The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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;i Jj JfABpH|8. . MIMMSBOTA. THE N lSrW YOBK CLIPPER. ~r~~~~~~~ • '. ■ .. I.-- ■ f—I— 107 iii 5?i ifmnioss" 'Itt-lS. St.. PbuI l.od?e of Elks l.Mffp'1 Cnmpanj, In •■Pamlfal.'' an-aS. Would you give 10 Cants f©r a HIT ? If so, send to us for tho Best Negro Melody evor written, MR. MAN UP IN THE MOON" MONEY BACK IF YOU AHE NOT SATISFIED. 3^r§'g£gS'S?;i- THOMPSOIT MXTSI C CO.. . 27.) ffaliaslt Mt., ClliaflO, II.L. grrntiy^ „„„,, ^^^ ..,.j^^.,^ ,|.^_^^^.^ ^.^^^^^^.. ^^ ^^Worc to bt VUleU tMd Hcorded.*' HT.Ati .(•f< P- ■Van ■ Hoc, mnnuyerV—The World OMtPi-B :pl?a«p(l wceU of 5. Wt-ek <>t 52, tlic JliiBuWaj (ilrlj; week iif 11), tlio OW'iibUM (John C Jvane. inauuRcr).— lluslne" wnn very! good wet>k of (I. Now (ai'Pi week of.iy: fioward UrnndoD, Xiinu D Cooper, Mack and Dugal, Jessie Cortwi, KJnUer ntid Johnson, Hanie Manning and Flo LvK Holdlbg over: Olllo Lnmont, Helen (itfwnrt. AllHDlMcbardB. Mile. Aline. I'fimkli? Kvani". I' O'Xell, I'lieresa Komp anri Mnu ftjiriliR (A Welnlioli'er, liinhHi!(<r),i—Miisl- (ss ffns fair week ot tl. New people wcik or i:|- Konlei' and Iteiise nnd iilaniililin tiiid llehr. ' Holdlag over: ii-ene MarEc, Vivlet tl!-n. Kittle HorBom, Chas. I'lllswnrtli. Mnr- iarb'. White, Mo.v Drjngwlck, Myrtle Kd- l-arda and il.-.bcl Forrejt. IHInneapoliar—At tbe Metropolitan Opera Hoiise (I-t. N, Hcott, manager) ■The l»le of Knltc" Maroh li'-ir., Mildred Holland 10-1S, Savoge'B, 'Tariilfal" 20-2S, "(Mieekcrs" L':i- 23. Very • *ood buslnesa Erected Itlehnnl Carle, In "3Tjo Tenderfoot.^' 5-8, and Nan- n«fc CotniMck, lu '■'I'lie Crlslg," 0.11. Bi.ioli (li'KBA lloL-SB (Tlico. L. Hays, inaii- (ili(ir).—"I'lje ractory OIH" 1L'-18. "Hunter Brown'' 1(1-26. Kalr houatu for "'riie Fntnl Wedding' 0-11.. ^ . fjVi'Bl'.M (Dick Fcffig, miluairer).—"F,ord ChunJe^" .ia-18, ".L'lcopaJra^' lit and week Thfl attcailuncc at "The Sign of tlic Konr," 0-11, was «atlgfac(ory. ORPiiKiiM <]Iertln Beck, eeneral inMnnger). —Bill for rj and week: lifquld Air Demon- Hirfltlon. Katbryn ORtcrmaii, Itobcrt H. Hodae and Co., Wynne WlhHiow, (jtilgley Urolherii, the I>cniiUli9, Cooper and Kobln- HDU and the kinodrome. Tlic Orpheiitn Stock Co. enjoyed tho record week of Ibia ucw liuiwe 6-11. DnwBV (M. II. Kinder, nianagei').—Minor's AuierlcaDi V2\S, Uliic Klbbou CU-Ih 11I-2.'i. Clark's Iliinnway Ulrls bad exceptionally good Iseuses Qll. ' ' IINIQUK (Jl. Uallasher, tannagcr).—Open- ing U: Omar, Joneph McCaiilcy. the Oreat KflW, Downey and Wlllnrrt, Will King. Ilio Three Ilnyg and Dunbar^s irulucd goats. Klnc patronage cilDtlnuea. Dnlnth.—At l&n Lyceitin (('. A. .\fiivsliiill, uialiogcr) two performanceg by the Ulksi, Majch.lO.'U. ■Holly Tolty.*' 4. had fair liunlnosH. "Detvid lloruin"' i;4, i.l, I'aiil (jll- niure ^8. MK'riioroi.iTA.\-,Oi'f)nA 1Ioi-hk (.T. T. Con- dou,manager).—Dark U-ll. VHiidovllle «ns booked for three wcelis, but Manager Condon canceled the third week. "Tlie Pntnl Wed- illng^'. i;t-15, "A Hidden Crime" lUlS, "llus- ler Brown" 27-'Jlt, 'liiB l'*iit,iji! opened for llie senBoa 0. Tin* home has been renovated and painted nnd iiapercd throughout, and la very wty. Open- ing was ip capacity. M. J. Dahlsten, propri- etor; rrimk G. Mills, rauungcr; Morris Xlc- Claniiuon, niiiBlfal director. Bill week of 1 ;i: Molts and Vlgoroso, Anna I.vlin, (he (;lt- tliigs, Tom nnd Jcnule; Krnnk Kills, Scnnlon (ind l''olpy Trio and .lenhlc Kolcy. IliJiji' (,Ioc Malllund, manager).—Xonr people, for .lU and week: Kcppy, the tireni; <J*y, .Mr. and Mrs. Comee. Kddle Mack, Will Ivtnery, and .1. II. McCIellaii. Uiisluess last neck was to capnclty. XoTK.—General Manager Nash Is having goodbunlneis with vaudeville nt the Urand opera llouse. West Superior, Wis. , .. ' » . «»— '■ MICHIGAK. DvtruK—At (he Detroit Opera IIoiiho III. (. WliKncy, inanakel') !■<- II. iSothcrn nnd •Inllii Murlowc. March 0-8, turned htindrcdH away ul cadi iiorforinnlice. Wurdc and Klil- dpr, 1)11. hull large ntidlences. Mivard .Mor- BHh, III "TIk! Oentleuian from Indiana." l.'t- _f.>; ICdna Wily in-is, >Vm, Collier ■20-^11, Wni. l-nvorsliani a.l-JS. _liVcBi)Ai (K. a stair. ninnaBer).—".Me. Illni and I" rniiglil the popular fancy nnd drew packed huiispx ,-,-11. "Hiiporba'' I'JIN, laKAVETTK (l>r. <'ompl»flll, luunaccr).