The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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APRIL 15. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 107 Wllllnniaiiort.—At (lie Lyrnmlnpr Opcrn llniisi; (I- •'■ Fish, manager) lint Sun's Min- strels K^TC.a good show MnVeh .'It. "Tlie Village Postmaster" ijionsml April I. Klrke Krowu Slork To. drew nn<l plensed big houses week «f 3, With 4 out for Mnrle Wnlnwilgln. Due- Ilndley's pictures l». "Tim Mr of Spire" 11, May Irwin VJ. "(Jtiecn of the Whli' Slaves" IBi Chicago s k i* K»k .,( 17. Ailnnnn.—At the Kleventh Avenue Opera House (I. I'. Mishler, rnnnngeri "Hlplninney" mini* April .1. "The Fortune Toller." 1. and •Jin- James Hoys III Missouri," ft, ro fairly ■..■■nl attendance. "Searchlights nf a Ureal cuv" 8, 'I' 11 " Volunteer Organist" in. "The Strollers" Hi 'Tin; <:lr! from ICny's" I "J, 'pluck fnmk Rurlesniiors I.'!, "Lord i'lnuii- ;.y" U, "Why Olrls <(•> Wrong" ITi. ++-* mi.xm iiisirns. II,,.tun.—Attendances were very uneven lasi iwk. Some Attractions linil rapacity while others were poorly patronized. Iiuport- ;ml rhaligns HI lln' down town houses this week bring. Mrs. Hal rids f'nniphPlI, In -.The Sorceress," tn Ihe IIiiIIIh, ;iiiiI Wlllnn Lark- aye, In "Tin!' ril," to the Buslnu. Tlii> liill ii'rnhlhlling Sunday shows whs defeated Inst ■wk In Hie Stale Senate. stiikkt Tiiuatuh (Isaac II. Rich, manager).—On Monday evening nf ihe cnr- ".•i:'. wi'i'k .MrH. Patrick Campbell Is'glns a fortnight's engagement, in Sardoii's Imost liliiVi "Tin' Sorceress." In Hie supiHirilng ■ uiii|iariv are : Buy Standing, Frederick lVn-y. Uetiree Itldflell. Alice Nenl and Alice llntler. Mamie Ailaum liulshed the last hair nf Her iwo weeks' stay Snturduy evening, 8. The ■Inutile lilll presented during (lie week was •-Thn Utile Minister" anil "Op o' Mc Tliuinli," and large nudlences prevailed. Ceo. Cohan, In "Utile .loliuny Jones," 24. IVistiiX Tiikatki: i Lnwrenoe McCarty, mnnusrri.— Commencing Monday evening, April in. Wilton Lackayo will lie seen In W. A. Brady's production of "The I'll." The play comes with llnllorlng comments from i he press, ;md B; prosperous two weeks is looked for. "Sllierlu" fiilr business Curing lite past fortnight, closing last Sat- urday evening. Thomas Jefferson will come for a single week, "4, in "Kip Van Winkle." Tkkmust Tiikatiie (John 11. Sehoeffcl, manageri.—Nance. OW'ell Is now in her sec- ond week nt tills liouso. "Alnifda" nnd "Tho tires of Mr. Jului" will lie played the early linn of week, while Ihc Inner end will Imi •_'lven up to "The Jewess" and "fumlllc.'' • Mni-lietli" and "Kllznhclh" were presented last week. 1u fair sized houses. Next week will lie tho Una I one of the engagement. "Woodland" follows. April 24, for two-weeks. Paiik TllUm (CM*, Frohmun, Itlch & Karris, managers). — Itobert ICdeson, in •St roughen rl." enters uiion his ililrd site- ■■essfiil week on Monday evening of this week. The house has been crowded at all per- formances. Monday evening. .1, was "Har- vard night," the members of Hie football team occupying the boxes. Colonial TitK-vTRR (Chits. Frohmnn, lllch It Harris, managers).—"llumpty Itumpty" •Mies merrily along at this house, the present week helng the fourth-of the engagement. There is not a dull moment during the show, and the attendance is excellent. A long run seems assured. Jtunmc Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers!.—A change nt plans Is responsible for the current week being the Inst of the stay of "The KUibuster" nt the Majestic. The piece has been thoroughly overhauled and many changes made. Frank Jailor suc- ceeds Albert Manr ns the leading comedian. Mr. Mahr has resigned to engage in other business. Patronage during Hie pnst three -erks was fair. The attraction for April 17 and week will be Clnrn ninodguod. In "The (ientlemnii from Indlnna." liMMW Theatre (S(nlr tc Wilbur, mnna- gersi.