The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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42 THE NJBi-w - yobk: clipper., .. : .... J. . . - . 1 - . . . . . '- ■ - . ^^rATRCH 4 THE NEW YORK CUPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING GO.(Llniitld.) riEOrninToim. ALBBRT J. BORIE, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, IflOS. RATEST AflperUgcincnts—?'.'.S0 ptr Inrti, ainsle wl- man, AilTrrtliu>u)pnti set with border, 10 per cent extra, SVBSCRII'TION. One y»nr In nUvonre, $•(; sir montlis, $2; thre(> mnntljs, »1. I'oreltcn pnstnge extrn. BlDKle cn\iit% will lie Bent, postpaid, on re- r»lpl of 10 centB. Oiir T«rniB ore Caiili. Tlin CI,II»rMB In IsniiPil every VVVdncBdBy nornluR. 'Xlie last four (ndvcrllslDg) page.-) V,0 TO I'RKSS on Snturday nt it a. m., nnd the other pngei on MOXDATf and TUKSDAY. Tlie Pornm Clonlnic I'romplly, Tne»- aay, nt 10 o'lock A. M. Dense remit by express, money older, check, r. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed Willi letter Is nt tlio risk of sender. Adflrfn*! All Onnimntilcattona to TUB NKW YOniC CMPPER, 47 West i'Slh Street, New York. HrgUlcrcil C'ahlc Addrctn, "Al.TlioniTY." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of TUB fM.II'I'KIt ifi Incaleil ot Uoom 502, Aslilnnrt KlocU, Clilrngo, Waller K. Flllt, manager oud eorroHpoiKlent, where ndver- tlsementsi niid siibsurlptioDs arc received nt out regulnr rates. THE LONDON BUREAU I.oenled nt 48 Criinboiirue St., Louden, W.C, Juhn fl. C'lU'iiey, inuniigcr nnd corres'iiondcnt, where iulvi'rllsc>ini'iiln mid Hiiljsf.'ilptlorn are terclTPtl Ht niif regular rates. Tub Ci.n-iTit can hh outainbd, BAl.B ANii RKTAil., nt oiir ogenls, Ilrcntnno's news depot, :iT Avenue ilu I'Opern, I'urla, Krniice; JI. IJIIentliiil, h'redcrlek Strnsse 101 (Ternilmis Ilolcl), Iterlln, N. \V., Cer- rnnny; Dliunoiirt Ncivm (.'■>„ !I7 I'rarto, lla- vniia; Manila Uuols and Stntlnncry Co., ]"J8 ICHenHn, Muulln, I>. 1.: Albart & Son, i:JT- I.'m King St., K.vdiiejr, AUHlralln. 'rilK M:W TUKIv (.'l,ll>l>i;il pnbllaht-a i»il>' «>ite pdllloM, itud Hull )■ dntt'il from N«iv Viirk. QUERIES ANSWERED. So nptillea liy Mnll or TcleKraph* ADPIIKXSEH Oil WIlKUI'.AllOllTS NOT Olrsy. All is tjiitsT i>K sui;ii Biinucu wkjtk to riiosB wiioM Tiu;y hiikk, i.m »'Aits ov TFIK ClillM'MII roST Oki-icr. Ai.r. I,Kn-BKN Wll.l, Bi; Aiivi:iiTi.sni> oxn wki:k onlv. Ip thh KlirjTM or A.ST '1 IIEATIIIL'AI- CDMrAX* IS Hui'uiiT, ui;i'i;n to nim i.imt ok iidutks (IN A.NOIHKU I'AclR. Wk CAN.Nor 8H.SU JfODTKa BT MAII, OU TlCI.i:<IRAl-|[. I). N, T., OHhkoHh.—The dwk liuvliipr nfty- scvi'ii tniilK wn.s ili-fcctlvo mid llie hiiud WJS (lead. JvB.-li plnj-or wiis entitled lit with- ilraw froui iln? jmL all tlii? numey lie lind jiut In, iiiKl a inojier deck of cimlH hirlisfltuleil Ciir till' lin|ierfi'i-r one before liogliiiiliit pliix. sy. A. .v., .IiMwy i.'llj-.—I. ir (he house rule v/ns Hint n rrick must lie Utkon before ii ihfUl wns counlprt ymi liave no appeal from It niid A wnH not oil I. :;. A does jiot lose. .1. II., r:nlvpaiiiii.-~l! wIiiH with high. nii..i.iARi>s, i>«(oii, rcTc. If. X. (!.. llarlforii. Conn.—Iliilc 4, of muilnuoiiR pool, ii'Hclx lis followa: After the iijienlng stroUe rarli iiliiyn- mnat cither pockot n Imll. or innko lu least one ohjeet Iriill, fir Ihe cue Imll, iifl.-r contnrt with iiii olijpi'l ball, Hli'llie a rushlon, under pcualt Ml ferfelliirc of one poliii. Rule J" "' nosH niniiiiger).