The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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n THE NlSrW YOBK CLIPPER. March 4. TONY LTJBELSKI, President and General Manager. |£jB^8XBF>N MBADQUiB^RTERS-iA-tl-i F'loor, Orand Opera Mou ^A/BS'TERN MEAOQUARTERS-F-ischiar's Thea-tre BuildiriKf Chioaeo. and Novelty Theatre, San F*rc Slsar Thealbro, Saa-fciile, and inolsoo. ■VIose Ooldsnrtith. COMPRISING TWENTY-ONE (21) THEATRES ABSOLUTELY OWNED BY THE UNDERSIGNED, AND THE LARGEST NUMBER OF VAUDEVILLE HOUSES ON ONE CIRCUIT IN THE WORLD. ABSOLUTELY NO MISREPRESENTATION. ALL CONTRACTS STRICTLY FULFILLED. ' T«venty to Forty Weeks to Legitimate Performers. No Act Too Big or Too Good at the Right Salary. For Further Particulars, AsIc Any Legiti- ttit^to Performer Who Has Been West. TEE ton tilBELSKr ROVELTT TBEATBE OIBOUIT, Oonprising 16 floiuies, TOVY LUBEL8KI, iBnaging Director. THE LOUVEBICE'BOTHOBIID CALIPOBHIA K0VEIT7 TBEATBE CIBCUIT. 12 HonieB, S. LODVERICB, President; THEO. BOTBGBILD, Secy.aJid Treas, TBE 3 t VAUDEfULE OIBOOIT, laclndiDg all tlie Independent Oalifornia flonsea, LDBEL8KI, IiQUVEBIOB and ABGEIE LEVY, Hanaging Directors. . ..... . : . TBE HOBTBWEST VAUDEVILLE GIBCOIT, Comprising 12 Tlieatres, I08E OOLDSIITE, Presideot. TEE STAB CIBOUIT. HOBTBWEST, includiag 7 Bouses, S. lOBTON GOHAR, Preiideit. AddrvM all Kaitrm Correipondenrn to tli« Chicago Offlrc. Addm* all Western Corrp.ponitpnre to the AVoittrrn OAlrp. TONY LUBELSKI, President and General Manager, Hj ^^ XOWSItlCH, Vice PreadMt. S. HORTOM COHN, Secretarjr and Treainrer. THEO, ROTHSCHIZJ}, HENRY I.UBELSKI and HENRY COHEN, Oirecton. »l lUTORS: MIDDL.K STATES-BKRT PITMAN, Novelty Theatre, Denver. CALIFORNIA AND SOIITHWEST-ABCIIIK LEVY. Sau FrancUro. NORTHWEST-NOSE GOLDSMITH, Nenttle. ' i Ai*«m ta Throw ToM TolO. TUltrUMnUa tonAtT^or urm *b« tali putioaun, (flrgH ' ii ^^DiUOB, laWTBB, Mi, Wett JOdlMO qSfit. BwiiolMtMid facUltlM to otmr Btttw. mvno ooBiPoaBD ahd aurahobd fit* kur UutromMit or AfimMi of isiqumena MfMroMh •nd mwlo, •uto&M, eto. Mod •tunp IT^ ffxTt.l»W>» .»»Rl n*iitinnll St., Olli olanttl. O. HOlfVV lU HOAI*. BIG7 BAK, «1. BOX. 11 0B1JT9. High Grade Medicated »n(J ToUet 8o>p8^. PABKEB OHEMlUA L 00.. CHlOAOq HOWTOBBOOnK A «;0NTUHTI01IIST. Vront and Back Bending, oacb trick liloBtrated. OIUDAP riLBia, Uovlag picture MaoWnM, Oamtrat, Lantenu, LeoBei. Song eildea andtnpplj wldanrtbongnt Bp«cU1 DIbb and slld««niaae, SbomtDrnUoed. Exp^nmectianica. RtMlnnj. oSma n-iSuOlna. A Am Co.,iwE.lathflt..H.f. BOW to START IN SHOW BUHirKBB (ooprrtcbt), 8 dlflereattwota, lou. All jiUoiii act, SoBPHBt's 80 HOOL. g»7K.Mtll St.. Piilla., Pa ■WANTKD-Clood All 'Iloiiiiil