The New York Clipper (March 1905)

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Mauch 25. THE NE^W YOBK CI.TPPER. no REMEMBER 9 OF* ■-■ I "T S A l.i»ml ue«r b..l«rt whlcl. isabsolutol, llio SWKCTKSl^, J?,^,!;„uTn?ARM0NlOl-.s JIE1.(.1,V „f ,h„ orHmpa,, ,o«s..„ ( < '•REMEMnBU"-uUo Hint REMEMBER" l» rcHiurotI hy JUKNATUi^, t ( SYLVIE' 9 Ity Itll.l.IIVnN mill 4I'<'(>NN0I{. Olio (>r (ho llinOKST ntnl STKADIKHT si'lU'is nil irroril. A .Mliiipli', diiliily iiiivcilly kouk, r<i""'l.V Ri'inl <•'>' skcli Ii ni l.\ Mint sllilo Kliiirri'H. Hll(l"gYI<VIE">>}'t'Altl((ll,I.JUIINS()N-,liiTIIK MSW l>0<;KMTAUKB KIINSTKKLH. TOMMY" Wordaby TBUL TAVLOR unil MiikIi- Iiv iioiv Ainfutv _ raraV' to lleli reperlolrt. A gnjal SIMIT-IJUIIT iiuiuhcr. ^IM, 633 \A/ashlne«on a ii^Mvif^,ot^,mmj^x^-iiM^^;';:-i ;^nn;pr;Vc'.i,ei;«r,^'ii;;^;u/fil7-" "'^'''•*" «"'"'^"' riprt to the hospltBl, where he rcmalnM Rev- frni (lavK. The damage to the theatre b sboiil $10,000. 'JTie people at work In the house at the time were ■'"c Mark, Tom nncj (iprty Orlme?, Alloc ITioroton, ^a Mong «D(I Kviitis and H enry Montngiio. Worc!c«t«r.—At tlie WorecHlor (.1. V. Ilork manuKoi) ForbcH Ilobortjiou Mnrili '_M. Nat 'c. Cooiiwln ricimod i:!. lis OIU Annie ■ itiisai'll Itl- "IJs'ucb III Toyluiiil'' bud «i)od loliiriiH 18. ,_ l'")iA.\Ki.i.v Syi'AiiK (Shea k Uiiikc, niana- „„,„) _\Vrck of -'0, l''cnboiK Sloik Oi.. with rniitlnees Oaily. Umt week, Ullly Clifford had full- bU8lnc«8. ... , - I'AHK (Al. T. Wllloii, ninniiBer).—Week iilT "(C Walter I.eroy and Kliirr-nce i.'ln.vtim. Brlalol'H equine woudcrM. lliil Merrltt. Juhn- Kim iind WellH, WeHsoii, Wiiltefii and Wcsiion. (he Oreat La I'leiir. Wurren and (iartliicr and the lilOBralih. Ilualncas la couslantly at ca- '"'I'AiJicK.—Week of liO : Morin Sliitei-.s, Ctin- nlDgbHoi and Fowley, Myers and Mason, Mer- man \V Kiiller, and Cody and .SIncltc, wliii nroved a drawlnc card last week. The biir- IcMiiic will lie "A DiitfhoMii at 1,'oncy Inluud,'" (IJavy & Lenllo, iniinngerii).—Week i.f-JO: Connolly and Howe, i:. Miller, Vivian Ucme, Annie Jliirpliy. f.'rawford and llarriK, ,iaek 'I'lionias and Lena Uooiicy. 'JIiIh bouse, on :;i», will occupy the (iiiiirlerH recently vii SIC rENNMYI.VA.MA. rated by the Music IIbI', and will be known n» the S'cw Cnclno. Mkchanich' Uai.l. —London (J. L'lmrltou presents JInie. .lohnnnn (ladskl and Waller liiiniiosch J4, In u Joint recital ot "Tristan uad Isolde." I !)|irlniiHi>l)l.—At llie Court Humiro (D. II, Cllindre. uiuuuKcr) Nat «!. (fooU'.vIn |)liiycd "The L'aiirper" iMnrch l.') to fair Hized'H. Mlllaii niiKMell drew liir>ie nncllences 10. •IliibeK In 'I'oyland." 17, whh wltneHsed by a Iiirgc audience. Krancls VVIlMon, In "CiuinIu IlllTv." I."S, riirnlHbcd i)lenly of fiin. (;adHkl mill" DamioRch 'jn, Korlics IloberHton 21, TJ, .Maxinc Klllolt i;8, Klcanor IlobHon J!l, \MI- tun Lackaye III, April 1. Xkw tiii.MiiiiK (.1. S. l'"l(ch, nuinnKcrK— "On (be YellowHtoHft" <ll<l well KIUi. Knio- most were: Krnnklyn Wiiiidrnir, .Inlla llootli and t'haH. J. Bell, "'rbi! (Jlpny (Jlrl," Itl-IH drew Buod hoimCB. "Alone lu the World I'oM's ((,'. W. Vonila. niaiinBer).—IilR liiMiKcs. Hill week of Ud: Stuart, l-cs Khipas, «;iIlelfH Musical Dokk, Muaou-Keeler (.o. Mr. and Mih. Howard Triiciidell, MaJ. Doyle, I'lercc and Malzen and elei-troKruph. iNki.hi).n (Z. T. IJamoii, aiaiiaBcr).—'lue Merrv .Maidens, liliri, luirt comforlnliiy slued hoiiseM. Hnm Ulcc, billy Siieucer and I'anny Van deacrve Hpcclul mention. Wine, Wonica and Song HJ-18. Ilonlta wan the star. I'a- rlHlau WIdowK \i()'2):, Cracker .lacks aVlIC. » ,\or(h Adnnin.—Al the Kiaiilrc (.1. V. Siilllvnn, nmiiiiKrr) the Clara Turner Co. did btu bUKliiCHH week of March i;!. Miss 'I'lirnor Is a lilK local favorite. Uao: Aunlu ItiiHsell :'ii, "The Miiuuny and the IIiinuiiInK lUrd •Jl, "The tllrl iind Iho Moon" L'l, Wlltoii l.ackayc \i\>. iticilMUNU (W. 1'. Meade, nuiiiaKi'r).— ItiislnesM week "t i:t wbh record luenkliiK, with HtnndlnK room iit nearly eccry |icrrorni- ancc. Cliarinlon w«h Hie leadlii)! rciiliire. mil week of 110: Mniuielt Dcvoy iind Cii.. Saoiiu, the KoBHlren, Itcvliie and Wimle.v, l)ora I'elletlei', Iho Norrlses and llio vlla- Brapb. NoTt;s.