The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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178 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April a NOTH K.—Oivinit lo the iiniiiunl prea- ■urc on oar column* tbla week, ito tire forced (o hold over » number of notes until nest week'* Isane. 1MKW YUHK CITY. Ilrvlexv mill Comment.—The mlil l.eiiteu ipiletnoss prevailed during lust v.irk, Iml, taking nil things Into consldera- llii'i, the local malinger* had no cause for cntiiphlnt. 'the theatre ticket "Knitting" In thin city In.* received a set back by (he combining of the press agent h of the rnrlmis theatres In New York. 'J'hc ticket "graft Ing" system, by which la meant the obtain- ing passes, usually by misrepresentation, lrum theatre!!, and aelllcg them, has grown to mcli .in exlnit tbht It liccnmc neecs*ary to take stops to prevent It, and tbe I'reas Agents' Association la the remit. Meetings will bfl held at regular Inlcrvnla, and the tiamea ■>'. (hose who make too frcqtient re- quest* for courtesies, as well lis those who urv not entitled to such courtesies, niiil those who nre 'mown to make n traffic In free tickets will lie blacklisted. Tills Is n move In tile right direction. There Is no doubt thin Is one of the moat abused of all privileges, and ninny people have been In the habit of either going free to theatres or of buying, ut n nomi- nal mini, free tk-kcta which have been Issued to unscrupulous peraoim, who lu turn have wild llieui. The UHsoclation dona not mean to bar members of the profession, nor thoac who are usKoeitiled with the dramatic lubiinus of publlciitloiia of standing, but only tbiHW who urn nut entitled to courtesies or have illumed llii-in At the Hudson Tiib- Aiiii:, Monday night, -', Virginia llarncdund minpiny gave the Drat incti-opolltan presenta- tion of the "Lady Shore," a five Hct play, by Mrs. Vance Thompson and Lena It. Smith. other Monday night openings were: Al the IIiuiaiiway TitKt-rKK, a revival of "l-'lorodoru;" at the Amkiiican KUBMK, the lirst New York production of "Pals," u ■ oinrdy drama. In four acts, liy K.umund Day, In which Jninea ,1. Corbrlt Is starring At the Kkw Amstkiuiam Tiibatm: ltlclmrd Mam field began the week with "A I'nilnlrir. Kinniiiiie," and tilled In ilic other nights with this play und the same repertory given Ibe prev'iuiH week... .The I'torlor Slock Co. ut the FIFTH Axknck TlUMM gave the Initial production, of "Anna Knionliia," n live art drama, by A. K, Ijinci-.ater At the Pul.srhHK Tiieatki-. "When We I'end .xwnke," Ibsen's draniallc epilogue, which bad proxlnusly been given matinee perform- ances, nt another theatre, was presented. The ("Ifciigemeiil closed with the end of the week. At the Staii Tiik.xtiir incurred the Ural presentation In this city of "In the Shadow of Darkness." a comedy drama, In four nela, by M. .1. Fielding.. ..The Monday mutluee perforiunucea were "Candida," nt the UjUMIck TiiKATUt:, and the ••Dinkey Bird" I for the lament of the Annex of the I/wmla Saiillarlum), at Daly's Tiikaiki: At the Maiush.n SlAtAlli: TllKATBIi, TueSllliy af- loinoou, U^, Margaret Wyrherly and cniii- prosculnl, for the Urst time In New York, "The ftuntcss t'nthlecri," n four net flay, by W. L>. ^etils. (lit Friday afternoon, III, the pci-fornmnco m repe.-iicd nt the aniiie lioiiae, with "The Hour tiluss," n one ail play, nlao by Mr. Veals, ns a curtain rulser On Krhlay nlghl, nt I'AiiNiinii-: Lvixrsi. "Le llulitii," u tlvt act ilnunn, by Tola IKulnii, mid "l.e Ilonbiiiiiiiie .India," n one. get piny, by Henri Mnrgir, were pre- crnteil, In French, by u company composed of professionals anil auiuleiirij The con- tinned ailrarlliina for Hie week ending April I were- Virginia llnriieil nt Ilia Hudson, "l-'loloiloin" III Hie HlttlAliwAY, Kills .let- Hoys at the Kmckkhiidikkii, Itlclmril Malta- Held nt the \i:\v AMSTIiliDAM. llilinillu & luilley's circus nt Mammon Koj.'AKti Cuiukn, Mary Mnmierliig at (lie Cum:toii.\. "Mrs. Lciimgxvoirs HikiIr" at the Nkxv Lyci:im, William lilllclle nt the KtiriRK, "The Dar- ling «r tlie dials" ut Hie, "Tlie "ducal loll of Mr. l'lpp" ill the l.itimnv, Klnuehe Walsh at the lliaiAI.P Mohaiik. the stock I'liiip-iny nt lUi Mauison MajUAM, "HiiKter Hrnxvu" ill the Ma.ik.siu-. Arnold 1 »n ly nt the tt.viiiitcK, "The D m he — of Dunt- zle" in Dam's, DuvliI Wnrllelil nt tile lli.iou, Mrs. Leslie Cider at the, "Fiiii- I unit" nl III,' l.viiir, "It lliippeniMl In Nurd- !iui'!" nl liie l.i.vv FlKl.PM. •■The College Widow" al (lie liAUOKN, Mrs. I"lsj<c nnd block computiy at the Manhattan, the stock company nt the Vorkvii.ik, Hie Ceriitnu Ntock i-ompiitiy nt the Iavi.Mi IM,acb, Amelia l'lugbniii nl W''.s. and llruee lieoigc ill the Savuv. Hie two Inst mimed closing on llnil ilnle. Al" I'lmi-roli's Kmn AvtJXHM, I'liui:- •ion's rirrv-KiiiHTU Stkkkt and t»xi; llix- pain ami r«i:xiviiiiii Stiibkt Thi:atiii;s hloi-lt proituellons. with vaudeville between in Is. com lulled.. .Tbi'one week hIiiiiiIk closing April I were: May Irivin ul the New York, "W ben We Dead Awake" ill the l'Blxri:ss, "Her l-'irsl I'aiso Step" nl the l-iirimiKNTH STitiirr. "A, Hot old Time" at the Ml it HAY IIIl.i.. "Chilli Slaves of New York" nl the Tiimn Aiiimi;, -Weilil.