The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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XPftlh 8. TITO NEW YOBS CLIPPER. 171 lilt bring pronounced tlii- i»-'( wwt seen In I be animal IICc. "Week M April 3: Aitgllstn liliisc. Klnlnv i:iul llurkr. Mlgnahi Family. yirCoy-Fltzglldsni Trio, Jeanne Ardelle mid iwnpanr. Xeirell nnii Sleelc. Krelsel's cats, ,in"» unit monkeys, and Hip rllngraph. Cisrn lAI llaynes. inuiiageri." -Lnsi week's business »viis im la Hip ii-uii l stand- ard. Mfltnlp llaniMi lunkliii n lilt. Honked a -nil Ifrt ; "Cinderella mid Her l-Vh-y I'oitrt." rrpirlli'ipp «i>«l rtMiealef. Mary Hoggin, Crow- l*v and Foley. Ilrlgg* and Hazard, Immm giid Ryan, I.n I'IpIIp am, klneioscopp. .Mi ki:.'jiiipnv ill. R. ItitiHtnon. niunnsei-i. shows Dud good business In*'. «wk. Hill wwk <>f H : Sunderland and Foodn. lllll IIIil'Iiis, Kenney and Clarke. Mile. Mnrelle's dogs, l'.abe Dally and vlingrnph. i ■ ■ Wnreealer.—Al the Worcester (Jan. F. Hock, resident mnnnger) "On the Yellnw- cioiip" April 0. "Kneii llolden" |. -Th-? Sinn nf iIip Cross** 10. II. Grace ('eori-c IX !.<-» Dockstader 2.1. "The lilrl and the Moon" bail f*'««l returns Mnreh ill-April '1. fiiA.vKt.ix llM'aM tSh.M k Bam, mana- gers).—"^trhwn'l Flats" week iif April a. iJist week "After Midnight" bad fnlr business. P.tBK (Alf. T. Wilton, manager i.—Week nf :i: Delia Fox, Mrlnryr? and Itlce. Press Kldrhlpe, IIME • 'Wiley Trio. Jock Irvtin. the Willis. Troloar, and the olograph. Kindness to almost constant S. II. O. I'AMi'h.—Week nf 3, Kings nnil Queen* Biirlesijiters. The olio includes: Stevens n ml i:inta. Cole anil Clemens, and F.dlili Miiso.-i. ,NaML—S. '/?. Toll Iiiik bought of the Cronip- kiii AanarlaTni Hie block formerly wrecked hv lire, and will construct u new fireproof vaudeville house Cltns. <". Collin, formerly manager nl Hie Worcester Thenlre, will n<t- miiii" ilie management nf Hie theatre at Lake guiiislganionil Gils Slimmer. ■ Sew Bedford At the New Bedford Tlieutre I Win. II. Cross, manager) Harvey & Cage Co. fame to good liusinr-s^ Inst week. "Tfie Isle of Spire" did splendidly Mnrrh St. Corlnne Runkel Htock t'o. April 3-8. IlA-riMWAT'a (l 1 . B. Bnyles, manager).— The S. n. I), sign wait out all last week, lllll for week of .'I: Mysterious Zanzigs, Brown. Harris and Itrown. Six Tiger Miles, Ma | Doyle, White and Simmons. Lntrson bin) Nnninii. the llolfes and vltngraph. bUH,—Mary Hoggin, a hllncl vocalist of ioeal fame, made her professional debut nt Hnthnwny's Theatre Miin-lt 27. and made one of the nits of the bill. The New Red fort Lodge of Klksi gnve a big benefit on April 2, for the benefit nf the sufferers of the Brocklon fire, and the bouse wa« anld mil The lorn] Aerie of Ragles Intend-to visit Kail Hirer In a bodv to at- tend (be in hi-ire i show to lie given hv tbelr br.ilher Kngles In that cily In the near fu- ture Work on the new big theatre nt l.lui'iiln Park Is nearlng completion, and when done It will make this opeu air house the largest In South New Knglurid. » Lawrence.—At the Opera House (Grant .\ Calin, managers) the Corinue Itunkel Co. had good business week of .Mnreh 27. She- iiord'r. moving pictures came to two good houses April 2. Hooked: "Thou Shall .Vol Kill" :!, "The Isle of Spice" r., "The pit" 7. Colonial :(Weber & Rush, managers).— Business very good week of March 28. Ama- teur night had S. It. O. Hooked week nf April-3,: Italy and Devere, Bertha Allison. Miry Dnpnnt and company, Talbot and llog- eri. Cardt'ier and Vlnrei^. All tirnnt, Itlee and Klnier, and klnetngrapli. t'.iHixo tw. L liaTlogher. ■ monagtr).— liilHlness giiod. IVooked week of ".: Hem. arid Alden, May Harrison, the Olnnclpirtx, l'addv Joyce, Cet-ilp Zola, and Andrews nml Milllat'i). ■ . "»»» PBSX8VI,VAXM. I'hllntlelplila—An attractive list nf nf ferlngs Is presented nt the local houses lids week, mid they should serve to keep patron- age at the high point maintained for severa! mouths past. ■ Hiui.vd STKnirr THRAinR (Nixon & Zimmer- man, managers).—In ••Cousin Billy." pre- sented for ihe first times here last week. hranch Wilson has struck a new line of ef- fort nnd oue in which be undoubtedly makes gnoil. The audiences which rrowdpd the house throughout' the week uppeared to he delighted with the conicdy. their lavish ap plituse leaving no nsun for doubt on that score. The same attraction Is continued this we^k, Ilie ihaln piece being followed hv the first production of an original enmedv, by Austlh Strong and I.lovd Oslioiirne, en- titled -rhp Ml tie Father of the Wilderness." Mnry Mnntiei-lng. In "Nuiicy Hlulr." Is under- lined for Ilie coming week. < i aukuk Thkatck i Crank Howe Jr., man- ager I.