The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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3IAKCH 4. THE 1<[WW YODRK CLIPPEH. '51 »,r York Tli*i««re (Klnw .t Krliilieor. 'm^ ^^ an ^^^ ^ _ _^ ^^_^ «——^—i HianuiSfrM).—Wrlsht I,orluici-, In "The SUcn- ^m^ ' .^m. 1^. ■ I .^^ .^H™ - ■— "neflcemrnt >\'1>. 27, excellent buslne^H. ■ J^^^ | ^^ ^^^ BJ^H EmI * bfnont performanco for thf Asylum lor (trnhMS and Dentltutc Children will ocour liR Uadlaon Sqn«re ThcBtre (Wnlter .\. Ijiwrenpe, inanaRer).—I'Mrs. Temple'!* Telc- iram" i^mmomed Its nfth week Kel>. IIT. Vlclni'l'^ TUF»«r<> (Oscar llanimcnitein, msDOKeiV-—'''h» li'll f"' week oC I.'ph. :>T In- rliides: file Four Mortons, .MnRRlo i.MIni-, Harrv fillfoll. C'aleedo. Stanley nnil Kriwk^ iDon'-Mons. Alliany, J'lnley and Rurlte, .lohii- ,on Wilkes nod Alexander, tbo Iloston Bros, and new vltograpli views. U*r<lpn '«n«;atre (Henry W. Savaw. manager).—"The rDllege Wldnw" commenced r," twentv-fonrth week Feb. -7. I.yrle Thmtre I.Sam S. & Shubert, managers).—"I'nntana" entered Its serentb iveeK Feb. 2". Hndiion The«<re (Henry B. Harris, man- ager).—Hoberl: Kdeson hegon his llflh wc«k. In ••.'<trongheart,'' Feb. 27. Vrw Amnterdnm TlieKtre (Klaw !c Dr- l3Dger, ninnagerst.—"HnmiJiy Durapty" <«i- tered Its Hlxteenili and Inst week Feb. 2". Aeaileniy of Mnnlc (Ollmore & Toni|i- Itlns, mnnagers).—HenrWtna Crosman heenn Ucr fourth nnil lp»t week, in "Sweet Kitty Hellairs." Feb. 27. Next week, Blnnclie Bates, In "The Darling of the Gods." D«l>-'" Tlientre (Diinlel FrobmoD, man- ngert.—"Tbe Duohess of Dnntxic" vnteml lis sereDth weeto Feb. '21. Mbprty Theatrr (Klaw t Erlanger. niaongers).—"The I'Mucatloa of Mr. I'lpp" liegnn Its second week Feb. 27. brand Opera IIooNe (J. ir. Springer, manager).—"The County Chalrmaa" ^gan, I-'fli. 27, Its second and last week. March G, i ew Dockatader's .Minstrels. BIJon Thratre (Henry B. aire, mana- erl.—Dnvld AV'nrfleld Uegoii his eighth week, n "'nie .Music Master," t'eli. 27. with record hreaklDg business. Special matinees are an- lionaeed for March 0 and 10. Lew Flelrtu' Tlieatre (ilamlin, Mitchell ^Fields, maongeial.—"It Happened In Nnrd- Innd'" began Uh ihlrteenlh week Feb. 27. -Herald Square Theatre (Charles Froh- man. rannager).—ninnrhe Walsh. In "Tlie Woman in the Onse," began her ttfth week Feb. 1'". W«l»er Hnitlc Hall (.loe Weber, maa- njer).—"irigglody-Plggledy" began Feb. 27 Its nlneteentli week. Knipire Theatre (Charles Frohman, ninnaiter).—Mandi! Adams hegnn tbe tenth niul Inst week ot her engagement Feb. 27, with the doiiblo hill of "Tlic Mttle Minister" nnrt "'Op o' .Me Thumb." Next week, Wil- liam fJlllettc, lu "Sherlock Holmes." Prlncemi Theatre tSam S. Shuliert, manager).—"Who <!oe3 Tlicte';" entered In second week F'jii. 27. Criterion Theatre (Charles Frohman, nrnjiarer). — Frauds Wilson, in "Cousin Billy, commenced his nhitli week and Insc ruHulglit Feb. 27. Onrrick Theatre . (Charles Frolimnn. manager).—Arnnld Daly entered his eighth week In "Voii Never Can Tell" Feb. 27. Hugo Q'uland has succeeded Wm. 11. Tbompnon, liiu owing to 11 Revere cold, was out of the cast 24, .-iiiil the [inrt was played by his pi-edeces- wir. The Greatest March and Two-Step of the deason. *']|[R. MAN UP IN THE MOON," SX?rK?;r«;?>i..e.. , -. - ".—.—— —-. ^ Played Everywherewith Great Success. •'8HBT TWHT DOES WIlliUII»'BLIHKIll JBTES," *"S.';.7.'ni:" f; Kstelle Nnnldti. nnil ioin|>;inv. Mr. .Tnd Mrs .llmmle Btirry. Deliihluii and' IVlniom, Sbi'p- liard ntid Ward, Harry Warden und the fweeneyfK'ojie. WaTSOX's r07.V COKNTB (\V. 11. Vntson. manager).—"The .Sultans llrldc" 2" and week, when gorgeous coKliimes, new wenery and a choriis of preiiy women are neen. lii the olio : .Matthew* an.1 Haverlv. tlie Kslier Mslrrs. Ueorge II. ninmond. WllllnuiB and Dermody, Iji Kadoro, the Hurricane Japs and Clirl.i. rjelmore. Stah (Al. Schonberg, mnnnger).—The New Majestic liiirlewiiiers appear for tbe llrst lime jhl.M season 27 and week, in -In the Tender- loin ' and "For iJIrls (Jnly." Id the olio are: riie l-'lve Sislerx, lArry McCnle, Fnrron and Fay. Harvey and Wnlker. and the Three Sis- ters De Fay. ItaoADWAV (f.eo C. Teller, manager).— T-iilu (iinser, in "The .Mad<-ap Trliieess." 27 and week. Frank Pnnleia. In "The OiTi ■■• Koy." Imd a good week endlug 2.'i. E«ri Kendall next week. Fni.i.v (lten:iett Wilson, manager).—\Va;-d and Vokes nr« here this week, hi "A I'alr ot Pinks." "Clierkers" clo.seil a big week 2ri. Chnuncpy Olcott next. Gavkty (James Clark, nr.nager). — Sara Devere and his own comiviny 27 and week. TJie Roliemlaa Knrlesquers eluded n lilg week Aiii'iiiox (William Crover. manager).