The New York Clipper (February 1905)

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February 25. THE NEW YOI^K OLIJPPEK. 21 McCABE KIND REGARDS TO ALL. I VERA ALL HKI.IAIII.K AMKN'TK. Private 'phone, ii.U-.l, W.iislin i g. .11 l<i«>r*H lliiwcry Thentre (Trim W. Jitter malinger i. — The Transatlantic to. Includes' "Tilt; limes nf I'liuuiiiii ;" i'sudn. Murphy nml Hrown, Allele Purvis Onrl anil i'ti tlie (jlllelle Slfii ei->. and Warsaw Itrntliers' Xext week, the .New York Slurs. Tim lienefl't tendered Treasurer Jim' Smith, Sun i|-iv evening, Fell. lit. proved a big sin ss. \» excellent bill ki-iit tin audience applaudins until midnight. \>w Lyceum Theatre f Daniel l'rohman. itiaiinirer> . — ".Mr*. I-i-llliituvcHH Hums'" begun Its fourth week Feb. SO, with a special iiintliiPP announced for 22. liurrlek Thentre (Charles I'roliman. manager). — Arnold inily began Ills seventh week in "Viiti Never fun Tell" Feb. 2U, villi n special matinee nn'iouneed for 22. loirden Theatre (Henrr \V. Savage, manager). — "The Collcgr Widow" liegnu its twenty-third week Feb. 20. A sjieolal nm'lm-e In ninmiiucod for Washington's Itlrtliduy. Lyric Theatre (Hum S. ft Let Skuhert. ninn'ugers). — "Fnntann" began Its sixth week Feb "0. A holiday matinee will be given 22. Muloslic Thentre (John S. Flaherty, malinger).— "Buster brown" hegnn its fifth week Feb. 2l>. A special matinee is aniiuiinopd for 22. IliiilNiiii Thentre (Henry H. Harris, mannger). — Kobcrt Kdrsuii, in "Stroughenrt." I'limmencpd his fourth week Fell. 20. A sperial mntlnee is nnnonueeil for 22. Xew Amatertliuu Thentre (Klnw & Krlauger, managers). — "llumpty Damply" opened Its tlfleentii week and last fortnight Feb "0 A liolldav matinee Is unuiiiiured fur '22. leiidemv of Mimic (Oiluiore 4 Tompkins managers). — Henrietta I'rosinnn begun her third week and Inst lorlnlKht Feb. SO. A special mntlnee Is aiincnmred for 22. 1'lie Ihree liimdreil and liitlelh perloinumrc will Dnly's Tlienlre ( Daniel Frohmnn, uiannK^r) _—ri|(. Duchess of Hamate" began its sixth week Feb. 20, with a aperlal inntlnei> announced fur 22. llnrlem. — At Ihe Harlem Opera House (Alex, l-lehtensleln. manager) Krliel Harrymore presented "Sunday" for the lirst time In llnrlem Feb. 2il. before a well lllleil luiiise, anil uipI with n big reception. Next week. lluv Irwin, In ".Mrs. Uhu-k Is I Jack." \Vkkt Kxn (lleurge A. llliimeiilhnl. niun-lie.iix'O Sidney, In "liusy l/.zy," he-ell tilled fgell. gi'n it return engagement 2(1. In a we house. Hie star and company making a favorable Imnressliiii. Next week, ICilwurd lilonilell. Ill ""The l.ost Hoy." Mirriini' (Henry Hosenlierg. manager). — The clever (iercmnt comedian, Al. II. Wll«un. in "The Wub-li on Ithlne." drew out Cue usual Mniiiliiy rrnwd 211, who accorded ihe plnv mid players a warm welcome, iiie lilu.v Is' full of lunghs from start to liuish. Next week. "Iliumiii Hearts." Staii iWm. T. manager).— "last Life In New York" opened to a well lllleil Ionise 2H. The piny Is interpreted by it meritorious company nnd should nil met crowded bouses all week, us II Is the kind of piny patronized In this section. Next week, •■Driven from Home." . I'iioi-ron'8 Okh Hi:xniiRi> and Iwf.nty liKTH Si'llKKT TllRATIIK (J. AllSllu Fylles. general mutineer). — The extremely fanny three net farce comedy. "My Wlfes lliislianils." cusl In the full strength of stock comiiaur. oiipiipi! 20 for Ihe week. Heat ripe Morgan Is wen ns liwenilolyn Winston: Win. .1. Kellev Is I lie llnlpli KINIcy, "llusliaud No. -I," 'nnd olhers in the cast are: Scott l-uuper, John Wesltey, lllley Chnmbeiitn, Julinli Reed. Hohprt K. Hill. Marlon Farfax. Helen Whitman nnd Ulclmril I.ynll. J he vaudeville specialties lneliiclP: The Lmplre t'uinpilv Four. Athns Family of Acrobats, llugbey Dougherty, veteran minstrel: I hulk Saunders, cartoonist, and the moving pictares. The iiisioumry weekly rrreptlon on the stage will lie held TiiPsdny. Fell. 21. Instead of Wednesday. 22, It helm? Impossible to r.'i'oiiniiodale the crowd on n holiday. Hiin'i.i k SkajIon's IIai.i. (Hen Hurilg. manager).