—The lyron Uotiglnsti Co.. In "All ine (•oniforlH iif Home, pluycd to lurgo houses 5-11. Tho |ici;«. was well mounted uod (he work of Ihc PfayiTM was good. "Tlie I'rlvato Socrclury" _-,)ViiiTNKV (K. I). . Stair. niHiingor).— 'Shadows of n (Jrent City" drew nnd iileusi-d large aurtlcncoK 5-11. "UurkcBt llnssin" I*.'- IK. 'niMi'M! U. II. Moore, niunngvr).—The hmiKc was pitched fl-11. Rill for week ot l.'l: loby l.'laiide. Mary Norman, (Ireene and Werner, (lullngher and Barrett, Kllnniiirn Jroiipc o( .Taps, Jhi-.lltHU cxiicrta, lliiw- «'in anil'June. McWnlttrs nnd Tyson. Ilarijer, IVejiaohd »nd Itnllcy and llio kliieloRnipli. AVKMi)).; (Drew & C'HuiiibcH. nmiiatcrsl — J he Ooy .vraKiinerndcrs pleased liiige Iioiihcs •••11. Ihc vni'.devllle fenlnres of the hIiow WCIt' gowl. HL'llly & Wood's Co. IMS. » lirniiil KaiililM.—At the New rowers lllo;-ry o. MomniPVH & Co.. inandBcral I'hns. iinwtiBy. In "A Measiige from Mars," Jlnrcli • ; Ward and KIdUer .S, and Wm. Kavi'^ohum. ». nil drew crowded bouses, "IIpiIioh In Toy- ii)itl'_IO, 11. i:ann May i;t. William Col- Ih'r l!i. Kyrle Bollew. In "llnniCK.^' HI. MAJKs-rrc (Ovfn Htalr. miuiaKer).--"rin! ,,„'"' "' the TransgrcsMor." "J-l. drew well. ,,?,'|l";i'ha," 5-H, phived to crowded hoHMCs. 'Ill li Van, In -The Krrund lloy,^' I:J-1.">; Aunt Sally 10-IS. Ilii.iMi Oi-KHA -(Churchill * Itavls, maiin- Rcrsi,—'^'his house Is doing an excellent liiml- ••iilKN. VaudBVllle attractions ll'-lS: .Mletf« 'londerful Dog/i. Kates Bros.. Hec«ou nnd 'yherlou. Mnlgurct (jrayce, Tom Itlpley uiid '•'•lor J; Smith. Hmitii's (.MrH.'W. B. Hnilth. nuinngi-r),- .Mornain'titieen'H llMrlesiiiierK, ,">-n. iilayed to good hiialncss. . Tli.i Krcnch Malrls I'.'-IH. ^ t (•■KliiBw.—At the Aeadcinv (J. M. Moore, jonnager) ."A Chlnecc lloncymoun^' played 0 Kooa hiislnesB .March n. «. Clias. llnwtrev inil c.npaclly U. "Kor His Sister's llonoi'" ..I.'."' "*''' ■'"•■lend frotn Arkansaw'^ 1'.', Ilobes Ml Toylnnd" i:i. Wnrdn and Klrtder '■'•, Ilie «Bme Keener" 10-18. , •iRn-Hli.'i (Il.qmlord & Marks, iDnnogeiT.),— 1 ncic ,Iosh Perkins" played to Bood hnsl- ie!ii.r,.8. Vaudeville P-11 : Nina Shaw. ,lan. II. Manning and Ma.iter Drew. Whelan and •<e«rles and Kiircka tj.mrt#tte. BhbIucss con- inues ^foiid. 'I'ho management of .IcfTer* nn» ntied lip a retiring room, with parlors, 'or Ihclr jialnms. The rooms are ci>:ivcmI- •■"".v an-nngfd Itefreshments will be served :ind there wlli lie a niuslcnl programnie bc- 'n'Oeii tho acts nnd after Ihc play. ■ > KnlaniBioo—At tbe Academy of Muslr ,'I'- A. Hush, manager) Warde and Kidder, In Nalsmnibo.^' had good business .March 7. "m, Kavershotn delighted a good sized nudl- '^nce 8. "Babes In Toyland' 'ployea to n packed house (l. "Superba" in, Chps. How- irey 11. "The iJcllBov^' V',. Win. Collli-r 111, 'li"* lluy lluiid (local' lalciill, comiioscd of liVer one hundred nieiulierf, 17. I'.u.tV'i: nr AMI'siiJIUNfM Vl'..'.1,'Ifcsn, niun- oxen coutiuiirs to draw Its full <iuvta of t.»^!I,* *'•>■•—'^t Ihe Wnshlnjilun. W. J. J aunt. iimnaKer) Jillllcan's Hymphoiiy <)r- c'liPBtrn tilled ilie |i„„se Mnrdi :!. "A «'lil»e«,. ''<TOtn.?on" did fnlv Imslness 4, "The Icddlcr drew a cuimrlty house 5. 'Cbn Arlon Male Quaript i V. .M. c. a. .ourso cirew n large iiiidlencc II. "Kor Ills Sister's 'iwi?„,i"'-, y''".\t "",') ,'^"''''''" !•'• """I"-" In ioylnnd H, "My Fi-icnd from Arkansas" t'renlore's "The I'.nrI "The Vliglnlnn " 1(1, Crcs- XriTK.- hns of I'nwtiickrf Ion Cliirkt'" ■''T'*";,,"'*^'"■'''' "' "• ^'""'- >^''-l<' '>n<I a oixwl vaudeville cnmimny. with liiislness In S. fl. o. l-MtrniK. Week of 0: The Anhurns. Ihe I oltiins. lllnghnm. Ilella Verna nnd I.eona Clifton. OhKON.—Week cif (i. Vera Feltnn and the regular stock, In '•Ileworc of .Men.'^ IhislnrBB \s Rood. • •iivsTAi,.- Week of (1: Robert's bears, AsiHit, ICddy nnd company, llonford and Co.. in good. TUX AS, n„-ni,„.„,i".K'"^"' '^•'"ftlaing Agency ..„., ■- , ..„,„„,„ „, pmcinsed Ihe programme privilege ot the Hurl, nnd (.eo While. Uuslness Is good. '"™"''^' , flui'iii:'-".—Week of 0. The Williams Opera „ . • ' ( 0.. In "Country Courtship." Uuilness Is Manlstrr—At the Harosdcll (R. IJ. nnmsdcll, maooger) "The Show filrl." Kch. T..A P'"^™ •" the caparlt.v. Tlioa, Smith, In The (,nme Keener.' March 4. pinved to good bHMlness. ".NIolone.Vs Wedding ' !l "Whv Girls Leave Home"' 15, "A ^illllonnlrc Tramp li. , K^.V,?.'"*'—'^' II;ilrd'K (Ipi'in JIdps,. ii.