Med. IVrformiTS to compli-ti- two <romi)iiiil(;s, ,'^kiiti'h Tpniim Hint do ilnffifHanilpiitoiianiii, (loiKlHIiiKluB lianjofomi'- dliin I'loiio I'lnynr tlintcim work in uttn or do spe- clBltv. iiiil iiiiy All 'Rniird I'crrorinorn that iJiaiiite for week. Ooo<l BlippaniDnc niul ooiidiK^t essential mih these flUowH. Stale all yoinlo.aml lowcji. Year 'rrtiiiKl wasoii topeonleI want. TIckeiMif I know you. J. H. IIAKIIY, or Horry and .Steele, <'l,n'PBIl News Stand, Howard St., ItOHlnii. • WANTED, for DeAlvn'n l.lltlc! Old KftKliloned showc, I'eoiile in all tlio lliaiirheii. Kro. Act that Bh", Iioiihlc TrnpH, JuiKlerx ami Wire Walkers, atnall Knrolly Ilniid. Will liny a Bniall Elenlmut, If nliwip, and Trick Donkey or Poiil<'». aiinW opeoH at Owm sound, May o. Slioup Knoilly, ^vrlte, AddrcBKi DIU K. Jf. J'.R ALVA, rrop., or KDWAKU .THATlDO, MRUftKcr, (lall, Ontario, tlanada. . -. . WANTKD-Ti* Imy small llniind Top, also IllBCk Tont, Picture llucliliic, oi; will blru a Man liM-» Plcliiro Macliliifl, aiKl Med. Performers. OllEAT WKHTKKN RIlOW, MIllcrBtown, Pa. ■WANTED, AI Comedian ntoncoI puloiiaclii: makn Hiem go; eliHiige tor week; Klaie If yon read fir fake piano: Innit ciiKaKciiictit to rllflit party. tiiherH, write. Dr.E.ll. 1)0 Alva, (iiicipli, ont., Oan., care of Klng'H Itoyal Hotel, wuck Feb. ao; tlall. week Fel). 27. VOB BAliB—Ono Pullmati Car, 4 wheel triickn, «Hrt. Inside, lar«o cellar, double windows, flnlKlicrt lualrte with inahoRony, .llnrne »t«lo roomn and of- ilce, dlnhiK ro6in ami kUeheii; will accoiDtno<lnIc30 iieople: two larite hureaUB, otDce dcBk, diiiall Iron Kttfe, oui) raiigu Htove, I'ullniun lilunkeU>, licddliiK :tud all (llflhcb and cnoklnp; uton»Uii ho with car; lusnranco tl!,0(lO, paid to May l. A Mg liarfialn. Car can l>e oeon «ii ronto wllh Eller'» "llln Vati >Vlnklo" Co, I Invito Innncclloii. Addrens W. A. Kller, lf« So. Canal St., Clilc«i(o, or na per route, (ihject aelllnit, loo Hiimll for uiy purpose. Will paw lutpcctlon over any road. ATTHACTIONS wanted In a (ji)od fhow town of alioHl 7U0 lnbal)tlunt»; new hall will hcuI 350 peo- ple, Kood BtBBC and HccniTy, Would like to hear from small dranlBHo■f»roe^)onledy. For open llino and partloulars addrcKH all luiient to ■ A. J. CLAltK, Clioklo, Minn. FOR SALE—One MunuKe Honic, brokun for a ilrlvlng act, clithi yearn old; Oiiu Nule, for emncdy hurdle riding act, sl.x \ear.4 old. No litt- ler. AddresH DODlilFIHK, Wouewoc, W'la. WANTED, Al VKIISATII.K HKIin'CII TEAM, aluo COMKHIAN. Mintt he ahlu to cliauKe for nnv to two weekn. .Salary min>. Prefer ilinsn that jilBV piano. Write or wire tniAS, II. FRAXX, Aiiilover, AnlllaluilB Co. , Ohio. WANTED, People for Medlcliio III?..; must chaiiire for one wi'ek; itood wardrobe; no pliynlual deformlth'H, Salary low, an Ills Nure. Also want Piano Plavers. Slale all In llrHl. Adrtrens llH. A. it. CHRl.'