The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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MabchIS. THE NEW YOUK CLIPPHR. 9a Aroittroni; Bro».. Fimlly, Lancutcr, Pa., 13-18. An-bet'o ■ I'H'P'"*' «lrl». Proctar's, Allunr, x. v.. IC-lS. trrneliiii •« IIi-IbIi)Ii, BIJon, DaiiTlllr, III., 13-lS. ArmMroiie * Uollr. 0. U. U., ladlntwiiolla, 20. ••n. Arnold li Gardner, Bndeobiirsli'ii, Plilli.. I.t-IB. Arnohl. Iol«, NlclieI«d«>ii,.P«ll HlTfr, Jlnm., i;i. IS. Arnolil, Rrnn, Brad^nhnrgli'ii. I'bll«., 13-18. Ailiw rimlly, Krapire. Boston, ia-18. Ktrtr. Prof., -Mniihuttsn, .Norfnlk. Va., 13-18. iull».v * KlPtcliet, Pwclor'* ISfitli «t.. N. X, 0., 13-18. Btrnni * Wtxhbncn, L/ccun. San rtao., Cal., "Barn Dance," Qteat, Knplre, Hnbakeu, N. J., J3-l«. Barrpil SliWn. Orpbcum, Saa rran.. Cal., 20-!G, Binl Bros. (4), Victoria, N. V. C, 13-18. Barry & Wolfonl. Star, tlamllton. Can,, 13-18. Hunt**. Al. O., Publllnnen. Harana. Cuba. l:i-23, liurrplt & Hell. Canto. Fall RlTcr, .Maim., 13-18. Iljif*. I.onle W., -Market St., Otinmira, la., IS- IS; I.»rlc, Uncoln. Neb., 20-2n. Bony & llulrerx, llopklna', I/>iil8>llle, Kf., 13-18, tia<r^. Norn. ilbra'D. Toronio, Ctn., 13-18; Am- iiliHHi, Bkln., 20-2ii. BhiIoii. Rlnood A McKjIe, BIJan, Osbkoab, Wi<i., inis. Bi'-Aco.'i, The. Arad», TolMs. O., 20-2S. HfTTSlriii!!, Tlie, Bl^u, ICnwaba, Wis., 13-18: nrnnd. .lollrt. 111.. 20-2.t. Mfll t Rldianla, KralemltT, Shamoklo, Pa., 13- IS. BfflinI k Arllinr, Kelf.iV. N. 7. C, 13-18. Brnttaam & Pre«nia:i, Odcon, Darton, 0.. 13-18; Crystal, Mnrlon. Ii,d.. 20-2S. [i(>iip<llvl'!< Min!iir?l4, A. & B;, Boaton, 13-18. RnwiQ & Atherton, 0. O. H., Qrand Rapids. Sllfli., I3-1S. . B*llnian & .Moore, Trent, Trenton, N, J„ 13-18: ■ Klind's, Troy. N. Y.. 20-215. IViiiinli & illlUT, .Slicedy'g, Kail Rlrer, Uasa., 13- 18.' BiMKcre. V.ilprlo, tc Co.. Orpbcum, Bkln., 13-18. Hln-ta. Jolin, Uarjrlnnd, Balta, ild., 13-18. Bill, Blftyi-le. Dcx Molnea. la.. IS-IH. BImi.'i, ISiniw & I<inn.s, Ho|>l:ln9, I.ouIaTllle, Kr., 13-1S. Bli<x>tt £ Roott, Howard, Boston, 13-18. BlDiDi, Bonini, B-r-r-r, VolYa, SprlagOeld, Masi., Blinipbia * Hefar, Rmplre, St. Paul, Ulnn., 13- l.s. BItkp, Marinn, RIalto, Elnlra, N. T. 13-23. Honlfncf & Valuloger, Orpbeuin, t,\>« Orlcaoa, Iji., 1.3-23. Bohr, Ccllua, PFOclor's, itlbanf, N. X., 13-18; Bnirnlo. 20-2ri. Bnwwj \ew«Uo>»' Quarlelte, Calumet, So. Cbl- (•nen. 13-18. Boydell, Sam, BradcatMirthV, Phlla., 13-18. Borani A[ Ncrarro, Urpbeiim, - .<!an I-'ran., Cal., . 1318. BariL Archie, & Co., Uarrland, Ballo., Md., H- ■ Ift. Brotrn Rro*., Rljon, Kenosbo, Wl»., 1.3-18; West SMe, Jariesrillf, 20-23. B«tw«, Koiir. Orphcuin, Son Fran., Cal., 13-18. Rronka, Jennie, Oanlen, nreenpolnt, N. V., 13-18. Breakan-ar BarlowH. i.'oliimbia, ikistan, 13.18. Brooks, liroR.. Orplieilni, ICaniia!< City, AIo., IS- IS: Ornlieitin. Om-ilia. Nch., 20-2.".. Brovn, Obat., ITnlque. Angelex, Cal., 13-18; PIckwIi-k. S«u DIrjo, 20-23. BrTaAt s Sarllle, Colnmbla, St. r,oiiU, 13-18; C. 0. H.. Clik-ago, 20-2.".. Btoi«n, Harris & Urovn, Paator'si, N. Y. C, IS- IS. Broakn Bros., Honard, Boston, 13-18. Bran; A Aabton, Vale'x, Kaiuaa Oily, Mo., 1.3- 1J Brook!!, .Tctii. Bnstnlile, SrroLMKc. N. Y., 20-23. Brinvn li Nerarro, Orpbeuin. Bkln., 13-18. BnotHt Trlo.Oem, r.ynn.MaM., 13-18. Brdiany, l.oi|lw. Orplieiim, Omaba, Neb., IS-IS; -.Kan!<a« Oil.v. »lo., 20-2,1. RhinigEP ft ijinrk, C^ratol, Mllvaukee, 1.3-18. BrbiVUiav, Cba.')., L Ite., 0. O. H., Pittsbnn, 13-18. Brookh t Yonnsr, 0. O. 11.. Ctilcago. 13-18. Brnttdov. &.WUey, Poll's, Sprlnglleld, Mass., 13- .'is; . Bincb-De Vere 7rlo. OrpLenm, Omaba, Neb,, .13-in; Kaiua.i Cliy, Mo.. 20-25.. Bii«Ji,! Frank, Paator'a, N. Y. C, 13-18. Biiliis, Horry, llijnu, Racine, Vila., 13-18: Klnm'n. Mmllson, 20-2IJ, Bnrlbn & lliicinn. Star. Mnnclp, Ind., 13-18; .Main ,<«lr«et. Pairln. III., 20-2r>. Riirke & Ijt Rue, C. O. H., Indianapolis. 13-18. Hiirke & Dempsey, Park, Worcester, Maaa., 13- I.S. Burton & Rrooka, ,'Cvltb'H, Boatou, 13-18; KelUi'a, I'hilfl., 20-2.1. Burktaart & Berry. Star, Hamilton, Can., 13-18. Rnrkburt, 0., Casino. Uancbester, N. U.„ 13-18; Walter's, Bosloo, 20-25. Buokaer, Olympic, CbieaKO. 13-18. Bnrke'ii Mualcal Pofa. Salem, Mts»., 13-18, Ryron & l.arigdo:i, Kmplre. Newcaatle-on-Tyne, Kni;-, l,t-Ig; Kmn., KdlnbarKb, Scot., 20-25; Rmp., Olangow, 27-Aprll 1. RyroD & Blancbe, Imperial, Leadrllle, Col., 13- -18. iTapwell. Mamie, Barnisfcrd Tour, Ent., 18-80. •brier tc Waters Co., Hopklna', LouUrllle, Ky., 20-2ri. . Canlleld & Cnrlelon, PoU'a, Brldseport, Conn., i;'.-18. 'Iiirlln tc Otto, Colonial, Lawrence, Uasa., 13-18. Carrie. .MUe., O. O. H., PorUanO, Ore., 13-25, CjiMd fz Deveriie. Bijon, Itaclno. Wl«., 13-18, I'lili-edo. Cook's. Iloche^ter, N. Y., 1.3-18. (barberry Sc Stantou, Haymarket, Cblcago, 13-18; (\)luubla, St. LuulK, 20-23. r'jiirecy. Ic Qrunt, Howard. Boston. 