-il ami t'nrli'tl" al Ilic WiM'Koii. "Ilala's lu Toyland" nt tbe ttiiAMi • i.mmia IIoiki:. "Mrs. Wlggs of tho Cnbliage I'aleli" ill the li.\m.i:M Hrt.-iiA llmsi:, -Toggy I'roui r.-n-is" hi the tt'iisr i-:.vii. "In itac Sbinliiw of Darkness" at the Staii. and ••Coiifi-sslons of ii Wife" at the Minnofoi.ts. Variety eoleiiiilniiieiil was fiiruislicd ■it the ( iui'I.i:. Ki;ith'n I'mo.v Sijiaki:, l'ltiii I'll - s T-.n..\n-THIRK Stiii:i:i . 'I'<\\ I'JU?- •ni.'s. i'ii- V ii"ii -ii i a . (he CoiJiMii., the Diwi.y. Ml Mil's Kkiiitu A'liMt:. Mimii'.s IliKvi.ui. tin- LiiMsi.v. Ill in u; & Simmon's, Hie ( mill ilie UMMI-ir. At 111 mil's Mi. skim tlie usual list, of vaudeville and curio, were presented. I'ruutor'a Fifth Avenue Theatre (,(. Austin l-'ynea, general mmmgeuj,—"Old Heidelberg' Is this week's revival by the house stock company, who present (he ver- sion used by Itlclinrd Mansfield. A. wealth of pretty ai-enety has been provided. Henry Woodruff, In the role of (lie young prince, nppeared to decided advantage April :i, giv- ing a performance (hat was Impressive for its dignity, force and feeling. Isabelle Kves- son did quite well as tbe heroine. The scene In which Die Heidelberg students take part mis remarkably well done. Those deserving apeclnl mention were: (Icrtniile Berkeley. Mntlillile Deshon. Gerald titltllu, Harold Hartiiell nnd Mlcnard I.y le. Others were: William Butler, Mliatin Cnry Tllden, Arthur Shaw. Albert Howson, Wallace Brsklne. <5ocf- frey Stein, George Howell, .1. Onnnls Davis, M. Cnry Tllden, Albert Howson, William Decry, Martin I'mist, John Hordley, llobcrt llnnnon, Oily Howell, lhilpli i, Locke, II. Clinrli's Howson, Martin Fnust and II. (.'hni-les. In the vaudeville Thomas Q. Sen- brooke lienils the bill. Others are: 1'etc linker, I-klith lileliards and Delpliino nnd Doltnoie. The motion pictures continue. illiier'a IMglilli Avenue Tlil-atre I ICil- wln D. Miner, manager).—The High Hollers appeared here April 3, and entertained la a highly acceptable manner. In "The Success- ors" und '"Ilic March from Montana." -Tlie olio: Koster und Williams, tbe Cold Dust Twins; Three Illckinnn Urns, I'rey and l'er- giisim. Herman nnd Hebrew comedinns; Mi is her. Houghton and Mosher. 'ryillats; Max Hitler, coon singer and duncer. Next week, i tie (.'rurker Jacks. Knickerbocker 'I'll en tret (Al. Hayninn & Co.. niiiniiRers).—Itofore n good sized au- dience, on Monday night. April ,'l. Kills .lef- freya nnd u good i-oniiiany gave an excellent revival of "London Assurance." Miss .lef- freya appeared hh Lady Hay Spanker, and gave n most delightful performance of (he role. On her debut In this country a few weeks ngo Miss Jeffreys, in spite of the limitations of the role In which site ap- peared, proved herself to be n most capable actress, but in the present production she discloses the fart tliiil she Is possessed of exceptional nlillity. Her Lady (lily Spanker suffers nothing by comparison with the work of the actresses who were tuitions la the role In days gone by. The dash and vivacity of the '■liui-iieier were brought out to the fullest extent, mid were lu bold contrast to the sentiment nl simulation nlfectcd In the scenes where Lady Hay ensnares Sir Ilnrcourt Courtlev for tlie purpose of Bwcrvjng him from his Intention of marrying Crnce llnrk- iiv-n i. She seemed to live the role, nnd the result was thai she gave o most charming Impersonation. idn Conquest was also charming us Hracc Harkuway, and it Is probable Unit the rule tins never been more rwlltnblv portrayed. Joseph Wheeloek Jr.. its Dolly Spanker; Wni. II. Thompson, as Max iliirkuwav: lilien i'lyinpton, ns Sir Hareaurt Conrlley; Hen Webster, ns Charles Conrlley ; Junius Xelll, us Dnz/.le, and llerlsul Sleuth, as Cool, nil did eiipllul work. The production, was hand- woniely t-taged by Messrs. Llehler & c,i, t mid It Is well deserving of n successful run. The cast in full: Sir Ilnrcourt Conrlley. Kbcn l'iymplon ; Mux llnrkaway, Win. II. Tliomii- i;on : Charles Conrlley. Hen Webster: Holly Spanker, Joseph Wheeba-k Jr.; Hiiz/lc, Jas. Xelll; Meddle. Murray Carson: Cool, Her- Iiert Sleatli; Solomon Isaacs, Herbert Ay- llng: Martin, Alfred Lester: J Mines. C. M. Dowd : (trace Hnrknwev, Idn Conquest; Pert, Kate Phillips: Lady Hay Spanker, Kills Jef- freys. Victoria, Theatre (Oscar IJniuiuersleln, niniiiigeri.