The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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yiffiSiBY is, Tiite jsnsiw YOBK aLippkEiV 1223 i'io lliei, Mitcm and Guru-lie. Johnson und Weill, Holey and Burke, and klnttojrrapb. ■ CabTO lAI, Huyces, manager ).— McWattew-TjrWa.'Co.", were special favorites, here last Weeky and Jbelt act won much applause. . I looked ■' week of 18; Wright Huntington, (Jrev* and Green, Edward Armstrong, tllolaComodjr I'oiir and Wilson, Orlettn nnd Taylor.Lorraine and Gandy, Lewis and Delmore, and the Flood Brothers. ('amino' (W. I,, Gallagher, manager). — Business wan good week or (I. Hooked week of 13: The Nnsmiitlm, Felix Martin. Wilson and Westman, ttegsle Doyle, AndrewH and Allston, Kdltli Roberto Uurle^rjiie Co., In "l-ady's Club." XOTICK TO CORKllRPONDISNTfs. ■All cony ifttettttof: fm■ publication in. the AWHi-iriani number „f TllM CLirr-FiH. datnl *Vl. a, Should r«Jr*'«s bb HalmWuu, Feb. JS. \ • ■■■■■,■ A » » I ~ PKWSVIAAMA. Sprlnvfleld. — At the Court Square <D. O. flllmore, manager) the. E. V. Fhe|nu Co., with pretly gtrU, rollicking comedians and light melody, made merry taut week, with I be exception of Feb. ID, when Frank ItaDlels, In "The Office Boy," played. Booked: Paderewskl 13, Henry Miller. 15. Ireland's Own Band 10. "The Merry Shop Girl'' IT, 18. Ceellln Loftns 22, John Drew 24, "The Country lain" 25. , ' . ■„„,,. Xt.v GIlmorb (James p. Fitch, manager). "A Working Ulrr* Wrongs," 0-S, drew well. "Human Hearts" i:M5, '•Hearts Adrift" 1818 • Pom's (Chat. W. Fonda, manager). — The management thinks nothing Is too. good for Its patrons. Bill week of 1.1: Iloouey and' Bent, Ward and Currnn, Mr. and Mrs. Allison. Herbert's dogs, ' MitBlcal Cralga, Three Mareenos, Dan J. Harrington and electrograph. NbisOK {'/•. T. Damon, manager). — The Rehtt-Bantley Co., 0-8, proved Bs attractive ns ever. Tbe burlesque fairly sparkled with fun, sdhg and novelties. Frank Burt and Vamouioto Brothers were two strong feature*. The Llllputlans, 1)11, gave a tery entertaining show. Fay Foster Co. 13-15, Al. Reeves' 'Co. 1C-18 (return date). Btauk Jottings. — Warren J. Ferguson has fully recovered fromhlR late Illness, and Is now In advance of Spencer k Aborn'g ''A Wife's Secret." Geo. S. Hanscomb, who recently closed w'fh the' Steward-Stock-Co., has Just Joined the Bingvllle Jland,, a niu^lrn< comedy act which Is playing vaudeville.. . . . .Hereafter all bills put out ln..thla c'tv must lienr tbe stamp of approval of the uuno cltv marshal. Robert Kane, with tbe B. Cti V * Chelan Cd, who has had charge of the Casino, Mountain Park, Holyoke, for a numb«r of vetirB. Is to be in charge again the cnmlngBumniM*. . . .Tom Brown, the whistler, has returned to this country... ...A vaudeville entertnlnment was given at the Academy of Music, Northampton. 10. for the benefit of the Firemen's Belief Association. Those appearing were : Archie Boyd. Katherlne Nugent, Adams, Edwards and "Zeke," Robinson 'ml Grant. Ilonpy Jack Lyle, the flonlmans nnd Kelly and Bono., Knox. Wilson made his first appearance In vaudeville at Polls, in a Dutch comedy act, and acored a success. North AilHrnn.— At Hie Empire (James Sullivan, manager) Harvey A Guge Comedy Co.. week of 0, did a satisfactory business, PMIadel utiln.— Still .the good work continues, theatregoers keep the local houses filled and the managers are consequently content. Lost week's attractions fully kept up the good record established since Ibe first of the year. It being practically lni|,osnitie to find n bouse any evening last week which was not well filled. AfAiiKMv o*' M is ic— Tuesday evening's performance of grand opera brlngB "Fanft" to the tore, the cast Including: Mints. Eamea, Jacoby, Bauertnelster, MM. Saletii, Seoul, Jouraet and Begue. Last week's Iierfornianoe of "Carmen"' was highly pralstd, nnd tln-re was no lack of attendance. The two concerts, by Hie Philadelphia Orchestra, usrry n end le Hat press ond Droved to be one of tl)e best repertory Joseph Hart, Carrie De »mr and t cL? „( ■ Vh» «en»on HarveV & Guec Co , on pany appeared In this new mun ffiS^rfMSSMTB^)4TwWlffiu««!S last week, and the public receptto nlnvn'he Parish Prfest!1' and tie local lodge that could be desired. The same L_ BTbZSS «r wiiieh manv of ihe members of to be continued for some time to come, while tte^mrmnV St^wiS attend ™nT body! another I.ederer production Is In preparation brought out large gatherings of mimic lovers. Monday and WcdpeBday evenings of tola week the. scheduled concerts by the Boston Symphony Orchestra take place, the soloists being Nichols and D'Albert. respectively. ; KilOAfi BtrKkt Theatre (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).