13-18. C.trmfa Slstern. Keltb'K, Bostou, 13-18; Moore'a, Portland, Jle., 20-25. t'atlahno & Mack, Iveltb's. Clereland, 13-18. Oariloie. Ad., Don and Ponleo. Colonial, N. Y. C, 13-18: Harrl8bur», Pa.. 20-25. Carroll & Cardnfr. BlJou, Quluey, III., 13-18; Cry«tttl, Kunsm City. Mo., 20-20. Capltaine, Alolde, Hopkins', Loulsyllle, Ky., 13- Cnrtoil k Clark, Brook. Mnrlon, nd., I3-2.1. Ciarberry & Stanton, Olympic. Cblcofo, 13-18. t'antn Day Trio. Caato. Fall River, .'Hafifi.. 13-18. (^inpbelb, Jiwellni, Cbutea, San Fran., Cal., 13-18; B'way. San Kron.. 20-25. • 'arlllo, Leo, Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. C. IS-IS. t^aatono, Kdvard, Dewey, Mluneupolla, Ulnn., 13- IH; St. Paul, 20-25. Cnttin & Farnnin. Poll's, Bridgeport. Conn,, 13-18. f'olderu, A. K.. Proctor'ii 2:iU St.. N. Y. C, 13-18. flarroltoil Jt Hortses, Uljoii. C.reen Bay, Wla., 13- IH: Ben'a, Eacunabu, 20-25. '^ampbelln. The. Cbute-i. Sun Fran., Cnl., lS-18. '^arlo'x DogH, G. O. H., Indianapolis, 20-25. <^a»loo & Uarrey, (Ihutes, Sin l-'raa.. Cat., 13-18. i:»Dlpbell, Dillon & Campbell, London, Londoo, •Jan., 13-18. <:annonlelln, Prwtor'a Stii Atc.. N. Y. C, 13-18. <!«!W, Clini'lle, Poll's. SprlDjOeld, .Mawi., 13-18. HarloB, Cbo«., lAndon, Cnn., 13-18; 0, 0. H., IndlanapollH. ind., 20-25, f;nrrolto« & llodgeii. Bllou, Orcen Bay. Win.. 13- ''nr^y & Cntlet. Hub, Mllford. Mosa., 13-18, •'bone Jt Dacpy. Crand, .Milwaukee, 13-18. Chbupncy, Apies, Casino, Worcester, Masa., 13- f^licaler. Mile.. Kclth'n, CleTcUind, 13-18. <:hrl»ty Bra*., A. & S., Boatoo, 13-18. _ t'blne San Foo, O. 0. U.. Chicago, 13-18. l.'hfaley, H. B., it Uo., Family, Uncnsler, Pa., (.'118. Chick. John T., A 0>., Chutes. San Fran., Oal., 13-18. CbPTaller, Albert, Chase's, Washington, D. C, l!M8. Cbrlatojihcr. Tlnlqne. T,ewliiton. Ida., 13-18; Or- liboiini. Seattle, Waiih., 20-23. . „„ Clinmbcrlin'f.. 'Hie, Hull, Ea^., 13-18; Leeds, 20- Vi; Newcastle 27-Aurll 1, Chawdno. circle, N. Y. C. lS-18. Cbkdwlck Trio, Knmliy, Ijncaater, Pa.,i IS-IB: „.Mabanoy City, 20-2... Rllne, MaiTRlp, proctor 23d St., N. Y. C. 18-18. Clayton, White & Co., Orpbeum, San Fran., Cal., 13.18. '^laiale, Toby. Temple, Detroit. 13-18. •.'Inrke i 'Temrlc. flrind, Victoria, Can,, 13-18; , Ornnd, Spokune, Wish., 20-25. '•illtord & l.yiiii, c. O. H.. (ihlcago, 13-18. fiictan. K. Ainu, I'roctor'a 88th Street, N. Y. C lais. Cooper & Roblasoo, Clrpbenm, Mlaneapols, 13-18; ,, Orphetim, Denrer, 20-25. _ .„ .. Cuhum & Volgit, Orlron. Dayton. 0., IS-lf, Cook k Cook. Huh, WoonwK-kel, R. 1., IS-IS. Coulon A Hastlnn, t.'».«lo. I.owell. Mass.. l.l-IR. OkiIp. Bert. & fn.. II. & B., Bkln., I3-I«. Coakley ft .MoBrlde. Paitnr'n. N. Y. C.. 13-18. C.ile t CUmpni. DDlnmbla. Boston, 1318. Coitia.'i, Funk, tlnli|»p. Bellluntam, Ba'b., 13- IS: Grand. Portland. Ore., 20'2r.. CciWIns Ic Unnptireys, Proctor'^ 5ih Are., N. T, Ci,' 13-18 ColnJublani.Tlii", Orpheum. Kansas City, Mo., Kl- 18; Oriiheiim, Omaha, Neli.. 20-2.1. Cody t aiQelte, Pilvp, Worcester, Majs., 13-18. ^l.!lev,t..,M;'-^.-l>r'''- ''"'•- "'"S '^""''•. ""'""Ilrn*!."""'. ■"■"' * Thomlon Tonr, Knt., 13- l^Ti'T '*."•"'"<. Keiih'-. N. Y. O 13-18 10-31 " Ooiiierl, Svea, Stockholm, Swed.. Cook ft Harris. Eilklns, Ilton, N. Y 1325 I'wirada. TUe. JaCn Mporli ill ' ri li :^fn.!:ri;^A::;;ii,ji^;Ksi;'ci{yriian:MS: Caj^K.mlly Quartet, Acme. SacrameBto. Cal., IS- '"'u-IM.* """"''"*"■■ CnMo, Fall Rim, Mass., Corhetl * Forealor, flrand. Valejo, Cal., 13. 1«: -Soyelty, Oakland. 20-2,-.. ' i'ni's '*'""' ''rwlor'a .18lU Street, N. Y. C, Crane Bros., Victoria, S. Y. C. 13-18 r^,i .'5 i^; ."nibeiini, Deiircr. Col., 13-18. Crotty 'frio, RIalto. Klmlra. .\. Y.. 13-18, l.raiii-. Lawrence. Keith's, Pblla., 13-18. curiLs & Mny, Procior's 23d St NYC 13 IH Ciioimlngs, Ralpb, t Co., Otpbeum," Ullca',' N. X.', CntLvs Jluslcal (0). Keith's, .N. Y. C. 13-lS. 'l3-"l8 ■^'"'''* ^''*^-''"'*9"' '•'"" "'"f. ^i/K"; Cnllen, .Taa. H., CnluniMa, Cliiclmntl,. 13-18. i'mr ''''""?''*• i''"mlil»«tloii, Deadwoo.1, S, D., ''".'1""^, ,*-*"• Columbia, St. Lonis, 13-18; 0. O. II.. Clilcaw, 20-25. Daviw, Duo, B'way. P«.Hadena, Cal., 1318; Ca- sino, Los Aii;fcles. 20-2.'., Payls, Harry. Casino, Worcester, Mass., 13-18. Dale, Violet,, X. V. C. 13-18. Day. Geo. W.. Hayniarket, Chicago, 13-18. Ifnrrow, .«r. & Mn<. Stuart, l^minn, London, Can.. 13-lS; Arcade. Toledo. 20-2J. Dftils A Walker, Kmidrc. Frankfotd, Pa., 13-18; HInKhanton. X. v., 20-25. D'-ynile <;am;iie. C. 0. IL. Cblcago, 13-18; 0. O. IL, Indianapolis, 20-23. Daiiovda. The, Illaito. Kindrn. .V. Y., I3-IR. Iia.r. Kdrauiid, Moore's, Portland, Me., 13-18. Ite LasLi. Proctor's nth Ave.. N. Y. C., 1:S-18. Devene & Siiurta, Drmlenhnrgh'a, Phlln., 13-lS. lie Wilt. Burns « 'I'orraiK'p. .Mohawk, Scbenec. Ia.l.r. .