-'-Tlieie is a splendid bill here this week, bul as tills Is usually the ease It need occasion no surprise. The debut here of Henry Miller Is tlie lai]iortuiil feat- ure of the programme, the sterling actor again producing the dramatic playlet, "Fred- eric l.cnuiltre, with Luiirn Hope dews and Miiiiliiitiiin Thenlre (Harrison tirey man. msinngeri. Mrs. l-'lske begun lier six- tei'iilh week anil lusl f i-tnl;:lii Anill :'.. In •l.enli Klesibiin." The Hiree one :ul plays, "The Itiue." "A Light foua St. \gnes" .1 in! •Tlie Kyi-* of the llenil." will l«' reueajtril uitillni-e of ."i. VIiuIIboii Square (.illlleo. 1 111 til II III A, lliilley's It rent ex I Show on Knrlli began lis third' week April ". to excellent business. Frank AVIllurd In his support. It Is only necessary to sny that Mr. Miller wan granted the came coidliil reception nl the Victoria ns lias been accorded to him reeeiilly in other city tlieutrcs, and bis work wns just ns careful mid llnlshed. The ill lie play held (lie attention of the large audience on Monday, and al Us close the curtain was raised niiiiiy limes. The excellent hill iilso lists this week: The Carter I)c Haven Sex- tette. In a singing and dancing number, which again met with marked iipproluition: Killlli Helena, In her remarkably high soprano vo- calisnis : Iledlnl und Arthur, In tiielr capllnl emiieily Juggling: Prof. Allieul nnd his highly l rii I lied monkey; Al. 1'lelds, In a clever iiionologiie. with u method peeiillnrly bis own: Minnie Hcuilngnui and her "picks," who nre about the liriglitost ami most tiilent- e<l of liny In u sluular act; the Three Ha- inoiilers, novelty gymnastic act; Hie Aerial Sluiws, in a clever sensnllonitl trapeze act, und the Aini'ili-nii yitngrapb, with new |ilc- li.rcs. Colonial Theatre (Thompson A luinily and Tom W. Hyley, mil lingers I.— Iviliiu Wal- lace llopuer, siiliporlfd by I'aiil Kvoi'lnn, llerlinrt lludil. Win. 1°. Ilyuii nnd Knthryne Hroivni', liendline the hill here this week. The one act play, "('1111111111 January," adap- ted by August ibirrell from tbe book of that title, by Laiira K. Iticluirils. Is the vehicle seleeteil liy Miss Hopper for her vaudeville iipiK'arnilii's, and proved In he a very culer- I iiinliig iitTnlr 011 Monthly. Miss Hopper's work was excellent, and her support entirely capnlile. May llelforl made her debut here on Monday in vocal selections, and was well received. Included In the week's bill lire: Helen (llni'il. the iieeotniillsheil eipiesi ilcniie : Clinton. Jenkins und Jasper, In elm racier comedy; Duffy, Snwtelle anil Duffy, pre- senting their farcical skll : the Dlinis Troupe, uci-otints; Kloye Uedletlgi'. vociillsl. und the lilngi-aph. mi Miuulay, April 10. Percy (i. Williams will heroine the lessee ami limtiiigei- liere. having sccuied the theiitiv for 11 term of yenrx. Circle Thenlre (IVrey (i. Wlllhiins, luanageri,—The pnlui miisi lie accorded to Manager Williams for lopping Ills hills each week with the nmsl li-.iporiaiit feallires of ldgli class vaiitlevllle. This week he liiu: sei-iired Cecilia Ijtflus and 'Mnrsliiill P. Wilder lo head one oT Ilic best hills of anv seuson hen'. Miss l.ofllls returns In vaude- ville after several seiisoas as a star In leglll- limle llii'iili'i's, mid her reception und il"- 11 p pin use she received on Moiiduy (or her lii'm- iiiibli' Imllntlons of prominent actors and Heiresses was proof of tier cleverness and ■ 'nullum d piipiiliii-liy. nnd she scored a worthy trluuiph. Maislinll I". Wlliler also fiuinil himself among friends, a nil added ninny new ones lo bis long; list liy his clover inelliisls of lolling eiipllul stories. Ills welcome on Mmiiluv was geiiiiln.' and sincere. The bill nl so liieiudes: Kvn Wlllliiiits und .lac Tucker, ill llielr dainty playlet, "lirlftwood." wlileh. for piithus uud triteness to mil tire ami driiniiilie ni'l. Is mil exeellett mi 1 he stage to'ilny : Maxwell's I'li-einen's 1 iiuii'li'lle. 11 line singing number, combined with pleasanl coiiieily; Kil. Ijitell. lu bis mil- sb-sl nel. xv-In» iilxvuys scores solidly: l-'oiir Hunts, neroliiitle itiurvcls: Tecliow's Iralned lilts, wolllb'l'flll felines, llnleeil. ellle mill lll- lelllueiil : Ancle I'ugwell. who makes her 1111- illenie.s sit up anil lake 1101 lee with tier spirit ctl leildlllon of old time songs: llwloy and HiiihIiiII. coiiieily Ingglers. mid Hie vltiiecaiih. Tills will probably be the Inst week of lite season here, u Manager Percy 1!. Wllllnms has leii-ett. and will move his forces to the Coloninl Theatre, on April 1(1. Iliner's llowery llientic (Tom W. Miner, malinger). Tlie Tioi-aileio Hur- lesi|itecs pros"iil "A MIsiP I'niiilly.'' wllli l-'iiiiik l.'r.