The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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DECEMBER 31. THE NEW YORK ~ CLIPPER. 1061 XTHT MEBIC PAUL CONCHAS (THE ORIGINAL ARMY HERCULES), TO MANAGERS, AGENTS, PERFORMERS AND EVERYBODY INTERESTED: There su for some time been carried on a llvelr sen-battle »i to the superiority or my act by fir'ies who etpect to benoflt ry : heir comparison Ui*nn»e, efldui order to nettle lata nutter one and for ill f u ure times, I accept this means of nabtishlng IV Dial declaration: Wao*oover Dots fortb the claim that I have ad- vertised the fact that I think my act better than t cat of any other performer In my line tell* a rilMhood. asl never take It ap«n myself to judge my own, work bat leave U to those who see me p Virions who feel slighted by the flattering man- ner In wbteh I have been treated by the press and manager! since my arrival la this country, should sect redress In other manner than by throwing stars at me. M aforesaid, this ta my final word In this matter, and 1 shall positively Ignore any farther SSggA PAUL OOHC BA8, SB READ WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS SATt HAMHEBSTEIS'S VICTORIA. Paul Conchas, the European Juggler and strong man. made his first appesrance in America and scored a decided sneoesa. Mr. Conchas la a man of remarkable physique, and, In spite of his size, Is Very graceful. He uses a stage setting that looks like a military camp, and wears the costume of a cavalry officer. The effect of his entrance is striking, and he performs a number of tricks before removing the more cumbersome part ot his elaborate uniform. Be was assisted by a comedian dressed as a private, and began by lifting him and supporting him on his chin while the man discharged a rtne. Be then supported oo bis cult) an immense apparatus consisting ot two wneelaand the shaft of agunoarruge,,which called tor a lot of skill and strength. A number of stage hand* hauled away on the end of a rope and raised a tally mounted cannon, apparently of great weight, which Conchas supported on his chin. Be next did a number of very difficult trloka with cannon-balls and did still more as- tonishing stunts with Krnpp shells, alleged to weigh i it and Its pounds respectively. Be caught a number of cannon bails on his neat. that were thrown quickly by hie aaslstant, and finished by catching on his vertebra a shell balanced on the end of a plank, which was thrown by his Jumping on the other end of the board. Ills encore la the moat startling thing In the act. There Is a sort of gutter suspended from the files, with a ourve at the end, and down his oame a number of cannon balls, which »truing the curve In the runway, were thrown high in the atr. Conohaa allowed them to hit him, one after another, In the spot where tho av.rage ottlasn buttons the back part or his col- lar. Tit* pu-rorraavnr*, t.k.n as Si whole, Mras on. of the most ewer ■••a In this city, and It was received wvtla great enthusiasm at •vary per- formanee. Conchas' helper U a good come- dian, and raised manvahtarivLneh during the aot.-THE N. Y. DRAUAT1C MIRROR. PAUL CONOBAB, before [he goes on his Great Western Tour and ;the Orphem Circuit, plays only three weeks more mSew York;, Orpheom, Brooklyn: Jan. % Hnrtlg • Seaffion; Jan. fl, Olrc'e Theatre. All Managers and the Profession are Invited to see this wonderful artist With bis great and original act and Jndge. They will quickly and out the dllT.rence between htm and lilts Imitator*. All on the Riaito say he Is the best of them all. Address all communlratioas to his lole and Kicloilr. Manager for America, PITPOT. Mrs. John Glendennino, the well known jrtress. died Dec. I' - .