—"111,1 Highness, Ihc Bey," Miingo, alligator triUncr; Jessie VlDcenf, iTiniiiOH II popiiliir allntclleu, liut the begin- biig tiiincher, and llie Spnnlsh mldgcln. Pit iiliiK '•' IIn ei'il if near lit liiind, for "Tlie the Eliittc: Jennie Htanloii, Xcldn, Itiivaell, l.fiily mill till' Tiller" will xiioii be (vruiUiwil. •"fill! lle.v" .•(i:iils uiwn bin liftepnth wocic Hiindiw evening. .'0. (*iTi;iiio.v rilliATKK (llcii .M. (JIi'oiix, IiiihI- ness niiiuuger),—-Hiiiney (Jllmare begins bl« nnnuiil round of (.'lili'itgo'B popular jirlced IbenirPB nt this iunite rm Sunday nflernoon, :.'ll. and pevea nftornoons ot big linsln';i!R, iih well oM Beven nights of better business I.h assured, for iinmey Ollmore In Ihe matinee Idiil supreme iimoni; popiilui- priced worship- iind ilull':9 luo- parttlwly few ot lUc big nudtcnce knew a tragedy nnd been enacted, iDo»t of the utice- liitiuii prcxnuiiiie Mint the |ili<tol ulutt wuh ii pari of the net then on view. The iinunpc iieilon of Ihe nltallies Htatloiied In the bnlcony Ci.AWK KxRKUT (l/iuls -M. Hedges, jirevi'nted iiny inntorbil dhow of panic or nn- ■■-'•• .-■.--.-■.->. — eHuiness of the audience Kugene Cllhe Ihe moving picture purveyor, hog gone RnKt on n biisIneKs trip, which will Include a viKtt to Ills Knstern branch In New York City., jtrlliiir KiihlMli hooked ii vaudeville bill for the eDterinlnment of the Itldlng Club, tjatiir- day night, 2o. NM .Vye and lil.i <'o|. „ .„, _ . le^e Girls. Morris Stanley and Jlabel Cas- tis. During Ihc pnHt'wwk, "'i"i-acked Around I.Tleiiieii wife were lu Chicago last week, ci» sidy were oinong the CDtcrtnlners (lie Uorirt" look Ms pliuc here among the rouli: tor .Vew Orleans, where they begin Clirls l^nne, after thli'ty-neren consecutive popular nreloiiiBmns. thoir present Amorlcnn lour with a round weekn In the bnrle.sqne stoek company ot Sam ,„,.., .Vi.HASiDRA Tiieathk (Jniiics H. Browne, of the Orpheum houses NIbbe and Bor- "' •--••- ■-- ■ • fl ivlili'h •'"'•''leas maii.igcr).—Willi iu iiiiir«rlng bero- deaux were compelled to eaneel last week nt f.vpiu Mip nnint iii i-isiip r»iiflM- When fhS '""' "i'oro 10 be rilled tliar. .Scorned" is mire Ihe Arearie, Toledo, on iiccoiuit of the Illness iiac , iMndgir Jlurlley. Kcdora I'liy lion photogrHiilii!. iiinnagei ^—-.MrH. Kmlilnc VlKber-lloili, one of I he'wives of OhlcnRo's mniu-rn illiiebeard, Jolinnn Hoch, Is the curio hall feaUire. ICtlii-l Kane, n big headed baby : I'rnf. Woods' opium den. Princess I.nbi, initooed Avonian, nnd Prof. Ilowmnn's Punch nnd Judy arc also here. ArrKRji.ATH.—Frederick .T. Titus and lila IIiIr bchig ili'iirl.v llie duly fjf A k> do, nnd :i« lb" referee lias no voice except when nppenlcil to by ibe plnvcrH, we do not see n-liereln A lins liny I'liifm to the wager. D. I). S,, Grand Rapids.—He never was, MfSCBMiAKBOtS, T. ,1. h. —Make appllcnrlou lo the Civil fiervlw ('nmnilsalnn, dl ICIm Street, New Vork City. S. AM) .S., fjlolie.—If ;bc event occurred on or before ,Ian. 1, A wins. If nol, he Oril CIIICAUO I.liTTEK. day iiftornoon, "lluppy Hooligan" will dls- pnrl himself or Ibe entei-lalnment of nudl- eiices who soniollmes npjrireclnte n change from luiid melodrama. This enduring stylo of amusement was well exemplllleil In '•HhndowH of a Great City." which thrll|.;d liiiKc nudlenees during the week ending Snt- iirdny night. Si. Tile next nttroctlon will he ".Morn lo He Pilled Than .Scorned." i:oM;.>ini;s TirKATliB (Weber Bros., man- ager!.).