— A most excellent hill was •iiTercd lor the approval of n large imdleiice 20. The bill Included : I.lltle Men and Women. .Monroe, Mack nml Lawrence, Josie In Will. Slnon nml I'nrls. the llpntzy Trio, I.lhby and Trnyer, Al. Cnrltoti, and Carlo I •logs. • liirntAM (Sullivan .1 Kriius. managers).-Fred Irwin's Majesties moved uptown nml (lime In for it full shnro of nnironnge 20. tilling tlie house ni both perforniaiu'es ami ■unking n success from sturt to llnlsh. Ihe niidlencp accorded them a rnynl welcome. Xexl week, Hon Ton Iturlesiuiers. OLYMPIC (Lew Wutson, mnunger).— K ng and <}ikh>ii Itnilesque <'o. Is Ihe attract on for this week, nnd uolh malinpe nnd evening performances 20 were well intended, lit company Is it good one, anil gave great sntisfiicilon.' Zink, n'llatia San mid coniuunv uf .lapuiirse, Kruno nnd Itiissrll, I.ulgl Del" Oru and ItM 'I'coiiliatloiir Four. Ki:i:\i:v's (Frank A. Keenev. mnnagert, — John r. Hire ami Salty rohen In-ail tlie lilll 20-2."i, nnd are followed by a Imig list of ilever pisiple. Including ■he'.Mngnaiil Family, Millliews nnd Ashley, Nellie I'lori'ile, llnrrls, Cnrtwrll and Harris, lloyce ami Illuck, illllien anil Hurt, anil tie! Keenevscope. Watson's t'o/.v tVRXKB |\V. I:. Walson, manager). —The l.asliful Venus iSurlesnuers hit seen here for i he current week. The company Includes many popular favorites, such a? Harry .Moritag'i-. Nat Fields, Harry M. Stewart, Flsle I.esPe. Usui in Mills and Agues Itchier. W. II. Watson and Jcanettc luipre also npiH-ar. Stai; iAI. Silinnlierg, manager). — Sum Devere anil his iiuup-iny appear 2li-L"."i. Among those in (he coinpaiiy are: Mulnic I'lianiplou, l.iii'1-y Sniilli, Joe Sulihau. McCrr-e nnd I'nnl, nnd I lie ICxiiusiilon Four. ItiioAiiwAY i I,en I'. Teller, malinger).— "The Dtllce Hoy" I his week, wltli Frank llnniels in the title role "The County Cliulrman" played in standing room only all nf last week. The orchestra wns placed iinihr :he stage, nnd ihe space previously occupied, by t beiii tilled nitli chairs to accoiiiiaoiliite? Hie uudipnee. Lulu (ilnser. In. "A Mailcap I'rincess," 27nml week. Polly (Ileniicit Wilson, niannger). — Thus. W. ltoss and company begun a week's stay in "Checkers" 20. The performance is nutalile as belug I lie first Cast era District presentation of "I'lufkers" al popular price*. Kellar had n large week ending is. Waril nnd Yokes, in "A l'nlr of l'liiks," 27 nud week. lUlRI (Jnmes Chirk, nmnnger). — Mr. (.'lark reports this season ns Ihe most prosperous in his management of the house: week after week has seen Ibis bouse crowded to the doors. Tills week the eniertn lament Is furnished by -Miner's liolienilnn lturlesquers, presenting "A Day at the llaces." In the coinpunv are: (ihidys Kt. John, Nlun CiilUer, lleatrli-e (iambics, liln Nichols. Andy tlnrilner. John Miirray, W. ,1. Kelly. Fred l.nw. and llligins and Iterguian. As a special feature, tlie World's Trio ( Terry anil Lulu Kyaii and Kmmn Wood I and Hell and Henry. Frank U. Carr's Thoroughbreds had crowded houses last week. AMi'lliox i William T. Crover. mnnagcr). — I ruwded houses Is Mr. drover's repurt of last week's business. It looks very much as if lie had struck (he popular mint here. As a hendllner this week he has Jobti T. Kellv und compatiy. In the furee. "SHimtor Mcl'liee." lltliers are: Will II. Sloan, assisted bv the Jlisses liose l.e llarle and Kitlv IlainllKin. In the roinedy. "The I'lniiilicr :" La Troupe t'aruien. iurk nod iiIiiiun, Nina Collins. Carnii and lleiberi. John F. Clark, the Wllllanis-Clllhi Trio and the kltielograph. Dally mallnii's nrc given. NnVKi.TY | Uavlrl Kolilnson. manager I. — The stirring nieludrnnii'.lle sltnnlhms ileiiicted In -Tlie Two Utile WnltV will eiiierliiln Ihe people this week. "A Midnight Marriage" liiid a big week ending IS. Next, "From Clue to Capture." l-iYTox's (S. S. Allen, manager).— "A llimi'li of Kcvs." with Corse l'uytoii us (irlines. Ibis wis-k. As an exl ra feature several of Ihe coinpnny are seen in specialties nnd n liirrje chorus hiif lieeu necured. "1 lie Silver King" had n large week ending IS. Next. "The F.lernal City." ihiTiiAM (Cliarles Williams, manager) "On the Suwanee Klver" I his week Child Wife" Imd a pooil week ending )S. "Ilenrts Adrift" next. I'mqii: (Frank B. Cnrr. manager).