The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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FEBBUABY 4. THE OflEW YOittK GLIPPEft. 11817 Stage BKDaittci. The following Is a brief summary of the ocmlannua! report to the various locals of (lie I. A. T. 8. K. : Yflic York Local. No. 1. — The ultimatum submitted to our New York Local, No. 1, by the Malingers' Association of New York City. and which meant not alone a reduction of our standard schedule of wages, but which meant the revolutionising of the working icmdltlons In and about the theatre, affectIns evtry man employed, and would have had the same effect on all other locals had It been effected, has keen successfully averted by the unanimous decision of the Milwaukee convention, «Dd the New York local's executive board were able to mnke an agreement with Manager Conrled, of the Metropolitan Onera iloute, that resects great credit on our New York Local, No. 1. Philadelphia Lodye No. 8. — The delay in our going to that city until Oct 20, UKH, was mainly due to the resignation of International president, Bro. P. T. Barryt. While In Philadelphia n most thorough and exhaustive Investigation was made, and It la our Intention to proceed to that city on or before Feb. 1, to endeavor to mould that union Into such shape as to be prepared to render the same effective aid and protection to your general executive officers as were given us In Boston. To this end Vice President Snares , and Genera) Secretary-Treasurer Hart, will proceed. there shortly. President Sander will, after three or four weeks, go there to relieve Vice President Snarez, and our combined efforts are bound to secure results, and we hope for the full support of all. . , . . [tidianapoUt Local; No. SO. — On Dec. 20. 1004, this local presented Its schedule of wages for Indorsement, which was granted, It being assured there would be no trouble. They were able to secure new contracts with three of the larger theatres, but met with an argument at English's Opera House, the management of which was willing to meet the raise In wages, but did not see the way clear to continue to employ seven men regularly uiran a. weekly salary. At a meeting between the management of the house ( Mann ger Boda), 1'rcsldent Sandee, Vice President Sunrea and General Secretary-Treasurer Hart, the matter was adjusted and this was ratified by a epcclal meeting of. Local 30, and we are pleased to report that we were able to sbra a three years' contract f.-om date of Jan. i8, 1905, with advances all around, and that no show be worked with less than seven men. This means a great advance to Local 30, and will place that Local within the range of our other locals who are receiving the standard schedule. We cannot speak too highly of the fair treatment and courtesy extended to your general executive board by Mr. Boda, general manager, and Mr. Miller, his Indianapolis representative. Wc fun but add to this that If all our affiliated locals would seek our advice and submit their cases to us. and not take or assume any strike or radical action pending our decision, our alliance would be better advanced and we would be a far more effective organization. Appeal of Managers Sullivan, vs. North Adams Local 83, who advanced their electrician. Prof Geo. lloberts, to be stage carpenter, was decided In the managers' favor. The decision of the executive board was that Manager Sullivan had the right to employ In his theatre, In any capacity, any man er men they, the managers, wanted, providing they were financial members of North Adams Local, 83, and that Mr. lloberts be reinstated at once, and that a special committee of the Central Labor Union determine the amount. of salary lost by Bro. Roberts and adjust It .amicably between all parties at issue. On account of my. visit to Baa Francisco this case was naturally delayed on account of the mall being at the office, and the union' could have waited until they did hear from us before going on such an uncalled for strike. Our trip to the convention of the American Federation of Labor was entirely successful, a resolution Indorsing our movement In Philadelphia was unanimously adopted, and wc feel that It will greatly assist us there. We visited the Los Angeles, Salt Lake City and the Oakland locals, who tendered us every courtesy, add feel that great good will result from our visit. Vice President Ruek