— John Drew continued to fill this house lost week, , tbe laat week lot his engagement, and he also continued to please h>s admirers with performances of "The Duke of Kllllcrankle." Tbla week tiegins the engagement of Forbes Kobertson, <In "Love and the Man." Garbick Theatjib (Frank Howe Jr.. manager).— The engagement of Lionel Barrymore,, in "The Other Girl," comes to an this week. Theatregoers tilled tbls bouse Week and Joined with the critics of tbe i. In praising both the admirable comedy and Its well nigh perfect performance. Eleauor Hobson, In "Merely Mary Ann," It* announced for the coming week. v ClIKHTNCT HTMSKT OPKllA HOUSE (Nixon, & Zlmmcrmau, managers). — The currant week Is announced to end the local engagement for "Babes In Toyland," which has been meeting with excellent success for two weeks past. For next week Nance O'Neill, in repertory, Is ounced, fikht.nit street Tiikatrr (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). — 'Tiff! Paff !! POuf '. !!" which met wllu a hearty reception early In the season at this house, returns this week. The second week of "Woodland" came fully up to the nrst In patronage. Wai.niit Stbeet Tkeathk (Frank Howe Jr., manager). — Ezra Kendall closed bis prosperous engagement In "Wcatherbeaten Benson" last week, "nils week "The Jewel of Asia" Is tbe bill. Owing to the HlncHs of Ezra Kendall, no performance was given Thursday evening of last week, and the audience had to be dismissed. v Casino (Ellas, Koenlg & Lederer, managers).— if the size of tbe patronage and the applause and enthusiasm can be used us the basis of a Judgment, tbls house lias scored another success wltb "Mama's Papa." Joseph Hart, Carrie De Mar and their coin— islcal farce on was all offering Is JKW YORK 9TATK. HusTalo.— At th* Btar (P. C. Cornell, manager) C«cllla !<offue Feb. 1MB, "The Ulrl from KayV ltl-18. JMnes K. Hackstt and "Tim isle of Hple*" were well received t it a t W (H1 U Trvk (Waller 8. Baldwin, manager).— "A» Von I.Ike It" 13-18. "The Prisoner of Zcnda ' drew good sired audlentes, = .... Convkntion lUi.l. (If. U. Moech, custodian). — Piiderewskl J\ Pittsburg. Orchestra 23. ' Lvi-Ki'M (J. Laugblln. ma naacr).— Thomas . E. Bhen Co. week of 13. "A Hot Old Time" ' »»k iiXrt \innfell a^i'd l'rn»w» diverting and was" well attended, w Tn "nirtwdhii " Ai'APKMV (C. (I. Stevens, innunger).— "Tho f orr iiM«)-"A Girl Great Automobile MyMer.V'lMls. "TI.oHt.ilH t\"i, SffVSg prove a ^i'""'" *•" «'"-™*'^ll> V~""* '«" HiiKA'H lUaan (M. Shea, manager).— People week of 13: Heraog's horses, l.ouls McCunl and Co.. llaymond nnd Civerly. Felix and Barry, Mills and Morris and I.ulgi Del Oro. „ „ UVVAVKTTR (C M. Bngg. nMURgcr).-— Weber's Parisian Widows 13 and wei'k. Tho Merry Maidens proved well named and were highly successful. ' \'i>trs.— Dr. Hugh J. Wnn. well known In museum and medical circles. Iiiih returned to ibis clly, having purchased the old Buffalo Havings Hank property, Washington Street nnd Broadway, where he Is establishing an elaborate Eden Miner.. . .Cerllln l^.flus has recovered from her recent Illness. s Horlieslrr.— At Ihe Lyceum Theatre (M. E. Wolff, monnger) Jus. K. llnckelt g.ivo us the best Innieraonailnn as Charles, in "Tim Fortunes of tho King," he has yet shown us. Snpiiort admirable. Producllon nmKnlllceut. rj, It. O. business ruled. Pn.lurewskl Feb. II. Dlgby Bell. In "The Kdncntloii of Mr. Plpp," 1f>. Mi Cecilia Loftus, lu 'The Berlo-Coime Governess," t", 18. JUTtuwUi Tiibatbb (Max Hurllg. maimgerl.