—'Ilie Interruption of the engagement of Klhel llnrrymore, by the death, of her father, lasted until Thursday of the past week, the performances being resumed with a special ovuluee on that day. Business hud lieeu excellent during the first week, of the engagement,' and even Inrger audiences, were attracted upon the resumption of the per- formances. This week Annie Htissell Is seen in "Jinny, the Carrier." for the first times here. Next week. Joe Weber's Stock Co. CiiK.STNirr Nnocftf Oral Hni.'SK (Nixon & Zimmerman, ninnngera).—The prosperous fortnight's engagement of Lillian Kusscll. In "Lady Teaule," closed last week, and the current week begins an engagement of the snmo length for James K. Hackett, In "The 1'oriiiues of the King." Following comes the (ieoree Primrose Minstrels. Chkxt.vit Wmm TitKATnr (Nixon & Zim- merman, lannugers).—I^ist week closed the fortnight's, return engagement for "The i'rliice of Pllsen." Business was large dur- ing the entire two weeks. Frank Daniels Is now holding Ihe hoards, presenting "Ser- geant I!rue. for the llrst times here. April 17. "The lloyul I'hef." Walnut Stbhct Theatiir (Frank Howe Jr., malinger).—The attraction at this house Is now "The Maid and the Mummy." for n run. The public laal week continued lo patronize "The Heir to ihe Honrah" In good- ly numbers. Casino <l"llu». Knenlg Ss I^derer, mana- gers).—A capital company Is presenting "A t'ountry Clrl" nt this house, the opening per- formances last week being of the best, nnd highly ii priii. < lined k> the crowded houses. Ilie current week ends Ihe engagement, next week bringing Fva Tiingiioy. Ui "The Siimlio • ilrl." "Smiling Islanir Is scheduled for a return engngcmcul April '24. I'.vitK fauna If. t). Xlxon-Nlrdlluger, innnoger).—"Onlucy Adiims Sawyer" la the ofrei-lng at Ibis bouse during this nod Ihe raining week. Announced to follow Is Ar- thur Dunn, in "The Ilnnawuys." April 24. riiouins K. Shea, in "The fJreat Adventurer." Kellnr continued doing u large bnslnesn dur- ing his lust week. Xation.u. Thiutm (Joseph M. Kelly, man- ager).—Tlie pnlrnns turned out In fort* last week for the performances of "Nobody's Barling,'' which appeared to please them jvell. 1 Ids avftt. the Smart Set Is furnish- lug entertainment. Next week brings "The •l.vpsy C.lil." Ciia.\i> Opkra Hiiitkb (<'•■ A. Wegefarth. managerl.—Xni M. Wills, who did nn excel- lent business at Ihls house earlier In lk« ««"ison. ietiii-tip this week In "A Hon of Itest." Ihe Hnnouuceuietit for Ihe coming week Is 'Ihe Awnkeulng of Mr. l*lpp." Lasl week's performances of "Who flops There?" were largely nl tended. Itt.vxr.y's Auoit Strkrt Tiibatiib (M. s Sclileslngpr. inn linger i.—The week's engage- ment «r Daniel nyan. In reperlorv. tm-rlied and received lllieral patronage, and the young a,mr earned nates npptnuse fur clever ifpllnp- atlmia. The ineloilrnina, "The fiirsp of E Drink,'' Is lb- current nflVriug. w I Hi "The niiywiird'Sim" n-bfriuMI lo folb.w I'Kofi.K's TiiK.vnii: iC. «;. NIxoiiNinl- linger. inanioteri.- After a iiroliliihle week's eiigagenient for "Klglu IteIN" this house now has the nieliutimnn. "Wedded. Hut No Wife." "\ ICace for Life" N underlined fm the com- Inc week. itauaa avkxik Vtutx-nui iMiller k Knuf- ninii. managersi.—This week's nllrnction Is "In OUT Kentucky," with Nellie I'lilbihuu In the leading rule. This Is lo lie followed next week by Knsc Melville, in "Sis Hopkins ' Ihe patrons turned mil In force last week all railed by "No Wedding Hells for Her." IIaiit'h Xkw Thi:atiik i.lohn W. Hart, iimnngeri.—This week's attraction al Ihls house Is •■lmrkesi Hussia." the cast being beaded by Ilachel Acton. -The Span of Life" held Hi- hoard* last week, and fared well, Ihe announcement for Die coming week Is Mamie Fleming, In "The Ibuid to Trlseo." FnnKPAt'.iH's THRATaN i Miller & Kauf- man, miimijiersi.— After a week of admirable perfonnunevs of ".Moths," with attendance of the Imi, Ihe stork-company of this honse vent out of existence, and Ihls week Kugenie Itlalr begins a four weeks' engagement, pre- Heating "Sapho" during ihe first week, nnd "I'liniiotte fnrilny" during Ihe second. It Is understood that nfter the four weeks' en- gagement or Kugenie Blair, another slock comiiany will be organized for the Summer season. Sr.Vxn.M:ii Thkatm: (Dnrcv & Speck, man- agersi.