The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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1182 THE DSFEV YOBK GLIPPff^ FEBRUARY 4. NEW YORK CITY. ' , "■ '•'■ ' '' £111 '■ ' '.V' * Kevlew nml Comment. — Tin b| lizard of loit week|liurt business it the local tbiev aires, but by the end of the week travel wi*' possible, and attendance Improved. .':'.. ..'At. die K.iickkuiiockkii Tiii:atiik, mi Monday ntghi; Jan. 28, E. H. Wlllard mnde his American reappearance, and gave the A ret production litre of "Lucky Dnrhom," a four act ploy, by the into Wilson Barrett.. ;Vi. On, I lie nnmc date, at the Xr;w Xonk Tiieatm," George M. Cohan brought tils new ploy, "Little Johnny Jones," for a return New Varit engagement.,^ . .Ai the Majkhtic Tiiisatrc, Tuesday night, 24, occurred the first metropolitan production of "Burner Brown," i cartoon comedy*, la two ncte, by Charles Newman, and George Totten Smith, rewritten by Melville B. Raymond Oh the. gtime date Raymond Hitchcock began a return engagement, In this city, of "Tho Yankee ConnV."..;... Another Tuesday night opening won given nt the luvuta I'i^ck Tiieatbb. wlfr* . the stock company appeared In the first Anterlton production of "In Vcrtretnng" (••The Hiilistitute"), a three act comedy, by Heinle Uordo'u At the Critkiiion Tiik atiik, TJiurtidajr afternoon; 20, students of tlie AMEBic.vN Academy or Dramatic Arts asd ! 'riMrintV Thuatbs UnAWATio School riive their third performance of the season, prewnting ."The Challenge," a one net comedy.' by An ton Clieckbg. and "Honor," a four act play, by Herman Sudormnnn, both of which then roceiveil their first presentation In English In this country.. ... .At the lllVIMi I'IfAUK 'J'llgATIIK, Friday night, 27. Ag'n'tho Barsescu gave her first American performance 'of "Des MecreB mid der Llebe Wellen," Krnnz GrlilparserM live act adaptation of "Hero and Leander." The continued attractions for the week ending Jan. *»' were: K, 8. Wlllard nt the KnicxkiiIum-iikii, George' SI. Colinri nftlie Nkw Yiihk, IMgniond .HHchcock, lu ""The Yankee CouMul.'Vnt yr Ahhkcpa; ''Buster Brown at toe MA.rgKTlb, Arnold Daly ' at the '. OAnniCK. 'The Duchess of Dnntzle" at Dai.y'h, David Wlirfleld flt the IIMon, Mrs. Leslie Carter at the ItKi.AHCo, "Kantnna" nt the Lvuic, Frnnot»' Wilson nt the Chitbmox, "Siberia" at the AiiaI.BHY, 1.11 1 Inn llussell at the, Frltrl Hi'lieff at the HllOAMWAV, Maude Adams nt the lI.MinitK. "It Happened In Nordlnnd" nt th* Lrw Fiki.iih, "llnmpty Dnmpty" at the New Ambtkiioam, "Hlggledy-Plggledy" nt the Wkiirh Striate n.u.t., "The College Widow" nt the (Iamikn, Sirs. Flake and stock roinpnny nt the Manhattan, the Herman stuck company nt Hie Irvinu Pi.ach. Edward Terry nt Hie I'jhnckhs. Ida Conquest nt the'.stv. "The forbidden Lund" nt tbe KuinrTKKNTii HTtiKirr. "Me, lllm nnd 1" nt the AMKHH'AN, "Mra LefllngweH's Hoofs" nt the Havov, "Woodland" ut the IIkiiaui Scji.'auk, Charles Wyudhnm ut the Nkw Lver.iiM. nnd Ethel Bnrryuiorc nt tbe llimBfiN, the seven last named closing on that date. At PnocTim'a rVrit Avenuh, Pnoc TOlt'B Klt'TY-EKlllTII STI1HKT Ulld ONH HllN iuikii ami TwHNTV-i'irrn Stubht Tiikathrh stock productions, with vnudevlllc between nets, tout tuned The week stands closing 28 were: "Queen of tho Highway" nt the Tifinn Avrni'k, Halph Httmrt, In "By Bight of Sword," nt tho MirutiAV Him.; "The (Jill of tho Streets" nt the WiNiwnit, Kyrle Bellow, In '"Unfiles," nt the Hiianii Opkiia lio'tWRi "The County Cluilrmnu" nt the llAtu.KU Oi'kiia IIottBK, "Under Southern Hides" at the WWBf Knu, "Texas" nt the MwTinii'OMH, nnd "A Desperate Chance" at the Staii Variety, entertainment was furnished at Tnrs I'AHTOii'a, tho Victoria, the Cutci.K, Kkith's Union Sqi:AitE, l'noeron'a TWKNTY-TlllllI) STIIURT, the I^)NUON, tllO DHWBV. MlNBU'R MM AVBNUIO, MlNBR'8 UnWKIIY, UUIIVIQ & BEAMUN'a, the QOTIIAM mid the ()lymMC. At Hqbeb's SIuNatni the usual list of vaudeville nnd curios were presented l"or the week ending Jan. 28 (tenth week) the bills nt the MKTitoi'OHTAN OrmiA Uounn were: Monday nlgbt, 23, "Lohongrln," with this cast : Ulsa von Brabaut, Mine. Kinmu Kuuics ; Ortruil, Mme. Walker ; Lohengrin, Mr. Knoto ; Krledrlch von Telrumnnd, Mr. Gorlta ; Ilelurlcli der Vogler, Mr. BIbbs : Dor Hcerrtifcr des KonlHS, Sir. Muhlmann. Alfred Ucrtr. conducted. Wednosday ulgbt, 2D, "Die Melstcrslnger," with this cast.; Bvn, Mine. Ackte; Magdalene, Mme. Homer ; Wulther von Stolstug, Mr, Knoto ; Hans Sachs, Mr. Van llooy ; Beckmesscr, Mr. Qorltz; Pogner, Mr. Blosa; Knthner, Mr. Muuliniinn ; David, Mr. lleiss ; Vngelgcsang, Mr. Hand; Zorn, Mr. Bayer; Slower, Sir. Rudolli; ISIsallnger, Sir. Laplnl; NnchllRSlI, Mr. Oreder ; Ortel, Mr. Bnlltard ; l-'hlts", Mr. Werner; PchwartJ, Mr. Loetacb; Klu Xnehtwnchtor, Mr. Dufrlche. Sir. Herts conducted. This ma lit, Knote's dual nppeui'.