\. i., 13-18; Oarrlck, Wllmlugton. Del., 20-2-.. Drronda ft Oreen, Kmplre, Johannesburg', S. A., l.'l-Apr. 2. Dervln. J. T., Ori>lie)iai. Riverside, Cnl., 13-18; U'nny, Son Bei-nanllno, 20-2.".. ' Delmore, John Jt liiilly, BloomlugtOD, HI., 20- •5. • De Haven, Carter, JVilet, 0. 0. H., Indlnnapolla, i:ms: Cinciniiitl, l'0-2.V De Lacpys, The, star. Seattle, Wash., 13-18; Stor, Munrle. Iml, 20-2.1. Deacon, Archie. Cixlno. Worcester, Mass., 13-18. I>e Koek Trio, riiliimbla, CtnclonatL L1-t8. IXonto Bros., Coliimtila, ClDclnoall, 13-18. Delphino & Delmoru, Colonlnl. .\. Y. C, 13-18. Dellierg Sisters, Slcwre's. Porilaml, Me., i:i-18. Delmore. Mls.ies, Kinplre, Itoboken, N. J., .1:1-18. De Mutlis, The, Oriilieiini, Minneapolis, Minn., 1.1-18. Delmore k, Or|>lienin, \Mt Angeles, Cat., l^t- Delmore &Wllmn, Llrerponl. Kng., 13-18; Dub- llii. Ire., 20-2.';; BelCoat 27-Aprll 1. Uevoy, Knimeit, ,v Co., Cliaae's, Washington, D. f:„ I3-V8- Delftiore & Darrell, Undoo, London. Can., 13-18. Uixou. Burt & LeiHi, Ornheum, Davcoport, la., 1318. Dixon. Bowers & Dixon. Cook, Rochester, N. Y., I.-I-IR. Temple, Uetmlt, Mich.. '20-25. "Dlda," Victoria, K. Y. C, 13-18. "DIdii," Orpheiiui. II. ft s., N. Y. 0., 13-18. Doll, Alice Lyndon. H. ft M., N. Y. C, 13-18. DbdsoD. lielly Devlne, Uuiuue, Los Angeles, Cal., 13-l!j: Pickwick, Sun Dlrgo, 20-'25. Dodice, Iota, Mkelodeoii. ,I''all River, Mass., 13-18. Du.vl.-, I'uisy. i'liioiie, Los Angeles, Cal., 13-18; I'ICkwiek, Snn D^ko, 2fl-2r,. Dollar Trouiie, Kellli's, Providence, 13-18. Donovan, Jasj B., Family, Lancaster, Pa., 13-18. Don & TlioMpson, U. A S., N. Y. C, i;'>-18. Dolan ft I.Miliarr,'Poll's,' New Haven, Coon,, IIMS. Donovan, Fannie, Lyceum, Snn Fran., Cal., IS- IS ; Chute-s. t<na I'rnn., 20-25. Dolierty's PflodleH, Kmplre, Boston, 13-18; Am- pblon, iBkln,, 20-25. ' ■ Doyle, Hnjor, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 13-18, Dorgevol. Therese. Circle. N. Y. C, 13-18. Doria A Jllgglns.. Cnslle. UIoomlogtOD, HI., 13-18; Bijou. Racliie, Wis., SOSC). Dcyle, Kdward ft Kmetsoo, Bnngor, Me., IS-tS; Portland, ',!0-25. „ ^ Dougherty, Hitghey, Proctor's 2aa St., N. Y. 0„ Dniuimer Qiinrtette, Keith's, Boston, 13-18. Drawee, Tlvoll, London, Kng., 13-Anr. 1. Drake, Orplienm. Kanxas C'lly. 20-'26. Drew. >lr. ft Mra. Sidney. Poll's, Hartford, Conn,, 13-18 Dumoads, r,es, Moore's Portland, Me., 18-18. Dimhar'a Corns, Unbiue, Minneapolis, 13-18; Bi- jou, Diilutb, Minn., 20-25: ^ Duncan, A. 0-. Aiciide, 'I'oledo, O., 13-18. Duubats, Fonr Castings, Keith's, Cleveland, 13-18. Dupoiit, Mary, ft Co., Shea's, Buffalo, 13-18. Dmiley A Cheslyu. I'urally, Lancaster, Pa., 18-l». Knrle. John, A. .t S.. Boston, 13-18. Kckert A Berg. P)ll'.-. UartfonI, Conn., lS-18, KdKcrtons, The, iC<.-lth's, I'hilu., 13-18. Ellon, Sum, Ilayiuurket, Chicago, 13-18; Oolum- KIdrlUge, Press. Ho-.iiJuii', Louisville, Ky., 13-18; Hopkins', Memp'iU, Tenn., 20-23. Kidorndo Sislers. Uulqiie, Los Angeles, Cal., IS- IS; Pickwick, Sau Diego, 20-'i5. Klnios, 'Che. Garden, Lima, O., 13-18; Odeon, ElllB°,'joe, "bIJoi'i, Oreen Bay, Wis., 13-18; Ka- canabSt 20-2.1. „ l-:inplre Trio, L'nlnne, I.ob Angeles, Cal., 13-18; Pickwick, Sail Diego. 20-25. ^ „ ,, ,_ F.inersoii A Omega. l.ondon. I/>ndon. can., i.i-iu. liotmett. tirade. A Cx>.. London, London, lau., 13-18; Orpheum, Utica. 20-2.1, Kniiilrc Cliy tjuurtptte, Oriiheum, Bkln., 13-18, Circle. N. Y. C. 20-2.1. Knieralds (•*), Lonilon, I.ondon, Can., ij-ia. Kmiilre Coinoly Konr, Hoivard, Boston, 20-25. liuionde, Mr. A Mrs. Kd., O. O, U., Plltsbuxg, Kvers, Ceo. W., Yale's. Kansas City, Mo., 13-18. Hvcrhart. Melllni's. Hanover; tier., 13-31. Kxiaisltion Fonr. Providence, 13-18. I'airclilldH. The, Lyric. Denver, CoL, 13-I8. I'adetle Orchestra, Circle, ^. V-.C, IS-l"- Inrley & Slone, Sacramento, Cal., 1.118. Fantus (2>. BIJou. Ofhkoidi, Wla., 13-18; BIJott, Cpeeii Bay, 20-21. Facnn ft Merilam, UUoii, Oshkosb. Wis.. 1.3-18. Karuum, Hiid, Wc:it Side. Jaoesvllle, Wis., 13-18. Kairell, Charlie, \. ft S-. Boston, 13-2u. I.>roandei!-.Mny Trio, Tlvoll, Sydney, ^. S. n.. rellx'TmirVV. n.Sc B., Bkln., 13-18, KiTBUSon ft Msck. Orpheum, Illlra. .N. r., l.!-l», Lmplre. Hohoken. .\. 1., 2p-25. Female Drummer 'lunrtet, Kcllh's, Boston, 13-18, Kem Come-ly Tour. Ma Angeles. (Jul., 1.1-18. Fields ft Hanaon, (1. II.. Great Falls, Mont.. I.!- IS: 0. II-. Helena. 20-2.1. „ „ „ Fisher. .Mr. A Mm. Perkins, Keith's, N, Y. C, i:i-l8. Fields, Al., ProcDcJ. .Vewark. N. J., jS-18. Flore, Foster, Sli-. Ham Hon. Can., 1.1-18. Fields. Nellie. Ar-aine, IJl'^'^iO- '?:'*•,» .« Flluerald. U. V.. SInr. Ilaralltou, Can.. 10-18. First. Bariiey. .1ack'», Cliicngo, 13-18; Cedar Rap- FInloy A'Butke,''Poll's, New Haven, Conn,, 13. Fliiicr A Johnson. Orpheum, St, Paul, MIon., 13- FllMn A Krroi. H. AS., .V. 'V. 0., 13-18 Flynn, John. CosIno, LIn'Irn. N-__}", ';':'»• Flanagan. K. J., (Irand, .Milwaukee, 13-18. F.