—Ward anil Vokes, In the musical fiin-e, "A I'nlr of I'inks." Is the nlTerlng this week. The "stars" tind.Liie} Date hihI Mar- garet Daly Vokes arc. strong local favorites, and will rerelve u warm welcome. James J. t'orlS'il. In "1'iils." brousltt nut the spnrllng Irnlcrnlly. mid others. In good niiinliers Inst week. Nexl week, (ieorgo Sidney, In "Httsy ly.iv.'' iIhani) Off.ttA Ilnfsn (Oeo. W. Mngee, manager).—••.Mel''iiitden's Itow of Klnls" Is ibe card for this week. "Shadows nf n Urent illy" was well patronized Inst week. "Across the I'aclflc" follows. L'AMTMS Sqiiaiie TmUTW (li. S. Oelnnd, tnunager).—"The riirlstlnn" Is lieltig enacted by Hie stock company this week. "A Tale, of Two Cities" wits Hnely given Inst week, Howell Hansel's Imperstinntlon of Sydney I'nrtim meeting with the warm npprovnl of good ' slited bouses. "Tbe Ticket of Ixinve Man" Is In rehearsal for next week. Itownoi.v SuitAitr. .Tiikatiie Id. K. r/ilhrop, uianngeri.—"Saved from Shame" Is the stni-k h'll rhls week. "A Montana Outlaw" went well last week, unci served to enthuse two good crowds dully. "A fonvlcl's Dinmli- I it" will be pin on next week. Keith's Tiii:atiii: (R, !•'. Keilli, innnnger). —A pt'iigriiinino rich III headlllli: nets Is of- fensl palrnns this week. I'eCer ]•'. Ditlley and his "IJIgbl I.Hill I:ills" Iiend the bill, In u specialty. "The Police Inspector." Albert l». Uiiillp, the operai'c! Icnor, and AI. I.nw- rencn, story telier and mimetic comedian, lire ii.'sn slroug fitilures. 'Tlii? remaining list in- cludes: .Melville and Stetson. Lewis McCord, Miiziiz mid Miizeit, l;real: Scott, liny and H'immI, llbinche Sharp. Vtuing llros.. Karl and H'ilstai, Jne Morris. I r.\linn's monkeys and •logs ami thn hlogriipb. Klchnrtl (.'olden and ibe Three Kcalons were I he bright lights lasi week, In ibe usual i-rowtls. I'.'Mi'tui: I'iikatiie i<". W. Anderson, ntan- ager).—"Znlkti" is one of many novelties offered I i.y Manager Anderson Ibis week. The oilier pmenl cards are: Siiinrl, "Ilie Male 1*111:" Kdnn Aug, llnrry Till Hose t'o., Ilnghey Doiigberty. Wlnclieruintin's hears (second weeki, Melrose Troupe, Vuckley and I'.ittini'll, I'.lssell nnd Scott and new motion pictures. Last, week's bill was of Hie usual high class order, and was thoroughly enjoyed by large houses. HoWAItli Aiiienaeem (Pari f>. I.othrop, inanngeri.—Opening .Monday. HI: HI. (Inge Kros., Jane Onnrthnm and Co., laitz. Urns., Parker's dogs, lai Tell Jtros.. (.'iirlls and Mav, Mae Itiisscll. Willie Cnrdner, Acker and (III- dny. I'atchen nnd Clifton, (.'nrroll nnd linker, Clarence Koster nnd the klnelogriiph. The house burlesque cnnipaiiy. which Is one of the best drilled of the kind ever seen In tills eliy. will present "The Web Weavers." (ieo. It. Alexander Is featured In new songs. liusl- ness nt this house Is always good. IVxaci: Tiikatri: (Cbns. II. Wnldron. man- ager).—Scrlbner «.- Drew's Jloinlng Glories Co. Is nt tills house for u week. As n devl- ailon from the two liurlesi|iies. the company Is seen In n three nci musical comedy, "The Devil's Daughter." Clarence Wilbur hns Hie comedy role of I'nlsy. nnd the other able eiiierlnlaers nro: .Inines Marcus. I .mils llnrl- innn. Nnl Iternanl. Hurry Wilson, p'rnnk S«>||, (ins N'eser. IClIn Cooper, Klsle Harvey, l.llllan llalhtiway, May lliirkc aad Constance Whiilnn, Hush's Hon Tons ntlni'ied good business nnd gave n pleasing show last week.'Et'M Theatre <>'•■ II. Itntcheller. man- aseri.- • I'red Irwin's ISIg Show Is the offer- ing at the l.vceuni ibis weak. "Mixed unci Twisted" and "In Oslende" enabled tbe liinipnny to lie seen lo advantage. Tim olio: The Six Iliilselbenrlcrs. Zeb and Zarrnw Trio. I'.biek and McCone. (ienrire Klein, the Tour • 'onnellys. Klsle Holmi and Wilson anil Sorg. the imperial llurlcstpiers pro^iered littancial- ly last week. f'ol.tvtniA Mi'sir Il.vt.r. (llnrry N. Karren, iiintiager). - The Oriental l!urlc=u.uors fitr- illsh the attraction the current days'. Tbe iwo linilelins are "Tile Japanese llnney- ni'ioii" mid "Are You n llulfalo'" 'Hie WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION (Inc.) JJ Orpboum Orpheum Orpbeum Orphean Orphenm Orpheum Orpbenia Comprising the Management of the Following Named Theatres and Parks Sao Francisco Los Angeles Hew Orleans Kansas City Omaha • Denver Minneapolis Chicago Opera Donse Olympic Theatre Haymarket Theatre • Columbia Theatre • Colombia Theatre Orand Opera House Hopkins' New Theatre IAIESTIC THEATRE, Chicago • Chicago Chicago • St. Louis Cincinnati Indianapolis Louisville CHlCAflO. HOW BEING Hopkins' Orand Opera Rouse Hopkins' Brand Opera House Eavinia Park • Forest Park Highlands Fountain Ferry Park Fort Sheridan Park • • Forest Park - Hopkins' East End Park • CONSTRUCTED, Ol liNM-llMMt. Huupliis Nashville Chicago St. Louis Louisville Chicago Kansas City Mi'Uipliid AHO THE NEW $1,000,000 IVOW HOOK] \U FOR TIIK SUMHIKU A1VI> TUB SfCASOHJ Performers will Send In their Open Time and Permanent Addrenii to C. E. BRAY or J. J. MURD0CK, ... 504 Ashland Block, Chicago. vaudeville end is looted after hy tlie l„is- surd Ilnw., Ida Ilmvel; nnd Wllllnmn and West. As nn lidded ultrncilon Tom Jenklnt will meet nil coiners on the mat, nnd will forfeit one hundred dollars to uny imo he falls 10 throw In fifteen minutes. The Wine. Women nud Sonc t'o. merited the approval of the liirire Catherines last week. ArsTlx & SioNK's Misfim (Stone ,t Slaw, iiianaprers).—Curio hall, second and last week: Honolulu Students, lillhert's trained cunts, Itosoo. the ednnited pony: frank, Iiroom U1 it^r. and Mnlicl AllirlKlil. the lndy wlillller. lln the hibro nre: llenedlct nnd Powell rompuny, in "The Dlninmid I'at- nce;" Jftsephlne I-arollie, Sin June, Tliomiis nnd I'nyne. the l.'ldors, Itnrnn l.lttloflncer autl Count Magr!, and others. Allien 1'nrker, the man with n picture of a iruillii em- blazoned ou Ids hack by u stroke ul ll-hi- ulne, Is nexl week's feninre. Wm.kkii's XIi'sul'm (I<. 15. Walker, man- ncen.—Wifk of April 10, ciirin bull: .loo Walcott, the "Itlnok Heinon" wrestler, versus all comers: fielding, the man lisli; tlie ludy barbers and others. Stage show: Hartford and Campbell's Imrlcsiiue company. In "The Seminary Clrls:'' Arte and Delnmy. Kddle Meehun. I.nlii Wilson, (inice chltils nnd ihc bioscope. Ilusiness reported grent. XiiKi:r.oi>i:i>N (I.. IS. Wnlkei-. inann^er).—■ In- curio ball: I'lossle i.n Klnmhe, strnnt; wnnuiii: Sidney lllmnnn's life savins doss, I'rof. llnll, card nqime: Waltuiaii, miislial slur, nud n novel cnnicst. In the theiilre the usual number nf vaudeville nets will be (riven. Notes. —W. P. Andreas, business innnii- ■H of the I'.irk, litis his anniiiil lienetlt nit Mo'itlay evenhiR, 10. at Hint hoitie. ItotXTt i:dcson, ill "Strniuiucnrl," Is the bill I^onora Krndley leaves the t.'nmle .Suiilre t'o. the last of this innnlli "Tlie Karl nnd the t,"IH" will be the all Summer show :u the Hoston Thentre luslead of "The Ilujrnl t'b"f." as was previously nnnouncctl "Al." Sheelian, ireiisurer null business innii- uger of the Tremnnt. will accompany Nnnrn tl'Nell company lo Australia, us persoonl representiilive of MnmiRer .Ino. 11. Hchnelfel, snllinjc .May 18 II. W. Savage was In town lust week, completing" arrangements for Ihc new musical comedy which will lie put mi ni the Tremnnl May L"J. Mr. Savage .sailed for Kitrnpo last Thursday The marriage has just been nrnounced of John Wnldron, of the t'ustle Sipiare company, and Mrs. Helen Imvis Clarke, of llalltmore, a nou-prnfeslonal Sunday concert hills tl. : limttm Tlniitn- —.las. J. Corbelt, Itcinitn nnd midgets, .Mistletoe cilrla (4 1, Hreiiknwny Karlows. Ilmnes and Lewis, the (irenl Austins. I'oley Twins. Mtlln llea- trlce. .Mnckle anil Walker nnd the Alter Trio. UJebr—liininn and Mllchell, lirnwn, Jlnirls and'Brown. Musical Simpson*, Lyric Trio. Howe nnd Seott, Talbot, and llogers, Hiiines nnd Lewis. (Ieorgo and Harrington and Mnr- iin Mnrrltifnll. Umpire —Kllnore.Slslers. Prniiz Kbert , and Co., .Marlon Miinnln, Wlncher- inniiu'.s bears. Cnrnien Sisters, .Inines It. filen- roy, l'utty Bros., Ilevaux and Iievaux. ('. W. Wlllbims