The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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APRIL 15. THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. 193 [ I 0 f I (J 0 f P I 3 U * T < prowletw o^'the D^v.",.™ "nf • ?„ D « Tld » n ' Not." "">« Rowland 4 Clifford's En- .VvllH VI ri«yvl9* C ror/ean w^L d ^? ,0 f k C»--"hlch SK" 1 ,? 18 —J 1 "" Rowland recently lolned in TT* ™f years peen one of the kii< no ..«. "Th« rc>mia icium..." rv« ._.« ,,„j.. vf. .«• k« ites moil "Hooligan's Tboublxs" Co.. De *t season produce till Kim Allen Curtisi In the title role and Lillian play on the onTn"eht «t«Si. ^' on V scea,c k^-i£I2l n, # , ?vR , **^J5"S "'• tnorough ■■&'? Curtlss In the leading role.—The company wm Cm •ver/thina- tlat m««» Th * p,we wl " i?°^ d K«" t . tl H« middle w'ettern territory, ao Id fc mSk to tour tie middle and SoutfiWeit »ak« It a «acfe«r iSESSLSVLK 0 * 01 * " UDled »"»•"*»"•««»« ■*»■•-'•«♦ —♦ Notes fsom Matticb Stock Co. —We are Wii.ium Mack writes: "I closed my scn- .. our thirty-first week. Our business baa son Mnrch 24, at Canton. ()., nfter a very The Uame Keeper" Co., and under his efll- been remarkably good. In eplte of snow and cncccssful season. My new ploy. 'Mr. West cient nnd easterly handling the ahoir has bllatarda. Return dates have been asked for, from the East,' la a big hit. Ilavo signed consequence we are booked nearly for leading comedy with the Vallamont Park for next season. We carry five vaude- Stock Co., Wllllamsport, l'a., for the Summer R. Raymond, "the season, this being my second Summer there. oster: Ward II. Mattlce, 'Mr. West from the East' will take the road next season, with eighteen people In tha enst." cen WL we to ""Pled with keen executiveability, Isof'fast rlile icts77e"aFurlng'R. tqu^pped with a com- b *2 efl L' The tour °* "T 08 0ame Keeper" will Dancing Pianist" Host ■up- /?k atKmt Mar '■ aad outside of one season proprietor and manager; Dan Alman, busl- r aa t" 19 second) this has been the most prosper- ness manager; Cbas, 11 urns, stage manager; big ou , s nf h career ' TD08 - Smith has firmly John D. Hammond, props: R. It. Raymond, about tni"mMiiii"»°#^ mpan ' wl " °Pen on or fatabllshed his right as a star on the popu ! forty week? I. ™-» ,An R^* nd » Mason of ? r Price clrcolt, and will continue with ' iff?/,, in, 8 i a . ?"tempfated. Several scent; "owfand fc Clifford Blanist: John K. Lewis," Harry Leslie, Lola ammond, Irene De > aux and Flossie Norton. Antonio, Tex., to two of the largest audi- ences this house has held for many a season. Since closing our road season at La Fayette, po-ed of the following people KordEsien, manager'; AlVe"n CurUa"s"*Lii , ra,ed ' SeveraTTcenTc land * Clifford. A number of playa have "" NtHM raoi« xn« ImraauL Btock "Co.— Mia Curtis*Joe Bowers, eadlne corned! teetSf bV Mr T&iY* 1 and haTe been pro- S? Mbontefl, but a definite select/on has Sunday. March 10, we opened an Indefinite lurry 'Green, character comedy- A^hf,; numri r t, ["f- Davidson The company win not as "!" ****> aaie - Sadie Marlon was engagement at the Empire Opera House, San { .msge.fow comedian; ■ A? afford, Etiel «»™Mw»f«I hatS P b^ W K h ^»A* ^"' RlSS™ ^"22?**? , durln *. h « »'«*• « iVi-.itesldea and picks, Jessie Thomas and a work and fh.nt... ?. up J )l, * d "> r advance „fif„°' ond wa 5 warmly greeted at every L'tus 8 of sixteen shapely younladles The than'any otner o*r |L k 1% 3 b 'Hed heavier ES*?. r ™"?:.«. d . .«•.■»«>¥»■• 5" »• '»- company will also carry a ''Happy Hooligan" territory. The tout Isi hetJ. &§ i h J ! t.-,nd of twelve pieces making a totalf all Davidson and Ben V. «>"? ^ ^ 7 "rty people. 6nly the best time'will "Baged as business manawr ™* -m anftbe prospecU are bright for a Jrjcj, every t„„n and^^'importlnc crrREis, the English actress, baa that twenty week's hatP h?.n 1 Sh ^ also r fK" ta dolw plan for raising funds In behalf S?od houses, and at «rJ JS? k . ed •"'"l lQ "Thl tors' Fund. Since her debut her. Davidson's 'popuiarfty 7lth° u.*"^ Wr P>«" »rlnp* PnnnnTr" «mip. mail k.t. rhmnoh *w- —i*.