-i,.,| J. AMlllnms. luanupcri "The Wav of the I raiHgreKsor" cuiue. March 7. to a fair liomr, I'nblo lliminiil" .Irew lil« n Iuminc In. "Win- (rlrls Leave Home" II. ihc (heal l.nfiivcli'c Co. 14, "Bahcs In Toyhuid" lit. «.»> .llAnVi,AM>. nnltlmorc—Al I'ciid's lipeni lliiiiw (CliiiclcM i;. Kind, iiianageri ".Mis. Wlggw, of the Cnblmge I'rilcli," liohls forth .Mnrcu l;i-ls. .Mnxine Klllolt drew i-iiiwdiMl houses for the Hrsi half iif week ciidlug II. and Ihe advent of Lent bad Iml little elTcct iiprin the Volume of bnslncHM. X. f. (imidwlu ciuiich L'O nnd week. ArAuKMV (Xlxon & Zlmnicinnin. lunnn- gersK—Nance tCXcll licghiH u week's eu- gagenienl l.'l. hi "Kllzulictli." li> lie fiillnwcil by "Mugdu. flic .lewcss." "TIits of SI. John"' nnd ".Murbefli. riic I'luver .Mnlil" met with II friendly reception Insl week, and Klorencc Davis proved u pleiislug addllloii to Ihe list of slurs. "The Itoyiil Chef' Is due 'Jll. <'li,\si:'s (W. Wnrrcii He Will, iiianiigevl. —"'The Two tlrplmuK" Is Hie (in'erlng fur Ki iiud week, following '•('auilllc. ' wlihli did fairly well il-ll. "Tin- Wife" 20. AiiiHTimif.M iJiiiiicH 1,. Kcrnuii, iiuiiingerl. —"A Hot Hid Time" Is ciiiceiit. with Mile. .\nl .IS Ihe fenliiie. "Xiincy Ilniwn" hiid ii week of siitlsfaclurv business, closlug II. •■I!a«y Hry" ML Miiivi.v.Mi (.lnini'!< 1.. Kcimiiii. luiinng-ri. • The bill fur HI and week lucliiclcs: .\ri'hli> lloyd, Trobu, .Maihlux and I'rniiiy, Jnlin Illrch, Ilontlino iiml Klvveim. .Mile. .Mnrllin nnd .Mucking. I.iiwrence ,iinil Hale. l-'iill houses ruled week ending' 11. lloi.MliAV SriiKin' ((leiiige W. Itlfi'. nmnii- gen.—Al. W. .Mariln'K "I'ncle Toui's ""nbln " oiiciis HI. "Ijiicen of Ilic While SIuvch" closed n big week 11. .\i'.\t week, "(iiieen of Ihc lllghwiiy." Ill.A.v'Kv's IChnrles K. Illaiu'v. iiiuiingerl. —Xellle Mcllenrv bring.'* '■.M'llss" for one week. Iicglnlilg 1". Llnnlcl liyiiii was well received. In rcpcrlorv. Insl week. "Only a Shoji I!hi" 2(1-L'.-.. \Iiini'M>:nt.\i, i .Inmes 1.. Kcrunii. uuiiin- geri.—Weber's Halnty liiuheHM opens HI. 'nil- Jolly (irni's Widows did well week end- ing II. Next week, the N,'W Vork Sluri'. «-•-• ■\VISCO.\HIV, ^111 tvn li kt'e. — Al the HsvIiImoii ICdiui Wnllace Hopper nnd I'liiil Kdwiiides illvhieil week of Muri-h (I, IhiIIi iippeiiring liefoce giioil Hl»i'd auilleuces. .Manager Sherman llrown oiroiK Kyrle Iletleiv 1:;-I5. "The Teiiderfoot" Ill-is, "Checkers" 111, Mrs. I'alrlck Caiupbcll :ju- :.':.'. Ai.iiA.MiiPA (II. !■'. .Miller, mnniigcrl.—"Thi' Hliol'ers" week of 11'. "A Trip t» Africa" week of HI. "Iliuiilliig for OHIce" greatly pleased full hmiiies 5-11. A''.Wii;.\n. - Kdwln Tlinnhoiiser's clever slock coinpaiiv upiieni-cd wllh success In "Tho Holy Clly^' IiimI week. "Tlie Tlirece Jhis- kelcers" week of l.'l, wllh Jiiiucs Hiii.'klii iis D'ArlMgnnn. "'/Mm" L'0-1I5. lli.inr (li'i;ir\ IhirsK (J. II. I'lerce, resi- dent mnnugerl.—ICnthiislnsm ran high last week, "The .Ninety and .Mae" iniivlng a high class iiircrlug. ".More In lie I'llled Tluni Scoinetf week of Hi. "The I'alnl Wedding" week of II). I'Alisr (I.cuii Wiii'lisncr. UHiiMigen. — lUi accniuil of.llie lllneHs of KIsle Krainni, "lliii'- caccio" was not piCHcntcd .s, hut will be jiiil on 1'.'. Instead. Stah (K. H. Trollnuiu. niiuiiigcr).—Miner's .Unerlcan Kxinivngiiiizii Co.. ."ill. drew the Msnul well llllcd hiiiises. Ithli W. Craig. In n clever miislcal liirn. nnd I'lilfrew and Iliirlnii. Ill their seiisnlliinal bicycle acl, were the liils of II strong olio. The llliie llllilioii lilriK IJ- IS. Knickerliiickcrs week of HI. liliANii.— .Manager S. It. Slimm liniks fur ii big crowd wiM'k of Hi. .'oiiii I,. Siililviiii Is hooked for Ihe to|i liner. I'liase iiiid Hacey, l-i. J. l-'hinagan. Ilu- Miipliirolis nnd Wooilsuu ami Woodson ivlii uisii npiiciir. CuvsTAi. • (!•', 1!. WInlcc, iiiMiiiigi-ri. -i;.v leilciit hiislncsf coiIIIiioch. I'cnplc week •■!' i;i: llnliy HIiuIvn. .Minor nnd (;nibiclii, He- Three Niimhos urn; ihe Siivo.vs. .VoTKs.—New Itienlies for liotli llic Xorlh ami Soiilli side nre plaiineil iiy W. H. Jiuics lUid W. I'. Vollerl. who cdiilrui a cliciill of vniidevlile houses lliri.iiglimil Ihc Suite \>csev. the voitng lliini;arliiu viidiiiUI, will give :i iecl;n! ill Ihe ImvidsMii II I'ailerewskl aiipeared al the I'nhsl U Slebel Bros.' Hog ntui I'oiiy I'irciih is bill'il for Ihe ICxpo. I.".ls, ♦«-• WA.SIIIMiTOV, SrnHle, -.