-iliillo ns 1 he uncle: Win I'.-irlell. the lirnli'iiiis, tic llroilii'is li.'iiuni. World's Comedy l-'niir. and "The Ociiullie." Next week, ilie Hon Tons. Cbas. I'. Ilutliengei' mill James liussi'll, of the house stuff, nil 1 bt'iieiii Suiidiiy, April J.l. Proctor's KlftyclKhlli Street The- atre (J. Austin Kyues, general manager).-- "The fount v Fair' Is this week, beginning April II, put forward nt this house, with Neil llnrgess In his orlglnnl rule of Abigail I'rne, supported In an able insnner hy the regular house slock, the cast being as fol- lows: Abigail l'rtic, Nell Ilurgcss: Otis Tucker. Frank Mclntyrc; Solon Hammer- head, Wm. Norton: Tim, the Tanner, Dud- ley Haw-ley: Joel Ilartlett, Wm. Ingersoll; Hill Parker, nyron Ongley ; Hslly Oreennwny, (iraee Heals: Taggs, Agnes Scott; Maria Perkins, Imura Lang; Cold Molasses, My Himself. The house wns lllled. nnd Nell Burgess wns hlg old lime self. Of the stock company Agnes Scott wns easily the leader, Dudley Hawley being a close second. Of the vnndevHIe provided (Jllson nnd Coiintlss con- tributed sodks and dances of a good quality, Lillian Header, In violin aolos, came In for applause, and the motion pictures received their usunl quota of appreciation. The con- certs Sunday, April 2, drew the usunl packed houses. Next week, "Anna Knrlnlna" la underlined. Sn\oy Theatre (Frank McKcc, mana- ger).—"A Case of frenzied Finance," 11 three act comedy, by Kellett C'hnlmcru, was produced for the first time. In New York on Aprli II, and scored only 11 fair measure of success. It was given for Hie first time on any atage at the Academy of Music, Newburg, X. Y„ March '■»). Although classed as a comedy, the work belongs in the category of farce, uud Judged us such, would have been 11 rure treat, If certain crudities In handling the story did not frequently mar the author's work. Mr. Chalmers sets out with 11 good Idea, ami presents, during the unfold- ing of the alory, some cnpltnl bits of satire and some genuinely humorous Hues, hut he loses himself In :i labyrinth of Incidents and does not get the best results with bis material. Hut there Were any number of laughs aroused hy the lines, and some homely blls of sound, common sense were interwoven Into the slory wllb good effect, although they were rather out of place in n piny of this nature. In brief, the story tells of how Hennle Tucker, a bell boy nt the Hotel Vnnhlllon. gels 11 sure tip on the stock mnrkrl, and uses it. Tlie Arizonu Copper king. J. Wllloughbv Johnson, Is expected at Hie hotel, and Ilcnnlc In ft mud attempt lo interest him in his "lip." gets hold nt another J. W. Johnson, 11 Yonkers under- taker, mistakes him for the copper king, and In whirlwind style gets tlie Johnson from Yonkers to buy heavily In the certain stock on the copper king's credit. Bcnnlc thus cleans up over a million, but the arrival of the Copper King Johnson on the scene gives him 11 setback. However, ns Hennle loves the copper king's daughter, and as she stands liy I1I111 staunchly, he wins the million and the girl. Wm. J. Ferguson was'the. best In a 01st which wns weak In Imnortai.t plnces. Mr. Ferguson pluyed the under- Inkot- with delicious humor, and made every line tell for mure limn lis face vnlne. Frank Hatch did well ns Hat Scrim Ion, and Douglas Fairbanks worked with fervor and enthusi- asm as Bennlc. Hubert Fischer contributed a guod character bit us (he copper king. Tlie cast: J. Wollougliby Johnson, llobcrt Fis'.lier : John Wesley Johnson, Win. J Fer- guson : Hat Srrnnton. Frank Hatch: Madi- son Schuyler. John Flood; Mr. Rnrre. (1, J. Campbell : Mr. Olifcnther, Hurry Hotter: Walter. Wm. II. Curler: Hrokcr's Clerk, Sam Hiinin : liennle Tucker,' Douglas Fair- banks: Daisy Johnson, Laura Lemmers: Mrs. John Wesley Johnson. KniUy Wakeman ; Irene Johnson, Olive Murray; Mrs. Cramp, A1I11 minimi: Amy. Antoinette Doree. Wnllnck'M (Mrs. Thco. Mors, manager). —1 in Mondny night, March 3, F. C. Whitney presented Alice Fischer as the star of a coiiieily by Stanislaus Stange, entitled "The School for Husbands." nt this theatre, be- fore 11 large and friendly audience. The comedy is in four acts, and though this was its tlrst presentation on any stage, It was written some years ago. The story of the plnv Is old Itself, but .Mr. Stange's lines arc full of life, and contuin witty epigrams and clever reparlee. It tells, In brief, of a wife who lived unhappily wllli Iter huslmnd be- cause of Ills 111 temper, drunkenness nnd prolligary. Tlie wife, not withstanding his utilise, really loves her husband, nnd, advised by her frleiiils, slit' romlutlcs to imitate his mode of life. She becomes a guy woman of society, ciitci'tuius a