^, J.V wiui tile mflnflWn f_A_l Qmtom and minstrel Notes rnou IIiciiAnns * I'iunoi.k's Oioa- oi a Minstsbls —One of the most unique surprises, accompanied by gifts, ever made engaged as business manager and will .» thl?omp7,i ow S and c'tJ of Importance ?n" &F , £ B "D Md a m5at enloyable 3k5tSSfi£ gL ana. Mr. Le Rush also reports h a , by Bt ? wa opens at the Parks early In July. n looked solid in ,.PjP s i be sa . nie vaudeville turn used with rue Game Keener." John Cobee has com- the n lazeri P'! ted , ■ x n e" electrical apparatus which he t„:,l. of forty people. Only the best time will K' played, and the prospects are bright for a • ■■ I'essful tour. KLLIS JEFTRETS, iilopted a ot the Actors' In "The rrlnce Consort" every requests for ber autograph. returns a card reading as Kills Jeffreys will hare much forwarding you her autograph you will spare her a small conFrlbutlon f^son be'tVr%Qulpperto' 0 meir 0 »f,i, ()ut nelt ""gko. Ch inward her collection for the Actors' Fund." than this, and no play Lf^T^^fS* has contra, I'.r tblsmethod she has accumulated a snug demands of ami T'tatlons to "soclallxe" with admiring friends, La., March To, we have made several changes, • nt » _ the orgauliatlon of thla company oy Mr "»«'b"t few were accepted. Dora HasUnK»: ■ Rush, who has been P ro . wn and "««T P. Drown celebrated their and now have one of tbe atrongeat stock com fianlcs in Texas. After a run of ten weeks n this house wo will play several park en- . gagements. before taking tho road for the ea ™ B85?™lJHff r JSfi!* J , oh " W ,'. ^HfSl ■ will open In the East gft ©fflJWrJ' W^VffigW »i""Fl d twenty-eight years ago, wns given XV. A. llus- co, our genial manager, by tho members of the olio club composed of the following: Clar- regular season, which will open In the early In August. The roster of the company Is: Col. Geo. II. Hamilton, manager; A. J. Francis, business manager; Clyde J. Mc- " treasurer: David A. Hcllman, reprc- : J. Harry Harris, stage manager; Thompson, director; Harry Joseph, f props; Frank C. Thompson, Col. Hamilton, A. J. Francis, J. Harry »nd no play more adapted to the e °"-'™c ?i*..! a ^ e .- m i th 2 d ,_ ba ^C^ 0 'i8T D e e n" -i d K? "i 18 opened'^'chlcago'ofnce 7 ' ln U cha Da " f " r ^ B V r v«pue among Henry Irving. Beerbohm Tre. ff Mr. Le Rush, where^ aTbuslness wli?^ penet will put T^a stock company, opening C RE and other London actors. transacted. The Davidson RrnT.1 r S ■ J'. De n May. - -* - of thirty Kabl H. Oath and Emma Owes ^hn» an excellent- «,,,.i„ a J. la !2?. 8 ' 0ck c °' Is do'ng v,,' r,~„„„ n a.,,,.. •- ..... . B*£tS Kabl H. Oath and Emma Owen (whose an excellent business this seison .„^ ° n S n.imc In private life was Emma Du Bols). clo |e about the middle of Aflr ' aDd wl " both members of Que Hill's "Happy Hoou> ,.„{*•■»■ P. Stinson closed Lr,h o, ,.v gan" Co., were married at St Joseph, Mo., ™* Missouri Girl" Co Ea»t«n 2 . 3 ^ wlth March 17, during the company's engagement '"""d to his home at Bath N V* 1 re " there. Those present at tie ceremony were: •*«« weeks' rest, after whirr.' ii. iiV. _ r . a in,' Gwrge gMMW ^TS ,aslumr b the h blfslne'ss man" W. Kerr. Bessie Hirst and Blanch Bnegler. agement of Singer's mammoth °tj T r °S* ""'J' rele ««ed from the ITotcstant Hospital, Notes raokc Stanlet s Metropolitan "<» Bell Is In her eighth^week at Hi^lrh^ 5f Norfolk, Va., after a severe attack oi Stock Co.—Everybody well, and doing nice- Opera House, Grand iTapIds, llkh a&Z diphtheria, and have been engaged by Be- ly. Tbe company numbers fifteen people, ml °of Parts and leading numbers ' e 'a. 8C0 * Mayer, for a Spring tour with White as follows: Pearl Stanley, owner; L, a. fp«'s L. Combtock has been mm ,^ .„ Whittlesey, plnylng principal comedy parts, Hunt, treasurer: Harry V. Wlnslow. business write the musical numbers for "H?? 8 m„h ln 'Soldiers of Fortune' an§ 'HeartseaseV " manager: L. E. Martelle. stage director; ?««. the Cook," a three act musical eoml55' NoT ? s l L0K TH " DoT Kabholl Co.—Bual- Harvey Gagnelr, ahead with the goods. Our "V will be produced next sea R nn comea y< nesa in Lynn was good, considering the business In Missouri, ' has been good. Rostei ley, Marie Detrace, Helen Ihirvlc. L. E. Martelle " Wlnslow, Robert Hym die Ferns Franklyn Melville, tiarry Ferkln ner l? and Al. H. Smythe. musical director. Harvey P ew mualcal comedy, "The oiri «n^ Gagnler Is the favorite wherever we go. Moon," «n«i ^i„^i •!