope. This week the new faces will be:. Winters and Summers, Bingham and Thornton. Nenly and Welstt, Ferd and Oulda, Frank limcrson and Frank Grob. National Tiibatbe (W. T. Terry, mana- ger).—Another new ten cent house will throw open its doors 18. The house Is lo- cated nt 11 HI Grand Avenue. Four (hows a day will be given and six on Sunday. The bouse will seat GOO. The opening bill will be: Three American MX Barlow and Nichol- son, Bob Hart, Mons. Herbert, Wm. Ormsby and Geo. Sparks. a Cupi-iNos.—-The Boer War closed a nine days' engagement nt Convention Hall 33, and left for Chicago, where It Is Wiled for six weeks. The engagement here was fairly successful..: ''wnrda." the spectacular dancer, went through here last week en route to Bedalla, Mo., where she Joins the Breck, cnrldge Stock Co...,. .."Ponv" Moore came down from Omaha -lust week aud will do the nress work for the Willis Wood mid.the Auditorium Theatres Manager Frank Woodward Is busy rehearsing the Woodward- Burgess Block Co.. which opens its 'seOoon nt Sioux Falls, 'Neb., 20, with "Thelnra" as the Inaugural bill. The following members have been engaged: Jess B. Fultou. Keginald Barker, Frank Ben!, George Cnstleberrv, Mark Kenton, Robert Metcnlf. Frank Mayer, Eva Lang, Lulu McConnell, .Vettlc DougUs, T/Oiiisc Lester and Nettie Harl Burgess. Robert Burgess will be the traveling manager with tbe company and Cbas. I*atterson goes ahead. Frank Woodward will direct the tour nnd handle tbe business from bis Kan- sas City office Mmc. Melha, assisted by (oar own) Miss Parkinson, will give a con- cert nt Convention Hall in January Seymour Rue will take a vaudeville show to the State penitentiary at Lansing, Kan., on Christmas Day. St; .lost-nil. —At the Lyceum Tbentre (C. IT. Phillcy, manager* George Sidney, In "Busy Izxv," pluycd to big business. Dec. 8; "Her Only Sin" drew fairly well U, 10: "On tho Bridge nt Midnight" played to a big house 11; Dockstader's Minstrels, to fair business. 12: Wm. Collier, in "The Dictator," had good business. 13; Ezra Kendall, lu "Weather Beaten Benson." had good return 14. "The Vllluge Parsdu" lo\ 10, "Glittering Gloria" 21, ,T liottest Coon in Dixie" 23, "Railroad Jack" 24. OnriiKvst Theatrr (Martin Beck, gen- eral manager).—Business continues good. Week of IS: Watson, Mulchingsund Edwards, cIkiesIuo, Pete Baker, Charlotte Uavcnscroft, Jay l'ugc and Three Mitchells. I.vitn: Tiikathk (II. W. Vandyke, mana- ger).—"In Greater New York" is drawing good houses every night. Week of 1H. "The Man Who Dared promises to be a very sen- sational play. Ciiystai, TiiEATtiB (Fred Crosiiian, mana- ger).—Business continued very good week of 11, with the Deiuonella Trio, Thoiuns Murray. Blnghum nnd Thornton. Frank Km- i-rsou. Summers and Winters and Crosmuu'a luoviug pictures. 4 ■ » MICHIGAN. .. i "/?.""", Vlty — M lh0 Willis Wood The- atre (Woodward & Burgess Amusement Co., managers).—Last week was divided between «ani toy" and "Weather Beaten Benson." 'unimehcliur Sunday night nnd continuing liS. ul S hts - "San Toy' p came with clever •ninm.v Powers as the prlnclpni fenture. Busi- ness was good. The production and cos- iimies were elegant. The latter part of the week, l ; zra Kendall. In "Weather Beaton itenson," came to good business. The star KBLTW entertaining. This week will he !2™"S,2! tw een Frederick Warde and Katlt- (} ii Kidder, in "Salamho." and Dorothy »'3!l t0 " , „, m "Glittering Gloria." Christmas 2Sr^?J5* rh **- "nwtrcy. In "A Mes- iPff/S" XI »rs." nnd Edna Wallace Hopper, •n 'A Country Mouse." "—* Grand (H U dson.& Judoh, managers).