—Mae l,aiklii, uf this city, bus joined the "I'ln': I'alT! ! t'oiit!!!" »' W. It. Stcwarl. tretiHurer of the <'lara Tur- ner Co., WUK uiude a iiieinlicr of llie Iniiil Aerie of HaglCN. ;110 Tim Turner Co. held an lOiiRle nlKlit Hi, anil tlw loml acrlo HitciKled lu a body. M1k« Turner prescaleil llieni with a Kolld lillver loving cup. I ■ —— Iinwrvncr,—At the Diierii IIoiiko (firaat «; Calm, manat'erM) the .Marks Uniw. Co. a|i- jteaied, week ot Manh I,"I, to fair hiislnesK, cu'epl 7, when llie Iioiihc had a local roin- pany. Shepuid'H moving plcliires 111, ivllli matinee: Irene Myei-Kt'o. '^i>-T>. Coi.ii.MAi. (Wcher k I!, nianiiKcrs).-— IliislneKB cooil. Week of :;0: Churnibm, <lll- liert and fiurke, SiilKKell Hros. and Mack, l.eo Carrllo. ,lo« I'lynii, Heniielt and Ithh, Itiillua Trio and klnutocruph. t Kcw Bodforil.—At the New Bedford (W. B. Cross, manager) lloo Stuck <'o. had good iHislnens March KMS. "A Idltle natenst -'0, "The Country (ilil" '-'l. "Thou Shall Not KIM" L"J, Sheimrd's nicliircs 24, -."t. Hathaway's (T. 11. Baylies. Dianncerl.—- Ilecord breaking biislnesa laiS. Itlll week ■ of ;;o: Three Keutons, .1. K. Murray and Clara l.aue, lIlKlit CnrualhiK, hlsdille Wor- di-tte and Co., Bush and tlordon. .Mary Iltirn- l6h, Mr. and Mrs. <ieo. Wilson and vltngraph. ■ Ifolyoke.—At the Opera House (S. I'. Cnllanan, Dianagcr) (tracker .lack lint' lesmiers 20-2'.', the F'nrlRinn Widows "JIS^.I. Kmpihb (K. T. Wiirrny, mannpcri,— <<iiy Bros,' MInBlrels. l.^ir.. parked Ibe hoiiRe, and the Merry Maidens, 1618. played to tlic <-a- WJ.i.y-./lOut of the Kold" :;0 22, "TUc (Ipysy illrt" 23-23 ^♦» UlSTHICT «l'' COliUMBM. -Tills week. He Wolf Hopper, In •'Uiia«.__ l-HKl week this Kklnaer, In "The llarieKier, had excolleat business, llockslndcrti .Mla- btiels 27-Aprll 1. I.AI'AVKJTK (Ira. I. iJi >lot(e, luanHKerl.— This week, "(^iilniy AdiitiiK .Siwyer.' l.asi week "Nancv Iliowii," with .Mine .Miirhlc. Iind ' rowded houses. "Uy Itlght "f Sword" iii'il. Acai>i;mv (.1. \V. l.naiM. nianiiKcrj.—1 hlH week. " I.lfe In New Vork." Liisl week •yuecii of the White Slaves" tested ibo ca- pacity. "Queen of the Highway" next. (.:ilAHK'a uMls.'t If. Winifred l>e Wilt, lonn- nger).—This week : Allieif t:iievaller bold.') ovej', with .losephhii' Aln«li'y. MIkscs I)i-1- '"ore. ,lanics .1. Morion. ,l!iiiie.i Coiirllii>|ie .iiol '•'impany, the l.'anillle C<anedy Trio. Ui-ril and !<haw and the vlln»cii|M'. Caiiai-lly nilen. I.vcKiiji (Kugcnc Kernnii. DinnnKer*.— This week, the Dainty liacbesB. I.asI weel; (he ,loHy Grass Widows had large-and well fleuiiea houucB. The New Vurk Slurs uexl. Pliltndeliililn.—IlusUicss ot large pro- portions iiintliMied last week al the Ihcalres, and the list of allractlonH for the current wci'k, Including three o(Ierlng« now to the tbeatregoing public, should serve to nialu- laln the large ptitronago. Against Ibis, how- ever, several very Siirlng-like days last week, considered In connection with tho closing ot the opera season and the series ot concerts by the HoHion Symphony Circhestra, and tho ending of the season ot concerts by the I'hila- delphlu Orebestra this week, all lead to Ihc hell»f that It will not he bing before out ot donrs will make the slrouger ai)peal, and It will be 'II order for many of the houses to contemplate imlllng up the shiittera. AcAnKUv OK Mdsic. — ["rlday afternoon and Saturday evening of this week the riilla- dclplila Drebeslra gives Its last concerts of the regular season, the soloist oa both oc- casions being Itudolf I'riinl. The llnal con- certs of the Hoslon Synajiliony (Hcbestra, .Mimdny and Wednesday cveahiRs last week, brought oul the usual large attendance. The afternoon rcidtals. by Krnest Srhclling and I'atlerewskl. both attracled much attention. ItlloAii ."^Tlll-KT Tiii.'ATlii: l.Mxiiii & /iniiiier- iniin, uiMnngers).—Judging by the size of the attendance hist week, Mnude Adams, lu "The Mttle Minister." Is Just as potimt an altrac- lliiri «:< ot yore, Her wclionie each night was enthusiastic and there was ahiindnuce ot [iralso for herself and her company. This v/eek, the perforiniini.cs ot "Tin; I.lltb; Min- ister" lire continued, wtib ilic one art phiy. " 'lip o' Me Thumb." following each evening. Ne.