— Another big bill is thi:i week's offering. (Charles J. lEoss and Mable I''»hi1ou head the list, in their burlesque of • Ciiiipatra." Otiiers are: .Mile. Adgle, with her \'«iu ; Urnest Ho- g:an. I'revost and rrevoxi, Peltorelll and lills- sando, Cn<ik and Clinton, Tom (illlln and F'loyu Redledge. Last wee,!'s business wan big. N'oTiui.Tr (Darld Robinson, manager).— '•From «'lue t<i Cajdnre" 27 and week. "Two Mttle Waifs" did well last week. "Queen of the Highway" next week. I'avto.v'k (K. S. Allen, mannger).—"The r.ternal City." with Krta Heed I'nyton as Donaa Itom:', this week. "A Hunch of Kevs" had a hie ending 2r.. "Why Smith Left Home" next week. fii'iTiiAjt (Charles Wlllluros. manager).— "Hearts Adrift" is this week's offering. "On the Siiwauee Hiver" did well last week. "ITncle Tom's Cahin" next. (I.N'iQiif: iFrank II. Carr. manager).—The Tnique Stock Co. Is seen this week in two new buriesfjnes from ilie .nen ot .lark Mar- shall. The olio includes: luve .Marlon, flr- letta and Taylor. Ifce llarn-in Brothers, and Thomas' motion iilcturcs. Jtiislness last week was big. LvcEtiM (Couls rhlllips. manager I.—"The A'acjint Chair" this week. "The Vllhige I'ost- innster'' did well lant week. Harlem.—At the Ilarlem Opera Uouse (Alex. Mchlessteia, manager) May Irwin, In ".Mrs. Black is Buck," <x the «urreut otTering, and as this Is her llrst Harlem npiieurunce in several seasoDS, the engageiuent to lie proll table/ The opening, .Montlay, Feb. 27, was to II crowded house. .Vext week, I.iihi Cilascr. In "The .Madcap Princess." Wr.HT \'.su (George A. lllumenthnl, mana- ger).—"Th« Lost Boy," with Kdward Illon- riell In tbe leading role, is this week's nttruc- ilon. and the opening. '27. was to good at- lendanee. nualness has improved consider- inly during tbi> past month. .Vext week, Ward and Vokes, In "A Pair of Pinks." (Ilcury Rosenberg, manager). —Italph Stuart. In "By Right of Sword," apenea to a packed house 27, and prospects are bright for a good week's business. Stak (Wm. T. Keogli, manager).— 3m Welch begaii a return engagement 27, |)ri- .sentlng "(.'oheii's Luck" to u large audieiic>', and nhonld do well for the week. Next week, "Iiriven from Home." I'nocToit's Oni; IIi'Noitun and KiiTU STnKi:r THK.VTnt; (,l. Austin Fynes, general inauagcrj.—"Diplomacy" Is the ofl'er- ing for this week. The piny called for nu extra effort on the part ot the bouse favor- ites, and tlint they were equal to tbe tost was evident liy the clever work ot the various ineinlierH of the company. Wni. J. Kelly, Scott Cooper, Itilny Chnniberllng. Juliiui Keed. Heatrice Morgan and .Mnlhlidii Deshau nci|iiltted Ihemselves with credit. AddltinnnI attraction whh leiit to the bill by a strong voudevllle bill which Included: Piccolo Mld- get.s, ceiinu Mobe, Joe Morris. Carter and Kliiford, <lilliert uud Hurt nnd the motion |)lctiires. IIiiKTin & Skamox'k Music Hii.i< (Ben Hiirilg, manager).—'I'hecurrent bill includes: John r. Kelly nnd company. Kiumett Devoy null comnany, Moore and LIttlctleld, Louey lla.skell. Tyce aud Jcrinond, Kllumuni Trou|ie of Jaiianese, Flood Bros., iiiiil Annie Dug- well. The opening perforniuiicos 27 drew cii- pacliy crowds. • JirruANt (Sullivan Ic Kmus, managers).— Rush's llou Ton Itiirlestiuers upciind to two good housan and made good from start to (In- SKW VORK CITT JOTTI.NfiS. Ish. .Next week, Fred Irwin's Big Show. Oi.VMrtc (Lew Wntson, manager).—^The Bashful Venus tlo. made it.-j llrst Harlem np- |iearancc'27, to a well llllcd bouse, and pros- |ie<'ts are bright for a big week. Next week, l.(indiin (talely Girls. Hrooklyn.—At tbe Moutauk (Isabel Sinn Heclii. muuat^r) V'loln Allen presents "The Winter's Tule." nnd "Twelfth Night" this week. Last week (icorge M. Cohan crowded the house nt every iwrfornuiiicc. "Jlrs Wlggs, of I he Cabbage ]*aicli," next week.! (Charles R. Sturgls, manager). —••In Kid Kentucky" Fob. 27 pud week. Ward nnd Vokes did u record husluess. To fol- low, '<nt .M. Wills.' • liM.vii Oi'KiiA lloi'.sij (Lew Parker, mana- ger'.—"At the Old Cross llonds," with Ks- iher Wlllinnm and James XI. lltupby. 27 nnd week. Lust week, "The Jewel of Aslii" smred n hig Kuccess. Next week, Keliur. I'AKK (Wm. IlTde, manager).—"A Wife's Si'cret" 27 aud week. Lnst week "A l)es- lieinic (."hnure" did excellent work. "'Ihc Charily Nurse" next, week. Bijou (.Vary (l. Spooner, nmnnger).— "Two Little Vngrants" Is pri'sented 27 and week. Kdnu May and (.'ecll SiKtoiicr doclevr Work. Jessie McAlllKler shun-s lu the hnu; ors. fjist week "'llie Sword of the Kliiz ^ pleased packed bonswi. "Arc You a .