was with us at Oakland, and we were able to render them service that will, or has, brought about a better understanding and relations with that local and the managers. While not as largo as the Boston one, this convention was the most Important one ever held, and the prospects are exceedingly bright for the coming year, both as regards organisation, arbitration, adjustment of Jurisdictional questions and the. further elimination of the open shop Idea. I am, .voura fraternally, Lxb M. Ham, General Secretary-Treasurer I. A. T. S. B. t*ro») LlffUm, boar*— Thoa. J, Lockwood. Jo?a **J*l0F Ne'*jn L<UId and-Frajxl Maguto*, T^sfeee—BonP. Ut, Edward Ol'brlde and John 8. McClosky. We burled two members this week : Kx-treamtrer George Harper and James T. By rata. We pay $116 on each death. At the regular monthly meeting of New lork Lodge, No. 1, held Jan. 1, the following officers were elected for the current year: President. John T. O'Brien; vice president, C. D. Godson ; past president, J. H. Palmer; recording secretary, \j. J. O'Mallon ; financial secretary, J. B. Pine; assistant financial secretary, D. Gordon; treasurer. J. E. Eaklna; marshal!, Wnt. B. Plhntgan : sergeant at arms. II. Waetjtr; trustee*. Wm. Vail, F. Dorrlngron and T. A. Sbeehan : physicians. Dr. 8. N. Irwin for New York. Dr. A. Reeve* for Brooklyn : delegate to convention, U. J. O'Mallon ; alternate, B. P. Forman. *** — NEW YORK STATE. Grind. Omu ItoBMr (Chaw. A. Plnmmer, manager I. —."A aUvt for Life" Jan. 23-20, •James Boy* in Missouri" 20-:;8. "'Hit White Tigress of Japan" 30-Feb. 1, "Hearts Adrift" 2-4. "A Fight for Millions" 8-8, Martina "Cnde Tom's CaMn" 9-11. ii ■ L'tltm.— At the Majestic the Daniel Ryan Co. tans a great favorfto all laat week. Viola Allen Jan. !IO, Al. Field's Minstrels 31. Kobt B. Mantell 3. "The Factory Gltl" 4. Om-rtKUM (Weltner & Vincent, managers). —Bill week of SO : Violet Dale, Lew HawkIns, Rice and Klmcr, Maxwell and Dudley, Johnson, and wells. Paul Kleist, and Roberta, Hayes and Roberta, . — I — TSfc NEW JKHSRY. M. A.'s celebrated Ha annual bnn<ju«t 23, Visiting professionals weft guest* Freittent J. K. Lovacano. Vice President Morgan Dapling anc}' Toast master San Reno Socala proved a most amualBa trio, as well at . entertainers. Morris Marks, the genial f urer of the Clretnwsll, recited "\Vh Tickets," and won rounds of applnus «!♦ CANADA. oockik m Montreal.-At Ills Majesty's (It. Q. Iih'oK*, manajnr) "The Isle of Sjjlcc" pUyed Buffalo.— At the 8tar fhentre (P. C. Cornell, manager) Korbes Robertson, la "Lov* and the Man," appears Jan. 30. James K. Ilackett Feb. 0-8. "The Wizard of Oi" played to tremendous business week ending Jan. 28. Teck (Walter 9. Baldwin, manager). — "Zaza" this week: "Holy ' City" played to line business last week. Vaudeville baa been abandoned for the present, and the stock company will continue. "The Sternal City" next week. Convention. Hail (H. L. Meech, custodian).— The Hoffman-Krelsler concert occurs 31. Lyceum (J. Laughlln, manager). — Current week : Billy Clifford, In "How Be Won Her ;" "A Hot Time" Feb 0-11. Charles Grapewlu, in "The Awakening 6f Mr. Pipp," drew fine audiences and pleased last week. Academy (C. g. Stevens, manager). — "A Race for Life" this week. "The Stain of Guilt" next week. "Mrs. Mac, the Mayor," played to good returns last week. Shea's (M. Shea, manager). — People appearing week of 30 : Navajo Girls, Sanaman Troupe, Mr. and Mrs. James Barry, Bedlnl and Arthur, Greene and Werner. Harry Howard's ponies, Dlxson and Agnes and the klnetograph. LiFAiETTR (Chas. M. Bagg. manager). — Rico & Barton's Rose mil HCo. this week. The Merry Maidens next week. The City Sports did well last week, Notes. — Walter S. Baldwin has returned from New Orleans P. C. Cornell and John Laughlln are In New York. ■ Rochester. — At the Lyceum (M. E. Wolff, mauager) Edward Morgan, la "The Eternal City," Jan. 23, drew a large audience. Viola Allen gave a fine performance of "The Winter's Tale," to a capacity bouse, 25. Blanche Walsh presented a new play, In four acts, by Clyde Fitch, entitled "The Woman In the Case," Jan. 27, 28. Play and acting scored a distinct success. The acting of the star and her line company was above criticism. May Irwin 30, Field's Minstrels Feb. 3. 