— Tie papular Vnlnne IlnrlPsipiP Co. Is seen IIiIm week In tlie luirlettu. "Military Hen lit lea. and the burlesipie. "Hock the Poisoner Ihe olio: Lombard Urol hers. In a comedy skerru called "Sports from Klldare: l.urke nnd Vlnms. in n nnvel'y act: Alkens ami Mlilnnis, singers nml charncter change pprfuiniers; Hie Mayos. Ill n comedy sketcli, and Thomas' motion pictures. HusluesH lane Lccw?2 (1/iiiis Phillips, niannger).— "The Village Post inn st er." I.y Hie stock .•oniiianv this week. "Darkest ltiissln" had n big week ending IS. ^^ Frank llowt: provided Ihe programme foe mi entet lalnmcni given by the Tammany club Fdi. 12, at which over 1,«00 attemded The follnwlng nets nppenred: Tlie Thnronglilueil Four. Sle Hassan Hen All's Wbliiwluda, Cook and Sylvia. Anderson and Wallace, Kltamitra's iloyal .liipuncse Troupe, the Imlntv Slsiers lie Fayne, Jack Welsh, the Hidden. Hate (Julnlcttf. Tommy tllllen. and the Hral'iiins. Carl Williams and his urchesIru furnished the music. Tin: fallowing ri.AYs will lie performed by the sluileuts of the Stiinliope Wlieulerofl Hrnumtic School ut their next nubile mallnee, In the Hurrlck Tlienlre, un Friday. Feb. 24 : "A Itachelor's Wife," by Alice Vutes litanl : "The DpvII's Wpohig. ' by Florence II. Ruth veii: "When Hip Wheels linn Dawn." Iiy Mnad M. lingers: "The I'kluie Hal," by Llewellyn H. Hiutipreys. Maiihiiai.l I'. Wn.m:it nrtlviil here from his: lour around the world on Feb. HI. Ho reports that Ills trip has Improved bis health, MM had added many Irierestlng fenturcs In his delightful fund of experiences lis u globe, trotter. At tiik KxicKKiinorKKii Tiikatiik on Thursday evening, Feb. Hi, 1-1. S. Wlllnrd revived "The Professor's Love Story," which ho continued lo the end of the week, which closed his engagement. As Professor (loodwlllle, Mr. Willurd win greeted cordially by an audience of good proportions, and Ids (harming conception of the absent minded professor was ns thoroughly enjoynble as ever. Alice I.onuon, ns Ihe secretary, np. ncared to excellent ml vantage in the role. The full enst : I'rofessiir I ioodwllllc, K. S. Wlirurd : Agues (ioodwllllc. Leila Iteplon ; Lucy White, Alice i.i.iinen; Ftlie I'loctor, Marie Lluden; Dr. t.'oseus, II. I'uiie: Dr. Yellowlces. 11. Oitlus Lonsdule ; Sir (ieorge (Hiding. William Hunter: Lady ending, Mabel Dubois: the Dowager l.ndv Gliding. Nellie Angell : I lenders, times! Stallnril : I'ele, Waller Fdmiinds : Dawson, Arthur Curtis. Tim kirk which gulled Ihe six slory building at 114 tf> 120 West ThlrllPth Street, on Fell. lo. crippled The Thrulre Muiimlm; the plates ami printed sheets of the magazine's Mmr'-h nninlier being destroyed. The publishers, however, went lo work m once lo duplicate Die ii'aies. nnd, having secured iiuolher printer, they say the number willjbe on sale ou Feb. 2S. Jai'oi: HontiiN gnve a benefit perforninn..'e ut the Thalia Theatre on the Hnwery evening of Feb. l.'i, for Hie Itiisslim revolatloiilsls. The symhollc play. "Hml, Man nml Di'vll," said lo be Mr. Hardin's masterpiece, was chosen for (he occnslim. II deals with homely Jewish Uf hi llussin. After ihe Iwa coneluding nets of (lie plnv reeltiilious were given by the actors. More Hum StMHl was raised, which Is lo be sent lo aid Ihe ltusslnii revolutionists. ♦»♦ ; MIC UK. AN. HI, drew n Holmes," H. Feb lock Isle of Spice." ITi Tom's Cabin" 17 Tenderfoot" 23, Hnuie Keeiier" 2 top heavy house. "Slierilciisnl a fair lioiise. "Ths hail gtsid business, "l'ncle "The Sirullrrs" 2(1, "The •The Peddler" 24, "The . Al. <i. Field's Minstrel* Maicli 1, A Chinese Honeymoon" 11. Iliiiile Creek. — At the I'nst Theatre (E. II. Smith, intuiagerl "The Isle uf Hntee" liiid a g.Hid lioiise Feb. II. "Fight Bella" LI. und Stetson's "llnele Tom." HI, bad fullslued houses. Hooked: t'The I'eddler" 211, "The Tenderfoot" 21. "The Way .of the Transgressor'' 25, Field's Minstrels 27. ♦— * INDIANA. tnillnuunulla. At Fngllah's Opera llous(Ad. F. Miller, mnuagerl Wllllntn II. Crune sppx'iired Feb. II, In "lliislness Is Business.' in verv large and appreciative audiences. Illitir.n'l MunsfleUI, In "lllchnrd III," 111. pacueil Hie bolls? lo tlm .doors. "The Sholiim," 14, 1.