\UsunV next week. Coi.i:.iiBlA (C. I,. WelH, manager).—"Un- ';'7",'"■■'V|,V,.t''\r'^leVcr':'A .Muld. tJene- der Two Fliigs" Is piwentfld here 27 iui< .'^. ."',y';,,,'k,. " i,. |iliiu'-» Comedl.iUh"— "■eel<. Lust w*.«k-ne Silver King" crowded vieve hnrfunkU . . '"'.^^"^..... ^ MABCAni-;T Wvi.iii:i!i.v n|i|>enred Tuesday afternoon, i-'eli. 21. al the Hudson Tbcairc, in three plays liy WllIiaDi Huller Venls. under tlie maungenieui of Bayurd Velllers. "The r.und of Heart's Desiiv." "Cnthleen XI Houlihan." ami "Tbe Hour (iluss: a Mnral- liv." each of one act. eomiirlsed tlie bill. There was on atinosphere of .sincerity lu tb« performance which made Itself felt across the footlights almost at the of the cur- IHln. In the llrst iday Miss Wyvlierly a|>- peured us the voiiDg bride. luKplre<l wHh .'i desln? to be of the etherlnl folk, aud who Is atoleu from her home by a fairy. Tlie tlieroe, odd. dainty nnd nlenslng. was dellghifully presented, the really star pn-forniiince being thai of lOdlth Speare, as the fairy. Sit more graceftd and Ingenuous perfoniinucfl nor liner reading oiT lines hv n child lias been beard lu many years, us the siioiitaneous apiihuise lestllled on her oppeurance ut the curtnlu call. The oast of "The Lund of liearl's l)e- «lre:" I'ulher Hurt, Wlllnrd .UcKeguev ; Maurteen Bruin. Cnryl filllln; Ilrldeet Bruin, Caroline .\ewcouibe: Sliawa Bruin, i'. J. Kelly: ii Knerv Child. Kdlili Speare: Mnlre. .Margnref VVycherly. The title role In the second piece, also played by .Miss Wycberly. typilles the Ireland of one hundred years ago or more, and the dignity, pathos, .yearn- ing nnd lamentation expressed lu pnntomliiie and voice hv the star were nt an exi'eiitlonal uuiure 1*. J. Kellv reudered able nKSlslanee here as the bridegroom, who answers the heart-call ot Ireland lo light the opiiressor. The i-aul of "C'aihteen Nt Houlihan" >e(cr iHllane. Wlllnni .McKeguey: .Mblinel, P. J. Kelly : Patrick, Curyl iHllln; Ilrlilget, l aro- Hue .Ncwcomhc: l»clla Citbel. Adelnlde Ale.x- nndcr; I'alhleon .M Iloullliaii, Margaret Wycberly. lu the Ust ptay Miss Wycberly niil)enre<t la male attire as Teigiie, the f.wl. who .saves the Wisi- .Man from everlasilug perdition by proclaiming bis l>*llef in heaven, whuii all others, formerly ml.sgulded by I ho Wise Man, scorn the idea of aught luit the materLil. Her lini»'rsouut!oii wns ilellghtfiil lu Its childish and nluiost wllles-s Himpllilly. nnd the freedom from couvoiitlnnailty or np- Bnrent singe biislae..<8 rendered It a verliablo keni There Is a homely, bouesi, earnest sIm- f.leness In the ideas ot these llltle dniiiius which takes one nwuy from everyday lite. .Mr Veats has treated his material reverenll); and in a scholarly manner, succfcdlUK well In building Interesting, If not drnmallc piny.s. To the sl.Tdoul they will evei; nppenl, bii the casual, observer will imss them h.v w" a nod The cast of "The Hour iHass t' A \\l.s« "la.., CaryMIIIIln : Ills Wife Caroline New- c'mle; Students, P. J. Kelly and Arthur Row- An Angel, Adelaide Alexander; Telgue, "';i^firASS--AcAm:.m- OK l,t.u...T.c AllTSANn i;.MftaKTllBAT«K I>11AMATI<; S.1I.K11, cave Its nrih performanco at the Km|.lre T".eatre nf eruooa ot ThurHtlay I-ob. 2.'t, pre- Hc. I lug for the llrst Hiue lu this coiin rv Jw. pTavs. lioth trunslaiwl by tiriice isabe ■olbron. "A .Marriage." In two nets, by Bjorstjerne llJornHon. '"l""'"''''''/';y'I',. ''',';;i- hers who gave further evldenw of Iheli abl • liv ••i'bi' Klnu's Ciimedian.s," by Karl vou Warteuslein. bi three ads, was well i.rc- seuted by a nnml>er of the students, pron.- "leut aiiong whom wen- Mary Agnes flaia - I... the ..iilr wiimau lu the cnsl, and .S eg- fi'led Sollrs, as t'riuin Suiisnom. The eu Ire pe,' or nance wa. thoroughly cn.un.ei.dab e. The casts; "A .Marriage"—Hie .Magislrnte, Paul T Tlnrii: Ills Wife, Berun Ilelnhardt; ji ra Kath-'r'ii'- Keppell ; A.vel. pi',:;™' PelHf.r; .^Ma^hlldc. I.o..lse,^C-.le;.mn : the house. "Streets of New York" next wee OltWiEUM (Percv C. Willlunis. nuiuager). —.\ strong hill Is prescnli'd here for the cor- reur week, heudwl by Kddle Foy, In 'Vlhe Mnu tlehlnd the <inu.'' Others : .Mary S>haw, In "Tlic Silent Wltacss;" Si>ook .Minstrels, Slgotaoto'a Jap acrohats. Margiirllc and llau- ley. Waiter C. Kellv. Ward Baker, Uoldcn 'late ({iilutet. Burton's nogs and leuplng hoands and the vltagiaidi, llvni; 4 Bkjiman'.s i .Nick Norton, maun, c-ri.-—This week's bill presents Dan Mc- Avoy and Blanche Ming ns tbe headllners. •Jtliers arc: Edmund Hay and oompany. Bloom nnd Cooper, .Melrose Troupe, Maij Telous Frank. Little Bob and dog. Tip; Marl! SuHlvan and Johnson nnd Wells, Krnxnv's (Frank A. Keener, innnflger).