The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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VIII THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. February 25. LO N D OK .: B U R EAti:; N EW YORK CLI PPtfV HA1UISTO.VS CIRCUS AT FSKIK. voitivvii.i.i: nicvnti:. TIiIh iii>vv illtillliull (n our < • 1 1 v playhouses wns HUM, wllh llenrlcltii t'rosiiinn, In "Swirl Kilty Hired, Jusl Has! uf l.oxltHttnu Avi'imr. Tin new boon nude iis ilroprnur mill safe as tin' most milko II iiiishIIiIi' tu ilo. 'I'lir f runic work Is all »f hit four oxlls mi null lloor. lonilltu: li>l<> n Ion mouse I milt llllii! with wilier Is im l bo roof, ••on A double iisbostiiN I'lirlalii sepiirnlOH the sIhro from (thine tin iinohstincloil view of Hie utu(!C. Tin1 mill Huh I lilno on I or Inwly lino tlio oulnr Hohonie tiro wren, Willi n pi'il (Ii'kIkii im tin1 bnok of nub. ntiil I In' it Ik u litiwlsnuie. IouiikIiu,' room mi Ibo Ills ii|ionoil In I lie iiulilli on Mondny night, Oct. .'!, Iti'llnli's." Tlio theatre Is Incutcd on Nlghty-sixth theatre was built l:y Meyer It. Rimuerg, nnd Ims iniiili'iii plans mill ini'llmils of thontre' building sIim'I, covered concrete, iniirblo unit tiling. There tout nlloy on onoli side tit tlio tbontre. An Imnorllng; wllh lalaauttc sprinklera mill stnnd pl|>es. Ibo luullciuo. unit tlio liiiloonli'H lire without pillars, iiiiiiiil doi'iirii I bins tiro decidedly artistic, nnd Ivory milking it very prolly mid dnliily effect. Tbc souls The aisles mo wide mid nro laid with green tatpH, I tllKll". ,'V. xl&faBa'i ■ Till'! ( OI.OM VI. MUSIC H AM.. The opening nf Ibis tbcniro (now Ilio t'oluiiliil Music llnlli on l''oli. I marked a now departure le Now York Ihonlrlcal ventures. T]ioiii|ixnii. Untidy Ac liyicv. Hie in imager* nf i be new olnylioiiso. dolei'inlnoil In model 11 afler Ibo l.imihiu miislo balls, ami nil Ibo novel foiitnros ottilmilloil In tlio Kngllr'' minisoiiioiil houses ii ic planned fur II, The fontiire of Ibo Colonial will bo the "nftoriiooti lens, wlilcb ii|>ponl ospoelnlly to the feminine pa Irons. In tlio ruin m-l lea will lie served from booths, nfler Ibo Kngl lull style. The ibenliT l» located nn Itromlwiiy ntiil Sixty-second Sircot inul Ims the peculiar titlvmitugc ni liavhiL friniis nn ihroe prliiclpnl ihunmithfnrcK— tlronriwny, rnliiinlnis Avenue nnd Slxly-socoiid Slrool. The exterior nf the liulldlitg Is In (he slv.e of archlleetiiro pupular iitinut the lime of tin! ltevnliillon, the front being Iroateil In n ilecoiiitinii which blends the nrins of lite colony of New AiiiKlerdnni, n Mcvuliithiiitiry lmtlle scone nnil n picture of I'IIltIiii life. I'ltrtlctilnr ultonl Inn Ims been pulil by the architects In (lie sight linos, boxes on Ibo orchestra floor having lieon omltli'd, wlille llio smoking boxes, on the balcony tloors, irr fur euougli on either side to prevent llu'iu Interfering with a view of the singe. •nrici op wrsti WHS l'ortrnlt of WALTItlt K. III). lltX BURSAS. „ Ci>rrcN|>oiuleiit nnil MiuinKcr. SXAl' SHOT AT TUB UIJOl" THE.VTHB.