The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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■Maech 4. THE N'R'W YORK CLIPPER. 15 lh»t TOMMY wonld KWe«p the STIVIE OUR rtlKDIOTION of two weeks apo, which wm backed by the ENTHHSr ASTIO OPINION of tbe VERY HF.ST CRITirB >» t^ecountry. cinotry. is fMt becoming an ASSURED F"-" ' • ,._... -^T,..»-r.o pniremv.NT] TIAL vvith her nadience, and the FORM GftEATESr NEAT SONG-AND DANCE esperiftlly so for UP-TO-DATE QUABTETrES. By DOS RAMSAY. «„«n,o,^u »i,i' otvnivn nV YOU "bv LAMB AND 8 AYev»»nttoalBooalUttentioiitoabr«nd-iiev7 Novolty, "UNDER THE BANANA TREE/'by LANVBENCEOCONNOT;"''TUE SONGBIR^^^^ composer of "Welcome A8 the Flowew)uMay;".ind "FACE IN-THE FlRELIOHT.-ftSHACItFOliD Hit. Every oneof thette biHads WE (.UIAllANlBt ivi>r.ou« RJ^MSAY, Mgr Published by CEORCE W. 8ETCHELL, 633 Washington St., Boston. NEW YORK OFFICE, 3» w.-«>xn « ., JOB NATUS 1» now connpftrd with ua and la very dnirou* of iiirelliiK "U •»•• old flrlfiiaa nt «hf WfW York VBier. AiiotUer O'CONNOll Molody. with sCory bv CLAKENOE J^LUNOS. Uemembor that tUii is the JEAIUKK Souk in D0CK8TA DEU'S RHOW. as sunB by the Only CARROLL JOlINhON. V LAMB AND SULLIVAN, the latter being tb) ma. TABLE OF CONTESTS. Pagi: M :w ::» m ;w ... 3S. r>i 30 « 42 -12 .-.* 45 45, M, 47 47, 48 Jll« Cllppcfs Anootote*..... Woodward and ShBri)<y-.SVeioU.... M,i Mnv Chmlvrlck—Sfeetcli....... rsnWij lUlston and Son—Skftcb.., 5I,„1,. nml Song....... \:,iKleTlllc and M'""*'*'.-- uL'/i' Olever Sisters .McConaell—Sketch. ijuerlM Answprwl Our OiilPOKO I^ottcr Our lODclou Letter WipptT Post Ofllcc Latft Uy Tclegropti On llie Itoail... ■• • VninleTllle Route Llat...•. •■■■■■■■ >Hw Yort City—Ilcvkw and Coiaincnt B», ."it iiMlljs lu the Profession iiinlTcrfary Number a lilt TUEATBICAL CORHESPOSDESCK. Caaailft * Jl luiiesota Wlwniinlii MatKachuitctlK MliHciurl l/>glslnna .Vew HanipnUIre .North Carolina . - rpniw.vlvuulii New York Stale Olilw Mnliie Maryland Orruon District of Columblu New Jcmey rtali UklaUoiaa LATEST BY TE LE&RAPH Munduy MKhtV Openlnqra lu All tlie Bte Shoir Ton-nH, .'•1 43 , 41 . 4L , 41 . 4:t . 4:t , 4» . 4.1 . 43 . 54 . 54 . 55 . S.'S . 55 . 55 . .55 . 5.'5 . .W <<OLDE:?r GATE GLCAKINGS. UnxineHH ContimicH PronperonBly un the Connt. Upcrinl DhitateUca /o The New York Ci.ii'i'Kii SvN I'lLXNOiRCO, I'elJ. '.'8.—At IliP Columbia Savnije's Kiigllsli Onind Opera Co. Istgan .vestiTday u three weeks' cngagemeiit to luige biisluetis. , , ... „,j M.v.lESTic.—The proiUirtlon ot In Old llddolbciB." nnnoiinccd tor llie early part tif .lauunry, but deferred oa account of tlic prpimratloiis for "Mlzpali," wan glvca last iilgiit. Wcdncsdny afternoon, March 1, a siici'iul i>erformiince ot Ibsen's "Lady of tlic «ea" will be given by a Bi>eclal caHt made up I mill tlie Htock company of the house Ai,c.v!!Ali.—"Captain Jinks ot the Ilotcii; BlurlneM" IH tlilit week's offering. (illAND Oi-KRA Uoi-MH.—ITils Is the foiirtl :init laut week of "Mother Goose." !-"'»• °"'' Hill, lu "1. O. v.." follow. t'Ai.iKoiiMA.—W. It. Turner, In Ilurum," Is current. t'KSTiiAi..— "Why Women bin Is this ''^•ivoi.V OPBiiA Hotisr.—Sunday nrtcrnoon, Vei). -M, a crund sympliouy comictl. by nlnjlir picked inuslclnnH.undPi- the Icadondili) "f Mg- nor (HiUTili) I'olnrco ucciirrcd, wlien Beetho- ven's fifth SympUony, lu <;. minor, was the pi-lncliial number, and .Uadttuie LiilRa letraz- zlnl anug. The farewell performance of the Moxlcan (;rand Italian «>pera Co. occurred Kolb and "David night of M. the hill being a apeclal one, unrt Bt«de MP from acts of the principal operas already Hucces.sfully given by the company. Yeiiferday began u new RCaaon, with the regu- lar loinpiiny of the iiouse In "llpccaocJo. DitiMlF.iiM.— Bill oi)enlns Sunday. 