—l/ocntnd. as li. Is, on the border land of "dnrlUown," ihls house Is likely to Ibid the return engagement of "The Smart Hel" a nnd piollinble booking, starting .Siin- ilny afternoon, lit!. "Happy Hooligan' pro- vided ideniy of fun for the audfences at ri:oM mil ovv.s- coniiKsroSDK.'iT, 'WoMleen Ilnreiin, Of llii* ,\«->v YorU Clippt-p, Rnnni tuyj, ANblniMl Illoek, r;hlcnK'n, There Is m'.icli lo liilerest both llin rrltlcul niid cujiial IlieatTPKoer In Ihe cinront offer- ings, there being enough ol noveliy lo lend nitraetlveiiesH ii> nn aniiiscineat |ibiii which emiii-nces many popular ultiactlons of Known juerll. Till! urrlvnl of Kilna '.May, nt Ihe Illinois 'I'liealie, lo give us our llrst <;|>por- leiilth-.t lo v.Mlii"Ss "Ihe School Girl, ' Is Ibe chief licni of hii|)erlaiic>'. Then, loo, Itliinebe I'lites U'iderlnkes lo lauke up for llie brevity iif her ,.iay iit liie Grand Upcni lloll^e, by • .tiering ii dlver.sllieU leporKu-.v, wiilch eiii- briices a novelly. In llwcns "llcwinersliolm." Tile Aihnmbr.i iirovldes ii noicilv In nciish- ilonnl iiieiodr.iniullcs In iln inesenlnllvii -if ".Mo'-e to be I'llied Uiiin ScornN." Con- lliincd ailruciioiis for the week slurtlng Hun- ili-.y. I'Vb. 211. Include: ".Smiling Island." at Hyde & llelinina's Tiieatie ; Chiirles Hiiwlrey, ill "A .\less.ige from .Miii-m," nt the Garrlck ; Hie Wnrdc K!il(li;r combliinllnii, al .VleVIck- er's TiicniiP: Win. l-"nversbnm, in "],etly," i;t I'owers' Tlicalrc, mid 'Ills Ill.tjlim>ss, llie lley." nl ilic I.a ,M;iMe fiienlre, 111! euii'riun ii|inii ilii'li llniil wi'i-ks hhv". T. Jack's, has closed nnd will return to vniidevllle Orrin Johomin has resumeil the title role In "Ben llnr," nt the Audi- torium, and AlproD^ Klliler, who played rlio part during Mr. Johnson's Illness, bufi re- inroed to IiIm former role, Messnbi... Charles Howers has replaced Sidney l>e Or/iv In 'Smiling Island," at Il.vde & 'Kehmnn's 'nifl annual season of grand opera, by tbi* Metropolitan Opera House forces, opens nt the Auditorium March 2(1....The K'e.sieru Rnrenii of 'Plli; Or.inpuu has, during ihe iinsr few days, been deluged Willi congrllluIalll•u^ upon ine hcnuly and completeness of 'I'np entire "JJeo Uur" compaay, nearly (iiKl In all. Oi.D Rci.iABLn'K flfty-thlrd annlversnry nnm- cnjoyed the novelty of sitting as nn audience ber. It has been genemlly pronotinc-ed as In front of the fool lights at the Auditorium the most artistic speclnl edition Titr Vi le- Theatre while Krnncis f,. Moore gave an wia has ever Issued, and Its new.sstnnrt snip honr'H redtal on the great organ In Clilengo was something phenomenal The Flints, hypnotlHts, spent ii, prolltnble fortnight at the Warrington Opera House, Oak Pork, a Chicago suburh, closing 8atur- diiy night Norinau, the frog man, left Chicago last week lo play the Grand Theatre, Joller, and the Garrick Tlieatre, Burllngron, before reiuraing lo take up his ICastern \iiuilcvllle booking.t. Karl Hoty. who \a tor- ch a rge Mau- Xfiw eii- rlcal third warehouse for ihe storage of scenei7 and baggage, nnd for the paluiing ot scen- ery On Monday morning last the *—* Oim LOXDOM LRTTBK. FROM OUn 0W.\ CORRE.II'OXDKXT. llrst time In Chlcngo. Iti.ioi' Thiutiik iWm. Itoebe. business man- ngeri.—"The Stnin nf Guilt," which ended >ialur(liiv iilglit, X>, did gooil liusiuess, and is followed by "Trncked Around the world," ' which opens :i week's engagement Sunday I'.fteriiooii. "A Prisoner or War" follows, Bi.sH TElIl'i.B TiiKATIli: (Ellzalictb Schro- der, mnnuger),—-The I'layeis' Stock Co., headed Ly .\Inl>el .Montgomery nnd Geo. All- son, change.