nnd Hilda llawtuornc. floic- doln tii/Mirc. —Mlllmnn Trio, Caron and l''nr- nnm, Searl and Violet Allen, l'niiln and Mar- lowe, rauletta and Taylor. .Milt I In l.nckelt. Lawrence Crane. .Majestic Trio. I.eonurd nntl Drake, Ibe I'ryors itiiil I'ltas. Kdwnrds. ■ Siirlnuflclil At I lie Court Snnnre. fD. O. illlmore. manageri "The <llrl ultd llin Moon" April :i. Vccsey, the violinist, played fi. lo a Inr^'e lioiisc. "Tile Heir lo the llooriih." ". s. drew well, anil wus nul 11 ' ph-aslng. •"Buster lirnwn"' II. "'The Sign nf I he Cross" I'J. I'rllzl Si'lien" 13, (!rine lieorge II. "Klien Hidden" 15, '"Tbe Shepherd K'ug" 'S'l-w ntt.MniiF. (,T. S. Flteli. malinger).— The KonlSTg Slock |iul in n prolilalilii week, ::s. and gave general satisfaction. "Tin' Two Johns" 10-11', "Just Hefore Jiawit" j:!-lo, lllack llostonians 17-1U. I'otil's (C. W. i'oniln, resident manageri.— The pnst week's hill drew large houses, ltlll iu-1.1: Kranz I'.berl and cotapnny, (iTIrleii nnd Havel. 1'n.tly Bros., Mr. mid Mrs. .Nell l.lli'lilleld. .Miles Stnvordale (JilllU«'l te. Ilium's Itml Wlnslow. the Mcllnns and electrograpli. Xixson (Z. T. Hauion. manageri. 'Ibe .ilwnvs welcome Morning Hlorles wen: here ::.". presenting "The lievll's Daughter." Clur- ciiii- Wilbur, as Palsy llnliver, was iih enicr- tnlulng ns ever. Constance Wltuloin and Lisle Harvey were ilever, nntl .Inines A. Manns creiiieil u favorable Impression. The Little Lgviil-I.ondnn ilalely tilrls llnlshed Hie week, OK. The Tiger Lilies 1H-1'.'. Digit Schcsil tilrls i::-1.*>, lllee and Itarlou JT-10. \ori:s.—Til" Sprlnglleld Lotlge of Klks eleileil the following onlccrs: Kxnlled ruler, Thomas It. tl'llrlcn. esteemed learlluK knlglu, .Inines T. Martin: esteemed loyal knight. •'. M. Kellnn: i"<leeuied lecturing knight.. John P. .Mct'nrtv: wcrt'lary. J. II. Sliea; treas- urer Thomas I'. Shechau: trustee. P. II. Oiilnn : Ivler. I!. !•'. Ilarfey: reprcsenlnllvr. in 1bi griinil lodge, William II. liolilnsnn. The Inslallatlon oc.iirs April 11.. . .Tlie Piitnam Open) Ilntise. tlninge, was gut led by lirealsmt ll.HO Tuesdiiy nlghi. April 4. the loss l>eliig •iboiit S7 (lOO. The lltlllsi' was built twentv- niiie yar' ago bv Imtiford Piiiinitn Tw> llrsl two llotirs we're given over lo store nnd ollices, and I he thud and fourth tlcvi.led to I he opera house. The ots-nliig iillrncllnn wus Whit lenuire & Clark's Minslrel-, mill the hist prodiietloii was "l'h» Private Secceliiry." presented by the Amherst (nllrne Senior Dru- tnnllc Club, on Monday night. •'!• The old house will probnblv be r>|iboisl by u ground Hour I hen I re Sylvester P. Cnlhiiinti, formerly mtinncer of the llnlyuke Operu House was recent Iv n-ndered a liaiiqucl nl the Worthv Hotel by his friend, in which lltno In' was presented wllb a lieuullfiil Knglei walcli ••hiirin. Mr. (all/inan ludng president ol" the Sprlnglleld Innil of Lngles. Mr. I'nlhiniin Is to be general nitiiuiger and nltnriiey for P. I". Bbea Thealrleiil Compniiy. wllh heatlipinrlers In New York. ngeri.—This hmise closed its regular sea- Son last week, but will continue lo offer concerts on Snnduis. A Hummer scasoti of sliu'k will lie inangtiriili'il May 8, billed :ih the Albert Lnndo Sfnc!: Co. i'astii tl'. t;. Mack, Biuuugcr).— Ilie Sum- mer stuck company met with big success last week, and "The Charity Hull" was given a very clever presentation. "Incog." Hl-1.1. P.osiu.v (.1. II. TebbeKs, manager I.—Busi- ness has kept up to capaclly. Sunday coil- certs are drawing S. It. t). Current : The. Ilrenkiiwny llarlows. Muck Allen, Vice ami Viola, Howard and Colby, and Ilie Boston hln- scopn. I't.-iifLF's (II. A. Wnodward, tnttnngcr).— Business was good here Inst week. Current: .Hai Dnlley's Henri Breaker:) Burlesnue Co., and olio. Mark Clancy, the Ureal Congnii, Jltamle Castle, Lillian I'mnklln. Addle Mil- laid, Lillian Itlelimond, Kittle Hoffman, and Jim mid Hahc Imlley. ooi inuAN Ki.kctiiic.' Co. ((Ieo. W. Carry, manager).