— "The Village Postmaster" had fine business 0-11. Booked: "Candida" 13-in, vaudeville bill, by a company headed by Ihe Casino, has signed to go with Pawnee Bill's Show about the first of May. » . PltUborsr. — At the Nixon (Tt.os. . F. Kirk Jr., mannger) Lulu Glaaer, who ij a Pittsburg girl, opens Feb. 13, in "A Madcap Princess?' Last week Edna May, In "The • School Ulrl," proved a good drawing card. Maxlne Elliott WMaV Nkw (Harry Davis, manager),— Bobt. Mautell 13-18, supported by tho Hurry Davis Slock Co.. including Holier! T. Hnlnes nnd Merte Booth Bussell. In "lllchnrd III" Amelta litnabam, In "A Modern. Magdalen drew heavily all the slock company, Gatktv 'Jas. E. from Dixie" o|>ened 13, and shuuld prov good drawing enrd. Last week "The Jewel of Asia" did fair business. Williams and Walker 904ft. Drgi'XHNri (McNulty ft Gnllck, mnnngers). —-Me, Him and 1" 13-ls. with Blckel, Wutson and W rot he. The show should prove a big card. Ijist week George Sidney, lu "Busy Dxy," played to large houses, Eva Tanguny so-ir,. Hi. tiiv (McNulty ft Gullck, managers). — Howard Hall, lu "The Waif's Paradise." 1318. I<ast week Louise Benton. In "linchel Goldstein." plnyed to the usual large business. "The Curse of Drink" 211-211. ' Emi'iiik (E. J. McCullough, manager) . — ' "A Hot Old Time" 13-18. iMt week "The Nlnetv (nd Nine" played to large business. "Too Proud to Beg' 2P-2.1. OnAND (Harry Davis, manager). — One of the best bills of the season, lrf-18. Includes: Peter F. Dalley and his Eight Lulu Girls, Kaufmnnn Troupe, Empire City Quartette, Moore, Llttlelleld and company, Ollle Young dnd Brother and others. The show closes with tbe klnetogrnph. Last week's bill drew heavily, with Eddie Foy nnd company as l.endllners. Avrnuk (Harry Davis, manager) .—"Jim Bludso" 13-18. Last' week "To Die nt Dawn," with Elsie Crescy, pleased. "Man's Enemy" 20-2.ri. Apaukmy w Music (Harry W. Williams Jr., manager). — The Bowery BurleB<)ners 1318. Lost week Harry Bryant's Burlesouers drew heavily and gave a good show. Moonlight Maids 2(1-23. Notkm.— II. W. Williams Jr. recently made a flying trip to Cleveland. Philadelphia and Baltimore Mrs. Jas. Grundy, whose husband Is Jn the Watermelon Trust, play tng with Harry Bryant's lltirlrsnueM, re celved a telegram from Lour notifying her of her father" lii.ANEia (Cbarlra rVBIaney, manager).the World" lft-ltf. "For Fame and "The "Alone In ... Fortun«" closed a prosperous week 11. Hcsrlot ?." Isannonncml for 2i)-2r>. MostMKNTAt. TiiRATan (James L. Kcrnnn, manager). — The rtoplnu* commonce a week s engagement 13. Tlic Monnltght MiiIiIh closed n good week 11. The Brigadier lturlemrner* 20. 4*» MICHIGAN. Del roll.— At tho Detroit Opern House III. «'. Whitney, mnnnger) "The Prince <>i' lllsen" entertained Inrgw audiences I'd.. HII, standing room Ik>Iiib nt a premium. Ham Bernard, In "The Girl from Kny's," 1.H.V •The Isle of Hplco" 1R , ,_ . Lyceum (K. D. Htalr. manager).— York State Folks." well staged nnd splendidly ar-led, drew well week of n. "The Strollers 12-IH, "The Beauty Doctor" 10-25. Lakayrtoi (Dr. Campbell, manager).— '1 ho Hymn Douglass Co. presented "Mr. Barnes of New York" la large and appreciative audiences Ml. The piece was well mounted and tho characters In capable hnndn. "Don Cwsar Do llaxan" week of 12. WiitTNKY iE. D. Htalr. manager).— Bohorf FIlBslinmons. In "A 1'lght for l«ovc. drew packed houses fi-1 1. The supimrt was Wart. ■Tracked Around the World*' 12-18, "More to lie Pilled than Scorned" 10-25. TtiMi't.K (J. II. Mwire. innn.igerl. — Lnsl week's bill was one of Hie 'heal of this "ill; nin, anil packed tho bouse nt every iMC'formrtnee. Jessie Bnrtlett ImvIm whs the lending spirit. Atiraotliins fur week uf 13: TUB Ini.H-rlnl Jnpnncse (lunrd, Milton mid Dolly Nobles, Jiimes J, Morton, the llrenl I'nlceilo. Norn Haves. Crane Hrolhors, Mldgeley mill (.'mllsle, Kd. Foster's dog, and Ihe klneto "Tvilsn: (Drew k C.implwll. limnnBersV-Tho liny Morning Glories made good week of 5. Tho show wns llrsl cltiss In evow nKiieet, nnd crowded house* ruled. The llgor Lilies week of 12. Ixinls Mann 15, Henry Miller HI. Richmond (W. P. Meade, manager).— Business week of fl was fine. Bill week ot 13 The Great Barn Dance, Mclntyre and Bice Gavin nnd Piatt. James B. Donovan. Bertha Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Bam King and tlfe vHagVapb.' Wllllflmg, CollTge Drkmatlc Club will present "Captain Hackett 14. Noteb.— Albert Marceley, a local teno? to follow. Pabk Theatre (F. G. Nixon-Nlrdllnger, mnnuger). — Tbla Is the second and last week for "The Eternal City" at this house. 