'Jl.: lue Alphu- Family, the Brothers Itoxsl, rewltt. Powell's Marionettes, JoRophInc hahel, Ilaycs and Healy, Dclinorc and I-ee. Howard and Hland and the.Orpheuin motion plutiires. CiiUTKS.—RIU opening li7 : TliMX'" ""ll>,','' inent. the Klnifsburys. Ilnyraon Icnl, Wills and Kallons. John f'filclc and company, Slabii Lanison and the bloeniph. , _ „.. NorEH.—Maude Allre Kelly has bccii en- gaged for the season by Kolb & 1)111, aj ,;)''-* liranrt Opera House In this cU>-: also Llllle Sutherland, the dancer ,.IJIa Whoclcr Wilcox and I.usconibe Scarellc s bib leal plaj, "Jllzpah," (Irst produced In this city at tli« Jlnjestlc, has been secured for a N«»'„»°f^ IHVsvntullon by Charles Krohmnn. and Ucnry Irrtng bus concluded negotiations for its presenlalhm in I,ondon A nioiisler con- cert In aid of the Verdi Monument • and o>> v place Mt the Alhnmbrn In Ihls >;lty l;rUla> evening. '.Il Barney Uernurd will play • star engagement at the llnJCBtlc Ihentio till- inller part of April In « new m"""'.* « pre«,<lv written for hlni by.Harry 1). l"'^"^!' cnlllled "The l-'lnanclec." Thei^-attcr will luake a road tour. good drawing hill "The Klcrnnl City" was produced by the Castle Sipnre stock, and the Itowdoln Syiiarc company iircsentcd •The Mtlle Church Aronnd tbe Corner." Vaudeville nt Keith's, Hnplrc and Howard, and burlesque nt the I'aUico. I.ycenia and Columbia attracted the usual Irir^e Monday crowds. rilll.Ai)KT,riin, Feb. 28.—Crowds of Ihen- tregoerH out last night gave proMtuble open- ings to local houses A brilliant audi- ence at the Broad .welcomed Ada Ucban, In •TninlnK of the Shrew." "Mngda,'' nt Opera House, with Nonce (J'Nell in the title role, was given to the edincation of a gowl gathering An audience which tilled the Clieslnut St. thoroughly enjoyed "Tbe Girl from Kay's." A line company presented "l-'lorodorn" at the CnHlno, to the dellcht of a crowded bouse... ."Merelv Mary Ann, ' Qt the •iurrlck : ".Mrs. Wlggs. of the Cabbage Patch." at the Wnluut. and " 'Way Down Ka|t," nt the I'nrk. all continued well, and other com- binntlon housies fared the same.. ..The stm-k productloPR were heiivllj parionln-d Vaudeville drew well at Keith's, and the bur- lesque houses) liad their usual (m\\ quota The Xluscum, Klevenlh and Bon Ton all bad profitable audlencea. Ka.nsas ClTV, Feb. 28.—Kyrle BcUew opened a four nights' engngement at the Willis Wood. Sunday night, and scored well, before a large and delighted audience Billv Van, 'n "Tbe ICrrnnd Boy," opened nt the "Grand Sunday night, arriving too late for the matinee. The show and star were Joy- fully received Two big houscB at the Orpheum saw Knthryn Ostcrmnn and a good vaudeville bill Jane Kcnnark present- ed "Camllle" at her .second week's olfering at the Auditorium, and duplicated her last week's .success, before large audiences...... At the Glllls "Von Yonson" drew well and p.eased The Century, with the Knicker- bocker Burlesquers, did the usual SSunday ClTiSh. ClsTix.\.\Ti. Feb. 28.—Henry W. Savnse (Hine to witness Ww opening performspcc of his company lu "Farslfal," which crow'dcd ;he Ur ind fast night Sunday onenlnp were ail largely attended Hose Melville. In "Sis lIoi)kliis." packed llenck s, 'llw Dancing Girl'' was revived by the I'orepauBli Stock Co. at Itoblnson's. "Me. Him nntl 1 was given its local premier at tlie Walnut Street, .ind at the I.yceim "The Great Auto- nii.bllo Mystery" proved a very lively one. Itose Stnhl, In "Tlie ClioruB liadv was tb.; Columbia magnet The Ken- tucky Belles (llled the rcoplc's. Wasiii.nOTOX. Feb. -JS.