^TV, llarvord, Wayim Cn., In. AT LIUERTY, StrouK Novelty Perform- er, Contortionist, Bllence and I'lin, Slack Wire, Hand llalanclnir, Singing Specialties. Worlt lu acta. Wncdrobe A 1. Address FRRn Ll.M, Dea Moines, lowii, (Ion. Del. OLD POINT COMFOHT, RICHMOND AND WASIIIMUTON. Six-dnr Tonri via PenniylTnnla Rntl- rondi IVtsonally-condiicted lonrs to Old Point Comfort, Itfchmond und Washington via tbo I'emnylviinltt Uiillrond will loavo Now Vork and I'Lllndelphia on Mnturdays, .March 11 and rr>, April yi and May 0. TlckctR, Including nit nocessary expenses for n period of bIx dny^, will lie raid nt rate of fSil.OO from Mew Vork, lirooklru and Newark: (.14.50 from Trnoton; ^a.l.OO from I'hlladelpbla, and proportionate rates from utber BtallonR. TIckcta 10 Old Tolnt Comfort only, oov«r- Ing luncbenn going, one and thrcf-fourths days' board nt cbninberlln Hotel, and good to return within six dnys, will he sold at rate of $17.00 from New York, Brooklyn and Newark; Jiri.CU from Trenton; JH.50 from J'h'ladelptila, and proportionate rates from other points. For ItlncraMpii and full information apptv to ticket agents: C. Studdn, W. I'. A.. 2flS Kifth Arenue. New York; i Court Street, Krooklyn: 780 Broad Str*-?!. Newark, .N. J., or QeO. W. lloyd. General I'/tssfnger Agent, Wioitl^atrfPt Station, I'lilladelpUla. WANTED, SKCOVn HANDMOVlNfl PICTURE of PARSIFAL, together with Illustrated lecture and muKlenl score. Name lowest price. Must be In good condition. Wlreorwrltc. Wm.P.Sherman. Sherman's Opcin lloose, Calgary. N. W.T. Canada, WANTED—Harltone Player, to double small parts; other MuNlclaiis that "do succlalty or parts. Siimiiier work to good people. Join ntouce. Name InweHt salary If vou want work. STEVENS 4 MOSSMAN COMEliY CO., Farmer City, 111. SKETCHES,Travesties, llnrlesques, etc.wrll- ten tn order. Hlirhest sIniiOard of work fnrnlslied professionals. J. Kershaw, 8-/) Biitloiiwood.Ht.I'hila. WANTED, for Lowery Bros.' Shows, 8 lengths of K tier high Heats and second liaiided nullooii. Must he til gooil I'Oiiditlun and cheap for cash. Can place a few more rscfiil I'eople. Singing Clown, write. Adilress (JKO. H. I.OWFRY, Shcnandoali, Pa. SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON. SHEEDY'S NEW BIJOU THEATBE, FALL RIVER, MAKH., 0FilSnil^i)Ar,APKIL24, 111 ma IN All lis. Adilreas DAVID R. B1IFFINTON, SIIEKIIY'S THEATRE , Fall River. Mass. MAN FOR RIP IIALANCE TlirS AND SUMMER SEA.SON. Cornet, B. and 0., Double Stage; Tnba, B. and 0. Otlier luaicians, write. Also OOOS NOVELTY FOR STREET. I/oag season to right jieople. Accommodations, best. IlooKcrs not tolerated. Aihlrcss W. A. EILER, If, So. Canal St., Chicago, III., or Frcdcricktnwn, Mo., March 11. Eiler's Rip Van Winkle Co. THEATRICAL JI^OTELS BOARDTNa HOUSES. Wabaah A Hadlsnn, CBIOAQO. 