—"My Old Keniticky Home" was the offering by Ihe stock company last week, am! ihelr excellent performances earned the applause of the filled houses. This week "An American lientleman" is being present- ed, while "King of Tramps" Is in rehearsal for Ihe i oiulng week. rU*KC*H Itijor Tiikatrk (Carl Snake, man- ager).—The Herman stock company nt Ihls bouse appears this week In "Tinning of Ihe Shrew" and "Huntels Lizzie." Kkitii'm New Tiikatiii: III. T. Jordan, resident manager*.—On ihe programme this week are: The Znucigs. Illind Tom, Smith and r.Mik, Mr. and Mrs. Cardner Crane, Ward and Currnn. Callahan and Mack. Norn Hayes, !,olgli Itmthers, Behnore and fmeldn, Ilellinan, ICarl and Wilson, t'lemo nnd Cns- sels. Two Ashtons nnd the btngrapli. Ibix Ton Thkatkk (Don Ton Ainusement Co.. mnnngersi.—The list this week includes: flray nnd lirnhnm. Scnnlnn and Stevens, the Armsiroiigs, Alpha Trio, the llarrlgnns, Kennedy and Jones, llenn Arnold. Belmont and Ben lllggs. " Kl.rt'KNTH MtKBKT Oi'Kitv Hoi'SK (Frank Dumnnt. manager).—In addition to cont'uu- Ing Ihe litirles<ines. "liet Kleh Quick" nnd "Naiioleon nt Wanamnker's." n new one. "The Butler-Acme Trading Stamp tirocerles." Is put on for the llrst time this week. Business shows i.o signs of diminution, last week's nllrndanre being all Hint could be desired. I,vci:iM Tiikatiii: (John fS. Jermon. man- ager).—After a prosperous week with Ihe City Sports as Ihe bill this house now has the Bohemian I'.urlesniiers In a varied bill of liurlesiiiif and vaudeville. The Merry Maidens are due next week. TitocAOKini (Floyd l.niimnii. mnnnger).— The Hose Hill Kngllsli Folly Company holds Ihe hoards Ihls week, appearing In two timely burlpscpies and nn extensive olio. The en- tertainment fumMied .ast week by Frank B. Cnrt-V. Thoroughbreds proved to Hie liking of the pniruns nnd they kept the house crowded. Xixtii .\xn Alien Mi'SRrjr (('. A. Brnden- tnilieli.- mnnnger). —Among the features In the carlo lull Ihls week are: llntinev's llonnle Hand. Old Zip. Ihe "What Is IP" the Dexters. second sight: llentivnls. eipill- Ibrlst ; Dills)' Aurlii, bag punching; Kdw. (invin. muscular marvel, and Prof. Kane, novelty musician. KMl'lnis TiimTBE (Wm. B. Allen, mana- ger i.—Wednesday. Ttuimday and Friday nights lite Innocent Maids furnish the en- tertainment nl this house. For Sntuntnv matinee mid nlgbi. " 'Way Down Kasl" Is scheduled. XiyrKs.—T. M. Dougherty, treasurer of the Park Theatre, has a henelil at this bouse April S3 Howard M. KvnnR. treasurer of the Kleventh Street Opera House. Is to have n benellt there April 10 and 20 Otis Skinner and his company are scheduled lo appear ut the liarrick Theatre May 1. In the first American product Ion of "The Har- vester." The hotly of Maurice Iliury- moir? was brought here lust Wednesday and burled In the Drew lot at flleuwood Ceme- tery, without ceremony, and attended only by |iis three clilldreu. Harrlaburig.—At the Lyceum (M. Itels, malinger I Lenten season business com limes gratifying. "The Boyal Chef" did well March 1'R. This production celebrated Its llrst an- niversary 28. Ben Jerome, the composer, was presented with a sliver loving cap In behalf of the company by ]■:. L. Don, the comedlnn. wbo Is a recent addition to the company. Mr. Jerome tendered the company a banquet after Ihe performance. It was a memorable event. Frederick Warde and Kuthertne Kid- der had a fair audience 211. Marie Wain- wrlght played lo medium business "it. and W. II. Meat's Minstrels drew two good bouses III. "The Seminary MM." April 1. had goml business. Wm. Collier :;. Hose Cogblan 4, Joe Weber's Stock Co. fi, Kellnr II. "The Runaways" 7. "(julnry Adams Suwver" S. Oi-kha Hoi si: i M. Itels. manager).—"The ftuuner's Male" did well 27-20. Klsle liladvs, of this company, n local favorite, who lias been absent for several seasons, was given a warm welcome. "The Peddler," with Samuel Thome, scored n big hit HO-April l, and did nice business. "Xo Wedding Bells for Her" 3-,-i. "On the Bridge at Midnight" 0-8. Xotkk. —Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Chuiincey, of Ihe Kyrle Browne company, spent 27-30 at their home In this city Kdwnrd Burton, nf "A Struggle for Cold," Is at Ills home la this city cbns. Lovell, of ihls cily, Is now In charge of the ticket wagon with the liarniim -Halle.v Circus Joseph Allen Mi- lium, Rochester, X. V.. and lless Pullman, Chicago, members of "The Royal Chef." were married nl Lebanon, l'a.. 21) Allen VII- ller nnd Pearl Lewis. In "The Heart nf Texas," and Ihe Alon-za Match Co., did good business at Mlddleinwu, I'm, March 2K nnd April I, respectively. * \Vllllniii»iiort. —At the Lycoming Opera House (Lyman .1. F'sk. mnnager) "Peggy from Paris" drew an Immense house Mnicli 23. "The Minister's Daughters." 