The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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40 THE ISTEW YOBK CLIPPER. Ma1IC!H 4 WE OFFER A BETTER SELECTION OF SONGS THAN EVER BEFORE a H GOOD BYE, SIS iVo soldiers—no flags—but a great Snilor march Bnag. Words by WILL D. COBII. Music by TQEOOOKE MOHSE. (Slides by WI1KKT.EK). fJood-bye, "Sis," It breaks my heart to leave you, Good-bye, •'81s," don't let tbis parting grieve you ; One more kiss ond Just remember this. You'll be sorry some day after I have gone nwsy. Goodbye, "Sis." "LONGING FOR YOU"l"SHE WAITS ? BLUE SEA" The daintiest nnd sweetest itiuslc MOnSE ever wrote. Words by JACK DKI.SF-A.VE. l-onclng for you, yes, only you; My hciirt Is ncliltif;. If you bur knew 'J'liosc eye") of blue have picrcM] nie tbrougb, Thnt'M why I'm longing, longing tor you. "JASPER, DON'T YOU HEAR GALLING YOUP Descriptive Storr Ballad. Words bv ED. MADDKN Music by TIIEODORE MOUSE. M ■Words hy "CO.\fICAIi' OltEAT COON SnOUT. BEItT KITZGIIUIO.V. Music by HENRY FRANTZEN. Jnspcr, ,Tnspcr, don't you bear mc calling you? JUBper, I've been colling 'till my face nm blue. The house In cold, got up nnd fetch the kindling wood, Or I'll forget my love for you and soak you good!— Jasper, don't you bear nic calling you? When the sun slowly sinks to its rest, 'llien her gaze wanders olT to the West, l-'or she's drcamiag each day ot a lad far away, Whose love she never guessed. And she sighs as she waits patiently For slie wonders where he cau be; There's a sob and n tear For each long drenry year. As she walls by the deep blue sea. "CANT YOU SEE MY HEART BEATS ALL FOR YOUP »> PITZOIBBON'S words MORSE'S melodious music. Can't you see my heart beats all for you, all for you, If you'd only tell me what to do, what to do: When you're far away I'm always blue, always bine. For my heart t>eat8 all for you. li WHAT THE BRASS BAND PLAYED if The surprise march song of the year—greatest opening nnd finishing song ever written. Words by JACK DRISLANE. JIiislc by THEODORE MORSE. " 'Way Down In My Heart" they played, "A Feeling I've Got for You" Then the boys went DiarehlDg by to the tune of "The Doy In Blue," "On the Seventeenth of March" "Bedelin" and •Rnrney" parade, "I Mnst Say Farewell," "Good-bye .My Blue Bell," "Tliat's Whut the Brass Band I'layed." Call 91 \A/^e'ro In 'NA/l-fch a IVIaroh Hl-t, "COLLEGE LIFE By IIENttY FRANTZEN. LEADERS—net this. Great for dumb nets nnd exits. Special, 10 parts and piano, 25 centa Professional copies of all with Vocal Orchestrations are ready and will be sent upon receipt of stamps and LATE PROGRAUMB— No Cards I'OSITIVEI/Y. - If we know you tbot's different. ORCHESmii LEIOEIIS "SPECIAL," Ollll ClUB, ILL IITS, 9,000 MEMSEHS. Fromiaent Leaders cooslder it a (ood thlog-wb; doa't you joio? 12 Pieces per year-$i.00 Ybe best iBTesiment roD can mike-Send as your sabscription now and receive fire bit), eitber band or orchestra, to begin vith. We have seven songs with slides-write and we will give yon toll particulars regarding tbim. We make tbe greatest Oompasy or Special Oovir Song Boob on Itie market. Send for samples and prites. WHY DO YOU LIE Awake Trying to find good houses to play. Don't worry. Just book the WINNING HOUSE OF NEW ORLEANS. Played & PIGLE'S MINSTRELS Week Feb. 13, giving daily matinees. Turned people away at every performance. Crowds so great had to give two extra matinees, Saturday and Sunday Mornings, at 10 A. M., to accommodate the patrons of Faranta's Theatre New Orleans papers unanimous in praise of company and house. If you want to do business let me hear from you. ime:\a/^ orl-e:aims, -lOlt Tllli- 1IIH11 ill ■ I. Workingnieu in All Departments. TItAI.NMlON. luldriMM. . CANVAS MK.N. lulilrosa il().S'l"l,i;i{S, aihlr.'ss,. . Mr. W. W, ... .Mr. .Imnes .lordan. Wiislilngton, Iiullnna. .Mr. t'hiirlos Itolud. c'nnlon, Ohio. Scot I, .No. Kl.'i.'i reiilrnl Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Also a Troupe of Clowns Who can produce Novel nnil Hrlnlniil ltiiili>s.iiiiiig Siiivliilllos mi lllppoilromc Track. Addro.KN El). C triU.I.Iv.V, l«.".,'i iVntml Ave, I'lncltinntl, Ohio. The Garden Theatre, °Sh*o"' THE TENANT MUST INVEST 82,.'>00. *'»'''•'"■' ]>l. JIAXMI\t; , l>io|irl('l«r and Mnnsfier. A BIG~~ NOVELTr. MUSICAL REEDS "TSE BLACK HUSSARS.' (•iiai,i,i;n(;k iiAitMo.