(.. i Stove's "TJ. T. C." Notes. —^Thls company will open early ln April. Will f Denver, Col., after a week's engt that city, direct to Oklahoma City., u and will tour the territories and Kansas. We l" 8 ' c , lty - to be knowS as the Vermont TnS wjll be a three car show, having recently n h ew JKf/ fco "H will have tbe largest staee and ...... ...uv, *«u.| .. ...VUUI7. .*I,|,|1J 1ICIIUK.IIU, Robt. Williams, Clarence .lobiiHou, tho Toney Trio, John M, Walker, Win. Uoode and Na- poleon Johnson. In Eronsvlllc, Iml., on March ..',, Clarence Towell, stago manager, after calling nil members on the stage, sent word to Mr. Itusco that tho band liiul "struck," and had refused to work, and requested Mr. Itusco to come back on the stage and settle Chexkt, formerly of Gus Hill's staff. Harris. Clyde J. McCaslin, John 'Sutherland*. '. ho difficulty. When Mr. Rusco camo upon traded with A. J. Small, of Toronto, John V. South, Rosalind Verene, Carrie L. tj ,e BCenc . ,"w»th blood In his eyes," Lilly the Grand Opera House, of that c'ty, Hamilton, Gay Woodly, Oretcben Elgin, Roll xounff mada the presentation, speech, pre- '—Ing and Summer sensun. Mr. McGee and Russell Woodly. scntlng lihn with a solid gold engraved Elk's " Darn-old writes: "I closed a season watch clinnn. A speech was caMed for, but Mr. itusco showed his appreciation In the mere words: "Hoys, I thank you." The company, this season, though not as large as Is usually carried, but under (be able stage direction of Clarence l'owell, our stnr and Icad'ng comedian, Is conceded la be one of the best minstrel organisations traveling. It Is needless to say we are making money and the "ghost" never falls to walk. Mb. and Mrs. Ci.ikit W. Ohant were tha guests of Mrs. Clins. F. Edwards, at her Gl- ., one weeks ahead of the Arnold Mrs. Cirrono B. Smith Is convalescing at Stock Co., at Baton Rouge, La., March 23, her home ln Syracuse, N. Y., after a three and will stay In Marietta, O., until the Sum- months' Illness of Inflammatory rheumatism, Dutch Bablow Is In his twenty-seventh week with the "New York Dav by Day" Co., this being his second Beason with the show. Easi.e K. Mitchell writes: "I was re- mcr season opens. My business In tbe South was Just fair, with all kinds of bad weather." Tim Mi'BPHT baa In mind a protect highly Interesting If It can be accomplished. It Is nothing less than a supporting company made up exclusively of the descendants of actors Some of the people he Is said to have In view are: A niece of John Drew, John Barry-more, son of Maurice Ilarrymore; vance'a M^on.-anTjoTned-'the tZ& ,„« Jump from .,."*-„" y - Lapoint, for six years nnn.,„ „. Manager Welsh will mend a couple of weeks began a tour under the managen eagement ln the Ba "re Opera House at Bam V* ?. ln * e w*ork City and Washington, on busl- husband. Maurice Campbell, In City., Okla., f?°? g er ect a new ground floor theatre In a' 88- , «f" to opening her season eRrly In Nell," with many members of t tS^Am^jjtU^SS^rSFjSSS^ St "S *? a fi n *.«i» c " 1 V"n' the'state. 6 * The cages to be filled with a pack of genuine ?,? w „ h ? nse l«„ also to be a member of the bloodhounds; two elegant floats and a mlnla- £? n n 4 Grant circuit. Brayham & Lanolnt Hire chime bell tableau wagon. An Interest- °?*° *V elr thIr d season with "The Vfllaee ZX1S£ ' Ing feature will be on African congo cart. °f? c f < ln A P r » 15- This will be the large!! Kn0n ' drawn ^" .,!*.« d.h.i..... > ... . » wi../>ti/,n *..