24. and "The Peddler," 25. Iioth bad fair returns. "The Wizard of (>*." who held the house record for last season, had an iucreased at- tendance 27. "The Factory fllrl" 28. Al. II. Wilson delighted a parked house 20, Ous Sun's Minstrels HI. "The Village I'ostuiuster" April I. Kirk Brown Co. week of 3, with 4 out for Marie Walnwr'ghl: Dudley's, moving pictures Id, "The Isle of Spice" 11, May Ir- win, In "Mrs. Black Is Back," 12: "Queen of the White Slaves" IS, Xotkk.— Lee Arthur, author of "The Auc- tioneer," Is now writing n piny for Al. II. Wilson for next season Ilia Mabel Slrlehy. of this c'ly. was warmly welcomed Willi "The Wizard of Oz" here, 27. I'Hisiiuru. vt the Xlxon (T. F. Kirk Jr.. manager) K. S. Wlllnrd appears April ::-S In repertory. Lust week "The Sho-iinn" played to capacity hiislnc**. "Hen Hnr" HI- Xi:»v At.vix I Hurry Duvls. iniiniiger).— (has. Itlchinnn ami Annie Irish, supported by the Hurry Davis Slock Co.. will iiresem " I lie Crossways" :i-S. Last wts-k "Tlie Charily Bull" broiighl out the patrons In force, ami they were highly entertained. "The Two Ksciilchertns" 1111.1. It Arm t.l. K, orr. uuiiiiigeri. Primrose's Big Minstrels Il-S. Ijisl week "I'rliicessi'hlc" played lo large business and gave a satisfac- tory ealertainnieut. "Smiling Island" 10-13, DrornsXK t.McXnliy A Cull.k. nintingersl. --"The llennly Doclor." which appeared here earlier in the season, returns ;l-g. Lust week the l.lllpuilnns did well. The pro- duction was meritorious. Mason and Mason, In "Fritz nnd Snliz." 10-1.1, fiii.ixn (Ilnrry llnvls, manager).—The pat- rons are given another giuul vaudeville en- icrtnininenr S-S, including: The Klgbt Vna- sur illrls. O Hann San and Co.. In Japanese Hying pictures: Four Huntings. Kllzubrtll Murray, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Keley. Sam Kllon. Then. Morse Trio. Charles l>nest. Smith and Campbell, Lorulne and tinndv. Kllen Illchards. Joe llelmont. Curl Is arid May. and iIip klnetogrnpli. I.asi week's bill, with Chevalier, brought out Ihe patrons in large numbers. Hi no- i.Mc.Vnlly & Oitllck. managers).— "A Race for Life" :i-S. Last week. "Fast Life In New York" did Ihe usual big busi- ness. '•Tracked Around the World" 10-16, L'MPliti: IK J McCnlloiigh. nnitng.'rl.— "The Wayward son" :ts, ijmi week, "llu- niun Hearts" did well, and gnve a good show. "Darkesi Russia" 10-1.1. Avrxi:k l Harry Davis, manager).—The Avenue Dramatic Co. will present •Blue Jeans" 3-8, Last week, "The Cherry Pick- ers" dlu well, and brought fnlr luilroung'. "My Fanner" 1UI.V Ac*l«3tt ok Misip (II. W. Williams Jr., mnnnger).—Week of ,1, the Xew Vork Stars. Last week the Dainty Duchess Co. gave a good show, to the usual capacity business, ■ " Flnstnn.—At the Able Opera Honao (W. K. Deiwlller, manager) all star "The Two Orphans," March 23, had fair business. "Tlie Gunner's Male" 24. "The Mnld and the Mummy." 2,1, played lo good business. Ches- ter Be Voniie Co. played In good business week of 27. Keljar, Ihe magician. April 10; May Flske Co. 17. «»» KBW JKHSKY. l.niii'iiKti-r. —At Hie Fulton Opera House (Chits. A. Teefeer. liinnngeri Ihe Myers Slock Co., supporting itosnhelle Leslie, hi reper- tory, had very good business March 27-:io, April I. Marie Walnwrlghl drew a large house 31. •Tansl" April 3. Hits Sun's Mln- tlrels -I. Kellnr .1. Win. Collier it. "Higgledy- piggledy" nnd "The College Widower" 7, "The Itunnways" .>, Rose Coghlnn 10. F.ihel Barrymore 14. F.\.Mii.r (Kd. Mozarl. mniiageri.—Current ntlractlniis Include Smith O'llrlen. Kile nnd Leo. Ilorr Saoiui. [lelmore and Dnrrell, Ism and Mae lionlon, l.'ddle Cassldy, elc. Xewiirli.—'At the Newark Tlientre (Lea Ottoiengul, manager) Klrnnor Kohson, In "Merely Mary Ann." April 3-8. Wright Lorl- iner drew fairly good Lenten nudlenws. In "The Shepherd King," last week. Clinuncey Olcntt 10-1.1. I'Mi'tuK (It. M. Ilynms, mnnagerl.