'Business was excellent lost week, and Edward Morgan and his company deserve credit for worthy performances. " 'Way Down East Is announced for the coming week. National Thkathe (Joseph M. Kelly, mflnholds the boards scrsnton. — At the Lyceum (A. J. Duffy, manager) Bothern and Marlowe Feb. 16. ''Tho Education of Mr. Plpp" 18. • Primrose's Minstrels, 10, hnd two large houses. "A Country Girl," 11, was received by good houses. AfADRMY (A. J. Duffy, manager), — "McFadden's Flats" 13-15, "The Village Parson * 10-18. "Hearts Adrift," 8-11, came to good houses. , _,, BtAn (Alf. G. Hcrrlngton, manager).— The Trocaderos 13-15, Big City Sports 1018. Hose Bydcll's London Belles, 0-11, came to good bouses. . Cohrt BqttAnB (II. B. Keller, manager).— Mortimer Hnow and company, in "Borneo and Juliet," week of 13. "Resurrection," week of 0, wns received by large houses. Griinil Ilnnlrts.— At Ihe Now Powers I Harry G. Summers & Co.. malingers i wm. 11. Crane. In "HuslneKs Is Business, I'd., 7, played, to a crowded house. "Tho lelo nl Spire'1 11. Coining: Do Wolf Hoptior. In "Wttlig." 18; Tim Murphy 10. Al. Field s Minstrels 25, nicliarrt Curio, In "Tho Tenderfool "(I "7 Majestic— "York Hlale Folks," Jan. 20 Feb. 4, plnyed Hi large nnd well pleased imi Isvllle last week Evans nnd the Crane Bros, proved to ho bfg ,|lences. "Eight Bells," f.H, drew well. s death. cards on last week's bill. For 11! nnd week: -Happy Hooligan" Ml. Coming iE.igei.lo Charmlon. Will II. Murphy nnd Ulaucho nM™ ( ..rj.hl, n,.ninv Doctor" 10 1M.' Churchill * Dnvli, luamigersi.— 3mbW Mlllward, In "The gueen's Messenger,' Bakeh Tiikatrr (J. K. Boyle, manager).— Martin'.. "L'ncle Tom's Cublu" played to quod attendance 0-8. "A Fight for Millions, ii-11. wns shown In large audiences. Booked : '"When Women Love, featuring Huth Macnu'ev. 13-15: "Tlie Wayward Son' 10-18. linog Oi'KitA Hiii'bb (J. II. Moore, ninnngerj, — capacity business rules here. Ueorgn ilurpl . nice, Callahan nnd Mack, Melnlnl Trio, the llrlttons Bineerhns been engaged, td sing Illustrated «ger).— Terry -McGovern holds the boards sonrn win. the Ilorvey & Gage Co tills week, presenting the melodrama, "For Thoma^McMrnle, o loba Tboy, has resigned Fame and fortune." Last week's perform i frmHhe Oafot i tVtoek Co , of fit. Uuls, snd ances of "The Child Wife" were largely Bt bns gone with the Greenwall Stock Co., of tended New Orleans. E Worcester — At the Worcester (Jas. F. ilock, resident manager) Ethel Barrymore will nppear In "Sunday" 18. Krank DnnlelK ■playetT to 8. B. O. 0. Nance O'Nell received excellent patronage 11, In "The Jewess. Franklin .Square (Shea & Burke, manners).—Week of 13, Daniel Byin will appear n repertory. Last week. "The Merry Bhop Girls* played to very good business. Park (Alf. T. .Wilton, manager).— VI eek of 1ft: Jewell's Mntinlklns. Burton and Brooks, Ltroy and. .Woodford, John Birch, Aerial Sisters, Lavender Richardson. UN Brothers and tbe blograph. Business stll! continues excellent. __..•»., _ ! , Pakace.— Week of 13. The Monte Carlo Burlesouers, In "The Marble Htatue," Including In. the olio Mile. Victoria.Fox and Ward, .Adams,. Kd>flrds ond /eke. Pat Touhey and Jerome and Morrison. Exhibition wrestling on Wednesday and Friday nights. Thursday, amateur night. s New Bearord.— At the New Bedford (W. B. Cross, manager) "The County Chairman" came, to big business Feb. 0. Corn Pay ton Co. drew big bBHIMH 7-11. Myrkle-Haidor Stock Co. 13-18. „ ,. Hathwav'b (T. B. Baylies, manager).— Big business week of 0. BUI for week of 13: Olson Bros., Reed and Bhaw, Paplnta, Hnrdle Lnngdon, vltagraph and others. BIIEBDY'B THRATRH IB Closed. ■ -, IS' I ' Taunton.— At the Taunton Theatre (Calm & CM8B, managers) the H. V. Phelan to. gave good satisfaction to large aitdlences week of Feb. 0. "Rip Von Winkle" 18. Bristol Club Minstrels (local) IB, 10, Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cnbln" 18. . ..-• i Note.— OWhg to a scare at the Brockton (Moss,) Theatre last week, by the blowing out df a fuie, Cnhn A Cross have forblddeu the use of Illcture machines In their Taunton, Fall Hiver, New Bedford, Newport and Brockton hoilsos. . .. •,. **+ COLOH ADO. Denver.— At the Tabor Grahd l'(R . F. MoCourt, mnnagel-) IVm. H. West n . M nsttels djdVil big buslnesB Feb. 6-11. Billy B. Van ^'broajiwAy, (E. F. McCourt, manager) :— Gbano Opbra House (O. A. Wegeforth, maflager).