The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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1063 THIS SHEW YORK CLIPPER. December 31. ALBERT VON TILZER ™ BUNKER HILL M*0 maS Ail riftniSte JjiimaB ■II W JLJj ■ 1 ml iiil«| KIMBALL and DONOVAN BANJOISTS. READ WHAT THE 1JALTIM0RE NEWS bbjr: "Tiro young gentlemen-Messrs. Kimball and Donovan—who do thing* with banjos, are at the Maryland Theatre this werk, and scored Hie hit of the performance last nlghl. They Imitated harps, played too most entrancing ragtime, and Rave several overtures from grand opera, and altogether accomplished such wondere that It was dimcult to appreciate that their Instrotnenls wore only banjo* after all. Tbe restof the bill la fairly interest- ing." Dec.6, Keith's Theatre, New York: Dec. 13, * etth's Theatre, Philadelphia,Pa.; Dec. 18,Mary- land Theatre, Baltimore, I1<1.; Deo. SB, Keith's- Theatre, Plitsbnrg, Pa.: Jan. 3. Dockstader's Theatre, Wilmington, Del.; Jan. ft, Keith's Theatre, Providence, R. I.; Jan. 18, Keith's Theatre, Boston, Mass.; Jan.23, Howard Theatre, Boston, Mass.: Jan. 33, Uuihawaj's Theatre, New Bedford, Mats.; Feb. 6, Orpbeum, DUca, N. Y. Address FIRST CLASS AGENTS. VAIXDBJVIIvjVjS ARTISTSli "ROSSO-JAPANESE" and " REVIEW" Are Two Dp-to-Dato Marched, which will Help Ont Your Aot whether It be Musical, Dumb or I other wise, orchestrations sent fukk upon receipt of Program and route. HARMONIC MUSIC PUB. CO.. Boston. Mass. CLEVER COMEDIAN. WITH STRONG SPECIALTY; WOMAN FOR PART SIMILAR TO SIS HOPKINS. Prefer MM who can do good specialty. Lone; engagement. Pare money. One night stands, main nhom you linvobaen with. Send photoa If possible. Mate lowestaalarjr. Vuy your own. liAlttiv nilANNOh, Enid, Okla. I CUSTAVE B. BERGMAN, Pianist, Headlight, transpose. Solo or orchestra. Member A. K. at* HI. No. 60, Pitts., Pa. Will locate with first elass thvalre only. (Win 117 N. WBADOCK A >) VIS., Saginaw, Mich AT LIBKHTY, EDITH MARTINOT, ingenues, Juvenile* and Heavies. Fine wardrobe and appearance. One night preferred. -SOUTHERN IIOTKL Jackson, Tenn. A-t Liberty, FANNIE HAMMOND CHARAOTEBB. Ability, Experience, Wardrobe. £. R. STANLEY Al AOKMT or BUI. MANAOBH. Plar Farts. Thoroughly reliable. One nlgbter or Al Rep. Joint only. B. R. HTANLF, r, orand Tbeatre, Salt Lake city, Dtah. ftW HH HOUSE SEATS 600. NEW HOUSE, BIO STAGE. OPEN TINE FROM SEPT. ON. JOS. JOHNSTON, Manaeer. Williams, Arizona. For Sale, loving Picture lacbioe. One Edison Exhibition Model Projecting Klneto- scope, complete, with improved lime light bur- ner; cost me, $116; 150ft, film, (0 to 200ft. lengths. Good subjects, good shape, cost S78; Screen, 12x12. and Hint bag, cost |3; total, tlM. Machine and dim only been need two weeks; In good sbape. $66 takes the lot. Not one-third first cost. Sent O. 0.1)., snbjeot to ex. on receipt of $6. Kef.: Farmer's Bank, Bogard.Iio. L. J. ROGERS. Bogard. Mo. Wanted, for RINBLINB BROTHERS' World's Greatest Shows, BILL POSTERS. WAITED, FOB IEDICIHE 00., A No. I LECTURER One with Moving Picture Machine preferred; one HIiu-1; Kaced and one Irish