« A Hughes. Crysinl. LesiTllle, ffll.. 13-18. Ford Sislers. Ilo.vmarket, Cbleogo, 1,1-18. i.'nr A Melville, "a see. Liverpool, fcnit., IS-IH; ' Alhamliri! Belfast, Ire., 20-25; Tlvoll, Dublin, 27-Aprll I ' Fyne ft Dansey, A, A S., Bostoa. 18-18. Oaltando. Olympic. Chicago, 18-18. OarlnettI Family, PubUlonea, Havana, Cuba, IS- •lali.itlicr A Birrett. Temple, Detroit, 13-18. Oatilner A Oolden, Utahua. Ogdeo, U„ 18-18. tiarlD, Piatt A Peaches. Trent. .Trenton, II. J., IS-iIS. Dnnlner, OrlOln A Gardner, Hippodrome, Manches- ter, Kng., ly-lS; Kmiilre. \iiachester, 20-25; lUppoilrome, Snirord, :;7'At>rll I. Rardner, Weat A Sunshine, Illjon, Des Maine*, la., 13-18; BIJou. Uubiiauc, '.M.-.'S. Gardner. WlUle, (I. u, 11., Pittsburg, 13-18. (iinaro A Theol. Apollo, DussrIdnrr, i1er., 13-18. tieorve A Oeorgle, Olympic. Clilcagn. 13-18. tJlllen, Tom. Lyric, Cleveland, C 20-25. Cirard A Oardner, Uiptieuu, Bkln., 13-18. (Illl. Nat, Keith's, .N. V. 0., 13-18; Family, Ijincasler, Pa., 20-29. Qtlmore, .Mildred, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 13-18. Rlirnll, Harrv, Shea's. BiilTalo. 13-18. Uilnseretiis Troupe, Howard, Boaton, 13-18, Oleoroy, James BlcUmond, Orplieuu, lltica, N. v., IS-lS. Oleesons A Houlihan, Orpheum, New Orleans, La., 13-18. Olady<i, Bab.T. Crystal, Mllwankee, lS-18. (ionlon. Don A Mae, Castle, Bloomlngtoa, III., ia-18. Cordon, Clltr., H. A B., Bkln.. 13-18. (iot^lona (3), Unlmic, Angeles, CaL, 13-38. (iottloh. .Mr. and .Mrs., Yale's, City, MO.. ■i:i-18; Kfiri, Pueblo, &>1.. 20-25. Goiirrey. Hal. A Co., Shea's, Toronto, Can., 13-18. Golden Oale (lulntelle, Clevelaml, 13-18; Toledo, 20-25. Golden A Hughes. Pastor's, N. Y. C. 20-28. Uoforth A Doyle. Uljon, DaDvllle, 111,, 13-18; Onlely, Springfield. 20-25. Rrniid Opera Trio, Procior's. Newark, M. J., IS- IS. Greene ft Werner, Temple, Detroit, 13-18; Chi- enjro, 20-25. Grniinon, Iln, Trent, Trenton, N. J., 13-18; Or- pnenni. L'tica, N. Y.. 20-26. Cray, Flossie, Kmplre, Terre Haute, Ind., 13-18, (Ir'.yce, Mnnmrct, O. O. IL, Grand Ilanlds. .^lIcb.. 13 IS, Moln St., Peoria, HI., 20-2.5. Groh, Frnnk. Vale's, Knnans City, Mo., 13-18. GfMory A Wood, Procior's 5th Ave., N. Y. C, 13- Oray A Grahnm, Kmplre, Boston, 13-lS, Gront, Sv<inv>y, Keith's, Providence, 13-18. Gullmellp, BIftunr, O. II...Cheater, Pa., 13-18. Harrison. I«e, Circle, N. V. C. 13-IN. H.invey A Doane. Acme. Sacramento, CaL, 13-18. llavman A Franklin, noynl, Chntbam, Knir., l:!- l.s,, llalUnx, '20-25; Palace, Hartlepool, 27-Apr. 1. Ilnlirn * Fuller, O. O. IL. radcngo. 13-18. Ilawley A Vass. Stir, Scuttle, Wash., l.'l-18. Ilammond A Forrester, BIJuii, Oes Moines, la.. 13-18: Weast, .'.'i-orla. 111., 20-2.5. Hnlhnway A Wallon, bbea's, Toronto, Can,, 18-18; Arcade, Toledo, O.. 20-2.'i. Ilarrhran, Keith's, I'htla., 13-13. Iluwklns. Ij-w, Howani. Boaton, 13-18. Harris. Chns. A hJInn; Orpheum, Sentile, Wash., 13-18; Grand, l';irtlnDd, On>., 20-25. Itnlleit A Davis, Wenat's, Peoria, HI., 1S-I8. Hayes A Lederroan, A. & S.. Bostoo. 13-18. ituriilsh, Mary, Hatiiowoy'H, New Bedford, Mass., 20-25. Htirily. Susie, 0. O. n., Butte, .Mont„ 13-18. Ilanier, Desmond s Bailey, Temple, Detroit, 13- Foy A Clark. Keith's Clp»eIand.l.'M8. For, Eddie, ft Co., Vlflorio, •';-,^'„*'"v'^'!?rt«- FoJier, Bd., Garden, (ireenpolnt. N. Y., 1.1-18; Coboes. Rochester. N. \.. 20-25. Fords. The, Bradenbargb's, I'hllo., 13-18. Forresls. Musical, Bltoo, pes .Moines, la., 13-18. Foi. Iiellu. Shea's. Bjffaln. M;!'; Foster. Chas., * Co.. Klerrlr. Waterloo, la., IS- FriSt f'%Vl'«";^."B,'Ui;{.urg^H!"pbiIa., 13-18; Frltlffla'-It^ip'frn;-tofx^>^^^^^^^^ N. J-. "-IS. rreexe Bros.. Duhith. M"""--,'3'«|. ,,,- mnks, B. F.. Brndenbhrali's, Phlla, 13 18. Fr?" trio. AtUnli.- rUrden. N. i. C. 13-18 h-nller. Roae. A Co.. Sheed.V. Fall River. -Maaa., Fn"V"'M3 M.. casino. .Monle Carlo, Monaco, i:i-:!l. IS. Hamilton, Wiley, Criterion, Tampa, Fla„ 13-28. Hall, Lillian, Kinlto. Klmlra. N. Y.. 13-18. Haskell, l.«ue.v, KellU'a, Boston, 13-18; Keith's, Phlla., 20-25. Hnll, Pniillne. ICellh's, Providence, 13-18. Herrmann. .Vlelalde, Keltli's. .N, Y. C. 13-18, •Maryland. Bnlto., 20-2n. Hei'.nlncs. I/enIs A Ileunlngs, Ilaymarket, Clil- cagn. 13-18. nettman.s. 3, Grand, Lyona, N, Y., 13-18. Henry, Kngene, Slanihird, Ft. Wortli, Tat.. 13< 18: Mouerch. lAwInu, Oka.. 20-25. Henderscn A Ross, Poll's, Waterhnry, Conn., IS- IS. Ilenshaw. Frnncloll, A Co., Pastor's, N. T. 0., 13-18. Herbert's Dogs, Proctor's 2.'W St.. N. T. C, IS^ 18. Helena, F.dith, H. A S.. N. Y. C, 13-18. Henllch ft Prescolt, Weast'B. Peoria. III., 13-18. IleCron, Tom. BIJnu, I.,a Cnnae, Wis,, 13-18; Crvatal, Mllwaukfe, 20-25. Herrmni.M, Great Columbia, St. Louis. 13-18; Olympic, Chicago, 20-20. Hermann, The, OriJieum, Sprlagfleld, 0., 18-18. Ullllard, Robt., A Co., Provlor'a, Albany, N, V., 13-18. Htekey A Nelson, Kelth'a. X. Y. O., 13-18. Hill i Whittnker, Ptoctor's 5tb Ava. N, Y. 0., 13-18. Hill A Sllviani, KeiUi'a. Boalon. 