— "Me, Him and I," rather an absurd tonglommeratlon, but nmuslng withal, drew nudlenees last week which completely filled the house. This week's attraction Is "Busy Iw.y." • _ ,„ _ Blaney's Arch Street Theati.k (M. B. Schleslnger, manager).— After a very prasperoua week with "i Uttle Outcast," this house now has the melodrama, "Queeu of the Hlghwav." . . People's Theatbr tt. (I. Nixon-Nlrdllnger, mnnnger).— -Tlie offering during the current week Is the exciting melodrama, "A 'DcsTMrnte Chance." last week's performonees of "Across the PaclOc" brought out good attendance. Giuauo Avrnub Tiieatrr (Miller & Knl.fmah. monagers).— After playlugjio a am:cesalon of tilled houses with "Trtoi," th* current offering at this house Is David Hlggln«. In "His Cast Dollar." lUnr's New Theatre (John Mr. Hart, manager).— The current week's all reel Ion nt this house 1b "The Charity Nurse." "< >n the Suwanee Klver," presented last week, can ba credited with a succession of filled houses. FoiiBPAiJOii's TiiRvrnn (Sillier & Kaufman, managers). — "Tbe Octoroon" proved to he a suitable vehicle for the exploitation of the stock company, and In the performances Inst week the members earned sincere praise. Business was excellent. ThlB week, the stock comimny 1b presenting "In the Palace of tue_klng." Btandabd TilRATne (Harcy & Speck, managers).— The stock company at this house Is this week presenting "Two Little Bnllor Hoys." A timely and stirring melodrama, eutltled "Under tile UUaslnn Via*," was presented last week In admirable style, und It attracted'tbc patrons In large numbers. , Keith'h New TlifeATBB (H. T. Jordan, resident manager).— Tble week's progralnino In des: Eight English Girls, Jlu JiT. Aldrlch, Hill. and Sylrlnul, C... (itto,.EIIlnbeth Mttirny, Dslrhore Sisters, Al. OF THE CLIPPER WILL BE I8IUED NEXT WEEK OOR'T Hill IT. J eludes: Eight English Girls, ... Hill aud Sylrlnul, Corlln ond mueth Murray, Dslnioro Hlstota, Al. FleldB, Woodfoto'B animals, WHIIama and Sinter, Bhnrikupavl, Lntlna, Frnser Trio, Barry nnd Wllsoh and the Mb Ton Theatiir (Hon Ton Amusement Co., managerB).-7-On the current nrogtamme ale: Society Girls, Geo. Dlautbnd, llolmleomt Many, Hlflck arid Ininan, Curtis nnd Jlny, Al. Wllsiiii, Harry Durnl, Atucrlcus Quartette aud moving pictures. SLHVb.vrit ' STnww Ot'BtiA Houbb <Franlc Mnrrlsltnrir.— At the Lyceum (M. Hols, manager) "Plff ! Paff ! ! Pout ! '. I" drew n largo audleScc Feb. (I. "A tlountry G|rl" pleased, 7. "The Holy City" drew two fair slued audiences 8. David lllgglns, In "Ills Last Dollar,:' scored a big hit 10., .Grace George 13, E. H. Bothern Bud Julln MaHowo 14. "Lbeu llhlileu" 10. "The Wlxnrd of Ok" 17, "The Mummy and the Humming Hlrd" 18. Oi-KRA llni'HB (M. Bels, ranuflger).— 'llio Cooko-Chnrch Co. ployed to big business week of 0. "Why GIHs Leave Houio" 13-16, "Tho James Hoys In Missouri" 10-18. Niitkm. — Mntbliis, a trick pet donkey, with "The Tenderfoot," was scalded to death! In n baggnge car at Altoonu, Pa., 10 Manager Mofcart, of Ihe Family Theatre, Lancaster, and li. V. Alexander arc looking up locutions for a chain of vaudeville theatres In Central Pennsylvania. They visited Allentown. Bending, Shamokln nnd Muhnnoy Cltv II. M. Harvey, representing tho Bofnum & llnlley Circus, was here 10, looking up grounds. a I, .monster. — At the, Fulton Opern House <Chns. A. Yeckor. manager) "A Country Girl" did well Feb. 0. lllchurd Carle, In "Tho Tenderfoot," delighted a largo houso 7. "Why Girls Leave Home" came to good business 8.' David lllgglns. In "Ills List Dollar," hnd a very good house 0. "Plff ! Paff! I Poof!!!" I.n.l the full capacity 10. Grace George, In "Ablgnll," 11 : Kieonor nobson 14, Selma Herman in, "The Pit" 111. Family (Ed. Mnxart, manager). — Bill week of 13: Emerson aud Omega, Trask and tih.ihleli; Lew Welch, the ilealys, Item. Arnold, Tlios. II. Miller, etc. Business continues lirge. Hhnrnokln and Mulinnoy City have .been added to this circuit. OrKitA House, Columbia, Pa. (John B. BIsslnger, manager). — Bradford Block Co. did won fj-ii, 10. Nichols, Faunle Hire and c.uly. and klnetogrnph. roHtNTiiiAN Tiieatre (Henry C. Jncolis, mnungci').— Boso Hill's KnglWh Folly Co, did S. II. O. business week of 0. givl.ig us. the liesl show seen so far this season. nt this hri.ise. For 13 aud week: The Merry Maidens Co. Si'niuy NiaitT concerts are mooting with favor at Ihe Cook Opera House Mary Mnunerlng wns a visitor here 10. s Ali.niiy.