-mee prior to his return to Hnropc. Thursday night, 20, "Goetterdneumieriuig," rust tuus : BruenhlUle, Lllllun Nordlcn : Quinine, Mnrlon Weed: Wall mute, liklyth AYnlker; Wogllnde, Bella Altcn; Wellgundc, Viuila Halph; Flomhllde, VMorenco Mulford : Siegfried, Sir. Dlppcli Ilngen, Sir. BIiisb; (lunther, Sir. Sluhlmaitn. Mr. Herts conducted. This was tho final performance of Hie trilogy. Sir. Ilnrgstallcr, who was to have Hting Siegfried, was 111. nnd he wan re placed by Sir. Dlnpel. Vrlilny night "Tosi'o" was substlluled for "tin Ballo In Xlnschern," owing to Sir. Cnruso'B continued llluens. Slnie. Karnes was the Tosca, Sir. Kcotll the Senrpla, and Mr. Dlppel tho Cnvnrndossl. Arturo Vlgna conducted. Saturday aflernoon, 28, "Don Bnsquule," with this in si : Norton, Slinc. Sembrlch ; Ernesto, Mr. Dlppel; Hot ton' SlnlnfeNtn, Sir. Hcottl; Don I'liKipiale, Mr. HiihbI ; Notnro, Mr. dlaconc. Sir. Vlgna conducted. Joseph Buyer's ballet, "Die I'upiienfee," was given Its llrst presentation In ninny yvnrs. Hnturdtiy night, 28, "Faust," With this east: Slarguerlte. Sitae. Alten: Hlcbel, Mme. Jaeohy; Slnrthe, Mme. BnuermelHter ; Faust. Mr. Snteso ; Sleplilntopbeles, Tol Blaneon : Valentin. Sir. Ulrnldonl: WagneV, Mr. Begue, .Nnhun Frauko conducted. * i'roclor'ii KlfiU AtViim Tlicnlre (.1. Kwrne KyiiM, :g*heHl-rttttm»*).-^i:!lB t'roc< ■■Bt/wk Co. avSenred rSifinee ntJfih. .'Ki.Jtt ■Pbt)«*iB WJ Bioiiilliiiwfs'iroducllon. *-TIt* nHglons jiluy. in five Wpnty-tMrd Btreet-The- neV> ■B«n«rill:?|JM",*8riirr',: Hqh/ LltyiS iii'tp, wliiih n poetic wos then .. given for. the llrjst time In Slow Yorlji-Clty. ft has Imd a cnttMextendingover /NeverHl reasons on the rone, nml discloses merits stilllcleiit to Jusiiry "a .. Idtig life for It, the tbeiiic of Mary Slngc5elem-'s conversion i»v t in Saviour being treated 111 hluiik verse, which, In this ense, is Always mei'ltoi'liis, mid occaslomilly bitlllant. Tin' action of the ploy begins with Mary's first view of Christ, and proceeds tli rough the scenes of the betrayal of the Saviour.tin! trial and the crucifixion, endlug with the Ascension, which Is conveyed through conversation by the characters. In the main the biblical story Is adhered to. except In the presenting of Horn trims In n prominent position. The presence of Jesus Is , Indicated by a light. A hum audience at the opening; performance followed the absorbing story with close attention, and. the flnnl scenes of the play, which proved exceptionally strong, aroused sincere and hcartv expressions of favor. In the matter of stage Bettings; a creditable attention to historical ncctir.ity nnd bciiuty was shown, and the production In etfery department proved one worthy of study and warm coniniendutlon. The acting was very creditable.' In the main, Hugh l>'ord winning principal honors us Juuas, which he iilnyed with Intelligence and Mrrrt. KiUvln Arden did prnlsewortliy work as Itnrnbhss. nnd Hoyden ICrlyinie won honors for ills nctlng as rotor, lvii Slcrlyu p'ayed Mary wltli fair success. The cast. : Slury BtkgllClene, lvn Slerlyn : Slnrihn, Miriam HiitcbhiH: Salome, Lottn Bunnelle; Hebe. .Minnie' Lee; Uagnr Matbllde Deshon ; Slave, ■lOstelle Clinton ; l'loi n, Ilosa Slarston ; Hebecrca, . SInry Arthur; Stlrrlnm, Jeannetto Alexander; Barabbas, Edwin Arden; Peter, BoyilenlSrlynno; John. John Westley; Judas,' Hugh Korrl ; Sllcnii, Louis Itelnlmrt; Calnpbns, Win. It. ttandall ; Pilate, t;corgo Howell ; Slleiitis, Wi It. Mclnlyre;. Zncclinrlas, Albert Trnvernler: Marcus, Norvnl SIctlregnr; Hnbokuk, IScorgi! .Manning: Cnlchul, llnrilce Ivlrklnud: 111 the vaudeville: Sirs. Byrne-Ivy, a tiojiI ml to,' whoso voice proved an excellent on* ; Hllnd Tom, the fiiinuiis negro piuiilsl, whoso I'liiyliig uroused great eutbiisiiisni ; Trolin. heavy weight Juggler, who repented his lust week's success lit till' Twenly-lhlrrt Street Theatre : the six l'eii Sisters. Vlnceiizo Novelll, tenor; Williams anil Melbourne, musical set : Slelrnpnlltnn Ladles' tjunrtet. nml Kosciusko and Smith, ncrolmlic comedians. The mnl'on pictures continue.. Princes* Theittce (Sam S. Sluiherl, manager i. — The llrst American production of "Iiove In idleness" wits given here by Ktlivurd Terry, evening of Jan. SU, It Is It comedy, In three ncls, by Louis N. I'nrkor, I'Mwurd J. (iooibiinii ami Kdwaril Terry, telling of a lire of mistakes brought about by liriMTiislliiiilliin, Mori liner I'eiidelliury m Hie neutral