13-18. Itowanl Bros., Keith's. N. Y. C.. 13-18. Ilollmans, The, Crystal, Tacoma, Wash.. 20-25. Hodges A Launchmere. Victoria. K. Y. C, I.I-IS. Iloldsivorths, The, BIJou, I.a Crosse. Wis., 13-18. Howe A Decker, St. Joscpb, .Mo., 13-25. Howard Bros.. Keith's, Boston, 20-25. Hope ft TbIesB, BIJon. Ilockford, 111., 18-18. lloyt. Add, Kmplre, Hohoken, N. J., 13-18. Holman Bros., Casino, Klmlra, N. Y.. lS-18. Holland, Z«e, A'Co., Canto, Fall River,' Uat*., 13-18. Holt. AIL. O. 0. H.. IndUnapolIs, 20-25, Howdlu's 'Jorse. C. 0. U.. Cblcago, lB-18. llolcomb, Curtis A Webb, Polfs, HprliigfieM, Mass. 13-18. Holbro'is, 'rhe, Bradenbnrib's, Phlln,, 13-18, Hoey <k Lee, Poll's. New Haven, Conn,, 13-18. .Howard's Dogs ft Ponies, Keith's, Boston, 18-18. Iloyt A Waller, Howard, BoHton, 13-18. Huntings (4). Keltb'a, Phlla., 13-18; Keith's, N. Y. C. 20-25. Hnches .Musical Trio, Arcade, Toledo, 13-18; Hopkins', Memphis, Tenn., .20-25. Huntress, Chutes, San Fran-. Cal.. 13-26. Huntington, Wright, A Co., Empire, Uoboken, K. J„ 13-18. Hughes A Haitellon, Keith's, N, Y. 0., 18-18. Hyde A Heutli. Orpheum, Seattle, Waab., 13-18; 'I'acdma 20-25. Inmnu & RohcrlH. Palace. Worcester, Mass., IS- IS; A. f- S., Boslun. 20-25. Italian Trio, Chase's, Washington, D. C. 18-18. Irwlu. Jack. Moore'*, Portland, Me., 13-18, Jackson A Doiielas, BIJou, Marinette, Wis,, IS- IS; BIJou, Osbkoah, 20-25. Jamn) A Davis, 0. H.. Ooldshoro, .V. C. 13-18. Jackson Family, Sbeedy's, Fall River, Masa., IS- IS. Jack, Mr. A Mrs., Orand. Jollet, III., 13-18. Jncksons (3), London, Ixsidon, Can., 1.3-18. Jennings A Jewell, Kllte. Davenport, 13-18, Jewell's Manulklna, Keltli's. Boston, 13-18. Johnson. .Saiicl, C. 0. H.. Chicago, 13-18. Johnson. Ben. Psloce. Worcester. Mass., 13-18, JoliUKOii A Wells, Kmplre, Uoboken, N. J., 13-18. Johiisloun. Muslenl, Hlppodromu, Birmingham, Kng., 13-18; HI|i|>odrame, Brighton, 20-Anrll 1. Josselln Trio, C. n. II., Chicago, 13-18; U. O. IL. PIttslmrg. 20-25. Joucs, Irving, IL i S.. N. Y. C, 13-18. Jose. R. J.. Kellh'-. Cleveland, 13-18. Kales Bros., G. •). U., Grand Rapids, Mich., IS- IS. Kartelll. Shea's. Toronto. Can., 13-18. Kelcy. Mr. A Mrs, Alfred, O. O. Q.. iDdlaaspoUs, 20-25. Kenun, Charles. H. A B., Bkln., 13-18; Howard, Boston. 23-25. Kei.o, Walsh * .Melrose, H. A «., Bkln., 13-18. Kelly A VIoleitc, Kcllh'H, .V. Y. O., 13-18. Keatons (SI. I'nII'e. Bridgeport, C>}nn., 13-18; Bntbaway's, New Bedfonl, Mass., 20-25. Kent, S. .Miller, ft C<i., Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 13-IS. Kelleher, New Pawlneket, Pawtncket,, R. L, IS- IS. Kelly, John T., Proctor's aid St., N. I. 0., 13- 11. Kelly ft Ashhy. Ray, Anderson. Ind.. 13-25. Kelcey A Mhannim, Keith's,' Plilla.. 13-18. Kcllv. W. (;.. VIclnrla. .N. Y. C 13-18. Keoagh. l':dwln, A <;<>., Boston, 13-18. Kendall A Tliompiou, Chutes, Ban Fran., Cal., I.3-I8. Kenneily. May. Fninlly. Lancaster. Pa., 13-lR. KIne A Untlhold, Orpbetim, Kansas City, Mo., 13- 1?. KIrelfo Bros.. Slandnnl. Houston, Tex,, 13-18: Crown, Ft. Worth, 20-25. Kimball Bn<s.. Lcndoii, London, Can., 13-18. Klngshtirrs. The, Climes. Nan Fmn., Cal,, 13-18. KiUntURi Japs, Temple. Dfltnlt, .Miefa., 13-18; II. (>. H.. Indlanopoils. 20-35. Klein A Clifton. Hand's, Tror. N, Y„ lS-18; llarrlck. Arlington, Del.. 20-25. Klein. Olt Bros. A Nleholson, Orpbetim, New Orleans. La.. 13-18. ' Kielsl. MUMcal, Orpheum, New Orleans. 30-25. Kriowles, R. G.. Colnnlal, N, f. C, 13-18. Koster A Cllk), Chicago, 13-18. Kophe * KnpiM-, Itftnd'n. TfOT. S. Y., 13-18. Kohler A Marinn. Band's, Trr.y, .V. Y.. L'llg. Knrii-i. W. J.. A Dona, Orpheuoi, Denver, l.'oL, KMN. i.a Croix, Paul, Utnbna. Salt Lake, V.. 18-18; t'tatna. Oftlen, 20'X5. La Clair ft West, Ucii'n, Escaimb:i, Mich., 13-18; ni]<iu. Cshimrt. •M-i\. I.awreoco * Dair, Maryland, Balto, Md., 13-18. I.avlae A Lc«nur>l, lloyiuarkct. Chicago, 13-18; COlurolda. Si. l.oul<. 20-25. La Vnnlo A Uiiarii. Kellh's. Phlla., 13-18. I.amonnt ft Pnnletle, Star, Hamilton, Cta,, 13-18. LnnKan, Ariliur, Vale's, Kansas City, Mo., 13-18, I.avelle A Gnut, I'.tTli. Wurcesler. Mass., IS'IS. I.alell Bros., Pmoi.r's 2:id St., .'i. V. c„ 13-lM. iJillBn, Mile., .Muha-vvk, ,s<-hi'neclsdy, .N. V., 13- IS; nijiui. Fnll Hiver. .Mass.. 20-25. I.U Drew A f.a Zoik-, Lyrie, Di^nver, Oil,, 13-18. I.amsun, Malwl, Uhules, San Fran,, Cnl., 1318. Lane, Arthur, Audltitlum, Kansus City, Mu., 20- 25. I.urlup ft Wallone. G. O. IL, Imllaiiapolls, 13-18; rolnniMa, Clnclnnnli. 13-18. I.lovd, llerberl. Wintergarteu, Berlin, tier., 13- ;itr Leonard ft Dimlie, DIJoo, Qutncy, III., 13-18. I .ester, Harry B., Empire, Boston, 13-18, «onliarUt, .