The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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186 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. APBIL 8. IN IN "THE SHADI WILLIAMS and VAN ALSTYNE'S SUMMEE WALTZ SONG, OnaS»* IN THE SHADE OF THE OLD APPLE THE Tho Most Phenomenal Ballad of the Year. Prof. Copies and Orchestrations now ready. Address all professional mail to New York Office, 45 'West 28th St, MOSE GUMELE, Genl Mgr. Prof. Department. Grand Opera House, Chicago, 111. IN THE SiHADE 45 W. 28th St., New York, N. Y. IN THE SH THE Si MAHLER BROS., 6th AVE. and 31st STREET, NEW YORK. PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. Are now showing all of Fashion's Latest Edicts for Spring and Summer Season, 1905, In both Outer and Under Garments, Cloaks, Suits, Mil- linery, Shoes, Etc., Etc. SPECIAL: OUR HAKE UP BOX Uncle from the very beat tin, black enameled Especially made for professional nee, having t Iray with eompartmenta for Orease Paints Powders, Comb and Brush, WigB, Etc., Mtlfl Etc Has doable action look, with two AW w keys, at - - - - • 49' Oar COLD CREAM, expressly prepared for the The- atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate. Put up In lb Screw Top Tin Cane at 45c.| xft at »3c. of cream sknt free. All mall orders muBt be accompanied by money order. None sent C. 0. D. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO.'S WIGS, TOUPEES. PERFECT FITTING for Stage and Street Wear Popular Prices. Illustrated Catalogue Free THESE ARE NEW i LATEST AND BEST MOTION PICTURE MACHINES EDISON UNIVERSAL and EXHIBITION RISETOSCOPES. Power Cameragraph and Fire Magazine. EDISON BI06RaPH>MELIES, ETC., FILMS. spot iid now lieu»—a ELECTRIC^LAMP AND RSEOSTAT, flYY I ITU ft 20C«Jcm,$1.16 I PR. UAl'LIInU, 24 Cakes, $1.35 i BOX. • SONG SLIDES * POSE UND SERPENTINE SLlDES}50c MOST trSIliCE, RICHLY COLORED, ' Each. CONDENSERS, A $l. 00 4^ Exhibition Cloeograpti, 1904,5 Only $55. 162 State Street, 5th Floor, Chicago, III. _5£™' DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why banttlc rocky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themselvett Electric UeltB from $1 per doz. up. Largo variety to select from. Electric Jars, 76c. doz.; Electrlo Insoles, 87,','c. doz. pairs. Soap, $2.10gross; Fine Medical Batteries. Sand 76o. for Sample No. 14 E. I)., exp. prepaid. Latest out. One third cash re- quired. Trial order will convince. Largost Manufacturers of Electric Belts and Appliances lu U. 8. A. Established 1878. Lecture and price list free. X3T THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kan, NC.KEROSENE OR MANTLE. N0GA50LINE OR ETHER'. THAN .LECTRIC 5END FOR CATALOG-. ^ STEREOPTICON ANDv FILM EXCHANGE. flEWLIfiHfW 1 THAN AMETS IIcaIuum. Wle IIWEW UfflTW™ IEKBBL PAIEMTEO W,B. MOORE. MANAGER. I0& FRAHKLINST. CHICAGO. FOLLOWING ARE SECOND BAND : LIGHTS. BARGAINS. MODEL I, 0X7, LITHE OUTFIT, S29.50. ACETYLENE OUTFIT, »B.80;HYDRO 0ARBON,|10. SONG ILLUSTRATOR, »10: ELECTRIC LAMP, *5. $70 MOTION PICTURE MACHINE, $37.50. 0INEOORAPH, $30; CINEOGRAPH, $40. EDISON UNIVERSAL, $66. CI IIIC 4cto - IIP 8END F0R riLmOf Per Foot, Vli LIST. WE BUY MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, FILMS, STEREOPTICONS, SLIDES, Etc. 809 PHIIA, ,, FUbert, Pi ~ m Again Iwe wish to bring before the notice of our friends in the tented chow bnilnen the fact that we are equipped to manufacture anything needed In Ih. line of Tents, Etc., for Clrcases, wild West Shows, Black Tents for Moving Picture IVork, Merry-go-round Topi, Bowling Alley Tents, Candy Tops, Flags of all hinds, Kldd and Baker Lights, Rope, Duck all widths and weight, Drill, Twine, Needles, Palms, Etc. If you are desirous of placing your order where your Instructions will be carefully carried out and where your work will be properly and promptly executed, and where your Inquiries will receive our special consideration and your business will be appreciated, send It to us. Write for onr 16 page list of SECOND HAND Teits. BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 415-417 Deleware Street, Kansas City, Ho. la MILLER) MANUFACTURER of Theatrical Hoots t Shoes. AH work made on Bliort notice. No disappoint- ment; we make from 1 pair to 1,000 pairs. Clog audllalletShoes a specialty. ~ 202 W. 23d St., New York. Tel. 100 u Chelsea. CALL. McMAHON'S Famous Theatrical RESTAURANT «» SIXTH AVE., Bet.2sthand 29th St., NEW YORK CITY. Bc 8 tof Food, Perfectly Cooked, Dellclously Served. Trices rea- sonable. Special Din- ing Room for Ladles. • . ilfH l""^'_'lftR; -. COHtOY T-.rriACT.i •J" ' ^_^s' iw^ - _.-:;J One of the Brightest, Funniest Novelties In the Bus. A QBEAT ACT FOR PARKS. Address harry HATWARD, Week April S, Keith's, Providence, or All Good Agents. Per. add/ess, 207 E. 14th St., N. Y. City. mmmm, take mi. Barring earthquakes sndparalysls WPI. D. HALL, who bears the appellation of STUFF COS'SIRUCTOR, will Insert something each week In this space that may prove of Interest to performers. He writes acts, has had the habit for years, and many of the foremost people In the profession Infer that he under- stands his business. Tours to command, WH. D. HALL, 708 Keith Theatre Illdg., Phllad'a., Pa. ADYICF: It yon wish to make rrogress. make good. __^^^__ llfl«f>l ESC Clllini IkTC Clat> a, Batons, Guns, Rolling Globes, Hoop, UllUUl ClfaS aUrrLlsTanaaaWlrewalkera'Apparatus. Roman Axes. Stamp for vwwwsiiillW WW I I shilskW Catalog and List. Edw. Van Wyck, Clnclnnatl.O. YOU'VE ALL HEARD INDIAN SOKGS, BUT NEVER UNTIL YOU S1NO THIS, DID YOU HAVE A REAL SUCCESS. ITS TITLE IS It was Written by VINCENT BRYAN and CUS EDWARDS, and is now being Sung by JEFF DE ANCELIS, in "Fantana;" ED. OCONOR, in "Peggy from Paris;" LEE HARRISON, NAT WILLS, MAGGIE CLINE, NELLA WEBB, LEW DOCKSTADER, JACK NORWORTH, EDDIE FOY, HARRY CORSON CLARK, JAMES MacDONALD, MELVILLE and STETSON, EMPIRE COMEDY FOUR, LEW HAWKINS, CLAUDE THARDO, SPOOK MINSTRELS, and others. 99 SEND FOR l-T WHILE IT'S MOT, This is NOT a Local Hit but One that Will Receive Screams of Laughter Wherever Sung, no Matter what Part of the Country. FREE— Professional Copies and Orchestrations to Recognized Performers, or Those Sending Up-to-Date Programme.—NO CARDS WITHARK BUILDING, 144-146 WEST 3Tth STREET, NEW YORK. Look for the Boe Hive Clock Tower.