clut rnct it, and In the llrst net he Is still a dri'iiuier, nml tomorrow Is always soon enough to ml. In the second lie goes lo the other extreme, which n ssltules ti series of utoiieineiils III the third ucl. The play lucks strength ami hear I Interest. Ills n pretty, banalesa, dainty story or simple lite upon the hnuks of the Thuiues, near London, but there is loo muck repetition, nml the play iiIKiii words Is tedious. Ill Hie hands of :iu excellent itnnipitiiy Its fate might he heller, l.ul !l could never ll'Ve lung. Mr. Terry, ns the prucriiNiiiinlliiir, visionary, well meuninu olil I helor. worked io;iiliist grenl. oilils, some of which he overciliue, but one mmi cannot snve n mediocre play. Ills humor Is of a stamp dlfferenl from ninny comedlans, and In -II he Is very licensing, but lielucks tho depth, the true lietirtreiicliIng pal bos lu voice mid work which causes tears lo How. llylton Allen, as Jack Kenton, sviis very pleasing In Ills vain endeavor lo restore order from the chaos tho obi mini brouuhl ulaiiil. Olive Wilton wns terabit us the niece, .Maggie. C> in liln Brooke lis Ablmill llrlghi. Morlinier's old love, wlinin he lost ilii'ougb his delnylng. was very cliariulllg lu her simple, inilei manner null displayed grenl. Instil In the little hcciiii wherein she comes Lo the house of her life long sweet hen rt. The llrst act set, showing Hie house . and lawn with Iho ThnnieH In tho linckgruund, was u very pretlv feature. The play Is iiiinounccil until further notice. The enst lu full : .Mortimer Pcmdlehury. Ildwnrd Terry; l''rank, Tom Lovell; Itushley ITiitt, Arlhur Cornell; Jock Kenton, llylton Allen; Kiigene (loiidlnut, tleorge Howard: Siagglo, tlllve Wilton; Louise Coiidluot, Clara Kane; Abigail llrlght, Cynthia Brooke; Mrs. Trott, Nellie Murtyne ; .Martha, Beatrice Terry. I'oiirleentli Street Tlieiitre (J. Wesley ItOBOmiucst, manager) . — "The Ninety and Nine" wns revived here with great success Monday evening, Jan. 30, before n packed house. O. J. Ashman, as Tom Sllverton, was excellent, nud received well (turned up Slaupc. The cast in full Is as follows : Tom llverton, O. J. Ashman ; Abner Blnke, Alfred Hastings; Mark Bevcrldge. Harry M. O'Connor; Hud Bryson, Krank Hill; Button's Bed, SInBter Willie Fluk ; Stilt Green, George Schraeder: Llge McLanc, Ira T. Sloorc; Duvo Kinney. Wlllium Sander; Gene Hnrnmors. Honrv Slnnroe. : Krank Ilniille, Harry Lane; Bam Grant, Wlllium Martin; Hob Lee, Miles C, .Pttrdv: Both Blukc, Bayoae Whipple; ltnchel illuke, Kmma Brcnnna Incc; Unto Vnn Dyke. Klsn Vmighn ; Itcdelln Dougherty, Louise Brvant : Arnmantha Slarkhnm, Bat Tavlor Bennett ; Hothunla Cray, Slay K. Slc'Kay : Snllv Carter, Altec Saunders ; Cindy Tllibs. Viola 'Wilson. Next week, "lty ltiglit of Sword." „ , . Aiiierlonn 'I'lientre (Mnw, Krlnnser & Wuls, managers i. — "Queen of the White Slaves" appeared before n capacity testing audience, evening of Jan. SO, 'ind shrieks of delight from the gallery uud the body of the house attested the favor with which the hero and heroine were received. The piny has been matorlally Improved, nnd shou'd do n tremendous business' for the week. Tec east: llcrt Hall. AI. Phillips; Halph primes, J. R Sllltorn: Kong Low, Joseph Carter; John Slack, Kdwurd Nunnery; Smoke 'Pot, <leo. It. Hnymond: Clinrllc Fawn. Hurry Allen: Sloy Sam. Jack Slorton ; Sum kee, Slax Hopper; Cupt. IHnxter, Joseph Cane; Oiling Lee, Herbert Wilkes: Kil. Weltul, Kdw. Hohlnson: Ah l-'oy. Billy Bryant : Mike O'llnrii. dene Woods: Number One. Hurry Wnllliaiu; Number Two, (leorgo Kramer i .Number Three. Norman Slonroo I SJaggC Murphy. Alma Estee: Bessie Darling, Bessie Mnrlow : Muslnng Slntile. Uodo Brnlinni : Grace Kuwn, Alllcen Slay. Next week, Jullnn Hose. In "Fast Life In New York." WliifUor Tlie«tr«> (A. 11. Woods, tnanugerl.— "For Ills Blot her's Crime" drew it good c* bouse Monday evening. Monlgoinery living. 7, :i« V'elor Sterling, being successful. The at hers in Ilia casl were: Hen Sterling, \\m. SlcCllnlock ; Larry Slonckton. Eugene Bryant ; Dennis Slel'lke. Edward Dnllon; Dickey. .Imnes A. Smith: William Barclay, Don t.. Merrltleld : Tom Bouncer, Frank Hilton : Tom Stelle. Walter Slorrlson : Wlllium Jloulil. t'lmtles It. Carl: Howard Whitney. , forrert Ludlow: Hlcluird Schwiib. il. Nathaniel Clny: Mortimer Cleveland. Thoiiins Hnudnll : Bimu Harelnv. Ellznbeth llnlhburn: .Mrs. Sterl ug. Iiidu Palmer: Tessle. Llllluii Allyii : Hen Sterling Jr.. Celln Hosewood ; Holly Mterllng, Clnliv Shade. Next week, "A Di'spermo i" rni'nl Onern Hciuse (John II. Xprliiger. ninnngerl.