-itar, Topekn, Kau., 19-18. I« linr ft Woodford, Keith's, Providence, 13-18. JM, Hugh V. ft Bessie, BIJou, Mnrlontte, Wis., I 13-18: Ben's, Eacanaba, Mich., 2tl-25. LecH, The, London, I-ondon, Oan., 13-lH. Le Olalr, Whirlwinds (5), Bon 'l\>n. Phlla., 13- lS- . I.rnnnrd ft Mason, G. O. H., Doylestown, Pa., 13- ' IS; Lancaster, 20-25. Leslie, Geo. W., Kmplre. Anaconda, MonL, 13-18; ' l-Mlson, Helena,. 'Jo-25. _ ,_ U Vanli, The, t^asino, Manchester, N. U.. IB- ; 18; Gem. Unverhlll, .Mass., 20-35. Leslie, Rddir, U. O. IL, Portland, Ore., lS-28. |.cwls, AL, Lyceum, Provo, U., 1318; Imperial, 1 I.*ndvllle, Col., 20-25. . . „ t^lle, Lillian, Caslco, Manchester, N, H.. 13-18, l-clgh Bros., Procior's. .Alban.v. 13-18. Le vine ft Alma, Mckelixleon, Fall Blver, Masa.,'natd', Eildle ft Co., H. A S., N. Y, 0., 13-18. 1.C Roy. Dairy, Uradenburih's, I'blla., 1)1-18. I.e Maire A l.c hlalre. National. Kaiuaa City, ? Mo., 13-18, . .. .„ I-ewls A Chapln, Bljoti, l^caiinba, Mich., 13-18. Lltchllclil, ilr. A Sirs. Nell, Oarrlck, Wilming- ton, Bel., 13-18. ^ ton, Del.. 20-25., TlK". Grand, Milwaukee, 13-18. Lltllellcld, C. W., Arrade, Toledo, O., 1.3-18. l.liinM Air (Fre«1 D. Ititjig), Orpheum, Minneapo- lis, Miim., 13-18; Urjdieum, Denver, Col., 2U- J5. Mould Air (M. M. Itslley). 0. IL, Holyoks, : .Mass.. 13-18. Mnk, Blllv; U, 0. n.. Iiidianni»lis, 13-lH. I.lllput Trio, Fnmliy, Butte, Mont., 20-26. l/wkette, Matlle, Chase's, Waabluglun, O. O., ; i;l->8. Lornlne .V Qandy. Kellb's, Providence, 13-18. I.ukens (-1), llliip., I'nrls, Fr., 13-18. I.yte, Jack. Casio. Fall River, Mass.. 13-18. Mnria ft Aldo, Orrin Bros., Mexico City, M»'. IS-IS. MncU, i.en. Oipheura, Sprlngfleld, 0.. 13-18. Mason-Keeler Oo., Keith's, Providence, 13-18. ,Mnnii, Dnuay, A 0>., Orsnd, Vtelorln, Can., IS- IS:'Vnlipie. Ilelllngbani, Wash., ■.i0-'J5. - .• Marjnellns, Oreal, CI. 0. H., Porllauil, Ore., 20- Mnrl'ha. Mile., .Maryland, Balto., Md., 13-18, ,MvrccnaK (III, flriiheuin, Bkln,, 13-18, Malldry Bros., Brouka ft Ilalloday, Orpheum, San . Fran,, Cal., 13-IS; Orpbeum, i,oa Angeles, SO- 25. Mngle Kettle tJ. Vsrrlek). Rnnd, lltlcn. M. Y.. 13-18: Wlellng (>. 11., Syrscnse, 20-25, Mngin Keltic (tlnl|>U Ucnn). Toledo, U.. 13-18. .Mnrrlolt TwbiH, I'hllli|M, Itlchmoiid, Va., 13-18. Mnynnnl, Claire, Katuinal, Kansas Oily, Mo., l!l-l|l. Mac A Mac, 0. tl,. Danlmry, Conn., 13-18. MBddoi ft Pruuly, .Muryiaud, Hallo., Md., 13-18. Mnnii! A Maxetto, Poll's, New Haven, Comi., 13-18. Msrtlh. A Uaydrn, Pickwick, San Diego, Cnl., '?-J8. MatlUewB A Horrls, Park, Worcester. Muss., IS- IS. Mdcarle Hlsters (8). Kmplre, Bheiherd's Busb, Kng., 13-18; Kmplre, tiordlff, 20-25; Kmplre, Hwansne. 27-A|ir. I. Marshall, the Mysllc, Family, Uahanoy Olty, l'a„ 13-18. Maddens, The. Manhattan, Norfolk, Va„ 13-18, Madcapa (3J, Chase's, Washlngtou, D, 0., IS- Marl'ln A Quigi, M'jms 'four, Europe, 13-25. Marshall, Madeline, Mnhi St., Peoria, ML, 13-18, Marco Twins, II, A S., N, Y, C. H-IB. Marsh Family, A. ft S.. Uoston, 13-18, Mn Dell ft (^irbley. Colonial, Ijiwreuce, Mail,, 13-18; Sbtniokln, I'n., 20-25. Maiiley. Morris, ILiynmrket, Chicago, 13-18, Marvells A Dleaso.i, Bijou, Oshkosh, Wis., 13-18. Matveflec (4), Slur, llupillton, (!an., 13-18. Mnrttnl, .Inc«r>s'. frorlu, HI., 13-18. MatKi«rUc A Hanley, Sbeedy's, Fall River, MaM,, Marlhi Bros., Kelth'Ci Boston, 18-18. Maase, KdWord A Nettle, OastD, Lawrence, Mass,, . 13-lH; Casta, Lowell, 20-25. Martloo Bros.. Kmiilre. London, Kng., SO-Aprll 20. Marlon A I>«uDe, Itoirs, Brldgti»rt, Oonu., 13-18. Mnyu. Lllllaii, CllympU-, Uhlcugu, HI-IS, Jlallileiis. 'I'he, I'aalor's, N, Y. O., 2U-25. McUuns, jQigUng, Victoria. N. Y. (J., 13-18. Dade ft Welcome, Cnsliiu, Wurcrsler, Mtss., IS- IS. McWattera ft Tyaou Co., Temple, Detroit, 13-18. JifcK^ver ft Sandy, Jacobs', Peoria, III., 18-18. McMabon's MInslrel Maids, Oa<heuni, Sao.Fran,, ' Cal,. 20-25. McCarthy. Myles, ft l^., O, 0. 11., (udlaiuipulls, ' 13-18; Colwnblo, Cincinnati, 'J0>2:>. Mclncyre A AlcAvoy, G. U. 11., liiainiinisdls, 20- 25. Mct.'ord, I.ewls ft Co., Keith's. X. Y. C. 13-lS. McCaulcy, .Joe, Unloue, MImicapolla, Minn., 13-25, McCano A Uraut, 0. O. a., Muakegou, Can., 1318. McKlnley, Mabel, Orpheum, 8aa Crsn., Osl.. 18-18. McDowell, John <L, ft Alice, Rlcliinoud, No. AdnUiH, Mass,, 13-18. MenklUK, Mirylaliri, Hallo., Md., 13-18. Merrills, Marvelous (3), IIo|iklus', LonlNvlllt, Ky.. 13-18. Merrill, Itiiyinonil, Lyric, Wichita, Kans,, 18-18; National, Kuiwas City, Mo., 20-23. Metropolitan I.ndleH (Juurtcl, <;asto, Fait River, Mass., 111-18. Meyers ft Jermvan, Globe, Billing's, Mont.. 20- Merislltb RIsters. Kmplre, Leeds, Kng.. 13-18; Kmplre, Ulrinliiglmu, 20-2,1; I'alace, Dull, 27- Apr. 1. Meier A Mora, Pav., Newcastle, Kng., 13-18; AUinmhra, Hull, 'iO'25; 'i'lTOll, Leeds, 27- Apr. I. tielrlllu A Aielle, Family, K. St. Uuls, HI., IS- IS. Messenger Uoy Trio, Oarrlck, Wllmlbgton, Del,, 18-18; I'nator'K, N. Y. 0., 20-23. Meers (3), Ronaeburs. VIeima, Ana., 13-Apr. 1. Miller, Henry, ft Co., Proclot'a 2M 8t., N. V. O., 13-18, Minor A (lulbretb, Cryslal, Milwaukee, Wis., 13- 18. MIetti-'s Dogs, O. 0. U., (Irand Rapids, Ulcb., 13-18. Military Quarletle, Pickwick, Sao Diego. Cal,, 13-18. .MIgnoii, La Petite, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 18-18. .Milter A Kresko, Puator's, N. Y. V.. 13-18. Mldjgeley A Carlisle, Proctor's, Newark, N. J,, 13-18. MtlpS'HIaiorduIn <)ttliitet, Chase's, Wa-sblnalon, 1). t;., 1.