-jt week brings I'rancls Wilson, In "Coiisfn Itllly." (lAimii'K TiiiMTMi: ll'rnnk Howe ,lr., man- nger).—"The Wizard of [>z." lonllniied to at- Inict lllleil hoiisiw during the week Just past, (llsjibiylng iiiidlailnlsbeil pn|iiilarlty. Ktbel Itarryniere. In ••.Sundiiv," linlil.s the boards this week, being bookcil for ii fori night's en- giigeiuent. A|irll :i brhigs ,loc Weber's Slock Cri ClIKSr.M T SrilKKT (IrHK.l liol SK ( M.TOII & Zlininerinaii, nianageisi.—.\ fiirlnlght's en- ^iigeniert for l.illlun liiissell, lu "l>ady Ti-azle." begins at Ibis bouse Ibis week. Si'hediili-d to follow is .lames K. Ilackelt, In "The l''ortunes of the King," lllllng two wreks, beginning .A|irll 'J. I.nrge nitendiinre fell to the lot of "lliiiniily Diiniply" during the last Wtfi>k of lis engagement at this boll.'w'. CuBsr.M'r sruKKr Tiik^tiu: Nixon & Zlni- merman, nianngersi.—The engagenienl of "The tilrl from Kay's" cauie to a close last week, having idaved lo i)iiitllable palronuge. The eiurenl week hrliigs a return of "The I'rince of I'llsen" for a fortnight, h'tillotvlng comes l-'iank Haniels. In "Sergeant llrue. ' Wai,m:t Htiiki:t Tiikatuk tl-'rauk llowo .Ir., inanageri.—"The Heir lo the llooinh' luis its local premier al (Ids house Ibis week. II is described as an Aiiierlcaii comedy, by Paul Armsliong. it is booked fur a Iwo weeks' engagenienl. "The Maid iiiiil the Muni' niv" being underlined lor Ajirll ;i. "Tbo Isle of Sidce" coiilhiiied to allrilct large aiidlenres lasl week. Casino illiias, Koenlg & I.edcrcr. maim- p.rsi. —The current week is the foiirlii of the iiirrenl engagenienl of "Khirodora" at Ibis iioiise. and It is annoiimed as the eliwlag one, though 11 has as yei shown no signs of ill- miniillon. "Kiorodora" Is lo he irnnsferreil til tlie llriiadwav Theatre, New Vork, next week, and this bouse Is to have Ibe iirndac- lion of "A Country Clri" lor a forlniglil. I'Aiii; Tiirvriu; II'. <i. M.\oiiMidilnger, niaiiiigeii. --During Oils mid nexl week al tills house Keiliir inlerliilMS the patrons Willi an eiatioriile langiamine of magle iiiiil lllii sions. Keiiar I Ills year Is a.iooiimiilnl iiy Paul Vabiden. "Ifulii'y Adiinis Sawyer' is underlined to fnilew Ajiill .'!. Wllliains and Walker i-ouliiiiicil to crowd Iho house lasl week. .S'ATIONAI, 'I'liwriii: (.loseph M. Ki'li.v, liiaiiagi'r). -Aficr ii iironin-rous wei'k with "The IJiieen of I'liinalown," I ills house now has Hie melodiaimi, "The Confesslcitis of a Wife." NcAl week brings ".Nobody s Karl ''"(Mn.Mi lliriiA lloisi: il!. A. Wegefarlh, iiiaiiager), -Lew iioikBledcc and his mill- sireis furnish Hie cntert.ilaiiieat lor the pa- trons this week, "I'egK.v .fioni Paris liiiil Its loral i.remler last '.vcrk, iind met wllb hearty approval, Aiidiiii.-es whicii coiii|iielely tilled llie bouse were ill alleniluiice. .Next wi'ok brings "Willi Co.'.i Tliei'c';" Ili.ANKV's Ancii ,srai;i;r •i'lin.criiK i.M. S. Srlileslnger. manager). -Tin; card lor Ilii.- iiresiMit wek at this liouse Is. Harry < h .v llliinev. In "Across the i'acllii'. Ibis Is o he fiiilowed nest week iiy Haulel Itviiii. In reiierlorv. 'I'll'' iierfoniiau'i's of "loiiy a Siiiin (ilrl," bv l.ollle Wiiiliims and her com- panv, were lilrgeiy alleiiilrcl liist wee;. ' l'i:oi'u;'s 'liiiiArKi; (r. H. .Mxon .Nlrdlliig- er. manageri.-'i'lie I'oarils are hHil Ibis wiM'k bv Mil' melodrama, "ilie iiise nl |irliilt."wilh "i;igbt Hells' on the list lo fol. Iiiw. Tic palroiis lurnert "Ul J" f';r'e last IveVk. ^illriir y "N" Wedding llell.s for "''■" Avi:m i; Tiii:Ariu; fMdIer & Kaaf- ■ ' 111 ■' liIIIAKO ■iiiiii uiiiiiairersll —"I'als." iiir'seoleil !;rk b,v.lames .1. Corliell. Il«' Imvls .,../ .Marauley and .■omiiany. proved to b a «ln- alng .aid, Oo- llie i">tr..ns ,VV *^' ,' iiMiise a I '•mil in'ifoMaame. "AL th- till •r ss I ads' holds the boards Ibis w-ek. and ^V, Wedding lii'lls Her" Is srheduled for (lie coming week. liner's .Ni:w 'I'iidatui: l.loia «■ Hnil. ..,....: ,..,V -Tlie Silvr Iii:;:gi'r" s Hii' oiler- r iT ' v;.k vllb .noVng-pietores llillag in e KM iH-lweu Ibe iob. ■rhe patrons were a,'n;,.,'ed IM lar^e """''';',^„ "r,'"i'ir'n,,''mL excelleni perlorimimes "I ,'.'i»''', ,''' '!