— I'Sf.i Y^ Kellar, the maglclnn. nsshited by ■ri,. « , ■ dan ' «■*':■ good week's business. ' ??,, ,rIck ». ^Illusions and sleight of hand Tn«f- W " c "If 0 - ' rh,s wcek - " T1| c Fortune •»*;" 'n, n ? d Christinas week, "Peggy from r»„„. w " 1 banB UD hcr stocking with us. --SffiH5" (Martin Beck, general mana- PSir 9AS week's good bill drew good rn.?. 8 ; ^ ? c,s wcre 1I,C Xambas. Japanese vTSSPiM^n Moltland, mlmlcand singer ; I.?i5 le r Bc >;sere nnd company. In "Billies ,w 'f"">' In which Miss Dergerc again (iprponstrated her cleverness; Dorothy iiiis- -n J. m „ s( > n KS, for the first time here;.the I tree 1-uuny Mitchells, In a singing nnd W£*l: an ? 0l,le Yo«"e and Brother, In Li.™ - ma « veIo " B 1,0 °l> rolling. The kinodrome ?h2-t a . flnen, ' w moving'nicrures. This week g» %Misd sg b«: Aklde Caplfnlne, Hlckey lOri,. t lso i ll, nX' ,Be H ,k * J '* aa Weicber. Van S n 'dI 1 Oibsou. Uauey and JIbbuM ami 'linns, Blniu. and lllnns. irra*''«w, <E w!!; Brlghuni, manager).—Last tS9i A ! tPr Midnight." a melodrama new to we lotai staje, U&d a good week's Mgm Detroit.—At the Detroit Opera House (C. B. Whitney, manager) Maud Adams, in "The Little Minister," entertained good sized bouses Dec. 12-14. Richard Golden, In "Com- mon Sense Bracket." closed tbe week to sat- isfactory returns. Kyrle Bellow, In "Raffles," 10 and week LlCBCH Thkatiih (E. D. Stair, manager). —F'orcncc Bindley, In "The Street Singer," played to fair houses 11-17. "Captain Bar- rlngton" 18-24. Lafatetth .TtiEATnB (Dr. Campbell, man- ager).—The Byron Douglass Stock Co. opened its season well week of 11. with n splendid production of "An American Citi- zen," and the individual work was of a high order. The attendance was - large all week The same company, lu 'The Iron- muster." JS-24. Wiutnkv Tiikatki: (E. D. Stnlr, mann- ger).—"No Wedding Bells for Her" drew good sized houses week of 11. "Queen of the Highway" 18-24. Tejipj.h Tiieatue (J. ti. Moore, manager). —Last week's offering was one of the best of the season and packed houses ruled. At- tractions for week of 10: Delia For, Edmund Day and Co., Wnterbm-y Brothers and Tcnny, Flo Adler( tbe Five Mowatts, Rice and Cady and the klnctogrnph. ., AVEXlir TiiKATiti: (Drew & Campbell;' man- agers).—Manchester's Cracker JaekB offered a high CUM entertainment that pleased large houses 11-17. The Itentz-Santlcy Co. 18-24. ■ . | Grnnd It up ids.—The New Powers (Harry G. Sommcrs & Co.. managers) has keen dark for two weeks. Coming: "The Roynl Chef" 22, the star cast, in "The Two Orphans," 20: Blanche Walsh, in "The Krcutzcr Sonata," Southern Skies." 8-10. playsd to large and well pleased audiences. 'The Sign of the Four," 11-14. drew well. Comlne: E. N. Hoyt, In "Hamlet." 13-17; "Tholma". 18-21, "Sweet Clover" ^2-24, Guano Oi-uiu Huusi: (Orin Stair, mana- ger)—"No Wedding Bells for Her," 8-10. played to fair business, us did "Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde." 11-14. Coming: "East I.ynnc" ljj-11, "The Two Johns" 18-21, "Uncle lies" " 'sVitti's Opkra House (Mrs. W. B. Smith, manager).—Week 11-17 the Trocadero Girls played to good business. ■ Ilnillc Creek.—At the Post Theatre (B. R. Smith, manager) VThe Forbidden Land" had n good house Dec. 10 (return date) "linder- Southern Skies" 12, and "Arizona " 15. both pleased fair sized audiences. Booked : "llioii Shalt Not Kill" 20. "The Itoval Chef" 21, "Sweet Clover" 20, "Busy Isiy'' 28. Net- lie Mcllenry 30, "Peck and Ills Mother-in- Law" 81 x \S!fX inKwn ~ At Bird's Opera House (Fred J. Wllilitms. manager) "Alone In the World" came Dec. 0. to good up stairs house. "The Two Johns," 10, hud fair business. "The Mikado" (local Elks) pleased two good houses 12, 13. "Arizona" followed 14, lo Bue bnsl- NEW HAMPSHIRE, „.M«"e'»e»*er.—At the Opera House (E. Wi Harrington, manager) for week of Dec. 12 I he Msy Flske Co. held the boards to tood business. Pabk Tiicatbk (John Stiles, manager) "From lings to Riches." 