—Billy ClIITord appears this week, In "How He Won Her." Cood si«claltles are Introduced by Hone. Wallers and Cnno, Austin Sisters, Sawtelle anil Sears nnd Mav Trado. Not M. Wills crowded the house njghtl.i last week. In "A Son of Rest. 1'he Smart Bet" 10-15. Com jibia (M. J. Jacobs, manager),—The present Is Ihe Inaugural week or the new stock company, and much public Interest Is manifested In the new people, as well as the return nf s-oinc- well remembered ones. This Is the home of local slock and Its return causes general satisfaction. J. Henry Koiker iiinhe.H his renppeurance this week in the lead, In ''Sergeant James." The company also. In- cludes: Alexander Kearny, Hurrv J. Ingram. Joseph Dallev. Harry Stubbs. Alfred Walton, Fulton Bussed, Wlllnrd Perry, Gay Durrell, William Rnude 1 !, Jane Kentinrk, Mary Sand- ers and Theresa Maxwell. Walter Clnrk Bel- lews Is stage director, and J. J. Cassidy «teulc- ■Mist. Hlanev's (J. II. Bucken, manager).—Mr. Blnuey's "The Child Sluves of Xew York" this week. "The Curse of Drink" had good hoiiRCs Inst week. "The Millionaire' Detec- tive" io-ir.. Waldmaxn's (W. S. Clark, mtnager).— The Rentz-Suntley Hurleaquer* this week. The Cracker Jacks brought out the usual good business Inst week. Trocaderos, returning with new leatures, 10-10. PiKii-Ton's (J. Austin Fynes, general man- ager).—Warm weather does not ■ Interfere with the good business at Ihls house. Bill this week presents Tom Nawn and Co., Pat Ruoney's SI reel I'rchlns, Lminet Devoy mid Co., the Musical Avolos, Hoberis. Hayes and Roberts. Cook and Hayes, Knox Wilson and Three Mitchells. The Xnvajo CI lis were well I'ked last w«k. Noti;. —Fred Kltller, treasurer of Blnney's' Will be given a benellt April 14. « Trillion.—At Taylor Opera House (Monl- gomery Jloses, mnnager) "Peggy from Purls,'' .March 2,1, played lo good business. Thitrlier *.- Xusher Stork Co., boohed for 27 and wee!:, bus closed for the season. Warde and Kid- der, ill, had good business, De Wolf Hooper April ::, Amelia lllnglunn 4, Dnckstnder's Minstrels 7, Weber's Slock Co. 8. Lillian Russell II), 11 of ma mi and Krelsler Joint re- cllul. Rose Coghl'tn 14. Hr.VTK STiiKirr (Frank Shnllers. manager). —"The Two Johns," March 27-20. had good bilslnes,:. Kugenie Blair. In "Snpho," guve Kiitlsfncllon. lo big houses, 30-Aprll 1. "Front Rags to Riches" 3-.1, "At Ihe Old Cross Roads" (IS. "Klgbt Bells" 10-12, "The Strol- lers" 14. "The Village Post muster" IS, Tin.,vr IK. Reiilou, mnnnger i.—(iood busi- ness last week, lllll for 3 nnd week: Henry Lee, J. C. Nugent and Co., Snl«?l Johnson, Jessclln Trio. Johnson, Palmer and Johnson, Musical Crulgs, Hughes ami lliizellou and the liiogriinli. Xiiti:.— I'nulineltl and Pliptn. sneclnl vaudeville feature with Ihe Tliurber-Xasber Stock Co.. gave the best exhibition on Ihe horizontal bars ever seen In this cily. Mas- ter Phil. M. Tlntrber. the Juvenile member of Ihe com puny, proved himself to lie far above the average child performer In ninny re- spects. Special mention Is also due Mile. Peplln licliiro, who carried Ihe house by storm. « Jersey Cily.—"At Old Point Comfort" met with fair results nt the Academy, week ending Aiirll 1. J. J. Jeffries, oh "Davy t'rockett,' r nt Ihe Bijou, bud fine ntlendunce. At the Hon Ton Ihe Rose lllll (inlcty Co. had excellent flunnelnl returns. Blanche New- combe mnl Km hoi Inc Rowe Puliner deserve mention for their very clever work. AcAiiKMr IF. K. Henderson, manager).— Week of April ::. "Nobody'a Darling," "Dark- est Russia" having canceled. The Royal Llll- pulluus 10-1.1. Bi.ioii (J. W. Holmes, proprietor).—How- ard Hall, in "The Millionaire Detectives," ,'!- 8. Next week. "The Curse of Drink." Box Tox (T. W. Dlnklns. manager).—The Merry Maidens lliirlesiiucrs 3-8. The Pa- risian Widows 10-15. Notks— Advertising Agent Will Hlnkler, of the lll.lon. Is wearing "Ihe smile that won't come off." II wus a boy Albert Field- ing, of Hlukley's si n ft*, has Joined J. T. Slc- Cadden's Circus, at Purls, Frnm-e. Iloliaken—Fair business baa been the rule al tlie Lyric III. P. Soulier, manager) during Ihe past week. Kugenie Hlnlr. March 211-20. made an acceptable Hapho, nnd Mana- ger Ooi-ge A. Hluinealhal staged Ihe piny admirably. "The Hypsy Clrl." wllh Dollv Kemiwr, 30-Aprll 1, closed Hie week In good shape. "The Two Johns" April 2-.1. "The Queen of the Highway" fl-s, "At IIip Old Cross Roods" 0-12, "From Bags to Riches" 13 1.1. I'Mi'tun (A. M. Bruggemnn, proprietor).— Cood business Inst week. Coin's ucllng dogs liMiig'u great feature. Rill week of ;t: Hard- tier and Mnddern, Browning. Welp nnil com- pany, Lawrence and Harrlnglon, Klein and CIHliin. Irving Jones, Mme. I.nilnn, I'.tliel Roh'iiison, Hie kineiogrnpli ami Ihe Twelve Xnvnjii (ilrls. * Ulnniic «'ll>-,-At Ihe Savoy Theatre ll-Vil B, .Moore, manageri "The Mnld and Ihe .Maiuiiiy" bed a big bouse Mm-, Ii 27. "Hearts Adrlfl" enjoyed satisfactory pa- Irolinp 2S. 20. Frank Daniels gave the llrst American plesclllatloll of "Sergenill lleiio." '■'■<>. ,11, lo packed houses. Coming : "Klgbt Hell*" April :i, 4. "The Runaways" .1. Duck- stnder's Minstrels Ii, "Xo Wedding Hells for Her" 7, Win. Collier S. Xnl M. Wills 10, Klhel P-nrryntoiv II, Rose Coghlnn 12. 