The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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AruM' 1. MAHLER BROS., 6th AVE. and 31st STREET, NEW YORK. PROFESSIONAL ODBrTUl HOUSE OF AMERICA. Are now showing all of Fashion's Latest Edicts for Spring and Summer Season, 1905, in both Outur and Under Garments, Cloaks, Suits, Mil- linery, Shoes, Etc., Etc. ~~ SPECIAL: OUR JUKE DP BOX Made from the very best tin, black enameled. Lspeoiaily made for professional use, having a tray with compartment* for Grease Paints Powders, Comb and Brush, Wigs, Etc., JMIl' Etc. Has double action lock, with two flUu> keys, at ... ™ %J THE KEW YORK CLIPPER. 159 mSSL^S££ ? ream . expressly prepared for the The- atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate. Put up In lib Screw Top Tin Cans at 45c; Hlbatatic. SAMPLES OP CREAM SENT FREE. All mall orders must be accompanied by money order None sent C. 0. D. -<vo«j San Antonio, Texas ELECTRIC SUMMER THEATRE OPENS MAY 14. NOW BOOKING. ONLY THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE, REPER- TOIRE AND COMIC OPERA NEED APPLY. A Good Ladies Orchestra Wanted for the Entire Season. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS WITH FULL PARTICULARS TO SIDNEY H. WEIS, grand Opera House, San Antonio, Texas. Affl lliated Western Vaudeville Circuits TONT XUBELSKI, President and General Manager. Eastern Headquarters—4th Floor, Grand Opera House Building, Chicago. Western Headquarters —Fisher's Theatre and Novelty Theatre, San Francisco. Northwestern Headquarters, Slar Theatre, Seattle. Comprising; twenty-one (21) Theatres absolutely owned by the undersigned, and the largest number of vaudeville house on one circuit In the world. Absolutely no misrepresentation. All con- tracts strictly fulfilled. Twenty to forty weeks to legitimate performers. No act too big or too good at the right salary. For further particulars, ask any legitimate performer who has been West. The Touy Lubelskl Novelty Theatre Circuit, comprising 16 houses, TONY LUBEL5KI, Managing Director. The Louverlch-Ilotbcblld California Novelty Theatre Circuit, 12 houses, S. LODVERICII, President; THEO. KOTHCUILD, Secy, and Treas. The 3 L Vaudeville Circuit, Including all the Independent California Houses, LTJBELSKI, LOCVERICH and ARCHIE LEVY, Managing Directors. The Star Circuit, North- west, Including I houses, S. MORTON COHAN, President. Address all Eastern correspondence to the Chicago office. Address aU Western correspondence to the Western office. TONY LVBELSKI, President and General Manager. SAM I.OUVERICH. Vice President; S. MORTON COHAN, Secretary and Treasurer: TilEO. ROTHSOII LP, HENRY LUBEL8KI and HENRY COHEN, Directors. DISTRIBUTORS: Middle States. BERT PITMAN, Novelty Theatre, Denver; California and Southwest, ARCHIE LEVY, San Francisco. WTJ± N T e> r> FOR TME Train Men, Razor Backs, Eic. THOSE NOW ENGAGED FOR THIS DEPARTMENT, WRITE. Address J. H. WHA LES, Master of Transpo rtation, Winter Quarters, Colmnhns, Ohio. "THE BEST IN THEIR LINE." FEATURED WITH THE SEMINARY GIRL CO. ICTn ATE HALF-TONE |3 I K A 1 C PROCESS CO. ' PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A^l cu f & Octs. SQUARE INCH- ** g & ENGSTROM ASSISTED BY ''>■-• Comedy Playlet, "THE NIGHT OF THE BALL," ^.KJawRN WIIwImKS'ubI. llonio address 1M EAST laii ST. This week, DUCkhTADMt S. W lliiitn ^iMJCb^ VAN DYKE * EATON CO., "inc." EATON.) . > aople In all linos for Reportoire. JOIN ABOUT MAY I FOR FIFTY WEEKS. (Co, doe. not close.) 