-1-18; O-i-ik's, l^lchesler, N. Y. 20-25. Mlidarc, l^has,. '<<-llu's, I'blla,, 13-18, Mlihgleys. Tiie, .lueohs', Pebria, III., 13-18. MllUnan Trio, Undicum, Bkln., 13-18. Mlichcll ft Browulos, BIJou, Calumet, Mich., 13- lS. MIrinr ft riallirelb, Cryslol, MHwaukee. 13-18. .Moore, Harry K., LIvorprMi, O.. 111-18. Mniirue, .Maek ft Lnwience, II. ft U.. llkln., 13-18. Morion, James I., Keith's, Clvvelnnd, 13-18. Morions 14). Circle, N. Y. C, 13-18. Morln Sliterit, <I.^m, Lvnn, Mass., 18-18, Mozart Uooiedy Fmr. unliine, I/>a Angeles, Csl., 13-18: .Pickwick, liau Diego, 20-25. Moog. Wm. v.. KtBrett, Wash., 13-23. ilcrse, Theodore, Trio, Keltli's, Provlilence, IS- IS; Ktllb'a, Phlli , 20-25. Mnteglrl, Toumcf, Snain, 13-25. Msore ft Llitlefleld, Keith's, Plilla., 13-18. Mortons, JugglliiK (4). Calumet, MIrh., 13-18; ' BIJflii. MnrHiette, Wis., 20-25. .Mnnrrs- A Parker. A. A S., RfSilon, 13-18. .Mowalls (5). Ilnnklns', l/mlsvllle, Kr., 13-18. .Mouller HIsK-rs. r'talo. Fall RIVer. Mass., 13-18, Mosa, Nellie, Nickelodeon, Fall River, Mam., l:i- 18. Murphy, Mr. A .Mrs. Mark, Columbia, Cinrln- nail, ISIS; (I. 11. II. . Plttslxitr. 20 35. >li_irj,hy t I'ranrls, Drphmm. Haii Fran., (Jal., IS- Murphy ft: Wlllntd, I'SMlnr'.*, N. T, 0.. 13-18. Muf|ili.«- A MchiMs. llri.vmArkPt, Chicago, lU-lS. Jliifvhv ft .Mifiwws. HHiraairniu, Cal., 13-I.H; Stockton. C0-S5. .Murray ft r.!u\e, sheedj's, Fall River, Mass.. i:i- i»; Murphy, Aimie, Casino, Wnrce^ler, Mass., 13- In. Mulvey A Warde, Crystal, Cripple Creek, C.d., 1318. Millleit's Dr,gs, Paatnr's, K. V. C, 13.IS. Nnwu, Tnm, A Co., Poll's, Sprlugllcld, Mnss., 13. IN. Naslirllle Students. (Jook. Rochester. N. V., KIIH. NafallMS (3), Oristal. Milwaukee, 13-18. Navaju tilrls (8). Victoria, N. Y. i:., 13-18. .Nun. Nip « Nap. Colonial. N. V. i).. Ill-l.t. Xnllonal 'I'rin. Keith's, Providence. IS-ls. .\esseii A Ncssen. Keith's, Phlln., 13 IS. .Vefiry, Jimics, llnwnni, Boalou, 13-lS. Newell A NIbto, on.iiiMiroi Omnhu. NpIi., L'lt.M. N'euninn. Iicssle, lllnltii, Klmlrn, N. Y., I.I-IN. Nllaou Family, Ilaymnrk'.-i, Clilcogo. Li-in. .Norton A .Nlclioliun. Oiphcuni, Kansas Oily, Mu , la-lS; uriihcum, Dca'/or, (.Vil., 2»-sr>. N'nwllu A Van, Umpire, IloWen, N. J., 13-18. Norton A Diamond. .Monre's, Porllaud. Me., 13- IN. Itgden. Helen, Weat Side, Jnueavllle, Wis,, 13 IH. llhi|>aH, Les, Pull's, Ilrldge|K>rt, lionu., i:t-ls, Orvllle A Frank, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 1318, Orpheus Comedy Four, Newark, N. J., 2ii-25, Orner. lugs. Atlantic OnMhii, .V, Y. U„ IS-IS Owloy A llaudall, Chase's. Washington, 1>, c, KMN. Parker's Dog Circus, Keith's, Providence, li, I., 13-18. Parker A Florence, Maobnttan, Norfnlk, Va,, I't- 18. Parler. Bert, Cryatnl, Cripple Creek, C.d., 13-18. Patty UroH., Toronto, Cau., 13-18; Keltli's, Clevi- -land, ri.. 20-25. Parikh, Unlwe, WInnlpeir, Can., 13-18. Potching Bros., Ilnfhaa'ny's, .New Bisirnrrl, Mass., l.'MS: Fmplti'. Ildtoken, N. J., '.'0 2.1, Pesehkolf 'I'runjs!, Urplieuni, Snn Fruii,, t^iil., I'l- Pelletier. Uiirn, tJasto, LawrfJiice, Muss., 1311. Perry, Wnlirr, (Jniouc, I.iis Aiigi'les, Cal., i:l is. Peru ft Wilson, Pn>cinr's 5tli Ave., N. V. i',, -18-18. Phelps. Orren ft .Millie, Crystal, Miiskegnii, Mleh., 13-18. Pierce ft .Mnltee, Poll's, Ilrldgeiiort, (Tonu., I il- ls; Moore's. Porllniid, Me., 20-25. Powers A FremI, Orpheum, lllchiuond, liiil,, IS- lS: Kille, DaveniKirt, la., 20-25. Potter ft Hnrlivrll. LViIoniiii, N. V. II.. 13-18. Poal I't Cranfortl, 0. t), II., tiidlnnaisdls, ISIK. Polk ft Kolllns, <l. u. II., IndlaiiapidlH, i:M8. Powers* Kleplmuiri, PrfK'lor's, Newark, N. J., IS-18. Powers Bros., Kmplre, Ilnlmken, N, J., 13-18. QnliK, Whlli^ ft Mekeraon, I'racliir'M 23d Ni., N. V. C., 13-18; Proctor's 5th Ave, N. Y. C, 20-25. Qululan Bros., Lnrnyelle, Biitrnio, I.'l-I8; Slur, -Itnmllton, Can., 20-25. (Jiiiglcy Ilrua., Ornheuiii, MlnnenjHdls, Mhin., IS- IS; Orpheum, llenrer. Col,, 20-25. (Inlnlan, John, O, IL. llhesler, Pii., 13-18. liayn (II), tlulouoi Miiiucnisills, Minn., 13-18, Itnnisey Sislers. lluliiiimi', In., I31N. Itawson A June, Temple. Deirnit, i:i-IS, Hnyuioml A Tricfy, (1. O. II., Ilehnii, .Muni., 13- I.S; (I. O. IL, Gieot Fulls. 20-25. Knslus A Dniilis. Palace, Loudciu, Fug.. 13-Apr. I. Itatlio's, AL, (lanlUeM, Frnnkford, Pa., 13-ls; IJIueUnniInn, N. Y.. 20'J5. Uneki'lt ft llaxnrd, Kmplre, Diihlln. Ire., IMIS; ICnipIre, Llvri'isiol, Kiig., '20 '25; Kmplre, Mull, S'-Ani-. 