—Maxine I':illolt. n "Her Own Wav," opened at the National lo the capacity.. .""The Sultan of Sulu" had no standing room left at the Columbia.. ..Oe... Sidney, in "Kusy lJ/.y," opened at the La- fnyerte with a l)cnelll I^rformniicc tendered 0 the order of the Ka«les. with .bo hoi se crowded Unvid lllgglns, in ""'b I_;a|t Dollar." packed the Academy.... ..1 nomas J llyan and Marv Ulchfleld headed a great bill at Chase's, filling the house afternoon and iiight...... The Brigadiers opened lo the capacity ot the Lyceum. Mii.wAltKiiK. I'eb. ,^8- -'•■<•'« "'""lY l)roUL'ht out llie crowds Suadav nt the Al- lar^ibru. and the " I'ull" sign was iiut oSraf both performance,. ".-Superha" jroved a good drawing card, as usual.... ..At the, itlbm "The Factory Girl" als.. "^"d em- dnllv well At the Academy and Fabsi the -Thanhouser and Wachsner Slock Co.n- nnnles had their usual attendiiuce.. ..At the S"ar the Itunaway Girls scored heavily before two packed li oiises. _ AiXNIVEnSAHY kumbeh on m Road. K. Illnney'a , 3T-March 4, All lloiites Must HcHPh I's Not Later Than Monday. UUAMaTICi A AiluDiB, Miimie (Cliarlfs .'■''S'!™"; Y. City a7-Marcli 4. mgr.)—S. Sprlnnfleld, Uo*^.. U. .,,— —..* 1—Brook' Alie,.: vioia (Charles^y. Allen "ffir'^Broot- lyii. X. v.. 27-.Mareh 4. Norfolk, la., o, aicn- Aubwj Stock (W. n. KItiseraU. n.jr.)-Unc.. ler. Pa., 2T->l«rch 4. „,. , , AVh'an.1 IJrematlc-Hnone. !«.. 27-M«rcb 4. "Arlioaa," Kaalem. M. «. R"^r";V^,uio 5 Miss.. March 1, Greenwood 2, ( reonTlllo l.'lnrkmlnle 4, lUrmlnBham. Ala.. 'J-»>v.i..„™, "Arljonn." Western, >!. U. ""rn"""',:!-!^^"™' In.!.. March 1, New P""'"", ,-• *T 7 v«'' rortlanil a. Dell'ho*. 0.. 7, Van 9. tMrclctUlc 10, 3, "Child Sla»M of New V.'rV," Ohaj (J. 11. liinac. iBCT.l—CU'velnml, O. ••,S"v'KM"'(n?'B. Whlttaker, n.Br.1 vie, Ky . MsJch 1. .««'•:■""",■: i«J™!!'™.4.ll 4. Ashliml. Ky.. I). I'orlamoii b, ••<'"n Mil».,.™f « wife'; (A. II. A\VHXl«. nwr.)- V Y CiiT "T-MarcU 4, Newark. N. J.. W-ii. "0,™oV i>rmk," CUa,.' B. Bl.ney'.-««ltlmorf. Md.. 27-March 4. T..»».r,i "ChorllT Nnrse" (George H. Leonirn, SprliljEoel.", M«.H., 27-M«nU 1, Brooklyn, K on. „ Drew. John fChorlea V'roUman ni«r.)--fitlslmrg, !•« "7-MHrch 4. C nclnnsll. <>■■ '''l- , Cwrenc- (Klrke I.a Sliellr. "<".)- C«l.. Mar.-h 1. Los AniB-lrj \*-^^^^ -Maya- on, v.. 7, Oalll- "*r.)- ni|[r.)—N. mgr.)—N. Y. ingrs.)—N. Chllll- (Mltlenlhal Bros., nigrs.) 27M»rrfi 4, N. Y. City Marlon 4. - - - ,, Wert .o. SprlntHeld collie 11. •.Vloiie In the World --I'Ulladelphla. I'a. "AcmVs the Pnclttc" (llarry Claj Ulauey. mgr.) - V Y City March il-ll. , ■■Arlitocriillc Trami." (Kllroy \ Brlttoii, mgrs.) —New Castle. !•«.. March 1 McD-malil -'.^n- iKinpahela .'t, Coiinellsvllle 4. ««"''■''« O'^f?"' imrff 7 Vnnilererlfl 0, Mercer 10, Sharon 11. "\lV'01.Tcm«i VidV' (Arthur C. Alston. incr.T-nrooklyn. N. Y-. 27M«rch 4, Worces- ".Uier*MmVil!!Ut''' (Sper.eer & Alsjra, nigra.) --Dctmit, Mich., 2(i-Morch 4. "After Many Years"—Kllialiclh, N. J.. Si- March 1. "At the HIsk March 2-4. of Ills l.lfo"—Spriugflelil, Mass.. a Dliiiiche Bates (P'vJ''.O'''';'""' ,"|{!i\,l^'''"'"'" 111.. 2fi-.Mnrch 4. N. \ City «, '""l™"'!*: ..,_ Barrraioro, Ethel (Charles !'><''>'"«•'■, "•'T;'-:^*^ Ildvpii. conn.. March 1, SptlngflelU, M«9«., 2, Bl"?.^'Kui^n'ii?"(iie;!Y A. Blnmenthal mgr.;- I'hllailcliihla. I'll., •,!7March 4 N. Y. City 0 ii. ni >gl an.. Ainolh.-N., Y. Clly B, '■''l/«»'«v,-„, n..lh.w Kirle (Leber ft Co.. mgra.)—Ranjaa Clt"; Mo^. 37"larch 1, SI. Joseph 2, Omaha, Neiir.. 3. 4. Lincoln 0., Sloiu City. Ia,._ 7. Mohies 8. Oiibuqiic 9, llockforil. 111 Be^foni'.'liaVry (.1. .1. f^leman.» An- BrMiivvill. William (Henri Cresallt, "'«'•>-»'•'"' Ingham Ala., 27-SIarcl, «:. >l'">'«<''?«T„Si,H„"e con. <3a.. 7. Jacksonville, Kin.. 8. St. Augustine II, Ilrmiswick. (Ju.. 10. SBfannah 11. Blmiilell, EilWKnl—Wel«-r & Tuck, mgr.)—N. Y, DCS 10, Madl- Ilusli's (Samuel 'city 27-March 4. L. March 4. Lincoln U-u. Kdliiso Stock (Llojd & Gnitor. ingrs.)