2_ mnzoo, Midi, week March 27; Mns tcgon, Mich., wecK April 3. Eob-SLATER and WILLIAMS-Henr, KEITH'S THEATRE, NEW TORK, THIS WEEK. UMTEO STATES AND FOREIGN .COPTWCHr PATENTS AND TRADE-NARKS And make yon a fortune. If yon have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO. ACT, SONG or BOOK that In worth anything, yon should copyright It. Don't take chances when you can accute our serv Ices at small cost. Send for our SKCIAL Wit* 10 mtNICBS before applyliur for a patent, it will far yon. HANDBOOK on fottntt ml fUt. WcaJvlse If patenta- ble or not. FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small lees. Consult ns. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, Managers. ColaaMVs Copyright & Patent Co. Inc. WASHINGTON, D. C CIRCUS CANVASES, Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flags, Eto. g^nUDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS 59-61 W. Washington SI., CHICAGO, ILL. KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES FILMS FOR SALE OH RENT List ot n.ooon. Maker of Stereoptlcons, Rheostats and Aro Lamps. Ploture Machines Rented with or with- out Operators. L. UBTZ, aw e. 23d street. New York. 'SECOND HAND BAND INSTRUMENTS. I as £"t2"" ^ aw*i , jnn--rrurjy goo) 2 new If «» HOL.TDN nroma SMbtET P rw ftoirot. \ Cft -., ; Bi.iiion Cue MEDICINE MEN. Herbs, beautiful »i.oo package. 8 mo. treatment, $11.63 gro. Soap, white or green, $1.35 gro. Tooth Powder, fine package, tB.Iflgro. i. T. R. CLaRK, (13 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. P. 8.—For Rent, my Elegant Combination Oar. STEREOPTICONS FROM 7 «** ¥ SEW AND SECOND HAND FILMS, MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND SONG SLIDES. FEARCF, 4 SCIIECK, 214 N. Calvert St,, Balto.,Md. JETTER LITHOGRAPH^ ABOUT HALF THE PRICE HEW LITHO-TIHT PAPER SEND FOS CATALOGUE Morrison Show Print 0 . lr „. Otlrolt, Mich Sllkollne Tights, ja.Od; Woratcd Tight., S'J.ilt); Cotton Tights, Si.Oil; Silk Tlghte, from $».OS up; Slilrtu to limn ll nil aaniK price aa tlghlM; Pump., !S5 cent.; Gait- era, 81.00; Klustlc Supporters, 91; Clotll Supporters, ifa tent.. Send for catalogue and sample* of tights fri'o. Positively a de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SI'ICER IlltOS., 8fl Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Old stand but new addross. Fine Magical Appint.:, ILLUSIONS, TRIOKB, Bio. Grand Bod of Century, mil* Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 16c, free by malL Oatalagns of Parlor Tricks free MABTINKA A 00., Mtrt., as* sixth i«. m. T THEATRICAL WIGS Of • lltlnjl. Sp««i»l terma to In, prcfMlOB. •IS*, siiur man, Dept. A, T8 State St., Chicago. MUSIC BELLS DEAGAN'H World Renowned Hells, Cliiines and Novelties. As used by leading artists. A few Imritaliis In simp worn mill second hand In- struments. Send for par- Oculars. 2161 No. Clark St., ciiicAoa INTERNATIONAL PLAY EXCHANGE ROYALTY PLaYS^REASONABLE RENTS l22LASALLtST.CHICAGO.ILL. ML mOFESSIOMAL Trunks Again wo wish to tirlnn liefnrs tlic untie nf our fit. nils In she tented) »liow hiialue.. I In- fact that hp mi' «i|iilpin'il In iiiniiiifiiel uro nni'llilug mi ilivl In tha linn nf Tents, Kir., fur Circuses, Willi Went NlinU-a, lllurk Tent, lor Moving Picture Work, Merry-go-munil Top«, Howling Alley Touts, t'nndy Tups, Kings of all kinds, KliM .mil lliik.-r Light., Itopt*, llurk nil wlillh. and tvelght, Drill, Twine, Needles, Palms, Etc. If yon arc desirous of placing your order where your Instructions will lie carefully carried not ami wlicro your work will be properly and promptly executed, anil where ynnr Inquiries will receive our special consideration and your business will bo appreciated, scud it to lis. Write for our 16 page list of SECOND HAND Tents. BAKER & LOGKWOOD MFG. CO., 415-417 Deleware Street, Kansas City, Wo. lOLBI-UTflfll & IUTIU1, Now Booking this 20 Minute NOVELTY COMEDY ACT, jjffiflHft/iB^.MBgfy WEEK MARCH 20, IIROl'KTON, MASS. WEEK MARCH 27, NEW