—- 'I his week .Manager Keeney presfnls Bedlnl nud Arthur, Jubiisun. Unveutiuri aud Lorella, Fanny nice. 'Xaraaa," the French ihincer; VS.dr;'anl»inc;>;M-.:V'Al.uleunSavi,ge. ill".ad nidler. Owen liwelit : .Miiurlc M.t- lari Jdu ■ Fee: Aiuitole .Malpre, .Vbuiis V re l" tier: 1'm"i-.1». «■ > (Vluii: I.ihan Sausuom. «''«f'"''I *"''> V C iiiVie Albert W. Meyer; Tbiliiiml. .M. J. i IlrWcH' An Adjuianl. IWvId T. Ar- il • At. %Jtia'it. Kdw.-.r.l Ilemmer: A Scr- 'vatil Wlllanl l». Il'.we; MH.iim VnllbT, M.iry ^'^a"sn." s"Tn""d..»N.. was .-,t week engaged for tbre.nears as leading womi.u of lb" « "'.'^ coinpanle" "nJer tbe managenieni of liaMd Wels of ih» VorUvllle 'I'beatie. IIaUK -io.N- <)ni:v Fiske. who has been III for nanv weeks with typhoid fever, has re- tarnSl from the Souih and a-'tlyely retimed } i maBagement of liH theair .al alTolrs. Thi" Hn-..M> Stiiii:vts' Maiini:!: of the UrMinailc .s.liool was K v.- at the Oarrhk Thrnlf« luatliee ut 1 «b. 2L nnd four ..ue act ploya were glten. "ViM Devil's Wooing," by Florence li. Iluthveu, and "The Picture Hal," by Llewellyn f!. Humphreys, were (ben given for the tlrsl lime, and "When the Wheels Hua Down," by Maude .M. Itogers, received Its tlrst New- York production. "A Bnolielor's Wife," by .^llce i'ares llrant, wan the other pnductlon. There was a capacity nudlence on hand, nnd the plu.v.o were received In a friendly spirit of cordiality. "The Devil's Wooing" brought forili u pleasing idea In Its ronceptlon— Mephlsto's vlalt lo a girl prude, waking lier up Hi a sense ot her worldly obiliiotlons. It was well treated in the telllsg. 'nie xtudeata weie generally vtrective In their nctlng. Mi.LK. XvuiA UK VEitDi appeared nt a pri- vate nerformance at the Victoria 1'henlre Saturday morning, Feb. 2ri, with C. A. Hmnp- sun. In a demonsirntion of thought transnils. alon, having Just I'ompl.'ied a forty weeks' eugngement ai the London. iOng.. Hippo- drome. Placed in a trance by .Mr. Sampson, khe plays on the niano whll.; In tbe con- dition, and doubly hllndfoUlcd. any seleclloa which Is iilnced before her, whether cln9.sli'nl or popular. Prlnietl lists of song titles are iibiced liefore her. with any one title marked liy an outsider, and tlie song Is luimedlntely Idaycil by iier. One of these printed lists was marked, put In an envelo|H', sealed, nnil then when placet] on the piano hi her line of vision the uuirked seleclltiu was immediately played by her. Of course, Mr. Sampson must know the song title to lie enabled to transmit It to her, but throughout the performartce was really n marvelous one. It la dunbtiitl If Its like bus ever been npinlied, and nny- wiine.s.slng Ir will Iw greatly ImpresMeti. The llrst nubile performance will occur al the Victoria Theatre week of .Mnrch 20 and ii wide spread illscusslon Is sure to follow. TiiK liuKEN Iluo.u Clur gave a gmoker Saturday midnight. Feb. 25. at which over one hundred and llfty members and friends nsseinblctl. llollls Cooley, secretary, culled the meeting lo order shortly utter midnlgtil. lutroducluK Ibiyniond lllirhcock .-is I'linlrninn. wlio wn.s Kreetnl with a round of applaunu. nnd throu^thout the .sesshin lunlnlalned tbo dignity of Ills pcHltion. us only ho could, announcing the nu.nliera cleverly and with n|>pr<>prlnte remarks, llerliert Hall WInslow rend u hoiue-madc poem which caused coii- sldenihle Slighter, nnd was followed by Rich- ard (lolden. In unecdotes of IturkHfiort, .Me., and other places, lu raiilfl Hiicresslon ami In their own particular lines. folInwHl: Al. II. Wilson, Junie MK'ree, Albert Purr, .>Ir. Klein. Harry Von Tiher and uinny otliem. .\ irlo of colurcii miisleliins dlscoarsed iiiens- ani melodies Is-twecn numbers, and tinnlly nor* called upon lo slug, their elTorls behii; i-ewurded by ti full b«lt^ (h.zen encores, nii.l deservedly. It was a miii^t sociable and >'n- Joyuble occaslnri throughout, aud those In charge hnve every (N'cnslon to feel pi'oiiil. JoSK VlAX.NA 'uA .MoTTA Will bc heat*! agaiu on the evening of .March 7, at .Meu- delsHohn Hall, with the Volt>e Sympliuiiy Orcliesirn. and on this orcnslon li« will uliiy the "Beethoven C Flut Major t.'olicerto. Al.ncnT Baiu: Informs us that u group at architects, painters, sculpiurs uud theatrical people liuve urgunhed ii bull, which will take place ut .Madlsou Sriiinre (iurdeu, im .March Hi, next, under the nuuie of "-I Arts Ball." (he direction of which has Ik^cii gl«'eu lo him. FKi.i.t 'WKtNiiAUT.NKn Is not lo be heard In New York agnln this season. He will reiiirn to tiermat.y aborll.v. .Mai;ui.