*, at her home In New York City, from a complication of disease*. She was fifty years of age, and was born In Jxmdon, her maiden name being Clara Louise Bralthwalte. Her debut on the stage oc- Hall Calne's "Good Old Times." For many tears Bhe hud plnyed In some of the principal companies ot Charles Frohman, and was en- gaged to understudy Mrs. O. H. Gilbert. Her last engnfjement was in support of Edna May, in "The School Girl," In which Bhe sppe.ired up to within two months of her death. Her husband, who Is with Henry Miller; her son, Ernest J., who Is with Mrs. Campbell, and one daughter, Jessie, survive her. Daniel Baal, a musician, died at his home In Peterson, N. J., Dec. 20, from asthma, aged fifty-four years. About twenty years ago, be, nine brothers and their father, or- ganized Seal's Band, which was entirely a family affair, and toured the country. A wife and nine children survive him. i'ait. Richard John Lowden, In his youth a tenor singer with Morris Bros., Pell & Trowbridge's Minstrels, died In New Orleans, i.a., Nov. 0, aged over fifty years. After leaving minstrelsy he became a steamboat captain, and was In the Spanish-American War as commander ot a steamer. He was at oue time manager of a theatre in Pensacola, Fla. Got Van Tress, who was formerly a mem- ber of the Empire Stock Co., Columbus, O., died from consumption on Dec. T2, In that city. Fred D. Mostow, nn actor, died In New York, nc I >ie Harrington Home, Sunday otter- noon. Dee. 18, and his remains were taken l.t Ills widow to his home In Kansas City. Mr. Mostow was a Western actor, and was last seen on the stage Tuesday, Dec. 13. when he acted bis original character of Zeb .stiles, in "Down Our Way," at the Third Avenue Theatre, New York City. Uaudeville mi minstrel Thd Cqmmebciaii Telegraphers' Union or America, New Orleans Lodge, No. 28, will give their second annual vaudeville en- tertainment and ball on Jan. 19, 1H05. For the vaudeville part they have secured the following talent: Wlllette, the Wizard, and ills own company of vaudeville stars, William A. Koepke, manager; Nellie Beddy, child vio- linist, assisted by:Marie Schneider; Ed. La- velle. Southern coon shooter and monologlst; the Great Altken, contortionist; Eunice Levy, soprano s'ngerv and a tirst class orchestra. tub Fern Comedy Four write: "Our act is one of the greatest laughing hits that baa ever played .the coast. We have refused a lot of good time In the smaller houses, and are hooked solid until April, when we start East, playing return dates In the large houses. Lew 1 learn, of. Hcarn and Lewis, has joined us, making It one of the strongest comedy quartettes In this country." The wife or Billy . Link Is Improving rapidly In health. Clarence Powell, who Is this year star and stage manager of Richards 4 Prlngle's Original Georgia Minstrels, will pat out his own show next Summer, playing parks, with time nearly all filled. Zetta Herd fell and broke one of her legs while working at the Eden Theatre, Louis- ville, Ky. Notes frosi Barlow & Wilson's Min- strels. —This company continues to pack the bouses. ' Several musicians joined us at Little Bock, Ark. Our first band now num- bers twenty-one. men, and Is playing all the standard overtures, which makes quite a good Impression through the country. The Clip- veb can always be found on file In our private car. ' ... Addison and Livinoston write: "We are In our ninth -week on the Bijou circuit, and our comedy act. is. meeting with big success. We will spend Christmas at home, then play several weeks In Ohio,-after which we open on the Crystal, circuit for fourteen consecu- tive weeks." Potter and Harris have been spending the past four weeks at the home of Mrs. Potter, la Trenton,. N. J. They will open Dec. 26, with Frank's Concert Co., for the rest of the Winter season, to do their ring act. Jean Melville, the.dancer, opened on the New York the Berlin Theatre, Am- sterdam, N. Y., Dec. 0, and met with suc- cess, lie has been engaged for two weeks longer. Uowinn McCarveb and Harrt Reed bave joined bands again, after being separated for two years. The team will be known as McCarver, Reed, Gnrcey and Bamboo, the Black Comedy Four. l.uci and lccier report success In their new act, entitled "A Fool's Errand," Intro- ducing piano playing, singing and dancing, with a comedy acrobatic finish. Barney First Is meeting with big success presenting his new eccentric Hebrew dancing act on the Crystal circuit. He has the Kohl & Castle clroult'to follow in March. Irene La Mar. ot Wayne and