— Wm. Fnverrhnm appeared In the liroiluetlou or "Letty" here, evening of .Inn. !ll), to an appreciative nudleiice. The piny wi,s new lo the West sMc, nud Its fine Interpretation brought fortli much nnplouw. Next week: "The Ilogers Bros In Pnrl«. New AiiiwU-rOniii Tlientre Iklltw it Erlanger, maniigerai.— -"llnmpty tnitnpty" begun Its iwolflh week Jan. 30. -Mnjmtlc Theatre (John 8. Klnhm. flr>«-"BU8tcr. Brown," a cartooa Jlr' G«o,l' rinmis of Cernld Gnllln, -In IBc cliiirncter »f John Pnden Sr., v.'iis t rue th tutiiire as Hie hiirdhearteil.. sjuhtorn.. selfmade man of buslneas, whose heart wub linnlty softened by love for his son. the cast In full follows : Slnrguerlt/s Otto, Luna 1'iiilllps; linns Olto, i:. «• ,Jlor',™:,:I,ii,"J: oldlimiting. Harold linrtsell'; Jehu Bade; Sr.. (Jernld .firlffln; John Pnden 'r., Sydney Avres; Adrian Knrje, Chns, Arthur; Jennie Merryweather, Slhrlon Fairfax ; Mrs. Strauss, Anna Uules ; Henry. Byron Ongley. !»»fore the play and belwceti the nets vaudeville wns offered, on the llsr being the Lot'/ Brothers, nrniless 'poTfornSra, ■ wlirfse fents seemed to please: Charles' M. Ernest. In his clever black laced singing comedy net ; l^o Corcllo, who mnde his debut here us a mimic, and La Belle Hlaache, In her dtilnty Impersonations of well known the motion pictures being olno euiil limed. Sundny's concert ntlracled good bouses on the 2»lh. Next week, "Mghrlng l.ob" Is underlined. Murray 11111 Tlicntrc (Wm. T. Kcogb, tP.inagcr).— Edward Blondcll, nt the head of mi excellent enmpr.ny. Is presenting "Hie Loat Bov" for the llrst Mine here at this house thin week. Sir. Blondell, as the nwkwnrd hoy with many bright sayings, managed to twIsL up tne various situations, nnd the Innghter and applause was continuous. Joe Fields, us the professor, presented his flcrniiinlsms In laughable ninnner. Jack Ilcldy wns a clever Juvenile ns Frank, nnd his songs were wel| receh od, especially a duel with Kin furrier, who was a sprightly Lucille. Sum Shannon was nocoplnblo ns Ibe doctor: Julia West wns a gladsome vision ns Loin, and fnlrly twinkled la her hrlglil version of the eluw ncter. She wns encored for her, fongstilmlvs Arnold was attractive and noticeable In the ensemble nilinbers, and afterwards as a lost hoy. Lulu Dewey, as Gladys l'nsse, coiilrlbuled good work. The chorus niniibers were hnpjilty selected, nnd nil were encored, imperially n' plantation dance and a sailor's dunce, in renuirki.bly handsome suits. Bert. Angeles, ns ihfl duke; Daniel Ferguson, as the Muniiny: Charlotte Liimbert. us Lady Cliedvvlck: Win. Mitiislleld. ns King tln-fiu; John Hewey. as (J:id::ook : Florenco Hawkins, uh Mrs Smith ; Herflui Howling, ns t.erlle: Lvn Limning, ns Bertie; Hnriiy zeda, ns Ooffertv: Mnbel Hnuglns, ns Pedro, completed l he east. Next week, the Hays, lu "Down Ihe Pike.:' Voilivitlf Thcntrc (SI. It. li'inlierg. uiilliiigeri. — This house ChHIigCd lis pulley en .Monday lilglil, .Ian. .".0. to a stock bouse. The Yorkvllle Slock Co. Is the title nf t lie new eonipnny, which has been organized and will be iiinunged by H. A. Weis, formerly of Ihe '.'(.binililti Theatre, Brooklyn. Tho vehicle selected to atari the new enterprise was Ike iiini'.iiilU drmiiii. by Paul . Kesler, •When iCnlghtliiHifl Wus lu Flower. 'I'be scenery nud some of lite accessories used hei"i were employed In lite original pi'iidu<!lnu of Sir. Killer's ill nmn In Ibis city. If n good slnrt be n sign oft Ihiini.hil success ihe new venture. can lie assured of gnoil fortitne. tin Iho i boaIre on .Monday ulghl was cimipb'lely tilled. nud barring the [ew hitches id nil opening lierlorii.aiue by a newly organised rinniMiuy, the start was an auspicious one. Will It. Walling. Ihe leading men, us Charles Hrunduii. Hie lover of Jlnry Tudor, nml Ann Sutherland, the lending woman, in Hie Utlter role, wore ciiimble, . and will, no doubt, becomu pcpiilnr. The compnny is likely to move efficient nud become popular in flic Yorkvllle district, llerls'rt Colby Is slug'; illreelnr: William Biirwnld, assistant, and 11. A. Wels, ns stnl"il above, Is muiuigei' v£ the new stoi.