> '"•• ', ttii.c.'; V'<lniiiig, io'.vl «r>'!<, """' ^1'"" "' ''"i'nnir.uiiu's Tiilivriii; I Miller X: Kaiifuiiin, „,,„,;;,■. " II"" '-^ •'"' "tr-rlng h,v Ih" K k ii.niininv Hils week, ' cge W. ItHibler J e. lag' llH i"l" '"I"; ■■''"" rr •iiM^^ pies-ali-ii by I ompaiiy his v'i 1.1 .'aiii.'ii th" i''--;i«r ,"f ""; "'T' ,,„i.i.« VeM week, ".^lol lis' Is. lo be pre KC ed.' and IhlsU amio'iaiHl as the fare- «'.l if Ihe l.reseiit stoik lonnainy. Afler- wi ds Kugeiile lllalr and liei' conipaiiy are to Mill a ur wieks' ei.iiiigi-iaeal la reiiertiiry. ; tKi,:;; tills 11, IS 7;-i;:;-I;';;''.'-; nnotliir slmk .Minliany is lo I g.iiiUed lor "i^^':i;u;mr^;'';rni:Mmr.y*S,«;.k, nian- „v,.,sV-"Th" Sign "f the i'.oir" n wlii.n Slier^oi'U Holmes Is lie' .entral '"""Cter ' ,1 /r.Tliig bv 111" si"il, .'.iiipiin.v tills veek ''"h lild Ken.oeky Home Is In r..- Ueiusal fur thu tomlug week, "lalUer ot "UNDER THE BANANA-TREE" .lly l.AMnund U'CONNOlt. XothlUff like the other oTREK"iioiiKs, luit a .HNdl.lNti, TINllMNO, origiluil, i'ATKNTKDand CHrVlHOIITKIl conipoHilloii tor Hie KXCI.f.siVi: use nt iiiiv old kinil nf an ml. DON'T FORGET LATE PROGRAMS. IM RAIVISAY, lanager of Hew York Office, 39 W. 28th St. ller Cbihl," [iresenleil by the slock last week, liroved to be a thrilling nielodrnmn, and the performances were well patronized. KciTii'^j Xkw TilKATaH (II. T. JnrdAn, resident amnager).—Un the progrninme ihiM week are: "Dlda," Lewis .Mcl'ord and Co., Hedlnl and Arthur. Sydney (Jrunl, Chris Hriino and Mabel Itussell, Theodore Moss Trio. Itarton and IlnsikB, Hollar Troniie. Mile. Martha. Wyiann and Itoss, Itussell and Tlllyne. Wliliain tinrilner, .lack Irwln, Stlrk and 1,1111 Han and the blngranh, Hon To.v Tiikatuk (Hon Ton Aninsemeiit Co., managers).—This week's programme In- liiides: ('has. 1>. I.nwior, Ttiirke nnd McAvoy. Cecil Karly, Krank and Mattic Walah. Mdna Havenport, Kdward Kstas. May Itussell. Spedder nnd llenson, Harry Piivnl. Howard and Keene, hoftuii and l':ddie and moving pic- tures. Ih.r.vKNTii S-rRKKr Opkiia llru.'SK (l-'rank Hiimont, manager).—Another new hnrlesqne. enlllird "The Wizard of llooz," Is added to the programme this week, rounding out an iiltraetlvc bill. Several ot Ihe other hur- lesiines are continued, nnd Hie llrst part Ii freshened with new songs nnd gags. I.vcur.M TiiKA'ruK (.loliu H. .lernion. man- ager).— Kntcrlnlnment this week is fur- nished by the IMierry Illossom llurlesquers. I'lcaslng performnnies were given last week liy Ibo Ileulz-.Santley Co., aud Hiey were largely attended. Pliil Sheridan's Clly S|sirls are scheduled for the I'oniing week. TitocAiiKiio TiiKA-rnH (Floyd I.niiman, man- ager).—Kntertnlnnient of Iho atlrncHvu sort was fiirnlslied last week by the New Vork Stars, nnd they merlteil Ihe liberal patron- age bestowed. This week the London (jJaiety lilrls hold the boards. Xi.vni ANii Am'ii MrsKr.M ((,'. A. Ilraden- burgii, niaimger).—Tiio lieaaly show Is I'on- llniieii as Ihe main fealiire Ibis week. The voting last week for Hie |irlz.e heaiily was eery arllve. In the ciirlo hall are also: Wal- ler Ihiisten, reptile king: Ibe I loibronks. mil- sb'iil speelalty ; Daisy I,eroy. Ciriassbin paper learer: Hen Casiian. snai> king, and ,lohn Thoni|isiMi, blind cheeker piaver. in tlie thea- tre a new list ot vnudi'vllle ails bus been ar- rangtyl for the conllniioiis iH'rrormauce. l!>ii'iUK Tiii-A-rnK (Win. It. .Mien, miiiia' ger).—l-hiima IbniHug and her cominiiiy fared very well lasl week, wllb a eooil repertorv of plays. This week the lioase is elosed until Thursday night, when a vaudvvlilc iirograinuic will be put on for the rest of Ihe week. NoTKH.—The contract for the new lirrinan Ihealre at Krankllii Street and iHrard Ave- nue lias been awarded to A. Ilaynioml ItalT, and work Is to he started snoii. The losl of Hie building U lo be .l:ir,o,Ml)<l Tliu Kiielsel IJiiartette );lves a leeltal nl Hie itel- lerrle-St rat ford on .Momlny afternoon of Hits week On Thursday evrnlng, ill tlin same place, a recital will be given by I'iluinii I'hiiues and ,losef Ilofmunn. » l*MlNlMirK—Al Hie NI.