La Mar, wishes to state that since the death of her husband she has been at home, but will start playing engagements early next year. The team will still he known as Wayne and La Alar. Ferris J. Conner and Minnie Mat, who are presenting a new act, entitled "Murphy and the Dutch Girl," Informs us that they are a big success, and receiving return dates all along the line. Mr. Conner is seen as a funny little- Irishman, while Miss May as- sumes ber impersonation of a Dutch girl. Don and May Gordon, comedy bicycling duo, write: "We have not lost a week since May 30, and are booked solid for the season. We are meeting with big success everywhere." CitAs. mtiiHEH reports that he has been meeting with gratifying success ea "the M injurs Tubl Itcblbanc," in the Japekys, and at the close ot his engagement with that company will-soil for England, to visit his relatives, whom he' bas not seen for mnuy years. Ben Bter. comedy acrobatic 'cyclist, closed Oct.-17 with the Walter L. Main Shows, at Churlestown, \V. Vs., and Joined Koyer Bret,' "N«t Door" Co. Dec. 10. Notes from Robert Fcltos's Jolly Grass Widows Co. —Robert Fulton tendered a grand Christmas dinner to the members of this company, In the banquet ball of the Teutonia Assembly Booms, Third Avenue and Sixteenth Street, Sunday, 25. Covers were laid tor fifty people, and a anmptuous dinner waa prepared by Caterer Anderson, with plenty of the choicest of beverages. A pleasant entertainment followed, with solos, duetts, quartettes, piano selections and overtures by the Jolly Grass Widows brass band. Dancing of every description was also Indulged in. Manager Gns W. Ilogan, act- ing as toast master, explained that Mr. Ful- ton was extremely sorry he could not be in their midst: however, everyone drank bis health and prosperity. Mr. Ilogan also men- tioned In his remarks that the company la one of the pleasantest and most sociable ones be has ever seen, and they proved it by hav- ing the greatest time that any organization could have. The party continued until the wee hours of the morning, and all departed wishing for a recurrence of the same event next season. Melville and Azelle closed a twelve weeks' engagement with the Fays Dec M On account of the continued illness of Mr. Melville thev have gone to their home at Cedar Springs, Mich., for the holidays and a rest. They expect to resume work Jan. 23, and are booked up till May. lUiiity Ward, the minstrel manager, who has been 111 for a year, bas gone to Cali- fornia, on the advlco of bis physician, for a year's rest. He has been compelled to give up business entirely. Hows and Decker report good success with their novelty Juggling and balancing act on the Coast circuit. Arthur H. Kiierns, of Kherns snd Cole, informs un that he has quit Work and can- celed all their time. "I am now at home at Wyoming, 0., a suburb of Cincinnati, to take a long and needed rest My phy- sicians have ordered me to do so. I am feeling better every day and we expect to return to our work about March 1. Byrne and West leave Christmas week open to jump from Portland, Ore., to San Francisco, C'al. This Is the first open week they have had since they opened on the Lang circuit, lost August. They are booked for a number of weeks In California. Dale Brothers, who are In their second season with "Her First False Step" Co., are meeting with good success. Cooi'ER, ventriloquist. Is meeting great success with his company of brown akin figures traveling through New Mexico. Tub Smiths, who recently presented their musical act at the Masonic Temple show, bave Cleveland and other good dates to follow. Mac and Mac, the equilibrists and ath- letes, are in their tenth week as the vaude- ville feature with the Fannie Ward Co. Wo are engaged with the same company for tho season. Frank Mac Is no longer connected with the team. John Mac and Frank Ken- nedy, formerly of the Kennedy Bros., era doing the net now, and It Is going better than aver. The team will use the same eld name, Mac and Mac. Br.aiNA Lynch, of the Lynch Sisters, la resting at her home In this city, on account of sickness. James B. Raimund, of