0. 0. Tsngtan, Prop. Strictly _ Ainerlcsn Plan, $8-116 single; $T-tU dOBble. YaodevUle patronage invited. VICTOR HOVBR, tti E, IndiasaBk, umcago. Boom and Board, $s week. Italian and Frenoli Unlalne. Oentrally located. T, Owtellail, Prop. PAI.ACB1 HOTEL, IDl M. (Hark St., OUcago. Bnropean, $8 per week: witb private batb, |T. rnrklali Bath, too. H. B. HDIIPHRBT, Pro p. WM. TELL HOUBE, Howard and Somenet Btio Boaton, Uasi. Central location. Excelleat mean. E MILY T. BAMWWABT, Prop. IjAFAYBTTK HOTEIj, ALIiENTSWH, PA. THBATRICAI. HEADdVARTBRB, > single, tl Doable, n and $T per week. TRAFALGAR HOTEL, 1H-U7 E. 14, N.Y.,nr. CnloD Bq,, Academy, Dewey. Rooma Kc., lie, |1, $1.60day; UWloisweek. V.D.HAinnaAS,Prop. BBRHARD HOTEL, Stb and Pine, St. Lonla, near all tbeatrei. ESoropeao plas. Room and batb, $3.00 to 17 week. Olve trial. B. F. OAHILL. Prop, >a/ante:d, L.EDERIVI AIM'S IW YORK SPECIAITV CO., Sketch Tenm, Cotnedinn, Song and Dance Soubrette, Single Miisloal Act. Double Trom- bone, Rass nnd Tuba, Cornet D. & O. Other musicians write, i'erfonrpra donble in band given preference. Address PIIII, .M. Li:riRRMAN, 282 Salem St., I^nweli, .Mnsa. Mr ENTEmillNMEHT ByRElO IS TO BE STRICTL7 nBST CLASS AND TEOROUaHLT OOUPLETE. EVERY LINE OF WORK TO BE REPRESENTED .'i'^nd paillcnliu-s and U-n XF.T Oni^ Niglii TermM iDagniiis. 11. R. THORN, -IIS i:. 2d St., IMainllelil, X. J. MERCHANTS' HOTEL, TOLEDO, OHIO. American, fl^ alngle, $1 donble. European, $3 to $3 week. Good meals. JACK SMITH, Proprietor. THE OASTLB INN, Niagara Sqnare, Bnffaio, N. T. Ratet, 13 to |4 per day. UB. 0. F. DCNBAB, Prop.; Hits. H. F, EAIS, Up. I AM STILL OWNER OF AT LIBERTY, HELiAINE HARTE, I.EAIW, JUVENILES AND HEAVIES. E»W. C. STEWART, CHARACTERS Oil fiEN. RII.SINF.SS. Specially, Illustrated Songs; Al oulBt; can Iw fealured; positively make gtioil; llrst clas.s ward- robe; can Join at once. K1)W. C. STEWART, Coal City, III. Kempton Komedy Ho. '^A/AIMTS MAN FOR HEAVIES AND CHARACTERS. Other useful people, write; those, doing siiedalties pre- ferred. Steady work nil Siminier lliroiigh Colorado. WILL LVMA.