\on (T. C. Kirk .Ir., iiiiinager) "The Counly Chiilrnmn" .March •.'il-2,"i. laisl week, the ronrcld Cranit <l|H'ra Co. played to riijiadty ioislness. The Trlaugb- Club, ot I'rlnielon Hnlversily, jiiit on "The I'leleaders," 17, and gave a gcsul siouv. 'I'liey repeated II Ssturdny afleriiooii, nnd Saliirdav night a liaminet was held al Hie I Intel Si'lieiiiey, in liieir lionor, .Ni:\v (ilarry Davis, manager).-- Itobert Manleli makes Ills farewell aii|ii.'ar- iilii-e III I'ltlsbtirg tills week, in "Olbello," "Ulcheiieu" and '•itleharii III." su|iiM>rli'il by Ibe Harry Davis Slock Co.. Ilobl. '!'. Haines nnd Marie noolh lliisseii. Last week he pre. senied 'The Ciirslcan llrotliers." lo ca|>iicll). lb- Is very |ai|iular in I'lllslmrg. Annla Irish and 'CIms. Illchman. assisted by Ihe Ilarry Davis Slock Co., will luesenl "The Cbarllv Ibill" 'JT and week. DiiUt'ts.M-; iMeNniiy k Ciilhk, mnnager^i). --•"i'he Seminary Hirl" 20 2ri. Last week "The tliirgoiiiaster" played lo large iiiislness, l,lil|iiitlans, ill "Siiibail." 2T ami week. liAvrrv (.1. I). Orr. nmnngen,—"Arizona" •.'t»2."i. Last week Iliil|)li Sliiarl. In "lly UIghl of Sword." was rewarded with good lailrouage all week. "The Princess (.'hie" 21 and week, HnA.vii (Hirrv Davis, nMinnger). Hill week of 211: "lilila," .Mr. and Mrs, .Mark Miii'iihy, lOrnesI ilogaii, Trolia, lIoiilLIno and Sleveiis.. Mile, Cliesler's slalue dog, .liisselin Trio, Malthews and Ashley. .MiWallers, Ty- son and Co., I''rasiir Trio, .Meiikln, l<owreiieo and Dale aud Ihe kliilogra|di. Last wei'k's bill drew heavily,; (Harry Davis, niamiger). — The Avenue jiramatle Co. presenls "Devil's Is- land," 2ll-2r>, Last week, "Woninii Agnlnsl Woman" had fair iinlronnge. "Tho Ciierry I'Irkers" 2T and week. ili.ior (.McNuily A: IliilIek, nianagersl. — "•I'lie Smart .'^el" 2n-'.'.''i. I.nst week "Ivlgiit lli'iis" iiiayed to large liuslue.HS. The |iati'ons never rei'm lo lire of II. .Iiillan Hose, In "l''ast l.lfii III .New Vork" 27 and wi'ck. Kmi'Mih iK, .1. Mei'iilliPiigli, maiingrr).— Miirlln's "riifle Turn's f'libhi" 2ii2.'i. Last week "iCsiaiied from Slug Slug" drew good aiidleiires. AiAiiK.MV III' Misli; (II. W. WlilianiK ,lr, niamiger).—W,'ek of 20, Ibe .lolly (irass Widows, l.iisl week, I in- I'ay Cosier Itiir- les(|iiers bud an i'xi'e|itioiialiy good oiie. Datiily Diieliess :j7 ami week. .N'ori;.- W. I', I'lilli'ii, niiimiger of "'I'he Jliirgoniaster." whleli iiliiyed al Hie lliii|oi'sne lasl wi'i'k. s|ieiit a pIcaHiint week He was manager of Ihal house for four seasons. AUtMMiH,—Al Ihe ivieveolh Avenue Hpern House (I. C. .Mlsliler. inanugeri "Tiie Wizard of II/," gave two performani'es. lo paiked houses, Manh 11. 'I'hos. K. Kben Co. |iinynd lo large biislnesK l.'l 17. "Ib-r Only Sin" is. Hooked: "The Two Oriibans" fall star) '20, "The .Maid ami Ihe .Mouiniy" 21, "llight Hells" 22. Sam T. .lack's Hiirlesi|iierB 21!, "Al Hie fild Cross llonds" 21, "The i'lielory (Hrl" 2.''i. "The Devil's Aiietion" 27, "Tliu VlilagO I'oslniiisler" 28, Nnrrs.—I. C. .Mlsliler went to riiliadel- piiln. l.'l. lo ciiiirnr Willi Ills nrililtect In ar- ranging plans fur his aew Twelflh Avennn 'I'liealre. I'or some lime piisf .Manager .MIsii- tec bus owned Hie Doraii iiroiierly on Twelfth Avenue, near 'i'weifih Streel, anil has Inlely anpiired the .1. I'. I.evnn properly adjoining, giving lilm 111.' feel front hy 120 feet deep, on whli'h be inlends lo build one ot tlie linest Ibentres in Ihi' Stale. \Vork will start about Aiilil 1, 'lb" fbeutre will conlalii all modern liujirovemeiils. a leu foot olica roiirl will ex- tend nroiiiid the "ntlre Inilldlng, whleb will have .",2 exits, 'llie sent lug cnimilly will be as follows: l-'irst tioor, ll'.'l : liaiiony, .l.'iO: serond bniionv. 7liil. 