^ li.s hill, on Monday nlgbl, to "Faust." Large nllendHnce has mnrked tbc presentation of "Are \oh a ,MnsonV" (luring llie past week. .MAni.owK TiiKATnE, Knglewood (W. H. lliis.^ell, business manager).—^"Kor Her Sis- ter'.-; Honor" is Ihe ntiriiellon lor the week sLiirtlng Sunday iifrernoon, 20. During the linst, week "Onvld llnriiDi,'' I11-22, and "The Spnn of Life," i';i-2.">, provided the entertain- ment, I'roiTK'.s 'J'lir.vTiiK (Leslie Davis, niana- gerj.—During the past fortnight there bas iieen n change ot leading players iu this Hlock company. Lillian O'Neil nnd Eugene Miiore having retired. Joseph 0'!*tera and .Mniiile lillhcrl now Inive Iho leads. Last week's hill was "A .Man of .Mystery," chiing representing vaudeville theatres Ihrouglioiit Ihe middle West and on the racllle coast, has lieen In Chlcngo during Mic past week (stabllsblng bead<iuurlers for the transaction of bookings and other business matters per- taining to the Interests he represents. Oiuccs Lave been opened in the Grand Opera House iHilldlng I'has. A, ("Karl"> Gardners benefit at the Great Northern, after- noon of Krlday, 24, resulted In a fund nt considerable sUe, as tlic house was Isrge nnd the ticket sale not entirety represeuied by In nitendance. Johii H. Ilogiin, genei-nl mnuager for Lincoln J. t.'arter, with whom Sir. fJnrdner was last em- ploved, had clinrge of Ihc entertainment, whlrli was provided by the company playing Ihe Great .Vorthern, In the second act oi Clijiprr Bnrenu, 48 Crnnliofarne Strret, LeitieNter Miiunre, liOndon, \V. C, Feb. 38 "Everybody's Seeret" Is the title giveu'to the adaptation, by Caplala Marshall and Louis X. Tarker, ot "Le Secret de I'ollchi- nelle," which, when rennlred. Is to folluw "Beauty and the Barge,'* nt the HaymnrUet Theatre. . Charles Frobman ha.s secured the Loudon rights of ''Leah Kleschna." the new play, by Charles Mel.ellnn (better known on I his side us Hugh .Morion, the author ot "The Itelle ot .New Vork"), which has achieved so pro- nounced a success la .Xew York, and will jiresent it nt u West lOnd tlienire not Inicr ihaa March. For the pnrt of I'nul Sylvnlnc played In .Vew York by John .Mason, Mr. Irobmau has seeured the services ot Chn Tit's Wyndbani, while, by Hie expres.ied wish of flie author, (lie name port Is to be oifered "llunnlng for Office;" Ned Xye, Ilose Von Ji'i'"ii„:^''"""' '*"■ "'"'"' "• was originally Derg, curls Lane, Allw Van, Sa(lle_Co.i. *"^l!fg^2rsals of iiolly, James Miilvey, Mrs. Ivan L. Davis, Uichard Henry .Miller, Arthur Stuart, the Morr'ssey Family, Lawrence Gnrdner nnd Katherlne Davis, and lOmmn De Forrest (Mm. "Karl" (inrdneri Souvenirs will mark the one liiindred and fiftieth pertorm- iiuce of ■Ills Highness, ihe Iley," al the Lii Salle. Weilnesduy evening of the current ... , ,-.,, ^" Bony" are going nn at till! huvoy J'heatre, liiit the product Ion of the piece may not be expected for another three weeks, at Ihe earliest. It Is sakl Unit Charles Brookfleld, who wos adapting Hie ploy from the French, has retired from Mie task on n friendly difference with .Mrs. llrown roller and Gilbert Hare us lo Ihe extent an niiAniATii;. J. I!., NyacU.—We have no knowledge <>t tliK [ireKiMit whereabouts of ilio parly. Ad- dress a letter iu niir cure and we will ndver- tisH It III TiiK Ci.ii'iTit lelier ILst. .Mks. J. T., North Adams, W. \, V.., Cromplon. II. J. W., Pawtiickel. .MiH.s I,. L. It., Houston, W. .McG., Khiisiis t^lly, C. .M. M., Hot .Mprlngs. c. W, N., Sumner, uiiil 11. It,, Caniili'u,-—See answer to J. It., nliove. 