The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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APinL 1. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. MB The Novel Waltz Song that fa_one night started all Broadway whistling at the New York Theatre one Sunday night, and at every other theatre since. Managers, artists, public-even other music publishers-unite in marveling at its stunning success. Everybody is writing for this hit. Why not sing it now? NOT ABOUT A ~ BEER; Everybody is writing for this hit NOT ABOUT A GIRL-JUST A GREAT By RAYMOND A. BROWNE and WILLIAM H. PENN. BIG NOVELTY HIT. SOL. BLOOM, New Amsterdam Theatre Bide.. 42d St.. New York City. S«nit «i«i>i|i« and credential*, (If unknown to us) (tor n> professional ropy unit full orchestration. BE UP TO THE TIMES AND SING "HAPPY IAPPY SOLDIER By PAUL WEST and J. W. BRATTON. An Enormous Hit Everywhere THIS IS ONE OF TUB BEST NOVELTIES FOR SPECIALTY PURPOSES THAT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN YEARS. FREE-. Professional Copies to Recognized Performers, or those Sending Up -to- Date Programme—NO CARDS. M. TOTXnTJMEARK <fc SONS, I»i*fc>lisliers Witmark Building, 144-146 West 37th St., New York. Look for the Bee Hive Clock Tower. SOMETHING REALLY NEW IN CIRCUS 8T0RIE8 Red Wagon Stories, By WELLS HAWKS. TALES TOLD UNDER THE TENT. In li Mns. Cloth Mudlng, printed on tine Deckled Edge Taper, cover In three eoloni. Special design drawn hv J. II. Orosslcy. A liandsomo Color Poster I>jr Crosslej PKKK with each cloth volume In 12 Mom. PaporCovor In lliroo colon, in Cent* 50c 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: All Business Pertaining to the ARIZONA COMPANIES From this date address HOLLIS E. COPLEY, 1358 Broadway, New York. Ill-Ill HOUSE THE PEKIN NLWI --- Pub i?*[l?i Co ' 'IDEAS SONG HITS. BABY DON'T MA FRIEND SATISFACTION TO ME 2700 STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. INSTRUMENTAL. PEKIN RAG BIRD FACE 3 " J. » J. " «T. MR. FRANK T>TTTfcT X»T7" * ND COMPANY JL) U jJAjjLt A SUPERLATIVE. In High Class Repertoire. W A NVHII A No. 1 VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE who enn act: Singles and Doubles: MOST »» AX1 I Till, UAVK G00I) yVAItDROIIE. Also want Al CIIARACTKK MAN and WOMAN, with specialties. Tellall and STATE LOWEST SALARY; no time for correspondence OTHERS \\ RITE. Address FRANK DUDLEY, MOR. FRANK DUDLEY CO., IJattiesburg, Miss., April 3-8; New Orleans, La., April 10-28; Scranton, MIbb., April 24-May 8. _____ OPEN -T-IIV.E- E£U__>«s Opera House, BLUEPIELD, W. VA. TUB MONTH OF APRIL OPEN. TUe best city In the Southwestern Virginias. Comlo opera or stock i-i'iniHtiiles, write or wire at once. 8. II. JOLLIfrTE, Manager, lllncfleld, W. Va. * n—Remorabcr tlio old reliable Jolllffc's Bright Light Co. will open April 21. V\ ANTED—A Good Co ntortionist. __________-_-_-_--——— A UNIQUE BOOK. JOHN McCULLOUGH As Man, Aotor and Spirit. Illustrated. By SUSIE CLARK. Price 11.50. An iiuthentlc portrnvulof the mortal career of Ota eminent tragedian, and the '■mt iiiosrnpiiy ever written tliat continues Its recital beyond the portals or tne grave. The continuity of life proven. .. ,_ ,. _._,,,, „.