The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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1G2 THE NEW' YORK CLIPPER. April i. TEST HIT tr. a COrYIUGHT, 1005. THE COPYRIGHT, 1005. COUNTERFEITERS Absolutely the Most Sensational and Exciting Film Ever Shown. A GRIM, 8TERN CHASE WHICH BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE COMPLETE IN TWENTY-ONE MOVINO TABLEAUX. FULL OF EXCITEMENT. FULL OF FUN. A SCREAMER. BUBB TO DRAW. Length, 700 Feet. Price, 177. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, WITH 21 IMLF-T0NE8, NOW READS', FIIEB FOIl THE ASKING. ALL ODE FILM CLASS A. PUCE, 11 CEHTS FEB FOOT. THE PASSION PLAY SHOWING THE LIFE OF CHRIST PROM HIS BIRTH TO HIS ASCESSIfiX ^er-The Only Complete Passion Play In 31 Life Motion Pictures.*^ THE GREATEST MONEY MAKER. * SURE TO DRAW. », II Gorvfcs Per Foot. WHITE FOR OUR SPECIAL CATALOGUE. 1005 EXPOSITION MODEL GINEOGRAPH WITH STEREOPTICON COMBINED, IV V V including Calcium Lamp, Electric Lamp, Adjustable Itheo»iat, Film* and Slide*, $75 STAR MODEL CfflEOORAPH, WITH STEBEOPTOJOH COMBINED $50. 21 S. Eighth Street, Philadelphia, P a . LI BINC ! BANC!! V! BUT I "I LISTEN TO THE BIFF! BOOM !! Bk CORKER! IT. The BandB and Orchestras Everywhere Are Playing It, the Boys Are Whistling It, and Fife and Drum Corps Are "Lambasting" It in Great Style. The Greatest Success of Its Kind in Years, FREE—Professional Copies to Recognized Performers, or Those Sending Up-to-Date Programme-NO CARDS M. WITMARK «& 8ON8, I»tAlbl is tiers, WITMARK BUILDING, 144-146 WEST 37th STREET, NEW YORK. Xoolc for the Bee Hive Clock Tower. FILMS! FILMS! From tb. "Different Kind" gf,« 8hop Where no "Word puzzle" advertisement arc used to eulrnp llio Innocent. WK ALWAYS HAVE WHAT WK ADVERTISE uml nothing l« llllsroprcscnlod. The "DIFFERENT KIND" ot u Film Shop refunds jour money l( goods are not us ri'preKonlcd. The "DIFFERENT KIND" of a FILM SHOP WILL CONTINUE TO POHGE AIIKA1) IN SPITE OT Tim UNPRINCIPLED METHODS ADOPTED BY SOME OK ITS COMPETITORS TO INJURE IT. Lubln's latest model Clneogrnph with Store- optlcan combined, t>imid new, with Cal- cium and Kloelrlc Lamps ami mi udjustablo Rbcostat, every thine brand now $60.00 Or, with 400 Foot of Film uud 60 foot duck oahle $76.00 The Polyscope Willi Stcrcoptlcnu combined, good as new $36.00 Or, with 400 feet of Film and tho cable $00.00 Cull's Moving l'lctiire Mechanism, with a Slereoptluiui, all now $2.1.00 Swaab'K Electrical Connectors $3.60 per sot. We can't inako llicin fast enough. Operator* say "We've been looking for Dint spcclulty for years." One No. 3 optlgraph, wllh EniurprlHe Store- optlcan and Calcium Lamp, everything now, In u carrying cane, worth $76.00, our price to a quick buyer $60.00 Swaab'a spotlight, Willi Electric Lamp and Hlicostat and six Inch CoudeiiHor $17.60 Swaab'K New Improved Acoly tone uuttll, com- plete, wllli burner $12.60 PATKE FILMS. PATIIE PASSION PLAY FILMS, the acme of pcrfccllon and truo le lilble history. The Prodlgul Son, Solomon's Judgment, Joseph Sold by Ills llroihers, Samson and Dellla and a host ot others all oC French Manufacture, l'Jc per fool. BIOGRAPH FILMS. Tom, Tom the I'lpur'a Son. Tho Moonshiners, The Chicken Thief ami many olliers; all headllners, 16e per fool. CRESCENT FILMS. Life of a New York l'uHcemnn, Around New York in Fifteen Minnies, Trials of an Autonioldllst; all star subjects, Via per fool. We are selling-agents for all the above. LEWIS M. SWAAB & CO., 33B Spruce 8treet a .Phllniloli>hla, Pa. Films and Machines Wanted in any Quantity. ACA FOR KUSELL'S Warm Weather Circuit, REPERTOIRE COS. and A0TOR8, and HAH TO DIRE0T PIECES, OPERA COS., IUSICIAIS, PIANO FLAYERS. CONCESSIONS TO .. LET. Clinmpnlgii, 111. lllnnmliiglon, 111. i.u-soii.