Ralmund and Good, who was operated on Nov. u, for appendicitis, at St Joseph's Hospital, Chicago, la re- covering rapidly. The team will resume work Jan. 1, and will open on the Kohl ft Castle circuit ie. Jimmy Marnell is taking a much needed rest at his home In Detroit, after his con- tinuous performance on the Pike at the 8t Louis World's Fair, where be presented hie singing and dancing specialty. Racketi and Hazard write: "We topped the bill at the Star Theatre, Hamilton. Can., week of Dec. 12. Manager Appleton claimed the entire show was the beat he had ever played. The bouse was filled to Its capacity at every performance. We sailed for Europe 21." The Threb Tasmanians returned to New York and will play dates. Washer. Bros., boxing midgets, write; "We opened our first engagement on the coast at the Grand Theatre, Fresno, Cal., Nov, 21. The actproves a big success from start to finish, we will play the coast until March, and then return East We are the feature of every bill." Dan J. Harrington, ventriloquist, met with his usual success at Proctor's, Newark; the Colonial, Lawrence, Maes.; Keeney's, i Brooklyn, and Hatbaway'a New Bedford, Mass. He has Albany, Trent Theatre, Tren- ton, and the Howard, Boston, to follow. Geo. W. Leslie reports meeting with suc- cess in his black face monologue on the Castle circuit, Martin and Risowat write that Little Paul Martin on Dec. 16, at Gloucester, Mass., won a handsome gold watch in a comedy dancing competition (thirty competitors), given by the Klark-TJrban Dramatic Co., at the Union Hill Opera House. Frank and Ida Adams write: "We are beading the bill this week at the Unique The- atre, Indianapolis, and are making a big hit The papers and the managers praise the act highly. We open next week at the Empire Theatre, Terre Haute, Ind., with Peoria and Springfield. III., to follow. The act is well booked In the leading theatres in the West." Keelt and Adams opened In St. John, N. B., Dec. 26, with the Caato circuit and other good dates to follow. The Great, male and female ring and triangle performers, are on the Keith circuit with bookings at Wilmington, Del.; Tony Psetor's, the Empire, Hoboken, and other houses In the East They will then go West, where tbey are booked solid until 1007, snd have return dates everywhere they have played. Notes prow Hi Henry's Minstrels.— We are meeting with splendid success, and our attraction Is making a hit and giving the best of satisfaction wherever we appear. We do not lose auy time during the holidays as we sre booked for every day Eddie Cabboll and Aoner CiAtn are spending the holidays at the letter's borne, In McKeeeport, Pa. They play Pittsburg, week of Jan. fl, and are booked on the Kohl ft Castle circuit for return dates. Muse Gouruvof Shapiro, Remlck ft Co., was married tn Clarice Vance, the well known coon linger, at Indianapolis, ind., Dec. 7. Ed. C. Hats, of the Great Barlow Min- strels, will spend ten days during the holi- days at his home In Cincinnati. Tub Obcat Stewart writes that after two years of successful business, under Ida own management, be has gone Into vaude- ville. Mr. Stewart was doubled up with Billy Paradls, singing and dancing come- dian. They will be known as Stewart and Paradls and will present an act out of the ordinary. Uarby Thomson was a Clipper caller last week. He reports that he scored his usual success nt Hurtlg A Reamon's, this city, week of Dec. 12-17, and was also a feature of the bill at the concert on Sun- day, Dec. 18, at the Broadway Theatre, Brooklyn. He has not yet been deposed as the "Mayor of the Bowery." The Esher Sisters closed with the High Rollers Co. Dec. 3, in Chicago, and opened Dec. 4 with Billy Clifford, In the "How He Won Her" Co., with which company they report success. Thb Three Phelps were held over for another week at Smith's Opera Mouse, Ornnd Rapids, Mich. They report that they wore the hit of the bill. They will spend Christ- mas week at their home in Chicago. McCobmick and Barrows write that after playing fifteen straight successful weeks tbey wilt lay off in Milwaukee Cbrlstmns week. They will open