The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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r I > ■■-. ■■■-.-■^ ^ ^i n . • ■■■• .■< ■■••. ^H^W" ; Ut f ** Z?nl ?'; ''< T':^i &; i i ■:.:?-1 IP ><■: :« fc5l HbvJCvA 5^SOTH£^ .■&a$t' K. IT. SoviiniN nils lmm In New nrleinis. l.n., In 18011, till' sun nf K. A. Hmlii'iii. Yoiimr Siiilii'in linn!" It In priifesHliiniil ilcliiil In IS7'.». ill Alitor'* I'lii'li Then I re, New Vnrk I'Hjf, ns Ida riihiiiiin In Ills fnlliei's rev'ml of •'.Sam." Ho then trnveleil wlili tin snine I'lunpniiy I'm n yeur, mi. I Inter plnyeil iilllliy Imslness wlili lilt Ituslnn Museum Mtork Co. I la rhi'ii wi'iit In KiikIiiiiiI wlili li's hillicr. mid iiiiiin Ills rvliirn In liernnie u ini'inbiT of .Inliii MK'ullnllgU'l cniiiimny. This HTM (liirlnj,' I he sensmi of 1N.SUSI. This wns fnlliiwiMl liv n ret mil visit to KiirIiiiiiI, when In.' tilled I'mjiiiteiiiciitK I" l-Jnihui mill I lie provinces. Ilu pluycil low eoini'ilv rules will) IiIh hrnlher, l.ylloM, in Kimlimil. On IiIh ret urn In Aincrlin In IBH.'J, In' BRUHI Jnlneil .Inliii Mcf'iilhiiiwh. anil reimiliied Willi his company nil In the time "f llrfll ml'ii's •-<•! Iicun-til from I lie nIiiup, In 1N8."i he wiis eiipiKrri In the support hie company uf KhIcIIb I'hi.vlnii, preseiillni; "I'liU'll'!." lit Hi" I'liinn Si|iniri' Thealre, New York. Thh ww> lollnwrd bv mi eninwinciit with Helen Initiviay, lit lira Slur Thi'iilrc. imrt Inter Mr. Sollirrn hcrnine u niciiilicr of .Miss liiiiivrny's Muck ciiiii|iiiiiy, nl I lie I.J iiiii Tin litre reniiiliiliiK Mine <li 1 1 In j,' II"' Ioiik rim nf "line »f flnr (Mils' ill Hull I Una Ire In Aluy, I SM7. lie Ih-jmiii IiIh hIiiitIiik rnreer nit .lurk llninlinTL.n, in "Tin HIhIicM lllililer," ill I lit; Lyceum Tl lie. Ills success was Kuril Unit lie tvns seemed In lunilel I'mliiniin In hum' miller Ills iniiiinueiiicnl. In KiiliMi'iiiii'llI seasons lie Iiiih n|i|ieiirei| In "Lord ('humley," "The Mnlsli r of WnoilliniTnw," "Tlie ItllltclHir lill'l," "I'lipliiln l.i'lliir. Iillllr," ".Slierlilun, I'lie Vlrliolii Cross, I'lie Prisoner of /.enilii," "All Kininy lo Hie Kiiik," "Champ1 Alley, I'lie Aiheiilnre nf l.mlv llrsnlu," "Tlie Klnjt's Musketeer," "lllelijirii I, incline, " "If 1 Were ftlnir" iiinl ••'I'lii' proud I'rlnee," the Ins; iiiinnil nf wlileli lie Drat presented Inst ki'Iisoii. Tills Hi'iisnli lie Is Klnl'rlllJ) Jointly with .lull n .Miirlnwc, In HhlikcH|)i:ireiiii ivpcitoiy, Mr. Kni hern's llrxl New Vork ii|i|ieiuiuii'e ns u Khiikespil.reiin xi in inis in.iili' Sepi 17, llili'l. when lie «nve Mn ilisl |ierriiniiiiiiee on ih" since In the t ill* rule In "lliuiilei," in ivli><li he wiirnl n prn tlnllllieil miclWH Mr Siillli'lll Ih llie hlltlillllll nf VIlKilliii llllllieil, whii In iilsn will kmiHTi ns ii slur. ';.(■« ?i4 '^M m^ ■'■• ■:■ ■■■:, \ V ■' ' ' ; ■