The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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IV THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. February 25. W. C. FIELDS, The comedy Juggler, who hardly needs any Introduction, Ihik Just concluded a continental engagement which was up to the usual high standard of Mr. Fields' success, and be Is now making a pronounced success as tue principal comedian In the "Cinderella" pantomime at the Princess Theatre, Manchester, ICnglond. Mr. Klclds' next appearance In America will be In Klaw & Brlangers production of "The llnnt Tree." The secret of the sun-ess Mr. Fields has achieved is due to the fact that he is original, and bin real funny methods bnve mndr htm the most popular tramp Juggler who h:,s appeared In Kuropc for some time. 4 » » J OK IIAYMA\ A\D MII.1IIU.I) Fll.V>KI.I> Formed, n partnership and first presenled their sketch, "A Matrimonial Agency," Aug. ittl, 1003, at !■■■ Ilownnl Atliciueuin, Ilostnn. After pheniiiuenal success In the leading American vaudeville houses, they were honked June, 1IKM, liy llarrv lloudlnl. "The Handcuff King," for the llarnisfiird tour. In Knglniul. Afler the first week the original contract of twelve weeks wns prolonged lo fourteen months' solid liooklngs. 1 heir i:<iro|irnii representative Is Harry Hay. and their Airorlcnn agent Is Wni. .Morris. Miss Franklin wns Willi llnrrj Morris, tins Hill and "The Telephone <iirl" enni|Hinles. She also played the leading circuits In America. South Africa and the continent. Mr. dayman was one of the first exponents of Hebrew comedy on the variety stage in America. ♦ » » >IO\S. YIMll.l.A. I lis troupe.of trained burses has l*?cn successful since Ills arrival In this country. It Includes the famous iHixIng kantm Mr. V'uiella is playing the American circuits. At the conclus:nn of Ins booking* here be will sail for Mexico, lo till a contract for an extended period with the (Irrlu Circus. +—+ Now IIVKIIN A.M) UMBOS, pin vlni; a very successful engagement In IIAKIIY HOI DIM. The original "handcuff king," holds the record In almost every I bent re and music hull that he bus played lu I-.nglmid, especially the Moss Kinplrcs. McNiiiighlen, Itoblnson and llnrrnsford tours, and Is always Hie headline feature on every hill, tin the continent Mr. ltoudlni's records have never been equaled, and he Is hooked to return with a new net. lie Is booked solid until the end of 11HJ5, after which be will probably return to America. Mr. lloudlnl demands and gets $1.01)1) a week nil over the world for his net. Next April he will have his own show on tour lu England. Knglnnd until next June, when they close n four weeks' stay at the Coliseum. They were offered pantomime work nt a big sale, but had to refuse because of contracts with Muss & Stoll. ♦ »» — BABY I1IJIA WIKOFF Wns burn In Springfield, (.).. .Tunc 14, 1806, and has been an active inemhcr of the profession since she was three years of age. During that time she has played over lifty speaking parts, and bus shown unusual dramatic talent, which will brlug her Into the foremost ranks of the profession. She wns featured with Stetson's "II. T. C." Co. seasons of HMIM-'IM. This season she Is n member of A. 1). Mcl'hec's company, touring Canada, playing Klsle. in "Lost and Hon," and Jlnunle. the newsboy, In "The King of Tramps." She will enter the vaudeville rinks next season, supported by her own company, In a one act comedy, written especially for her, entitled "Morning, Noon and Night,™ In which '" bare an opportunity to Introduce her singttnd dancing specialties nail display u number iindsonie costumes, specially designed for this notion. ^gYROhlg^GDO^ HAYMAN & FRANKLIN. WG Fields \ II A It TON AND ASHI.KY, .Now presenting "Canal I hint Sal" In Kuglnnd, nre meeting with deserved success In the provincial towns, and return to London on March 13 for a three months' engagement at the Coliseum. This clever duo have kept up the record established (lining their first visit lo Knglnnd, of bending every bill on wbli-h thee play. uijimi: i.iiowiti). A I'rlmrose, under the inuniigenieiit o.f James II. Docker, is receiving mvorable notices and comment ui every stand tin compiinv has pin veil thus far. He is scoring heavily with ills two latest songs. "Lynn' mid '•Sally, 1 Love You 'Till I I»le." Mr. Leonard has Is-eii connected with niniiv well known attractions In musical comedy and minstrelsy, with unvarying success. Next season be will nppeiii lu vaudeville til the head of n big minstrel first part, also a big moonlight song and tin nee, which a well known manager is now completing.