-i: (;A.MeiiKi.i.'s production of Hen- rik IhiPn's valedictory (.lay. "When We l>eH«l Awaken,'' will l»> made at the Kalckerbocker Theatre March 7. A strong cnnipuuv has lH<en engaged. Including F't'ederlck Lewis, Dorothy Ilounelly, i'liueni'e Knhu and Frank I<os..'e. citAni.KK FiioiiMAN has arranged In end l''raBclH Wilson's engagement at the Criterion .March II, when he will begin a lung road lour. He reinrus to ,\ew York again uiider .Mr. Fruhmuu's munagenient next season. On March H Fratik .Uchee will i.reesDt at Ibo C'riterlon .Mary Muuiiering, lu ".N'an.y Stair." Itoberl iiorrulne has heen engaged as lending man for Miss .Manuerlng nnd (i.'orge .Marlon will stage hei* play. Hi,.vNi'iiK Walsh's niauagers, Wageubalp & Kemper, nluu to urgaup/o a stock uouinnny with Miss Walsh at- its head fur next Win- ter. The plan Is lo organize un all star company and produce nothlog but new ploys. It Is (iraposed to lease u Itrnndwny theaire for the Heason, one of tbe smaller theatres If irassible. 'i'. ItAMHi, Frawi.kv has relurned from his lrl|i around Hie world with the Frawley Cu. He bus iH'tn selected to act us treasurer for the lieaellt to be given to .tosrpli ilolluod, which is to take pincr at the .Metro|iolitan Opera lu .March. Joseph JetTersoii has vuluuteei'i'd to make bis I'uii'weil public appearance on ilie ulage ai this iwrformance. Ki.AW & Kui.A.MUUH are to Import this year's Drury Lune spectacle, "The White Cat." fur New York next season. CiiAiti.cs ii. Hii.i.iMiiiA.M has QUgaged Harry It. Smith to write nn Hngllsh version of "Hie FUMleroiaii.s," which be will prMluce with Fritzi Schell'. .Mlsi: .Scheir bus sung tbii role In (ierniai. lu I'.iveni Ibirden, I.oudon, uud hi iMunlcb. The HI muss oj.era will ba produced Immediniely nfter the four weeks' revival of "Hots-acchi.' Tilts wt:i:K plans for tbe rn^onslriictlon of the Ciislno. which recently waa damaged by lire, ivlll be Hubroltted lo the building de- partmenl. It Is purposed to remodel (he the- Hire, bringing it down lo the ground fl.)or nud c<uuplyliig with every rc<|iilreinent that the law may ImiKise for (be safety <>f the public. The work will be flnished by June 1, when the playhouse will lie reojienod. "Boi'CACCKi." with Frttzl Heheir as the Rlur, will be produced ut the Broadway The- aire on WedneHiluy, March 1. JosErii M. WKiiisn's Stock Compa.nt, ai tbe Weber Music Hall, will begin Its an- nual tuur the bider imrt of .March. The rnlire <'oin|iuny ivlll bi' tukea on Ihe tour, which will last well Into tbe Sutniaer. It bus been ilecldetl to posl|ione the biirleaquo on "The Diichesg of DantKlc." TUB l'iiori-;sHio.NAi, WoMAN'.s Lkaouk cele- brated Its twelfth birthday on Feb. 28, al the l.eag«e House, HIS W. Fortv-tiftil HlifPl. TtiB Mko.xx TiiKA-rnii Is (o lie liii'al..<l at Ihe business centre of the llronx, wbli-b U at the liiucllon of Third, Westcbaster, Ber- gen nnd Willis Aveniii'M iind line lliuidred nud Forty-nlnih Street. Tha owner Is the Will. T. Ki'ocli Ainiisem.'ul c'o,, ot which Wm. '(. Ke.igli Is the jiresldent, and Charles A. Whiter is secretary and treasurer. Vhavk'm llrst nnd only violin recitol will he given Sunday afternoon, .March 5. at I'lirnegle flail. He will Isr aaaisied liy Cliar- lotle .Mucuada. Ku|irniui, and Jules Dii Itefvr, |d a Ills I. Ttii; Tiiinu Axf. t.AST <jp Ham l-'nA.NKo'H cd.vccKT.H of olil music was given In Men- delKsohu Hall evening of Feb. 2.'!. .Mns. Lli.i.lK lliii.MlN'.!ltAM. a contrallo. from San Franrlsi-o. gnve a song recital at MeDdpianohn I la II. afternoon of I-eli. 2-1. Her prngramme contained songs bv (Hiick. Huononclnl, Mozart, S.'hiitierl, Si-hntnann, Rrnbm< nnd others. llAtikis.iN (ini;v I'L^Kj; hns again tendered Hie SMer>. of .Men-y the use of Ihe M'lnhui- lau Theatre niiU bis cnni|inny (ue u{ coat fur a moilnee on Monday. March (!. The. lirOi'oeds will g.i toward paying (be d.'his of the Reglnn Auvelorum. .Mrs. Fiske will be seen In ''Lenh Kleschna." A i.AHiU! AiiiiKNin: attended a musical nnd dramatic matinee under the ausplrea ot the Immauiiel l.o<lRe, No. 1, U. 0. T. S., at I'araegle Cbamner Sluslc Hall, aflni-nooa of Fe*). 2<. the feature of Ihe programfne being kllss .Mnnahelmer's interpretation of Xnng- wlH'a ".Merely Mary Ann." Tiii: riVAi. iini;ss HF.miAnsAi, of Kills Jef- freys, the London a.-tress, and her rumpnhy lu "The Prince Consort." which will be held oa Sunday. .March .'i. In one of the N'(>w York tlieaires (prolvably the New Ainsterdiin'). Will he In the untnrn nt a professional nuitlnee, t-o which the Hngllsb n.