The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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VI THT3 NKW YORK GLTPPKR. February 25. H-AJSTDSOME THEATRES. THE LEW FIELDS THEATRE. HO.YES AT THE LEW III:! .us THEATRE. THE LEW I III US rill; Mill: Ih a iiintijj the newest, and !n some respects onn of the handsomest plnyhouscs In New York. Iiocnlcd on Forty-second Street, beI WCUI Itrondwny nnd Eighth Avenue, It has n frontage of three city lots. It Is ot the l''ren«:li renaissance style of nrchltcvturc, the building miiterlnl being red pressed Inirk nnd while Ktnnc. The Interior Is of white, gold nnd light green. The seating capacity Is » in. nt t .ikiii. This ucw playliouic wns hull I. hy Oscnr llnmrnorsteln, being Hie tenth 'lielitre he lias creeled In New York. Mr. llnm mertitoln owns the building, hut hns lenscd It to the Arm of Ilumlln, Mitchell & Fields. The limine wns opened on Monday, Dec. 5, HUM, when Lew Fields nnd his stock eompnny presented the iimnlcnl comedy, In two Hcto nii.l n prologue, culled "It Happened In Niirdliind." NEW LIIIEIITY THE Aim:. This house, sltunted on Forty-second Mreet, between Itrondwny nnd Eighth Avonne, New York City, wast opened nnd dedtctileil Monday evening, Oct. 10. 1001. with the lingers mothers, In "The Rogers mothers In furls." The new Liberty Is owned hy the Klnw & Hrlnugcr Amusement Co. It la under the management of Klnw & Krtnuger, nnd wns built to provide n New York home fur I he Rogers llrothers, who have nn Interest In It. Alexander LIclitoDstctn nnd J. W. Mayer sre nlso stockholders In the enterprise. The house hns nliont the seating rapacity of the Knickerbocker Theatre, nnd Is designed nrchlleclurnllv In the style of Francis I, following the lines of the enrly French rennlssuiiee. There nrc two balconies, Ml tif which tire lmllt on the cantilever principle, leaving not n post or pillar In the house la obstruct u clear view of the since. The structure Is built entirely of fireproof uuiti'i'lnl, skeh'loii sleel eonslructlon, concrete mill tile Hours, and Is supplied with n powerful sprinkler nnd Ktnndplpo system iiiiiiiccleil with enormous Inttks on the roof, kept eoiistntitly tilled with 111,1)00 gallons of waler hy n complete direct punipliig system. Full rripilreinentH of I he building Inws regulating the construction of llicnlres In tills city lmve been compiled wllh. especlnllv In the nintler of exits. The building runs through lo Forty-first Slreet. The nntlllurliim Is hnndsomely decorated nnd furnished, nnd details looking to the comfort of pnl ions uf the house hnve heetl fully carried mil. ... . , L1IIEIITY THEATUH, UO.VES AT L1UEUTV THEATRE.