4. National (Max Hurtle, manager). — Billy Clifford, In "How He Won Her," had good attendance Jan. 23-25. Mr. Clifford proved to be practically the whole show. An additional feature was the act of Howe, Walters and Gano. Eugenie Blair gave "Her Secon-1 Life" 26-28. a drama. In three acts and a prologue, adapted by Wllkle Collins from bis novel, "The New Magdalene." The acting of Miss Blair and Frank SheridanIs worthy of mnch praise, and the play evidently pleased our people very much. . John W. Vogel's Big City Minstrels 30Feb. 1. "The Great Automobile Mystery" 2-4. Bakeii (J. E. Boyle, manager). — "James Boys in Missouri" was given to fair audiences 28-25. "A Race for Life" -was shown to fine business 20-28. "Hearts Adrift" 30Feb. 1, "The White Tigress of Japan" 2-4. Cook Ofeba House (J. H. Moore, manner).— 8. R. O. business still rules here. Ill 30 and week : Adgle and her lions. Mary Duppnt and Co., the Three Yoscarrys, the Empire Comedy Four, Elizabeth Murry, Misses Dclmorc, Galando and klnetograph. Corinthian (Henry C. Jacobs, manager). — The Fny Foster Co. played to 8. R, O. week of 23. A feature wsb the act of Capt. Keller's Zouaves. The City Sports 80 and week. ■ Albany. — At Harmanus Bleeckcr Hall (H. R. Jacobs, manager) Robt B. Mantell had 8. It. O. frequently Jan. 28-28. Mr. Newark. — At the Newark Theatre (Leo Ottolengul, manager) Rogers Brother* Jan. .10 anil week. Geo, Primrose's Minstrels gave an excellent show, to good houses, 2328. "The Wlsard of Oi" next. Banna (II. M. Hyaros, manager). — "Under Southern Skies" returns this week. Adelaide . Thurston, In "Polly Primrose." drew fair booses 23-28. "The Lost Boy" next. Columbia (M. J. Jacobs, manager).— "At Risk of Ills Life" this week. "The Little Outcast" received fair attention 23-28. "The Younger Brothers" next. _.Blaney's (J. H. Bucken. manager).— "A Desperate Chance" 30 and week. "A Working Girl's Wrongs" did fairly well 28-118. "The Great Automobile Mystery" next. Waluman.vk (W. S. Clark, manager). — The New Majesties this week. Sam Devere's show drew well against the storm 23-28. The Bon Ton Rurlesmiers next. Pooctoh's (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).— Delia Fox heads the current Hat. The Crane Brothers, Six Reed Birds, Callahan and Mack, Delia Donal, Four Rlanos, Cook and Silvia and Bellclalr Bros, complete the bill. Business was good last week. a 1 r«n ton . — At Taylor Opera I louse (Montgomery Moses, manager) Mme. Behumaun-Belnk, Jan. 21, had big business. "The Tenderfoot,'' 27, filled the house. Margaret Anglln 30, Adelaide Thurston 31, Nat C. Goodwin Feb. 1. Frank Daniels 2, "The Wizard of Ox" 3, 4, Paderewakl 7, Primrose's Minstrels 0, Grace George 10, "Plffl Pail! I Pouil!!" 11. 8tate Stbeet (Frank Sbolters, manager!. — "Under Southern Skies," Jan. 21, hod big business. Selma Herman. 23-25, did well. "Dora Thorne" 28, "On the Suwanee River" 30-Feb. 1. "Texas" 2-4, Al. II. Wilson 6, "Queen of the Highway" 7, 8, the Great Lnfayette 0-11. TitENT (Edward Renton, manager).— Business last week was good. Bill for, 30 and week : Will H. Murphy an* Blanche Nichols, Aerial Smiths, Adelle, Bayard and Co., Carmen Slaters, "A Night in Venice," Duryea and Mortimer, Trask and Gladden and the! blogrnph. ■ Atlanllo City.— At the New Savoy (Fred E. Moore, manager) Henry Miller crowded the bouse Jan. 23. "The Jewel of Asia" wag hilled 25. but the blizzard prevented the performance. "The Other Olrl" did excellent business 27. "Dolly Varden" waa another strong drawing card 28. Coming: "Polly, —■>" 30, Mar to fair house* Jan. 23-28. Do Wolf Hop 3D and wK'k Viola Allen follows. or Music (n. C. Bgtrtoo, mannger). — Dau MrAvoy, In "His Honor, the Mayor of the Bowery," hntf good audiences 23-28. Geo. W. Munroe 30 and week. Billy Clifford follows, Fiiancaih (F. Hawortb, manager). — The CotY CArtWr Burlesque Co., with Root and Dorlbn and Charmlon, had splendid houses 23-28. Mtss Clover's Jolly Burlcsquera 3b and Rovai. (F. W. I.e Clair, manager).— "Kscn|ied from Hint; Sing" had fair houses 232». "When Women Love" 30 and week. "The James Roys In Missouri" follows. National Fsaxcair (O. (lauvre.iu, mnn.i«sr>. — Tbo permanent French Stock Co., In 'The Two Orphans/' drew fair houses 23-28. "Roger Ln Hante" 30 and week. TJia Nouvkai'tss. — The permanent French Slock Co., In "Feu ToOplntl," came to good houses 23-28. "Birds ot Passage" 30 and week. ' ' ' t Toronto.