* -■ . _ .. Piople rof. T. AuRiist. Miss Karroll will rest during the Summer at Newburyport, Mass., her Summer season having been canceled. Fba.vk V. Hawlf.x has renewed hie con- tract for another three years with Percy 0. Williams, and will handle the Four Mortons :uiu.t! wm ue uu airicnn congo cart, ' "j , "" "«"' '»>• ^nis win be the arirest 7 ™ by a genuine Bovoiopas; six mounted a ? a „,? e3t Production yet made by this Arm « tat S a °° D * ■ and twenty beautiful banner? and ?A t } lls r , ur ' 11 melodrama, written by William °RS ra Ilous . e stock T. M. Carlton's Military Band. All In v: f l' apo1 ?'' auth °r of "When Women Love " r, D " KKB * v ™°> engaged for the Harlem for the Summer. ebo.nee have engaged Walter with the l"nrk llientro Co., at Macon, On., all we will produce by far the largest and Ka 'n r yn Brayham will again be seen In her P.' ^ otto n " business manager for Lillian recently- most brilliant and novel or with any similar attractk Everything will be new, with Mat Harvev Barbour, with the Lyceum Stock Co. la., closed a twenty weeks' that organization March 2.1. Roster or the National Stock Co., J. Al- „_f',, x J° It °TJiy Lewis Iiepertoby Co. will bert Dawson, manager: Drury Mldgley, Ches- „PJLt, lts . t >P rin S and Summer season of twenty ter Clyde,Louis Wefselman, Darrel Lyie, Anna " e ^ 8 at Bennington, Vt., April 10. The com- , Dorner, Mrs. D. Lyle. Maude Burges" Daw- . p /u we T* lnt °''med, la made up of tbe venture to be launched on the rond next sea- nd b ? st dl 'nmatlc and vaudeville talent, and will B ?. n wl " . b * the Carrie May Company of pi. P. 1 ","' tbe 'ake and mountain resorts Al Players, In a select repertory of comedies rard Avcnuo home, while playing In rklla- a grandson of Joseph Jefferson, Mildred dclphla. Mrs. Edwards had the pleasure of meeting tho entire company, ot which ber hualiand. Chin. F. Edwards, wns formerly business manager. Mra. Edwards also had as her guest Dr. Tim Mornn, of Uniontown, l'a., during the laying of the corner stona of the Elks' new home, Lodge No. 2. The Giibat St. Hki.moh write: "Ilavs lust flnlHlicd n week's ongngoiuotit at Miner's Bowery Tlicatrc. Week of March ill) we wera with Tom Miner's Bohemian Burlesque Co., l decided bit on the engaged us for his _Ji ST. The feats wa perform are daring, especially the leap mnds through a burning hoop of lire, surrounded by a circle of fifteen daggers, from tho gal- lery of tho theatre to the etage." I'. 1'. Craft has rented tha Grand Opera House, nt Anderson, Intl., and will present vaudeville for a Spring anil Hummer season, opening April 3. The Grand. Sir. Craft writes, Is the finest and one of tho largest theatres ln the State of Indiana, ami the etngo will accommodate nny act or produc- tion. Mr. Craft Is looking for more houses, Morris, daughter of the late Felix Morris; Charles Dlbden Pitt, son of Harry and Fanny Addison Pitt; Gilbert Miller, son of Henry from the Booth's I-ondon. a and Vera now sing- One of the 'itlce Bros., who "was "injured" In "Davib Belarco's contract with Henrietta Lynn, Is slowly Improving. The company Croaman, ln "Sweet Kitty Bellairs," expired and tho net mndc such a decided bit on the will close Its W'nter season at Yonkers, when April 1, and commencing 3 Miss Crosman Bowery Hint Sam Dcvcre engaged us for his genient of her ow n show, week of March ST. The tents wa Mistress the original company. GKOHttK Edwariies, defendant In a suit charging h'ra with plagiarism In "The Cln- gnlee," brought by Cnpt. Frnser, lost the case Bad the plaintiff was awarded $I5,0UD (In in ages. HAnitY C. Adams, musical director of "A P.ree/.y Time'" Co. (Eastern) for the past two seasons, opened n Summer engagement This company carries their own and Intends forming nn oitcualvu circuit of 30, nt Green Bay, Wis., a successful season of thirty-six weeks. Notes of tub CAiiniB Mat Co. —A new The Lost Game.' Is going well. I am also son. and the two child actors, Byrle a_ Efn , Marc T h b 20 0mi>an5r ""^ ' t8 tW -" tb Sea - Nf*" •» the^^ mannier7and Jack oSttn£ and" dramas, for which tlmi'M tidwSSB Notes from Hamilton's Comedians, sup- adv ance representative. ' SSSl l *„. tb £ ve 7. "/" towns., Speclaf porting Lucille..Smythe.— We opened doing a double specialty with Jns. A. Grudy which Is n big laughing hit. This show will piny a well known park circuit this Hummer, and next season It will be taken out as u ouo nlglit and week stands only." Ai.iieht Lando has secured tho Academy of Music nt Lowell, Mbbs., for the coming Sum- since Fvervlhlno- la workim. .mnnthhT«««, '" me °"° and paying parts In the after- °- '"ecccr will direct the tour. J™» kuowii io inc ineairegonig miullc ot and^re lookforward ^a nlefslnt tou/ Ou; plec f' ™s Is tnelr^eiemh week, and they S"" prom tub "Dn. Knott" Co.