— At Hnrmauus Bleecker Hall (IL II. Jacobs, manager) "Qulnry Adimm Kowyer," last week, did uniformly good huslness. Mnrtlu's "Cutio Tom's Cabin" 13-15, Sotl.eru and Mntlawo 18, Cecilia Loflus 2>', Ltlllnn Ilussell 22, l^uls Mann 2fi. K.Mi-inR (II. II. Jacobs, mnnuger). — Lulu Glnsor nppearod before n c.unploiely tilled house 0. "When Women Love." 7. 8, pleased Inwe audiences. "The Moonshiner's 'Daughter"' 0-11, did good business. Tho Vernon Comedy Co. will present standard i.lnys nil the week of 13. "The Gunner's Mule" 20, 21, "Tbe Village Postmaster" 22, "From Clue to Capture" 211-20. Piu.r run's (Howard Grnhnm. resident manngor). — Hlg business last Week. Bill for 13 and week : Rose Stahl nnd comimny, lu "The Chorus Lndyi" Horry Gllfoll, tho Oberslolrer Troupe, tho Three Koatons, Delia Do. mid, Bright Bros., Torley, Cook and Clinton, und the plcturo nuichlue. Gairty (Howoitl II. Nichols, mnnagor). — The New York Stars, 0-8, drew big houses. M. M. Tholse'B Own Co„.0-ll, wns full of laughs and good music, Business whs good nil week. Cherry Blossom* 13-15, Indian Miil.lens 10-18. t Trnc*\— At tho Lyceum Theatre (Burns fllllam, iiiannger) tin. Hnow Block Company drew big buiises nil last week, In "Du Barry." "Under Two Flags'' Fob. 13-JH. UniHWiti.ii (M. Bels, mtinnger).— Wlltnn LBckfiye, In "The Pit," packed Ihe house It. "Sky Farm" had good houses 10, 11. Nat M. AVIIIs, In "A Bon of Real," 14; K. II. Sol hern nnd Julln Marlowe, lu "llotneo nnd Juliet." 17: "A Country Girl." Ranii's (11. Bels. mniWger).— '"Hi.. Gun' nor's MHtc" had gooil IiiihIiioss ll-H. "When Women Lovo" did fulrly well 11-11. "Tim Moonshiner's Daughter" 13-1(1, Martin's "lincle Turn's Cabin1' 111-18. Ri.yai. (William Coatello, resilient innnn 8,-r). — The Fny Foster Co, bud full bouses ■H. The New York Sin is tilled tin. house ll-H. The Indian Maids are duo 13-15, Cherry Blossoms 10-18. Giianii (Churchill & This house opens to "polite" vnndovll'n Sunday, 12, with llnlley mill Median. I'-'ii mid Mne Gordon. John and Nellie McCarthy, Clilnoso Lnwsnn, Clalro Mayuaril nnd Poler .1. Smith. Smitu'h (Mrs, W. II. Smith, malinger). The Innocent lien. .lies Hurlfts.piors, week of n-11, pIByed to Ihe iiHiinl' business. Cuming: tjueeiis of Ihe llaropi 12-18. » Hnnlnnw. At the Aendon.y (John M., riinungcr) Robert Fit hhIiii minis, In "A Fight for Love," Feb. 3, 4, plnyed lo fair houses, with a good performance. "Rtliiuluif for Olflee" cinuo to fnlr iimllonrca n, II. "Eight Hells" 111, Eugenie Blolr, lu "llnr Second Life," 11: "York Hlute Folks" 12, Do Wolf Hopper, In "Wiilig," IT.; "Tho Isle of Spice" 111, 21), "The Strollers" 22. Ij&VMH (Bnmfoiil & Marks, uiniiimors).— "Don't Toll My Wife" enmo to fair slxeil iiudletices 2-4 : good company, "Tho Factory Girl" pleased goml houses fi-8. "h't'om Hugs to niches." Il-ll, cnnio to good business "The Hidden Crime" 12-1 H, "WoiMed mid Purled' 10-25. "• , Knluiuusi.o At tlio Acndemy of Music (II.. A. Hush, imiuiiger) Wm, II. Ornno drixv it hlg audience Feb, 8, "Peggy from Furls played to H. IL 0. 0, "Tim IhIo of Snlce" HI, "Ijlght Bolls" 10, Murray mid Mack 17, "Tho Stgn of Ihe Cross" 1H. t'Xt.ACH up Ami'hmmentm (R J. Ryan, mnnagor). — Largo crowds of skaters. i s ,. ' ■ .liloksoii,— At tho Atliens'iiui (II. J. Porter, mnuiigur) "The Old CInlhos Mini. Feb. 4, did woll. Nmill Bros.* Co., week or 0. lino good business. "Eight Bolls' III, "Sherlock Utilities" 14. "Tho Isle of Hplco" UL "llni'lo Tom's Cabin'* 17, "Tho si rollers 20. 'Tho Tondi-rfooC' 23. "The Poddlor" 24. LiiiisIiii*. -Al Hnlrd's llporn Houso IF. J. Williams, iiinnngori "lliinuliig for oillie" hnd a fall houso Fob, H, "Elgin Hells'' came 0, to gmsj IiiihIiiosh. "T(i« lulu of Kplce" followed 10. to n pnylng, house "Peggy from PnrlH" ploiisod n woll llllc.l house II. Do Wolf Hopper HI. IIb> filly. — At the Wilslilugliill (W. J. Dniuil, mnniigor) "A Hold lu the Ground" did good business Fob. 4, D, Monlnvlllo Flowers I Y. M, C. A, coursii) pnckeil I ho bouse 7. "Eight Bells" 11. 12. North Bros. 13, Do Woir Hopper 14. "in Iho Fnr Ensl" IS, 10, CI ins. A. I .oilo i JN. "Mummy and the Humming Bird" xt£*™lfcntM Bunndrted bv the sfoh elll DumpnlT monfger). -There Is Jfttle chabgo n«2?.'