fast aet, gambles and IIIr Ik 11 little, ills xvlfr's conduct soon brings Hie luishtind lo hit: proper senses and 11 happy ending results. The Interest In tlie comedy Is not us to whether the wife xvill reform lier husband, but as to the means employed In bringing it about, and, in this respect, Mr. Slange has doue his work well. As l.acly Belinda Milliners, Ilie wife uf tbe brut- ish husband. Miss Fischer hits a role wlileh Ills her to 11 nicely, nnd she docs some of the lsjst work of her career. She made every point tell und won a distinctive suc- cess." Joseph Ivllgour, ns Ilie husband, made tbe most of a rather thankless role, nnd the Kitine HI lie said of Jameson |^>c Finney, In the elm meter of 11 fop. Arthur Forrest was excellent 111: Prince Assam ; Francos Slovens almost divided Hie honors with Miss Fischer in 1111 liigeunt: role, and (trace Fll- klns was 11 elm mil ugly affected Ijttdy Alrish. The remainder of tin' east were entirely capable. During the evening Author Stnage 11111I Miss Fischer were obliged lo rfiHHid In calls (or speeches to which I hey obliged unite neatly null feelingly. Tlie full cast follows: Holly. Lucy Asblon: linger, Charles Dowser, Cnplaln l.nvcll, Wilfred North; lrfird Drlnkwell. lloblnsou Nexvhold : Sir John Milliners, llruee Deliiniuter; Lady Helluda Milliners. Alice Fischer; Clarlssc lliintlelgb. Frances Stevens: Prince Assam. Arthur For- rest : I.iuly Alrish, (trace l-'llklns: tady Speuklll. Mrs. Ida Ji'u"reys-(iiHnlfrlend • Lady 'I'M I lie. Mrs. (loldlillcli: Jocko, William Snnip- ™n ; Lord Foppinglon, Juniesoii la'e F'nne.v ; Win rant (Hllecr, lldwttrd Dresser; Constable, Henry Helasro. !Srxv York Thenlre (Klnw Sc Krlauger, inn lingers 1. —TI111I "Tbe Prince of Pllscu" is si ill pontilar wns proved 011 Monday night, April :i. when it begun an engagement at this house before nn audience of good size. Jess Dandy wns again successful in Ilie role of linns Wagner, mid made the most of the ninny opporl unit tea offered I1I111. The others in the cast loin good iilil. ami the result wns a nmsl pleasing pei 1'iiriiiiiini'. The 111st : Curl iiiiii. Aril-air Donaldson : Hans Wagner. Jess I'a inly: Lieut. Tom Wugner. Ivur An- derson: Arthur SI. John Wllborfnroc. Percy F. Ames: Francois. James Fninels Sullivan: Sergeant Uric end Cook's Courier. Peter Swlfl ; .llmuilc. Stella Marline; Mrs. Madi- son Crocker. Louise Willis: F.dllh Adams. Aluiyrn Font's) ; Sldonle, .leaunci le Hea- geard; Nellie Wagner. .Murle Welsh. Murray Hill Thentre (Win. T. Reach, niuiiageri --"Captain Harrington." wllli Wil- liam Itniinwell as Hie slur, is Hie current at- traction. 'I'ln- opening performance Monday I'.flcrnoon, April •'!. was lo 11 packed bouse. (living to Hie iiiil'orseeii i-oinpllcnliniis with Ilie local authorities the house was dark Mon- day uiglil. but the iiliniiillireineiil wns made lliul Hie regular performances would be given the rest i,f tlio week. I'oorlceiitIi Strt'rl Tlirnlre (J. Wesley lbisenipies-i. manager 1.—Hose Melville re- turned In the city April ::. In "Sis Hopkins." nfler 11 long absence, and mot a royal rorep- llon In Ilie well known chnracler part wiih which her name Is liienlllled. Tlie various lilts of comedy ami pathos In the play wen' well brought out by 11 capable company, anil Hie advance sale is most promising. \,\i Week. James .1. Coi'ltett. lu "Pals." Sew Amsterdam Tlionlre 1 Klnw & Kr lunger, managers).---Hb'lutril Manslicil e-oi tinned his rejn'ilory Into (be third null lam] wok. beginning April J. He will picseut "The Miiulilhiopi." 1U. Proctor's Twenty-third Street The- atre (J. Austin Fyues, general manager).— Frank Keenan and his players, from the Berkeley Lyceum, bend the bill this week, presenting "'Hie System of Dr. Tarr." It was splendidly acted April :i, and proved lo be nwav from the usual vaudeville offerings. Mr. Keenan'i work was really of absorbing Interest, (ieorge Illcbards also scored benv- llv. Others in the company were: Laurena Itces, W. J. Phlnney, Ford Sterling. Fran- cis Fontaine, C. N. Klgston and M. II. Nor- ton. Thomas O. Scabrooke, In a monologue just bristling with good things, delivered h's talk xvlth exceptions! cleverness, and cap- tured a big success. "Hlda." the novelty which has mystified New Yorkers for some time, was very successful, and Ford and Oeh rue offered n very spirited dancing and singing novelty, aided by the Daisy Girls. The act waa capital In Its terpslcborenn novelties, nnd went big. Ilallen and Fuller, In their bright nnd delightfully played act. "Klectlon Bets." captured considerable np- pluuse, and the Piccolo Midgets were also very popular. Marlon (Saraon, one of the best solo singers In vaudeville, had the au- dience aroused to n high pitch of Interest and approval. Others were: Josephine Gasa- man's picks, a clever act; Ferguson and Mack, whose net proved very'entertaining; Kittle O'llrlon nnd Llzette Dunlo, whose Irish sing- ing nnd dancing specialty iirox-ed most en- tertaining: the Brothers Melvin, acrobats; the N'oles, In a comedy sketch, and Short and Fdwards. 