-We SSSfi sffii wl " produce during* tuo season „....._ ?.'vT. a ™ ™ apieaBant tour, our are hooket tn %fno an ' '' ODcned our Snr nir tour oi n.iwinn r. r ♦„ strlftlv hleh irrade rovn tv nin inn In. well known to the thentregoing public of the and will close about June 1. Business has Al. Beaslet Informs us that he Is still In ueen good tllul far > n °d the play Is a big troiluclng tho best of vaudeville acts. Tills wilt be a family resort, catering to ladles and children. rt n ,f* Drake and Harrington report meetlne- scenery will be painted and special paper ""• He will open tho bouse May (T. Mr. Spring" season March" at"Trov*"'lil and S tn .u ere S t access with J. C. RockweH's w Reused. A strong supporting company lf^° has engaged the best of talent, and did good business? which has Continued ever 'V. he i? UDQ ^ So , u11 }" Co " doln e their act ""Llu^f-ed Jo support Miss May. will «•, «fi"_* n >.'nf'» d ?. * . nura ! ,e ^ "JP*. ■ now ^Joir S and playing parts In the after- c\„i P'ece. This Is their seventh week and rhev roster I illows-' Ffa~nk~~A* nnmlitnn ar e hooked to May 30. ' opened our Spring tour at Babylon, L. I., to n'rl'-tly high grade royalty plays, also In Cha" I Stoddard RichardI Carhart jim« D . E V' £■ » UU « A "0. who was with the Osman Wg bus ncss. We are playing through Con- ' i Fra^ DaveR-oughto^ L««lV*Si5tt" Eem-.cfge sToek c'o "SL 6JS W ' tn the " S -" i t $&-&**•*** P--W State ' Lotus Merretta, Marguerite Aifrlch and I. '??.?.?.'?!l l '.- C . 0 - doing heavies. Mabel Raymond. J. Edw. Stevenson, In ad- vance. We have a number of royalty plays, end onr special version of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," which never falls to get a big bonse. Betbrlk'sj Shows Notes. — Both shows opened at Kansas City, Mo., March 30. Daly's Ten Nights ln a Bar Room," F. R. Pllcher, manager; Bark's "Uncle Tom's Cabin The Mtmtt'AL Adams write: "We Just re- ceived a very Una musical novelty which wa are going to nso In our act Thu net Is very successful nnd will ho plnyml on the lending park circuits this season. We hnve lliellucst Ktnge Netting of nny net In the business. and managers nro praising tlin net, which la being featured wherever wo piny." Ci.avtun F.m: and Hva A I, i.k.n, In their now act, "A Hlmpic Lesson," report meeting with big hiiitohh on tlin const, and nro hooked fur return dales at all Ilia big houses In the West nnd Northwest. They will return to New York In .Inly. Tim HAiira.Mi-H, Louis am] llesslc, acro- bats ami upside down dunces, opened at the Earl Theatre, Pueblo, Col., Minvh 27 with advance of the Myrkle-IIarder Stock Co. (Eastern). Tbe season, which has been a very prosperous one, will close about the middle of May, and he will be with Mr. Harder again next season. Celt a Db Lacy, who before her marriage, two years ago. was a vaudeville favorite, eer- Snrk'a «rinri. Tom-. r.Ki„» rv.' i eaves to I Germany April 16, to fit herself ""**»?. director; John Wilson, master of uuiusger, uurKS uncle Tom s Cabin Co., for grand opera. Miss De Lnev kw dmrnf.ri propert es. varce *rtS' SSfffii' i ph W h SW ? h d * *!™J«**r tttSfiSFJm W5 ' l( » E Intkbnat.onal Amusbm.nt Ex- -Tll" , w?iKJ'^. 1) . 1 ", po 4 te »._ a . , ! eaa « **» L'rement from the stage, and now goes to chanob, of St. Louis, will put out next sea success. The company Is beaded by Geo. A. Lawrence, supported by John R. Waters, Sidney Mason. Max Davidson, Geo. Thomns, R. N. Gal land, Frank Wakefield, Marie Van, Delia Bell, Octavla Boas, Mabel Bell and Sylvia Grey, with Frank Wakelleld manager; Jack Levy, advnncc representative; V. Boas, with S h wi'i no.i.i* ^i,3 ml i t0 5,' "& eD V Eur °pe to receive'the" 8nieh"neceasary"for a ? on "ovcral new and originar produetlona'Tn ••TnVn ' Vi? Posters, ahead of the Burk grand opera career. the musical comedy line. "Little Miss Dlna a ,,° Z- on .I? e lo SIL2K8"" K e ? Painted, and Ethel Jordan, who wns doing the leading W| te" will have a Summer park opening. It tion \v. Jri „^1 n i thro i' 8 . h the 8 K me J? pera ; 5. eav 7 wlth " A Komanco of Coon Hollow" ""s written by Joseph Pazen, and bns new reMahle imSJSLJ SS! t0 fS&£ m j£ 9°* (Southern), reports that tbe company situations and characters on the musical i,T,ii amusement medh-.m, that the tent had a successful 6eason. farce order. en.nb general Is taking new life, so to Notes fhou tub Will A. Petebs Stock O. 0. Miintiib closes with the Carroll Com- Notp« »»n« - n . n™.