Comedian, also Lady t'lano 1'lnyer that can act on stage. Married people preferred. All Medicine Peo- ple write. No boosters wanted. Do not mis- represent. No It. R. tickets. CMFTON REMEDY CO., Box 100, Kewnnee, III. WANTED QUICK, I in amir vidomiifo oo. ■BOOKD ■BAMKT. Coilmar Bros.' Big. New Railroad Shows. WANTED, for the Side Show, Curiosities and Performers, Giants. Mldgeta. (Ulia Bertha Oarnahan, write). Strong Man or Woman, Knife Throwers. Long Haired Ladles. Any thing strange and curious, write. Address OBO. ll. IRVING, 174 Mc'k St., Room It, Haverhill, Mass. axartijv "i m m i ak» QUIGG, 11*11'" At Pastor's Theatre thla week. Will sail Jan. f for IIA lis, England, to open on the Moss Tour. WIlBUR MACK 81111 CO. IN REPERTOIRE. Ingsnnes, l.riy*foVoonera* e BtlsineSK < I l.ady for Ingenues, ancTH.itibreltos with Hpeclatties, Man for Juveniles and Light Comedy, Oharacler M«n, General Bualnens Man with suoclaltlos, stage Director to play parts, I'lanlst (aisle), Advance Man. Address WILBUR MACK, General Delivery, Deo. 31, Danville, 111.; Jan. a, Goshen, Ind.; then Montpeller, Ind., for two weeks. Wanted, A BAND, K1QHT TO TEN PIK0EB; COMBINATION BAND l'OK ELECTRIC I'AHK. Buard can be procured at tit to tat) per month. Concessions granted to right devises and iittrantlons. .seventy-Ova thona- and people to draw from. Boason April is to ()"t. 16. Address MONTQ0MKR.Y AMllHKMV.N'I' CO., P. O. ii ix JM, Montgomery, Ala, W^ A NTKD, MINSTREL PEOPLE, SINGERS. DANCERS and MUSICAL ACT. Preforenco jilveu those pin ring biass. ALSO A FKWMIMI01ANS, INOLUIIlSil J.hiiDKR. Make salary low. J. w. uuyaN. Bryan's Until, 3 Ramble St., Hoi Upilugs, Ark. DOB AND PONY lRAINER-MlTu Break 8 l'ONY DRILL AMI Till OK HOUSE. Write fluid*. OEO. 8. ELY. ion; N. Sixth St, I'siltic-ah, Ry. , a» ummMirVt LEADER. jPItVJMlJSTe ARRANGER. HERMAN RHUAUBENT, 171 Adams Ave, Otuiru) Falls, R. I. FDEHISHED BOOB IS FLAT. Pour large tunny rooms, connecting or separate. Housekeeping or gent emen. All Improvements. 217 K. stt h Ht.,' New York, Onus. Duncan's bell. FIJLIHH FOII HAI.K. 10,000 FKKT In good coudltloii. Mostly Comic, II cent* per foot. TllOH. 11. KKI.I.KY. 11T^V.',Sl» New York. Leo, tieorge Kiley or Melrose COMMI'NIOATK Willi YOUR I'AHKNTS OX HTAT BN ISLAND. ,IT I MlrltTV MUSICAL DIRECTOR (Violin), Al LlbLIUi, Double Alto In Band; reliable and experienced In all branches; oue ulgut sunils preferred. Address , M. I'. NARCOCU. No. 408 W. Main St.. Kt Wayne, lml. piifiy NEW ~ u " m.u T^,"orVroSJ! slonaJs and amauurs, aard at » Ann tTV. hv Tat*. tftitiSfi* A Good Start Usually make h a Una ending. Bright vaude- ville material is moro than several run'gs In tho ladder that leads to "Head-Hue" fame. You find It In Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of stAge fun, con- taining 21 Original Parodies. » new Mono- logues, 4 groat Sketches, now Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Oomlo Poems, Toattn and Epitaphs; two roaring farces, two big .burlesques, besides hundreds or new Gags, Stories and Jeat*-80 big pages. One dollar per copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 