*, tesled Ihe. cilpnclly of the house. Marine Klllett, In "Her ttwn Way.' drew a packed house. Kyrle llellew. I'l "Haines." 17, 18; lllchnrd Curie, In "The lenderlnol." SO, 21 : Eilwunl Terry 22. Adelaide Tnilrsloi; 211. "The Other (iirl" :'4, 55, "Vhe (iiiilUmau from Indiana" 27March 4. I'Aiu; (Dickson & Talhott, malingers) .— "At the Old Cress llouils." 11II, drew enpacllv bualnesH. "A Prisoner of Wur," HIIB, filled ih<> house twice a tiny. "Vork Hlnte Folks" lll-IS, "The Forlutm Teller' 20-22. (Jiiaxo Oer.n% HoI'nk (Sluifer Zleglrr, mnnngen.-Sin ley und Ulrbeck will lie Ihe big feature art week of 20. New Vork Newboys' Qiiarlelle Is (he exlru ailraclloii. Ibilllii Hedcnv Troupe Is nnollier big fcn'.iire. Sam Hltoti,' Vernon. (Jtorge W. l>av, LotilRe lireluiny. tl'Koiirkc liuriieLle Trio nml the bingraph. Nlinr-u tlurdtier nud Co., In "The New fonchuiini," week of 1M. got more Iniighs tlitiu utiythlng seen here Ihls season. Klein, '.lit Bros, .nit] Nicholson were nlso a big miccess. Irene Franklin's songs went very big. business was up to cilpnclly, In zero weal her. IJmiH'K ill. It. Thorhus, manager).— The Cherry Sisters are hooked (or week of 20. K.Mi'itu: (Cliiis. y.liiiiiiprnian, manager i — Clark's Hiiiinwuy Hlrls Inst week pucked Ihe bouse lo Ihe doors. The show Is well put on. Hosnlle and. John T. Inivls" HbistriUP'l snugs were Ihe features of the olio. Americans week of 20. Xuti:. "The Heulleiiinii from Indiana" (.'«. will arrive here 211 mi a special I rain from Philadelphia. Itehenrsiils will be conducleil here and the company will open for a week 2T. K. J. Morgan will cieale the title role. IIK.VI'IIN IN Till 'IIIIFPiSSION. KBW VOHIC CITV .IOTTLVG9. This llrooklyn Al the Montiuik (Isahel Sinn IliM'bt. mnunger) (ieorge M. Cohan, In bis musical comedy. "Ml lie Johnny Jones, appeared Feb 2II-2.". John Drew last week din u big business. Next week. Viola Allen. M^ikstk: iChniles II. Stargis. mnnagcr). Ward and Yokes appear here 2t'-2;. '» "A l'nlr of I'lnks." which has met Willi big mcii'ss. Lust week big business ruled. -Next week, "In Old Keullicky." HiiAxn (H'KUA (Lew Pnrker, manager). "The Jewel of Asia" is presented here •_ii...; by n strong enst. I. list week "Nancy Hriovn crowded Ihe liuusP. Next week, "At tin OKI Cross Uoada." . , ... ... I'.witc (Win. Hyde, mnnngeil.— A l*Jperate Chalice," a pov.erfiil me odniniii. -»• 2.1. The scenes nre very realistic imd Hit '; esllng. Uist week, Idg business ruled Willi "A Wife's Secret." Hi.ioi! (Mary (1. Spinner, manager), week Cecil Spooncr appears lo good ailvali I age. In "The Swoed of the King Spooner does splendid work In the l'hllippa. The i-eiaalnder of the cninimu.. nre seen lo advanlage Last week "tisiuss was to caiaicily. Next week, "TWO L'"lc Vagrnnls." Coi.VMlilA (C. L. Wels, malinger). Silver King" Is presented here 20 -S* lent work Is done by the stiK;k. Lnal dig business ruled. "Inder Twa Mags "'iiMi'iiEiM (rerev 0. Williams, malinger) —Alter u record breaking week. '••->*' lierl Chevalier, the Inletilad eoslci • 1 npersonnlor, Is seen for nnollier week. I) ours. 20 2.1, are: The Hrnud opera Trio, F.mmeti and her compnn.v. In n oaeirl pm"Mrs. Miirphv's Second llusbnnd : '%«™2 Leon. Frank Hush. John Ford and Ma. mi Oehriie. Kelly and Vlolelle. he Llg njs. Hie Camllle Comedy Trio nnd the vltagi pli. Hyi.i: & Ili:iiMAN's (Nick Norton, man gen.— ltoberl llliliard Is retained ...jit 1>.. ,!,..! ti-tmt: \CHk .. Tbi' ALUOttA Siikji. supported hy >>*<9>.S**< thoruc, appeared In the file role of llomlet" al a special matinee 111 the Nt-.v tort Tlienlre, Feb 1-L including In , ldn snppo t such n 'tors as John Malot.e 1 ac ton III! I. Suuiie K. Chester and Harry Lelglilon. Mi. si en was unfortunate in deteruihiat 'on Vo enact the me lane holy Dniie. ns (ltncss In voice, maimer, dedverj Ion nnd study.' Miss Hawthorne more fortunate. John Ma lone and Hiirtnn II 111 as Ihe l.lios! Mr Chester carried olT tlrst luili I'oll.iil'iis'. reading Inielllgeatlv and un, lions liuii'.oi ttlilcli «on muds nf