\isr.><. with i:i,.viiouatI'; lvstkumkntal disi'lav "Oil SAM-; —Due .Si't (if ItiiRsllrciiii «'1iIuii>h. Ahniilnuni Chliuos, .steel Marlnibnphono with 'broc Special Tuylor Trunks, Speoliil .Made Wnlorproof Covers. Cliciip. Addr. ns per route IVK HWE FOR BALS AND LIASB, Advanci,'Prlvlltg*,'Baggag«,Stockiri]BoxCart 60ft. long. Deelrftble for Show snd CftrnlTal Com- panleB. RessoQable terms. Write (or p&rtlcalan. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAB CO., . No. 1220 MoDadnoclc BulldlDg, Ctilcsgo, 111. UNIFORMS BANDS. MILITARY. MINSTREL PARADE OUTFITS, USHERSand all others. Send for CntaloR, mention kind wanted. Special Attention Given the Profession Western Unllorrr Co..220ClarkSI..Chlcaao lETTER ! LITHOGRAPH' ABOUT HALF THE PRICE NEW LITHO-TIHT PAPER SEND POR CATALOQUE Morrison Show Print d.,„,. Dttrolt, Mich. IMII.f ilTH "t""^ LEADING Of Tbeatrlcal Boot£ A Stioes, All work m»de CD sbort notice. No dlBBuppolnt- tnent; wemaks trom 1 pair to 1,000 pairs. Bal- lot Stioes a spe- olkltT. aoa w. «Sd St. New York. Tel. loo R oiielsea. I SECOND HAND BAND INSTRUMENTS. All makea—line cxmdjuon—many good as new. ,■ Sold far about HALJ^pnce. They were excluui(E<l I far the HOLTON ndrunenu. Ask far lat , fnak Holtoa & Co., 107 MAdisoa.Chic FLASH LIKE THE GENUINE Uaj or night. Solid gold |mountlDg. Tou can own a diamond equal In brllUancjto an; genuine stoue at one Ithlrtlelli tlie cost. BAROUA D1AU0ND8 stand acid teat land expert examlnailon, We laaranlee ttiem. 8ee ttieni flrat and tbea psy, write for oatJtlnirne. Anente wanted. 'J'lIK, IIAUOIIA COBirAVV, Hi'|i«. 4, <;:>-?! Wulmult Avi-., <'lilf iiBO,'.lU. MUSICAL GLASSET Substantial, loud, pare In tona, easy to tnne and play. Pbotoe, references, Cata- logne, with fnll Information How (o play glaaiei Bacccssfully, will be seat on recdot of 100. A.Brannelss, HliHsoplmni' Mf)r.. s \V. l:>i.l St., New Vurk Cilv. INTERNATIONAL PLAY EXCHANGE ROtflLirPlAYS^^IlfAmBitRfmS 122l.ASAaEST,.CHICAGO,ILL. MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS, In Connection With Exposition at Mancliester, N. H., From April 17-29. I'rciiVs, Wu.\ Workd uiul all kliuU ot Lvgilliuulc Side Slions. For |uirticulur<<, uddrcis W. T. ANTIIONV, 811 Kim St., Muucicstcr, N. II. ICTD ATF HALF-TONE i3 1 K/m I Er PROCESSco. ' PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A, I ^,,^^ pjScfs. SQUARE INCH-. ^ ' ^"'y HAL. JOHNSON 'ARCI COIVIEDY OR (CIRL.ESQC»I TlIK OXI,Y MAl.K ANKI.K DAKCKIt IX AMKRIOA. FEMALE INOESUFS, 1IE.\VII-S and JUVENILES. Dances mid niieclaltlfH urningcd liy Claude M. Alvlciic; Gown.s by Itedfuni. $.^,000 wurdrolie. Address 530 .V. SCOTT ST., So. licud, Ind. will present his famous, tlirlUIng Acrobatic Ladder and Table Actwltli the < Paw-Sells Shows season 1006. A few dates open. Address JliMBSSERST. Prov., R. I., orN. Y. Agents. THE THEATRE MAGAZINE Regnlar price, 36 centa a copj. )lie handsomest Ulnstrated publication In America. Contains matter not found In other theatrical publications. Scenes from all the new est productions a notable featnre. Send 10 CENTS for sample copy. THE THEATRE MAGAZINE, 28 W. SSd St., N. Y. PLAYS Fir Stsek Cinpiiles, for Repirtiire CsmpaRJis, fir Anitiurs LARGEST ASBORTMENT IN' THE WORLD. Books for home amusement, Ne«ro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mr«. Jarley'i Wax Works. Catalogn* Free 1 Kree I Free I SAUURI. FRBNOfl, 17 W. ZiA St., New Yark. w-VinKRR'* TBaATRB. OhlesKO. ni. l-.l.Dbfma—C»ntr«l. lUU. Aoad for Catalo«i» SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STTLKS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Sbort Vamp and BUkS* l«aU always 00 hand. MaU Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. MVIUUIAMI BKRN8TKIN. T«l. Ma irA4lann Rnn»rs. una Rixt.h Atb.. nnar SUt RtrnM. W ▼ CHANGE OF- Al Sie Hassan Ben All's Arabs OFFICE, 49 W. 28th STREET, NEW YORK. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. kit thi Utnt Mi MMt Popiilir StylM In Lidlts' Hair Drmliig. , A. in. BUCU & CO., N. T. Rep.: H. HALLIWRLL. lOfl K. IJth 8L THE ECCE.VTKIC tO.tllHl'ES, InirnduclUK one good Comedy Grotesque Singing and Dancing Acrobatic Act. March 6 and latf! ""^"- ACADEMY UOTEL, 119 East Ulb 8t, N. Y. Clly.