<(, write. Aildress REll CLOUD, NERRASKA. C HI C A C! O . Have merely Snblet same. \Vlll also have Manage- nient of the Tbeatie at AT IIDCDTV ••'"" iiAi.ANcE OF this Rl LIDCnil SEASON AND SUMMER, BARITONE PLAYER. (EX|ierieiiced), iloiibk' stage, well up In "Tom." Others write. (,'eu.M.MIllor,llainey,('leaTlleld Co.,ra. BBPPALO, 1, N. T. AFTElt JIAV I'lllSr, A'lTRACTIONS nnd KREAKS WILL HIO WANTint. Addrass us above, or 1'. tt. Itox 8'Jil, Buffalo, X. Y. WANTED, A COflEDT IU66LEB To Join a First class Juggler nnd Hoop Holier for Double Acl. Address WKIT/EL, i:u Wnsliliigton St. . Headin g, Pa. ANLMALS AND UIRUS FOR SALBi 1 elk, male, coming -i years old, |00; 1 elk, male, coiulng .'l years nld, ?80; 1 elk, male, coming 2 years old, *"U: 4 elk, maie, coming 1 year old, each, *riii; :i elk, female, 4 to « years old, each, J7.'>; 8 elk. female, coming 1 year old. each, $(Ul; 1 zebu, female, boru July. 11)04. $10U; 1 ooiidnd (Hnriiarv sheen), mnie, Imrii .Mnivli, IIMH, Sl'-i'i; 1 pillr lions, forest-bred, fi years old (nmie Is silghtlT wenk in hind tiuariers, hut is a InrKC, Hue appending animal; female Ik a line spei'lnien), $800; j lioness. It years old, each. ja."iO: O blue fnxea, 1 year old, each fiO : 1 gray wolf, 18 months old, $45; i; gr.iy wolves, male and female, 1 year nld, each. $4.'>: :: n)yole«, female, 18 months old. each, JJO; 1 "liinck wolf," adult (probably hybrid of wolf and dog), $2.->; i rat kangaroo, feumle. 1 yenr aid. f'J,",; l rock kangaroo, innlo. I year old. $50; U nilgai, male, i; years old. each $ll','i; -» wood Ibis, each. $8; r> Florida curniornnta, each. JT; L" Dnubonton's eurnssows. each, J'.'O' 5 bald eHRles. cacli, $:•.',; r. hnwl;s, each, $.^: r> horned owls, each, $ri: fi crows, endi. $;■>; r, pair Mnndralu ducks, per pair. $v'0; 5 pair im- Eortod white swan, per nnir. JOC RIIW S CHMID, ;i2 12th kt., Wo.shington, I)."-;. r H I C A G o, FOR THE SUMMER. COMMESCINO MAY 2T. BEST HEADLINE VAUDEVILLE AtTK Semi open time and lowest wilarv. Address all proposliloiiB for Theaire to LORIN J. HOWARD, Cnre of HOWARD «i OOVLE, ti'.fi Nvwpni-t Ave, Clilrugo, III. "MANAOER.S," GET TOl'R FLAYS Prom us, sole representatives IVesi and South for AlBlininu,In Mlzzniirl,Cliin>nilo Faaldeii, Held by tUn Enemy, ,Vc.; idso AKCiits fur the United Slates and Canada for Tritb}-, Hazel K.lrk«, Yoiiiii; Mra. Wliilhrop, Jim tli<< Penman, PnvemRiit. of Pari., Doris, niiick FlaK, Mountain Pink, In it Wonian'ii Power, Privol,, .Secrvtary, Storm Uenteii, RoHrdnlx AND ALL THE BEST FLAYS. Impossible to send )lsi. Let us know wliai vou want; we may lie able lo suggest sdniethliig lo yfiur advanluge, alsu save viiii moiiev. HOWARD tb DOYLE, na'i Newport Av«. , Chleim o. III. CIRCUS PRINTERS, THEOONALDSONLITHOCO., NEWPORT, KY. r Kaiari , D.inrlng Teama, Sister Acts, Specialty \ t nnd Iturlesnue Women. Twoshows daily. \ } Fot week March « and later. No faiii-y > i Halarle.s, hut sure salary. K. AV. BOND, Mgr. ( "Wan-ted, lor