-k eonipiuiy. Tim cast of "When Knlgblhool! Wus In Flower" fol'ows : l.hai'les Brandon. Will It, Walling: Duke of Itui.'kliighiim. Hubert Cuinmlugs; Henry VIII, ,1 nines Cooper: Will Sinners, Milt Hiiwsoa: Kir Edwlu CiiHkoden. .lumen Slevln; Friincls ll'Atigoiilenie. Wm. Ibirwald: Tliomtis Wnlsley. Wnlt Whitman ;. sir Adam Judsoii, Herbert Colby ; Diikc Ha Longuevllle, Corthiild Hopkins: .Master Cavendish, Henry D. t.'nrey ; Host of the How and String Tavern, Herbert Avery; Servant at lira Jim, II. Cowen : An tinicer, king's guard, Win. Maker; Cnpt. Uriidhurst, Fred Shut tuck: First Adventurer. Chns. K. Lee: Second Adventurer, Joseph Elliot; Chniuborlujn, John llensbnw; JInrv Tudor, Ann Sutlierlimd ; Lady Jane Holliibroke, Nettie Bourne ; Queen Knthcrlne, Slay Louise Algln; Sllstress Anne Uoleyn, Ellle Bond; Mistress .lane Seymour, Kvilyn Donan : French Lndy. Frances Sleek. Next week, "Paul Hcvcrc." . . T'lilrd Avenue Theulre. — AI. II. Woods nssiuiieil the inanngeiuent of this house Jan. ."'i. His llrst offering is "Escaped from the Harem," n four act drumn, by Chns. A. Taylor. The cast Included the following characters and players : Onirics Barton, Edward SI. Woun ; Itcnnldo Alary, Clarence Heritage ; .Mark Dlnbio, William Bowrann ; Cnpt. Clawbonny, J. A. Nnnn : Rev. Hlriitn Page, Chns. V, Southworth ; Znmbar, Win. 11. Cuvannugli ; inbble. Enrl Lee: Johnny Cash, Fred Wilson; Olllccr, Will Jordan; Shakespeare, Fred Osgood; Walter, J. 11. Slclianicls; Mabel 1 'age, Lucia Hartford : Florence Page. Kathleen Barry ; Cnsalc Htinlly, Louise Iteming ; .Maud .Mason, Hblrly Hond ; Grace Pcttlugll, Helen Norton ; Sadie Green, Louise Wilson ; llenrlctte Spooncr. Carrie Chapman: Louise Miiyhe, liny Johnston; Kmpress, Marie Leighton: Ester, Fniuilo Holmes; Aluia. Illnnrno Sltnmonds ; Dlnnn, Florence SInynnrd ; Chloe, Sine Lawrence. Hurry Earl Is manager; Will F. Gardner, advance representative. Next week. "On the Bridge nt Slldalght." Sir. Woods has placed Sain Slyers at this house ns representative manager. The staff, otherwise, remains unchanged. Circle Theatre (Percy 0. Williams, manngcr). — Crowded bouses continue to be the rule here. Last week, the second of Chcvtiller's engagement, people were turned nwny at every perform mire, and on Monday ol this week the bouse wns packed. Chevalier remains this nnd next week, which will be his last appearance in this city daring Ibis visit to America. A notable feature nf this week's bill Is the llrst nppcimiiiee here of John '1'. Kelly and eonipnny. In Sir. Kelly's orlglnnl liirclenl sketch. "Sennlor SlePheo. Cordially received were the efforts nf Mr. Kelly, nml, capably supported by Herman Llob. Florence Veblran and Louis 0. Christ y. entire success wns the result of Mr, Kelly's first bow nt the Circle. The llrst lime here of the Japanese net nf self defense, Jlu Jltsu. as demonstrated by K. llagiishl and assistants, created much Interest on Monday. Also prominent on the bill wns the new comcdleltii, entitled "An Aiiierlcnii-lloiiinn," offering opportunity for still another debut here of those capable eliteriiiluers, Jules nud Ella Harrison. Their success and also Hint of their new offering, wns nnntlicr link lu the chain which they have been adding to (hiring ninny years In vaudeville. The Italian Operatic Trio, with splendid singing voices, nlso a llrst appearance here, scored strongly; Oeorg Hay, the black fate nionologlsl, mnde his usual happy lilt : Sally Slemuler, n singing comedienne, did the same: Muyuie Henillie,ton and her Uuslcr Brownies received mnny encores; ihe Foley Boys dauced finely; Burke's musical dogs displayed rare training, and (he vllngrnpli brought Hie excellent bill to a close. Holy's Thenlre I Daniel Fvohmmi. malinger).— "The Duchess of Djnttlc" began lis till t tl successful week Jan, 111), pleasing us heretofore. wry neat and clever act. The Atlios Family, four in number, aroused _ great enthusiasm in toltcn Smith, and'i'cwrltteii by \Tr vllIc'a%jflymond, from Die comic p it" „, , that Gtte made famous by Outenult, rnad( 'i? New York on the evening »t TuhJi, . Jin..; J44, ahd a ..good slued audience fEEgi on that occasion voted tho 'nrecoelnn. JT! mischievous Buster and his dog Thfe i».'! about the cutest and mosi. Interesilne rfff sentatlves of tlu-lr kind aver tMaoif bw!!" politan stage. 'I'he play lind a long seas n , ' the road before It llnnlly ""-— within tbe city g ' having occurred ffore It llnnlly gained Bilmiiin„ urml^bec8 "-!Sl"!i! .j,rod,,c"'«n '^,Mo°al™"fliiOig^nr^ F»«» Blcecker Hall. Albany, ft111^ »a an I « wi.l c i prSved of Ub»orblng. Interr is little attempt nlade by the authors lo ^ 1 ■■""'■ " -A "-— iL" repealed her vide a. sustained story, the diminutive i',,l the, loop on her tor and bis pranks girlng the eot» rd»* acrobatic act lamment Its meet as well, as Its mi,™ fsr. .Ciiiiotta. "llie -Marvel I'nlr ralslngl dssh around tl wheeland llcuo and Blchard* acrobatic imd so much that was good 1 1 it that the nudleiice was lotii to part with them ine Three Kentons! ! with Hie great Little Buster, captured all by their capitalwork, and Carter nud Bluford, colored entertainers, also went big. Others were: Sabine nnd Mullii>ey, eccentric comedians and dancers; lue Holf'es, Colonial musicians, In a very prelty net: llnirv Wise, a baritone of ability i Win Dockroy. 