„_. tan be ordered by mall lrom the author, 16 Centre St., Cambridge, Mass., or ut lending hook stores. IBERTY AFTER APRIL 5, FOR SUMMER AND REGULAR SEASON. S JUNO BARRETT ROBT. J5KINSKI VERSATILE LEADS. UM» AM) HEAVIES. YOUNG, FINK APPEARANCE, EXTENSIVE WARDROBE AND ABILITY. »o Soto, Mo., March 27 to April 1; Donne Terre, Mo., April 3-8. After Unit, permanent address, * ' aO«8 SOUTH lMlli STREET, St. Louis, «• MANAGERS Are Making Dates With the JTH'S WEEK, BIJOU THEATRE, KENOSHA, AVIS. (THINK IT OVER.), MATINEE GIRL MR. and MRS. JACK, "A JUDICIOUS INVESTMENT." PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor and Manager. J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. 6 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 6 Devoted to Kenned Entertainment. Proctor's 5th Ave. Theatre, Procter's 83d St. Theatre, Proctor's 08th at. Theatre, Proctor's 12B«k It. Theatre. Proctor's Newark Theatre, Proctor's aihanr Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Best Plays and Best Vaudeville. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: *„ plot of acta; complete "prop" lilt; cornet light plot; if. you open or close lu on.; EXACT time of acta, and of "close In;" bill- ing for newspapers and programmes; and CLEAN I'HOTOGRA PUS for LOBBIES TWO WEEKS In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT EACH HOUSE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER FAILURE TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the RISK OF CANCELLATION. VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS, • TO 11 A. M. MONDAYS. THESE RULE8 WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Playwrights, Authors, Flay Agents, and I 1 layers address J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, N. Y. CITY. TMK NEW YORK, Is mora talked about on the stage than any other store in the World. That is because it is the most popular. We Allow Proloiilonali - SPECIAL DIBGOUHT OF 10 PEB GBUT. 01 tbelr KreaasM It their names are on oar gUtraiton Books, HO OOBHEOTIOH WITH AST OTHER STOBB. 'Mcmktm urn unsnssstoat a arm roar NEW YORK. WANTED QUICK, VAUDEVILLE TEAI THAT CAN 8INC and DANCE Winston, N. C, week Mnrch 27. CRESCENT COMEDY CO. ATT LIBL, . AMER. JAP JU66LER AND EQUILIBRIST. Any good ebow that pays salaries. Per. ud., F. MARTIN, Genera, Ohio. Copyright 1WM. FUNNIER THAN FOUR CLOWNS. Those stories refer to a phase of Inner circus life. They are a scrlos of conversations among tlio tinsacanvas men, hustlers, press agent anil others of the executive stall who are never seen in Hie ring- The following Inlerosllng Inlc* arc contained In Mils volume: The Cress Agent's Story;The OldOmfter's Lament;The mil I'oster'sVlalt ;ThcC»rnly Hatcher's Dream; The Boss Canvas Man Tells How Jim was Put Away; Tho side Allow Spieler Speaks; The Band Maslor's Solo; The Concert Manager (Jets Reminiscent; Tho Canity Hutchcr nml lliolluck wheal Man; The Hand attho window, andThe Concert Mnn Tells an Elephant Yarn. These stories first appeared In the New York Sunday Telegraph ami through iholr hninnrnnil originality allrseted the intention of many readers. Tho first edition was sold before they were affile press. II is full of humor and Is written in such a way as (o make It worth while anyone's rending. For sale at ull linok storos and news stands or cither edition sent post paid upon receipt (it nmoimt. I. & M. OTTENHEIMER, Publishers and Book Sellers, 321 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md< BOYDEN