—I'.uslni-ss wns fair last week. A coinpleiii change this week. Corn P.riTON Bti.t.'s Museum nf Anatomy has had it good business during lis Iwo weeks' slny. Billy Nelson Is In elinrgc nf the I'miiuiInmi'iii. "World in Wax." Mi:.\tiiin.- -Hobby Fields and Felix Martin have again Joined bands, ufler u year's sep- nriitloii, nnd were well received nt Ilie Has- Ion lasi week. They open at the Casino, Woreesler, 10 The Creek populace were enii'i'iniiicd In large number's at the Academy of Miislc 7 by Ibe Orpheuin lleeleiile Hru- iiuitlc Co., In "Pyscliii-Kore." dimes CiuiL-lilan Joined the Nnnrn (•'Veil forces Inst week The Lowell Aerie of Fugles. L'L'.'S, belli a gala night II. when eighteen new meai- bcrs were mliiiltled. A eoininltlee Is arrang- ing for ibe memorial services. Mny 7. nnd iilso for a permanent home building. I ■•'nil Itlvor.- At Ihe Acndeniy nf Music 'Cann & flriiiil. managers) "(Inl of Hie Fold" bud fair sized houses April I, o. giving siil- Isfacilon. Ward and Vokes |irnved a lilt K, rilnvllig to S. It. (». Tim Fenberg Slock Co. Is current. The Corliinc lliinkcl Co. 17-;"J, except 18. when "llnlies in Toyboid" comes. Siii:i:iiY"s IUjoij il.'luiN. P.. t'nok. intiim gee).—The strong bill lURt week met with furor. Hooked 10 ami week: lievero Sis- ters. 1> Vpaux and De Veaiix, Hooker nud I'orhliT, Mnrjr Iniponi and i-ompuny, Ilie /anelg'a.. Milt nnd Maud Wood, Tukezenii Japs utiil vlnigi'iinb. Cakto (Al. Ilavnes. manager).—"Clndt'r- ellu In Falrvlaud nnd Jane Coiirlhope and Co. ns features, nttnictetl well ",-s. Wri'k of In: Xelson I'lirniiai Troupe. Mnrln J.-itisen, (.'nsln Comedy company. Fox and Wnrd. (lor- innii nnd Mooney, Secbaek, Jones nud Walton anil Hie klncloseope. Nii'Ki:i.oiu:o.\ (D. It. llulllntnn, manager). —Limt week's business wns up lo Ihe usual standard. Booked 10 and week: Wnlsh and Thorne, J.a Belle Leonora, Zulno. P.mtnn Pol- lock, Mclmile nnd Williams and vltngraph. N'otk.n. —The Balllnlnn Slock Co. opens J4, nl the BIJoii, for the Summer lo- Kciih Lynch, untiiarrlPil, n scenic artist, of llosteii. was Instantly killed II. by railing nearly ihlriy feel, front u. painter's frame at Ilie Bijou. The T. M. A., of Hoston, of which l.vnch was n meinhnr, look charge of Ihe remains, and I lie interment is'currcd II, fiiiin SI. James Church, Harrison Avenue, Boston. I.ymi At the Lynn Theiilre (F. fi. Iliu- rison^ maiiager) Ihe Ileiiiieil-Moiillou Co. playeil to good business week of April .1. The .lore M.AtdllTi' Slock Co. lo-lfi. Tills Is a Lvnn company, nnd Is under the luau- iiveiiieiit of Hurry Ward Pltelim Co. 17 32. (Ii:m (C. \V. Sheiife, mnnnger). — Lnst week's business was sal Is factory. Hill week ol Jo: t'lalriiinni, llollls and Wilbur. Mnrs- ilen llros.. Kingsbury nnd Laws, Florence Laws nud the bbiseope. Svi.i.'u Tiikaiu:. Siib'in ((I. II. Cheellinm, manager). -Tlie Irene Myers Co. did good business Inst week. The R V. Phelon Co. \i'rri:s.— I'tbel Mav Shorey. of llils elly, has Just wrlicii a play, eiiillled "Tliornlnn .V Sons, llrokeis." wbleli will be produced in Hie Iixford Cltth Bull, May I. •", b.v H»" .Nnneite liratnnllc Co.. of which Miss Shorey Is a member. The piny will be under the direction of C. It. Shorey. Miss Shorey Is tin- author of "Light H:t," "Squire llnskttis" mid "Hidden .Mountain." I. Charles Hunks, nt one lime connected with newHpnper work In this city, Is now advance agent of "Busier Crown." Mr. Bunks will shortly hn Willi Hie Itoblnson circus. . .— » WorcrMrr.—Al the Woreesler (J. F. Hock, iminugeri "The Sign of the i,'rnss" April Hi, 11, tlrnce (Jenrge III, "Woiuiluild Hi. Lev Dockstitilur J.I. stone," •!, plavcd lo fair I, 1,1..„ '■ u tin Ihe Vi'lluw- reiurtis, ns did II tlie tlpern House 1,1. |l. the Morning dories. In "The New York Frederick P. Belmont, for some lime stage mnnnger nt the New (III- iiioi'p, nt Sprlnglleld, has been Irmiafcrrril liy Manager P. F. Shea in the llolyoke Hjicia llniisi', where he will art in Ihe same ca- pacity. » l.nwrrnee,—At the Opera Hoimp (Ornnt & i'nbu. mil lingers) "The Isle nf Spice" pli'lTsed two good houses April .1. "The Pit" came to a big house 8. .lames B. Huntley Slock Co. Id-].',. Ciii.omm, (Weber & Ititsh, mnnngers).