'black face comedian, and •ord Brothers, the Kentucky SBnstrels, In their capital offering. The motion pictures con "j'li'slor's Thentre (Tony Pastor, mana.,,.,.) _\ bill fur above the high average nuilnlnlned at this pleasure resort cnllod out tremendous audiences, both mat nee and uii'lit, Jan. 30. Kcno, Welch nud Slelrose held the Initial line uesorvedly .with their wonderful ricrobatlc work. No net of Its kind ever presented here has received more decided approval. The new revolving arch is a line (lddltlon nnd the finish is a great deal stronger. Ernest Hogati, the unbleached American (Ids first appearance here), was an extra special attraction, and from the n with a little assistance from n ™,ii chorus. Slnster Gabriel, a llllpntlan Vhi lias reached man's, estate and 'WIiom cleverness is away out of propnrt ton utS size, made up exactly like a. child of seven years, nnd was such a. bright. Ingenuous m, loveable little, fellow as. Ifustcr that hi, . , dlcncc to &, man considered his work nh,n» worth the! price of admission. He roignni through the ulay like a little elf of w|i!n>! some fun, and made the biggest possible kim! of an Individual success. George All, u* Tim divided honors with him, his canine antics in the skin of the sagacious animal clumi of Buster arousing hearty laughter and In' ipient bursts of applause. Mr. All |« renu, an artist la his line, his mimicry of Aw idiosyncrasies proving remarkable and his methods of getting comedy out of pantomime while in such a gulso branding him is n gifted actor la his line, There were a mimher of pleasing musical numbers, the slugttu. of the chorus — particularly of the male Members—being ospecially good. At the finale of the first act a big feature la chorus work win presented, when a number of girls, lu iile rut. Ins curd wns displayed until tho close costumes of. lucotch Highlanders, executed a the act, the applause was eoullnuous. He easily established himself a prime favorite. Nora Ilnves, In a feature position, displayed lier inlenls In the vocal line, and rendered several songs with which her name Is associated. Colby and Way returned and were w .irmly welcomed and mnde to feel as If this wns home. The act Is ndways delightful, clean and humorous. The Gagnoux scored well lu an excellent nnd elaborate juggling nnd cutillibrlsllc net. Others who added to the general enjoyment were; Lavender and Tom :on, In their laughable skit. "A Touchdown ;" tlriindre. Dorothy. Zlmmei Andrew .McLond, the Ii'.sb mlnsfrel ; TIddle SIclntosh, William Arnold winks and Dugun, In a comedy turn ; St. John in song, dance and comedy ' clever drill, and the picture formed by Hie grouping of Hie people on tbe stage brought the curtain down amid loud bursts of applause. Slnmie Goodrich and Hobby Kortii did very creditable work. The cast : Bustrr Brown, Slastcr Gabriel ; Tlge, George All Juck Wynn, George Tennery ; Rocky o'llnre', John Young; August Vuuklc, Bobbv North' Thomas Brown, William Naughtoh ; Mary Brown, Nellie Butler: Susie Sweet, Nlu'i Handall : Mrs. Sweet, Jennie lielffartti ; Gludys O'Flynn, Mamie Goodrich : SHIe, i.n Grandre. Dorothy. Zimmerman; Sir Donald .-mil Lefevre, In song, unmt ...... ,...„,^«, , Cnrr and Yule, In "Tho Private Sonltarlum ;" Jeroiiie, and Slorrlson,: in song, character iliflbge and wooden shoe dancing, and Bert I.i nniiii. In his linpersoi'.ntlons, the bill closing with new vllngruph p'ctures. IrvliiK i'lai'f 'l.ienlre, (Hclnrtcll Conried. manager). — "In Verlretung" ("TheSubstllule";, ;. comedy. In three nets, by llelnt/. Cordon, was presented, fur the lirsl time hi A'merlcii,' Jan. U4. with the followlug cust: Von liederii, Hiushesltzer, llelnrlch Slurlow : Sfetn, Miirgnrctlie Russ ; Karla von WendhiuiHi'ii. Slurgiirelhe Rhuinkorff : Erich von I'nlkeuiiageii, Otlo Ottbert; PrltS von iiernsdorf. Itlcbnrd Schlaghamer ; Wllhelni, Fritz Klelnke. ; P'rnnz, Willy Krey ; Bohleiuann. II el 1 1 rich Iliibrich : Mlnun, Agnes Bnnger. Ihe action and dialogue is sparkling. The plot : Fritz von Gernsdurf, a unlet and virtuous lieutenant, loves Mela von Itedern, daughter of a landed proprietor, whose dre.ui. It. is that his child should marry u soldier of the most dashing kind. If he has debts and love affairs nnd drinks hard, so iiiiii.Ii the bell or. Fritz Ilnds it difficult lo live up (0 this Uliusuill Ideal. Encouraged, however, by a visit from Meta and her uuiit, Kiirln, wltli whom his comrade, Erich von Fnlkeuliageti, Is smitten, he sets off ou a Journey to von