tlie COY & Bill MEITY Ct, Al SKETCH TEAM, DDlXti t:i> TO DATE SKET(;llES AND SINflLI'X Von niiist deliver the eoiids and iiiii'l IH! good dressers on and nir. TIrkets, If ri(|iiired. THOSE THAT WROTE, WHITE AOAIN. Address I'DY .V HAI.LNOVEI.TV ro., Cinchiunll . Iovva._ Wanted, for "On the TraU" Co., CXDER CANVAS, Indians, Maa and Woman to do fauey shooting act, song and dnoL-e team who can jilay small parts, cowboy who can do fancy ridlug and roping, also a Iloss Canvas .Mnn. Address CEdROE PECK, Courier onice, 214 W. 42d Street, New York Citv. P. S—Like to bear from .Mexlcjiii Kiitiis. WANTED, FOR WASHBVBH and D'ALIA'S TBAIHED ahual shows, Double SongVand Dance Toiini who can plav Dniiiis or Itriiss in Hand. Wniil goiiil Boss Caiiva't .Man. (lodd pay for the right man. Address W.VSllllCH.N'imd D'ALMA, Corona, N. V. PROPERTY MAN TII.VT C.IX DO SI'KClAi,TU>i.AXn PL.VY HITS. Adilress DAVIIISON .STOCK CO., Ilrii/.ll, Ind., Miircb U,; and s. NERRY GO 'ROUND-WANTED, TO RENT, .Merry Co Ronnd fnrlhe coming Snnimer. with a man who understands puiibiK it up and tnkliig It down. Slate make of machine and condition of s«me; steam lireferretl. Stall- leriiis In hrsi lelier n resiKinsllile jieople. Will pav lIlAMO.Vinsl'AUX, I.W X. ;thSi.. l-hilndcl|ihla . Pn. AT LIBERTY, WILLIAM H. SULLIVAN, Jl!Vi;Xll,ES AND HEAVIES. .^-'1 Klrkpfttrlck St., Syrncilsp, N. Y. WASTED AT ONCE, OBOAH PLATEB. One who dnis si),>i'lallles preferieil. state all. Muvt Join nil wlr,>. Address ED IIF.NDEH.SOX, l llouivsier, Alheni Co.. 0. Wanted, First Cornet, Lady Musicians, Trom- liotip, I'lauo, •Celliinnd nniin Plavers. All Indies. Engagement Manli 4 loSeiit.. Atlkullc Citv. A. RE Hon., Itiju Ari'hSt.,PhllHdi'lphla. N^/^AIMTED, First Class Top Bloimter For Tlin-o Drothcr Art. To Join at once. Hooked solid for one yciir. Address 8. A., Xn. sWiHIglit .St., Central Falls, R. I. L.I AFT15K .MARCH 4, I A. TAir, Trombone; J. «. THOMAS. Olariiiet; FRANK LeKOY. Cornet Address, cnrc of '•Uncle Josh Snrucehy" Co. DUItUQUE. lA. nnSICAL DIRECTOB ABD COIPOSEB of iilKh standing, tine appoaraiicp, age .10, for- nicrly of tlio Itoynl Acndcuiy of Vienna wishes posilinn us Lender of First Class Hand or Oiilieslrn. Address. ^l'._L.. .\n\V YDHK r t.M'PRIt. PATHE, ETC.. PASSIONnPLAY. ALAnniN, DAMNATION OF b'AUST, Etc AND OTIlKlt K1L.MS. LlS't' .MAILED ' Theo.J.Harbach,i.„.rt st.Pliila.,Pa. BURTON MAC.ICIAN and ILLUSIONIST. Per, add.. SUI W. Main St.. Kolumazoo. Mich. AT LIBERTY, JOHN BISHOP, Properly Man. pS?ni;;./i!!rf^'ii;:i:;rvnt""^="°^'"« ■.■!•, THIRD AVE. , r.vfXToy, mass. Open for S^mer and Subsequent Booliings, TOM I,ANCAST|.;R. liellne<l New Black I'.nce Cometlian, using only the newest nnd highest class Kougs, original pnrojlies nnd monolclues Address. Cnrc N. Y. CLlPPEIt. ' BALLF.T MIST|;F,iS ,VXD DIHECTRFSV «»P A.