The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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February 25. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. SWAN & BAMIBARD ■WAX AM) ll\MII\ltl>. The "Kcrontrie Uerrulls," after playing every llrst class vaudeville Ibealrt In America, left <>ct. lit, VMH, to fulllll 10iiro|tenii eiigtigeineiils on t lie Moss ft Stoll and Livcrinnre lours. These eomedl.ins have made such an eniiilmtic success with t'.ielr ncroliiitlc knockabout \wk thnt llicy will remain In England for some time. They open their London engagement nt the Coliseum May N, nnd will rrinalu nt Hint house for lour weeks. Swan and Itumiiard are Hearing Ihelr tlilrleenlli year as n leiim. Tlinnus Holmes Is their Knropoan agent. « « » WILLS AMI 1IASSAV. This duo of gymnasts are milling 10 their excellent artistic rcpulnlion liy performing a nunilier of startling and novel tricks. A series of hand and head balances surprise their audiences nt every performance. Mr. Wills displays minuting slrenglh. conihlned wilh graceful aioveiuenls. nnd Mr. Hassan. In the capacity of topmounler. goes at Ins work with the greatest nsstirnuru and perfection. They are appearing nt tlie principal houses in uninterrupted succession. W1LL5 (ScHassanI gpr iii:niii:it 1 i.iovn Is now liMirlng Ccriuniiy, after playing eight weeks nt the Kuiplre, London: six nt Hie Casino. I'nrls; seven nt Copenhagen mid two nt Anislerilam. Ilcforc Icnvlng America Mr. Lloyd had contracts for over I wo yeurs nnd u halt of solid Kiiiopcun hooking, nl the host houses. Mr. Lloyd In very prcjiicHslvc. lip In the dole of this Issue hu hint liven III luisliicsa hist I no years mill n liulf. To eiiiuc lo Hie front 111 tills length of time Is exceptional, nnd proven Hint lie has Hie laugh producing nuilerlnl Hint Hie piihlle (leiiuimls. In lliiro|K> lie Is now nccoui|Mi tiled hy Ills wife, father and mill In 1 a .... • • ! ■ ' ■ ; The Four Lukens A DOUBLE SOMERSAULT AND A FULL TWISTER. Herbert" Lloy^