11. J. L., lli'iiuklyn,—Hy personal aiipllca- tlun lo Iho maniigei'.s. G. C. M., Unlergli..—lllaiiche Walsh never nppenred lu Ihe piece ymi iiienllou. Hthapy ItKAinjR, Ailnnia.—Address pnrlles In care of this oUlce nnd we will advertise ilip letlers la Tub Ci.iri'Kit leilei- list. Miss F. i;,, Falrliauks.—Address Col. T. Allslnu Itruwii, Lb'iS llrmulway, .New York City, .]. K., Delroli.—We can nol aid von. Mas. M. i:., Niirl'olk.--Address Pick & Fitzgerald, is Ann SIrciM, \'c\v York Clly. VI. J., l'nterw)ii,-Wc have no record ot Ihit rteaih of Hie pariy. J. .S. L., Walcriuwn.—We di) nut deal lu plays or Kkelcbcs, nor ciui we ailvlse J'uii Where yon can gel Iho one ynii desire. A. L, S.. HiHipi'slou.—We piibilshed la llie nnnlversarv auiuhcr <>f TilK «'i.ii'i'i:ii i rWi. l,"*) Ihe Wliilcr ipinrlers nf leiii .shows nnd .voa will Had whni y.>ii waul In that list. .M. A. I'.. Clilengo,—We can nnly ndvlse you III yiiur wtinis hi Till! CMi-ri:ii, AJi.\'ri:itn, I'tuiailn,— 1, See answer lo .Mrs. M. i:.. .Vmlolk. '-'. Wllhuut recoinuiend. lug iiliy line In pnrliciiinr, we refer .voii lo I'lnulilvii Siirgeul, i'.iuplii> 'riieiilie llullillng. New ^ork City. It. 1,. T.. .Moulgiiniery.- riiere nre Iwo "I'ecit's itail Itciy" Cus. on Hie road, liiil. Hie imrly you inenthMi is not liie ninnager ot either. Address him In care of llils olUte and we will ndverilse Uie ietler la Till! ria leiier list. \'. L.. Xew York.— .Wldress (ieorge Tulteu SinUh. cure of I.eo I'eisi. till Wesi Thlrlv- |;r>veuili .sireiM. ,\evv Vork Cllv 1,. .M U, llroolilyn..- I. Address M. 11. Uiiyiniunl. fuiiiimci of "Itnsiei- Iliowii." .\lii- Jesllc I'licnur, .'Vciv York Cllv I i.i.t.Miis TiiiMTui; (Will J. Huvis, mnnn gen.- Iln .Monday niglil, 27, L'dnu May gives us our llrsi views ot her rcallzullon oS "The Selmol Girl," oiienlng n forinlgiit'H eiigage- liieiil. (In SuliinUiy iilgiit liic lleiiiy W. .Sav- age preseatntloa of "I'nrslfiil," In" lOugllsb, \vn« withilrawn, aflcr ii fiiriiil(;lir of ire- uiendiuiRlv Jargc business and almost unpre- I'i'denled iiileresi, I'owiMi.s' Tiif.iTiiK (Harry J. I'oivcr.s, mnn- aK('r>.--Ou Suiidiiy nlgtil, 2«, Leon Waehs- iier's Geruiiiu players, from Jllhvnukee, give lliclr eiHloniury weekly pcrforniauce, and on .Monday night WUIIiim Fiiversbnni eoutlniies Ills lorlnlghl of "Letly" Into IU last week, large alleiidiince and eiiUmslnstle crltlciil aii- liriivnl liariug ninrked bis Inlilul vnick of Hie lilay. .Mrs. Patrick Cnanpbell will begin a fortnight's engagemeui next .Monday nigbt. i;iu.Nti Oi'UiiA Horsn (Harry AHkin, liiisj. nesH niniingeri.—On Saliinlnv night, 2.", James K. Huekelt ended a fort'iilght of "Tlii> Fnrumes of the King," with ii verdict of popular approval and a splendid mensuro -it liiiiuicliii reward. Tin. Kliigle week of Jllaiicbe Hales' eiigngemenl liegliis Sunday night, '.'(l, with "The Diirling of ihe Hods." the Jlelaseo- Long uielodrnma lo he reiieated Monday nnd TiiCHdny iilgliLn and at Hie Wcdne.sdav inul- Inoe: "Kntherlne and I'etruehio," preceded liy Hie hcnnlirni llllle tragedv, "Muie. Itiil- ii'i-fly." will be Ihe bill Wedaesdny and ThiiCK. day eveuhigs, nnd "lli.ilda Gnliler" will lie given Friday night. The Sniiirdnv nialluoe iiud night perfnniiiince of Ibsen's "Itosinec- .sbolin" will bring novelty Into a bnsy week. lliMirleltn Crosman, In "Sweet Kllly Jlel- liiirs," follows Miss Hales. G.Miiiuic TiiUATai; (Sam 1'. nerson, liusl sliii; the house. 