ilKllr'Oltl), MASH. Cure of IIAIIVKV A OAUE CO. Per. nilUress, 207 K. Milt St., N, Y. City. CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. CIRCUS 'HUNKS. Our XXX Trunk has no Equal. Its superiority and Low price gives It every advantage over any trunk mads, lin- ing built on well seasoned llaaswood, with a Continuous Hteel llludlug, CanynB Ulued on, and over UOO Illvets used. Heavy Itnwblde Handles, Ynlo Lock, H In. Tray, niuile to Kwlng In the lop, making In all the Ilest Thcotrlrnl Trunk. (iiinnintred 5 Years. ^8, JlOjr. ; ,'10, kll.i'B ; ill!, |11.75; a i, f rj.Ti; :io. *m.70; as, |U.7d: 40,11.1.7s. our XX Trunk Compares favorably with any Thcntrlcal Trunk Mnile. Unlit on Ilnsswood lloz, C'ovored will] Bull Duck, liliied on. Hound with Heavy Sleol, Yale Lock, Dowels and Double Hinges, Anglo Edging, 1 8 In. Tray, ll 4 In. Tray. A Very Strong ill voted Trunk. 2B, S7.25; Vlll, 17.7.1: 82, $8.20; 84, I8.7B; 3D, *».25; 38, Jtl.751 40. JI0.26. HTBKIj CLAD.—Dasswood lloz. Covered with Cold Rolled Mtccl. 1 liecp Troy, Yale Lock, Large Holts and Dowels. The Heat Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28, JS.RO: 80, SO.OO; S3, $0.50 ; 34, $7.00 ; 811, 17.10; .'IS, «8.00; 40, 18.(50. rihlppcd C. O. 1). on receipt of 15.00. Write for Catalogue. Ilii. iMth A 27tli St... N. Y. UstabllaUca 47 Years. "A WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION." THE OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDKVILLK JOUIlrUL THE ERA. ESTABLISnEI) IM7. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. FOREIGN RUIIHCKIPTIONS, .tUs. per annum. PROFESSIONAL A IivertinkdikXitm, (Id. nor tins. AMERICAN ARTISTES VISITING THE METROPOLIS USE THE EHA OFFICE AS THEIR PERMANENT LONDON ADDRESS. 2,600 ARTI8TE8 ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY. THE OREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER. THE AND THEATRE REVIEW, 401 Strand, Iiondon, FOREIGN BlIDHCKIPTION, .--..... Na. Nd. PER TEAR PROFESSIONAL AOVERTIHRMBNTN, - - - » Us. Oil., Mingle Column In. h NEW YORK UORRKrtPONHKNT AND RKI'., IDA CARLE, OKF10E 708 HT. JAUKtt IJLIKi., Where advertlaements will be received. Copies on (lie. "^^S^ra^S5™mS B i™i4ifSD™iw5 :-i*MHSf?i" Why liumlle rocky kimuIh when yuu cuii linndlo (foods that will sell ttiunisulveur Kleclrii: Hells fruui Jl per do/,, up. I.iiiko variety la Mcluct I nun. Kloctrlc Jars, 7Su. do/,.; Klectrlc Insoles,87>;c. dor,, pairs. Hoap, (truss; Plnu HcdlcHl llatlcrles. Mend "tic. for Hauipkj No. M K. II., exp. prepaid. Liitust out. Ouo third cash re- utilred. Trial order will coiivltice. l.urttL-Ht Manufaciururs nf EleeLrlc Helta and Appllsuccs In L', W. A. Kstabllsltod 1M7S. Lecture and price listfroo. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kan, LOOK, COMPOSERS, LOOK! We have dcviied mi hniiornlilo and lejtltliniili; plan wlicrelif ynnr ciiiupONlUmi run l.o puUlidwd tit a siuiill and i;l ven nil »t Hie nii|iurliiHlly tieeiiiwary In mnko It a "Hit." but imsoo your msiiuneiipt ami Hi'iiil vim < hi mil. Write ipili-k, us we will iiecil unly HSi i'iiui|iiiiIIIuiih. AjMrsjaj THE TOLBERT R. INGRAM MUSIC CO., Denver, Colo. PLAYS For Stock Companies, (or Repertoire Companies, (or Amateurs LAIKJUHT ABSOItT.MK.Vl' IN THE WOULD. Ilonks for Iwma amusement, Negro I'hiys, Toper, Hennery, Mm. Jiirley's Ws* Cntiilugue ! I'leirl Creel HAMIJICL FltK.Vf;!!, 17 w. 22,1 HI., .\."vv York. Works. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, PALMS, TREES, CRASH I', I'tJl.IAOKand EVKItYTIIIMI KOtt HTAOKand LOIIIIV CHK UONHTANT1.V IN STOCK. HKND KUtt UATALOtlOK AND PRICK LIHT. DECORATIVE PLANT CO.. 57 Lafayette Plies. N. V. C70 Uroadway, near 3d Street, New York. SCENERY FOR EVERY THING ELIZABETH CURTAIN CO., - W T • Elizabeth, N. J.