The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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164 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April l. ALL Ol'R FILMS COMB WITH RED TITLES, AMD IHOW OUR TRADE SELLING AGENTS, KLEINE OPTICAL CO. 89 SUU Street, CHICAGO, ILL. PATHE FILMS CLASS A. 12 Cents Per Foot. WINTERSPORTS, 377 FEET, $45.24 HAAK. *«A« Wl> MILES BROS., IIS Turk Street, SAV FRA.VCISCO, CAL. NEW CATAL06UE, WITH 150 ILLUSTRATIONS. PATHE CINEMATOGRAPH GO., 42 E. 23d Street, New York. ■ OR |re intt 11 MS We Furnish the most Satisfactory and Complete Weekly Service. We are the Largest Film Retailing Concern In the World. We get yon the Pictures Ton Want. We are Always to the Front with All of the Feature and Story Pictnrei. No Film too Expensive to Own, no Film too Costly to send Our Customers. Information in Detail Immediately on Application. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW HERE. NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY, (INCORPORATED) 62 N. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL (FORMERLY FILM RENTAL BUREAU.) MANAGERS FEATURE YOUR SHOW WITH MOVING PICTURES. J MODERN MACHINES FURNISHED. SOBER AND COMPETENT MEN TO OPERATE THEM—CALL OR WRITE US A LETTER AND WE WILL GIVE YOU PULL INFORMATION CONCERNING MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS—PLEASE WRITE TO OUR OFFICE IN YOUR TERRITORY. Ol-iime: & Co., CHICAGO, 59 DEARBOBR ST. HEW TORE CITY, 2 WIST 14th ST. THE FIRST AND ONLY FILMS EVER TAKEN OF: SAMOA AND THE FIJI ISLANDS The Most Slagnlflcent Series of Moving Picture* Ever Taken. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. Don't Forge Our Complete Special r PRES. ROOSEVELT CIRCULAR. Last, but not least, still the Headllner of all Moving Picture., TRACKED by BLOODHOUNDS A Lynching stt Gx*ix>z>le Creek. Negative Aotually Made in Colorado. Length, 450ft. Price, $54. "THE GIRLS IN THE OVERALLS" (COPYRIGHTED.) The Dest Advertlied Film on Earth. See a-Pnge Illustrated Article tn NEW YORK JOURNAL, SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, BOSTON AMERICAN, CHICAGO TRIBUNE and CHICAGO AMERICAN, Etc., Sunday, Oct. 16. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, $42. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. WATCH FOR GREATEST SENSATIONAL FILM EVER MADE. READY SOON. SEND NAME FOR ADVANCE INFORMATION. SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO. ILL. II. II. BUCKWAI/TER, General Western Agent, Denver, Colo. 9. ,§.',{ H i.'J/i W'- LA CENTRA a* LA RUE BABE JAS. ___ ___ _ ^ ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTALISTS. RAVE OPKN TIME IN APRIL AND ArTKIt WAY 8. INVITE 0FFRR8 FOR BURLESQUE OR FARCE- COMEDY FOR NEXT SEASON. AddrcsB ALL AGENTS, or 207 East 14th St., N. Y. City. WANTED, GENERAL BUS. WOMAN (Some Lead*). Ono Willi Specialty preferred, and can play Piano for my apcclulty only. Olhcra write, Low, sure salary. Stale ape, etc. I pay all. Al HEAVY MAN, WHITE. til AS. T. FAI.R8 COMEDY CO., 3)4 NOX0N ST., SYltACUSE, N. Y. T1IK AI.KANO'CO.. SuttoK. tins ll'war fiiTr ' (IKNTTI minv. t „„»,,..,, words How Ittitnkfiil I am y„„ |H>wiiiiilertTwWo take '^iVann » ill 2?! "I 1 T '; ,, "! MM* EMI lerjo. ItotrrW n.,,,11 IonTwS n 1 nari iS rnlrsh. «S EF£m2& :» ■•cut mil" all my liimldlttir nu.l danctn. rrom onr art S IS Y?? obliged .lie »lage and "fake" through I had to'r-drew,! Hke n,-■Vit.i , .V?. 5 ?," '^ ,l^, "" ,,, • in.l down Mtulral.v.-lluglug u, the luiiiUlera After lahlni »A icl m»',he» °'." r !?,",'.', nu.i nrtor lliree week* fell m go Si 1 dl I nttrt «.»• fSSE&Z ' E? I Have turn- HuMinl my tlrst l-oitle, „„,| , , , k ,?. ,,,.„, ,,,.,,, L '"'l""i " K " "' have left me, 1 praetleeat I lie MlSlw^^dJr^'leSSeiTJSi?S.J5!!!; be enniplcle. «..<! that loo, ..Her I iSOT^^g^ff- «*«* ?»"'''■7 "?' w " *"?\" ivltlmu MH 1 consider your ■»Als»"vi^^?/J lgyj r .iH?J n .. tor *F £"»*•« ocKllia where all others tare -ft l»r«r,!S™J r ' '" l '" r,h - M ,Wes, write 1 ^f^ffiX^^^ * ****•"> ••AI.KANO" CANNOT HE OI.TAISKI> AT MBOT sSSfiaff'*'***'' i And Moving Picture Machines, all makes, bought and for sale. PHILADELPHIA FILM EXCHANGE, 1608 North 15th St.. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. W"i".. "^.•XQQf' tleoi.forpowK p\«J * entertainments, lllusirat- j r ln*hJ«torlcanrtcurrenteycntt, ■ .. „ P°F""»r Sonne, etc. Nothing »Bordi w- wtter opportunities for men with •■»U espiuito MAKE MONEY ■' e ** '" frw ' " l «''"el c«.:3|i»e. Iel'.i »h«t ,r. cottt agh .. 0Mt1 ' eipltln, the operation mad tcjtrucu jca bow ts eondact Dajlo. eouruinme qu. THESE ARE NEW ■ LATEST AID BEST ■OTION PICTURE MACHINES JWS0.V IMVKI.SVL and EXHIBITION KHETDSCOPES. Power Cameragraph and Fire Magazine. EDISON BIOGRAPH, MELIES, ETC., FILMS. SPOT ■ FLOOD LI6HT, *&- $18. ELECTRIC.LAKP AND RHEOSTAT, AYY I ITU A 20 Cakw ' $U5 i p R- UAl-LlinU, 24 Cakes, $1.35 f BOX. * SOXG SLIDES • POJEIIDWffllSUDBlSOf. w l*nt,' V>H C P for u '»t ■ciLUBTKK, >r f . Optlela, " no Slrtft, SSU^i ■«I«i Ah E IM T Large Stock 80ft. sad Under New and Becond Hand. Write THE CHARLES P. SIBDER - TENT AND AWNING CO., Snceetsors to the T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept, Detroit Bag and lift. Co.. Detro 1 *. Iflefc. Performers Going to Europe Should apply for TOWEST RATES at the EXCHANGE OFFICE, 10* E. 14th ST., Oerman Savlnia Ban! Bulldlne, New Yort. For Sale, 4 Wagons, $100; Band Uniforms, Bass and Snare Drums. WILL BUY 80, 10, 80ft. Tents, Stage and Scenery. Address , ... KESB1T SCOVILLB, Ht. Clemens, Mich. HOST UNIQUE, RICHLY COLORED, > Eaeh. CONDENSERS, &. tL M 4&. FOLLOWING ARE 8EC0ND HAND : LIGHTS. BARGAINS. MODEL B, OXY, LITHE OUTFIT, 329.50. ACETTLENE OUTFIT, $8.60; HYDRO OARBON.tlO SO.VO ILLUSTRATOR, $10: ELECTRIC LAMP, %i. $70 MOTION PICTURE MACHINE, $37.60. CINEOORiPH, $30: CI.VEOQRAPli, $40. ES^JN UNIVERSAL, $65. ID SEND FOR •■■ LIST. CIIUQ *ct.. rlkm«J| p«r Foot, WE BUY MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, FILMS, STEREOPTICONS, SLIDES, Etc. 809 P11ILA,, FUbert, PI BICKETT WM. fc. BICKETT. Bt. Petersburg, Fla. FOR SALE,-E-FUT TUBA (DIstIn), silver plated, fine condition, with sole leather case, $35.00. Address VERNON OALSTEB, Box, 1283, Jollet, III. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Hand Films, Song Slides and Machines B ,2 u 3? t ' Sol<1 and ^Changed. 664 WASHINGTON ST., Room 42, Boston, Mass., opp. Adams House. MUTOSCOPE WANTED, MANAGER, — FOR — STOCK AND REPERTOIRE STIR (Woman) Hooked solid for Summer and regular season. Full Acting Co., Special Pnpcr. Scenery and Elgin Plays. Mgr. must take half Interest In Co., to In- sure working for Interest of trnkl Co. Small cash uinoiint asked. Fullest Investigation Invited. If you don't nieau luminals don 'l answer. Experience unnecessary. "STOCK CO.," care of CLIPPER, DO YOU EVER RIDE? Several Gasolene Ono Scat Runabout Automobiles, Puncture proof tires, for parade or anyone. Con- dition perfect. Ono Merry do 'Round, 24 Horses, 4 Chariots, Tent, Music, Engine, Boiler; ready to run. PoldtiigOrgans, Crank I'liinos. Dwarf Pianos, Black Tents. Folding Clialra. Send for free bargain booklet. R. II. ARMBKUSTER, Springfield, 111. "Tell It To Me" EZRA KENDALL'S 3d BOOK. AIX NEW - OUST OUT. For si!e on .11 trains and news stands, or by mall. aoo. Address EZHA KENDALL, 50 South 7th Are., Ht. Vernon, N. Y. MAN TO PI.AY PIANO AND 81NO ILLUSTRATED SONGS, Address ma lone CAFE, Malone, N. Y i- of All F>«nriy Machlnea." "The Proml, Operated THE BEST MONET EARNER IN THE BUSINESS FOR 10 YEARS AND THE ONLY MOVING PICTURE SLOT MACHINE IN THE MARKET. E NOW for the S ? rin & and Summer trade. If "W11 you have a good location you will find a group of Mutoscopes a gold mine. Always handsome in appearance, always provided with new pictures, always in order. Our terms are more attractive than ever. Time payments to responsible parties. SPECIAL NOTICE—We are now selling Muto- scopes to be used at Coney Island, Rockaway, North Beach, and other resorts on Long Island. We have occasional bargains in used machines. WHITE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. American IVIutoscope and Biograph Co., 11 EAST 14th ST., NEW YORK CITY.