applnuie. Hurry Ijiel'tes Detroit. — At .the Detroit Opera House (H. c. Whitney, manager) Sum lie run rd and lliiltlu Williams. In "The (llrl from Kay's," '■cored Feb. 13-1.1, wllb the nticudiince lurge. "The Isle of Spice" returned Hl-18, when tome of Ihe liugesi audiences of Ihe sensou attended. The prodiielloii whs Ural class iu every respect. Tim Murphy '20-22, Edward Terry 211-25, "Checkers" week of 27. Lri'Btiu (F. D. stnlr, manager). — "The Strollers" drew large houses 1218. The I'.T piece wus splendidly inuuuted and well pren.hJ! seated. "The Hcuuty Doelor" 111-25, "Sherlock Holmes" week of 2ll. . WurrxKY (R 1). Stair, nmnnger). — "Tracked Around the World" was presented Iiy -i cnpahle cointiiuiy, to crowded houses, PJ-1S.' "More to He Fined Thun Scorned" 10-2.-I. "Afler .Mldnlghl" Veok 2(1. * L.u-'AYirrrK (Dr. Campbell, tnnnager). — The Hviiiii Donglnss Co., Ill "Don Ciusnr (le llnxnu^'entertarneil good slzeikuudlcnces 1218. -Tlie piece was ni'erltorloinUy sfilged and nhlv ucied. They will appear ill "The Cowboy and the Lord" and "UMflmlao' 111-25. Tk.mi'I.k (J. II. Moore, malinger) . — Mllttm and Dollle .Nobles bended last week's excellent bill, and packed houses rulpii. For week ot 20 : The Original Nashville Students, Callahan and Mack. DelVllt. Hnrnsj nnd Torrance, Fdwln Keough nud company, Mclniil Trio, Fnnny IHce. Aerial Smllhs, Lew Sully and the klupt'„'riiph. AvKNtiK I Drew *: Campbell, luanngers). — The Tiger Lilies iiresented n line elitertulunipiit whbh wns well pal roulzcil week of 12. Dice k Hai'lon's liiirlcHiuicra 111 2.V Marlou. Al Ihe Indliinu (I'l. L. Kllllie man, iniiiiiigeri "Tlie Crisis," feuliirlng Niiunette Comstock drew n crowded house Feb. SI, nml Miss Conmloi'k simciKI a decided success. Her support wns excellent. "A Trlii to Egypt" was liberally patronized 10. and thoroughly pleased. "Happy lloollgiii," parked Hie iiiiusn for Iwu perforiuunceH II, nnd made n grent success. "A Fight for Love," with Hubert FIDslmmona ami Julia illlTord III the lends, tilled the house 14. Mr. ritzslnunoim' many ndmlrem hiought hlui retiontedly before the curtain. Tim Murphy 17, Al. (i. I'leld's MlusIrulH ^2, "lluster Urown" S3, _ HiiAN-n (10. I.. Klnnemnn, manager). — Tlio " "Uncle Hl'AiaiAl. l.i:w Wai.i.aii:. author, former American minister to Turkey ami veteran nt the Mexican nlul Civil Wars, died ill his home In Crawfordsvllle. Iiid., evening uf Feb. I.Y Ills health Imd hecu waning for Several veins. iScuernl Wallace was burn al llrookvll'le. hid , April in, IS2T, nail was best known to (he lircscnt general Ion as the author nf "Hen llur." Ilesllles "Hell II lie." uf which more lliaii .'lOll.tlou copies have been sold since lis publication. In ISSO. he was the author of "A Fnlr Hod." published In IN7it, nnd of "The Prince of India." which appeared In IHIKI. 'Ilie ilriimiillxatloli nf "Hen lllll'' «iin made hy Wip. Vouiig, nnd the llrsl nroduclloii of tlio piny was given in Hie llroudwur ThPiilre, A'ew York lily. Nov. ";!). ISIID. "The I'lime of llldln" has also been dnuiuillncd, nml will smin be proiiaceil. I'llnerul services were held at Heiieriil Wallace's former home In Crawfordsvllle, oil I'eb. IS, nud liiteuueiit wut nrlvnle. IIaiiiiv niiu.NK. or the (cam of llnuis nud Nlun, died nt. St. Louis. Mo.. Feb. ll. rrnm puresls, nfler an Illness of over a year nt Ihe Missouri liuptlsl Saiilliirliua, that city. lie was forty-six years uf age. lie wns attended by tlie K. II. I', nnd MilccnbccH Lodges. Inlermeiil was In Wesleyn Cemetery, SI. Louis. I'ttor. liKo. llWKKs, nit orchestra lender, died at his mother's home In Mnsiui City. III., rill. ill. from Ilrlght's disease. For thirteen consecutive seasons lie was with llrlswold's "Itiiele Tom's Cnlilil" Co.. und had been connected wllh other organizations during his rureer. tine dnughler, one son. Ills mot her, four brothers nml three sisters survive him. May A.xtonio, wbosp name 111 private life was Mis. Jerry Wiggins, died ill Missoula. Mont.. I'eb. H, aged about liny years. She was well known In vaudeville ami circus circles, In Ihn 'KOs. as a slack wire walker. She hud resided la Mlssoitlu fur Ihe