1. Hny, .Mnslcnl, Cohiiuliln, Boston, IS-IS. Itsyhmnd, Llnln It., Pavilion. Ni-wcnslie, Knii . 13-18; . lllii|i.. LIvcriKjol. 20-25; Hipp., Ilirni' Ingham, ',J7-Apr. 1. ' Itadu A llerttani, Funilly, .Mnhnnny City, l';i., V.'.- IS. Ilmiion. Olive. Cnshio, Woreesler. Miiaa., I3is. Kadtord ft Valentine, Oaslnu, Nice, Fr., !-;■ Apr. 2. Rsjinond A Paverlv, Orpheum, Bkln., 1S-1H, KuIumiHl A tloiiil, Flom's, Mailisnu, Wis., 13-IH; West SIdp, Jnnesvllie, 20-25. ItandailH, The, Wenhi's, I'wirlii, III,, 13-IN, Unnf. Clnude, Arcndn. Porllniid, Ore, 13-18 ; Paiitn»i>'s, Sdatlle, Wash., 20-'25. Reels, Musical, Koipltu, 'I'erie llnute, Ind., i:!- IS; HIJoit, Kenoshn, Wis., 20-25, ItPliT nroK., Empire, tilnspiw, Si-ul., 13-lH; Sli'il 'fcur. art. Hrtn., ao-Aprll I. nen.-> ft Myrtle. Kniuln-, La Snlle, III., Kt-IH, Ketsl A Shaw, 0, U. II,. Pittsburg, IS-IS; Chase's, 'WnahloKlon, O, C, 20-25. Reouihlo A NInns, Weost's, Penrin, Hi., 13-IN. Ite.vhnr<l, lid. P., Lyric, Llvcrinuil, Kng,, KIIH; 'I'lvoll, Leeds, 20-'J5. Ilcmlnjtlun, Mnyme, ft PIrks, I'ruotiir's 23d St„ N. y. »!.. 1:i-IN. nn^ilFimitiy, Tiieo's, Buaalu, 13-IN. IIIco fe Prerost. Morse, Portland. Me., 13-18. Rico A tk>lieii. fMlimldu. Chu'lnimli. I.'I-IN. ning A Wllllnnis, Peoplu's, LenviruwDrlti, Knns,, W-ltt; Lyric, Llncdn, Noli.. 20-25. nice ft P.liner. Ilutlinwny's. New lledfurd, Mass., ;|S-I«; Puator's, N. Y. C, 2025. Rlchnrds, F.rtltli.,Wc(ist's. Pi-orln. til., 18-18, Klw Family, .Moliuivk, Hchneeliidy, N. Y., 13-1H. Hlci;, Fniuiy. Park, Wnrroatcr. .Muss., (3-IN. Rlee, Dun, ,Vnilonal. Kiiusus City. Mn,, IS IN. llliljte, Mr. ft Mrs. A. T., FeiiloirH, BufTalii, L'l- IS; (lurden, Lima, n,, 20 25. Itoss ft Lewis. Palnce, Lliieidn, Kng.. 13-18; Palnce, Bath, 2<i'25; Pulaee, Hullfux, '27- Aprll I. llonflino ft Stevens, Miirylniul, Ilnllo., Md., 13 IS. llohlnsnii, Llliel, iliirtlek, Wlindngtou, Del., i:i- 1^. itosnire A Di.rclci. 'riinriiig Kump'', IKissI llpia.. OrtibeiiMi, L»a Augeii-s, Cal., 13,25. Iliimulu A lleuui'o, lUloii. .Norfuik, Va., IS-IN. Ilnckiviiv A Omwiiy. C. 0. IL. (Silnigii, IS IN. Ilialierort ft .May, Aime, .Nurfclk, Vs., 13 IN. Itiilfes. Tb''. I'ldl's. New Ilnveii. Cimn., i;i-IN. Itose, VIvliin. t'n.<luo, Wnici'sli-r. .Muss., |;IIN. ttnsuiri'S. Till', K.'eiiey's, ivkin., Ki IN; llieh il. No. .vdnins. tlnsi., 20-2,1. Ilulierts M), Olympic, Uhh-uuo, IS-IS; lluymnrkat, ChU:ago, 2<l'25. Rush A riiiitnn. (Jolonhil, N. V. C, 13-25. HmsscII a 'I'yllyiH'. I'urk, Worei-KliT, .Mass.. L'l If. tlusacll, Phil ft Llirtli', Cnliromlii, I'lnr , Cnl., 13-18; Pninily, Butle, ,M»iiL, 20-25; l.uwreiicc. .Mass., 20-26. Hussell, llljoM, Kmpiro. Mhbiicsliru, I'lig., 13 IN; Hlpii., Covenlry, '20-25. IluitPU'll ft Dunbar, Denver, Cnl., 13-25. Iluthcrford, Jlui A Lultle, Oarrlck, lIurlliiKliMi, In., 13-18. Itussell. Schoiilcy ft Uussell, Star, Hnmlllutt, Cmii., 13-18. Ryuu ft RIchflr-ld. Keith's, Boston, 1H-1H; Keilli's, N, Y. t)„ 2025. Ilyun, I-esier ft Ilynn, O. 11., Wnverly, N. V., 13-18. Hsvoys, Tlie, Milwaukee, Wis., L'1-18. Hntii. O. K., Ijruheuiu, Frankfurt, Am,, Gi-r., 10-31. SalvngKia, (8), Proctor's, 33d 8L, N. Y. <', 13-16. Sanisuii, Arlliur, Orpheuia, flpilngnelil, ()., 13- KsWt'ettR ft Scars, Smith's, Qrund Rapids, Mieli., in-lH; Arcade, Toledo, 0.. 20-35. Havoys, The. Urysliil, Mllwuukce, 1318. SnIwL Juaeplilnv, Orubeum, Los Augeirs, Cnl., IS-18, Saunders, Oliulk, Howard, Boston, IS,18. Scbsfur A Csmp, Hnyiiiarket, tjlilcngn, 13-ls. Scott ft Ilownril. Ilnyiimrkct, Cbleugo, i;:IN; Olyinplr, Ulih-agu, 20-25. Smut, MIko, I'nslor's, N. Y. O.. 1S-1H. SemoK. Ciins. F.. 0, 0. H., Chicago, IS-IS; II. 0. IL. liidluuuiKills, 20-25. SellH, Chr4S. ft 'I'lllle, Illjuu, (Ireen Roy, WH., IS-18. Bherraaii ft De Forcut, 0. O, IL, flliliMign. I!! is. Hheck Briia., Oridieiitii, Denver, (,'oi., IS-IS. Shan, Lillian, i.'nhiniblu. Clni'hiiiull, 13-IN. .Hhafer ft W<sii, liijou. .Norr.ilk, Vu.. 13.18. Shnws, Aerlnl, Atlulitle Itnrilen, N. V. I'.., i:i l><. Hlni<i»-nnrilui-r Co., Orphinnn, Kansus <Sly, Mir., 1.1-18. SIdiloil Bros., ColiimbiN, St. Louis, tS-IS; II. 0. H.. Clilea«i>, 'M'i'i. Singer's .Monkeys, proctor's, Allinny, N. V,, IS- Silvern ft Kinerle. Kniplrc. Ihislnn. IS-IS. Slash Bros.. Manhiiltuii, Norfolk. Vs., 13 IN. Slater A Wlllinins. Keith's, I'lovldi- n ix; Keith's. N. Y. I!., 20-25. Slater A Flneh. BIJnu. Aurora. III.. C! IS; Wesi Shlo, Jnne«rllle, Wis., 20-25. Bmlrl A Kessner, Olvuinic, Clilenun, 13 IN; 11 ik' market. Chicago, 20 25. Smiths, Aerial, I'roclor-M 5lh Ave., N. V. c , 13-18. Hmedley. Arlliur, Skelch Cbili, Arende. I'ohii.i. f>.. 2021. Hmllii, luller. Tills, ft Jeuiiv SI. (lii.riK-, il 'i M,. Rkln., KlIN; Vii'lorhi. N. V. C. '.'ii "-. HmiOi. M'lil <•■. ii'iii 'I'nu, Phils., iri'r:. Bnlth ft Aradu, (L H., GreeuSebl, ()., IS IN.