— Business Is very gistil. Htsiked week of 10: Delinnr llros., Irene I'railkllii, Unlan and I.i'll- hair, nines ami ltemliiglnn, (loldeti and Hughes, Lnwson and Xiitnnn and klnctn- gtupli. Xoti:. —Tims. Kershaw, for four sensonsi piano player nl Ihe Caste, litis resigned lo nc- • epi ti similar position nl Hie Wiuihvorlll Hoof tbiiden, Lnncaslcr. I'll. Xe«" lleillord.- At Ilie New Bedford Theatre (Win. B. Cross, manager) Cnrlnno Itunkle Co. plensed Inst week. Ward and Vokes slopped selling April II. Fly nn Slock Cn. IH-l.".. Uatii.ywav's IT, B. Itiiyles. mnnnger).■- finoil business for week in" .'1. Hill HMR: Six .MuslinI Cull.vH, Krclscl's dogs, rata nnil monkeys, lliirdliei' unit Vlnceni, Tnlbot and Itogi'is. Ihe FiKcntnllliis, llerlliu Alllsuu, Tan- ner nnd (Hllicr! nud viuigrapli. Iti:ms. -John It. Hock completed Hie second reason at llnthiiwiiy's Theuire, us operalnr of the vltngraph, 8, nnd leaves for AI hint In Clly. Tlie Now Bedford Lodge, No. '.'. of the Jtn»p- berrles. guve Mr. Itoek u farewell dinner mid cniei lulnilienl, on Ihe singe, II .Mrs. A. d. Miller, the popular Ireiisurer of Ihe New Bedford Theaire, bus returned to her posl I Ion, ufler ii few weeks' Illness. To onion, —At (he Tiituitoii Tin nlrei I'nlin £. cross, mnnngers) tlie J. II. Flvim Slock Co. did well week nf April .'I. Ward nnil Vokes had big business !i. "I'eck'a Hud Hoy" 14. Km I ly J. Iliirney. resltlmil iiiiiiiuger. Ims secured "The Awiiltenim of Mr. Pl|i|>" for her annual benclll, April 2(1. ♦♦+ HHW VIHIIC STATU. HiilYnlo.—At the Slur (P. C. Cornell, malinger I "Tlie Shn'liin" iipjieurs April lo- V-. "I'nrslfnl" Jil'J'.', Win. Faversliatii, in "The Sipiawinnn," ".'4-Jll. Mny Irwin umde ii hit last, week In "Mm. Black Is Hack." l'Altii (M. Shea, inanugcr). —Tbe Win. h'ar- iiuin t'o.. In "Mine. Sails (iene," week of IK. "Itnmeo and Juliet" next week. "Spurtin'iis" wns well |iutlnlll/e(l last week. Tt:eii IW. S. Baldwin, manageri.—"Tho Sign of the Four" Is this week's bill. "Mleh- nel SlrogolT" pleased n KUhstlinlltll nlleiul- ance lasi week. Siik.v'h. —-Tho rosier for week nf 30 in- cliides: Albert (.'hevnIler, 'i'erley, Cliff (lor- ilon, Itone Agiiliinldo, Leroy and Woodford, Three Tasitinuhins ami Ihn presentulbin nl' Ibe new skeicli, "An Indian Itolnaiice," b.v a lociii auihor, Mrs. V. Molt Pierce, thn east Including Helen Young and Fred C, House. Lvl'i'.r.M i.l. Laiighlhi. inanngeri.—"In Ihe Shadow of Darkness" this week. Mimon and .Mnsnti, In ''li'ritz and Snllx," nexl week. "A Prisoner of War" was capably given !l-8. Lh-avktit. (C. M. Bagg, iiiiiuager).—The World Beaters Ibis week. Clark's ltiinnwiiy tilrls week of :l. Itellly & Wond'H Big, Show was highly successful. Ai.'aiikmv (C. <i. SleveiiK, manager).—"A Wife's Sei-rei" Ibis week. "Thn Filial Wed- ding" next week. HiikscII llrotliers. In "The I'einnle Delecllves," pluynil In nearly capacity bisl week. N'ortts.-—Cariilela ami (irn/.la f'nilioiie de- part for Jiiirnpe this week..... .Win. I'avei - - i.liiun Is rehearsing in Ills new piny, "Tin! Si|ituwmnu," which litis lis premier bern Jl. The Oxiivs, .Inini'B A. and I'elln Web h, Marjnrle F.dwanls, Kctiiietly and Jlonger were al Hie Lyceum II Ida Conipiest succeeds Percy llnswell ul Hie Park .Mny I. ■F.bell llolden." K. Fiianki.ix SfjiAltt: (Slicu & Burke, ninna- gerst.—Week of in. Annie Bhincke, In "A l.llile 'luicasi.'' Ijist week. "Mcl'mlili'ti's Fluls" bail grsid Imsilieii.s. "A Prisoner of Win" 17-'.'L'. I'm:k iA. T. Wilton, manager).—Week of Hi: tins Wlllluiiis. Itcdlnl nnd Atlhiir, llinth- ■ rs Honetie. Hnilio and Itnssell. Norn Hayes, Kiniiiii 1'evoy and ciiiajiiiiiy, Master ilolil'-n, the Trinity Church Choir Boys nnd Ihc blo- ginpli. Hiislnes.-, lusl week iinsuriinsseil. 1'ai.ait. -Week of |o. the Piirlnhiii BMIes P.urles(iners. In "A King for a Day." Olio: Kdwiird .1. Morris nnd Ida Duly, luinati mid Hiilierls, Lillian Kii'b'.v. Meilrevy mid Mar- shall and Leo Stevens. Htislnesp is ginnl. Lowell.