Jan. 2 on II. C Dan- forth's Bijou circuit for five weeks, with the J. M. Nash Amalgamated circuit to fol- low. Weeks and Leiohton plnyed tor the tone- fit of the Lodge of Elks In Albert Lea, Minn., to large business. Tom Gillkn writes that he bas just closed six very successful weeks, ending at the Em- pire Theatre, Hoboken, N. J., where his set was a great success, and be is booked fat a return date. Following is the roster ot the William T. McDermott's Modern Minstrel Co.: Wm. T. McDermott, Mrs.' Francis McDertnott, Cbas. E. Rose, Col. C. W. Roberts, John Lemuels, Will Bag Monoban, Geo. H. Nolan, W. L. liroadwell, Jas. demons. Jas. MaBsey, Uurt i:. Cenley. Harry GUI, Dave Tope, Johnnie Whalen. John J. Price, Vic Llewellyn, Wli- ford Btroud. John Gnrtley, Thos. Webster, I'd. R. Ktinkle, V. H. Knee, Bert Bowman, E. P. Harrington. Henry Mohn, risk and McLean, J. C. Booth, Fred Duvall, Jas. Welt- iel, 8am West, Marry .E. Crohn, Larry Mr- Kane, Thomas Martin, ("has. Johnson and <'. M. Carrohl. The show has bad good business and fine weather. The following members of the company joined the Eagles In Olrrard, Kan., Grasshopper Aerie, No. SAO, Friday, Dec. 10: Jas. demons, Jas. Massey, Will Monohan. W. L. Broadwell, Dave Tope, Fred Duvall and Burt Conley. Bert McCi.ease has closed with the Dun- can Clark Lady Minstrels after thirteen week In Canada and the Eastern States, and has signed with the Alex Clifford Co., as ad- vance agent. Bates and Ernest, "upside down Dutch comedians." will prolong tbeir stay In the vicinity of Los Angeles, Cal., where a new house will open for burlesque. Arthur Eddy, a Hebrew impersonator, bad also been ea- Tjii: Wonderful Buses: Family, three In number, are playing the Middle West, hav- ing been on the coast for over one year. Mr. Busch states that his little boy, three years old. Is the comedy hit of the act Tbey In- tend to play parks next Summer, in the West. Minor and Galbbeth write: "We have met with remarkable success with our new act, 'An Uii-to-Date Swindle,' which has been featured In every bouse we have played since we left the Pacific coast. At the unique Theatre, Minneapolis, after the first per- formance, we were presented with a con- tract for a returne engagement for Christ- mas week. We sre booked up solid until April, 11)05." The Juggling Burkes have finished fif- teen weeks on the Ed. Lang Northwestern circuit, fourteen weeks on the Lang & Wes- ton circuit In California, «nd are now filling a twenty weeks' return engagement on tho Lang circuit Ada Mat, of the sister team, Rochefort and May, mourns the loss of her father, who died Dec 0, of pneumonia. LA Ci-aiu and West have completed a tour of the vaudeville theatres through the West and Northwest, and report success, They are on tbeir way. Fast and are booked solid to April 9. While playing Stockton, Cal., Lou La Clair was made a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 88. John R. Nalon, In his musical act, closed a two weeks' engagement at Austin ft Stone's, Boston, last week. On Jan. 2 be Joins Chas. J.. Walsbe's Vaudeville Co., at Red Hook, Henrt Fret and Dave Ferouson, 'The Fox Hunters/' are In their eighteenth week with the High Rollers Co.. and report tlielr act a big success. They havo added a lot of new features to the act. Geo. Ellis, German comedian, Is en route Fast, after playing through the Northwest and California. • Lew Welch, who has Just returned from a tour over the Western circuit, has started on the Proctor circuit, where be reports success. Next season he will appear In bur- leucine. The Misses Jackson and Douglas played a return date at the Unique Theatre, Indian- upolls. Dec. 12, having been gone from there only two weeks. The Great Alvora has signed with Wills' Musical Comedy Co. for eoubrette roles. Manager W. B. Watson bas signed a contract for six weeks, or more, to produce two burlesque companies to fill In the open time of the J. B. Sparrow Mualc Hall cir- cuit. Manager Watson's theatre, Brooklyn^ will stay as It Is, a stock house, as It line gained a reputation and Is doing finely. The circuit Is, so far, the