—Cameron, Sophie C. (James M.^Bra-Uord mgr.)- Bclll^^ Ku 1. Cahlwell 2, nmihmu 3, Monier^ OUR A HIT. " us congrutulnle y.ui unou your lieim- llful Annlvei-sary Number, it Is h^ '"■=-' wu have ever seen. »■ ijua'--*- "I'retty good tor an Ot.n Fellow." M.v.suS 4 FlIASCIS. W. Colum- "Your AuulverBnry Xuml«r Is n gem. Yours. *«us UAMio. YOBK ClII'I-Kll, Nanihcr nt "I'I'lll.ISllKUS .Vkw N'KW YonK Cnv. iirnlliinnr —'I'hc Amilvi-rsiiry -^ - Ti • >i.. 11 .lAB'": WHS ladHLHl a isjauty, and , •r«llf f" he profession that It stands for. Till'Ci I 'I'KU i-.-leDrute Its <ino hundredth A. C. ClMPllKU May • anniversary, Bbslucss Muniiger. BIJeu Theatre. he •Certainly one swell paper.' i;uxiB <!ai.e. FKOM OTHEIl I'DIXTS. -»»»- died All Goail BiiHineHN Is Heportctl From PialntN. • 'lilCAHo, Feb. 28.—Two clover women had the i.iicnlug honors ot the furrcnt weelC; llhinche Bales, In "The Darling of the (}o<is. hel.l atlentlon and tilled the Grand Ojic « lloiise Sunday night, and ICdnii May. >» J >;; Schlud Clrl.''^ nt the Illinois, provided the diiet novelty of the Monday night oPsn'^K"; Sunday furnished Ideal weather f'lr lliealiegolug. and the afternoon and even n;, .•ruwds were everywhere, .f" '"'- jwpuhir priced combination houses, the t>ur- lesnucreaorts, stock company llieatres n it inrlety enloitninment.i iiltractei cnpatitj business Sunday nfternoon as well its inu Mason and Mason plnyed pavltv twice at the Great Nortliern ■"he 'Sunday ntternoon house _was nu -Louis I.. ''P"!"-'",5.f,"i'g',,Eed ?;.;i',!ry^r^'voLrV(7w^a?ho'oa"nV''" '"^'m M'C'avor. of Ihe "Glittering Glorln" Co.. Mr. Criddletop, «' ti tnai. Virs V.^-or. Ell li „t home for sevf"i .weeks. Mrs.^ a o^^^^ ... Sinclair, Is with 'nicsmerr'upi'" „,..., .--.■-,-,• e^'«"- l.hiylng-Ilmper wlh great suctest^ ^ ■27..March 4. McKee«i.orl «• l. to cu- ""11'\C-||lln.!i K. Ackerniaii. father otmnr ,.„ .,„,r. i.T,i„kl.; (.lere ( mgr) Ai-kermnu died n I hlcng" "a ',"}'•.-,"' s e.. ar-March 4. Portland "■ I. „,. ■|K !'"■ henrr ■"isensc, lie leaves a widow, two ^,;;.^^; „^^^y <;or«m-Siill Lak.- CIt •■SmlUnBTii«ml/='\i"t'Hyde & I^ehman'h^ ■ nimcltv at nlxhl Charles llnwtrey. nc iliriiar^l^k.a'gd tlie AS^irde-Klddcr comb jia- <i.... ... ir..tri..t...*.j u,,M#iiiv nlirlit. and vm. henrr , daughters and a »]%'■„ Sanders closed n tloii. at McVlckers, S'M'day a'sh . and Vaverslnim. In "Lrtty." at l'"«<^'f^;,A'°T A night, entered upon the «fl•''l"^J'"<'^A'','.. weeks of llielr engngenients. ...... , rh|„"""Vn Imker Is dark "Ben iur' conllnue.s in hip biiKlnPsK at the Audlloriuni. ....-■ 'I'l lirghncss Ihe Bey" nenis Us one liu idred and lll'llelh performance at the l.n Salle. Ktlll pniinlnr. IMSTON. Feb. •J.S.-riae »■«:"'i^',;.^^^:;!, ,„ sensoa of IhlnyUy,'^ and Is r;^^j^^^'se:^n"^s'^ii;'^:^'c^^: --.J!;^^w.,..e«t..a.^Fln;m.,...^,w»;: nniluclNl by 10. i:. <•""(;■ Is.use. of ShelhyvUl!"- Iiiillt and In ul- tracfive oirerliigs bi..ught nu;^ playg'^rH^^^ f--"-2^..ili5y'i„',:.i.fc^„^,V:j^i,S;^"\„ oponed wllh 'Two •riie opening was i iiinnnccr of Ihe >eal 1, seullug capiiclly "f ;>»"• ^-Ceorge A.le for Kn'iirlsco week before last Japan fr.i'ii Sun Mr. A.le was re- al Ihe Tremont, llllcd house. '.". Llil'lan'tiirsi.-:!. ,'n "Lady n.'lly. Mexico. Now II '» *•''"*, , • ...III miirove Blni'l'l* rforence (Korrester & Mattentiial, mgr..) —NisUvllle. Tcnn.. 27-March 4. „.,,,,. BiiiitloK, Kmma (Knrl Burgess, mgr.)—Harris n^^: K;Vk7De."ho« fc Appell, mgr,.)-Harrl.- BrSnrl'fc St'"k"cif«rle. Breekenrhlge, mgr ) -Ihiinhurg. la., 27-March 4, Nebraska City. Be?r'i!''8t«k'(Miles Berry. mgr.)-Iack80nTllle, 111.. 27-Marcli 4. Lincoln 0-11. Bradf.)ril. Sophie C. (James M. 1. . I*«islnwn P«., March 2-4. Somerset 0-8. Bent.!^. '^nVl'Iiis (Perre U. Benton, mgr.)- Biwi CoWrr",!'.- Brown. mgr.)