'I'ho present coiniHiiiy In i;lu(|.:s: Lawrence Williams, Coulter il'iward, Fred A. Dii|ife. Fiedi.rlck Uernurd. Van Bar- rell, Geo. lliiiil. Winifred Gniv, Dondiiv l.anili, I'Mllii i\i. Sinilli niiil LIMIiiii Ciilemnti. TiMirrvi.-iu.ST SruKiri Tiii;.sruB i.Mlllle Wlllard .Nelson, manager).—Mere, where oth- ers have failed, .\|ny Hiismer's Stock Co. holds out. vallenlly. Frcilerick Boggs and Cella Owen live lenders in her su|>iiorl. "In lb" Serpent's I'ower" was Hie hill last week, and on Suii- dny afti.riioou, 20, Ihe progiainine changes lo "i'helmn." This will be the foiirlh week of Hie present: eiidonvor, and the third house la which Miss llosmer hns phived with her slock coiniisny In Chicago williln a year. Avi;.Mti: 'Tiii:atuh (Chas. B. .Marvin, inan- ngeri.—Tiie Sam Jtorrls Slock Co., headed by Willis Hell und Blnnchc Ilazellon. have been iireseiillng "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hvde" during Ibe pnsi week. The bill clinngcs .Mon- ■hiy night lo "I'elc I'eler-on, the Swede." Oi.V-Mi'K' TiiKATiiK (Abe Jacobs, mniiager for Kohl & Castle).—Opealng Jlouday after- noon, 27: The Slddiui Bcol hers, lliitrv De .Viinlou, Kdlih Ulclinrds, MnUel narryniore's iraltied pon.v, Hie Harrison Brothers. Ihe Geronits, Ds and D's, Br.vant and Savllle. , Mrs. Deerlngs Divorce" will probably soon terminate Its run al Terrv's Theatre Slr<i. r.anglry hns not yet made liiiy nrrniise- rnenls as to Its successor. nnli'""il'ui„\V.'"T 'n'«n'l<'<l lo revive "Komeo and Juliet' at the Imperial 'Jlieatre, bur owning to Hie of the plav now oecii- p,vlng the iMiards of Hint hoiiso, "King lleiirv 'n .* iT"*^'.?",','"'1'"*" l»" "f till Kaster. ■ f ii.r^n ",^l'!-1- ''""w's.^^'nllPr will produce at the Royal 'Iheatre, Portsmouth, n new PmL -ei"^"A f""; "?.■■ H^ .^'■••"i^' Sblrley, en- titled "The Admiral's Ladr," ,.,,.9'f',"'", MurNhnll's latest farelal romnnee, ,,„ V I-a'lyiif, Leeds," productMl nt Wynd- hams Theatre Feb. n, did not meet with the approval of all who witnessed tlie onenlRL' jierfoimnnce. Tlie suggestion for ills storv has evidently come from "The Lndv of nJ!.""^'','!.!'^"? .*!'*' ":™l'n'!nt owes nothing t" tie original Idea, tor beyond the mere facr f^?.„.r" '■'■■''"''!'■' suitors for the hand and -, , rorlnno of a rh'b lady revenge themselves Graad Opera House will have Lew nn her by Introdiiclng ne a, prluce a ninu of Fields and "It Iluppened In Nordland" as Its very humble station, there is mtie slmlbirllv Summer altrnuliou. opening May 28 between the pla.vs. In "The Ladv (>f feeds ■' Frederick Rankin and A. Baldwin Sloone are the. scene of which is laid at Venice an line and I'eck ('ourt, llierc will he ereciiHl a building, 10 be known as llrisjke'H Gnrdeii, for the exclusive occupancy of Brooke and Ills Chicago Marine llnnd. During the post several Siiiiiiiiers this splendid arganizatlon hns been a regular feature at the (!ollseuni, but cnpllallsis have taken, charge of the prcKent mov(. lo provide a permanent shelter for Brooke und his musiciaiiH. 'i'ho new garden. It is expected, will he ready 10 open early In the torlhciitning iiuiu- iner The Messrs. Shiihert will innke llieir new production. "The Earl nnd the Girl," at the Oariick Theatre, Jlurcb 12. It. II. Biirnslde will be stage director and Gustav Kerker will conduct the orcbes- Ira. Alexander Clark, Van Itenssnlear Wheel- er, Oeorgle C'alne, Amelia SumniervUie. Mabel Carrier, Nellie McCoy and Laura Burt will have Ibe prlneliml roles Plans are un- der way for "The Beauty Doi-tor" lo have n run nt Ihe Great Northern this Spring, to last us long as the season Is prolltable... 