Hedevn's eslnte, hoping to iiiuke u fiivorahle impression. He leaves Ills smart orderly, Wllhelm, lu charge of his lodgings. No sooner has he gone when Wllhelm dresses up In bis master's uniform and pusses himself off privately as a lieutenant, much lo the admiration of his sweetheart, Mlnun. While Wllhelni and Minna me making free with the lieutenant's champagne and otherwise amusing themselves, lu 'comimli.y with Franz, Erich von Fnlkenhagen's orderly, thny are surprised by a visit from von itedern, who Is curious to sec what manner of mini bis daughter's suitor may be. Wllhelni pci'sumlcs him Hint he is Fritz, and, lielng now convinced that bis prospective son-in-law Is n devil of a rake, von itedernIs delighted. On his return, Fritz, who has not found von Itedern at Ills estate, is amazed to hear that .Mela's father entirely approves of lihu. The arrival of von Itedern at this inn ci me leads to the unmasking of Wllhelm. He Is, however, forgiven, and Fritz Is betrothed lu. Slctu, while Erich wins her aunt, Kiii-Ih. Jan. ST. there was presented "Des Meeres nnd I.Iebe Wcllen" ("Hero and Lennder"), with Mme. Barsescu ns Hero. The others lu the cast were: Lennder. Paul Hagemuun; Nnnkleros, Slax Freiburg; Priest, Hcnrlch Slurlow. V\ u I lock's Theatre (Mrs. Theo. Sloas, manager). — Thnt delightful comic opera, "The Yankee Consul," with Hnymond Hitchcock as tho star, returned to Broadway Jan. 2-1, opening at this thentre with n large and enthusiastic audience In attendance. "The Ynukce Consul" began its original Now Yjrk presentation on Feb. 'Mi, 1004, when It met with instant success, at the Uroadwav Thentre, continuing until Juty 2, Next to the charming music of the opera, on Tuesday night, the welcome extended to each principal was a marked feature of the evening. Hnymond Hitchcock, as the Consul In Puerto Plata, received a most cordial welcome, ns did Eva Davcaport, Flora Zabelle, Rose Bottl and Frauk Danforth, who were in the orlglnnl Broadway production, sir. Hitchcock's finished comedy, which Is always quietly effective nnd never approaches tno tcrolcsime, received Its due recognition, ns nsnalj nnd In nnswer to demands for a "speech," In net two, he thanked the audience on behalf of himself nnd the company for the hearty reception, and felicitously expressed the pleasure n Horded himself and co-workers lo lie nguln back on Broadway. All Ihe gems of the opera were repeated many limes. Albert Parr has succeeded Hurry Fa'rlclgh, as Lieut-Commander Jack Slorrell. nnd wns excellent. The cast follows : Hon Rafael Deschnilo, William Danforth; Horr Gebubler, J. E. Hnzzard ; Cupt. Lcopoldo, Joseph F. Hatliff ; Hciit.-Commnnder .lack Storrelt, Albert I 'hit ; Carlos, John Pratt; Sanchn. Frank Riinney; Nunez, James Templet nn: Felipe. C, Hooks; Hndrlgo. Basil Sllllspniigh : Miguel, Clyde SfeKlnlcy ; Donna Teresa Rebera-\ LTrubiuu, Eva Davennort; Honlln, Flora Zsbelle: Pnplntu. Rosa Bottl; Blniicn, Sully SleNeel : Inez, Pearl Evans; .funultn. I Jin Conquest : KHtrclln. Eva Sfarsh ; Anltn, Slue Dnrllng; Jnelntn, Grace Proctor; Franceses, Slndgo Dnpree ; PamrUIn, L. Witt ; Simla. Sophie Witt : Leonora, SI. G. Flavin; Bella, Gertrude O'Neill; Abljah Boozo. Raymond Hitchcock. The second week began IJO, Willi good business continued. IIuucv'h Muucnni (John II. Anderson. manager).— "The report Is of continued good business from this popular resort. Mnlinrajnh, mystic adept, is the feature attraction In the curio lids week. South Sen Island Joe nnd his wife. Bono : Sol stone. Jin, Hnriiuui's "What Is It?" and Gnsnler, strong mnti. 'flic stage performances la the theatre nre well patronized nt hourly intervals. r"d include the following till! for tills week : AI, Coogan, the Cndays, Annie Palmer and John It. Bnrkn and company, In n three act ,,l.,. ,..,n.:(i "The Step lnutgliter," which mnde Quite a success, l.yrlv Thenlre (Sam S. t: Lee Shubert. mniineers). — 'Fni'tniiii" begnu its Ihlrd fftsik Jan. 30, to goi.d business, Keith's Thentre (10, F. Allsae, general ' mnuugcr).