-iors nnd n.'tresses ap- pearing lu Ainerirn will tie Invited. I'.siihr riiK Ai:spio;.s ot the Century 'llie- Btro Club a now one act piny. calM ''A I.esaott for Wires." by Cleveland MolTett and Hydney Ronenfeld, waa presented afttrnooii of h>b. 24, lu Ihe KrnnHs Wnlker Studios, at No. 27 West SIxly-seveutli Street. Tb.> verdict of n hlg uudlence was favorable Amatei.rM presenti'd Ihe play. A so.Nd UKfiTAi. was given In Mandelssidia Holt, nfteruoou of Feb. 21. by Kdua Atierle. a soprano singer, recently returned from Klu4v in Paris. She had tha asalstaace of Vladlmer 1. Ihihlnuky, 'cellist. Imunk Ackkrmav gave her "At Home" Feb. 20. when Prince Uudra continued bis lecture un Oriental customs. This time the HUbJect was "Our Marriages." Among rhoso 'Invlieil were the followingi Dr. and Mrs. Ilnrtlett, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilder, Jenn'o M'lldcr, Frances Sagerson, Mrs. Katharine C. Pay, Alice Brown, Harry -Sheilund, Laura Alhertn, llosa Hand, Anna Itanibill-Hlehl, Dr. BlosHoiu aud daiighler. J. B. Atwe'l. Ida 4'heater. Theoilore I'^y, Cora Cns», .1oso|ih Pike. Fdvlb T'.lteii, Mnrgaret Hubbaird Ayer, Phtebp I-lannnforil. I'rnncis Llnt>n, Mailnme CbiiB BrlnkerlifllT. Mrs. Carson, l...ii.illt<r Dlck- hi-M.n, Annii Holmes. Mrs. Kdwit. Kiiowles. .Mrs. i:. M. Van Ilnmt, Mr.s. Cnry,.'':i|M .Smith, He. S. K llowland, .Mr. Fletrhir, Mrs. X. Daniels. Inez Crabtrce, Harriet Imvls. Irene l.anfoi'd. .Mau.l Wilson, .Mr. Burklinrd'. Mrs. W»uV.n'. .M.S. Tayiov. .Miss Wlltou. C. S. Cal- Un. members of (be i'lofesslonnl Women's I.engiie, .Mmlnl Cull are Sndeiy aad .Xotois' Church .Vllliinie. The next rere.iiiou will be held March n. Wai.ti;u R. ilnow.N, formerly ct (he busi- ness staff of the .Nixon Theatre, in Pittsburg, I'a.. has Is'eii engaged liy KInw & Mrlnnger lo look after the. business luierest of "'fhe IMitchess of linnl/.lc." now at Daly's Thealie. — «»» • DtLvriis i\'Tiii'2 PRorRssinx, AT MMKUTY- II.TI-Tlli: lltlll^nVS-diM.rnla —I'om.'.li sk.'tcli Artist^ .'^liigii' iiiiil liiuilili-:,|iiii oil Act": cliauile for week: xolieroinl rcllnble! il.i not (Kke organ: niii't have tickets TIIK Itlll.stlSS. -ito We*! .'.th St., Dnvlon.jlltilo. FOR S.viVK-TUiixk l»IYSTKIl Y "hl.-VI'K AItT OUTFIT,SI'HHTdAlll.VCT' A(T, MAtJICIAN'S CdMI'bCTK Ot'TKIT, Aniniatril llraw.liig Illusion ati.l lisi other Itargaliis. Circulars fur suiiii]i, (j Ktl. -V. IHCI', ■! tlidcrw<HH l .>>(.,All liiini, .\._V. ~'WANTKD.t..rihe KSOWiTks W,\(1(I.N SllilW Perfnrutprs In nil branches of ilie show luislni>s except rblei-s. Man with Troupe of Dog", write; also Small Itaml. rreferi'm-c to iho«*' dinil.llug brass. Statenll. l.iiCK Itnx'.Ml. Ilbiton, il.'l'. Harry Jhirrln. ILvnnv M.i.titis. the well known liermnx coniedluii, whose uunie In private life wns llelnrlrb Kurl. <lled ut Alston's Sunllarluui. .\ew Viirk Cliy, evening ..f I'.'b. 27. from heart weakness lollnwln;; iiiieiim.inla. H.' wns tukrii HI about three weeks ago wlilli> Idaying at the Wrber .Music Hall, this cliy. .Mr.' .Morris wns born at Chicago, III,, June 2.'l, ISIVA, anil made his professional debut III the.California Ynrieties lu 187:1, lu a souii nnd dvnce, Imne solo, clog ami Dutch spe i-iulty. He remained nl tint t'niiforillM three .^enrK, after wlilcli be Jnliieit Harry Bcriinnl's lihi Clreio's Feniuie .MlnslielH for' u six uionlhs' tone. He nexl went .to the Lldorudo, Cliiciiinnil, anil wblle (here Jolnmi hands with Kriink Fields, Ihe tram hobling lugether uatll the Spring of IHN4. In the i'lill .of 1H77 thfv caiiie lo New York and opeuwl ai Tony Pastor's Theatre, ns.'i Itrnudway. lu 1K7ll-H)l-.'41 lliev were with Pat llooney. In till! Full of 1882 I bey Joined /. W. Spragtie'a Specialty Co., starting from Chicago. Thli (I'oupo was probably one of the most expeii- slve variety companies up to tbht time, nn.l Included, beside the above, the ICccentrlc Fun.', Kelly aad. Ryan, Ibe Oiymiilc giiarlei. the Hordenn Sisters and uthers. The next Kenson .Morris nud Fields, AVood nud Bens- ley and Add Weaver organized iliu Itelebrjlli-s bearing their nuiiies, and played the prln.l- pnl variety theatres of the coiiulry. When the contpanv .losed Morris and Maids dis- solved iMrtuersblp, Mr. Morris linlpg de. HlrouR of going to Kurop<> with Lea- vltt's Ileiiti-Snntley Co. .Mr. I''leldN wos not well enough to undertake the Jour- ney, and reumlned at home. The li-oupu returned In Dclnber, and iiegan a lour ot this country. Tbe nexl Spring Mr. .Morrla Jolneil To-nv I'Bstor's Co. for the Hiimmar. From IHsri to the Spring of 1M87. he was wKh Itoberl Mancheater's .Mgbl Owls. In the Fall of 18S7 he formed a pHrtaershlp wltti Thos. 11 Mlaco. iiu.I (hey sturte<I Ihc Howard liur- les.iue