13, "Tin- Royal Chef" 14. 1.1. Ocrax Pu:u TllKATNH (W. K. Shackelford, manager). -The bill week of March 27 in uncled good sized audiences. Coining Week i.l April ::: Taylor Twins. Hodges an.I l.unnohm'>c, the tlnrrlanns. Almoin nml I m- nioiit, lll< key nnd Nelson and kliietn t -r",|ili I — Camden.-Al the C den TheiUrp ( M. W. Taylor, inniiageri "The Hllver DnggiT," a siitisfuctory pel formailce. bad goml busi- ness March 27-20. "Ilearta Adrlfl" closed the wwk well. "A Despernle Chance" :i .1, "From Rags lo Riches" US, "Fansi" 111 12. "A (illllty Conscience" 13-1.1, Nun:.—Mnnnger Taylor expects In break ground on Ihe new ■THANMI tlicairo shorily. Ilesldeuls have been liivlled to lake slock III the now enterprise, nnd the entire aiuouin is very nearly subscribed f<ir. a i» m;h YORK st\ti:. IIiHTmIo. — Al the Slur Theatre (P. 0, Cornell, manager) William Kaversham April li-.l, May Irwin (1-8, "The Shoilun" 10-12, I-II(Inn Russell and "Parsifal" dividing wtek of 17. A in, I* 1 Russell. In "Jinny, Ihe Cur- lier." did well Inst week. Co.WKxrioN iiai.i. ill. U Meech, iniitiu- gerl.—Tim pure food show occurs week of 3. Tkck I Walter S. Baldwin, manager i — "Michael Slrogoff" this week. "What Hap- pened lo Jones'' pleased good gatherings Inst v.eek. LvcKt'ii (.1. Lniighlln. niniinger).—"A Pris- oner of War" week of 3. Gertrude Swigged, In "In the Shadow of Darkness," next week. "Arross the Pnclllc" did well Inst week. Paiik (M. Shea, managei-1.—The Wm. Fnr- nuni Co., In "Hparliu'iis,' this week. "Madame Suns-Gene" underlined, Ysaye tiupeared lo a large house 2. "The Only Way" drew nicely Inst week. Hiika's, —The nrogriiiiune Ihls week In- cluiles: "Dldn," lllll nml Whltnker. Marcus nml i in tii-llc, liallnii Trio, Mmldox ami Proiity, Leslie nnd Dnlley, Dutllu-Redcay Trnupe and Hill Godfrey and company. Ai'AIikuy (C. (i. Stevens, tnanngerl.—The Uussell Bros. Ihls week. "A Wife's Seciel" tieit week. "Xew York Jtoty by Day" was well received last week. Lak.wkttk (Cbns. U, llngg, miiuager).— Hellly & Wood's Big Show week of it. The World Beaters Ki-lfi. The Gay Miisipieraders liuil big business last week. S i Rochester.—At the Lyceum (M. R. Wnllf. mnnagcrl Annie Kusscll. In "Jinny, the Carrier," dellgliled a very huge ninllence March 28. P.thiii May. In "The Scluiol lilrl." hnd S. II. O. .no. x. c. Goodwin gnve "The Csurpers" to n large house April 1. Frllzl Schefr 3-8. The Moll Or-beslrn « (Mnurlre Moll, conductor): Mine. I'aro llevllle, soloist. NA-rifis'Ai. (Max llurtlg, mnnnger).—Dan- iel Sully, In "Our Paslor," did deservedly cupaclly business March 27-20. Williams and Walker April 3-d. "Su|ierhn" 11-8. IHkbh (.1. (■'.. Boyle, munngerl.—"Shndnws of ii lirent City" did good business March 27-211. Stetson's "Parte Tom's Cabin" did Its usual good business .'10-Aprll I. "In the Shadow of Darkness" 3-1, "A Wife's Secret" «s. i'ihik Opkiia Hui'sr (J. H. Moore, iiuina- geri.—Business Is always good here. Mary Shaw nnd Ziitkn curried off Ihe honors last week. Bib 3 and week : Dan McAvov and Ids Fifth AVPtiue Girls, Klglit Salvage's. Smart Barnes, Chassluo, Knrlelll, I.e Rov Mil M'liodforil, Hathaway* nml Wallnn anil the klnelograpli. CiuiisTliiAN (II, C. Jacobs, iituunger).— The Vanity Fair Co. did excellent business List week, giving u garni show. The (Iny Miisipicrudi'is Co. ,'I-S. Xfrri:.—Mnl luce of April 7 u inonsler lienis 111 Is to be ten.lend lo John Milan, it popu- lar Ibealrlciil eiunloyo of local houses for yearn, who Is suffering from tuberculosis. I Albany, — Al llarmiiniiH Bleeckcr Hull (II. It. Jacobs, munugeri Wilton Lsckuye, In "The I'll," March 2i, 2N. Illled Ilie thenlre. Jlontgiuiiery and Slone. In "The Wizard of Oz." amused a big house. Frltzl Seber)', In "Boccaccio," made an Instuutiilieoiis hll, be- fore a large audience. ",<). Kvrlo llellew, ,'Kl- Aprll 1. In "1111 Mies," sold oul Ihe houses. Frunz Von Vecsey 3, Ailelulile Fltz-Allen, In "Obosls," 4 : (Iruce (Jeorge Ii, "The Sign of the Cross" II. 7, "Babes In Toyluiid" 8. Km ciin: ill. R. Jacobs, iniiniiger),—Clura Turner Stock Co. lust week hud uniformly good business nnd plciwd. "A Bunch of Keys" 3-D, "Just Before Dawn" l|-H, I'luicTiin'H (Howard ilrahiini, resident mniiageri.