past lit teen years, nnd Imd I i Buffering for the pnsl two years from n ciimplh'iiHoii »( ills eases. Her husband, one sou, two sisters nnd ■I brother survive her. F.nwAitb J. Nmukxt, u thriitrlriil uintiiiger, said lo be an originator of Sunday concerts ami roof garden enteiialnmenls. died Feb. II. Ill New Vork City, from plieuliioulii, aged forty-"l» years. Ho was for some veins mini nger of the old Slur Tlienlre. Ilrouilway nail Thirteenth Street, New Vork CHv. Al Hie lime of his lust nines be was business mini , nger for Slilllviui. Harris \ Wooils' "Weilded ami Purled" Co. 1'iuieral services were held fi'oiii Ha Church of Hie llolv Inn ills, Ne.v Vork lity, Feb, IT. MolilTA Kimi, a Jnpnnese daiieer. died Feb. IB, In .New Vnrk (iiy, from I rl failure. She was) the daughter of u theatrlral hnpressal'ln of i'uklo. iiie body was ereuinled ami Ihe ashes will he seul luuli lo Japan. Funeral services iveie held al Cniti|ihell's u-derl iiklug ealiihllsliinenl, New Vork, Feb. 17. Tut: w:\iainm ov IDiuir Ldckiiaiit, Hip well known elephant trainer, who died In Ihe city of Mexico, Jan. Ill, were laid in resi In Ihe llrlllsh CeniPterjf Haw, Feb. 2. iiie funeral was nil ended by all the miniiies of (ll'lin Jlrolhers' Circus, wllh which uhou Mr. Loekhurt lnal nppvared. Ills full nntne was Henry James Locklinrl, and he wits horn In London, i:ug, In 1802. Mrs. Lncklinrl, who Hiirvlves him. Is iiIhii n iiullve of Hull ill v. Her home Is In lltiraboo, Wis. The dill Innocent Mnlds. booked for M. nnd Ilea." in. ennceled. lenvlug tlm hoiiae durk. dren luibibcr five, (lifee girls nnd I wo boys, ' their ngen ranging from twenty -one in four Kablo llonianl" 1« nnd mntlnee; Vogtd's Minstrels Si and mullnee. Chystai. (John II. Amnions, uinnuger). — IllislnrHs holds up uniisitiiHv well, desidle severe cold weather. For w»ck of 20: The IV Holscs, 'Irene White, Monls and Haly, Tom Morgan, Illustrated songs nnd (he kinodrome. he hicks i-nuuchi ls hurtlly us (iniullus, were itiiluip plly cast urs ns having an him repee.leil roll Hernardo, fred Wit Second Actor, Digger, Sum ger. J Mai'1 mule. Cnnstiiiu Hawthorne Tin: Wu tirilny. Fell pole, ihe lien. Fuller H" „f urninffement.. ,••;■;■„■■,,;;,„,,, '•^'"H^re^sVnmcsuud effeCs were no (in kceohr' will the time of arllou The ens Chu bis John Malone; Chost Hallo), lllll I ramie Adorn Sliem : I'olonlus. Siuuoel K. •1 es ■ '• Ii-er es. Harry Lelglilon : Horatio, iniln lpsli ossln: Osiic. Kdwhi llrewsler: \lfreil .lolinsoii: FrniiclsVe.. Wal; first Actor. A. W. I'nrcell : in-. T. Kri.ks.iii: First <ie«ve net (Stealer: Second l.iuve Dig II: Pclest. Hubert Illce: <.er llainblln: uphella. Helen Vlress. Hachelle Iteiinrd. n: Hats held their scamper S-il II. midnight, ill the llolel .Melio iiiLflr r.'i a huge sii s*. Willi hlcn. i-hiilrmiin or committee s. .mil lien Shields, innsler i pti eli inntlles. Miss role of "The !xeei Week Ili'XI ed It. Marks. Harry Seiini")) : Jinlsoli »■ older, and lirsl pust ii Fuller Holil the luitde addresses. Hi hers ,-.ilitlihllled In the full I In evulng were: !■'. Dolan, Walter i-revosl. Lti I'revosl A I II II. ,1ns. Ah All. another week. Mr. liilHanrs lirsl week was n gnoid racram. uibers on Ihe bill. 20 .. nie Kilinimil Hay. Mr., al Six Miish-ul Ciillys, Kdliiiiuii I'ay. ■»• •■■■■ Mrs. Uardner Cratie. Jennie TeawiW. **»•" proniiiunt pei'forii "is. Seninun. of Hurilg * \Viils altoriny "I •"'• master big clib'f '■•" I uler of (he order. who were prcseni ami nml Ivirriiony "f Sam SWaatn, Jar 'xHir'K'mr'segn'Meciy. Frank Ha n,, Victor Moore. .Marl Mil ''.'. J». ,^7','<-,.'1::! iie^i Mlk" S. i',,akl.r. Have m oVeon e v ?£ Vb-Lna. I. alley. Tom Xloiilgoni r >. I. k ,,„,-,„.. ,;,.„. M. Lewis. SIHI ■■"].'■ ,ir „||„.rs, liesilles lllS5S"«iS«. i' e l-'efslenk'suiiPPr was pmv led l.v Vie... cnsldlne. proprietor nf the lliliel Metroie.^ The affair tertainnl.d t j ;:d a. II, Hriiml llnpld« — At the Sew Towers' ( llarrv H. Soinmers & Co., managers) "The Isle of Snice." Feb. II. play 'd In two huge iiudlences! Coming: Do Avoir Hopper. In "Wang" IS: Tlm Murphy 1". *'• Field's Minstrels 2.1, lllclmrd Carle, In "The Tendertoot." 