— At the Princess (O. B. Sheppard, manager) "Ghosts," Jan. 23-23, drew largo business. Bejane, In repertory, had the capacity 20-28. "The Isle of Spice" 9U and week. GrtASn Ockiu Hotisn (A. 3. Small, mana Epr). — "Running for Office" played to big uslncss. Chas. K. Grapewln 80 and week. Majestic . (A. J. Small, manager). — "Hearts Adrift" came to fair business last week. "The Slain of Guilt" 80 and week. Shea's (J, Shea, manager). — A good bill last week nnd big business with : The Navajo Girls, Kathryn Osterman and Co., Press Eldrldge. the Misses Delmore, Slnon and Paris, Hal Merritt, Mopnev and Holbein, tbo klnetograph, Clayton white and Marie Stuart Co, STAR (F. W. Stair, manager).— Rent*. Santley Co. played to capacity 28-28. Fay Foster BUrletquers 80 and weak. Hamilton. — At the Grand Opera House (A. R. Loudon, manager) De Wolf Hopper, Jan. 23, 24, had tremendous audiences. "When Women Love," 28, pleased a capacity house. Forbes Robertson played to two crowded houses 20. "The Btaln of Guilt" 27, 28, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Martin's) 80. "Gnosis" Feb. 1. local concert 2, "Escaped from Slog fling*' 3, i. "The Isle of Biilce" 0. 7, "The Awakening of Mr. Plnp" 8, 0, Jessie Milward and vaudeville 10, II. Stab (J. G. Apple ton, manager). — Tllg business. BUI for week of Jan. 30 : The Morrldtli Trio, Epps and Lorotta, the Woodwards, Lambert and Pierce, Taylor and Fairman, Geo. Foster, North and South and Jessie Gardner. lT»tJT«\NA. IMtttanapoltsv— At English's Opera House (AdrF. Miller, manager) Otis Skinner appcarcd In "Tho Harvester'' Jan. 20, 21. Htltv dreds were turned away. Virginia Harped. In "Tho I*dy Shore," 28, 24, bad good. itted houses. Roselle Knott, In "Cousin Kate," 28: "The Prince of Pllsen" 31-Feb. 1, Chas. tlawtray 2. Bertba Gallnnd 3, 4. J?A»aT (Dickson & Tntbott maniifenU-*'W hwGlrts r^ave Home." Jan. 10-21, nacMd th» house. "Deserted nt the Altar," 28-28, MM -the house. "Tho .Beauty Doctor" 2028, "Imvld llanim" 80F4b. 1. _ , ti_ G«uni> OtssA House (Shafcr Zolgler, mansgeril— Rmraett Cnfrlgtn and company. In "Jockey Jones," Is the hcadllner week of 30. Jonirs Mnrton, Three Rnmonlers, tho llushDevere TrUi, Klskn nud Ring, Josephine Alns. Icy, Ford Sinters, Raymond and Cuvcrly and the b4oacop<<. Paul Conchas, In a sensational net, was the talk of the town week of 28. Business tested the capacity. Bmpiiib (Chas. Zlmuiefmnn, manager).—The Gay Mnsnucrndcrs did the usual b bj business week of 23. Rellly & Wood's Big Show week of 80. i Marlon.— At the Indiana |K L. Klnnoman. manager) Rva Tanguay, In "The Sambo Girl," drew a packed house Jan. 17, ana scored one ot tho greatest personal triumphs ever wort by an actress In this city. , Mary L'merton met with success In "lll» MalettT and the Maid," 10. "Captain Harrington, ' with William Brarawoll. brought out a good bouse 25. "Peggy from Paris" 80, "Tba County Chairman" Feb, 1. , ... SunD (K. L. Klnneraan, manager).— "An Aristocratic Tramp" filled the houso 10. "Ten Nights lu a Bar Room" had good business 20. Sam T. Jack's Ilurlesqucrs played to standing room houses 31. "Ill* Better Ha f' wns elaborately pntronlscd 21. "A Married Man's Troubles" 27, "Peck's Bad Boy" 28, London (luloty Girls HO, "Baasjafs M_S"S. 31, "The Two Johns" Feb. 2, "Who 1b Who7" a; "An Orphan's Prayer" 4. CiiYSTAt. (John II. Amnions, manugor).-Crowded houses. For week of 80 : Rustell and Dunbar, Tom Dolmoro, Riulcliffo nnd Belmont, Irene White, Illustrated songs, and the klnodrome. , , ,. _ _ N«rns. — Ira II, Bwlsher Ims leaacd tho.Ocnnelt Theatre, at Richmond, for flvo years, binding himself not 10 book burlosquo snows or bugUlatlc exhlbitlmH......RInk owna» In the citlos of the Central Lyngtw aro planning a Summer vaudevlllo circuit, to optn after tho close of flio polo sensoa In April. Tho cities Included In the circuit aro Marlon, Kokorno, Lafayette, Indianapolis. '£«• HlUte. Uknniport, Fort Wayne, Anderson, and DanvlTlc. HI Colnmhia City will erect a new opera house In tho Spring at a cost of 130,000 Tho Kogloe of Wabash are collcitlng subscriptions to stock la a uow 110,000 opera house. ^ KvansMiie — At the Ursnd (Peilloy A Burch, manngcrt).— "PeglY , frWB JSE3L Jan. 22, drew a big house. Himtln Farnrlln 20. "liveryman" 20, high school commencemen! 