— Paplntn, In her wonderotislv beautiful and genuinely artistic specinrula'r dunces, bellds an excellent bill here this week. The mirror, tire and nil the other effects created the usual wonder and applause, while l'apliitu's graceful dancing was pleasing la Hie extreme. Bice and Provost, as the straight and the "loose" uerubnls, hi "Biitiinly Bumps," created no end of liuighler; Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Kelcy presented their capital little comcdleltii, entitled "lu Trust," which affords llieni opportumly in portray some excellent hits of Irish climactor. They received u eorillnl welcoinc, us they nre very populnr here, and took several si mill: hows nf the finish of their net. Hill nnd whitlnker made their first appearance here since their niiccessful European tour, lu lliclr banjo duels, vocnllsms nnd harp solos. They also ware eiven n roi» weiconie and no act of the bill was accorded heartier applause. Burton and Brooks, lu their .irlgiual comedy skit, "A Can »t lli,mor," lully warranted Hie title of ijoeni ■•• fun makers; Rurke and La Rue, assisted If Hie lnkey Boys, afforded lively divcrsloi Willi comely, dancing and songs: the rnur Sensational Bolses did an excellent casting act on the high bnrs; Rice and Cady caused almost perpetual laughter, as "The (Jermsn Seuntors;" Dixon and Holmes, character singing comedians, were all to the good; t 'onwetl mid Swan, with nimble dancing anil entertaining patter, were obliged to wnrk overtime, owing to their success; Poller nnd llnrtwell. In u really lino display of head hi licud nalanclng, were greeted with rounds of applause; AI. Clements gave n monologue, during which his parody songs had the merit of newness and wers well received ; Owley and Randall Introduced their novelty, "Tumbling Tom," quite successfully, and the American blogmph, while the last to show, was by no means tbe least among the features of a corking good bill. miner's) Bowery Theatre (Tom W. Miner, manager). — The Brigadiers arc playing their second engagement on the Howery this season. "The Wise Guy," as ployed by Edmund Hayes, continues to provoke lucesmint laughter, and tbe supporting company Is fully capable of bringing out all tbe good points. The programme includes: Stroiise and Young, the Three Kuhng, tbe Four Nelson Couilques and Jack Symouds. Next week, Fred Irwin's Big Show. London Thentre (James II. Curtln, manager).— The Bon Tons nre thlB week's attraction, with a bill that Includes : "A Parisinn Jamboree," with Joe Adams la the leading comedy : Grace Leonard, a clever impersonator; Williams and Adams, who present a novel act full of opportunities for applause, which were eagerly appreciated by the audience ; the Livingstons, in their showy art of acrobatics, abounding In new tricks ; Hue? and Bon Cook, In Gorman Comedy, with enoo singing: the Musical Simpsons, introducing various Instruments, all of them played equally well, and "A Wild Night." Next wee*, the Trocaderos. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Kraus, mnoogei'B).— AI. Reeves and his Big Meanly Show nppenred for the first time this season In New York hero Jan. 30. The house wjs pscked In every part, and the show fine Hie best of satisfaction. Two burlesques wero given, both of which were wel presented. Both piecesabound In songs, dances. inarches and artistic groupings. The iw» la called "Otto Kubellk's Troubles," of wmg1 the following Is the cast: Otto KntoffiJ. Harry Hcvlne : Edwin Brule, Slark wolley, Charles Toodlewlck, Dan Gnllngher. *"■ James, Wm.Chorry, Joe, M. Q. Batfy, SirsSlnpl, Stnrgle Hilton, Violet. Belle fallals*. Miss Fill, Annette Meek, Miss .Take, » « Emerson, Miss Cue, Maude De Lisle. 1 olio. t'lierr. Hilton and Williams, songs .u... —~ -.-Bovine nnd Wolley. Andy Lewis assisted w a company, nppenred yery effectively in i ■■■ which Is given botweeu tbe burlesques . •ry and Bates, comedy 'cycle e«pr"»j on and Williams, songs and donees, n in Volh act, entitled "Tout." nud everybody sfnvui He, AI. Reeves, with tho banjo. The »n»w closes with n rattling skit, entitled WBiri I. Fun." nnd enlisted the services ut IM™ tire company. Next week, the High "«' K Slhiei's EtKhtli Avei»u« Tlientre ( ^u win D. Sllner. manager).— The Boiiiminn HuHesqiiers come Into their own .-igan ev" lug of. Jan. 110, and whlled nwsy "-' innj wfib song, iliince and laughter, with i Ami Gardner well In the lend In his old WJ familiar character of PatBy. "A Day at tm RnceR," n melange, In . two acts, furn'sn , Ihe ground work for tho fun, and tie «»« itave opportunity to.Hlgfjtns and Been""; St. John and Nlcolal, nnd Onrdncr and M»J ray. The cast : Roxle, Ida N 1 I ''"S Andy Gardner: Pllsoner Klnilerhook, i'K I.nw; Tom Klnderliook. Jolin Jjlurrny . HSH niuwin, Henry Bergman: Glnrence, " <"■ KeHy ; Police Cnplnln Chlpmnn, Robe it g gins : Swift, Adlnlde Pell ; -Mrs. Kin lerl ™ « Nlnn Colder; Pars/ Pe.irl. Gladys St. W; Dottle. Beatrice ^Gajnhlcs/^Co^B, f,«em?f speelnl ifiirlng crack. second neglmcnt Ewnlneer.j, will annual Ibeatrc party Uere Feb. J. a ienlnre being a reglmeiiMI lug of war Hip Intermission, between two rriu-K tu puny t?ams, by nrrnngement wltli tm' «■ JJLnianngemeiit. K'*' ^■•'■^ Co, Next week, 8am Devere i