-Blchland. "'mo, 27 "bitch 1, Kolln 2-4, Washington 67 Bessey. Jack. Stock (J. Krank Jersey, mgr.)- BuX'-'l';a."(M"Mc5JjSn*-mgr.)-John»towa, "l!^-lf.Ir''''-'VKiat 4 Erlanger. mgrs. )-tnilcago. "lillmle^BrlSriUitii," James II. Sto.l.Iart (Klrke Ln She"" mjrl)AVorti. Yakima, IVaah.. March "m;ste?°H»wn:"'''we«lern, M. B. Rsymon.ra- N Y Cllv 27. Inilellnllc. _ „ „,.. "lualer Brown," Kaatem, >1. B. Uaymond »■- "nnkfort. I...I., ;MarHi 1. Crawfonl-vl e i. Champaign. 111., S..^"*'"' J- 1'?. "".""n '. iii,:(iii tl I'reeoort 7. Maillson, WiS.. s. v- .wX la.. 0 AltUt r.ea, Minn.. 10, Owatoium "ll'inich of Keys" ( Hothner. iW;'-K«°''- Pa.. March 1, Johnsonburg 2, St. Marys J, uu "Itolnt/noclor," Fre.1 K. Wright's ('rhos, T"l.'r: mgT.)-Sprlngfleld, 0., March 1 liiis 2-4. Cleveland 0-11. . „.,,., "I nker's ChIM" (Harry Shannon, ni«r.)-8cha • i" la.. March 1, Flolstelii 2, Oorrecl lonrlllc .1, ClimU 4. Maf."" ";„"rr,,'i.^^"' ' ' lilii (inive n. OilelHiM 1" .Fonihi II. "BrlWTInie,'' Western (K. V'"""J,i'"S',T'S?'- --I'lvilcrlcklown. Mo., March 1.. I'"' •> »« -, I-esir 3 I)e Hoto 4, St. Char es 0 Troy 11. nowling Green 7, Rood House, III,, », "canls- ••B.TrIi',v"i St Hie Altar" (Brandt * Goldsmlll., mgrs.l—Canlon, O., 4. C Crsne. WlUhim 11. lC.l.srh«« Fr.diinan lugr.)- New Orliiiiis. Lu., 27-March 4. Cbsttanooga, CnTler'MJs. Leslie (Darld Bclasco, mgr.)—N. Cr^n^i:MS;nrir%a.h,..,;.c<,.^Ma.ri™ Campbell, mgrs.l—N. Y. Clly .!7.March 4. Comslock!"N«ni.eMi'"(J«i.i« K. IlacLett mgr.)-;;- Kii Claire. Wis.. March 1 Winona. Minn,, J, OHiimws. la., :•,. Albert Lea. Minn.. 4, SI. Paul UK. MInneiiisdIs «H. .. , , Coitliliiii, Itose— Allnnia, llu.. Mi.ri:li 4. O.llrr. Wlllllara ((;h«rl.'s Fi;t,hD,an. mgr) — iJenver, Colo.. 27-Mnrcli 4, Omaha, Neb., 0, 7 Cellar la., 10. , _ , CohMo, George Si, (Sam II. Harris. m«r.)--Coluiu- ims. <T."S«r.-h 1, Dayton 2, Terrejiaule. Ind.. :i. Siirlngflelil. III.. 4. HI. I/.uIh, «"■•, r-ll- CortMJil. James 1.. nn.l !"« >l»cn[|ley (Hal I>»vls. irj:r.)—Clevelnn.1, O.. 27-Mar<-h 4, I'lttshnrg. Csik-Chiin-li (II. W. Taylor, mgr.)—.UIoona, Pu.. .„....l. .1 \l<.l.'neiii,nrl (I'll. —Augusta, City, v.. '27- (ji.'rle'r's Coiimllaiis (I'rnak <;. Carter, marl- Weal herf..r.l, Tei., •27-M..rch 4, .M.'Klnney tl-ll. Cirts Ilramallc (M. II. Carts. .m/i-.i-K. K.'r ..u, M.I. •J7-Murch 1, DcarMnrne 2-4. He Ki'lh 1'"• riiasel. later Tbenlre. Sorlliifrn—Slonx Clly. lu.. ■'■.. Slout Falls. H. Iluk.. IIIJ. Ormll ComiNlr ilmi Carroll, mgr.)—IIimta»lllc. AIn.. 27-Mi)rch 4. , , C..lonl»l Slock 1.1. M. T<irr. mgr.)—I.awreace, Mass.. •27M»nh 4. Marllsito Oil. Chh'up" Slisk (Cliarli-s II. Bnsskam, mgr.) — Ps.. 'J7-.M«rch 4. Champlalii Slock (C. K. Cbaroliluin, mgr.) wMi. N. Y.. •J7-Murch 4. "Cnll.-se Wl.l.w" I Henry W. Satsge, mgr.)—N. V. Cliy 27. in.lfllultp. '•Cli...-k.'rs." 1'hi.nin^ W. Bo-s (Klrke La Rhelle, mKr.), Mich.. 27Marili 4, Chlcug... III., D'Or^ay San Diego. Daly. Arnolil (Lleblcr * to. D..'L'nloS:'-Krt (P. P. Craft ■-"[[■'-"'■^V'r: () \larch 2, .Mil crsliurg .1. M««slll< n 4. Wo<»- teV 0. W-Mliwortli 7, (TMcago 1), HI.Ktton in, De"o?iZ.'Joseph (F.'e.l A. "«'•«"''itanRlV"^ Marshnehl. Wis.. .^ arcli 1. Grand "'ai Kjs -. T..mah :i ««! Wing. .Minn.. 4. N..rllillel.l u. AllIITl ilea T. Valrinont 8. Plpestooe 0, Mnr- D.'il^n's.XT ('I"' ".■ 1)«'1"~». n«r.)-Mar. ,Kr'V'il;s,"l.Mor.:-U.");. 'uoluour, m,r.)-K«>kuk. De'siackVlHg Stock-KUiwa, Ind. Ter„ 27.M»rch ■i. Strlnitlown 0*11. , „,... Du Vrle" Stoc-k (Sam "" .,V'"^"' ,!'"";;\7''""- mon.l. Iml.. 27-Marcli 4, l-l.|U«. 0-. >;''-,,,,,^ IlavlsDrlacoll Stock—AiHlerson. S. C. .7MariU "Uarld llnrnm," Xo. I (Julius Cahn. mgr.)— »an Francls.0. Cat. 2il-Mnrch 11. "llorll'a Aiiclloii," Clii.rles H. \ale s (M. Wise, in,... ) Peoria, III,. Maren 2, . "Dora Thome" (lU)WlaiHl A CllffonI, nigra.)