8-12, came to excel- lent business. "The Stain of Gtillt" 1.1-17. Coming: "The Child Wife" 1S-21. "Dora Thome" 22-24. C'AStxo (Al. Martz, tpanager),—For week of 12: Melroseand Rimer, Geo. Foster. James Dalley. Llllliin Newton, Marlon torn uml U>nn La Belle. For week of 19: Conk and K^'S-S' 1 "- iU Vl f i A * u ? ,, Chupney, Hideo. IUii- dell. Barry and U Belle, nnd burlesque, "The B a y tn0 na 1 B e if«. R ° adcrih ." lnUo<1Uc ' u e Ma «* WotlAol EJayer$. *' ' : j ' iii ' h j, — jL ' * Notlee to Onr ,Co<rrki»inilent«. At CAritfuuii anil A'ete l'rnr in'II be cele- hi dint Holiday, Otc, -V, ami Jan. .', i ciprcl- inhi. tee drain . irntrci'Cr It is |>ii«aihfe, that all matter InRiiu'cU for the <«sii<« of Thi; L'ui'i'in dated Deo. 31 aniJiiii. 7. xhotl rctk-D tkim o/iieo nut.later Man (As i>'ulurds«i jiie- trdliii; the liatv* of i»»iir. — JesBie Troy played Columbus, O, Nov. 25, for .the Masons, in Masonic Temple, un- der the management of Frank P. Bpellman. — Clemo Harris and 8»le» Whitney re- port success with "The Ex-Presldeut of Li- beria" Co. — At a meeting of the theatre managers of the State of Sllclilgiin. held at Saginaw, Nov. 20, at which llftecn managers trow the prominent cities in Michigan were present, an association was formcil, to bo known as i he Michigan Theatre Managers' Association. The following officers were elected: Presi- dent, Fred, Ft Hon. of Benton liarlior; vice presldontijW.' j. Daunt, of Bay City; secrc- iary, L. T. Bennett, nf Port llurou: treas- urer. C. E. Russell, of Cadillac. Another meeting will be held In the near future. — Burton 8. Nixon and Bcnlab Poyntcr, of "Dora Tbornc" Co., Western, were mar- ried Nov. 20, at St. Cant's Episcopal Church, Crestou, la.: Rev. Boone officiating. — Notes from the Rowland & Clifford En- terju-lscs: "The Onmo, Keeper," with which Tho?. .(, Smith Is playing the stellar part,'has been in New England the.past three weeks, nnd business has been only fair. However, tost seems to be the universal cry hereabouts, so We are "taking our medicine. . The show- Is decidedly stronger than at any period of its career, and the numerous specialties Intro- duced.this season, particularly Baby Brown's, have met with Instant favor. Sadie Marlon's acting and costumes elicit nothing but words of praise, and she Is giving the part the most finished rendition It has ever received. Miss Marlon's Bister Is shortly to forsake the study of medicine for the stage, having assumed the name of Dorothy Marion. She Is now studying at a New York dramatic school, with occasional practical experience as an "extra" at the theatres. Harry P. Brown has finished a play In which he contemplates jointly star; ring Baby Brown and Dora Hastings, next season, air. Clifford, one of the proprietors, Is to visit tbe show next week, in company with n prominent nntbor, who Is to lit Mr. Smith, our present star, with a new play dext season, ,' — W. E. Ullllard Is receiving very favor- able notices In the character heavy, Zeb Moore, in Hal Rcld'a "Hume Spun Heart" Co. — Fritz Adums Is In bis fourteenth week witli "The Charity Nunc" Co., and la meet- ing with much success. — Garland Gadcn writes: "The 'Wife in Name Only' Co.. with the comedienne, Laura Lorraine, continues to make money. The at- traction starts on its homeward trip shortly." — Notes from Mulvey's Comedy Co., tour- ing Wisconsin: We have a good many house records this season. This Is our last week until after the holidays, then wo open near Chicago, currying a band and orchestra of lift ecu people. Dr. Mnlvcy and wlfu will siiend Christmas at their homo lu Aurora, 111. — Theresa Rollins resigned from tho tan- nic Wood Co. on Hoc. It. — Krncst I.uwson sent Tin: Ci.inT.n a "wire" from Wuvnesuurg. Pn., dated Doe. 11, which read us follows: "Pleuse correct false report about the "fobc Iloxle' Co. clos- ing. The cumpuuy is doing well." — George Rulslon, acting stage carpenter of lliu Corse Puvtuii Slock-Co., and-Ben .Mnreeau, of the Three Murecnas, comedy ac- robats, with the same company, wcro Initi- aled ia the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ael'te No. 482, at Giovcrsvllle. N. Y., during tho week of Dec. II. while playiug in that town. — Notes from Hoyt's Comedy Co.': We opened at Faranta's Theatre, New Orleans, to S. R. 0., and turned hundreds away on Sunday, Nov. 25. The business was to tho capacity nt every performance all the week. The company met with a most flattering re- ception lu the Crescent City. —Hal Lawrence, the agent, Is seriously ill with pneumonia. — The new fairy play by .7. M Barrle, which Cburles Frolitnan will produce at tho Duke of York 'Theatre, London, Hog.,' on Dec, 22, Is lu three acts, und will bo called "Petor Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up." — Notos from the Clara Turner Co.: Miss Turner Is breaking her last season's records in every house ube lias played this season. At Portland, Me., last week she was deluged with floral tributes from her many admirers. The supporting company is a strong one. We ore asked to play return dates nearly every- where, but cannot do so, as we uro booked solid until June 1. —■Hluimelelu'H Ideals nnd Hlmmelclii's imperial Stock Co. report doing their usual large business. — Ned Nelson writes that he Is In his sixth week with the "A Bell Uoy" Co., play- ing to good business. — Managers Tracy and McWilllams write: " 'The Girl from Kansas,' a new comedy drama, will be put on the road after the holi- days, with a selected company, with all new printing nud a superb equipment of scenic and electrical effects, all of which will be of mod- ern fire proof order. The time Is nearly all tilled, but few open dates remaining to bo booked." m — Manager Clyde Gaines, of the Winchester Theatre, at Winchester, Ky„ writes: "The 'A Devil's Lane' Co. showed hero Nov. 2i» to poor business, but my patrons who saw It were so well pleased and so anxious to see It ogalu. that 1 got the company back on Dec. 8, aud gave them a good house." — John G. Rue writes Hint ho has pur- chased the .Johnston property In Curtis; Neb., which the Racs expect to use for a Summer residence when off the road. — Mrs. C. Frank Hale und Baby Lois havo Joined "A Devil's Lane," Eastern Co. Mrs. Hole win nssumc the character of Tlldy Tox, and Baby Lois will play TlnV Tot. a part writ- ten in expressly for her. Mrs. Halo will also understudy the role of Thankful Barlow, now being played by Eunice Fitch. „, — Laura 51. Belkuap died suddenly on Nov, 28, at her Home In Mill Creek, W. Vs., from a stroke of apoplexy, aged ilftyslx years., She Is survived by her husband, C. M. Belknap, of the Belknap Lumber Co.; a sister. Iu.!j Mecusker, In vaudeville, and two daughters, Berenice Belknap, last season leading woman with Gordon & Bennett's "A Royal Slave," arid Mrs. 13ml! TJIlcr, of Pittsburg. Miss Belknap was with ber mother ut the time of her death, a« she Is resting this season. Tbe funeral was at Pittsburg, and interment at TTtusvllle, Pa. , —Belle Gold Is doing excellent work with lluulon's "Superba," , — The Slsl'ers McConnell are in' their eighteenth week with the II. Walter Van- dyke Stock Co.. playing spubrettes, boys, In- genues and Juvenile leads. 'The company has li«en located at the Lyric Theatre, Hf. Joseph, Mo., and .ere In the twelfth week at- that house, playing, we, arc Informed, to capacity business at each performance. — Homer W. Sibley Is spending the Holi- days at his home, Cleveland, Mo., owing to the closing of Abbott 4 Hensel's "Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde" Co. He expects to be at name some weak*, and will put on a few "hqtne talents" while there, ■> .. . /• — Catherine Trumbull wns grained nil In- terlocutory ilii-riu of divorce from Olllver Trumbull, jlljosu tbentrii-ul mime In OH1e Mack. In Putnboudo, L. X., N, Y, Dec. 11; icy Justice \Y. A tfuiUu, of the Supremo COurt, ... :, .:.