*iA ta«"i In 8»?rT»«sMre'' and "Co" In the progrdtnmo thlB week, "FreeBO In tEe 2S«r?"o ii •* tteek1 of uf Otis Skfnaer. TrolleyS." KThe Old Hoh.e tVstrnd" nnd "The men,' t'-ll. .?I^WK1Ot, 10, UIIS nwiiuir. S-k.«,l?,nl Xfn.Unt" he li» citrlt nuetl «■ fh« lfip'ttHi.'M(Martin Beok, genentrmahager) —Week of o: Hetrmann, tlie Great : Itnyos nhd IIOaTv: Werdoh and Gladdlnli. Van Al«itjydh and' ileury, WBltlund and 1'ekla, ( linrlotte llnvenscrolt, Ilennlhffs„.Lcwln aud He inlngs. Crowded houses tilled. Week of 1. 1: Pew'tt. Uminn Ramsey, Foster end FjJWJj Terminal Market" being canttuuett ds the principal biirles'iiUeB. Attendance continued at the top notch last week. LicKi:»t TiftiATiUi (John G. Jermon, mannget). — Excellent business fell to tile lot. of the Inboccnt Mnlds last week, and they pleased with their varied programme. This Mrd, jhte of (He Empire Theatre, of Colorado Borings,' will run It. JSe bill for If!18 will be: Dovle nnd Phillips, Hart and Dlllou, Juggling Thorns, Edwin Conley and eprjipany, Frattk Wilson aud Baymoud Mer Novht-TY (lleuty Lubelskl, motiager).— Week of 0:' curium dnd Lprrflllle, Two l>0Ulas, j MIsb Burton, the Alarcon Trio, fltthi Hliod, Whnrton arid Le .Roy. Burioess good. Week of HI : Hilly Sheridan, Wilbur aud Wright,, Otto Fiichtl «bd romMriy. ntnei Whiteside nhd picks. Miss Hiirtoli, Mr. nnd Mt9. Lewis and Bowers and curllim. ■>»■» -Mlth Kehsmrd ln.reeoveHnt from the It of a severe oberitlou, perfotmed in a private honhltal lb Paris. In which city she effect* of B kevere oberitlou, perfotmed in a ptlvate ndihltll'ln Paris, In which ' was engaged In Journalistic Work. , Ninth anp Alien MibbL'U (C. a. Bradtnburgh, monager).— in Ihe cl rlo hall this week are: Plerrre Ooshler, Bnlbrdmo, Mile. Olgn nnd the Whltefnrds. Tile theatre programme Includes: I'hll Morton II. f< J!edo, lie (Iroft SlHttrs, Cnt-tlB and Mdy and Tom Cordon. F.Ml'Inn TltBAinB (Win. H. Allen, n.ndaKcr i.— Motiiiny evening uf th|« week Lafsyetl* nnd his eothbany furtiUli the entertrtftitri«nt. During the rest rtf 1 1* week the Mill IB Borers Brothers' Vaudeville Co. The movlbg tlfcttlreR, Inst week, dtew well. NotkB,— Monday night of lost we<rit Victor Herbert led the orchestra dt the Chesthilt flfreet Opera. Holile. (111! belrlt «nnottneed *s 10 hohot uf the lire hundredth petfdruirince ot "Hours lit Toyland." Willitrd McGnlre, now advertising agent at Attotina.— At, the Eleventh AVmiue Opera House (I. c. Mlihler, malinger) "the Village Parson'1 came , F«h. 0. Nellie Mcllenry 7. TuS Great I^ifayette, 8, to good business. "Tho TendetfOnC' drew a fullhoiiao 0. "The HOal Widow Brown'' 10. David lllgglns." In "HI* LBst Dollar." 11 : the Aubrey Slock Co. week of lit, except 14, when "The Liberty Belles" appear. Basttin.— At the Able Opera House (W. K. Detwlllcr, manager) Nat C. Goodwin, In "Tho Usurper," played to a large . and delighted audience, Feb. 3. "Tho Chums Olrl" played to fair business 4. Duo: "Hock and IliUkln" 20, by students of Lafayette College: "Tho Typewriter Girl" 21, May 1foho 22, Kern Kendall 2:1. York.— At tho York Opera House (B. 0. PehtB.'tuannger) "The Lllierly Bella" plca«ed a fair' house Feb. 3. The lingers llroa. httd aood houses 4. Richard Carle, In "Tho Tonerfdbt," drew a very good -haute (I. The B jn Njraouse, — At Welting Opera Houso (John L. Kerr, manager) Lulu Glasor did big business Feb. I). Wilton Lneknye 10, 11, •Tho Education of Mr. Film" 111, 14, "A Country Girl" in, Cerllln Loftus HI. • Hahtaiii.k. Ill, A, liiutlg, manager).— "The Vlllugo Postmaster" came to good business 0-8, n>ftehri(.ot Ortk" 0-11, "Caudldn'' 10-18, "Nancy Brown" 2H-2B, . Guam. OPKllA IIiii-hk ((.'has. It. I'll. miner. manager). — Martin's "Uncle 'l\im's (.'«hln enme to fnlr biiiloess 0-11, "The Wayward Hon" 13-10, "When Women Love" 10-18, "The Moonshiner's Daughter" 20-22, "On Iho Bridge at Midnight" 23-23. s i Jainestinvn. — At the Hatnllels Opera House (M. Rels, manager) Chester De Vomlo Co., Feb. 11-11, guvo a formnuces to big huslness, Gill" 13. , '♦»> Post (E. II. Huywiird Co. "Tho Isle of Kplce" 14, "Eight Bells" Hi. Tim Murphy 18. "Tho Poihller" 211. "Tho '('onilei-fiiol" 34, "Tho Way of Dm TrunsgresBor" 25. Iliilllo Creek.— At the Hmllti, inanugur) Iho Ornce pleased Feb, 0-1 1. llookeil : Bells" IB, wis) KnNTirCKY. xallsfnclni-y "The Factory pot MAltYliAKl). Halt Iniorc, — George III "Little Johnny nett-Uoulton Co. good biialuesB 711, Coming : Helma Herman "H. Wilton Lflckaye IB, "The WUard of Ob" 111. WIHlkwisnorl.