The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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February 25. THE NEW YORKIfCLTPPER. VTI ®& '--!::• i ._'1*'»' <tfc V 1 »J '■ ^KM a V ££H* *\f \: '■• A .. ^J ,37 ^T 4™ lV -*»S i^iifil'ifiiriiiiff"* ^Kmm $ .'.*.-. •**&»_ 4.1 • ' • . • • .'■ ' <m+i~l4±i. BATTm: sck.vh at iiicponitotii; VAXKEE (UK is. 'J' lie first part o( the performance at the Hippodrome Is n musical comedy, entitled "A Yankee Circus on Mara," in wli'cli will bo depleted the n<lventtires ot u stranded tent show, which lias linen bought In by the Martian king's messenger. In the royal courtyard on the distant planet the circus and specialty acta, which Thompson & Dundy have scoured the world to Bocuro, are shown. This scene is said to be the most elaborate ever placed on any stage, and more than six hundred performers and half as many trained animals will find place on the boards at ono time. The chorus alone in th's part of the production numbers about five hundred. An illuminated equestrienne ballet, in which rifty girls take part. Is one of the sensations of the show. Six elephants, driving automobiles, In the tounenus of which nrc a bevy of pretty cliorus girls, Is another of the thousand and one novel acts Introduced In the circus ou Mars. IIATTI.K m km:. All tlic Ingenuity of Hie stage manager, builder, iiicrhnnle and electrician hnvo been exhausted 111 (he pri'iinrntloii of the "lintllo scene" of llio second part of the Hippodrome performance. There la revealed to the ntidliairii a .Southern mountain hi renin, crossed by n bridge at I lie foot nf n fulls, on 1 1)0 fur Hide of which a Confederate battery la entrenched, screened by a body of cavalry,' Tlio river la folly feet wide, uiiil across litis a regiment of I'm Inn cavalry charge, A light ensues for the possession of .tlio bridge, during the course of which It Is blown ii]i and t lie men mid horses are prcelpllutcd into the water. Six Immlreil soldier* mid one hundred nnd fifty horses tnko part In llils scene, which la pronounced liy disinterested slngu inn lingers to he the moat during ever iilleitintdd on iiuy stage. The training of the net, which 'lias been In the hands of Frank Melville, was a stupendous liisk, ns (he slightest hesitation on the, purl of either men or horses would ruin tlio effect. new miih iiipromto.Mrc. The New York Hippodrome, under the management of Thompson & Dundy, of I, una l'uik fame, Is the largest playhouse In the world, nnd the most imposing structure devoted to amusement In this city. It occupies the entire sixth Avenue block between Forty-third nail Foiiyfouiili Hlreets. extending two huudred and forty feet toward Fifth Avenue, coating $1,500,001). it is constructed entirely of brick, steel, marble nnd terra coltn, and Is ono hundred anil ten fret high In the renr, over the stage, and seventy-two feet high in the front. Two towers one hundred feel high abut from either corner on Sixth Avenue, and these are terminated liy globes leu feet In dlnincter. Illuminated by five hundred electric lights. An elephant's lirnd, which forms the keystone nf the entrance arch, weighs live thousand pounds. The interior is decoralod In bright, colors, and two wide promenades occupy the space in the rear nf the orchestra and balcony floors. Along these niilnmls nrc exhibited In plate glass cages while they are not hclnc used on the singe. A restaurant and cafe Muds place on the Sixth Avenue side. The stnge Is virtually a huge elevator, and may he raised nud lowered twelve feet It Is two hundred feet wide and one hundred and ten feet deep, and Is flooded at periods of the performances to a depth of twelve feet. In tin; entice building there will be used more than thirty thousand stnndnrd electric lights. The seating capacity of the Hippodrome is 0,200, and the prices will range from $1.00 to .25. enters at iiirroniKi mi;