-; in, Springfield, 111. niutio.pii, ill, l'Vmifbrt, Ky. 12 Weeks for All Combinations. Wont Uoat Complete liar Boat s linn Also Uunvas for Permanent Location. MATT KCSELL, New Albany, Indiana. ATTRACTIONS WAN FED FOR Blackstone, Va., Opera House New bouse, new scenery, new management. Lo- cated on Norfolk & Western It. It., betwecu Rich- niondand Lynchburg. Guaranteed good business to good shows, "Snldus," beware. Liberal sharing lenna. Malingers, write. Popiiiution,' 3,000; seat- ing capacity, boo. WM. J. IIAKRIS, Mgr. The biggest act of the kind In Vnnduville A NEW WOMAN With STEVE O'DOUlfELL. i'ormer sparring partner of James J. Corbett, uud SADIE PALMER, America's Foremost Physical Culture Exponent For time address KRHfi O. STKiN, N. Y. Rep., 251 West 38th St, M. Y. ci ty. WANTED, W O R THE POWER OF TEE CROSS, Iinlnnce of this nnd Summer season, Leading, Heavy, Juvenile, Light Comedian and Chnr- iicter Men, Juvenile Lending Lndy, Soubrette uml ingenue. Must be clever, with good wardrobe and not in pawn, No money or rnrcs ndvenced. J. Y. DOKOIIUM, Mgr., Can D. U. Levis. 1G08-1510 Tribune Building, CHICAGO, ILL. BARBER PARK, BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. 8, F. & S. R. St. Ry. Co., Prop's C. H. COPLEY, Manager. NOW BOOKING FOR 1905. Season opens May 29. Baud Concerts. FREE BAGGAGE TRANSFER. Low Rates. BEST OF TERMS. EVERYTHING DONE TO BOOM BIZ. For Tlmti and Term. Address T. F\ KINIRY, AMUSEMENT MANAGER, Bellows FalU, Yt FOR SALE OR LEASE, Riverside Park BOISE, Idaho. Owing to other business Interests of owner, responsible party can secure this gilt edge prop- erty of ton acres of beautiful grove, three acres of water, forming a privato park. Situated almost In tho heart of the city; entrance to Park only four blocks from Main Street. Baseball Grounds and Grand Stand equal to any in tho West Also Dancing Pavilion, Bar, Cafe, etc.. the finest in the West Vaudeville stage complete; seating capacity for over 1,000. Park has been open and run two seasonB successfully. Boise is one of tho best cities in the West Population, 16,000. Plenty ot money. Bight man can land fortune. Address for particulars W. R. KIVETTE, Boisa City, Idaho. AND flagic Kettle Acts Explained mid lllnsirated from original drawings In tho set of professional Exposes, entitled "EXPOSAK." PRICE, $1.U0. Copyright 111774. Scud Ha- for Hook on Conjuring. Stamp for Bar- gain Sheds. EI.LWl )l)]i SCHOOL OK MAGIC, 1213 N. 131 h Hired, Philadelphia, l'n. CABINET PHOTOS „„WiT B r D Send your negative to print from, or a photo to cony. Future husband or wife Photos, while, black, visible or Invisible, $2 per loooj scud for sample. WKNDT, Pliolo., Iloonton, N. J. Oar llunlneu is to Supply Singer* and MusUlium wttli Late Composition.. Send us your permanent address and wo will keep you supplied free with tho Into productions of dlirercut authors. MUSIC INTRODUCTION CO., 33» Dearborn St., Chicago. JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MA6IC CATALOGUE. 