— A t the Lycoming Opera *? House (Lyman J. Fltk, mahager) "f ho Village Paripn" wns wall attended Foh. 7. Nellie Mcllenry drew n fair luillso in, "Dora Thorne" had two big houses It. t-Tho, Denver Express" 18. Grace Georgo 14, "Liberty Belles" 10, Emory Block Co. week of 20. ■ 4»» ■ — Mr. and Mrs. Henry DAslen sail on Dm Deiiiiiruland'lT. for Europe, and will procwd in Monte carlo to meet Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hdymaii. Mr. and »t». Maurice Gran mid several well kllown New Yorkers, Tho parly will travel on the continent aud return late In the Spring.' M, Cohan, who npehs in "Little Johnny Jones," at Ford's. Opera House (Charles E. Ford, manager), Feb, 13, has been billed like a cirrus. Kleuiioc HobBOii, whoso art lias Improved since Iter n prion runci. bore lost aeiisou, delighted full homes, with "Merely Maty Ann," hist week. "Holies In Toyland" comes 20 nnd week. AcADKtlY. (Nlion Is, nuinu ?:rrs).— "Rogers Brothers In Paris" opens 111. or one week,, following E, H. Hothern anil Julln Marlowe, who closed a fall week, nt double (ho usual prices, 11. Wlllluin Gllletln will jHs.sfeh, In "The Admlrablo Crlr.hton," 30 rthd wk-k. *!iiaHb'h (W. Warren De Witt, manager). — '.'East Lytine" Is the attraction (he current week. I villi Wills making her first appenruiico lis A nictt.ber of thn stock company. '•rjjndoti Atsuranco" had n fair week, closing II. "Forbidden Fruit" Is underlined. AvuttOnibM (Janios L. Kornnti, monagor). —Tile popular Hays miike iholr reniinenraiii-n III. In ''ikiwh Ihe Pike." "Mi-Kildii.-li's Flats" did oxrellelif huslui'ss week cnilln;.' 11. Next week, lMvbl lllgglns, lu "Ills Lnsl Dollar," .Manymmi (James L. Kei-Udn, uiaiuigeri. -"CiiniiiieiiMiiB III: Vnlhrlo iiritt collipduy, I'diuiiud Day mid i-otiipauy, Trclmw'K thllned > cuts, Dllloi. Ilrulliitrs, the Village Chiijr, llosloii Broihors nlul Ilussell and Tylleii'i comprise the bill, Thn usual good buslnew prevnlled last week. Hum .iIiay f+riiKUT (Georgo. W. lllfo, mnnnger'.—"In OH Keutnt'kvroponB 1«. GivmI IiiisIiicsh ruled 11-11. with "Too Proud 'to Beg." "Her First Falto Step" Is rtile 20. Louisville.— At Mncaiiloy's (,Tno. T. Mb*. nuley, nut linger) William Glllotta, Feb. 0, drew a largo audience. "A Mossago frnin Mars," 0-11, drew crowded litiuses. Moxluo Elllnlt JII-1B. "The TeiiderfiKit 10-1K. MahobIi! (('has. A. Hhuw, mntutgoi'), — "David liiirutii," week of II. drew In tho oilMaty all week. "The Hi'inluory Ulrr 13 Avmndh (Chns. A. Bhaw, mntwgnr).— -"A Prisoner of War," week or B. dlow liackOil houses. "KldnupBeii In Now York" 121 H. ll.TKlNiiiiAit iWfinllon Urns,, iiinnngniN). —The Blue Illbhon rilrls. week of B. gave u pOrtoi-mniico that was full of vim mid simp, and satlslleil largo audiences. Tho Knickerbockers 12-1H. HoFKIKH* iWm. Ilelchmnii, resilient mniioger).— Hopkins' Transoceanic Co,, wook of «, nl traded crinvded liouses, l'BUl Com bus wns tho henilliifoi-, and hlk net wns Iho tmist iicnsatloiinl ever seen lioto, For week of 12; Hun: Elton und Co., Hhermnn, Do Forost urhl Co.. A. O. Hiincnn, Hnl.el Johnson. Knight Bros, and Hiiwtelle, Hlguor Hylic and Thornton Duly. ... .... Notf.h.— Muriel Fosler uppenrsd nt Iho Women's Club N, In a snug recital, bofnro n crowded house. .. ."Mvorymnn" wns romloroil nl Iho Women's ('lull by Rudolph K. .Vugmis mid Co., 7, lo birgc attendance, ■ -. I * ii : i I'miiU'iili.— At His Kentucky (.lames \'„ English, malinger) "Arlsonn," Fob. H. idityoil to good bllsucBS, "Princess Chic" Ii, hull good business, "The Irish Pawnbrokers" 1 1. "Ciilislii Kate" If, "Hoy Wanted" IN, "A Chinese Honeymoon" 22. i t ' " LosIiimOiii.— At lilt) (Irnml Opera Ifmi." (Chns. Hcolt, nianngori Wlllluin lllllollr, Feb. 7. drew a gum) house. I'm. In Edwardes, In "Winsome wliinlo," lind cruwdoil hlnis-t '.I. "The Little Olitcnsl" plenred III, MuxIno Elliott crowded the houso 1 1 "Everyman" 13, "The lllllbiiirtlre" HI. t »«» ■ — Alborln (li|||nlln has secured Iho rlglil.i from c. II. Dillliiuiiuin for R. ('. Cnrtiin'i. comedy. "A C loan Klatn." The luur will ho •llrertod by Tlloniloi) & Co., nlul , Will oiiou at Taylor's Opera Hoiibo, Trenlon, N. J.. March 0, — Mrs. Jnmos Lewis Is visiting hnr friend, Mrs. John Hchnefel, In Bosloti, Muss.