Columbia Music Hall, Boston: Majestic Music Hall, Montreal; Em- pire Theatre, Albany: Jacobs' Theatre, New- ark, aud Columbia Music nail, Brooklyn. Mr. Watson will look after the Interests of the Sparrow circuit. ....,•,' i„./ Wat. H. Fields Is in bis sixteenth week' with the "Why Women Sin" Co. (Western), doing the principal comedy port and his specialty, which, he writes, Is a success At the close of the present season be will go back lu vaudeville, under his new title, "The Broadway Pawnbroker." . . . Richard and Cathcart report soccers Is tbeir gymnastic novelty act. Nettie Fields opened on tho Hopkins circuit Dec. 25, with the Anderson, Castle and Orpheum circuits to follow. Her dancing, sho Informs us, was a success at the Howard, Boston, last week. Martin and Quioo ("a man and a halt") have concluded successful engagements of twenty-eight weeks In the middle West. They were last week at the Howard, Boston, wliu Pastor's to follow, It being their fare- well engagement previous to their sailing for Europe, Jan. 4. Ad. Carlisle sends word of praise for the kind treatment ot himself, likewise his troupe of animals, during bis recent trip to the coast, especially for the railroad accommoda- tions while in transit. He opened with his animals at Hopkins', Louisville, Dec, 20, anil will be in the middle West until April, play- ing the Kohl ft Castle, Anderson and other houses before going East. Manauek Chas. McAdamh, of Cycle Park, Dallas, Tex., has returned from his Eastern trip, and reports that he has secured a num- ber of first class attractions for bla park during next Summer. The season opens May 1, and closes Sept 10. Many Important Im- provements have been made since the season closed. Jim and Lottie Rutherford opened Dec. 18 ut the Crystal Theatre. St. Joseph, Mo., with the Yale Them re. Kansas City, to fol- low. They sre booked solid until April 1, 1UO0. Ella Shields writes: "I played the Birm- ingham, ling.. Hippodrome week of Dec. ,">, and on the bill, ten acts tn all, live were American acts. Hayman and Franklin topped the bill; 1 was on the hot loin of the bill, and llrown and Nevarro, Grunt And Harry Mear held the other positions of honor. We played to packed bouses all week, and every- body was well recelvel. During the week Mildred Franklin, of lluymnn and Franklin, bought a doll that stoud four feet high, and dressed and sent It to the States to my daughter Sue. The doll was a work of art All the Americans are doing nicely over here." I.ot'isn Ai.DRtcn sailed Dec. 24 for Paris for a brief visit to ber mother. Oborok .McFarlanu, ot McFarland and Murray, wna compelled to close his engage- ment with Miner's Americana on account ot Illness, and will go to his home In Chicago, liDWAUD) ij. 1'AHKr.ii, "the fellow that catches the- humps," wns made a member of Taunton Aerie of Eagles, No. 84T>, Mon- day night, Dec. 20. Edwin Woolley. singing and talking comedian. • has joined hands with his In-other, Harry, and the team will be known ns the Wooloy Brothers, German comedians, lu a new sketch, written for them by Charles Jonea. They are doing concert work in Phil- adelphia. Tub following were at the Stockholm Theatre, (treat Falls, Mont, week of Dec. II): The Three Cllftons, Jones and Balvelle, Shaw Slaters. Murlell Le Hoy, Helen De Lorraine and A. K. Wolfenden. Tun Original Willaru Bros., singers, dancers and, banjolsts, opened on the Moss Goldsmith circuit, at the Family Theatre, Butte, Mont'., Dec. 11), for fifteen weeks. Kittie Leslie mourns the toss of a sister, who died with consumption on Nov. 21. The PAOLon Tiieatiie, nt Diiliiih, Minn., closed Dec.. 17, and will remain so until March 0. " During the closing, our In- formant states, it will be entirely renovated, newly decorated and the seating capacity en- larged. Manager Wm. J. Wells and wife will go to tlielr home at White Beaver Lake, Minn. The' bouse will, as usual, give bur- lesque and vaudeville attractions ns of yore, ana not dramatic productions, as has been reported. THE Two Macks have canceled their West- ern date to rejoin S. S. Baldwin's White Mauntina Co., us the vaudeville