20. '-'". Majiistic Tiikatiik (Orr'n Stnlr, nianaceri. iluppv Hooligan.'" 01 1, drew crowded houses, as did Kugotile lllnlr, 121.". Coinnig: "The Heaiitv Doelor" Ml IS, James J. CorhPtl. In "Pals,'" 111 22. Oiianii OrmiA llot'sK (Churchill & Davis, mnnngersi. ■ ■ Vaudeville nl'.ructlons 10 -26 nre: MrConncll and Swnn, Crawford nnd Duff. Mndelvn Mnrsluili, Sloddaril and Wilson, i.i as, ll. Dlrkrrson anil Peter J. Smith. Sunn's (H'KUA llntHi: l .Mrs. W. It. Smith, manager i. -Week or 12: "queens of ihe Harem" pleased luree aiidletui's. 1 ■ Simioniv. -Al Hip Academy (John M. Wnril. imiiingeii I'.ugenh Hlnlr. In "lli'r Second l.ll>." plenscd tw-i giioil houses Feb. II. "Vork Slate Folks." l'j. wild a very Mad iiiiiipaliv, gnve full satisfaction. lie Wolf Hopper." In "Wang," had S. It. (»., 15. Her din liiilland IT. "The Isle of Spire" 111, 20, "The Strollers" 22. .iLHEits " (liamforil & Murks, ma angers I. "Frolii lings lo Itlches" drew good business 11-11. "The Hidden Crime." 12-IK. bad good business ami company. "Wedded and Purled" 10 2.*.. i ■ KnlnuinaiMi. -At Ihe Academy of Music (H. A. Hush, manager) "The Isle of Spire" drew n big house l'eb. I-".. "Light Hells'' had a well lllleil bouse '<. Murray nud -Muck, In ".■ui Kngllsli Daisy." IT: The Sign of the Crovs" IS, "The I'eddler" 22, Field's Minstrels 2S. "The Tenderfoot" March 1, "Why tilrls l.euve Home" 2, 'The Strollers" ,'t, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 4. I'alaci: Wf Ami'sk.ukxth (K. .T. llyon. tnanagi')).— Large crowds ot akulers atleml tinpolo gumes. F.vnnHvHle.— At Ihe Ciniid (IVilley & March, managers), un Feb. 8, a big bouse witnessed Charles llnwlrey. In "A Messngii from Mnrs." I'aulii Kdwui'deH, 10, lllleil the house ulmosl to the doors. "Arizona" played matinee and ulght, II, lo lilg houses. "Dav'il lliiruui" hml a good advance snle fur HI. Hlehnrd Mnnalleld, III "J vim the Terrible," had S. II. 0, "The Two OrpliiitiH" 21, Juelc Itoelller Co. 2T-Maicll 4. Fkoclb's (I'liUcy & llurch, innnngers).— This house wus crowded until breathing spuce was ut a premium nt bulb niulliiee null night performances of Wesley nud Muck, In "The Irish 1'iuviilirokers." Their support wus good, nnd some good speclnllles were given. •Tlie Showman's Daughter" II, "Holly Tollv" IT. +*-*■ MINMlSOi'A. Minneapolis. Al the Metropolitan Opera House I L. N. Seolt. miililiueri "Tlie HI)o Hull" Feb. lll-'.-2, "The l.'oillilv CluiliinilU" ■Jll-'jn. .Inines K. Ihiekeit LIU March ], anil Fdiui Wallace Hopper follows, for Ihree iilglns. "The Vlivliilnil" eiijoyeil good liusl I less 12-1S. IU.ioii Oi'Liia llot'Ki: (Thro. L, llnys. mnniiger I. Jliililoiis' "Siiperlm" 111-25, "The Llglithmisp Iiy I lie Sea" 211. Williams ami Walker drew irowds lo see "In Dnhoiiiey," 11-18. Lyci:ih (Dick Ferris, inunugeri.--"i'ho Holy Cliv" HI nml week. "The Illuck Flag" will he put on 211. Splendid houses saw "Secret Service" Inst week. Hill'lll.l'.M I Man In Keck, general innllilgen. For 111 mid week : llerriuutiil Hie lirenl. McMuholi's Minstrel MtihU, Shields ami I'nnl, clinrloile linveiiscrofl, Murphy iltul Fruucls, liny | on While uuil Millie SI unit. The siiiiic lilg audience.: continue. Di:wt:v (M. II. Singer, manager).-The llllev fc Wood Co. I0-2.V The World Healers fnllo'w 2(1. Fair rei'eipts cnaie lo the Hay Musi|iieruders I2IH. Fm'ick (.M. (iallnglier, mniiiigcii. — The lilll III nnd week: Mile A litis. Hen. W, Lealle. Hie MolilMwortliH. ctiineroii nnd Toledo. Josephine Coles. Velle. aided by Ihe moving pleliires. lluslness Is fine. eai'H, tlm ngc of Mrs. Uiekliarl's y ngest boy. Kiitv.vliii F, (InonuiN, brut lie r of Nut C. liooilwln. tiled In Musi Milton. Muss., Feb. IT. from heart illxiniw. Mr. ilmalwlii was horn In Hoslon March 211, istl-l. He appeared la the slock coiaiiiuiv al the HiihIoii Museum In the days of Warren. Wilson nml Slet'iillough. For hup seiison he suppiu led linipy lllee. und was four seasons In the company headed by Ills brother Nat. About six years ago he rcllreil frulil the slllge, IIauvuy Mayoii. who In early life was n member of liiulworlli's Ilniid. died at bis hnnie in Hi'ooklyn, N. V., Feb. O, In bis