11 funny team. The motion pictures continue. Anil-lion 11 Tlirnlre (Klaw, Erlanger is Wels. managers!. —Ail Ibe boxes and every seat from pit to dome In the house was filled April :t, to extend to James J. Jeffries, "rhninpion of the world." a.rousing welcome when lie nppeared as Davy Crockett in Ihe pl.iy of that name. Dnvy'a motto, "Be sure you are right, then go ahead." has been adopted hy Mr. Jeffries, and he Is forging ahead in n ilnnnclol manner which must bring Joy to his heart. Whatever may lie said of bis attributes as an actor, he Is earnest In purpose, and, realizing ills short- comings, mnkes the most of his abilities as regards miisciilnr feats, wllli which Ihe play abounds. There Is nn doubt ns to tbe star's popularity, and his ability to keep before the footlights Is unquestioned. Anna Hub- erts, as Eleanor Viiuglinn, was quietly ef- fective and deservedly popular with tbe nudienee, doing by far the most pleasing work of the evening. Little Edwlnnn Paul was pleasing as Hob. Bart W. Wallace con- tributed an effective piece of work as Major Itoylston. and the other iisrts were well handled. The cast : Davy Crockett. Jas. J. Jeffries: Major Itoylston, Hurt W. Wallace: Oscnr Crnmpton, Thomas S. Lowell: Neil Cr.implon. George O'Farrell: Hlg Dan, 11 hunter. John Marcnvltch; Yonkers, a hunter, (Tins. Drexel; Parson Ainswortb, Walter Hire: Watson. Dick Adams: Dame Crockett, Mrs. Lcgan Paul; Boh Crockett, Little Kd- wlimn Paul: Klennnr Vnughnn. Anna !!ol>- crtns. Next week, Thomas K. Shea, In reper- tory. Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, man- ager).—'Ilie two usual Mondny capacity audiences xvere on hand lo give n rousing welcome to one uf Hie best bills of the sen- son, headed in a capital mnnnor by those exponents of dry humor and clever side play, Le Itoy and Clayton, In "A Horse on Hognn." The sketch needs no Introduction, ns It has served them faithfully for some time and xvill continue to do so. Cnrou and Herbert, well placed In big typo as an extra nil ruction, repented their convulsing nnd clever acro- batic stunts, and the audience was loth to allow them to close. Cliff Gordon, the Ger- man politician, entertuincd with n farclnl conversation In good style. Tom Brown and Ncvnrro, la "The Wedding of the Chinee and the Coon," were more capable than ever. If possible, nnd scored In their habitual mun- ner. H. V. Fitzgerald, Ilic man of ninny charm-tors. In "Tbe Mississippi Mull/' wns cordially greeted on his entry, ami through- out his "mono-drauiii" held the Interest ns easily ns though his work had never lieen soon lieforo. Irene Franklin, a dalnly aud refined comedienne, was 11 pleas- ing feature. Dudley nnd Chcslyn scored in rrtiucd vocal duels; Morton nnd Diamond pleased, in "My Brother's lleooptlon;" Ar- minla and Burke, the perfect lady gymnast and the aerial comedian : Xessen nnd Nessen. hoop rollers and club Jugglers; Tom Hate- man, character vocalist; Millie /oar, swing- ing wire act, ami Behi-eiid and Dennebuuiu, musical acrobats, nil contributed to the general excellence, nnd the vllagraph ills- played new and Interesting pictures. Harry S. Sanderson, the lwpiilur business manager of Hie house, will receive his benollt. Faster Sunday night. April L':;. 11 liber's MuNctmi (John II. Anderson, manager 1.—This week's mala attract Ion Is John Tevl, Dalinmy Chief, who called for considerable altonllon Monday nfteruoou nnd evening. April ".. Kurokl's troupe of Jap. aiiese ncrolmIs hold over from last week nnd are a big sm-i-es-s. Others arc: Lain Coolab, styled half man and half woman: Mile. Myers, bearded Indy, and Capl. Austin, mid- get pollceuuiii- In the theatre, which Is crowded at ex-ery performance. John It. Iturke und Co. are seen In a throe net comedy. Hilled "The Doclor." which pleased Isilh audiences .Monday afternoon nnd evening. Dewey Thenlre (Sullivan & Kraus. mali- ngers!.—The Parisian Widows began a week's engagement here Mondny luiilinec. April .">. The performance started with 11 mu- sical melange, culled "Down on the Pike," which, Judging from Ihe applause, was 11 success from start to finish. An olio of ex- cellent, talent followed, wlileh Included ISnse Carlln. singing couuillenne: Clias. B. Nel- son nnd Mamie MHedge, hi 11 skit, eiilllled "Olllcer Grogiin :" Hen Welch. Ilcbrmv com- edian: Kennedy and Kvnns, uud ('bus. Falke. song Illustrator. The show closed xvlth it liiirletln, called "A Day at West PuluL" which again employs Ihe entire rnmnitny lo great advantage. Next week, Imperial Bur- lesiniers. Kmplre Thenlre (Chan. Frohuiuii, mun- t'.ger).