„.,». . -V-. — Notes from tho "Was Sho to Blame" Co.. No. 2: We have had fourteen weeks of phenomenally good business, losing but -one night during this time, for which vacation everybody was thankful. Atter the Vicissi- tudes of more than thus months of one night stands. Our clever star. MamlO. SlierltUin Wolford, Is milking friends for us wherever w» go, and dollar* for us on oar return date". Our comedian, .Ins. O'Leary, Is making them laugh as Kinm Washington Pancake the part mads, famous by Jed Curl ton. Tbe combanjTa roster remains the same as when we opened, nnd Is as follows: Mamie Sheridan Wolford, Lera Delston, Marie Davidson, Dave Stands- bury, stage manager; Litcllo Diskrow, mu- sical director; Jack Daly, props; Harry Hamlin, .ins. O'Lrnry, and K. I.. Paul, man- ager. ' The company Is booked solid mull June .1. 100.-,. — Notes from Marks Bros." So. 1 Co., sup- porting May A. Bell Marks: We are playing through New England, and business litis been splendid since our opening. Our roster Is ns follows: May A. Hell Marks, Millie Bell Mil- lard.. Alice Kemp, Nina Usy, Christie Bulger, Maria Appcll, Saltans Gimy. Irene Gnyior, Marie Qsylor, Madam Doherly, Eugene lib- erty, R. W. Murks, George Marks. Arnold C. Bnlwln. U K. Appall, J, f. Owens, BO, Rowley. C. C. Miller. B. H. Howe, Frank lliilnnoth, Chna. W, Otis. Prof. Hill nnd Danny (lusy. We hare," with each play a complete scenic Iiroiluctlon, carry a car load of effects and lave tested the seating capacity of almost every theatre we have so far played this sea- son. Mrs. Marks' wardrobe tins been the talk of our audiences at ever; stand. — Stanley Holland, who had been engaged by Cbas. Warner, author and actor, for a three yenrs" tour around tho world, was unable to Oil his contract ou account .of sick- ness. Mr. Holland Is under the personal man. ngeinent of Frank A. Moore, and' will no seen shortly In a new play, written for him by Mr. Moore, who, writes that his recent Ci. lectin "ad." brought hlra two hundred and sixty-two replies. — .lames W. Evnus recently Joined Walk- er Whiteside's company as advance repre- sentative. Mr. Whiteside Is this sensnn ap- pearing In r splendid production of "David Gnrrtck's f.ovc," under the direction of E. J. Snyder. -—Gertrude Roberts and Harry Arnold Joined the Record Stock Co. at lteynolds- vllle, Pa., Dec. 12. — Roster of the Harry Nye Stuck Co.: John E. T.csslg, Kyrlc Durand, Jack Mulree, Joe Cowley. W. C. I.ockhart, Maude 1 Intel, Grace Kramer, Polls and Pods, Robert Brennn nnd I tit 1 L. Lawrence. The vaude- ville features are,; Potts and Potts, the Musical Japs, Maude Hazel, acrobatic ton dancer:; Joe- Cowley, eccentric singing and dancing comedian: W, C. Locklmrt. trli k pianist. The organization Is owned anil managed by Hurry Nye. The advance In charge of Hal Lawrence, with Kuio Burr as assistant. — Boycr * Burke's "HI. SI and I" Co. of twenty 1 four people.' which opeueil nt Arondnle, Pa.. Dec. 1, has pliiyeil to a rec- ord breaking business from the start. The company Includes Jack Hamilton, Wm. BacUensloo, W. ,T. Boyer, John Burke, V. A. Varfloy, It, 1'. Vance, T. Skid. V. C. Kchrnilor. Hugh Adams. Oscar Get/., I'al. U Oil. Kurt Barry, Lew King, Friink Boweti, W. tinlhreth, W. P. Thomas, Win. linker, Geo. Ciirren', Madge Lellh, Vera Grey, Doro- thy F.url, Nellie 'Jelrney and the Eberliiir'lt Sisters. The bund ami orchestra Is a fea- ture. The spei-liillles are all up I" ,htlc:. The company Is booked solid up lu May 20. 