—Al the Lowell llpeiu Iluuse fl-'av llros. & Ilosforil. iiinmigersi the Savoy Stock Co.. In repertory. Micecssbilly ei.tnr- tnllied fair business lasi week. Wilton I I:- live. In "The Pit." had fair hajdaw*M 7. Ben- nett Muiill on Co. 10 ft. 'Tlie Show <ilrl" IS. Ai/apl'MY or Mrsic ill. I'. Murphy, mini- llolyoke. At Shea, manageri tt Devil's liniigbiei." April •!-**. plnyed In Kootl liiislln-ss. The High Hollers Ilii["liKi|i|ers 10- 12. Ihe Tiger Lilies 13-IS. Fmi'iiii: iT. F. Murray. mitnnger>,—The Baaitilers liurleM|iiers ciiiae St-S, "Tin! Spun of Life." OS. l||ll SllllsflielorV llllsiaeSM. Hooked: 'A Itiin'-li "f Keys" IfrfS, the Uill- iloii Calclv tilrls IS-IS, I'rnnkllti Wootlrnu*, in "flu the Yellowsioiie." 17-111: Ilbe k Bar- ton I'll-"-'. P'Hiri.liiHTK. The Kniubler p,url<'Si|iie Co., Wlliell Itppealeil al the Llllpirc .'!.",, went lo pleeii Jul.., mill the iiiciiiIhts rettinuil to Itix'lu'ster. — Al Ihe Lyceum (M. F.. Wolff, malinger) Frllr.1 Scliefl' had linuiensu niidb'iiccs Ajirll ,".r.. Maurice Moll's Orches- Irn (local) conceri wns well iilli'iiib'd Ii. Tlie soloist. Mate, • am llevlllo, iniiilv a dlslluct siirces", lios.setihaeli (li'clii'slru (local i 10, "(iralorio ol SI. Paul," Tuesday inlislciile (locali ■ ii. Nationai, (Mux llurllg. mnnnger),—Wll- lluiiis nnd VViilker. In "In Imhoiimy," dltl fair bilsliiess .'! ,'i. Bunions' "Snperlia," 11-8, turned people away nt every iierforuiiitiee. The feature of ihc show wus Ihe wonderful higgling act of Iteilloril mill Winchester. "Arizona" 1011.', Jo>- Welch, III "Colien'K Luck," 13-15. Hakui (.1. H. Boyle, malinger).—"In the Shadow or Darkness" proved lo bo a most entertaining uielnilraaia lln. (lerfrude Swig- gelt deserves special prnliti'. BukIiii-nh wiih good. "A Wife's Si'i'tel." tl-8, wllh Hnllct. Thompsoti nnil < I rare Hopkins, hud gotul putroiinge, "A Prisoner nl Win"' 10-IS, "A lilrl of the Streets'' 13-IS. Cook - ltpr.UA Hofsi; (J. II. Moore, mnnn- geri.—Business Is excellent. Hill 10 nud week: F.ildle Foy anil Co., tviltui Kobe, Spls- se| llros. and Mink, Kleaflvr Folk, cllllelie's dogs, .luck (iai'diier, Delphltio anil Detiiuru. and Ihe klnetngrapli. coiiiNTMiw III. i'. .Iiieohs, mnnnger).— The Hay Musqucriiders Co. gave a most en- teritilnlng sliow to gnoil houses week nf '.'., Tlie blevele ml ol Ilie linker Troupe wus u big feu I u re. IMIIv & Wood's Big Shoe/ 10- l.'i. Sntr. - - Pen rl Ford, a Iloehester gll I, play- ing In "Siiperba." wus royally elite it allied iliiilng her short sojourn here. Allniny.—At Ihiriniiims Bleecker Hull (II. II. .Ineobs. maunderi.—Kraal Von Vie- sey, violin is!. cl'i'illed u Hcnsilllnll before it fulr atulleiu'e April ::. Adelnlde Fit/ Allen. Ill "(JIlOslS." Jileiisi'll -I. 'irioo Ueorge. Ill "Ablgilll." .1, pleased a good sized iioitw. "Tlie Sign of Hie t'rois," ii, 7, illil well, and "llnlies In Toylaud" piled Ibe house K. Mlwi Hob While" |0. 11, •The Hiligniiiiisier" IU, ""Thou Shall Sol Kill" l.'ll,-,. L'ifiiM" ill II. .larolis, mnnagerl - "A Biiai'li ol Key-.," Is .1, had exiiellein aiiillein-i's, "The "AW nail nud "Just Before binvu" plensed good sl/eil houses (IN. Friinkle Curpenter t'o. Hl-iri. I'iioi; roll's (llnwnril Driiham, resilient man ngcr).—A very sticci'safiil week of vniidevlllc. heiitleil bv the (Irand Opera Trio nud Moore anil Lltlletleld. 118, drew S. II. <>. For In mid week: Imperial Japanese (liuirdn, ICtliiu Luhy nnd Co., In "Venus;" Marguerite an.I Ilanley, Pete linker, tjulgg. White nud Nick ei hoii, Ilemiler nnd fbiiullcr and the Folic I'k'old Mldgcls. (l.MKTV ill. II. Nichols, laannger). — Hom> Svdell'H Lotuloii llelles, •.'.:,. comiilelely ill'..-.I Ihe house. Tiger Lilies followed IIS. Veiy Hue business. Triinsiilluullo* Hl-lg, llbe A: Bnrlun's (Inlely Co. Hl-lf.. Troy.