—William (illlelle entered his lirth week mid Insl iorinlglii April Ii, hi "Shor'ock Holmes. ' Itw Fields* Theatre (Hamlin, Mitch- ell * Fields, man-igirs).—"It Happened in Ntirdhti.d" began its eighteenth xx-ck April :s. I.yrle Thentre (Sum S. & Lee Sbuliert. managers).—"Fnntaiiii" entered Its twelllh ni-eU April :i. The one hiindrcdlli iwrform atiec is announced for 11. Brondwny Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, mnmig'-ri.—"Florodorn" began the scrumi week of Its engagement April :t. Giirrlek Thentrc 1 Charles Frohmuu. malinger).—Arnold Italy's pnslnetlon of "You Never Cull Tell" entered Its thirteenth week April :;. .Mr. Duly xvns III aad out of Hie east March ."lu to April 1. Die part being played by Wlm-hcll Smith. The special mat- inee iiunoiinced for April " xxns omit led. xinill.oii Sipuiri' Thenlre (Waller X. LaxxreniT. inanngeri.—".Mrs. Temple's Tele- grniu" i-oiiinieneed April ." Its tenth week. Aenilrmv or Music iGllmore * Tomp- kins, managers!.—Blum-he Bates. In "The Itarllng of Ihe dials." began Ifer fifth week April :!. The one Ihuiisaudlh inrforuiance Is announced for April 17. Sew Lyceum Thenlre (Daniel Froh- maii. uiiiuiigeri.—"Mrs. Lefllngwell's Boots" rnlered Its tenth xveek April li. the one huu- dreillb perforniauce ni-cnerlne .". llelnseo Theatre (David Bclasco, man- nger).—Mrs. Carter entered her thirteenth wn'k. in "Adri'!i." April ::. O11 :, ihe on- hiiliili'i illll Jlerfonilallee xvill oi-eur. Oul.xVs Thenlre 1 Daniel Fruhinan. mnua- ger). - "The Duchess of Dailtzle" eiilen-d Its twelfth week and Inst fortnight April .1. linrilen Thenlre (Henrr W. Snvngo. manager).—"The College Widow" entered Its t went} -nl 11 lb week April 3. Keith'. Thenlre (K. F. Alhee. ge^,., mnnagerl.—A bill of great excellence,™' presented Monday tnntinee, April :| lo ", enthusiastic and thoroughly appreciative »,, dlence. Annie Ablmtt, "tbe C.eorgla Ma"n,! ■'• held the Initial position, and for neatly hair an hour puzzled the audience with her mv" torluus powers, which scientists seem m ., loss to explain. For a young woman ■■',• llOih to be able to lift ten men nt one )n . ond yet withstand their combined efarl. to raise her from the floor, Is something i„ cause wonder, and this Is but one of mViu v strange example* she presents. Muton ami Dolly Nobles and company returned In "T'i ■ Days of '40," nnd repeated former gisal tin' presslons. The two stars, of whom ~i»„i work Is always expected, never fall to "live up to ibelr reputation, and this was no ex. ceptlon. Allen Hennctt gave a most Interesi Ing and pleasing characterization of |i,„ doctor, and the transition from the men-en' ary to Ihe lover wns cleverly done Man- Davenport was equnlly gooil HH M rs Vltz gerald. The Three Yoscarrys gave a re mark-able acrobatic performance, winning m, stinted approbation. The KoiulroComedvFoiir In song and knockabout work, scored success' fully, and caused plenty of laughter. Hav- icond and Caverly, In "crazy talk," caught Ibe fancy from the start nnd won uuiny n- calls. The Dlllou Bros, never appeared lu lietter advantage, nor won more laughs Hum on this occasloa. Great Scott, "The Ladder King," introduced some novel work which caused gasps und applause to follow rapid!r on each others'heels, making a pronounced success. Others who were equally excclleiii In tbeir respectlx-e lines were: Conk ami Cllpton, (he famous women sharpshooters- Olll" Young and Brother, extraordinary Iiihii'i rollers: Hay and Wood, lu a funny bunch of nonsense: Martin Bros., celebrated xylo- phone soloists. lllcb and llnrvey. black fan' comedians, in song nnd dance, and Hose ami Hatch, In operatic selections. Keith's mo Hon pictures, with new and Interesting xiexx'f-. closed Ihe bill. Third Avenue Thenlre (Al. H. Woods mannger).—"When Women I^ivc" is this week's attraction. Tom Waters, as the de- tective, assumes live roles xvlth uniform su,-- eess. Others In the company are: John ljiue Connor, David Walters, W. I. Flags Jas. J. Boyd, George Sinclair, H. c. Kellv' Frank Tudor, John 5Ic\ey, Charles H. Furor, K. A. Kiiss, Ituth MncCauley, May Waters, Grace Covert, Little Lillian, Annn Klrbv and Louise Wilson. Frank W. Xason is manager; Fred'k Mackintosh, advance repre- sentative. Next week, "Hearts Adrift." Yorkvlllc Thenlre (Meyer It. Hlinls-rg, manager).—This week. "Thelmn," a drama lizatlon of Marie Corelli's novel of that title, is being presented by Hie stock company, with Will It. Walling and Anne Sutherland In tbe leading roles. Business continues lo Ik> excellent. Next week, "For Uer Sake" wld be the bill. (•rnnil Opera House (John H. Springer, manager!.