27, "'"I'lie County Chairman" 28, "Bleeping Beauly nnd tbo Beast" JIO-Kob, 4, Maxlne Psor>i.i:''H (l»edley & Ilawh. igmg&tt Tim sirantleil Cutter k William* Stock Co. Primrose" 30, Slhrgaret "Anglln 31. "A Royal Wlnnlpesr At tbo Winnipeg (C. P. hatl a boueflt pprlormnnce 22, and tho tliea K Se0',,',"Su<:^0?th^HL«nw„arT"/3' Walker, manager) "A Chinese1 ifoneymoon t" gfi heral Wt^nip Lv« lanwny Nat C. Goodwin 4. Thurber-Nasher Stock Co. played an extra performance here to 8. R. 0. ■W1^ z1i> to 8' "• °' 1»DI!rl0»* MIB E and Mrs. Fay 30 and week. i:.Mi't::i; (11. R. Jacobs, manager).— "The Parish Priest." Jan. 23-25, had good at tonitanm, "Hi. Hln nf Tomntntlnn^' '.'(t-SS to fair business, Shenard's moving plc1 20, "James Boys In Missouri" 30-Feb. 1. came tores Pboctob's (Howard Graham, resident manager). — Very fine business continues. Rill 30 nnd week: The Bight Vassar Girls, May Isabel Flsk, Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Mathews and Ashley, Mills and Morris. Waldorf and Mendcz and AVood and Berry. Gaikty. ill. B. Nichols, manager). — Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows, 28-2S, furnished amusement to many. Manchester's Cracker Jacks followed 20-28. Good business continued. Weber's Dainty Duchess 30-Feb. 1, Bentz -Santley Co. 2-4. Notes. — Chas. B. Walte, the well known actor, bad his leg amputated at tho Albany Hospital recently. He bas signed with "The Sign of the Four" Co., and on recovery will assume the cole ot a one-legged sailor Proctor's displays a new electric sign of handsome design Oliver Stacey Is again In the box office of the Gaiety Theatre. ■ Troy;. — At the Lyceum (Bums, Glllam, manager) the Snow Co. drew large bouses last. week, in "Romeo and Juliet," Its second presentation this season. "The Cowboy and the Lady" Jan 30-Feb. 4. Gms worn (M. Itcls, manager). — Edward J. Morgan appeared, In "The Internal City," Jan. 20. Al. G. Field's Minstrels had, a. good house 28. Milton Aborn'a Vaudeville Co. Is dun 80 and week. Hand's JM. Rfels. manager).— "Rip Van Wlnklo" drew well 23-25. "The Parish Priest" had Rood bouses 20-28. Louis J. Russell, in '"The Middleman," 80-Feb. 1 ; "Tho James Boys in Missouri" 2-4., (William Costcllo, resident mana fcr 1. — The Cracker Jacks packed the bouse nti 23-25. The Jolly Grass Widows had good houses 20-28. The Rents-Santley BurFcsqners 80-Feb. 1, the Dainty Duchess Burlesnuers 2-4. i s i . Kliuirn At the Rial to (F. W. McCon nell, manager) week of Jau. 30 : The Palmers, the Lockharts, Monroe and Parker, Lillian Jeasette, Marlon Blake. Chatham, Slaters, May Nellson. and tbo Rlaltoscope. Standing room only ruled laat week. New Casino (G. P. Devltto, manager). — People for this week : Marvellc and (lleason, Clifford and Orth, May Roche, Jessie Stanley. Ktbel Vane, Sadie Brannlgan. Kvani and Mann and uiflnoscopc. Buslnesi excellent. A wrestling match each Monday night Bnrth and Barnes met 30. KTAiRCt.irir Hall (H. I'. Rlgney, manager). — People week of 30: Kutlun and Mutton, the Lockharts. Arnold Brothers, May Nellson and Edison's klnetoseope. Business good, t, — Syracuse.— At Welting Opera House (John I,. Kerr, manager) Margaret Anglln npii"fired to fair business Jan. 18, 18. "Plffl Parri! Poof!!!" had bigbusiness 0.1, 20. Viola Allea-28, Field's Minstrels 20, Annie Rnasnll Fetf. 4. ' . Bahtaiii.i; (II. A. Iliirttg. manager). — Knar-nit lllalr. in "Her Second Lire, Jan. 23-2.-1. plnaied greatly. "How He Won Unr" week of 0. except 7, when Primrose's Minstrels are booked. i Ocban Finn Tiibatbb (W. H. Bhakelford, manager). — This house, after undergoing a complete renovation from front door to stage entrance, reopens Feb. 2 with "The Middleman," to appear three nights. Ocean Pies (W. B. Bhakelford, manager). — This resort reopens for the season Feb. 18, with the Royal Artillery Band of Italy. ' . . » Jersey City— "Paris by Night" pleased excellent attendances at the Academy last week. "Queen of the White Slaves" was successful In a financial sense nt the Bijou. Rose Sydell's lHirlesnuera bad a substantial harvest at the Bon Ton. Acaukmy (Frank H. Henderson, manager). ■=9Qk weeny of Jan. 30. "BbtdowR on tho Hearth." "The Mlssourians" follows. Buou (J. W. Holmes, proprietor).— Week of 30, "Sky Farm :" next week, Nat k Wills. Ron Ton (T. W. Dlnklnt, manager).— Tho Transatlantic Iiurlcsquers week of 30; next week, the Kentucky Belles. . . i I ii'i Camden — a t the Camden (M. W. Tav95 ^ «5?nn«cr) "Dora Thorhe" and "New York Day By Bay" were money makers last week. 'Too Proud to Bog" 30-Feb. 1, "On the Suwanee River" 2-4, "Her First False Stop" 0-8. Notes.