'ibe luosii'iiliim oiien- lug will bu ilHtW feci, fiuui fuolligUlH to hark wall -12 feet. SO feet diatnnco between plde walls, nnd (here will be Mfteen dressing rooms. Tlie house will hnvn Ita own electric light system. The Slnntcvnnt blower beat- ing (lyslem will also be used for cmillng Ihn house In Hummer. The hiillillng will ho eon- sirurted nf brick and steel, and will be com- pleted by next Dereinher. Mr, Mlahler will continue lo have conlrol of the KIcvenlii Avenue Opera nnuse, > llnrrlaburK,—At llie Lyceum (M. Ileis, manager) "Parada," by Cn|ilaln C. W. Kdiiy, nsslKlOd by iucal talent, was given here week of March tit. with blir snciess, unilrr Iho nuH|ilcc8 of the ItiilTalo Coiuinllteo for tho Cliarlly Kiind of Harrlsburg bodge. No. 12, It. P. O, R I.niira Virginia Grove, singer and dancer; Idtlle Ito.v, nionologlat: Cliuro lilani, vocalist, of this city, were Id Hni cast. "Sergeant Kitty" 20, "'nio Two itriiiians" (all slar) 22, "ICIght Hells" T.U "Thu Maid and the .Mummy" 24, "At Old I'uint <:umfnrl" 25. tll'KiiA Hiiiisi; (.M. Itels, mannger).—"A Wife's .Secret" did well lU-IB. "The Vinmger Ib'olbers" had giioil iiiislness ir,-18. "Tho Two .loiins'' 20 22, "Darkest lliisslii" 2,'l-2.'i. -NiiTH.'!.—John I/. Kerr, general nnuiager of Ibe Ilels circuit, was hero HI Prof. Win. .Mi'llrlde, jibinlst, n|i|ieared for the i'llks' benetit week ol^ l.'l. In "I'arada." and was a strong fenlnre. I'rof. .Xbdiride played n iiniii- ber of Ills selections, wiileh were wll re- reived bewls MrCord, of "Hep l.iisl Ile- heiirsal" Co., was the giiesl of his luolher 111 tills city 12, III Charles l^oveli left 12 for .New 'k'ork, lo Join the llarniiiii A Ha Hey forces, » l,nnenN(i>r. -At Iho Million Opern liiiiise (('has. A. Vecker, niiiiiager) "A Desperate Chance" hud a fair bouse Miireh Kt, "'\Va» Down Dasl" ilrew well Ifi. "lliiiiiaii llenrls bad a goiid lioiise 1)1. "The Knt/i'iijamnier Kids" did a giuid business 17. '"I'lie Uoyal Chef" drew two large Ionises 18. Thiirlier k Nasber Co., preHenliiig Kioieaen Hainllliin, In reperierv. '20 21!. "I'.lgbl Hells" 2,%. I'AMii.v I'liKATBr li;d. Mozart, moiinger), -Current nllrnetlons Include: Uiveiider, llichnrilson nnd Co,, West-and I.ewlH. Devniie nnd Sbiirlz. .Nat iHll, Jules lleriuii, !\tiiy Kennedy, etc. 8«'rnii(oii.- -At the l.yi'eiiai (A. ,1. HiilTy, mauiigcrl Ihe h'liys week of .Mareli 20, '"I'lie Malil and the Mummy," i8. bad two large lomsi'S. "The I'rliire nf I'llsen," 17, had overllowing iiousrs. AcAPKMV (A. .1. Diitly. iminager). -"A Hot Old Time" 20 22. Ciiesler He V le, week ot III, WHS received i>y good bouses, SrAa (Alt. 0. lierringloii, ninniigi'r)-- Tlie Tiioroiighbreds 21)22, ICent/ SanlJey Cii. 'J.'b2ri. Iloliemlaiis 27 211. The (.'raeker .links, HI18, drew good lioiisch. CoruT Sifi'Aiii; III, II. KoMer, matiiiger).— "All Ibe t'oniforts of llnau" wi'ck of 20. "Ibirbnrn P'rlelchle," wi'i-k of HI, wua le- lelved by very large lioiises. *-»■* NKW VOHK N'I'A'I'K. lliilTnlii. -Al the Slur Tlieaire (!'. C. Cor- nell, nninager) Kzra Kiiiiliill. In "Weather- beaten llniison," apjs-nrn Mmeli '_'0 22: Wll llniii Collier, III "'I'lii' lllelalor." 2:1 2r>; Kdiia May 27 211, Annie Itussell :iliA|icil i. '"I'he Ciiiiiity I'biilrmiin" pii'iiseil a ancressloii ut erowded Iiiiiikit. lust wi'i'k. 'I'LCK IW. S. Ilaldwln, manager).- -•"I'Iim I ilrl 1 Left lb-hind Me" Ibis week. "What llaii|iened lo .liiiii's" next, ".\rrah Nn i'liguu" was seasoliiibie iiiid liopiilar lust neeii. Cii.vvKN'rioM Hai.i, III. I,. M ii, eiiHln- dliiiii. -Tiia lleneli Show allraclH lliis week. I'AaK (.M. Siieu. iiiaiiagcri. T°he l''iiruaiii I'll, this week otl'rrs "The Chrlslbin. I'liii (Inly Way" iiexl week. Vsuye A|irll 'J, "VIr- gliilos" was siiiei'ssfiilly proiliiii'il lit IS, Siii:a'.s. -Ibisli'r for Hils week: .lotiu T. Kelly. Idme Slalil, .Martini aud .Max .Millbiii, While and Arllnglon. Kelly and Iteun, Ceilna llohe, Cbasslno, Sliairl Hariies and iilelnres. I.AiAvrrrK (i'. M. lliigg, niamiger). -• Vaiiily l''alr Ibis wei'k. 'I'be Hay MasipieraderU next wi'i'k. Iliee ,li llarlon'H <'o. did nicely.'i:i:)i t.l. I.aiigblln, iiiiimigeri. ''Mc- riiddeii's l''ials" this week. "Across Hie I'urlllr" next week. Sli'lson's "II. T. I.'." hud eiioiaioiis lailrouage lasl week. AiAiii;.MV (C, I!. Sli'Veiis, imiiiiigeri,- -"N'o- l/iiily's liarilng" this week. ".New Vork Hay by Day " next week. ".Siiadoivs of a I!real City" last week. The Siinilay courert Is a wiiinliig feature here and at the liyieiiiii. ItiHtliesla-r.