—Wm. II. Crane, in "lius.iiess is Business," opened n week's engagement April .". and nppeuraiH-cs indh-ntc n good week 'ITie cast is practically the same as when seen earlier lu the season. Next week, "Woodbind." Herald Suunre Theatre (llmrles Froh- man. managers).—Blanche Walsh. In "Th» Womnn In the Case." began her lenlli week and Inst fortnight April '.',. Criterion Theatre {Charles Frotimaii, iiieirigor). — Mary Mnnncrlng, In "Nancy Stair, begun her fourth and last xxeck April 3. Next week, Annie RhcmN, In "Jinny, lue Carrier." llljon Thentre (Henry B. Sire, mana- ger).—David Warflold entered his thirteenth week April 3, In 'Tlie Music Master." Spe- cial Thursday matinees will be given 13. and "7. Liberty Thentre (Klnxv & Krlnnger. managers).—"Th.-» F.dlicnllnn of Mr. l'lpp" commenced Its seventh week April y. Hudson Thentre (Henry H. Harris. manager).—Virginia Darned Is-gun Mondny. April 3, her second and insl xx-eck In "The Ijidy Shore." Next xveek, "The Heir lo Hie llooruh " A tin 111 If (tnrdrii (W. Kramer's Sons, niar.iigersI.—Curler nnd Illiiford, presenting "A Kickapnii HoniHiice:" Archer and Cracker, grotesque acn-huls; l'ero und Wilson, comedy juggling, singing and dancing specialty: tlen-vlex-e Homer, descriptive vocalist: Prof. C. Meyer's moving pictures, and Jus. Itiirrlc. vocal coiucdliiii, are the iitlracllons for tills Wit Windsor Thenlre (A. II. Woods, iniiii- ager).—"Hearls Adrift" xxas presented April ,"•. by a ruinpelenl compunv. Next week, "The Cenfcbsioiis of a Wife." London Theatre (James II. Curl In. niiiiiugeri. — The Majesties' entorlalanieiit this xx-eek Includes: "In the Tenderloin." Mitude Harvey anil Evelyn Walker. Ander- son and Wallace, the Sisters Bellatxer. Far ron nnd l'*nj - , the Sisters Dc Fnye, throe clever singers and dancers, and "For Hiris Only." Next week. Ilie Clly S|wrts. xtiiJeHtlv Thenlre (John 8. Klaberlv. inaniigeri. — "Buster Hroivii" began lis eleventh und lust week April 3. Kcllar, next xveek. llarleiii.—At the Hnrleui (l|H'ra House (Alex. Llclileiisteln. manager 1 (Jeorge M. Co- lli))) nnd Co., in "Little Johnny Jones," drew out one of Ibe largest Monday nlghl audi- ences of the season April 3. Next week, Kleanor Hudson, In "Merely Mary Ann." Wi:st Kniv (A. Hlumeiiliiiil. miinnger).— "The Awakening or Mr. l'lpp," wllli Charles Orapewln and Anna Chance, opened to a good sized audience 3. Next week, Williams und Walker, lu "In Da homey." Mctkopoms (Henry Hoseuberg. manager). —"(jneeii of the White Slaves" o|s?aed lo a packed house 3, and should do well. Nexl week, "In Old Kciiliiekx-." Staii (Wm. T. Keog'h. manager).—"Tlie Oypsy lilrl," one of Ihe latest melodramas, by Hal Hold, xx-as tlrst presented nt Cniiuleii. N. J.. March -j, and rei-eivod lis New York •nvuiirr at this house April 3. with Dullh' Kemper In Ibe lending role. 'Ilie play Is In four ads. mid opens In a gvpsy camp. Oypsy Jack und Meg .Morrill, Ills fortune telling wife, arc expecting 11 visitor, one Irving Tborwalil. who years before hail left In (heir keeping a little girl, his s|e|Ml.iilghler Ho Is anxious In get rid uf her, us he Is acting ns Ihe executor of her mother's es tale, and I:: robbing lier. Her luiby brother has been sent to Ireland. The gypsy couple have a sou. Hullo, who idolizes Hie waif. Daisy. Ben Bulton. a tramp, visits ibe ramp, discovers I hat Irwin Tliorwnld 1ms rubied Ills daughter, Annie, nnd he lakes 1111 oath to avenge her. Tliorwnld iiplK-nrs and Ibe gypsy thinks It Is In claim the child, toil Instead Thorxvnld's object Is to get Oypsy Jack lo kill her. Later |sior Freckles, the brother sent lo Ireland, comes i" ramp, and Is fed uud cared for by Ills sister, without knowing of their relation- ship. Daisy defeuds him ami saves Ills life The children are pursued by ThnrwnM and Jack, tun thex- dually escape, and Ben Hot ton makes good his u'11 lb und kills Th»r>vahl Manager Krogh has surrounded Miss Kemper wlih ii most cniuible compunv, und Ihe play I- Interesting and xvell told. II Is sure In draw well and should till the house all .week Dolly Kemper Is a young actress of tils'h"-' ability, Bnd her work won general i-ommciidn Hon. Joseph Whcclook Sr. did x'cry Hue xvork. and (ieorge H. Miller also scored heavily. The enst: Freckles. (Hades Smith: Hollo. Harold Seliiinii: living Tliorwnld. (Ieorge I!. Miller: lien Million. Teddv !.e Hue: Hyn«J Jack. Joseph Wheelmik Sr.': Hloudv l.hilcli. .1. A. Curtis: Murphv Mack, A. MrCaskel: Adelntde Slanliope, Adeline Dunlap: Alb'' Bolton. Kmsy Alton: Meg Morrltt. France* Young: Dnlsr IVnn. Dolly Kempef. I'iioitiic's iini; litMir.iai and TwnxTT-niTii StkkKi (J. Austlu Fynes, general uianaBcr).