— $50,000 worth of shares have been Issued for the new theatre which Is to be erected In. the Hprlns. The proposition is meeting with universal approval. Six per rent, la promised Investors, stock non-atsessable F. layed an extra performance here to 8. R. 0 .ocal week of Jan. 30, Dominion (M. Kyle, manager).— Big bustnets. Bill week of 30: The Btttrbrooka. Merrill, trick bicyclist ; Will Armstrong aud Msgdclene Holly, Alf. Holt, Bonn Brummel nh«f Miss Klraoerley, Arlington and Uelson, Minstrels 28. ployed to 8. It. O, J Galettl's monks and the ktiiodromo. of 11 lion," 80 had a big boUse. "T i t'lmlrmaii" ill, "l'ttiisr Pob. 1, London.— At the Grand (L\ X. Kormann, manager) "When Women I/ovc," Jan, 2B, had an excellent house. "Obotts" came 28. Tho house was sold out for Forbes Bobcrtson, 28. London (C. W. Bennett, manager). — Busl. ness fair week of 24, tho elections Interfering. BUI for week of 80: Ascott, Eddie and company, lillls-Nowlan Trio, Mr. itml Mrs. fiottiob, Glenroy nnd Russell, Bryant sud Snvlllc, Nick otto, George end flcorglo, ISthel Robinson, Allum and Meo nud kluetograpli. si» NEW ttAMPBHIUB. Strcls 20. Terre Hsatf A l the (Hand Opera Homo IT. W. ltarnytU, niunager) Mary Fniertion mine Jan. 20, to fair business. Nank"vllle'H ■ "rim Prlneo The County mv. ., rKliirn of Mnrv Kmerson 2. Itosollo Knolt 8, rnturn ot •"llib Maid find thn MUlOiay'r 4 Ksii'ine (Thou, II. Flnnegsn, tnniuiitiTl.— •I'liS present week's bllf is , nn iiiiumiu lly kIhiur tmo, Including the CurmyM. Mlittor nnd French, Mnlvlllo ami Awlle, Wall uu«l West, Sisters AhtWoiit, Mr. nnd Mm, Totn Fliiueciiii, John nnd Anna Hart. +++ ORHGON. Mauehester. — At tho Opera House (M lorilaui! — At tho Mari|imiii (SniihI (Calvin llolllg, manager) White Wliliilfw-y. did fair buslnms Juif. 1IMH. "Tim Hiihuii of Hiilu" did big buslnoNs 10-21. JohoiiIi Jr. and William JetRrson -211-24, Msnlnlll tlpoiatlii W. Harrington, mauager) for week of Jan. ao, af, »tiio Silver Slipper" Kob. 2-1. 23 lliolan'a Musical Comedy Co. camo to rni,i;»UiA (A. II. IMIIard, inilfmifc-r) good houses. Stetson's "Undo Tom's C'nblu" Rdgnr Baume, leading than of the t'nliiin Hoimken — At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) business last week was verv good. "Fast Life In New York" Jan, 20-Keb. 1, "A Midnight Marriage" 2-4, "A Girl of the 8treet" 6-8, "Xew York Day By Day" Oil. Kjipiiib (A. M. Brttgfreman. proprietor). — Good business. Bill for current week : Henry Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Oardner Crane, Hoey and Lee. Gavin and Piatt, John Le Clair. Thompson and Don and Geo. W. Huasey. ■' ' i ' i Elisabeth. — At the Lyceum (Elroy tt Drake, managers) "A Fight for Millions" came Jan. 23-20. "A Struggle for Gold" 2028. Both did fairly Well. "Queen of tho Highway" 80-Keb. 1, "The Parish Priest" 24, ''A Royal Slave" 8-8, "Two Little Waifs" 0-11. .lAcons'.— "Iris" 10, "The Simple Lift" 21, Thurber & Naaber Stock 23-28. ♦ »♦ At the last regulnr" meeting of Pittsburg Inidge, No. 37, the following offcers were InKtalled for the ensuing year : Frank W. Poulson, president : Harry Donkle, vice president ; Harry F. Taylor, recording secretary : C. H. Millard, financial secretary; Tim Carroll, treasurer: Burl Gontbor, marshal! ; John Speck, sergeant at arras: Thos. Kirk Jr., John Barnbart and Albert Murdock. trustees. After the Installation a social session was held, which was. Instructive and very enjoyable. No. 37 IS getting ready to hold Its annual ball April25, which Is looked forward to with much pleasure by all local theatrical people. Pittsburg Lodge meets the first Sunday of each month, at 8 r. v.. In the N'lxon Theatre. All traveling members of the T. M. A. are invited to call nnd are assured a hearty welcome. At the regular meeting of Buffalo Lodge, T. M. A., No. 18, held Jan. 22, the following officers for the ensuing year were duly Insfulled by Grand Secretary Robt. C. Newman, officiating, after which adjournment wns taken to tho home of Bro. Gus P. Melstcr,, where the brothers assembled around the festive board, and a very enjoyable time followed. Among other things "toasts" were given id honor of our grand secretary, who was present, also our newly elected president, Wm. Graham: Wm. Grahum, president: Richard Birsher, vlco president: U. H. Downey, recording, secretary: C. L. Staffll, financial secretary; Gus I'. Melster, treasurer; Jake Lltcher, marshal!; W. W. Kitchln, physician; Chas