HEIGHTS Providence, P*. I., Will Open -for the Season MAY 37. FIRST CLASS and UP TO DATE CONCESSIONS Forty-seven acrce for Amusements; grounds thoroughly lighted liy electricity. Over 000,000 people to draw from, nnd the host facilities fur tiiitisportnllnn of nny plnro In New Borland. The flneat DANCIO HAM. In tlio State ; tho largest nnd host equipped SHORE DINNER rooms; a MAMMOTH CAFE; largo and new 1'ALM (lAltUIONH; I,, A. Thompson SCENIC RAILWAY; Trnvora CHICLE SWING; it a|O,t)0O MKRHY-OO- HOUND, and other big attractions now booking. Positively no games of chaucu allowed. Thoroughly clean and up-to-date. Address O. AMES, 1414 UNION N'I'llKET, Providence, It. WANTED, REP. COS. I would like to book two or thrco flood Rep. Cos. that hnvogood specialties. I cnti glvo llicin six weeks, changii hill twice a week, at SHERMAN'S OPERA HOUSE, CALGARY, N. W. T. f CAN. I can also glvo them 13 inoro wooka at good houses. Will piny on per cent, or guarantee. Can use good Ron. People at all times, also good Vaudeville People that, can play pans. Can let mio company open at NORTH BAY, ONT., and play on Ihoway hero. Address V/M. B. 8HKHMAN, Sherman's Opera House, Calgary, N, W. T , CANADA. THE WESTERN AMUSEMENT GO. Wants Thoroughly Competent Dramatic and Vaudeville People. Also Park, Circus and Carnival Acts, for Hummer season. If you are not competent don't write, Wo are dealing wilh responsible managers, and our guarantee Is hack of every pcrmm honked. We can always supply RKLIAill.K Managers with capable people. Managers, slate salary limit. Actors, give actual salary anil per.add. Professional copies of "IIKCOKATION DAY," "ON Till; PORTLAND TRAIL" and other song HITS for program anil stamp. Songs, Parodies, Hkolchos, Monologues, etc., written to order. Ask us about them. No mercy shown shine Managers anil Hub Actors. SUITS BO-SI, lHIMI UIIANII AVIC, KANSAS CITY, MO. SOUVENIR POSTAL CARDS WHY NOT Buy Direct? Our Prices Will Startle You. IIiCUSKKH ENURAVINO CO., No. it! N. Nth St., I'lillndolplilit, I'u. POP CORN & All Kinds of 5c. CANDY PACKAGES SEND KOR IM11UK LIST. \VK MAKE Till IIICIIIKHT (HIADK OOOUH AT I.OWKHT I'KICKH. WH. J. MADDEN & 00., 11-10 Desbrossoa Street, If. T. Oily. JOHN- J...--AI. COMEDY 1VILJSI nth ST. TIIEVl'IIK 1'IIIH IVKHK. "IIKK 1'lllHT FALSI''. STI'.l'" CD. 3 wor t n y Stage f Street Gowns MRS. O. E. DUF-F", Tel. HU-One Oxford. leUftTUEMONT HTItBBT, IIOSTON, OppOHlte lfa]estlo Theatre. CALL. The Beit Table D'Hote Dinner In Amorlca, for 10 to be bad at gllOYHR'S RK8TAUKANT, 412 Arch Street, rfaiiadcipiiin, Between 4th and 01b Btreeta The place where the profession dine, TllKATItlCAf. COflTVMCfl, HO IV. an.i ST., 1VKW TOIIK. "opposite proctor's." formerly ha ydkn a rowlkv, Manaaer ut iii/ou Til fatiik, patkiihok. n. j. KSTl.tlATKS CIlVKN. F,I,AIIOKA'I K KFKKCTN. MOOKltATI! I'llll'KH. Al.f. AI.ONB, TUB H!(i TK A.ill'. and DOG HEINIE, Comedy Orote««ar Hlnulnic nml Dancing C'orlortlon Art. ACADKMY 1IOTKL, 1111 Kent 14th HI., H. T. City. lf> minutes In one. All time open. HOLMAN, HAYWARD and HAYWARD l'RKBKNTISO A 20 MINUTK NOVKLTY COMKDY ACT, MARRIAGE IS S \J B 1_ I IVI E . PVAiN FL r ET "W"""^ - rinte JnL JUGGLERS SUPPLIES---^''-"^'^'^- .. w»rl^fiTBBir Sw TOsT ' ^ WUtl,,J WHaT r MfcOJ " (jttlalog and List.' Kdw. Van Wyck, Cluclunati.O.