8, tint); any a, U\ any 4, $3.w or Budgeta a, 4,7.6 and 0. $3. others out of print. Send all orders to my agent. i». J. K. uhill., 1404 Third Ave, New York. Also COMEDIAN to Double Cornet in Dnnu. Stale lowest salary In first letter. WILT, COXKX1XQ, Vlcksburg. Miss. WANT TO BUY. Edison Moving Piotoit Machine Late Model. Also Feature Films and Song Slides, FOR BALK, Fine Tremolo Mandolin Street Piano, perfect tune, $7S:f>aplerMache»tatue, tlo; Hand- some Front or Palming, lsx'.-s, $ao; Showmen's Wonderful Baby Upright Pianos, New, direct from factory, f76. Address OAPT. W. D. amk.vt, Hot Springs, Ark. Address A. 6. RINGLING, Baraboo, Wis. PAYTON SISTERS CO. COOD HEAVY MAN TO DIRECT, AI LEADING LADY. Must have good wardrobe. Name lowest; pay own. COL. FRANK HOBBHTSON, Onlfport, Miss., Dec. 29,30, ai; Blloxl, Mlxs., Jan. 2, 3,4. LIBKRTY, ALFRED J. RUSSELL, LILLIAN CAVITTE, COMEDIAN. FEATDRK SPECIALTIES, RESPONSIBLE IS REPERTOIRE. Positively Sober. Good wardrobe. Experienced. SOUBRBTTKS. IN0EHUE8, BOYS. Reliable. Address REVERE HOTEL, Ohlotgo, HI. At Liberty, FILMS WANTED In any quantity, and EDISON EXHIBITION and UNIVERSAL. MODELS. We pay highest prices for Good Machines and Films. L. M. SWAAB & CO., 331 Sprue St., Philadelphia, Pa., THE ONLY LEGITIMATE BARGAIN HOUSE. FOR SALE. TWO CREAM COLORED MARES Seven years old, both with Silver Manet and Tails. They stand 10-3 bands high, and weigh 3,20ob. will make a great ad. for circus or Medl- otno Sbowt. For farther Information applv to ABE KLEK A SON, 373 N. Centre Avenue, Chicago, III. FRANK B. RHODES Comedy Old Men or Characters, Specialty, Double Band or Orchestra, Scenic Artist and Drop. Maker. One Piece Preferred. Address PRANK B. RHODES, WILJHOTU K1IOD EH Ingenues, Juveniles, Some Characters. No Fancy Salaries. General Delivery, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. LIBERTY -JiaVN 7 l* HUSTLING MANAGER or ADVANCE AGENT Locate or Travel. 30 TEARS' EXPERIENCE. SOBER and RELIABLE. If you bave the goods, make me an offtr. Address REFERENCES THE BEST. BOBT. D. HYDE, Tork Tbeatre, St. John, I.B., Canada. N. B—All acts booked here for week of Jan. 9 and later, are hereby canceled. • 1161 ^A/ANTED, That can put on aula. Oilier Med. People, write. Oiiii use another Good Lecturer audC nice Worker, No deformities of h ii v kind. OI1AB BKKKELL. Falls City,Neb. MEDICINE PERFORMERS ALL KINDS WANTED. DIt. HI. r.TANT«N, nnatea llnuip, Kansit.t Qlty, Mo. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, 117 W. 23d ST., NEW YORK (old Roster A Blal's), UALLKTT THOMPSON, Managor (isle Wood's Oym.) Sneolal rates to performers, tl a week. WANTED. SKETCH TEAM. Also Single Performers for Medlclno Show, mid MiisIcIiiiih fur Baud and Orchestra IlltADLEY liltoa.. Omwlu, 'Jama C o.. Iowa. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Hand Films, Song Slides and Machines Bought, Bold and Kxohauged. Ms WASHINGTON ST.. Room jt. Boston. Mats., opp. Adams House. OIL SCENERY WANTED, FOR 10130 BTAOH, FOR CASH, RAV CHAMBERLAIN. Bo.t 8»S, Pelln, III. P. s—we opes May l, mot, tt rekto. NOTICED. V. H. BHADSTKRKT IS NOT OONNECTEil WITH TUB CRYSTAL THRATnE OR THE OIR- UUITIN ANY WAY. FOR BOOKINGS ADDRESS OEO. IRA ADAMS. Denver, colo. FjiWern acta write M. MAGNUS, 67 South Clark St , Chicago, 111. DoYouWANTMILITARYGOODS? I No matter what yon want In that line I can auppiy iu New or second band. Bend for oataioges. B. B. ABRAHAMS, tB South St, Philadelphia, Pu. PHOTOGRAPHS Onbtnot Photos of yonrsolf for onUIng or lobby, |3 per 100. Edona CARBON A finish. Samp.ioo. UDHBAND OR WIFE FBOTOSTlB.0* P071,000 jFORTUNKS, too.: Samp, loo, SUIHCC r ° I Fotnro Photogranot i l| CO and Lovers' P^tOflloa. ., 1MTW. WlUard St., Phlla., Pa. WANTED, Skrtoh Tvnui; must do Sliiglei; Novelty Ma-naail Piano Player tliat Can Read and Fake. Salary what you are worth. Tickets If re- qtitreit. Wt-tk stands. COY* HALL NOVELTY CO.. Rdlna, Missouri WE HAVG LOTS MORE Mechanical Fog Horns, Whistles, Automatic Banjos, Baby Pianos for Shows, Apartments, Yachts or Car; Hand Organs, Folding Organs, Roll Strip Admission Tlcketa,Black or White Tents, Folding Chairs, Triangles, Bawbuck CotH and Canvas Covert SIilND FOR FIIBB LIST. H. U. AltMHItllBTElt, »07 S. 6th St.. Bprlngfleld, Illinois. PLAYS, CUAal Reading and Recitation Books. catalogue Free. All dramatlt capers on sale or mailed. BcbONALD * CO., N Waahlagtoa St, OHIOAOO. RICHARD and CATHCART, NOVELTY GYMNASTS, Will arrive Id New York Jan. 0, sfter a thirteen months' engagement with Orrln Bros., Mexico. We nave open time after the week of Jan. 16. The costumes worn In tilts) act are thB same as used by the Spanish bnll lighters. All first olaes agents. . Per. address »lfl EAST ism ST., NEW YOHK CITY. A HAPPr NEW YEAR TO ALL MANAGERS AND AGENTS FROM ■mi ■ ■■ y OAF^ EEI !■ EUROPEAN EQUESTRIENNE AND ANIMAL TR4INEH. Parni. Add., NKW YORK CLIPPER. Jolly Delia Pringle Co. BftND Mil URCHESIB*, TWENTY PEOPLE; KM FOB COMET, DOUBLE STAGE. No time tor correspondence. Wire lowest. WANT TO BEAR FROM OOOB PEOPLE AT ALL DssliLA PRINUL.K Co., Charlton, lows. Ueo, 49, 00, 31. TIMKS OPENS NEW YEAR, "CARMEN." All New and Special Scenery, Magnificent Costumes and Electrical Effects of the Famous SPANISH BUIVI/ FIGHT MANA6EMEHT KAPHAN SYNDICATE, Nr. 1931 Broadway, K.w Yirfc. WANTED, Lady for Understudy, anil Piano Player that can anange re-w good people, " Also* •set Theatre Lease and Fixtures for Sale* Population city, A GOLD MINE. Packed evety performance; three showt qstly, Ave on stt -, gpain " , carollotel Union, Toledo, O. rtrday; prices. 10 and It cenw. Only one other theatre in opposition. Oroond floor, nsln street Will ijssr most rsgld Investigation.' Will Fell at once account of disagreement of partosrt and other holi- ness. People with money meaning business Bddrcss —= BARNES' AIM.IV.AI-.S WKKK OF DKO. SO, UOUKSTADBIfK, WIHIIUOTON. People representing themselves as having Barnea'Ponies and getting work under lama oettar not do It again. "~ al. a. uahnb*. HARRY SS MAY HOWARD, Real Singing; and Danoing Artist*. ■'* JAN. 0, GRAND THEATRE, JOL1BT, ILL., JAN. If. Its 80. 1IALSTED ST., Chicago, ■', - b vi i-ii li H