The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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APRIL 8. THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. 185 T WISHES TO CALL THE ATTENTION OP THE PROFESSION TO TUB FOLLOWING SOSQ HITS I ni. t. fh. m.r^h «„. .h.» ... ,. . Worsla Br SAM EIIIIMCII. Mnalc By ALBERT VON TILZER. This U tne mnrcn song mat i 3 creating so much favorable comment and Is now being adopted by the schools all over the country. Not the old itorj of love and war, but an entirely new Idea, with a historical lyrle and a patriotic melody. If you bare not used this song ask any performer who has. lie will tell you all about It. Lyric By ARTHUR J. LAUD. Mimic By ALBERT VON TILZER. The moat beautiful ballad ever written, and, furthermore, has a catchy waits refrain that make* It appeal to all. Getting more popular every day. TUTS WHAT TIE By ALBERT VON TILZER. A dainty, pretty waltz song that will start any audience whistling and alng'ng. Not one of the rough kind. Professional Copies and Orchestrations to all recognised Performers. No Cards. Write direct We have no branches. ALBERT VON TILZER, Mgr., 40 WEST 28th NEW YORK. "BUNKER HILL" Slides are the Most Sensational ever made. THE FIRST AND ONLY FILMS EVER TAKEN OF SAMOA AND THE FIJI ISLANDS Don't Forget Onr Com hrpecl Tne Most Magnificent Series ot Mo-ring Pictures Brer Taken. BEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. F PRES. ROOSEVELT CIRCULAR. Last, but not least, atUl the Beadllner of all Moving Pletares, TRACKED bv BLOODHOUNDS (t A XM-yxi.oTaL±Trs •*** Cripple Cri Negative Actually Made in Colorado. Length, 150ft. Price, $54. THE GIRLS IN THE OVERALLS" (COPYRIGHTED.) The Best Advertised Flint on Earth. Bee 8-Pnge Illustrated Article in NEW YORK JOURNAL, BAH FRANCISCO EXAMINER, BOSTON AMERICAN, CHICAGO TRIBUNE and CHICAGO AMERICAN, Etc., Sunday, Oct. 16. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, $42. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. WATCH FOR GREATEST SENSATIONAL FILM EVER MADE. READY BOON. SEND NAME FOR ADVANCE INFORMATION. SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. " H. H. BUCK WALTER, General Western Agent, Denver, Colo. SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With Hoving Picture Attachment. for showing;both Hoving Pictures as well as Lantern Slides, and producing beautiful Dissolving Effects. Nc.ctsofj where the best results are desired. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VIEWS sand FIL-tVIS tFlggijrSS*. Illustrating every snhject of Art, Trsvel and Literature and all timely topics. Lutestwirscones, m. Louis World's Fair. Etc. Popular nnd Ilellglous Illustrated f-ungs, Eie. In (act, imvstinject adapted fur the giving of Publlo Entertainments. A PBOPITABLE BUSINESS FOR MEN WITH SHALL CAPITAL" SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUB —Free—which tells tho cost or an outot, ex plains and Instructs you how to con- duct faying entertainments. SLAFER'S BROOKLYN ARINE BAND New York's Representative Concert Band. WILLIAM E. 3LAFER, I SEASONS OF 1889-1B00-1901-19K-11M3, I ARCHIE II. ELLIS. Business Manager, Bund Master. | AT BRIGHTON BEACH, NEW YORK. | Hyde A Behmsn's Theatre, U'klyo, N.Y. WILL UK AT LIBERTY DURING THE WEEKS OP HAY 8 UNTIL JUNE 4, Previous to their opening nt Brighton Beach, Jane 10, wnere they succeeded the Inte Anton Seldel, and hare played to tremendous success the past six seasons, winning the nloudlta of the patrons, and the unanimous opinion as the greatest popular band In America. The opinion of all those that have heard It Is that It Is the greatest attraction for a theatre or Summer resort. The band Is tho pick of the best soloists and Instrumentalists of New York. Here are a few of the many press notices: To be the best known bandmaster In the metropolis la an enviable distinction. This prominence has been attained by Wm. E. Slater, solely through meritorious effort and without the nld of adventitious booming. The man who wields the baton over Slaters Hand, at Brighton Beach, has certainly done a great deal not only to revive, nut to vcllpse, the former glories of that resort s None of the msny thousands who are drawn thither to hear bis music will admit that he has an equal In the preparation and Interpre- tation of programmes which appeal to both popular and classical tastes. It was as the organizer and master of Slafer's Band that his ability found full scope. Having a genlns not only for music, but for organization, be fathered together about him an array of the nest Instrumentalists to be found In tho ?Tea lest city of the New World. And, nav ng enlisted hie forces, none knew better than he how to so direct them as to produce the very best results. The concerts given by him for several seasons past at Brighton Beach have enhanced his reputation as a conductor of rare resources. Despite his pbcnomenal success and personal popularity, he Is the most modest of men. He la every Inch an artist but utterly devoid of egotism.—N. Y. WOBLD. Wm. E. Slafer stands In the foremost rank In bis profession.—N. Y. HERALD. Slafer Is the Brooklyn House.— Ohfcott, N. Y. TEL KG RAH I. For open time communicate to WE E. SLAFER, General musical Director of Byde A Behmsn's Theatre, 202 Clermont Are,, Brooklyn, N. Y. PLAYS For Slock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, for Amateurs LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for honx amusement, Negro Plays, Taper, Scenery. Mrs. Jarley's Wai Works. Catalogue I Free 1 Free 1 SAMUEL FRENCH, 17 W. 834 St., New York. snd sleeper. Now here. For ssle or to lease. Just overhauled and bright as new. Diner Steel wheels. M. C. H. Inspection. CAMERON, BROWN A CO., Belleville, Canada. McAllister, Mfg. optician, 49 NA88AU 8TBEET, NEW YORK. DEPILATORY POWDER The treatment of superfluous hair Is something that require! the greatest nicety and care. X. BAZIN'S DBPILATORY I'OWDKR Is the result of much study of the cause of and problem of destroying these growths with- out Injury to the surrounding skin or leaving a acar or the slightest deform- ation. X BAZIN'S DEPILATORY POWDER Is absolutely safe and de- stroys the hair without pain, a simple, dainty way of effecting a cure. Bend for our little pamphlet on the subject, "FOB BEAUTY'S BAKU. 1 ' Manufacturers HALL & RUCKEL, Proprietors rs of Boxodont 210 Washington Street, gton Street, New York. STRATE HALF-TONE JL PROCESS CO. i ; ! NG.N.Y. ^.j f s Sets. SQUARE INCH* WIGS "CARNBLIAN" Grease Taints, Rouge, Cold Cream. Tights, Shoes. Armor, Spangles—In fact, everything needed by professionals. Bend 4 cents in stamps for Catalog 'C," handsomely Illustrated, snd lessons In "Art of Making Up." Simple tube of our guaranteed Cold Cream 10 cents. VAN HORN 4 MICBL. 121 N. 9th ST., Phlla.. BIB ARCH BT. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, PALMS, TREES, ORASS PLOTS, FOUAOEand EVERYTHING P0R8TA0E snd LOBBY USE CONSTANTLY IN BTOOX SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PKIOK LIST. DECORATIVE PUNT CO., 67 Lifiyitt, Place, N. V.