25c.; SU1*. CATAL., 5c. None free. Only N. 13. Agent for Mahntma, 10c. W. D. LBROY. 103 Court 8t., Boston, Mbbs. ■HUT K. PROSPKRT THAYER Writes All •BABI Kinds ot liiihost Grade Vaudeville' Material. When writing rend stamp, sample * arody and 6 Gags, loo. 276 Pine St, Frov., it. 1, WANTED AT ONCE, Good General Business Actor, Who doubles Alto In Band. Musicians In all lines write mo per route, In foil, stating lowest' sure salary. I pay all. FRANK T. DAVIDSON, Mgr., Old Farmer Hopkin s Co., por route. At Liberty, AGENT, For Balance of this and next Season. One who knows every branch of tho business, and can handle any attraction. Would consider good Part- ner for Moving Picture Business. {No Angel). One who can lecture, etc. (Have closed soap bubble). Address O. O. STOCKING, grand Haven, Mich. O. 8BINDBELM, 118 W. 29th St. N Y. The up-to-date THEATRICAL WIG MAKER. Send .tamp for new Price Lt.t last oat WIGS FOR SALE, Melles Great Impossible Voyage FILM; 1,410ft. MAGNIFICENT PRINT. FIRST CLASS CONDITION. BARGAIN. P. U. BOX 628, Toronto, Out., Canada. Edison Picture Machines, Stereopticons, Song Slides, Films, Lenses, Gas Outfits, Electrical Goods, otc. Seud for catalogue nnd circulars L, MANASSE CO., 88 Madison Street, Chicago, 111' II PATERSON, N. J., Opening: Aopril 3, CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE, Catering to Refined Audiences. High Glass Singing, Dancing, Musical, Acrobatic and Novelty Acts, also Sketch Artists. Send as your Open Time, stating salary. Address ORPHEUM THEATRE, Main and Smith Streets, Paterson, N. J. siot in THREE WAY MUSCLE TESTER STAR GRIP MACHINES, BOWLING ALLEYS, DUMB-BELL LIFT and GRIP DEVELOPER, the King ot all Strength Testing Machines; SOUVENIR POSTAL CARD MACHINES, CANDY VENDING MACHINES, LUNG TESTERS. HIT THE COON. AUTOMATIC NOVELTY CO., 145 East 23d St, New York, N. Y. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, put up in moisture proof packages that keep It fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all places of public amusement We also mnke a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIES and the RELIABLE POPCORN BRICK. Inform us where you bold a confectionery concession and we will send samples and prices. REUCKHEIM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. WE HAVE FOR SALE AND LEASE. Advarice.'Prlvllogo,' Baggage, Stock and Box Cars 60ft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars. TllK A KMS PALACE HOUSE CAR CO., No. 1220 Monadnuck Building, Chicago, III. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. FEATURE FILMS ONE EACH of These Magnificent Productions EXACTLY a. Stated. EDISON'S PASSION PLAY; complete and new, without a blemish, 2046ft fia.w EDISON'S BLEEPING BEAUTY; splendid condition and complete, fiooft go.oo VOYAGE OF THE ARCTIC: Al condition and a popular subject, GOOft DOROTHY'S DREAM or FAIRYLAND, 800tt. 3S.0O RED RIDIM HOOD, 600lt 80,00 HARVARD FOOTBALL GAME, 450ft 25.00 8LO0DM DISASTER, 360ft 16.00 DELHI PAGEANT OF INDIA PRINCES, 240ft 11.00 THE PIONEERS, 610ft 36 (JO FIGHTING THE FLAMES,-»25ft ** FELLING BIG TREES,375ft HO.W Everyone In First Class Condition. Scut on de- posit ot $6.00, balance C. 0. V, 20,oooft Choice Short Films, 6 to 7c. foot. C. E. VAN DUZEE, Mliiiiea"'oli*? M. COWNS?Z£P SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET GOWNS. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns, Dinner, Reception andTeaCowns. These robes are perfect In every respect, and are especially suitable for wear In HIGH CLASS IMIA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a full Hue of Seal Skin Coats and Furs of all kinds. MRS.H. STARR, 887 South State St, CHICAGO. TRIG AND TRICK APPARATUS. Ten Ichi Thumb Tie (guaranteed to be the one tlic Jap. uses), $1,00. Best Sealed Envelope Test ever used, $l.oo. Kellar'B Ropo Work, $l.oo. Anna Kw Fay's Complete Seance, $1.60. Finest Wine nnd Water Transmutation ever offered, $1.00. CIiuIIciiko Egg Bug, SO cts. YOST & COMPANY, Magical Repository. Established 1870. 43 NORTH 9th ST., PHILADELPHIA. HEFNER WIC COMPANY, 124 W. Mill STREET. NEAR BROADWAY - , N. Y. CHICAGO BRANCH, CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Send for Catalogue C. to either olllco. Young Han (26), Fluent Pianist Can read and write music, compose, transpose, Improvise, memorize, etc. Also experienced In directing choruses, desires position with theatrical manager, us assistant lo musical director of musi- cal comedies or comic operas whereby ho can thor- oughly acquaint himself with position of musics, director. Add. "TRANSPOSE," care ot CLIPPER WANTED, ALL 'ROUND COMEDIAN AND SKETCH TEAM. OPEN APRIL 17. CIHEF ROLLING BEAR MED. CO., Gen. Del,, Raleigh, N. 0. FOB SALE-i Vaudeville Theatre Penny Arcade, Buffet and Restaurant complete, with up to date fixtures In a thrcc-Btory building. For particulars P. 0. BOX 220, Escanaba, Mich. i!J_ A boon to the theatrical profession. The only ab- solutely harmless preparation ever manufactured to control EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION. A single dose taken an hour before needed w in control tho perspiration in a wonderful manner. without Ibo slightest 111 otrects. Knowing the gnat worth of this preparation, tho Company will wnd » free sample and full directions, which will W a most pleasant surprise and revolution. fcnciu>e stamp, PKR8PIR0 CHEMI0AL1CO., Cleveland, 0. NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS' Then Cutting CornB. The Foot-Fase Sanitary Corn Pad cures by absorption. Something i»- tlrely now, The Biinttary oils and vapors do mo work. Do not Accopt any substitute. Insist 11 |s>n having tho Foot-Ea.e Sanitary Corii-P""!' Identical In merit and composition with Alii" * Foot-Easo (Powdor), but in shape and form br-» adapted for tho euro of Corns. Sold by all I'l'ij-- glsts, 26c; or by mall. Samplo mailed !• in.i-.. Address ALLEN S.OLMSTEAD. Le Roy, N. \. _ COMIC OPERi For Sale or Lease. Music original and pleasing. Libretto bright, ■ cellcnt dramatic action. Drawing title. Jinj' ■• thing for talented amateurs. Good enough road attraction. Address "COMPOSER," 427 W. North Strcot, Kalamazoo, Mki. LIBERTY, George Murray, Charles Kaw 1 CorncttlRt. Trombonist In II. anil • Corncttlst Address all letters to Trombonls GEORGE MURRAY. Whltlusvllle, Mn> ■ ■