„ n— r, ? 0— ^lt wl " °P en our Summer season June edy Co, at Bowling Green, Ky.. April 8, to .. £™?.,r. B0 . M J 1 ! 118 6a*cn Havward Co., C, at Charlotte, N. C, remaining for twelve S» to his home, Bessemer, Mich., to spend weeks or more. Those thus far engaged are: the Summer. Franklyn Vail, Earl MacLellan, Arthur Grlf- Charles FaonstAN has obtained the next h»ft.»r ;^3 - --- s— ??"•{ >-—••" *"* "•» fl n, Frank 1. Frnyne, Robert Erlckson, Billy Joint musical comedy of Frank Pixley and , neuer, and are strengthening our company Grey, May Waltere (Mrs. Peters), Mrs. Gustavo Ludcrs, and will produce It both In the South. If business this season Is what «i".„- « mn,er T 8t0 - ' -" e open A P r " » at Frank I. Frayne, Mrs. MacLellan and Master New York and London. The comedy will be 'f ha ? been .,'? tl,c P" 8 '- Mannger Irwin says S'7. ""•• for four weeks, then go to Frank Frayne. Mr. Peters recently bought delivered early In October and will be pre- ' ■r. I ?. ana . rc the entire Summer. Franklyn and skipped a car load of scenery to the sented shortly afterward. nuns mum tub URACB llAVWAtlD CO., Carmonteile & Kress, managers.—This com- pany has been doing an excellent business. «e have made a great many changea for the • <uk:ii. I'.uri ini'Mirr, l ueilio, 1:01,, aillli'll . i, Willi Tub RnoAPWAr Tiidatrr. Fort Wayne, Denver, Cripple Creek and Lcadvllle, Col., to Ind., which was damaged by lire a few follow, months ngo, has been rcpnlrcd and redeco- rated, with finer effect than before, by Its owner, M. 13. Itlce. The date for reopening tins been fixed for Thursdny, April 18, and Walter B. l'erkins. In tho musical farce, "Who Goes There?" hOB been selected as the Attraction. Dorothy Maynard aud lOdlth Hell have been engaged, "Back in Jkrhbx," a new rural comedy drama, by William McKlernan, a Newark newspaper man, who has written several suc- cessful plays, will be produced under the direction of the author, In his homo city, during the week of May 8. Speclnl scenery and a atrong cast will be part of tho experi- mental production. Tub wobk on Concord Park Theatre. Natchez, Miss., is nearly finished, nut! It will be ready to open May 6. Tbo Arnold Slock Co. is the opening offering, and they will ho the first show In what la said to be ono of the finest and most complete Summer theatres In 5 a i. JL ead A nB taan ' replaces Wm. Norrls; park. The car company Is making great Im- ♦„« rV a ,' aoubrette, replace Grace Thurs- provements ln the auditorium, and the pros- .r'Vr.t'', J-orrls replaces Carl Rrlckert, pects are good for a fine Beason. S n ... 5 arIe ' v ^ I ,". che " and Bl "y Crockett re- T. D. Winnett states that he haa engaged place Harry Feldman and Ed. Morton. Nan- three well known authors to write playa ex- nette .Neronee replaces Eva Sargeant. Marie cluslvely for stock theatres, repertory com- i a .i J '' / .? yo,ID ff leading Indy, Is still at tbe panles and special road productions. "A neaa of the company. Fighting Chance," written by Chas. P. Rice, Fred. J. Titos, once the husband of Edna author of "The Forbidden Marriage" and Way^was married In Jersey City, N. J.. March "Sign of the Four," Is the latest play turned 1. to Maud Harlowc, who Is preparing for out from the authors' department of the second season, about tbe middle of May as a part in "A Yankee Circus on Mars," at the Emergency Bureau, and Walter Edwards Is manngcrs of the Casino, located on the 8ev-n New York Hippodrome. Miss Harlowe has to star ln the play this Spring. appeared ln productions under the Geo. H. Tiiubstun, who playa the town name of Maud Lillian Rice. Mr. Titus is bully In "Qulncy Adams Sawyer," and Juliet Martin, of Roanoke. Va. (a