— I^wl.towii I'a. .March I. lloul^lnle 2, Vyrono M. Altoona 4. Dn Ilola <l. .lohnsonburg 7. kane H. "Driven from Home." I'alrUc <Jofrf'^'^r.s^.J'A- tenlhnl. inKra.j-nn.lgeiiort, Coim., .8-Mnr.h "Uuogers^of WorkU'iJIrls" (A. II. Woojls, mgr.) St. Lonh.. Mo„ •JO-March 4, Clilciigo, III,, ..-2... •'iinriiedi Uiissla" (W. C. ('iinnliigliam, mgr.) -'rol^o: ()', 27-JIarch 1. Gruud ll*|.t.l». Mich.. •■limta By the Sea" (I'bll Hunt, mgt.)-Co»li»u- "D^peniVc *Cbai.'ce,''' I'orrest.'r ft Mllteulhnra— I'U Indelplila, I'u., March <I;1I.., , „, „ "I>r Jekyll and Mr. Ilyile" (Jloaa. La Place, ngr.)--Thomns, W. V.i.. Murcli '2. BiirlliiKt..n :i Phlllw'l 4. West I'liloii 0. I'cnnslioro J, Hpencer 8. MWdlesport. O., 0, New atrallsvlllo 10, Corning 11. n Klllott. Uaxliie (C. II. Dlllliighani. niKr.)---W«ali- Ingtoiri). 0., 27-March 4. Ilalllmon-, Mil.. O' Klesin, llobert (Henry B. llatrla. ngr.)—N. Y, Elhiore^^.Slste?K""-Melvlllc B. llaymond'a -- Ht. .loRMili .Mo . March 1, Lawrence. Kan., J, Junf lolR 7, CoireyvAle 8, Joi.llu. Mo,. 0, Parson., Kuu . in, Hednlln, Mo,, II. , , IMwanls, Walter (Wells. Uniino ft Unrlan, nigra.) -Memphis, Tcnn,. •27-March *. ,.,.„„.„, - ■ ...... ..^....- inpra.)—CameriHi, oooiiwin. N. c. <"'''",«••.•'•o*'';ir.'.".^,',?.'*''n',;^ All«.ny. N. v., March 1, ^''^''^''''^^ T- .' ", lliigtou. Vt., ;l. Platlsbun, N. \.. 4, Won. treat, t?nu.. (Ill- ., , Gillette. William (Charles Irohman, V. Clly March rt, Imlellnlle. Grace George (Win. A. Urady. Cllv 27, inJednlte. . . .„„, Gallniid. Bertha (J. I^. Zimmerman Jr.. uigr.)— llellevUlp. ("an.. Mnrch .1. .-..,„..( (irltlllh, John (John M. llU-key, "'Ifi --'^«"";»- M.>.. Ma.h I. Cap.. (Ilrardejiu 2. "'',"''•"':• ::. Carhmdale 4. MexU-u. Mo.. «. •'»;'".-'.• lUoiiTlUe 8, Marshall P. Warrenshuru 10. To- ailmo're.'^llaVney' (Hurry M..ntgomery. mgr.) ,- Clilcngo. III.. 2llM.itch 4, Bt. Joseph, Wo., J. GiiuK'wlii. (Charles (J.d.ii .1. Klerana. iiigr.)--Mu»- .hcsler. X. 11.. Mnnh 1. ';y''"/,„J'"?''",i', % ^ (ialvln, J. 11.. Coniwly ••!■ A. llnlvln. ."""•.rr lliidioii, S, V,. March I, Saral.wa Mprloga 2-4. """""""" K«'s," Sau. Bernard ai„l lI.Mlo (Cliarles..Kodiiiiau h .^'^S'rfi^i]' "illrl from Williams «^ nles, tag H.l--l'hlln.leli.bla. I'.i.. •J7-V«rch 11. ".lu'l rem! Kay's," Hi^-lnl iChnrl.;- f"bmii« * ilwrm- IMwaiiles. mgrs.l—I'ailucsh, Ivy., March Morllmer (Pecker 1. LiinlsTllle, Ky.. i-*-,. "(Ilrl of the Slri-els.",..!.!"!"!! ,■■,•••■,■.•, ,j .,,,„.,, k Venme.'. iiiiirs.)-- I'lilla.U'lphla, l'.i., a7-Ma« n ••(JlVla Will lie Girls." AI. Leech and ll.o Threo ILisehiirts (Wra. A., mgr.)—St. I/)UI«. "i";',;;. llwtJr" Mtovl.ii.l * Cllffnl. nigr-)-.- Flbil. Ml.'h., March I. €',iillllac 2. Iraverso ,: V I, ManiMce 4. I.u.lhmlon '1/I',';„''"T Sc ••.ir.'Al AiilonKd.lle Mysli;ry. ' HmllB * ««• i.mii's-C,liiclanall. I).. 'J'':)'»'''" ,'• „ , ,„„. "i:hosls'--l'ortlnn.l,.,Mc.. S"""'' '-i l' W.lw mare :i, Kumfor.! I'"',''" .*'.,'?"Tyiil',..!'it vllle 8. Augiisin «, Hath I >. '^.''•""»'!, ''• "Glnry Girl"—Camilen. N. J-, M"r.h .-4 inhigton. Del., (18. T.',™""':,,.'',;,,;':;,,,': "Gninlilor's Hwfelhenrt" — I'hlbi.l'-'lphla, ••(iVm[;^J'H"Mile" ((Mrl Z.«;llner n.«r.)-»cheu. eetnilv. N. Y., Mar.h :i. lUli-n 4. Syracuse 0-8, llochesler Il-ll. Iln.kelt. Janu's K.- -MUuiciiim.IIs. Mli.n.. 27-March 1, St. Paul 2-4, l.ln.Dlii. f"'",''', "• .. „,_, i^ llawtrev, Charles (Cl.arl.'S ''"''":;'!''',,,„"'fM, s Chlcngu, 111., 2il-Mnich 1. dnmil IL-ipWh, .VIch., Ilidiaii.l, MIldriMl (IJlwaM H. While, mgr.)-— Foilll .111 Lnc, \Vls.. Mandi I, Hhel»ygaa 2. Oahk.wh fl, llrmi Ili.y 4, Iloi.|>.r, K.lna Wallace il-rank MiKee. Paul. Mhiii., 2"Mnrrli I, MIniieaiKills 2-4, wnukiT. Wis.. 5 s. Wll- Pa.. Mll- Ilarl. JiMcph. liisi c'lrilc De M«r (Wm. A. Ilrmly, mgr.)