elghlyseeiiiiil year. It. A. ("Hick") Skaiih, a musician, died recently at Astoria, lire., from a couipllciilhiii of discuses, lie was lately connected villi Kroner's music publishing house, of flit cllgii. Ills wife. (IhitlyM Hears, nf Hie sister learn. Suwielie and Hears, survives bliu. lilllAllli lli'MMKI., it musician, who laid played ut I heat res, coiniiillleil siililde by us plivxlallon Fell. IT, to the honrdlng lion"'. :tll7 Kual Fourteeiilll Hlreet, New Vork. lie was thirty years of age. Ma un; I.iiMNiMi, of I lie Ipiiiii nf Mirny and l.esslng. dropped dead In her dressing room ill the Wvnli OpMrn Home, Iteillniuls, I 'ell.. Fed. HI, while chniigliig her eodnnie prepuruliirv lo lidiilug her piutiier on the stage. Kirov und Leasing hml euliie In Ifcdlunds to assist Hip local lodge or Fills In pr itlug a mliislrel show, and Miss Lesslug hud coin pleled her Mrsl part In Ihe sketch and wns iiliollt to lilll nice her costume nod Join Mlroy. who was singing :i hiilhnl oil Ihe singe. I | learning ol' Hie dealt, the stage nun. nger rang down the eiirl.ilii and dismissed the niiilTeni'e. Mlsu Leasing wus formerly of the teiiiu or James T. Moore I Dutch ciiiiieilbui I and l.essliig. She was thirty three y s of age. ihe Flks of lledh.i.ds look charge of Ihe funeral, Wii.i.ih. .1. ILivkh. well known us n innnnger, tiled al Seal He, Wash.. Jul). 2S. lie suffered a stroke of paralysis In February. I1IOI, and had fulled steadily sii I lien llnrlag bis miecr he hail been Willi Smith's Hell dingers, John l.lllon. Ilnwurl Ii'h llllier illcn (for nine years us miinngeri. Alklnsiiu's I'eck's Ibid Huy ler, Mush., where Ihe "A I v III .loslln" Tom's Cu liln" l'o. loiiiingei for four l.ilki'Vlew Ceinele llHlliec ll. llnnkH, Al.. L.Utl'K. un Cu., n t heat re nl Wmci he uiieil us lieiisurer: Co.. and Hlelson's "I'licle wllh lie mieil ns years. Interment was ut ry. Sea Hie. Ills wife, survives liliii, Hiiniiger nud iniiiposer, Hay Clty^-At Hie Washington (W Daiml. iniiiiaeeri L'iippiiIp Hln . W ll Inrge ntul n pi irrelative " dm Immcnae air, The affair (erniiii lgton (W. J. nlr, In "Her Sceiinii Life." dri audience I'eb. Hi. "Light Hells' business II, 12. (le Wolf Hopper, In "Wane." did cnpniilv business 14. "A Hidden Crime'" HI. 20. "The Die of Spice" 21, ■The Strollers" 211. Stetson's 'i'aiie Tom's Cub'n" 24. Tlm Murphy 2fi. .InekHun. — Al the Allienreutn III, J. I'orler, manager) Hyrne llrus.' "Light llells," Oiilotii. At Ihe Lyceum (C. A. Murahnll, mnuagerl "The Show Olrl," Feb. HI. hud a large audience. Duo Sully (return date) Hi, I'niierewskl 2", "The (,'ouuty Chalrmuu" 28, March i. MtiTlioroi.iTA.N OpglA RODHh U. T. Condon, manager). — "Tiie Lighthouse by die Sea" Feb. idIK, Manager Condon will give ihree weeks of vaudeville, commencing 20. "The Heart, of Marvhiud," 0-11, and miitlnen, had capneliv. Wllb Ii Diiliilh ruvoi He F.iilulla Iteiitiell. iis Ihn slur. She had a number of curtain calls. lil.lnr Line Mnltlnnd. tnaiitiger) . — I'ennle week of 20: Three Knys, Ivoles llros.. (lie Malpoins. Wbltlter, J, McClpllftn. 1'rnf. Mmet v nml the moving |ilitiifp». Ilnslueaa continues good, through very am wealher. NoTi:.--iiiP|'e will lie one week of vaudeville put on tit the Oram) Opera House, West Superior, Wis., on March II. nig' died Feb, 10, In New Vork city, from pi inolilu. aged forty 'lie yeiirs. lie ur lunged ll iiiiiiibnr «r coinl" operas, ng whldi were: "The lliomwnys. Iiie Moekliu: lllrd" nml "Sergcnnl Kltly." Mr. La line had been arnittger In ('has. K. llnirls New Vork nlllee for Hie past seven years, wllh 'lie except Ion "f one year, when ke wis will. I'rifltraM It Duckalii'lPf MIllHlrels. I'lii.eriil Is III .Miirrlsloivn, X. J., Feb. 22. Wai,ti:ii VmT, un BPlnr. died smldeiilv on Feb. Ill, In New Vork City, fin spinal iiiPiilngllls. Ii.leru.enl wis ifrtie Cemelery. Hnlllmiae, Mil prnfeHslniially known as Mnr'.oii aurvlves hint. — *-~» ' cerebrn III llol.Ill ' Ills Wife, Laugibili, Al.n\"/.o DAIictt. rntlier of Mrs. phPt, died Jill, -'0, lit blR ham Fred Mor • In l-l.ll * delpflla. The llll'Tinptll took |il«'e Feb I. nl S'ntih Cellar lllll Cemetery, i'tankford, I'a. ,