non-professionalj, were married on the stage of the Lafayette Theatre, Washington, D. C, on Mnrch '20. Immediately after the performance of the play. The ceremony waa performed by tho Rev. G. P. Wilson, of the Assembly Trcsby- now manager of the Thomns automobile house in New York. _ J 2'' N . M. Hickbv announces that John Griffiths' tour, In "Macbeth," will close May -'7, at the Russell Theatre, Ottawa, Can., a season of forty-one successful weeks, without . the loss of a single performance. Extensive terlan Church, Washington, preparations are being made for next season's Lewis' "Dnclb Josh SraucEnY," No. 2 production of "King Richard the Third," and companv, closed Its regular season nt Dan- Mr. Hlckey asserts It will have many unusual vllle, III., April 1. Mannger J. P. Donahue realures and advantages and the moxt ef- will go with "The power of the Cross" for itctlve printing ever used for a Shakes- the rest of this i-nd the Summer senson. penrean play. Mr. Griffiths' season In "Rich- Mns. J. C. Williasis presented her bus- nrd will begin Sent. 3, and Is booked to the band with a baby boy Friday, March 24. loilowlng May. His company will Include Mother and child both doing finely, ninny members of his present support, who The "An Aristocratic tramp" Co. will nave been with him several seasons. close for two weeks, beginning April 8, at uus. s. Bennetts and Roy Sampson, Toledo. O. Will reopen April 23, at Aurora, who have been with tho Grlese Dramatic Co. III., with all new scenery and a change ln the a, past e 'sht weeks, have been re-en- cast. F a E c d 'or the Summer season under canvas. Dennett & Collins' Noteb. —We opened ft.' - kif, DIle " e 'P'anlst) has beea featured on our season six months ago, and, with one ex toe bills for bis trick piano playing, also his ceptlon tbe company has rer.ilned the same. Iliu.v Yocnii Is not with McCnlie & Young's Minstrels, Willi which he wns formerly a part- ner, hut Is nt present dotug well iih the Inter- Iwulor with Richards & I'rlngle's Georgia MliiHlrclN. Tub i'iia.miikhmnh ere successfully Infro- discing new fcuturoK In llielr rope mnulpu- lallng act, touring England. Hi'Mkik and I.mviH (Fred and Mvn), com- edy ncrohnlM, Mulshed auccossful ciiKiigements en tha Kohl & Cnstle circuit and at Tony I'nxtor's. nnd also pin veil a return date at tho Howard, Muslim. They open on the l'onn circuit, at LnnciiNler, Pa., April 17. Is'itwKi.i, anii Nini.ii. nfler ten weeks on the Keith circuit, nnd the entire Orpliciitn circuit of ten weeks, will return to New York about May 1, nfter iliev play Indian- apolis mill Chase's, Washington. Cahad and Hi: Vkunb report meeting with grcnt success with their comedy musical net. Wlillo playing Hani T. Jack's Theatre, Clil- cngo, Chas. Cnsnd wns presented with a handsome diamond stud by Ills wife. Ciisail anil Do Verne nro hooked up solid to Oct. 21). HARRY K. IlAKKll ANII llll HA1.KH KlIIKI.IiH nro negotiating with several mnnngcrs of musical comedies for next season, nnd are also considering nn offer of sixteen weeks In Europe, to open tho latter part of August. W. ('. Look, second tenor of tho Diamond Comedy Four, celebrated his twenty-first birthday In Butte, Mont., when cpilte a few of his friends were present. Leon nnd llertle Allen presented him with 11 gold headed cane ; Mr. and Mrs. (londnn gavo Idin a silver match box; If. V. Illlgcrt, second Iiiikm; (,'. O. Korcnscn, first Imss, nnd Mr. Turner, of the Diamond Comedy Four, presented him with 11 gold watch : Gardner and Golden guva lilm n (Iliimotul wntcli full. Haiiiiv Tiiomhon writes from Portland, Mo.: "I made one of tlio biggest lilts horo Emma Sieiiki, was taken III with typhoid- t0 , n t-nrnlval Co., and your humble servant, ever made by n monologue performer." eumonln nt McKcesport. Pa., while playing wl J° w f," for "" Suuuncr months take a vu- \V. II. Wathon writes thnt ho has resigned .is IniHlncHH inaiiiiger of the Cozy Corner, Urooklyu, hut he Is sllll the president of the Ilrnnklyii Amiiseuieiit Co., nnd owns and con- trol. Wlinllon & Mnrlcll offered lilm a very flattering salary and a percentage If ho w'll take this innil Manahkii 