'the •■ ^ " ■■ llAV.MAuicirr TiiiiATun (W. W. Freeimi-i, manager for Kohl & Cnsilei. —liver on Ibe West >dde Ihls bouse lualnlnins Us rciiresei- ness iiiuuager).--Charles llnwtrev follows up taG'Ui as a bread winner of Hie superlative :i week of excelleiil Ibiiincliil lehirus with the ""' ■...i.- ' "- - -- ■■ ■■oncludliig wei'k ot his nrilHilc fortnight of ".\ Messuge from .Mars," siurtlng Sunday uiglit. The new Sbitlierl iiroduelTon. "The Miirl uad the Girl." will lie made .March 12. .N.'si Sumlny uiglit, ,-i. Geo. Primrose's .Mhi- ilrel-; will lieglu ii week's euBngenient. .McYiLKiits TiiiMrnn (Gen. C. Warren. liushiess luiinagerl, — Frederick Warile nnd luilherlue Kidder chanRe llieir bill lo "Sn- laminbo." Sunday iilghl. and slnrt upon the liisl week of Hielr forlnigiil. "'i'lie Winter's son, capncily ruling luosl ot ibe lime. Opening .Mimihiy aflernnon. 2" : The Sanilow Urolhers. Hnvis and Davis, the Josselyu 'I'rlo, lieo. and Mav Woodward, .Marguerlle Newton, Fred Ilullen uad Mollle Fuller, niliy Link, ihe Chlug Lnu Foo Troupe, Siiliel Joliusoii. Sliermau and De Forest. Chas. I'. S(.|iioii, Wehh's seals and Geo. K. Spoor's kliiodroiue. CiiirAiiii 0|.i:iiA Iloi:si; (C. It. Draper, luiiniiger for Kohl * Cnslle).—This house re- lalus Us Ntiiiluu In iiopubirlly without any 1 ale, iliiiiiig llie nasi week, allrneteil large further effort than Is enconipnssed within mill deligliled niidieiiees. A relura iMignge- lliu iiianugerhil policy of providing the best uiciu 01 Ihiinins W. Hoss, lu "Checkers," Is vaudeville, preseuleil In the best manner, niiuoiiiiced to )iei;Ui next Suiidav. Kpenliig .Monday atlernoon 27: llorriuanii, srr 111:11 AKKU TiiKA-rui-: lU. !■;. Ilarnieyer. Ibe 'I'lvelve Xavnjo Girls, Mr. and Mr*. .Mark inanii!:<.ri. 'Ihe IVrley Opern Co. .Murphy. Ihe I'lve .Mnwnlls, liie Xicliols Sl.s- concliidrd Us .seven weeks' enganpiaent Sun " ' seqiienee In the pre,Hcut run of "Smiling Island." The Orchestra Hall adver- tlscmeiils now refer lo "The Chicago Or- chestra, founded by Theodore Tliomns nnd cnndiuied liy Frederick A. Slock." The iliiHsell Brothers' Co. hibl oft' hei- lust week, having cnneeled n week of • nlglit stands." owing to recent Illness of James Iliisseli. They resume their lour In "The Female Delecllvei:" al Indinnaiiidls this week, end conic lo Ihe Colnnibiis Tbentre next week Joe 11, Dllworlli, who hud been di-.Ing Ihe press work ot Inle a I Hie I'eople'.s Theatre, coiniuitied .suicide, bv turning on the gas in his room Feb. IL He had not previously been idenllflcd In aiiv way with lUenlricnis Tlookliigs at Towle's Opera House, Hiuumoiid, lud.. a Chicago suburb, lucliid.': "The Sinlu of Guilt" Feb. 2d, "An (irii!iaii's I'rnyei" Mnr<-li j and Jii«i.sons "I ilcle '.l.'oiir.s iiilp .soeely, and Is (|ulie overcome when she li ,,("','"■''""'""""'« "f Monlngne Robin- son (\\ecdou GrosBmllb). posing, at the nstgation ot die dissappolnted fortune liiint(>r,s, as an archduke. Against the oou- Bplrnlors. whom she does not 8US|jeci of anv dishimornbie trick, ihe. heiress no longer Hears any grudge because of their previous ntieinpts to win lier fortune. ,Sho threalenes to coiupbiln lo Ihe nianngemont nboul bcinL' proposed lo by holel niiuuinlanees. A pni- posiil from Ihe nrchduke was iiulte another urn l(>r. She told him she could love lilm, and the story ends liy the wnller wlunliig the Ijidy of Leeds, much 10 the dlseoninture of Ihe petjr and the colonel. As the lady and llic lover .Nancy Price nnd Wcedon Grosnmllh were very funny, while the sup port was excellent. ' At the Camden Tlienire, Inst Snturilat- tilght, a new one-net play, hv Beatrice De Ciihin" 12. Al SclmiiilK . _ , „. „^..