Wets, Chas. Randall. John Grlfflth, trustees. • At a special meeting of Baltimore Lodge, No. 14, held at the Academy of Music on the evening of Jan. 20, Peter Winn And J. A; Bass, of the Geo. Primrose Minstrel Co., were Initiated Into the mysteries of the order, after which all retired to a near-by cafe nnd enjoyed themselves until the small hours of the morning. Following aro the names of the officers of Philadelphia Lodge No. 3, T. M. A. who were Installed Jan. 22, by Deputy Grand l'rcsldont Augustus Walls, assisted by Past President Joseph Wiley: President, John Penrose: vice president, Joseph W. Beck : reiiirdlng secretary. Chas. J. Levering; linanclal secretary, Alex. Christie : treasurer, Woi. |P, Scbacfer : physician, Dr. W, C. Hammond : trustee, Gus. Walls ; marshall, George I'alhoun; guard, Chas. Gemenden; sergeant at arms, Walter J. McConnahcy. Our benefit, in aid of the relief fond, will take place at the Garrlck Theatre Friday afternoon, Jan. 27. A lengtbv programme of attractions from New York and Philadelphia theatres will be presented. < Notes from Chicago:Locnl, No. 2.— We elected ' the' followlns" officers on Jan. 20 • President, John F. Marsh (sixth term) ; vice president, Nelson I.und (second term) : treaB . urer, Edward Hnmlck ; . general-secretary tnd 20-29. ",Tlie Great Automobile Mystery" 30 (exposition, fof, oae-weefc at HdlB Cross bualnet* manater, Lte M, Hart .(twehtth Fefc : 1, ■ • ' JTP <,. ' C Collrgd ■Orouao'i, begtonln? 20 The T. Li'eb. 8, Flynn Stock Co. (Ml 1'auk (John Stiles, manager). — Alvln Jack Co., Ih "Younger Brothers/' 23-25, had good business. T'The Cattle. King" 20-28, by tho same company ; Morgan & Bolt moving pictures 30-Feb. 1. ' Casino (At. Mnrtz, manager). — For week of 30: Jim Burke, Hurley Sisters, Alfred Boutin, I'cnil Frnzlcr and Hdlth Alston. Notks. — Manager Al. MartK, of tho casino, Is now booking his own specialty company for a tour throughout tho New England States, beginning early In April Fagau nnd Merrlmn will go on tho Western circuit, opening at Utlca. N. Y., week of Feb. 9 Ernest A. Provcnchtfr, of the Bonnott-Moulton Co., has returned to bis home here,.,.. Richard Armstrong will go out In advance of. the CSrl Httgcnbeck Circus Frank Layo Is preparing for his third annual tour of the maritime provinces and Canada, with a new wagon show. Co". '25, Will lo' Collier 2(1-28, Lewis Morrison 30, ill. "Tho Silver Slipper" Fob. 2-1. tlobUMhiA (A. H. Ballard, milhuif ... Kilgnr Baume, leading than of the cnliiinbls Tlmnlrn Slock Co., cloHetl his tmgagemont Jan. 21, Jhiiios Kosno begun a special ongrigi-ineut of ono week with IktJ company, presenting "The Crimo of Du lloso." wBli-lj drew two capacity houses 22. Howard i.onld joins tlm conipnny 20 as lending mini, when "Moths of Society" will ho put on. The tat two IiIIIh, "Tho Holy Clly" anil "The Wife," huvn drawn (he biggest business In tho his tory of the tlicutic KMl'lHH (George L >le' ' lion Baker, inuiiBucr).— LOCI81ASA. New Orleans.— At the Tulane (W. II. Howies, manager) Savage's English Opera Co. proved u big drawing card, at advanced prices, Jan. 22-28. "The Billionaire" 20 and week. C'hkhcknt (W. II. Howies, mnoagtr). — Lew Dockstadtr'g Minstrels played to full houses 22-28. Cbauncev Oicott 29 and week. Gheenwali. (Henry GreenwaU, manager). —The Baldwin-Melville Stock Co. presented •The White Tlgrea of Japan" week of 22. t.i big buslae«8. "A Japanese Nightingale'1 29 and week. Gdand Oi'Ein Hot'sn (I!. C. 1'ourton, manager).— "The Plunger," as presented by tbo •(rand Stock Co., week of 22, enjoyed big business. "Buffalo Bill" 29 and week, French Oj-kiia Housn (F. Cnwlle, raanitger). — The French Dramatic ami Comedy Co. elosi'il Its season here 22. Thn company remalucil over, giving some few benefit performances for themselves. MAINE. Portland. — At the Jefferson Theatre (Calm A Grunt, managers). — Nntico O'Nell, In "Tba Jewess/' drew fulr buslnetH Jim. 28. The Boe Stock Co. presented a reprlory, to satisfactory returns 24-28. The Irene Myers Stock Co. appears 30-Feb. 4, excepting 1, when "The County Chairman" Is due. I'onTLA.M) (James K. Moure, manager). — The usual top notch business prevails. For Jan, 30 and week : Tho Four Flying Dunbars, Stuart Barnes, Dolnn and Lcnlmrr, Lonilnu mui Gr.imly, Rcarlc and Violet Alley and Wilson and Davis. «i» — Frank Oiling, a cigar dealer, who had. his store near the Grand Opera House, Cincinnati, and who was well known to professionals, died Jan. 25. Nettle, tho Newmrlrl," had two cttpnclty .iouhcm 22. "A Jolly Amerlenli Trninn" did good business )n-17, and Prof. Nyei. Ii.vpuolist, did fair business 20, 21. Thu Nobla Block Co., In repertory, week of 20. HiiAND (V. Lincoln, iliimiiger).