feature. Fiei.cs and Hanson, Golden and Hughes, Fox and Ward. Kelleber, the Oerrell Bros, and the Monople Quartet are among I he specialties with Fields ft Hanson's Minstrels. The Moriiays (Pete and Marie) report success for their new act over the New England circuit They are booked solid until March, 1005, after which they play over the Western circuit. They played the New Paw- tucket Theatre last week. This week they are at' the Palace Theatre, Worcester, with Lynn and the Sheedy circuit to follow. Etit.E Tiiuelkei.d, of Erie and Leo, bad nn attack of tonsllltts while playing at Sheedy's, New Bedford, Mass. The Giiy:Buos. write: "All shows report poor business through Pennsylvania und some parts of Now Vork State, around Buf- falo, although we find It fair." Owing to hickni:sh Charles 15. Royal, monologlst, will put his coast dates back u few weeks, and has gone to his home at Tacoma, Wash. Gavfy and Fhasbr have closed wllh the Big Sensation Biirlcsquers, at Hartford City, ind., and are playing dates, Miaco and Iuai.bnk report success In their new act. They play the Atlantic Garden, New York; Howard, Boston, and have other dutcs to follow. The Howard IIros., banjolsts, write: "Our act is meeting with hlg success, snd our time is all booked solid. We have an offer for three years' bookings In Europe, but have only accepted a six witeks' engage- ment at the Coliseum, London. We will then return to America for one year, as our time for 1000-00 Is pretty well Riled In this country." ■: Nellie A. Hill Is taking a course ot treat- ment at ML Clemens, Mich. The TiiiiEu Tahmanians, female acrobats, met with pronounced success at their Amer- ican debut at Hyde ft Behman'e, Chicago, Nov. 28. They closed the show and held the audience to the finish. Tbey are booking up la the high class houses. Happy Jack ' Gardner has closed on the Kobl ft Castle circuit and ovens on the Or- pheum circuit Jan. 1. He reports continued success. His wife, Edna Beard Gardner, will travel with bin to the coast .. O'Brien and Buckle*, are with the Great -Lafayette Snow, William C. Casprji wtltes: "My Irish •Inglng and talking act has proven a success st ovary place I presented It. I open on the New England circuit at Austin ft Stone's, Boston, Jan. 2, with good work to follow," Uiiral alvin, proprietor of Alvln ft Davis' moving pictures, sends ua an artistic and unique calendar for the ensuing year, which we hereby acknowledge* . Dorothy Bunnell, daughter of l.llllnn lUisscll, who Is 111 nt St. Luke's Hospital, Denver, Col., wllh branchial pneumonia. !• improving rapidly. Mabel Cleveland (Mrs. Edward J. Tart- er), who underwent a surgical operation In Boston, has fully recovered, and Is resting ut her home In Taunton, Mass. The ihiiiwninuh are rehearsing a new comedy sketch, written for them by Arthur L.ltobb, entitled "Saved by Satan," and claim It Is the best vehicle they have ever used, as It fits them both admirably. It Is full of new, bright comedy surprises. They nre with the Gay Alnsqueraders, where their sketch is one of the bent acts ut the olio. Manager Rout. I). Hyde writes: "Tho York Theatre, St. John N, II., will close ns a vaude- ville theatre, Saturday, Jan. 7. The season has been a good one, but the skating season Is now coming on. and the opposition will be so strong I thought It advisable to close until Spring. I am going to open n Summer sen- son In June." Manager James I.owery and his wife (Nellie Hanley) were In New York this week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lowery's mother, who died here. Dec. 24. Enw.vni) J. Parker informs us that he lias joined Fields ft Hanson's Minstrtils. A haiiy nor was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Linton, nt Columbus, O., Dec. IT. Mrs. Union is professionally known as Anita i.iiu- rence, of the Laurence Sisters, Worn of niftri , — Ola Jane Humphrey has been engaged by Mortimer Snow to play thn two opening weeks with Ills hew stock company nt Nrrnn- tun, Pa., evenlug of Christinas Day. She will lie featured In "Tho Christian" and "Tim Cowboy aud the Lady," In which parts she has mm successful