\t. Ilie lirniiil Diierii iloiiii'' l,lolin Curt. iiiuiiaKcii i'niil Hllniiire March .-.. H. "The Vlighiliin" HI I. Slclsnii s "I iicio Tom's Cnlilu" Hi. I". I'uvid Itlspiiii'n. In Cri'iilore LawiTuce mill his iriMsiiy hnnd nnil I.-.. Hi, Crest cm -W-ek •• Hick . inann Co., Ill 0 l.ltllc concert. 14 To follow; Cinrke. Si-irri.K (J. I'. Howe, niunagi'rl of .■.. Dick I'erris Co.. In "Hniiislark. I'errls Co.. hi "'i'helmii." IL'IS. Timui Avi;.\ri: illus.«eli \- liirw aersl.-Week <cf .", Iliiiuilllbiuuie "(Jiio Vadis." Week of II'. " I hi Swede." "A Vligluls Hlcl \»'2-- Oneiiri M.—.Ni'ic : Kublcr mid Scvmonr. I.oiile HroK,. Iirvllie I'luhei. i)ii i uuil IlOH.s. .loe Deniniliig. Amy Cr.iiivlili-. < has. Aiimnii anil niovhig mIcIiiiis. I'ANTAOKs A.M> CiivsMi.. Sw: Hill ml. hl« lion. HiiMili nnd Hcpldcii. Miilihiellelil Trio. O'Hell nnd Ihiit. Itlchnid S\^t,r>, Itobins and TinMiin-.en, ,1.'!|',,'"'''"',, "";'''"-;' IloVes Hla|pr.«. Ilnrney Wlllinnis. Hie IlolT- mans. Clement I'erklns nnd moving iilcliiics. f.;„r)nK New; llvlnnd unci lirniil. .Mnud Carter. Stanley nnd 'Allcen. Clius. illnnchanl snd moving iilctnres. STAn—.Vew: Vculln. Ihe Ihrne Kohenc. Ilvner and .Melhoiiriie. Nellie Cc-ilti. Hie Wlieelers. .MV'l^^ :iu(i Ifo.c. ilicliiinl Hou.cii and luiivliig jiiiiiii'c-. iiie icalvlii lii'llli:. the Jaiucs Keuii Ft. W«ip(li,_.At Creenwall's (»pern House (i'lill. \y. <lreenvvnll, nianngert (he nil mar coni|i;iny presented '•The Two Orplinna" -Mttrih I to n hlg lunise, Itlchm-d Mnnslleld did good liiinlneHs II. "Shoce Acres" drew well 4. Kiks Mliislrels (!, 7, packed Hie lioiise. Itiiselie Knolf P. "Undolph nnd Adolpli" Hi, '-Iclp to Kgypi" 14, IK. I,il|. pill Inns IS. riiireiice Boiierls !':•, L'.'t, "Tho Sleeping Beiiulv nnd the HensI" 24. 2.">. STAMiAan i,\l. He llciiue, innnagerl.-Jim «<iire's reineilj-, ".\u .\ctoc fur a Hnv," pre- ceded a good hlil week of (I. I'dll nnd Theinin Kingsley iiiid Hie .Mnslcnl Manlthva oiiened. Itetained: Jack Wlilhims. Kugeim Henry. Aggie Alien, Ilaliy Dot. Jim Wolfe, hiilii He Mnr. I.eltle Cotton. Cat Cohen, anil l.iiee and I.nee. New pictures by the hio- grnnli. IliisinesH liig. STAa (HlnwhUUe & lloiKon, nianngersl.— "A French Dlleniinn." under Hie direction ot linker nnd rinida. «ns the ciirlaiii rnlser week of li. The liiif olln included; and Hose i;<liiiiinil». Iliiwen nnd Cimstennelin, lleuiah He .Miui. Ihiker and Kunda, I'nnnio ricireiice, Sadie .Nellsoii, l.iiileviue Henlon, llnrry and Miihcl Mnrtlue. .Mue Hill. .Mnliel i.uponl. Jack Howen. Coiisleunellii HlsterB, Horls Wnnlell and Crnie Wliilnius. Tho week o|ieiird hlg. Cncivv.v I I'lill i;i)sleln. niiinager).—Open- ings week of II: IIHly Cniii|il>eil, Jessie nnil Slelln Hnly, lliilding over: Kelly nud Iteiilin. Ihe .Mllioiis. clias, Ihiey. Cnrl Cope- lauii. KllH l,n Hose. 'I'liooipsoii nnd Iliisseil, .May Von Cullon anil ,\dii Yule. "Tlie ninnde \'eiius," by Hie stock. The' week cipcneil iieavy. Orro I'mMii Siiiiw.s nppeur here '23, 2n. •-»■« C«l\NK«TICl'l'. Xfiv llMven..' .H Hie lly|icrliin iShil- In'i'l lli'oK., niniMigcrsi rryiir's llunil drew n ;;miii luciii'i. Miinh li. .\ll SInr Vaudeville I 11. Iniil nciod letinns 711. .Miiiide Adams iln-w niiivdeil hiiiiscs 10. 11. I'hnries Wynilluim HI. "Ilnlics 111 T.iyliiiiil" 1 I. i-'rands Wlisciii 111. l.lliliiii Hii-'seli 17. Nat C. Hoodwlu I.S, rorijes Itolierlson :;il. lllSNKl.I.'K .\l;tt- llAVKN TllKATIIi: 111. II. lliilineii. iiiiiiingci-i. • Wcclili'd. liiil No Wife." hnil guild letuniH (IS. "Wbfli Women l.iive" dill uoiiil IiiikIiicns !I-11. "Alone In the World" l.M.-i. "The Vllliige HnrHun' ni- ls. Wiird null VokcK I'll-li.".. I'oi.i'.s (H. ■/.. Coll, niniinger).—Itlil week of HI: Sliiarl. Iiiiiiiu mid Hcnhnrr, Iloev nnd .Maziiz and .Mn/.i-lle, I'iiiiiiy and Ihiilie, .Major Doyle anil the Iloifcs. Iliirlfitnl, Al Ihe llarlford (Iperii lluiiHn l.leiiiilngs li Hinves. pri>|irleiorsi CiVise f'liv- lon SIcH-k Co. Iiuil fn'r hiisiness .March (111. ■"i'iioii Slinll Xol KIM' l.'IIN. I'AUSDV.s 111. ('. I'lii-Miins. uiiinnger).— i'lieiiiii Sihi'k Cii. II. .Miiiiile Ad.'inis iiad cnpnclly 7. I'heluu Slock Co. H-fl. Chnries Wyiiillnnu and Mnry .Moore 14. I'ol.lK (l„ C. Uliliy. niiinngeci.—I.iirge audience Insl week. Mill week of HI: Kckerl, and llerg, "In the Hniiii of ilie Two Moiuis,^' .Mr. and Mrs. Kyilaec Hren- nnd olliers. 4»» II.I.IXOI!!. ■ •e4irlii.