1'. P. CiiAi-T had the following bill for the openlni,' week nt I lie Grain!, An- derson. Ind.; Tim lloldsworlhs, MnsKcy nnd Kramer, Jerry II. Ilerzell, Hlr Weber AeTO ii-iln, Hurry M. <Mlnlun nnd tha KdlHon mov- ing pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher, tl;e Six Flying lliinvarils nnd others were an- nounced for I he second week. Geo. W. I.enlih hntl been III with rheu- matism at Lvwlslon. Ida., for several days, resumed work, opening at the Edison, Hijo- knne, Wash., April B. Maiiiips Hi.ake Is ill at her Inline with Roiibut Lorrainb has been signed by Har- rison Grey Flske to play the title role la "The Proud Laird," which will be given Its pre- miere in the Manhattan Theatre. New York, April 24. Walter, business manager of that he will have to build a larger one next Beason. Job C. Buriia writes: "After a successful season with Frazce & llny's 'Uncle Josh Perkins' Co., wo closed at Ludlngton, Mich., March 20, nnd I am now, after nn absence of three years, at my home, Oakland City, Indiana, vlslllng my people. This little Robert B. Monroe's "Searchlights of a Great tow " uaB " 8 tul ' 1" ota of troupes, so much City," left for Chicago recently, to look after 52. that we have nfcknnmed it 'Troupcrville.' the Interests of the show In that city. Root and Guiliiault enter upon their Islands, Grand Ledge, Mich. They hnve en guged Marie Nielsen for leading soubrelte, supported bv e capable company. Joseph Rrookh and Georub C. Tyler In- tend to tour Europe In an automobile shorlly. Emma Si— ■ pneumonia wlih tbe "Devil's Auction" Co.' OwiN-a to the closing of the Osman Stock Co., Jliisa liny Benll has signed with the Kcvcridge Stock Co. for soubrcttcs and In- genues Amelia Bi.voiiam, It Is announced, will appear next season In the musical comedy, "Die Little Millionaire," by Henri Daatay, and nrst presented In Paris, Mnrch M, "Unpeh a Bpsiiel," by Gahrlele D'An- nunzlo, received its premier at the Manionl Theatre, Milan, Italy, March 27, but Is said to be Inferior to his previous works. "The Soiiaw Man." by Edwin Milton Royie end under the direction of Llebler k Co., will Jd t Z scasSn be nrst presented at the Btar Theatre, Buffalo, [„ t , ," S15-5 «i The following make their home here: Roy Smith, corncttlst: Inez Smith, (lying ladders, past three seasons with Wallace's Circus, and who goes with the W. P. Hall Shows for the coming season: Charles Elwyn, engaged for Gentry Rros. this senson; Geo. Kemble, trom- bonist, engaged for the coming season as band master with Johnson's 'Bright Llfo" C'o.; Fred Johnson, musician, now wlih tbe Lay- Inter on. William Faversham will be starred' cation. Feniiebo Stock Notes. —The business of this compony. on Its return dates of Eastern time, Is cxcclient. While our Worcester busi- ness, at the Franklin Square, did not tax the house's capacity during the week, business was good, ns the house is accustomed to mu- sical comedies and not familiar with reper- tory. Business nt Kiieiihurg, cur first of repents (with seven more weeks to follow of our September and October time), was very big. Mnnnger Fenberg has, In present- ing his strong, high class melodramas and superb olio of specialties, met tho wants of the popular priced theatres In all cities visit- Local managers are strong the high standard of Man- ager Fcnbcrg's attraction. Notes from tub Caiirib Stanley Co. — author. Stock CftoTSZaSmmm. "" ~" ' will piay v fe'alure w^wllirSeT."w^n*tB mZ^*«?11&£* SScSl&tt Bran. Tillhon, prima donna of "Tbe Show dramatic nets each week, and has placed tho Martin ------- -- ■ ■ people." We played a return date recently nt Cnnaliohockcn, I'n., to a largo and en- thusiastic audience, and repeated our big suc- ' Pa„ and booked another re- Fawcett Co. will present a American Theatre, commenc- Haswell appearing In tbo circuit, making live weeks in all. His act, he writes. Is a big hit, Tub Da Vaiin Sihtkiih (Ml linn nnd May) nnd Crystal Hell aro plnylng n successful twelve weeks' engagement at the Peerless Theatre, .Iiincnu, Alaskn, wllli other engage, tnenfs to follow. Thernn De Vnun litis signed with IHck Htitfon's rond show, now pluylng through Montana.