t.'o., which was then one of (ho liest burlestiue urgHnlzallous on the road. I'lluted br their succcsh with that company, tlii>y or- Knnliied the City Club llurlesiiuR Co. In J88S. l,nrer Mr. MorrlH innnageil .May Howard lu her lour of the burlesque houses at' the Lend of her own rompuny, and in ISU.I be organl/.i'il the Twentieth (Century iialds, his llrst bur- lesqiie lieltig on "Trllliv," and Ida work as Hvengall whining him the grenteNt hiici'(>sh of his career. Tbe Tweutledi Century Maids were under his direction iiji to aeasuii haforn last, when be called (ho burlesque company, of which ho wns the head, A Night on Brand- way, pri'si'nllnK under tliiil title a farce with n well ileHued story. In 18(12 .Mr. Morris iiinnoged tbe Academy, Sew Orleans, ilnd from IWMl to Hliil he and Tom Mliico owned nnd innuiiged the Tro.:«derii Tlieatre, Phlln- delphla. This year Mr. .Morris played the •ipjiiislii' (lerinnn comedy role In Joe Weber, ut Weber Music Hall, .N'ew York. He wns ninrrlwl lo .May Howard for aome years, from whom be was nfterwarii divorced. Tho remains will lie taken to Chicago for In- lermeoi. Joli.s T. CuAVi:.v. the actor, dl.Ml In New York Cliy. on Foil. 2-1, from pneiimnnlh. He was II well known und clever I'omodlati, and was burn la ttilH city In I8:ih. He made bis llrat aniiearnnce on the ulage at Ihe Old Bowery Theatre, this city. In a small role, and in ti bil.'f time became Ideutll'.i'd hi pnntomlnie with Ike Into (!eo. L. |eoi iind Tony IhMiler. When Hie Count Joannes opened Hie St. James (now Bijoiil Operil llouNi'. .New York, .Mari'li 24, IH7n, and playvd Dundreary, In "Our Ainellrnn Cousin." .Mr. Craven was the Buildlcoulhi', When .John T. Albaugh Jr. coinmeiic.'il a stock acason in Baltimore, .Mr. Craven played (He biw cotuedy rules, and wns Iher.: f'lr two Hea- sous. He played Dllielln Moore, In "A Texas Steer," when that piny was .irluliinlly acted la this city, niid was with lloyl's farces for liiiee seasous. lie was also with Nat (.'. Couilwin for soni.' time, For Hie imIhI four seasons he waMcmnedlun nt the Cnafle Hquure Thenlre, Moslun. Ills lust npiiearunce on the stage was at trbRse's I formerly Allmiigh'a) Theatre, HnlllnK.i'e. His wife and two suns. I'IdwIu Hiid Frank, survive hint. Tbe remains were Interred Feb. 2", In Kenslco Cenielory, .N', Y. DA.Ntnt. Mii.i.n Jn., press ai;<'nt for Keith'* Theatre. .New York City, was found Mrly on tbe morning of Feb, 2fi Iving on th« Ctr tra.'ks nt Sf<* I'irechi Avenue ntiil |"or(y- ltr«i Slreel, Mroaklyn, wIHi n frrtvliired skull. 1( Is the ..pinion Hint he fell fioRi a car. HP wns forty vears of age and bad lieeii press ngenl nt Uellb's lor about iw-i year», Uln wife iiiirrlren hlin. \VA\TBI)—Lndr Partner to assist .vi ronic- dliain I'omeilyHk.'ti'hcs. Hinte hi l)r<t inner am-, weight, hiMglit, siH'Clutty, and If you pliiy piano. Aleailv work. I'liir salary uii.l iiIchsuiii ciiiriigi. mont to right party. c(),MKlHAN',l'iintlue, .Silcl^ Stus. VinfiislA FuK>(o,' who was nt one time a well known concert slniier, wna burned to death nt her- hoiun In Philadelphia. I'Vb. 22. In a (Ire which destroyed her foonm. She was seventy years ot age. Hi.Mcu ili'i'i'iiiii, a tenor singer, died nt 111* niolhsr'pf home lu Phllndelpiiln un Feb, 14 from tuberculosis. His llrat professloiinl engngemvut was In the early lios, with "'|tii' Llitle Tveouu" Co., nnd'be wns later Identl- lled with the "Princess Bonnie" niul ".VUss Phllndelphtn" companies. In IHnft-mi he wns Ihe Uiior of the "Kl Capitan" rilinrtettp.-i.f which F.d. K. CassBdy, the well kiinwii Iilili'l; fare comeillBn, Is the only Rurvlvhig nieniher, In IMDK Ritchie, With Cuasady, Harry Voll- nier nn.l (icorge Bradley formed the 'Frisco Cuniedv Four, nnd played Onrinnn'M New Hnglanil park rli'cull, llnlshlng the masou wltn rbe Bennett k .Moullou Co., after Which thvv plnyeil In vaudeville, a|i|iCBrliig oa Ibe luiiiieroiis .•Ircults. In l!)0t-li2 they were with Ciil Stewart. In "Pneie Josh Weathers- bv." Mr. Ritchie's last public n|iiiciirauci' was In Shuyler's llnll, i'lillnd.'lphlii, lu April, HMI4. Bt;urttA .lutinAN (Mrs, Chns. Ilunl), aged twenty six. musical director of the "('""ahln llomnul" Co.; died from typhoid pneunioiilu. Fell. IT, ut Detroit, .^IIcli. 