- Ilnrrliigloii gnii" i-nlne. Al the Crnail Kltainls'i'lnln, k Co.. iiiuungei-^ "llu|i|iy llooll- .Miircli .'i. III fair atleiidnnce. Siieiiiirii'M iiiiiVIng piclurcN 0-". "The Heart of .Miirvlaiid." S, drew n. Inrge niidleiiee. "llciyM III nine" (hii'Ull 15. ,"A Itiice for I,lie" IS. "ily. SI lUiil V 111, "The lilri from Kiiy's" 20. "Mi'lciniiil of Venice" 21, the Ihi.v.s -Ji. -A Chinese Iloiieyninou" 2.'i. .Main S'rm:i;r i J. c. Colter, lesiileni hum- iii.-erl.—'I'lil) liolcli liiiKllirnH here 511, IIIH I2-I.S; (ieiiige II. Iliiokiiiil. Wnrreii nnd llowiirii, .Madeiyn .MiiihIiiiII. the AdaiiisDiio, lleiiierl Willing, Waiter Viiiil nnd Sdibe- HfCIMC \'s (C. I"..Burl son. uniiingeri.—lliisl- nc^K Ih iilg. Hill 12IS: Tlie Hniiilolplis, Iiiillli'li mill Hnvls. Ituiihle niiil' Sliius. Kdllli lllcluiriis, lienlick nnd I'lcscolt nnd moving liicliiri'S. Jaciiiis' (.\. r, .Incolis. mnnngeri.—Kx- ceiieiil II lii-niln lice .5-11. Kill 1218: .Murlini. Ihe Ciiiii'ikIn. .McKeever and Saridrv, the .Miilgl'.ys iinil iiMivliig plcliiies, Ci.ii's. Wiiller i;. I'elry. the pnpninr .Main Siic'ci pliialic|. is linck nt his piml, afler ii hIiiiM viicnllnii Win. Ilnwlcv Smlili's comedy. "Aunt lliildnii's Apiile I'lir- ing." WOK H|ileii(Ihlly pindiiied .s, li. hv lonil lalciil. Ill leiy liirge nllriiiliiuce. This wiis Hie Inlilnl priiiliii'tliin. I J. 1-: with leiord night, iiipiise. "My AfHcii" II. Srliiiuinnn- 'I'neiiiioi. Al III'' Ts" niaiiaijen "rnrsltni,' by llefiitiic. ,\t Hie I'mv.'is Hrnnil Hiven. imiiiiigeri ■|liiNl<'r Iliiiwii.' Mnsler Hloviiniil. broke Hie iiiallnee .Mnieii I, and iuiil u lilg lunise ill "The IievH'H AiicHiin." 7. iiiid n fiilr "Tlie Hill from Kny'x" piciiiicil !i. Wlfc'K I-'nnilly" 11. "A Trl|i in •'Ibc Sholiiin" 1.-.. Mnih Ilniiik 17. James K. Ilackeli 18 *-»^' tk\M':h8ii:i<:. >Iimii|iIiIh..; ,H liii> Xeiv l.yieiiiii (Hrmik Hriiy. miiiiugi'i' I willi Hie I'Mcpl ion »( n ioi'iil I'lilci'iiihiiiient. diirkiii'ss ri'lgiuil 2 1. "'I'lie. Two Oiiiliniis" lull Nliiri ciiini' ic, s|ili'li<liil lii'sini-ss II. 7. Itlcli:iiil .MniiKl:elil |i|iiyi'<l III :i crowileil luiiisi' S. The- |tii;iii-< Hrwlhi'ia 1.". 14. I'lnrenci Chic- I.', I.i.hik .Morrlwia 20. I'lohi Alii-ii 21. 22. lI'O'HIvs 1,1. I(. .\|iirrlMiii. iiiaiiiigiT I. •The Cowliiiy mill Mil' l.iidy." «i.ek of I, (ilayi'd In good houses des|ille Ihe loosl hi ric'iiieiil wentlii'r. I.iiclii .Moiiii! miil Wllihiio Joj'sc.v ii'H'ivi'cl xri'iii iipplaiiHo. .MImm Sjilii liey mill li.'lhelli' lionllillll liiiiile Ihe IIIOHI of Hii'lr i"K| iv" rcili'N. Viitiiieviiic- : llihvaril III Him and I.elaiiii Wallnni', Kin Adii-r. I ii Silken iinii Ihc iilogiiiph. "lainiou and I'yiliiiis" i:! I.S. IliiMi III. M, Sliiliiliiick. iniiiiii).'<'ri, .Miiiiiiiiii' Mellici roiircrt iiiiiijuiiiv mini' to o iriiHd"-il I ie 2. "Thil Slicci ShigeV.''klili lliiri'ni" llliid'ey. cniiie to siilliirni-loiv Imsi- Uf'i ivei-k I'f II. ".Vrlwimi • |:i |g. I iH iiig 111 III!' I'loilag i.f iiii< ilHniiiii Siiti k Co. Wlilliiiii .1 .•{(•liullz, IMnanl W lliililuiril, .lo" WIIUiiuiM. I'leil IV . .Miller, ihiiH W. (iiihli'lci nud iMiisii liny Hi-iili Imv" joined Ibu Uevvrldije ."ftu. k t'o, t.iiltlMvllln,— At rnulev, inniiaiini-i Null iiitki* till*-. re If liy. 111 ilitder m ttnt$. Tun I'oi.i.iiwiMi i'i:oi'i.K hnve signed'tor Ihe coming season wllh Hie Andrew Ui>,viiie .Sew Hlg Shows: l.iinford Huvis atid bla c*il- nrrd band, diigein, iloncera and rnke Walker* for the side siiow, W. II. (Jnlnlet, RMiefiil superintenileni; A. l-'rauk llreehlln, In chnrM of cnnvnn: llnrryn<niisi'h. Ih charge ot ino ndvanre brigade: Jack Kent. In cliiligq of stock ; He.ii-ci' .\lillson. (isslntnlit in care of stock, ilregorv'il llnnila llossn. I"r«nk Hreg- ory, inmnmer. will be, :i fcnture ot the lug frliow. nud Ihe tireat Ui- VIIIVs. on (he !iii- siipporicd ladder and coineily vVlin act. I'letcher Smith does not go Willi the advilm'o this senson. 'fiii: (Iuk.Vt I.N.MAX wllirs: "I bavn Blgndd rnnti'HclB wllh the Krank A. UohhlnR Hlg Shows lor the ciuulng Hnmliier seasuu. JI,v wife, known as lleuHettn I,. Boherls, will le fenlaicil III the concert III her, relhled imislinl speclnlly nnd Boti sliofl lUnelng. I will introduce my own iiHginnl novell.v con- torllouist on an elephant'M bach, which will alsc 'le one of the fentuiTs of the Itob- hlns Shews." KuANK .Mll.To.N nnd Ihc Hong Sisters, nfii.