—Only slaiidlng rooiii Is Hie ntlo bete Bill 3 and week: Incutunni'iilile Gralid Opera Trio, Kddle Glrnrd and Jessie Gard- ner, Victor Moore and I'lnmn Lllllelleld, Mo ztirto, A. K, Ciildern, Klniur 'I'culey, Gilbert uuil Hurl, nnd Herbert's dogs. Haiktv (II. II. Nichols, malinger).—Fred Irwin's Big Slnny, Marrli 27-211, Moused big bouses.' Scrlhner's Morning (jlnrles followed :in-Aprll 1, III "The Devil's I Hi lighter," lo excellent iilleudnnce. IUisi; Sydell's I.■onion Belles 3.1, Tiger Lilies II-K. « Troy.—At ihe Grlstvold ((pern House (M. Rp|». innuiigerl "The Village Parson" drew fairly well March 27-VH. -The W'zard nf Oz" hnd a good Ihiiim' ,'tO. Flilzl Schefl did well SI, "Sergenill Kilty" had good busi- ness April I. The Sign of the Cross" 4, .1 "Abigail" II, "Kheii lloldeu" 7. "Peggy from Pnrlir' M. Ramp's IM. Rel«, manager).'—Vaudeville played lo S. It. (I. iasi week. The isillcy con- Unties 3-8. I.vrrrw IMorlliner Snow, mnnnger).—"As Van Like It" bad average sized houses March :;,s-.\[nil |, "Biciuise She Loved 1 ftin Ho" 3-8. Kovai, (Wllllmii Duck, iiinniiger).—liny Morning Glories Illled the house March 27-20. FrH Irwin's lllg Show ciiuglil Ilie popular fancy .'Ill-April I. The.Tiger Lilies 3 ."., Lon- don Holies Biirlesiiuers lis ■ g Syrnenae.—At Welling Opera IIoiisp (J. L. Kerr, mniiageri Annie Russell, hi ".Iliuiv, the Carrier," hail big business March 27. "Sergenill Kitty" did good business 28. 20. N'ir C. linodwiti had big business 3D, F.ilnn May 31, April I, "The Royal Chef 3, "The Burgomaster" 4, .1, Kyrle llellew i|. 7, Frltzl Scheff H. Has-i'aiii.i: III. A. Ilurllg, mniiageri.—- Chut ley (Irapewln, in "The Awakening of Mr. Plpn," last week drew good business. Joe Welch KM 2. "Arlz.uiii" 13-1.1. liliAMi Opkiia Hoiki: (C. II. l'liuuiiier, mniiageri.—"Shallows of n (irent City" March .'{OAprll I, "A Wife's Secrel" H-Ti, "III the Shadow of Darkness" (IK. "The Vil- lage Parson" HI-12, "A Prisoner nf War" 13- 1.1. 11 goisl unilleiice 30. •'Tim VlUagu Parson'' (lid "well 31, April I. Stuck coiilpiiuy, In re nerlory, 3-s, except ulglu of ii, when "The lloyul Cbel" iippeurs.. 0111-111:1 »i iWlluier & VInefnl. managers!, --' l.ilsl week's good bill ilniv well. Week of April 2: lleiirleiin De Sen-Is' living pic loves, ill nil and lilchil-bl, .l-illa Dltlloll, Smith nud Cnuiphell. \ Bros, mnl kliu-i- ogrnpli. XulK.—Messrs. Wlluu-r nnd Vlncenl have leiised Ihe Majestic for live years fioin tlie •' Iifii of ihe SliiiluMis couli'iicl, May I. Mam. l-:lmini. At the Rlnlln 1F. W. Mcl'ou- iit'll, nmnagei-i, weeh of April .'I : .lenni" and Kllswortli, Hie Dallons. May Xellsou. Sailli- itrauil. Alice Ariiiln, 1 icin Yalyure, Unite Willers and .lames II. I'roudlove. Tin- Foul' Kmeiahls closed iwn sttuerssflll weeks March 31. Business lia- 1 11 akv client. Cisixii illllbeii lievliie. Manager I. • The London i.alely Buries,piers i-oiiliiiue In pleas,, huge luidlenii's. Nori-. Mnnnger Kunch l.lllle. of Kblrlilge Parh. lias sccuri-il 11 tiiuuber of excellent al tractions fm- Hie coming season. It Is pus slide linn nit eleeii-leiil lower will be iliioii-r Hie many new features. 4 I * IOWA. Ilea Molnea. -Al Foster's (ipern House I Wm. Foslcr. uuuiugcr) Al. C. l-'lehl's MUl kinds allowed lo 11 very large Imuse March 2S. A fair sized bouse greeted "The Sliver Slip per" 211. Joseph Murphy 30, "The Crisis'' ,;l. April I, Shepaill's plcliii-es II, I'iiiiI (ill more 8. liUASn Opkiia llcifNK (Wm. Foster, urn mi gcri. • ■■"Railroad Jink" showed In large audi i-iiccs March 23-2.1. "The Honshu- llliT' played lo fnlr business 211-20. "Deiulwond lilek" 30 April I, "More to Be I'lllcil II11111 Si-ortusJ" 2-.1, "David Hnrum" OR. Lvi IM'.M i.Mlllie Wllluril Nelson, iniiniiger). —The slock company, In reperlnry, enloyed good ruitroiingc Insl week. Hi.iiii: (Freil Huchnunti, tiianagi'i).—KnlIc l.'lilinelt. who won faniP In —Ilie Willis or New Vork," made her ajipeiiranee hi yniiile vllle here lust week, ami won a big success. Others were: Jack OToole. Mr. mid Mrs. Pierce. Cbns. Reed, Hen. Steward. Tally Im Duo. Tauaka's ,lnps and the kluodroiiie. Booked for wpck of April 3: Armstrong nnil Vein. Harrington, lilxuu, Bui-si and l.enu nud the Wilson Trio. Xiitk- Harry ilrny, formerly of the Sells Gray Circus, Is now stage iiiitnnger nl I In* Bijou. fednr nnnlda.—Al Greene's Opera House IWPI S. C-Jlller, business manag-i') Rklinrd Curie, ' "Tlio Tenderfoot," Marc A a lop heavy house. lu pleased n good sired uudlciicc. "A Royal Blaviv" 24, nnd a lop heavy house. "Peck's Bad hoy," 2D, nmused us usual. The Cuy Hickman Co.. 27-Aprll 1, gave eii-clleul snl Isfnctlmi. AL G. Field's Minstrels 4. "Tim Midnight Flyer" 5, "For Her Sake" 13, "The Russian Spy" 14, Vloln Allen 1.1. Proi'i.L'.s (Kdw. Currnn, ninuuger).