\41EL(. ITALIAN s"llV»OL ttte DA\ri\<j. ■*'''''■''''' Cam of CI.II'PEH. PLAYS For All Purposes! Several good Vaudeville Sketche;; for sale rensonable. Orders for spe.'Inl wrltlnir m.ii,' It'd. HOWARD WALL. Hoom Nn. .1, 1.158 Uroadway, New Vork. WANTED, HHRin Who Can Swim. THOMPSON & DUNDY. Apply In PRANK MELVILLE, I.Miia Park, t'oney Inland. I ROUS ASiD PROFR.HSIOVAL Spnd for Cnlalogue. , .®-„ *'- ST ITT, iniler Prorlnr'a .-,i|i Ave. TlieH<n>. NEW VORK. * WANTED QUICK, HEAVY MAX, CHARACTER MAX aud SOlJlfRETTE. People with gpecialUes preferred. Semi plio- ?:-.'.'","?^'!.'!'???- *'""*> •'"'"■• Address W'ALLACK-t;iL.MOHK CO., Oswego. N. Y. Wanted to Lease, THEATRE, HALLS or BUILDINGS Suitable for ThciUrlcnl riupose.s. Will make allerutions and lease for term of years. Oive full particulars. W. D. .MEUCEU. Cai-c of CLIPPER. MOVIIMG PICTURE PRINTING. IIEWWEOAN & CO., Cincinnati, O. IMOREJ CHAJVCKS^ ??2i*f','^,?*'^?.''?'*' "»<='' 8ettee.s, Opera Chairs, 1,2001-oldlng Ulialrs, Dwarf Show flaiios. Folding n PSJ?,"*.,*^,!;*'"''' ''""'f '''""OS. Lot Of Special ui,°Ll'I^^ l^l'*' >ol'l"i8 Tables. Canvas Coia Hi^ 1 Bedding, Roll Admission Tickets, Water and Mildew Proof Kli*)tl Drill. Send for free Wialer list. R. H. ARMHRDaTKU. Sprlngfleld, Illinois "WAVES OF THE OCEAN," Ily HELEN- K MOXrcOMERV. one of Hie pr.'itlesi .-ongs bilelv put iipoii the mar- .l'^:,,.^!}'.- l^^'Pald, on receipt of ilc. bv RlCIIAU D A. SAALFIEM), UM Ifwiiy. N. V. CII V AT LIBERTY, Brooldyn Ladies' Orcliesfra, « nil liesi references,for Summer se.isoii. (,'nncen. ;.",',»>■",'.'.','.!;'".'"'"■• ""'Ili'ble miiiiugers.inly. \\ M. .N. III'KI.LK, l.|,uder. lUiv liiih, ii,.ar suih .SI., Haiti Hi'ai-li, Hriioklyii, .V. v. Trap Onniiner Wanted-Steady Tlieaire KiiKiigeinent. Von must lie Al. Write or wire '.'."'•.■^n.;^''''""'^'* ^'- "• -^'ORAV, Musb-nl Director, burl's Theaire, Toledo, (ihlo. O.C.GOSS CO. 1?^^S^'^e'e"^^^^S^ Stallman's Dresser Trunk Eas7 to (TOtateverytblnff without dUturblu); anytblng. No fallgua In pM;kingBn<l unpacking. LIgtit, fitrong, roomy drawers. UolilaM DiucU bud costs no more tban • good boz truuk. Baud-riveted | strongest trunk made. In email room aervFS as chiffonier. O.O.D, wllh privilege of examination, 3o. lUmp for Culoc. M.SIliI]UJI,U«.S;iii>«8t, Coliatillha *MOLESii°WARTS J Are un»{ahtly,4n.r the besulv, nntl often BlRuU ill tliottay t,t iiu-ccMia lii.rrluiieiiud ouf.[tte«4. WK HKnoVR THEM, and maranteo no .car. i«lu tir diiiicer. Reiuedr mdi by £'!!'£''''■ Small »ljeair. m.icm, nispi'iiaui') 1, H(>rlie8ler,.V.V.