*^ woeks wllh the "A ttaggiKl llcfo' Co.,'d HI riHsbllrg, I'n., to Join .IhO Hreut KloHi Shows, at Denver. .Mr. .Mlltoti bus charge of several clown niiinlitrs. orig- inated bv himself. In which nil lite eln\*'i1s take p«rl: "The,Bull rigbl," Jbe hilrleHiiHo fuolhall gnme and "BuHler Ilniwh aiid/llpe. Dux I'^uin wTlles timl he la cohOneri lo his ,„,,, . . room wllh an ijttack of appendlclila, hiit SMitinciifTii expects III Me mound In n few days (ittenil- mNl Rcnsmi i hlg to Ih;' doinlls ot organising Ills Hleul Shows for Hie ci'iiilng scaaoni 'I'lie shnv.- wlli Is- a wugoii shiiw Mils scusoli nnd Htilr I'cnnnvlvanlu. .Mr. Iiird's nieselil ailment U a reciirience of Ihe nllni'K which eonllni'll hini in a huspiiat lasi Sumlner. , l-:vA.vio:i.ixr. .Mcti'ai.i' repiirlvi nieelinuwllh sncccss hi Hie Niirlliwest In her slugiifg and dnnclnt act. Kiie is playing two weeft« nt the Theatre Comli|iie. Spokane, \\iishl. nnd writes thnt she nnd her hiislmnd. neiu'ifo Melcnif Jr., hnve slgneil wllh llin Heo. W. Ilnll Jr. rhiled Wagon Shows for Ilie I'dtnlng senson, Mr. .Melialf will liave nil iirlvllegea with Ihe show and Mis. .Meieulf will do licr singing nnd dnnrlug act. NoTKs rnii.M Hiii. SAnr.M.i; * Wi-.i.sii ITlioli.' CiLMiiisKO Siiiiws.-Tlils lenled iir- (inulnalhin Is positively the only one that inn .irulhfiiliv sny lliey have Iwo coinjileln Winter (pinners In fnii operrtllnii nt titn same lime. Homer, N. V.. .Mr. Sanlclles old (iiinvlers. Is the |iiesenl scene of greiit fiiiivliy. The nnhiinl Imiise. lilncksmlth Hhop. wngoii shoii, liariiiiss shop, woiiil work- ing ile|inrlnient and pnttit slii^i nl'C worklliR n'glil'nnd day wllh lv,'o crews ot meil. wlio hliVe. but one tiionghl, one iletennlunHiin, nnd Unit II lo be r ly for the opeiihia, vlihiii occurs nt I.ancnsler, I'a.. Aiirii 2-1. At this piilnl nil the now enges, liaggage wagons iiiid wnrdriilic are liehtg iimde. In Hie iiiiimal iioiiHe and rlnij liiirn, liiiiiiers are iMisv. piepnrhig lliclr dltrerept iharges for Ihe Kmiimer pcrtorinnnces. .Mr. Saulelle Is nt this cud of the enterprise, liHiking nflitr the new linn's Interest, nssisicd by Jns. A. Morrow. At Hil^iciislcr, I'n.. Hie Wlnlur iliinrlers of liie Welsh Itros.' Show, unil geil- (hii business olilces of Ihe new lOllsoll- ihiteii shows a like scene of generni aclivlly lirevalis. olilce clerks, iiieclinnlcs. enr biUiu- crs, wagon repairers, lihicksmilhs uild jAlllll- eis are nt work gelling the uroperlv Mint <r jttorcd there In luoper comlillou for Hio Kind. John Welsh <s in ciimmnnd llinre. assisted by I'llnnm Newton. I'ilgllly lieail »t slock hns nlrendy lifcn purchased, nnd Mr. Sniilelle N, at prcsi'nl III l.iincnsler. Mil., looking lor sixty bend more. The parade, wllh nil datiole gray iiDrses. new luirness, new cngeM. line Inlielcnii. deep carveil and gllilcil Imml WiigoiiM, eiiariols and i'nlllo|li>, ifiarkllug gorgisiiis wnrdiobe, nud bevy or bcaiilifol .voiing wonieii, cliw Iniys nnd glrlN, Cosiiiicks, ludlnns. Ilmmins. Jnps, ItiiHshiiiH, nnd a cnrnlval of nil miHons will crcalu Bien( iitlciesl. .\iiti:h rno.M 'riii: HnKAT Kmho Siiiuvh.-- ■Ihe show train leaves Denver .March III tor I'm! Worth. Tex., while Ihe Heiisoii lii'ginH 'i'4. Afler Halhis, Waco, (lalveHtou. Iloiislnii. Alisl'lli' and Siin Antonio, only fix Hiniids will be ninile to Caiifornln. Mnr mUciiIs nre iinw Kcullereii from ImHlls. 'I'ex.. In Vli'lnrln, I*. ('. Si'f eiiterjirisi' of tills class will go oitl better ciiulpped, for |l hns I'liiliiian (rain service Ihroiiglioiil. from Ihe ndvnnce fni's in Hm! Inst Irnin, nnd evorylhing Is in every deiiiirlnienl. The gcowlli of Ibn. l-'inlo Show has occU'loiied niiuh cnmfiienl nnd (iralse trnni visilliig sleityinen. Krank Tnmineh Is gciicint iiiaii:igcr: Joseph Ii. Iliis. loll, gciici'iil iigeiil : .Mcli A. Kiirls. lonlrnel' lug ngeni : Anhur I-:, Higgs, iii{imiger of ml vaiice cur: "I'liiich" Wlici ler. pieiis niienl ; An hue I,. 11111, mil linger of oiilslilc iillriic.lloiiN : Janiex Itoss. ciiiiccii iii.iiiager: llnrry l')vaiiH, Irenmrer; John Cnrroli, eyiiciilrlnn ill reel or; Chris Seltx. HUjS'rliileiidcnl of I'leiiugerli'; Hd. .looks, boss hoHlier; "SIIviI|'n' llolliiiid,'. boss raiiviis iiinii : W. C. ClCineuis, piopcriv hiiiii: I'r. Kowiiiiiii Ciu'IIm. surgeon ; I'nif. John If. .VudrcwH. lecturer: ioliii Kent, mnsler of Irnnsiiorlnlloii. nnd Slg. It. /,l>-rki'. biiiii(nms- ler. Willi llfiy niiislcfiiiiH. The (•irciis pni- graniliie includes: The Killol Ti'iiii|ie, eurbil- Isis; Vnrlii nnd Tiireiiiii', bnlile nxe maiilini- nilors ; Siiulinolo .la|i:Uicsi' lioiriie, Hie Tiirec Hociiiiis. principal riders: Wiillaiii He Van nnd l,lr./.le Uooiiey, |irln< liiiii riders: Hie Koiir Aveiias. Irnpezc: Cliira lluel, nieiiiige rider; Ciimiiliell and Johusuii, coiiicity lilcyeic ai'l ; Hie llone IMylii Itallei (ireiiilers, iieciindim nnd eiiryiiliecH: .