'Ibunking nil iiiuungcrn for lime offered. The lodge of Eiigles at Salem, ()., tendered n banquet Dee. 10 to ail the members of tho company. Karl Barry was tendered a wnriit reception nt East Liverpool from Ills ninny friends and was presented with u gold headed cano and umbrella. — The Lock harts have signed with tho Harry Nye Stock Co. for the remainder of the season. Miss Locklmrt will do soubrattes nnd specialties, and Mr. Leckhart will act as musical director. j—Manager B. C. Whllney announces (lint he will nut on an Eastern "Show Girl" Co. about Christmas. — The Melville Dramatic Co. reports good business-In Arkansas. They wrlle (lint they played three return dates ut Hartford, that State. , — Joseph Allenlnn, who was with "The Power Behind tho Throne" Co. last year, has been engaged by Chat). II. Jefferson In play the character comedy role of Jim Fcrrun, In the "Shadows of u Great City" Co, — Anna Wood has signed with "Money Makers," under Thou. Rylvy'u management. ,— Seliimn, Paige, * Foluy Co. closed Dec. 10. — Virginia Cruntm has signed fur Vou Glnsser stock Co., at Clevelnnu, o. — Lata Murlssu bus Jelned the "County Chairman" Co, —rRalph Cummlngs litis given place to Byron Douglas In the management of tbe Lafayette Stork Co., at Detroit. Mich. — Marlon Clifton Is the latest guest to the Actors' Home. West Brighten, 8. I. — William A. Brady has purchased n new play for his wife, Grace George, which will lie placed in rehearsal early In January. — Ida Conquest, who is to make ber debut as a star in George Kolllts' "Tho Money Mak- ers,': will present the play for Ihc flrst time In New Haven, Deo. 20. — Charles M. Dillingham last week signed a contract with Blunchu King whereby she will appear under his management'In mu- sical comedies for tho rcwnlndor of this sea- son and the next two hoiIhobs.. Miss Ring, wlio has Iwen nppcarlng In "Vivian's Papas, closed'licr season In Roclicstcr, N. Y.. Dec. 17. and later will sail for Europe tor a snort time, — Dallas Tyler has been engaged tin lead- ing woman for Robert Edcson, wno Inter In the season will appear In New York la >t new piny, by Wllllnm C. Dc Mllle, entitled "Stronghesrt," In which (ho slur will pluy the rule of a college educated Indian. — Gilbert Miller, whoso father, Henry Mil- ler, Hie well known actor, objected tu (ho son becoming an actor, hits Joined the Marina Corps, and Is a private aboard tho cruiser Denver nt Lcnguc Island, — Tho Oporu Houso nt Stamford, Conn., a K|00,000 structure, was destroyed bv lire on the morning of Dec. II. Tbo operu lioiimi was owned by James I. Ilnvmoiid, who Is mi extensive owner of real estato In Stamford, The tire Is supposed to have started from defective electric wires. , —Hoary W. Havnge his bought a half ih- Interest Xrom Frank McKee, In.Alfrod Henry l/cwls' novel, "Tlie Boss." II will be mntlo into a play by Georgo Morion, the stage manager, collaborating with the author. riils wit tie Mr. Marlon's first attempt at play writing. — Thomas O. Lliighnm, of Robert Mantell's company nt tne Princess Theatre, New York. who was to uppesr us Ingo, in Hie cast of "Otbello," Dec. la, was taken from the Har- rington Hotel, nt Forty-third Streot ami Broadway; to tbe psychopathic ward at liclle- vu,. Hdspltnl, on Hint day. He will bo sent to n private sanitarium by his friends. The doctors believe that wltB treatment he will recover. --Geo. M. De Vers Is In his seventeenth week with tint "Captain Harrington" tU>„ plnylng the light comedy part of Joe Mihil- ton nnd (ho black faco comedy part of Pele, and writes that he Is meeting with success. . T.J?'' aoor Bobion's farewell performance, 1? "Merely Mary Ann," at the rhtke of lorkg Theatre. London, Eng., Dec. 13, ;wn« the ocrsstm) of n remarkable ovntion to the Amerlfniiaclress. Da the fall of Ihe ciiriniii His rfiidiMieo refused In ln« h.ilUtieii until Miss Rolisoii ruuile n brief mieeeli of tlniiikV —- W hen AttHMml ThvuiaV pluy, "Mrs. U-ningwell Boots." Is produced by Charles eaulw p'aA DttVl * wl " ptay - m uttu * — Notes from C. B. Whitney's "Walt of the