— t'lirn Ml«; kell. Huntress, Fannie Dunovnn. Wills aud Barran, J. Fulti, Kohlor and Keymoiir,. Clarence Hlsters, Alf. Bonner and Oninillscop". Btau (H. Morton Cohen, inansger).— 'Aha Chamroys, the Famous Tourist Trio, ClaUdins nnil Corbln, llnnsnn and Urow, HMfora nnd Darlington, Daisy Vernon and Hdlton's projectoteope. . ■• , Aiii-aub (8. Morton Cohan, miinngflr) .-r Holmes and Mack, l'enrl Grey. Untes and Kritest, Rose Davenport, tho llurtluot unO tht bioscope, , . Ltiiic 1 Keating & Flood, inanhfjoine).-— 4i» CALIFORNIA. Thirty-three Day*' Tour via Pennsylvania It all rood. Tbo Pennsylvania Railroad Company bat arranged for a special persoully-conaucttd tour through California, to leave Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington on February 18, by the "Golden Gate Hpnrlal." composed exclusively of Pullman parlor-smoking, dining, drawing-room, sleeping, compurf formahecs for themselves. incut, nnd observation curs, returning by Lvau: (I la vies A U'lunann, proprietors).— March 21. This special truln will bn rim over The Olympic f)pcrn Co., week of 22, presontod ",0 entire route. The best hofols will bo used "Hm,'po,^,|,i" in n ui,,«r i, Lin tuntr ... 1. 1., k„ul. whsrw erlendfil rIotim nrrt msrlf*. lint tbnlrnln 'Boccaccio" in a most able way to big busl ucHs. Vaudeville between acts. "Hello BUI". ''0 nnd miILi Faiunta'k (T81g. Faranta, manaser). — The usual big biiilness 28-28, with tut Taylor Btock Co., In repertory. Oepew-Burdette Co. 30 and week. where extended stops are made, but the train will bo at the constant command of the party. Round-trip tickets covering all necessary expenses, 8375 from nil points on Pennsylvania Railroad except Pittsburg, from which /It. Cuauilh OnciiEi'n (M. Btck, luiiim!■).— HIM wMk of III) Ini-liides: flam Eltou, l-'*Hx. Harry anil Barry, Meson and Kttler, Pauttnn and Doolsy, I'urd and Wilson, Sheet Bros, and ibe Barrow-Lancaster Co, (second week), , ; v. Notes.— Die Boer War, ffon) the Sl.l^uls" point the rate will lie 8370. Por Itineraries aud further Information apply to ticket ageotn; (.'. Htuilds, KiiMteru -'asseuger Agent, 2113 Fifth Ave., New York ; Hugh Unison, Jr., Passenger Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore. Md. : Ii, M. Newhold.raswnger Agent HiMillieusleru Dlstrlet, Washingfoo. D. C. : Thus. B. Watt, Passsager, An»nt Western Dlsfrlct, Pittsburg. Pa. ; or addrest Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. % ■■ -■• • Texas'1 80, „,,.'.. lluoi; ( Krctl T. Merlll, maniiKerl,— ililg house dlscontlnund vaudnvllln 22. Ths Bljoit Slock Co., under ihn nisniigement of A. it. I'liornn. op<-ned 23, In "Tho Colonel." Muring pictures between acts two and llirufl. Majib (A. Bhnplro, manager). -Zcloa Hummem, Helena aud Lummlo Sisters. ,« Oncueifw (W. A. Blmons, niuii«Kor).^tilnn's Burlwnuo Co.. Mac Vernon, Ids llosIter, Francli Venlta Grey. Imogen Mansfield, Rva Wlniton. Nemo Catto, Jack Davis, the Gardellert, Kollsty Moors, inex St, Claire, Mae Kmerson, Belle Piper, Mndjlalne Carbonetto, Hawley nnd Vnss and Kate Rockwell FniTZ'a New Tiikatub (J. J. West, misty «r).— Jack and Myitis Mack, Booney. and Forrester, Dee Himlliwlck. Fay T/etlle, AdI Bradford. Prince Goto, Johnnie Biggs, Marguerite Mlennor, Harry Steel. Thelma Wheeler, Helen Gould nud Josln Myers. Iti.Artrn's Ciincbht llAi.r, (KM II. riavls, manager). — Doruto f.'ordero, Prlco and Lyslo, llcorala Verdi uml Nsdlnn Allen. Kbickhon'h Mi'HK! HAM, (Charles Herg, manager). — Dorrls Greenwalri. Jeimlo tleutley. The Three Khntlands, Ilvluuii, Mumle Raymond and Bert Newell. »»> — WHght Lorlmer appeared In Krneit I.ary't one act play, "Chatterton," nt tht benefit given nt the Hollls Htreet Theatre, Boston, nfternonn of Jon. 211, for the Cambridge Memorial Fund, by lh« Dnnghtora of the Revolution; He inafl* a decided nnccest id fhr poat.newpaptrcpinnKtnt; On his jrdRl being unanimous In Its praise, Mr, Lorlmer has alayicd n five years contract with Wm. A. Itfiidy, who will star tbo young actor In "Tbh Shepherd King"' ami other big profluotlont duMDf Uwt veilod of MM j_ -.