^lllrv■ Ioih Chester, llin ilrolhers llroNt. uiso iicrforinlng eiepiiniils, two comic mii'e rliHiig acts ami Iweiily cliiwns. henileil l;y Ki'.-ilik .Mll'oii. Ileiuge l,n .Mar, Krank i:ilcl. Joe Snillii nnd Will Kiipliii. Till' kIiIc sIiow : (Ileal ', nllccilii. and her (ler- loi'iiiing lions: run/.iiierlcin MlnstriHs, Wliiilecker. Mic (ircii' : lii|i<riiallonni Cuii- gresh of liauiliig Hirl-. Al. A:-mer nud wife, liniiniemenl act ; lie Hoiig Sl»ii'rn, Hit Harry Trio of Kingers ami diitiiers, /iiiiboiiiakis, the liieik wonder, and I'aninno, Hie myslery, nnd ynnex lunss laiiiil of iwelve men llATs rmni St v IIiiuh.' Hiiowh. »i Snvnii- nail. Ca. - 'I'lii' weiiHu'c is deliuhlfiil. tOii .March II there was a hubv cnmef horn. Will lI'HlHe. iiriiiiliiiil biireliuck nnd Joikey rider, IiaH arrived fioiii ,\ew Vork clly and is lirenking In a pew princljinl liorAc. John .Miller. Idler ii twelve iiiiiuiIih' lour In ."^oolli .\in''i ten. hns signed for Hie seaHon >>r |i«ii.-,. .Mr. .MiiliT Is II ninrvel In ills line. Miirins ,s. 'I'lliis Iish sigueil iih dlri'itiir nf Imiid. Juo. T. Iniscli. cornel, niiil Win. .Mc- iCnrlney. cIhiIoumI. havi' also signed. The Hill Knmlly of mrnlials. six in iiiiinlier, tirip nilillng iii.iiiy new sliiiils lo liicii' iici. Alei- nndir I'lioiiiiix. In a innrvcloos si rung net, w.ll);im,oiU' of Ihe rcntiiicM. I'l'ie Sun. gen- eral iigenl. Is Hilli ill Hie West im s| Inl liii-iliieKS. Ilveryljihig is progressing llin-iy III Winicc iinarlc'CH. inir.\ Wi:i.iii. iiiiiiel: (;,'.i II,, 'lidt* II boll''. :itiii .M, I'-i."-. MiMiplioiii' '.'olo l"'. ;li,' llil- hili'.'l iiil<liliol|.i lo i',',,r. C, I'. IlL'tMi'; loiiii-i'l I'.iiiil. v.lili Ii HiH'bi- li-;iiiir'''l Hlilt 111" Al K. WlM'i'ler \i'w .Model Sinnix during ili-j cjiulng .^'-a^'iii. t'llA'i. >loijiiNi II AMI llii.i.v DAnaiiw liavi) been eiigngeil wllh llitrgrcnve'a Big It. II. .ihiiwn loi' the tunilng senson, to ilo their I'lniiiilv wire nnd geueinl ciiiwulng nets.- .Mmiti.v S. .Mim.Iiian hns signed wllh Ki'lHik I.einon id innunge ndvauce car Xn. 2, with the ilriMl I'nn-AlnerlcUU Shoivs, tor tho coining sensoti, I'APT. 'David I.ati.iI', high diver. Is In Ida Itventy-lhli'd week wllh Hie .Miles tirlon Sholv. 11^ la re-cttgageil for (he season of illlM. ItoKi; KlivTII'H Bai.i.kt' 'I'liorrM has been eiigflgfil fur 111(1 Kloiii Hhow, whicii opens u( Korlh Worth. I'ex., .Miirch 22. 'J'hey will priuhtee (wo bnlli'ls, n Jnimnese, anil tllb ".Nine iHcitrlPts."' I'liK TliliKH itio niiiia. (Henrge. Al., nnit .idnl[ih> linvc been ontfilBi>d (or two wneka at the new lllpiintiruliio In New Vork City, to o|ien Marcti Uii. 'I'liK I'MrH Ht. MitiNN, Willi gn wllh Ihn Waller I.. Moin Hlinw th imlng season, nre iH Ihe WIniep i|ii«rlors, bnncnsier. I'a., iriilning (he liursUR I'or (heir rhiing act. tl. A. .\tll.l,t:lt, curadi aiul vhdlnlsl. hns algtieil for Ihe culnUift seasou with Ihe J. T. .>leCoitd>in Circus, nnil will leave tor Kiiroiia SllOtl. I.iNPA Jhai, »Nn tup .Ii'i.ia.s I'a.mii.v, In- phiilltig Nettie, Hrtley, Cliookln and KrKx, lUi' ciiRaAcil wllh the I'nintibell Brmi., tor arnsnn of lonn. , Tut; At.viN linns, have closed with llin l'nii-Anlpr|ia«l \'rtiiilevllle t'l... nnd will jilny daieii tintit the oponlntr ot (he John Uohlii- apii 'I'en Big ShoH-s. 'they hnve signed wllh t|iil( nimiv tor'ilio Hnitimrr senson, (o do tlioir eoineity ring n»d acroimllc acl». 1 srii.l,, snake' enelianlress, with linrgilinves' Show, has rlnu'd wllh the Orenl 'llaul.'lle A Welsh llriiM.' HIiows. as a fenHirn act for Iho couiIuk leiilliiK scaaoii. KtON'l'I'dKV. Macniijev's (J. The (Hliiir (llrl. T. ,M»- .Mnrch (III, find giMiil hiiHliU'ss. Hose Cogliinn pro dnceil "Hlplninncr" to big iioiiNcs II. Itli'hnril .Miinslleld III,,II. had capnciiy lionses. Minn. Sejiliiiiailll-lleliik .lil-ID, '"I'lie Hho'llmr' III, In. ^ .M.lNo.vic fClias. ,\, Bhniv, malinger).— HuHe .Melvlllt], week ot ij. In "His Hopkins," direw crowded houses. Mnson and ,Masou ll). 18. Ivuvl'ii it.'hus. A. Hhniv, iiinnnger).