- Al Ihn byceiini (,M. K. Wolf, mnnagi'ci lOzra Keailali |iri-senli'il "Wealher- heiiteii (boisoii " In iiiici' Hiidlenies .Slai'cii 17, iH. "I'liT! Pair;: I'oaf: iv 2:12,-1. .Vvrin.vAi. I. Mux lliirtig, niiiniigi'r), — "Mi- li'addeii's rials" had exi'i'lleiit al leiiiliiiii'e i:; l.-| 'I'll!' Speik llroH, were ail iidibd featoie. "riie Show liiri" fareil well HI IK. riiarii'V (iniiii'ivin mid Co,, In "Tbo Awiikealiig of Ml. I'l|i|i," 2II2.-I. Hakkii (,I, H. Iloyle, manager),—"Hnni 'I'linrni'" iibived lo lliii' iioiises II! LI, "No- iMuly's liarling" iiuil fair patronage Hi 18. 'All ArlsliHiaili' Tiiiiii|i" '211-22, ".lust lie- fiire Dawn" 211 'J.'i, I'lllllv Oi-ciiA lloi.'si: I.I, g'Ci. ■Iiiislness Is always II, linii'i' Cameron ami I'byrslal lli'cai! ami I'll, proved Hie hits of Inst week's iilll. Hill 20 'inil week: Toby Cliiade. Hluley and HIr- Iii'i'I,, i.i-e llarrlNiiii, .Mlli's Stavonlido Onln- H'lli'. HariH'r, iiesiaou'l and Maiii'y. i'oster and ills Irb'k dog end the kliieliigniph. Ciiai.\'riii.\.v ilienry (.'. .lamlis, uiaaiigi'r). - 'i'lii' Tigir Lilbs I'll. Iiirnerl llierii away week of i.'i, giving one of the liesl shows of till- si-:isiai. I.u Vein and Cross were Ilio lilg liH. of a lliii' olio. Klre & Hnrloa's llig Ibili-ty l.'l). 20'J.l. .NiiTK, l'o|iuliir loiiieriK Kooilny nights nil' a iilg Hiirriss wi'ikly a I I'oijk upeni House. Vsiiye. the viollnisi, ai)|ieiiin iu'ie la loniert Ajirll .'t. II. .Moiire, iiiiiim- tlie sMiiiM - S. it. Tri»f—At llie Lvri'iiiii tlliiiiis Cllhuii, niHiiHger) "Hoiii'il llaiiaelt" inoved to In; a slar atlrnctbiii liiJt week for Hie Snow Hliirk Co. "•Ibe Silver Ivhig" '20 2."i. Hash's Oio:itA lloi si: (.VI, Itels, launager). - .Milliin Abora's pollh' vaudeville attraileil birgi' lioase.s again lasl week, .\ slioiig hill 20 2.".. HniswoMi i(ei:iiA lloi sr. (.\I. Ib-H, laiiaa- geri. Hark last wei'k. "The rulni Wed- iling" 2<i'22. Aanie Kassfli L'.'l, l';oueiib: Ithilr 21. 'Tbe Holy cllv' 2.V llnvAi, iW, 11. Iliii.k. manager).-Tlie I'li- rlsluu Widows dteiv well l.'l-JO, 'I'hu .Ma- leslles niled Ihn house 10 18. Iui|<erbil Hiir- lesMiiers 20-22, (lie Hon Tons 211-25. NoTi;.—Wni. H. Hack, who has been iiwiiy fur Ihe past lliree nionlbs. looking afler tin' inicreslsof several thentres In reiinsyivanla. has reiiinied nnd ngalii assiinied the manage- iiieiit uf the lioyal Theatre. Allmny.--At IDirianiiUK Illeeiker Hall (II. H. .lacoliH, nmnnger') "The CIngaiee." March 17. LS, drew excellent alleudanre. ICngeulc lllalr. In "Sapho," '20. 21 ; Annie Itussell 22, ".Mrs. WIggs of Ibo Calibago Da tell" 21. 25. KMriuH 111. U. .lacolis. manager).-"Thn Sima of Lite." Illl.'i, tilled Hie bouse. "Dal of Hie Kold." HI IS, was also well leceiveil and closed a giasl week. "A tllrl of tli'i Streets" 'JO, 21. I'aocnin's tilnwnrd flrnbiiiu, resilient liinnager). ,\ good vauilevHIe lillt served In crowil IlilH llieatve HI IS. Hill fiu' 20 iiiiil week: The p'oiir Morions. S. Miller Kent and i'oni|Miny, lu ",liisl Dorothy:" Watson, llnlehings, iCdwarils nail company. Hie Crinio Hrus., Ten Itrnoke, Laniberl iind com|iniiy, 1,111 Carrlllu, i,a I'cllle MIgnoii nnd National Trio. (lAtKTV (H. It. iN'lehols, nmnnKer).-Th" MnJesI IcH. lit l.">, gave lovein of lairlesi|iie a good show, with cori'eH|iiiinllag kooiI iaisbiess, Tbo Parisian WhloWM, ItblS. ibd eumiliy well, chislng llir wei-k lo ejcelteiil liiislnes>i. lion Ton lliirle*iiterH '.'1122, Imperial Hue lesiiners 2:i'2.'i. rriibiy iiighls will lie aimi' (eiir nights iliirbig Hie rest of Hie season. IIIIi>n.--Al (he Miijestle 'I'l (re "Oul of (he rold" drew well .Miirrli III, II. "Tbe Maid and the Miiainiv" was well recelveii I,',. "The lliilv Cllv" bull a good lioiisn III. Ward null Voki'S dill well 17. "'Tin. Show Hlrl" iIosimI till' wi'ek to giiod hiiMlaess. Ciuiilng: •cm'! Pair!! I'oiif!!!" 22. I'biKeiile llhiir. In "Saiiho," 211 ; Aiinb' iliiHsell, In ".lliitiv. Ibr Carrier." 21 ; "A lilrl of Ibi' Streets" 2,'. IMICIIIIIM iWlitiirr ^ VHueiil, luMiniKi-rs 1. - Mill week of 20 : 'I'eii iriil "I'roiipe. Ilruie llniiiii'll and Co.. la ".Mrs. .Mnridiys Nnioml lliislmiid :" IllMiii nnd Aiigi'r. WIiImiIIiu; Tom llriiwii, .Mii'hiii'l llriihiim iind his dog, liar Oraiiiiiiii and l.awsoii anil Nanioa. Lasl week, Ailgle with her lions was ii drawing liiiniher and laiikeil Iho bouse. 