'Ihe Interment was Sunday, lit. from her borne al .Milan, .Mich. Her husband, Chns. Hunt, u member of th» alsive company, survlvea her. IlKHMAN Stkvknh, a pianist, whose nnnie In private life wjis Herman AschkenhUHl, wiis found (lend In bed iil Ibe Comfort Motel, on Ihe nowery. New \1irk (lly, reeenfly, Draili wns due to a.sphyilullon. Ilia wife and sev- eral children siirvhi- blni. y •' ' CiiAui.Ks J. .Mii:us. formerly n liurlliiuu o|iern singer, illlid last week at bis linme in I'tilbidelplilii. ngi>4l sixty-four .years, He wns I'ouiiei'led with the couiiuiiiles et Cluru l.niilse Kellogg au.l Cuiinn Alilmll. Ili< retired from Ihe profesKloii alioiii twenty .venrs ago, ahd had since been li<ni-lilUK vocal and tnslrii- uienlal aiiislc. KiriiAm. CoxNiius. of "In Hnliomey" I'n., who was shot evening of i'eb. I" lu a dress- lug I'li.iM. »f lb.' Itlli.ii Theatre. .MUinp|l|iolls, .<iiruii., bv John Livers, of (ho siliue loai- puiiv, dla'd Feb. 22. Livers ehilniPd Jhnt lh» shoi'illng will, accidental. The two man we.'.- uliiiie hi lb.' iL'rssliig romn wlien Ihe shnolbit; oceurretl. Wai.i.ik Puk'K. whose name In private life was Tbos. A. Overocker. died In 'Iroy. N, V., Feb. 21. Ills wife died on (he iiiorolng ot Ibe same day. Mr. Prbe was an old banjo player, well known thirty years ng". ''"f lh« jiast twiiitv-llve years be bad been 111, liav- lag'ticeu paralyzed nnd pnrllally blind, Ills remains were taken care of by New York I/idge, B, P. O. 1;. Caiii. Anxii, a singing master, died Feb. 'J4, nl Biiiraln, ,•«(, Y., uged eightvtwo .venis. In his yniilli he worked undel- lllclmrd Wagner In his oparas. IlKMiv i. Braii, n thimtrlcal man, Iwonty- nlne years old. died nt his home, ,N'ulli'y. N. J., 211, wlHilu six hours of his return fniiii Ihe South, wliltli.'r be bad gone his lipnlth. Till,' fmiernl ociirred 'JH. gaiiilepllleattdininitrtl TiiK tli.ii'i'Kii ncknowl.'dges (he reielpl of n iirelllly decorated stein fr.un llrn.'le l-hii mett. On one side Is an ex.'i-llent IlkcnesH of .Miss Fniiuelt, reiiicsenllut; her In the character of .Mrs. ,Mur|iby, In her siid'essfiil hkeli^b, ".Mrs. .Miiridiy's Se.'ond iliisbailil." CAniiiH l',7,ir.\i AND JoHKTii: Wiinii have been n big sii.'.-.-ss with Ihe .Muonllghl .Mnldn during Ihe season jusl closifl. i'<»lei-'H "Disappointed tlln" song received severnl oiicoics at each perfonnance. I''i>. H. Ci.AiiK, Inleof Him "Thou Hlinlt Not Kill" c'o., bus Joined bands wllli I'rauk Bond lliirke. and the n.'t Will lie known here- after us Corbly and Burke, presenting u lu'ai Irish comedy act. II. II. iMAiit.><Kt.i,i will open H brunch ngeiicy la .New York this tnonlli. TlIK Mmi<li,i<illT Maii'S Co. closed Feb. 2'. nt I'ltlnburg, niiil tile Kentucky ItelleH jilu.ved tlielr dale, 27-Marcli 4, al the People'ii Then Ire, Clnclnniitl. Manager Kraiis stnlrs thm he will reorgnnlfo the Moonlight Malils nnil reopen the .•ompatiy .Mnrcii 111 nl Paiersoii, N. J. Liii.iH R(inii:'H Knicxkuiiockkiim and Bar- ney illlmore's "ICIdnanped hi New York" Co. luiil the idensiira of being logetliei' for Iwo weeks, both lu CliiiUinall nud liOiilavllle, liy. Desplle Ihe exlrctnely isild weufhitr, liiislness was very good for bolli sliiiwfi. There were several lianiiiiets given In honor of ladli ci.iii- pnnles, abil Hurry "Scninii" Monlgoaiery, iiiislness lUfinuger l^or Mr, Hllmore, reiiled n very pretty poem, written by himself, and entlllHl "Who's Thnr'/" Mr. Montgomery Is orlgliinlly from Ageniry Ford, .Mo.. slJlreu miles from St. Joe, Sam fJreen, ot llolile'.. Knli'lierbockers, was presented Willi n very handsome gold watch and clinln by his ninn- ager. I,ouIh iiolile, for rescuing Marie Kl.'h- ihond from a dangerous fall tbrniigh a irup door. Mr. (Iraan wns a\m presented wKh a gnld tnuiiiit.!d watch chnrni by .Miss lllcliiaotld. IIKl.l.t; CAtlMRy, Of the Cnrmeii HIslers, wHiCs; "I 11)11 not Willi Ihe ileorge lloninii Vnudevilla illiow. nlthoiigb my imine ap- jieariKl In the published rvuler of that noni (inily. .fobli //liunier anil I were ninrrleil sev- eral venrs'ilgo, the anuouiii-eineiit of onr re- ceni 'm-.irrliigi! nl Schen.'ctudy being lui'.ir- rwi." Tilt: IIKOIlOANtZKIl MKTIlOl'Ol.tTJlS (llT.n- A-rii.' iJi.'Aiirirr salleil rei;eiitly for a tour .if South Afrlcn, llilllle, llio leiior, Is no longer ivltli Hi.' <|iiiirtel, having lieoii succewled by K'lj. Ze-kl. The persolihel of the (liUirlel Is a* folbiws : Atiim I'lnui, (Irnre lloiniilue, Slg. Zeckl and Hlg, Armani. J, W. rinsK.iniiiiy iiii.l brother. W, .1. lui- soubnry. of olentniijiy I'nrk, Colimiluis, o., are In, New York. Tliey conleinplule IsHiklng Ihe bliiResl vaudeville ntlrai'tluns the coining Summer. AMTO ANti DKl.MAV report success In their ne*' not, entitled "Mow Would Vou Like to be the L'mliire?" plfl;flhK clubs in nnd annitid N'fW York. TWsy will soon sinrt Weil, where they are liuoked solid. -M^NAOl'.it Iti.'iiAHi. Iltbi: reports that (he Dliie IHbhon Olrl-i ut'« doing u ttvati bKitll- lug husllipss.' , ■ .