—"A ■''Igiit for l.lfe," with Itoiit. Kltxshiimons, ni- inii'led NbHidlng room liuiises week ot 0. inanngars). 'i, draw hitf "'I'liO I'riulil (II ncii" i;;-18. nri'Ki.NliiiAii iWhaHen Bros. — The Keillllctiy Belles, weak of lliilisi-s. 'I'lte CtopliMis HJ-IM. lloi'KI.Ns (Win. Ilelciitnnii, reshlenl man. ngcM.—An (•icclleiil hill nltrncied crowdijd liDiii'i'S week (if 0, ,\'?w peilplii week of Id: llliinH, lilnuM nnd liiniis, Alchlo Cupliainn, Harry nnd llnlverH, I'icsk I'lhlridgc, Mar- vehiiis .Merrills, Klve .MowiiHs, und llio hlu' Hrnjih. ♦•-♦' li'I'AII, -At Ihe Kail l.iike Tim- aire I Hen. 11, I'yjier. niannjieri Josopii ,\iiir- iiliy. In "Kerry (low" and "Bhai n Bliiie," did fair business March !l, I. b'or ".Mother HoiiNe" Ihe lunise wns sold onl for Hie seven isoforinnuces, 7-11. Suit l,nke Synuihoiiy llielieslrri 211, Dnvld llnriiin" U4. 25. HiiAN'li (Jiini'M A llainnier. tuanngersi . llnrry COrson Clarke, In. "IIIh Absent Boy," dill well 11-8. I'lAilNA iW. II. Hiairlov. mniingerl.- Week at .MnM'b II: Tin- Ail.vns, Heumiin nnd Kodgers. Hunk Adiims, l''yne nnd Handy. The l.'lahtin Hlock Co.. In "'I'he Silviir King." 20. llii.N Tii.v ij, il. Iiiiiiig, iiiiiiiiiuerl.-- Hlns Iralcd HoP'ts, Win. ilobiiisoii, Wliiirion und I.e jtiiv, l.'urril.v KIslcrs. irisle Kieclill and Ullo l''k'clill'N 'I yrolenn t/nliiieiie. tVMNT VIIICJIIVIA. W'iii>elliiK. Al Hie Codrt IK. II. Kraiiz- lielin. maiiiiger) (Ills Skinner, In "Tile llar- icsler." H, liail big liiislliess. "The I'rliice of I'iiHeii,^^ 11. Iinil good hiishiess. "Tile ICiiyal Chef" i;i, "'ilie (■■iiriiine 'I'elhiK' II, Wiiliiwtlglil 17, "Tile Two Orplinna .Marie I.S. liiiA.Mi iliTiiA lliM'si': IChns. A. Keinler, I'.iniiugeri. -.Myrkle-llarder Co., In reperlKrv, It'll, bad big laiKlness. "Tile I.lltle II .'- slend" l.'llo. "The Hniiirl Hel" HIlN. .Villi;.—The Hnvls Ilrolhers iireseilt "I'ro. li'SNor \ii|ioli'iiii" al Hie Conn Tlii'illre 15, III, under the .iiisplciw of Ihe Woniilil'H ,Mii- sh'iil Chill, nnd usslsled by hoiae tnlnht, for till- beiielil iif Hie lliiiue of Hie Ageil unit I'rIetiillchS Wntiieii. •-•-* CII'JIIHUIA, AllHiiln. At the ilrnnd (II. H. k J. I.. He Hive, maiuu'ersi "Tli.' Voiuiileci' llrgnnlsC .Miii'i'h 11. Hose I' cnnie 4 anil pieaseil giHicI liiuiseii. ••Hei'geanl Kilty" iilnyed n rii- turn engngeini'iil (I. 7, lo good biisiueas. Win. II. Ci'Hiie. .H, II. bud ci-iMviied lioiises. Boiiknil: '"Cexas" 14. .Mnie .Mellia I.". lli.Mii' I,hike Wells, inaiuigcr).-"Kor IIU lli-oHier's I'rlliie" laid cii|»iilly bouses (I mill week. ,Iaiiii's J. JelTrien HblH. S'lAu ij. I\. Thmnpsoii, iminager).—ilooil hiisliieSM c'liilliiiies. Ilill for week of II In- cliiiled: Virgliiiii linyilen. .Minnlii Hit I'ree, l.llllaii .May, Lowmnn HlHlerx, Anna Ilnll, .Mile. .Mayo, I'l'dora Itiigoiii', Cliiii. Wilson, IVIIlic Kogers, .Mori Is and I'niker, .lou Hmv- ecy. A. l,on/.ales, (iei/igbi Tiioiiius, (HJce Me|. hiirii und moving iili lures. .M':illlA8li.\. I.lne<ilii. . At the Oliver (K. C, /.ehriing, noinnger.i |||i. l';iinore Sisters, In ",Mls. He- hiney, uf Xewpiirl," did good business Keli. 27. 28. ,\larle llenlh iiienjied .March 1, "Tlie Sbotinn" iind the largest amllencn of the seiison 2. ''A Itonmuce of Coon Hollow" drew good lionses .'t, ■(. Kyrle Belleiv liild n iiCHrly reception i|. James I\. Ilackett wai greeicil liy n huge niidleiice 8. The Klin'.H, liyiiuoilKis. did their iisiiiii good bualiiess II, 10. "The .Mnrriage of Kllly" 14, Joseph and Wiillaiii Jeirerson 15. Hrace Van Htnddl- foi-d 20, "Tlic Sliver Hllp|ier" 27. 1,1 nil' (II. M, .Miller, mnnageri.—-Bunlnoai is exceiieiii. IlcKihoil ivi'ek of HI: Tbe «lr«»t \er Velin Co.. Illbbeit miit Lewis and Arthur Adair, ♦ »» A UK t.VSAN. «• ilofk, -Al the riiidliii iiiiiniigi'ri "A 'I'l'lp III Kgyiif l.lft Toy lor, tiilsliiest .MiU'ib 1 two iiridiaiis" lull The llin I Holy Clly I. had If. T. did fair 2. "Thh a Inrgii Kli'liiiid Mnuslli'ld did good biisl ilenc liens .VnriiH. NegoHiiHiins have lieeii cl'is'il tor II lii:il i-iasH vniidevllli Ihestre liei'e.' It ('.111 I.'' oil" i.r 11 ciiiiilt, oHiei's lo bo (mifl 111 vi'veiiil rlMi'M III Mils Slllle null'1'exnN. I'oii'sl I'liiii 'riiiiiiii' ulli ofii'ii for Ihe ^'illllnlcr ii'ii.'iiiii till' c'oi'lv isiil "I' .Miiy. inuii' ti',.''il III I'hii". 'r. 'I'li.vliic, ll will op"ii Willi II 111 I ibi <•: opi'iii i.'iiii|iaiir, wllh lUlidevliio lo foMo>Y, ^^ [I r' U