—I'lllahnrg. !'.«., Msnh «11- , lliiiifiml, (!lnirl.>a II. (F. I.«ui-;iicn Walk.-r. mgr.) vine 4, Navaaotf. «, 7. Woolgomcry 8, Monroe Krai-rson, JUy "riamuel Lewis, mgr.)—Coshocton, 0., March 1. Wheeling. W. Vo., 2-4. Kwlng, (iertniile (Kwliig * Kwln», n'Kr»;>—"}■;• ron. HI., 27-M«tch 1. Murpbyaloro 2-4. Cairo Klkiiarilt ft Hawkins Ideals-Puyelle, Ms.. March I. Ontario, Ore. 2-4. Welaer, hhi-. Krwoo.1 Big Stock ("'•.•'• „Kr*oo.l. nigr.)-ll.s- ford, I'a., 27-MBrch 1, 8a»toa 2-1. Uollldays- burg IIS. „ , „ Emery Stock—York, I'a. S7- Mur.:h O-ll. ''f ^r;,"'i^i.):^'k^.' ^:'ci^'^."a.m"- .■K\i,n*iioui;;n;"'"iV'''r "s-'";; 'M. TTTv. mgr.)—Niagara lull", N. *■. March 1, l/s:Ii- imrt 2. Balavhi 3. Aubuiii 4. "KIght IlellH," Brotbors Ilyriie—Culumlms, O.. Mnrch 2-4. Clnclunoll 5-11. „„.,„..„ "rscai.e.l from Slug S'ng," Jnines II. Parkots- Buirula, N. Y., Mnrch (III. V -N. V. mgr.) MIcti., -Xur- Flake, Mr». (Harrison Orey Flake, mgr.)- Clty •.!7, Inilcllnllc. „ . .. Faverahnm. William (CUnrles I'rijiinian, —Chicago. III., 27-Mnrch 4, Jutkson, II. Ilatlle Creek 7. ,,,,,, .,„. v FrankeiiUeld. Laura (Hanford Do. ge. "M.) — Meiideu, .N'obr,, March I, llrunil laliiiid 2. FllMlianionK, KolsTt, and Julia May G.lfTorjl (U»n Friislman, mgr.)—IJra Mollies la., «•"",'• Davenport. la., 2, Peoria, III., 3. Klchmond, Iml.. 4. I,.nilavllle, Ky., f'll- , „., I'euberg Slock (George M. Fcnberg, mgr.)—I «t- ersoii. N. J.. 27-.Murch 4. .... I-leiniig, Mamie (W. II. "'■"";>';,i"""'''::r*n'Ti" Carmel. I'a.. 27-Mnr.rh 4. Wlllhinisport rt-ll. FlskeTsi.K-k (H. v. FIsko ft T. V. Stock, mgrs.) —.St. John, N. II.. 27.Mnrcli 18. FLviiU, Joseph J.. Slock (M. •'• ,►'i^""/, '"«':',T Haverhill, Mass.. 27-Jlarch 4, ■ all llvir il-ll. "Flaming Arrow." I liicoln J- '^ar er s (W-^I'- .rack".iii. mgr.l-' IhvIIIc, Ky., liilMarcli 4. "Female nel.stllvei Ilussell nrolhers (Haiiiiiel Ilbilr. mgr.) —Iiidl iibHI". In'.'/.. '<7Marcb I. "Fitul W.Ml.lli.g." Ciitnil. «">"*«":,„,"'■:,';„* W<' (Ell. H. Lester, nmr. i—SI. Paul, Mliiu., 2il-Marcli 4, Mlnneap.ills .111. "l-"a ill wil'l iig." Wi'slein, Sslllvan, Harris * Woods- (T. Zlcgl-r. mgr.)-M.rl..n ln.l., "larch 1. llniivcr Fulls, I'u., 2. fJr.H-aahiirB .. xirrlslowi. 4, Caunleii, X. J., U-8. I'ulcraou «■ '■FoV Her Sake" (Pilgrim ft I'.lllotl. mgrs.) — Win. oJ, Mo . Mar.-h l..,New Frauklln a. IIuiKk- vlllc ;i, .MokTly 4, Hallsljury 0. Ilrmiswick 7, Carrolllon H. Blchiiion;! I», l-'V'fj/,.•"• ,,, "ITom lliigs to Ul.4ie». ' •',''«ei'l' »»"",''' />' .Meyers, mgr.!— ToIihIo. O.. March I, »"> i r.,-n 2, Oen.n.-e 3. Flm""?; *',''-»ir,''"'"l ' Camlirhlgc 7. Deav.r Fulls, I'u.. I>. Sburou HI, "l.N;'r"lirs nrolli.r's Crlra.'" (Gm. N- ntlllnner, logr. >—lllchmoml. Vu.. 27-.March-1. "F c ory Girl." Chus. V.. Illuncy's (I'l.ll 11 lK«a,. m«r.l-MllwnOk.». Wis., 2il-Mareh 4, Ht. I'sul, ••Facl"'ry'^'(IUI.-" TraliKcuiill.ienlnl. ''''"1™ ,,,'■• ...^;r'^.^?v^f:k;!;''>";J'*,"^i"»:{;:,<1^7 ••Foi'''l'a'm.''nii'l I'l.rluiie." Terry Mcfi.iTcrn (Siil- llia.i llarVls A W.ssls.«.v-,8yr..cti«... V Y Vf-Mnrih I. Il...'li.!slcr 24. I.' II., "r;:h.n.l':^'H;c'Fllly" <W. K. Giirman, uigr.,- S. i;.. March ;!. •Fahlo B.m ." I>.. >'• l.<^v Is' (^^J'^^J'^Zi inir l~-Akr.ui. <••, "JT-.Mor.'h I, .Misllna -,„■''■",■' r Sumhiskv '4. •Y,«.llunll, ""•'^.■, "■,»"' J i'..wk 7, LuiMliig K, Ow.Mso «, Ahim 10. liny "y,\Z Itugs lo Hldies." Wesletu-Deover. Coin., "|-iI!.*"Lire In .Vew V.irk" (.». II. .W.usls. mgr 1 . Vt"M»". I'o.; '.iTMarch I, Wllkesburre 2 4. iiurrui'i. N. Y.. Ill 1. .. y .,.. "Fi'iin Cine •" «;u[iture"--ltrooklyu, N. Y.. -i- Msnh 4. Ncwsrk. N'-..^--„" ' ' i <■ " Ills Sister's Honor"—<.lc«'lund, O, U U. -Kveiell, M'ush.. March 1, Salem, <)r.?. Miigeiie 4 Wisslliiuil. Gal.. «•. »''"!'!"''!',''* ,7,! iliklunil 8 II San Jose Ml, StockUin It, Fnwio Va llaiifonl 13. BukJrslUl U.