Sierras" Co., with Prof. Walter H. James' Band and Orchestral Hot Bruce, the clover dancing anuhrctte, It scoring strongly. Walter A. Mack bns taken great pains with this pro- duction. Mr. Mack Is a first etnas stage di- rect or, and tins taken the place of Will Readier, who playi tbo part of Ling Ling. The roster Is: C. B. Whitney, manager; Walter A. Mark, stage director nnd heavies; Ucorgo M. Miller, Chaa. Kanford, James Chest, William Wlathcrstlne, Leon Stafford, Irene Plunkett, Maud Stevens, Walter It. Jniues, band leader; Will Beccher, ni Warde, E. Ehrhart, Chna. Spenk, playing lends. — Do re Davidson writes: " 'How He Avenged Her' will be graphically shown In ilic form of n melodrama, with elaborate scenic, mechanical and electrical devices, cleverly contrived to bring about tho great moral theme of Ihe play, which Is expressed In the title, around which is woven a levo story of fanolnatlng Interest, blended with sparkling humor. It will ho produced about Jan. ir.. 1O00." — Notes from Rcnlfrow'a Jolly Pathfind- ers : After plnylng a successful week lit Parkcrshurg, W. Vu., Dec. 3-10, \\c opened nt Cumberland, Md,, to s. It. n.. snniothinit Hint Is .beginning to tw very common with this company, our business tills season is simply wonderful. Tho specialties area feat- ure from the Sunetnro troupe of Japanese wonder workers down. Among the plays wo present Is n tine production of "Dr. .lekvll und Mr. Hyde," with Elmer Bnfflmm In tan t'tle role, it is a big drawing card tor us and never (alls to please. All of the tuembon are well. •' , j ' — ft C. Fllklns, manager of "for Mother's Sake" Co., under direction of Iluseo fc. Hol- land, sends Tun Ci.ipi'kii the following: "In n recent Issue of Tin: Cl.lI'l'KU uppeared a notice purporting In come froiii Aula Laur- ence, stating Hint she lind Just clused with 'Fur Mother's Hake' Co., whoro slio lind played the lcart,,ti) Join 'Dora Tborne,' Whlli> it Is true Miss Laurence was with this conipnny lu the early part of the season, she at im time ployed this lend. Mnrle Hentli, who created the lend, always has ployed, mid si III ennfIniiea In the pnrt, being iiiiitfr a five years' contract with Itusco & Holland." Uaudetillea n d minstrel. ' " • ■ " ~ t ' . ' i : t — P.hi. Cc.gtiivAt.i.i is at present playing nu extended engagement :n Houlh Africa, nnd from capo Town couch n paper giving lilin splendid notices ami u half |mg«i"kludly carles lure': cut, tin Is spoken of us it strong attraction In it star vaudeville hill, mid''giv- ing mi exhibition of Juggling ami strength Hticli us has never bceu witnessed previously. Apparently this cordial reception und ac- knowledgement Is lint n repent Ion of Ills welcome whenever he appears here, nnd tho esteem lu which ho Is held speaks well for blm before and behind the footlights. What- ever Hici term of tils slay lu the far tto'utli, he Is sure of close attention there nnd a friendly greeting on his ret urn tu America. Al.l.K.V AND MAII1IYAT received the following cablegram from Prof. V. 1'. Wormwood, who Is now appearing, with tils own company, nt the Nntli ( Theatre, Havana: •'Arrived safe. Business Is tremendous. Wo stay In- definitely. .Make up of tho show Is : Worm- wood's sixty perform lug monkeys ami forty perform lug dugs, (ho Tlitoe 1'ulus, Kltiiimiru Japanese Troupe, Sniisuite mill Delllit, Illnck und McCoon und Hie Milren-Minio Troupe. "Till! TltiiuTP.II." tin Interesting puuipblut, Ii.ih been issued by Brookri BrulherH & to. It contains a Pat of uuinugers, labia Uf rail- road fares lu diffcienl pululH. n iiuuiIst uf funny stiirles and oilier cuturlultilng uud use- ful matter. 