with the Murdiinl- Humphrey Co. Her vaudeville tour has been postponed until after the huHduyn tn allow her to fill this engagement . —Wo are Informed that "The Unwritten Law," lu whbh Murlau Shelby is starring, has not closed Its ueason. On Juu. 2 tho company begins lis Southern lour, and Kit- win Mordant, the New York representative of the company, has secured bookings hi the hlnw ft Erlnuger houses. — E. Jack Devlne, who for tho pnsi fif- teen weeks has been general agent (ot tin* Hun's American Minstrels, rlosod with that show Dec. 18, at Tiffin, 0., to accept lbs msnagemcut of Allan Vlllalr, In a tirrale production of the romantic drama, "Tim Heart of Texas." The show has a new scoalc outfit und Is playing, Mr, Devlne In* forms us, to a uulform good business In the State of Ohio, wllh good time booked In the Bast .. —.■Jet B. Kennedy, comrtllnn, opens with the Ina Lehr Stock Co. Jan. 1. for tho rest of the season, touring the South. — Florence Davis, a young ni'tress, Is soon to appear us a star under the immune- ment of Mrs. H. C. De Mills. In a new So- ^S. D "'J.. colnw l'' ."* ''"Wise Mnlloy, cu'llliM "Tho Player Maid.' — Forfca uobertson, who will l» seen here this season In II. V. Esmond's new play, •Love awl the Man," will begin IiIh lour In Toronto Jan. 0. — The title of "Dealers In Whlfo Women" Ml been changed to "Dangers of Working Olrls." Carl Smith Searlo has Joined th* company ror the rest of I hit season. .. T. u ? ,}«wnaend Is now In advance, .if It. B. Mnntell. „ — J - A - Vounir, who was Inst with George Monroe, goes with "Beyond." " — Helen Oilman has joined "New York Day By Day. Chnlr" 1 Co DM ******* ,l! w " u ,h « "* Vacant .1L Cn . ar !?" 'I- noo 'h has become n member of the Da ley Stock Co.. In St. Johns, NL H, City " Vomon has Joined "The Holy »i7h ^ ar i , ,' n w Co F 1 . a , D < wu0 P'nyed Haridiis, gg. % ", Mantell last week, has been su^ for the remainder of the season. ,,Z~? oi *? l ™. ni the "Iliunon Hearls" Co. iPt&Si.'- Wo 0l * tokln lf 0l »" holiday lay «»,i ! 2,in h i ca «° li .° W?" before Christ mas, a " wl" ""Pun Dec. 25, al Wiiukegan. in. elite: toast lour. Tho company la booked play all the best towns on the coast. The raster remulns tho unmu, anil Is as follows: (.laud Saunders, manager; Ed. Buckley, reii- MMBjalira, Tot Young,' stage manner; .■• i •. "Ortnnm, stngo carpenter; Fran* Huelshotr, properties, Kngww Phelps, J. S*!. Mc 1 **'. Jack B. Mugee. Maud Leone. Nellie Rotund, Lillian Tucfcr Isabella llnrr Dorlha Vauglit anil Mrs, (has. Vniight. — (Irnco Balrd. who Is playing Muilgs. with Hie "Over Niagara Kails" l'o„ closed nt Waiikegan. 111. Dec. 11, to loin the Jack Bessey Co. Tho nlgbt she left, Miss Balrd was called on the stage by Munugur It Q. Smith, who, tn the presence of tho company, presented her with a beautiful solid gold bracelet The present was a gift of the iiy-mhcrs of the ,r Niagara Falls" Co., In token of their esteem for Alius Balrd. .t.T Kd ,' I,ttrupl l> late of tbe Darnells, writes that when tho sensou cloned ho sold bla Joining theatre, "Twentieth Century," on 8** V'„ Mr. Darnell Is ut present with tbe Carroll Comedy Co., but expects to make a visit to his folks In the old country before the opening, of tho Summer season, — The Taylorvllle Amusement and Enter- prise Co,, of Taylorvllle, III., bas been lu- corporatvil at Springfield. The building will bo three stories, with nn opera house occupy- ng tbe ground floor. The Elks lodge will have tho third and a part or the second —'"The Minister's Sweethearts" Is the title of a new comedy drama Manager O. Harris Eldon launches early In January. The piece opens on the Htalr ft Havllu dr. cult Jan. It), at Hoboken, N, J„ nni ) i, booked nearly solid to June L Bessie Clif- ton wUl be foatured with the attraction In n role similar to the one she lias been star- ring In ("A Hoosler Daisy'') for the past three seasons. "At Pikes Peak," Mr. Ml- dons Western drams, opens for a Spring tour In February, and will play, the East exclusively. ,*.TP' t w w ISPUS ""M "F'BW from Parla" to Madison Corey, who wlirKnr the Weet with the musical comedy,