« "«"•"» lllgiiu'sf'"l.«'* Nlcolyl. ingr. )-W«sli. liigloii, 11. C. 27 SI arch 4. KIchiuiiU.I, \a., «• Ile'iidrlcks, Ben (Wlllliim Ornjf. .'"R'.).;,';"!'™ <;ttl.. Murcli I, W.SMllsn.1 2, 1.<»1I :». Mtucfcloii Hall "aZTv. (iv. J. Flel-llng. mgr.)-Cmll». " l": Manff I Sleuls'iivllle 2. Ilullaire :«., Ik'-'ver Falls, I'n., 4. Wusbliig 7, Wayiicshiirg B. Altismn II. Itlnlravllle lu, J»lii>"'<'W« „ '■ ._ ll«rp.T. G.-orgla (Ilarser ft ""y'L,,, fi It' Vrglnin Clly. Ncv., 27•^ srrh 4, Heio il-U. Ilnll, Imn C. -81. IjpuIs. Mo.. 'J7Mur.h I". Illminelela's lileula <John A. lllmroeleln. iiigr.) — „,S».'^in!!e^.Woi. FVJH.-^ Shiiio mar.)—PIllMllelcl. Mn«s., 27Matctl i. lloosick Fulls N. Y.. Oil. Hoyt'a CflniHly (H. G., Alh-"., mur-l- Xik., 27-.Marcli 4. I'liie ll'"".",';;, vt "7. IIurTey ft Gage CoinMly—Bnrlliiglnn, vt., «(• llenl'ld'tkpi'are Sloiik (Hitler 4 Faushawe. m«rg.> -Monsrai, Me,. 27-.Mnreli 4. Il.s-nler. Jii.'k—Kvniisv C, linl.. .27-MorcU 1. •■il.Iu.piy Ihimi'ty'' fHI"" * Kriai.ger, mgrs.)- "i;';;art- ■l'"chlcaio.""l.lacnli, J. Carter's (Kd- "mmlM«iiV.lyVmgr.)---II«tcl,«n. I. Wichita. 2, Arkiilisiis ™'? 'J',,.,';"!''Notada Clumile 7. I'lttsliurg B, Fort Hi:olt V, Nevada, Mo., 10, (turthoge 11. , ,,,,,,„|, » "Her Only HIn," I. ucnln J. Curler s (Frank ,r. Wiillace. MigO-Viiiiiesrllle. < -. M'«r<-h I. New Plillurtelphlu (I. Hleul)eiivllle..4, .1, WellHVlllo 7. Ilullaire ••,V.:;rr'r'l.r'M«rVhinil" (0.vl.I Ili'lasco. mgr.)- '.,fr/'r'b;l^''lw^i"-'^"»-n, »«'■'-- QnelKK' C..n , S8-M<ir.A I.. Ilellevjil.i H... -Ifort Hmlth. Kasl LIveriK)')! Washington, Pn., U, •Holy «;ilv." Iiisletn, IJotdoii A Ikii i«lt 8 (IW wilrd VVyhir, ingr.l--il'.clie»ter, N. Y.. J7 Mur.h I, Syra.iiiHO 2 I. BliiBliamlon II vllln 7. Dnnvlllo H. Warsaw 11, •lliily Cllv," Western, Oorilon Ilornella- ft Bennett's II, Bowling • l^nry'!• Ih.i^i^' mg-T-f »rt mm Ark M. r'h 1, Little ""Ck 2, Ktutlgart :i, I'l"' ,»' ''I 4 lllllena «l. .Marlamiu 7. •""";"'"X„''',,',"'"' Mo.. II. cu|«'iJIranleau ''|,""'"',, "'! ,".'. 'i!;::.'„'kVi^''«'!''Y..'rr-h^,v.:.«kcri''.-v. ,;:l,..;?'J?;;^^".<rii'w,ils.ui (...;-Co.,an, m.r . -Cherryvnl.-. Km.., Mnreii '•„^'T":r'*'.7' s . .l.,p...ul.'m'U 3. O.freyyile ''•/^S''''"A,,;.,«. vulu. Mo., II. Oil". IGiu., 7, Ystes i,.ni.r ". 1 ,l"r».i;. », Wliitlel.l .','»■ ,Wt:''"whruk.T' Her First False Btcii," «;, '• "In'L'k'.r \. H.hllh'r, nmr.) ■Uoslui;. Mass ilow He Wisi lU'r." C. F. relliis. aior.)- Jcr 'lluinua lleurls," I-'-"'"-'" '•■■".-' -,v,„,("„;;"n J mgr.)--S. Y. Clly 27Maridi 4. irciiion, n. .i . .m;„",;„ 1 111.," Southern (Jay Slmmoi gr.) '••"'■ ''i'lme,^''"<lu«'llllF. -Hurry H. HHl. (F. 27-.M«ri'h 4. WliHaker's (U. .<!. Jrrsi-y Clly. 'X- •!■• 'J7-MBr.'h I. "Illerii (Jesse M. niaiicliur;l. ■ • Trenton, •Hot ohl mgr. I N. J. "ihnipy sou, mgr. I K.sikiik "Huns llaiiHon . . 11 lurry H. .wiriiVliiglo". Del. 27-Mi«rch 1, 'ireiil'm. lu.. II. ■linrllugl..ii. lUi-MoHMioulli I (Jl'"!''". '':;._*I:/M!:'^' rTiKon- Kustiirii, (bis lllll's-Oblcugn, Jliistlngs, 7. I'nlmyra 8, "llniipy Hooligan.' '••i-'SSVn^^c^^ 7:^^l.ha..y 8., I'll., Irwiu, Muy ( Hnller. .'.'""'/.Yf.''' ^'''"' mgr.) -.l"Wi- 'iV-Mu'nh I. WaHl.h.gloii. '>■ <'■■ '" 'T;:':vrTXni:.?'^oiaf/!;i:"i^ris.vd2.4,Mor. CHrihullle HI, (iliii'y 11. ■Mil Ohl KciiHiiky..'. Jneoh tt. March Mil's -Hrooklro, v '"7-Marib 4,'Ilosliin, Mush.. 11-11. „ ■■lH;i."Pa'wMhrVk;.rs" idlli; Mik-U ^ •>«">"' ^''' Stu-nrs. mgrs.)- I;rni Wort, (1. ti>ui.urs»Ille 7, .New (_astl« 8. Leliaium 10. '•''!<'ti'"J\.,'']n ■■In Ihe Hhartow of NlgHt ,,'"-.•.;■,,,-•; pitx i,.u.'Mo<sl. N. ■'■. o-'- Asiiury i uta v ».. Jeltn-ys. nils (l-li-Mer & Co., luiiri.)—N. Y. Oil* Uuich U, iuilenulle. Ky- »l«ri:h f, Hef- ' Ktnnklhi 4, MndlaoB Lafayette i». ('nsrry TT. PranWIn,