„„„ .„. IheLilre WnnUcKiiii, Just norili ot here: Ihirgh and Lawrence (Iriint. 'was nroihlced ■liuviil Hariiin" will ajipeiir Felr 2(1. Itarney eatlllert ■•Hcurl of (iolil.'' •riio lltlie ilec": Tlie luiuiuiiiy • Wnlcli our mule list careot Ibe I'lnyers' Cluh. \ew York'Cllv. J. K. /„. .Vew York. The piece voii' laen- tloii Is i\ iniisli'iil I'lUiiedv. .Mas. .\. C. IMiIliiilel|ilila. liiis closed. 11. II. I'., Clliiluunll each week. li, '1'. S.. Chiingii. -The inirly has rellied filial Hie iirolessliin. 1'. II., Auilicrsl. See answer to .Miss F. K. S. .M., Illnii, We do mil Ininilli' pirivs. N, it.. Mjilerhiiry. -Mulii. iipplltiii Imi Ui llio niiiiM-Bors In .loiir lii v. C, It., I'lMvldeuce. ' 1. AlMiui lirteeii dolinis. L'. Iroiii iweiiiy iloiiiiis lip. ;i. We biive no lueans of luiowlug. -1. .Vddress Hie iiariv I'or nnswer lo your i|iies|tiiii, ,-|. 'I'boinns .Siie'iirrr, 440 Wcsi Thlrly sluh Sii (. New York Cllv .Miss .M., Hnyiiin.- 'file ('(diiiiiliin I'liono- grapli Co.. Itroadway and Tweniv-seveiiili Sireel. Xew York Cliy. T. IV A: ('.I,, Svrac'iise.—SI. Louis reufclt I <.o., 12 I omiiierclnl Sireel, St. Louis, Jlo OAUDS. 1;. C. M,. Newark.—H pln.ved wllhln Ih- rules. ,\ pliiyer uiiiy make nnoHier luillil lielore he lakes in Hie llrsi, AiLiTiiaii u 'I'liirArai; i.Milwnrd Adams, auuiiiger). 'I'he Kinw & i:rbiiigec prodiic- llMti of "ll«i lliir" sliirls upon lis fourUi week .NIoiiiliiy iilulil. lieokeii lo reiuillii ^l.\ weeks 111 nil. This Is a pretty lili: house 10 Mil. lull Hie luiiiliillude of Ibe pinilinllou Is etjiiiil 10 Hie iHsk of aliriicilliK 11 line repie- seuinllop of specinlers al everv iierfornimice. llvin: ,ii ItrilMAS's Tiir.ynii: (.\nhle Fills, limiiiiKcri. Tlie l.eileier salelr. ■Sinlllug Ishuiil," ciiiiiliiues III allnii-t cuixl luisliiess lis fniirHi week siiirl.- .>»iinibiy iiflernoon , , . lean- ing leatiiri', ililei couicdlnii and iirodiicer, and lins rcliirncd l» his former suitlon of lio|iiilnrlty wllh lliese iiudleuces. The Kovnl .Meslcan Sereuiidcrs will he Hie vaudeville fenliire, oilier olio iiiimhers eiiRngllig Hie Soils llriilher.s, .Mexlas and .Mexhis, Gardner, West aiiil Sunshine, nnd Jack Itrown and l.llllini Wright. TliiHAlu.lio Tiii:,iria; (Itt.lierl rulteii. iiuiii- i:geri. .Millers .Aiiiirlcnii lliirlesiiiieis will lie si.eii for the lli-ii. lime In chlfngo this ^e.isi.u 1.11 Sunday nfleriioon. epennii; a iiiider llie lilierllon of .Mine, relii. will ulve Us nionlhly performnnce at .Music Hall Tuesday iilleriKioii and evening, Fel.. 28. A double hill will he given, emhiaelng Hic one act ciun- cily. 'La Diicliesse .Murlln," and ihe Ihree nci isiiiiedy, ' L'Avocat Pntelln." In iiiidUlcui lo the regiilsr Suaday iilglii ner- roriuaiice nt Powers' Theatre 2ii, when "ICs "r!;'Mi:!;i;k.;;:"J,l;:;.r'T^r";jiVrx^i:{;^: i i:;i!'':";■ «fV"/''"•"•• ••--h'^ «'-"-'f nflernoon, 27. at FoweiV. i v I e se. ml 1,H „ i..J; I'l''''' 'V """"""'^e the result of l-ertoriiiiinee In llieir seiies'«t.V,.ril,,ui cKlc •el'..!.'...!'."!'"'^^'''''!".'' .'.'f .numaglng llie Lyeiiin shin imcpt returns ho finds she hns taken her own life to keep the prendsn given. VIs- '•omil Hnyashl nnd .severnl inelnbors of the .laiKiuese Liiibassy snw Ibe perfiirraaiico. J leJOOIli performnnce nf the suecessful m islea coiieeli, "'I'lie Caleii of the Season." wil take pinee nt Ihe Vandevilin Theatre lo-