0. II. rlEYMOUn has returned to America lit answer tu his tidvci-tlscntent fur attrac- tions on tho ICnglish nud Hontli Amorlcan tours, which appenred in Tin; Ci.ii'psb. ho received applications In lurge uuwbors from all parts of the country. Jaku HusioN'riiAi, writes: "Tim Illjott Vaudeville Theatre, Dubuque, In., leased und managed by me, bus been aliened during Hie mist mouth, and litis heen doing a very sat- isfactory business. The night performances nnd Invariably crowded to tho limit, and the' matinees given each day, except Monday, have attracted good sized crowds. About eight nigh class acts, uultublo for lady ana children audiences, are glveu at this house, which seals l.OOd people. Ten cents utl- nilsstutiK prevail ut the matinees, with ten, litleeii nnd twenty cent prices lit night. ITiU bill fur lust week Included: Bush and Gor- don, Dlxou, Rowers und Dixon, i,o Marie and Lu Miilre. Joe Denting. l''ratik Hall. Jack Bruwii und l.illluu Wright uud Anna Hurt." Ciiah. II. ami llniaitA Taymiii will spend the liolhlavs ut their home, l-'runk, Pn, JHA.NKrrt: DtiruriH (Mrs. W, It. Watson - ), will inke a. trip tu Lurupr early In April, lOOo, and return about Hcnteinboi'. Slio will uiineur lit vaudeville lu London aud rails t/iuy.. ..,.,. ... i .,.;;.,., V.o. P.»iit<Kit, Inlc of Parker and Alvors, writes Hint he hits retired from llio profes- sion lo attend to ills mother's estate on West i.'nd avoiiuc, this city, which tbe his just hlb«ritraV , '- " • Boss Bi.-Ann (iAiiiixmt will return to Now York shortly, while her husband. Happy Jack Uurdiier. plays Ills dates out to the toast, Jon lloisn, formerly of tho Pour Raises, wli|.spend tho holidays In Bt. Paul, at bis bourn. r'littn sxii A.vsir Phi/jt, Juvonlle eometJy Jugglers, imve Just dosed a successful tn- a-nucimnt oyer tho Kohl * Castle.clreu't. t re, Hunt T. .luck's to foiluw. 'X'lioir act la booked ATOM week they nre playing the Caatlo Ttiea- tec, llluumlngton. 111., with a return date at Sum T. .lurk's tu fntliiKT. 'l'liotr nt** la Iwuikml solid until I'ebniaiy. Jovi'i; WuLrrTA navn boon pluyli wllh HitrccHM for several weeks through Now > follow. ohhi Btios. pliiyeil Proctor's |i*|f|y. ect week of Dec. .*, and nro pluylug und New York mull January. Then lork unite, Week of Doc. Jo they are at Hie Star Theatre, Hamilton, Cau., With tCU we»ks through Ohio to follow. Cihti.ktos ASP HTUWAHT write: "Owing to Ihe Illness of May Stewart, of llio sister learn uf CiiHlleton nnd Hlewurt, tho team wus compelled lo cancel fall River weak of Dee. ',, with iiiiuieruiis other dales following, nud lliey did not play nl I,. H. Walker's, Bos- ton. Muss., week of Dec. 18. Cl»lTi;UK AM, (J||,I,KTTK llSVO Jollied llutldg with Ihdlnl and Arthur anil opened ut tbo Howard. Host on, Dec, 10, fur one week. I- rum there they go Jo Keith's Theatre, Bos- ton, for four weeks, with the rest of that circuit to follow, tub iiohhi itnos. eight Street * clubs Oround . tlioy open at Otnuiui. Neb,, (or toil' weeks on Hid Orphciitu circuit. AtiTiit'ii . Samson, baritone singer, has closed twelve weeks with Brothertun's W. W. W. Minstrels aud is laying off at Alle- gheny, Pa. Kuii.y HowAnn, of Qulnlan and Howard, was called to Chicago from Lynn, Mass., by tbe sudden death uf her oldest brother, ' Htimiit AMU Mi.'iti'iiY. Irish . comedians, lui re dissolved '. paitnerslilp. Mr. . Htiinrt will work alone hereafter, doing a singing uud tulklng net. Hi Tom Waiip, "The Merry Minstrel," Hosed flyp^mtvisful weeks at tho Criterion Theatre, Inmpn, Pla., and Is now at the Memphis Theatre, Memphis, Tcnn., for an In- definite engagement. Masnpy and Krajikb have closed with "A Broc/.y Time" <.o. (Western), snd own on the Novelty circuit st Denver, Col., Jan, 0. with good rime to follow, a I. Maisey was formerly wlill till' Kilt leu Bund, mill bis i liirioncl nil(i,i lire featured ill their net, '"I'llu Trump mid Kotihteile," tUk SritA/,.\t,. a.m> Aiia ItAZAt.r, wrllc; "He hnvit not laid off a week since Muv I, Have, just closed on the Itljou circuit uf tea