8«'lieiieelB«l)-, Al Ibe Van riirler Oper* Hiitine iCbai'ies II. Ilr'neillcl. iiinimgen ,leie Mi'AiilllT ,S|oi'k Co. bud gnoil Iiiislness Mari-h l.'l L'l. Ward and Vnkes, IK, bad Ihe Iiiiiim,i sold lait. I'iai'u 'i'liruer Co. 2ll 2'i, Kyrle llellew Aiirll a. iMiillAWH (Joseph Weber, niaiiiigerl Week iif Mnrcii 211: I'limsn, Adule and lier lions, I'ltzgllilinns .Vi'I'oy Trio, llerr Siiriiiin, Ullly Carter. Mseher Slaters, ilwley and Han dull and hiiielogiaph. ,NorKN. Lnslln and liiillry will n|ipenr iiett seiisoii III 11 new laiislml iiuaeiiy, ",bii'li ami ,1111." Hean Mdsiili I'o, will be aeen sliorlly III a imw skll, enlilled "A lilrl from Texas." The bii'iil liiilge of LIks Will benellt A|Ull 11. I'lliiilrn. At Iho lllallo i K. W. Miinii iiell, nuiiiaiii'ri the tolluwlng Is aiiiiooiiii'd fur week of Mniili 20: The I'our Luieraldi,. Slevens null Keoley. Itiilu'rl lliinii, IHbel Vaiii', .Ssiilo tlriind, Murioii illakr, Leiii Ver loll, l.llihiii Hull iiiiil lllallosi 0)11'. 'Ihn Crolly Trio iiiiil Liiiiia Murlleri' liood lb. Cfipiii-lly business. Casino ii;, I". Ii'evlae, nmnageri.- Tii • Loiidoii tbiiely IUirii'»i|iii'i's •'iiatltiiie i,i draw pill keil houses. The Itilsiii'll 'i'rio ii|n'm>il 211 fur wei'k. Noli;, 'I'he .New Lyeeiiai Tiieiitie will not I lii'iu'd bi'liire netl M-asiiii, OHiiig lo le|;iii loiniillealiiilis. S>'rnenHe, At Wcllliig (Ipera lloirin l.t L. ICeiT, miiiiugee) week bi'glnaliii; Miireli :'ii, Willi iinilliiees daily, Milton Ahornu vainle vllle festival. llAKTAiii.i: (11. A. Ibirllg, manngeri. "Mi- KiidiburH |."lais" 111 ir>, vnudi'vlllr Hi IN, "Tbe Show Hlrl" 2l)2,'i, "Tlie Aw'"keiilng of ,Mi'. I'iliii " 27 and week. ll/iAMi (ll'r.UA linciii: IC. II. Plaiaiiiei, innnager), "Dura 'riioriie" iiiiil fair biialiii'sn IIIIH. ".lust Ilefore Hawn" 20 22. "An Arlalocralle 'rrniii|i" 2,'l'2.'i, Slelhon's "llm In Tom's I'liliin" ■^"■■^n, •'Shadows o( a (Ilent City" March :I0 A|irll I. Hlnnbn'iilo", At Ibi' Stniir i ipern Hnii o (.1. P. K. C'birk, manngeri liliiiiai-ieln's Idiiili drew iilg liilNlnesH .Miireh L'l 18, etiepling HI. when "Ibe Malil iiiui the Miiiiiaiv" aiipeiired III a piieki'il aadb'acu. ICmina (liiiillng Co. 2()-«:fi. « » > llllN'I'IICIiV. LiMilst nil-, -Al Ma<aiiiey';i ,(.!, 'I'. .Mn eaiiiry inunniieri Mine, Srbiiiiiiiiiii Kiiiik I'liliii', Maii'h llll."!, lo lioiisi's or liiiui' pro leillloas. "The Hlioiliin," HI, 17, played lo good boiisi's. "Hen liiir" '20-l.','i. .Maso.mi' IC. A. Siijiw, aiauiiver). .Miiviii anil .Mason, in "i''rltz, uiid Knilz, wei'k of i;:, ioiil irowdeil lioiiNes. "Kiiniiing for Olllie " 20 2r,. AnvNilK (C. A, Hbaw. niMliiiger), ■••■Too I'roiiii III lli'g." wi'i'k of 12. ilri'w II mal erowds. '"riie Wiiy of Hio Traiuigressor" III- 2.'). Ht:i'Kl.soiiAM fWiuilli'ii lliiiH.. manngiT;.!, — Tbe llliipliia iliirli'siiiii'rs, week of 12, ilri'w lurije aiidii.'iici'S. The llrlgudlers ill V.'i. l|iil'Ki.\s' (Will. Itciehiauii. ri'sldi'iil iiiiiu ni;er). l'"or wenk of H); .lulni C, lite., umi Sully Colu'ii, .Mitiols Si'iliTh. Siiyib'r iiml lliii'liiey, .liiM. I', ,Mi-|loa>ilil, I'arter uml Wiilers Co.. Jus. 11. Ciiiliii, llr lln/.i) ilni „ and the liliii,ro|ii'. 4-»-» iii'ii.Aw.tiii':. WllniliiKliin. Al 111" ilioiiil lipii:t llonsi' (.1. K, Hiiyll-i. luunaci'ri "A I'.oii'li '.f bi-ys" ilii'W good »lzrd hou I's .Manb Is \\ 11. Crane 20, I'liriaii's .Miislnii Iloiai'ily lo 21-2.'., Wni. Ciilller April 7. liiii'KSTAiicii'a ilAuiin k I W. I,. Doihiiol'i. lannagi-r). I'lir week of 'Jii: iH' Wilt, limu and Toifi'iire. MuKsiroiii", I'mir .Vao'ii 'an TriHuis.'ii'i H, Alaigiis nml Hui'ielli'. i||.< Tliree .Miiilia|is, i'lociis llins.. .MIIiImII iiml .Marroii, I'l-imk Wlliliiiaii and ilu' kliiii,i:iii|ili'i:i')i I tiiiab'l Hiiiiiiilirli's. laoniiKi'ri "VVIiv IVoiaea l.-iic' bnil lair boiiii's hii'. "liurki'si llosslu" 20 i;J, ".No VVi..(illiia Hi'H . lor Her" :;;i ■.".-, "Wbi'ii Um- Hell Toll," :,'■ 211, "J'hi.' SIhci Haitger' ;i') Apill J,