—Good business continue*. These people week of March 27, except the Fries children, win- left 28 for Cincinnati, 0.. auuiinotied to the bedside of their father: The Files Children. Ihe Bcrusu-lns, Wolf nud Znilelln. Mnver ami Harrington 1 return 1, Hay W. l-'ny, Win. 1111 Hard, tlie slock .company nnd the polympc » Keokuk, -At Ihe Keukuk llperu House (K .luegcr Jr., local miuiageri ili-iitl'niw' 1 Jolly Paihliiiders closed a very sm ssfu 1 week's eligilgr-iueiil In reperlnry March 2.1, nnd gave excelleni siillsfaciliiu. "Tin- Mbl night Flyer" came 2S. "l-'or Her Soke" lunl fair reiurim 311. "The Hllver Sllppci" April Ii "The Teudcrfnol" I, lliiibiw's .Mllislrels 12, Mildred Holland 1.1. OimiiiMs' OPKIIA llocst;. which has been 0[ieu as 11 roller skullllg rluk Die pus) six iveeks, lias closed uflei* a gnnd sensnu. Tin- lociil Kills will shorlly oeciitiy Hie seeoml Hour of this liiillillug, where elegant ipuiltet 1 are being lltted up for Ihelr use. Niiti:.-A local musicians union bus been organized, wllh Wm. Kuiuiiicr ns secretary, * ■ l-'nrt DoiIhc- Al Ihe Mldlimd (A. II. Benll, mniiiigeii the llreckliirldge Slock Co., wi-ek of March 2(1, nl popuhil- prices, and vaudeville between ncls, ph-nseil. Al. (1. 20, hud big business in "The t'llsls." 30. al •David Hnrum." April Hog" 7. "The Alltllllgh! Flyer" H, "The Isle of Spice" II, lecliirv 13, "Alphoiise and Glial ail" 1,1. AililToiitiMi (It. J. Price, niniiiiger),-- Fifty-sixth Regiment Hand. Carl (pilst. direr lor, coiicerls, 20, 22, 24, 2,1, had good busi- ness. Xiitk. —The l-3ks arranged lo give Al. <l. Field a good lime 2!l. Field's Mllislrels, Xniielte ConiKliU'k. top iirlces, pleased. f>, "Too Proud lo lliiliiiqur.—At Ihe (Irani) Opera House (Win.. 'I', Rm-hl. inaiiiiueri Itlcluiril Carle, In "Tlie Tenilerfool," hail 11 huge house Murcii 21. "Peck's Bad Boy," two pei-foriuaiiees, 22, did fairly well. Ileju-lci in I'losninii drew II large and delighted lunlleiiep 2H. Al. (I. Field's Mllislrels April (I, "Over Niagara Fulls" H. Hunt: (Jake lloseiilhal, manager).---Tim usual Monday night iiiullPiice n-ns iiteseiit March 27, nml i-iijnyeil 11 bill which Included : Will-roll nml llowiiril, (Ills Dowers, WII-011 Trio, Siimnyua, Knrly nml Luke, Hnmler ami Lavi-lle Trio and the klnodrome. Ilnveiiiiorl.-—At Hip Burtls Dpern House (Cbaiiiberlln, Kindt tV. Co., iiuiiiiigi-rsi lieu rleltti Crnshiiiii, lu "Siveet Kitty lliliilrs," drew 11 packed house March 27. "Peck's Hnd Hoy' 2X, lecliire hv Knbbl t'lliescliivlbei' 3D. "RuHroiiil .Inch" April I. Al. II. Field's Minstrels .1, Mildred liollnrd It. "Tlie Mis siuii-l Girl" II, llnrliiw's Mllislrels 1,1. Ki.l'r:: (F. A. Snler, iiinnnger) - For Mnrrh 27 mill weep.: The lllllilys, lleiuy Greeiiwny and J. Ilashlugliui. I lliirilnuion At Hip (Irmiil (Chamber Ills. Harrington Co., nuinngersi Jack lleaaey Co. had fair houses March 22-2o. '-For Miilber'M Snkp" plensed 2S. "The Tender foot" 20. "The Hllver Slipper" 30, "For Her Hake" 31, Burroiigh's Minstrels April 4, re turn diile Mildred Holland 7, "I'nhlo lb iniinl" H, Mine, Hclnniiunu Heluk 12, iloinl wresllltig iiuilch 14, Hahiiii.-k (K. ('.. Hunter, liinnngeri.—Ilu-I- ness Is iiiiifornilv good, lllll week of 3: Illihiirds. Cbns. and Jennie Welsh. Clius. I',. Cartel-, llisi, .and May Wondwiiiil mid Ihe blogrnph. 4 loivu Cily. .,M the Dpern I louse (J. \. Coldreii. inn linger i Tim .Murphy. In "When 11 Man Marries." March 21, pleased n large iiudlence. "A Wise Woman" plensed 23. "The Tenilerfniil." 2.1, phl.'.'ed In big business. Coming: '•I'm- Her Suite" April I. "Fnbhi Komuiil" II. Murgiil-el Riilpli. Ill "Tiiniln;; ><( Hie Shrew," 12: -rile Isle of Spice" 17. ♦»♦ OKLAHOMA. Oblnlioiiin City. Al Hie Orei-holscr (Kd. Dverholser. manngi-ri "An American Trump." March 21, hud fair business. " 'M'nv Down Fast" 2*1, 211 and uiiiilt'oe, plea,-.I large audiences. "A Trip to Kgvpi" 211. «-(-« VKHMOVr. It lea.—At the Mnjesllc Thenlre. Frllzl Scheff. In "Boccaccio" nud "I'nllnllzii." was well received March 27. 2H. "peck's Had Hoy" drew well 20. "Sergeant ICItly" had Hurllnittnn.-Af Strong Thenlre (Culm A liraul, inn lingers > "The Sign of tin- t'ros-'' had a fair house March 27. Kyrle llellew. In "Huulea," 20, 1M1I well. Hiircourl Co dv f'o., 2S. 30, 31. did fnlr business. "Tlie Blmw lilrl'' April Hi. "Sunny S0111I1" Co. IV.