—At the Lyceum (Horns flUliitii. mnnnger) the Sunw Mlnek Co. drew Ma honsi's April "S, In "Itecatise She Lovid Him So. I'he finnHen" 10 IS. (iiiiswut.P i M. Itels, mmiiigerl. Sign of Ihe Cross" hinl big Iioiinck :i ,*i. gnl!" drew well l|. '"IMicu llohbll"' good liouse 7. "PeggV from Pulls" illil llliely 8. "Miss llol) White" I'J, Wllllmu t'olllei" I.". Itwo's (M. Itels. manager).—Vaudeville ullracleit large nudlences Ino week. The hill I0-I."i Is II Hue one, lleadi'll by lli'lln Fo\. P.ov.ii. I W. II. Iluek. inn anger i. The Tiger Lilies drew big houses .'l-fi. The Lolidon Belles bail good luisliiess 118. Ilb-ii mid Hal' ton 10 |o, Al. Iteevi's HP IS. Niviks. —lliirns (lllblln. innnager. nctiir nnil once news wrlbT, is Issuing weekly I If l.wrinn h'rrr. /.unci', devoted In the liiloreins ol Hie Snow Stock Compniiy, anil clreiilnle,l gralulloiisly. It conlaliis a sketch of some member or Hie coaipaiiy and di'iiiuallr uoics, and Is niiracilve ami papular, _ a ■ " Nelifiieelnily, —At Hie Van Curler ilpern House ((', II. Hclietll.-I, llllllllllteri Kjl'le lie) lew bail rapacity April II. "Miss Hob White" did very well •!, "Khen Ilohh'ti." ."■, had >■■< liiiclty. (inice (ieorge sell out ihe bnn-s' V "'I'he lliirgoinnHlei" fared well s. i.'b.sbr De Voiide Co. 10-ITi. Mohawk law, Weber, tlllltlllger) -Vnillle- villi- week ol' 10, Including: ,1. K. Mm ray mid Chun Little, Walcrluiry Hens, and Ten ney, Alf. (Irani, Slnler nntl Wllliiiias, liord tiordnii and Cohnti, (he -llolluitiis, kbot'i rnpli and Jbl jlisu. NoTlis.—Jessie Mlllwiil'd cninelcil her en gngenienl. wriek of 10, owing M siiililm III ■less. Hritlto ami Itnssell fill her place Tbe largest henellt perforinaiice ever given hi Scheni'i'liidy was thill given hy Hyrle llel lew, miller Ibe allspices of Hm loenl bulge of Klks. They flenreil over SfSIII) losef lliifmaim gave a reel In I April ft, nud Ilie seats were nil sold Miirllnier Snow Slack Co., Which bus been playing ul Ibe Lyceum Thentre, In Troy, nil Wlnler, will open Hie Summer keasiin here April "I. ul Ibe .Mohawk, wllh "Under Ibe Bed lines." The Tufts College Wee nud Mitiulidin Clitbii will give a eeticere April 10. t IBiiilrii. -At Iho Itlnllo (F. W. MeCoii- nell, uianngcr) hill week of April III: The Itnssell Trio, Martin and llldgwiiy, <Ifn-.-.■• W. Snow, May Xcllsou, Vlclnrlu Hlclmnl and James II. Proiullove. S. II. (I. every pee forma or*. Notkh. —flllliert Bevhie, mnnngiT nf i he f'nslno, which has been ihe Inuao of viiuilc vllle diirltig ilia Wlnler, hns closed his piny bouse pcriiiiiui'iillv on accoiiiii uf pnor hod ness Daniel Qiiiiilim, uf this i-lty, ihe well known minstrel, who season before lusi formed a piii'lucrslilp wllh Jimmy Wall, nud last season hud a itiintiiiliy ol his own on the road, has lllcd tl petition In linulii'iiptey In Bull'ulo. 'i'he sclieiltlle shows illiseculed elnlnis lo Ihe iimoiiul ol" XIM.ltl l.:i:i. Tln-re are no seen rial claims. Assets are sr.o, lie fields were eoiitractcd during the purluer ship beiwceil.tjiilliliiu nnd Willi. Mr. (Join Inn Is now In vaudeville, doing an ml wlib Kclhir Ma. Ii. Idea. Al Ihe Majesllc (Shuherl Urns . miinugiTs) the slock company did well In repertory his| week. "Th" Hn.val t'bef" inel a good liuilleiice April II. May I'lske ami Co. week of 10, except III, when Win. Collier will be seen. 'lui'ii|M\M fWllnicr ,'i Vlneenl. luiinager'U. - Lust week's ImiilnesH was gnod. I'.lll areefi of in: )>'io Irwin mid VTalier llmrtey, .intim I>nIi<ni I'illlnge, Itiiymotid mid''nverly, While and SIiiiiiioiis, Puller and Ilnrl.will. iiwh-y nnil Itniulall ami Ilia liliielogrnpli. Aolioro. Al Ibe Itiirlls Opern Hon e (K, S. Newton, manager) Miirniy .t Marker Co., week of April II, lln-W well. Couk-i'lull ill Slock Co. wis'k of id. Hnrris AciiIToiiicm IK. S. Newloa, innii tiger).- "The Ibirgomnsler," March ::o, liud a huge iiudlenee, Nat C. (,'iiodwln drew a large audience :il. Kyrle lletlew hud it Idg |mu-e April o. I'rllzl Heliefl! dellghli'il a largo aa illi'tme ii. "Babes In Toylund," No. I Co., drew a big bouse 7. "A Chinese lloiieviiiiion" J-1, Pnderewnkl IS. Illiiuliaiiilon.—At the Stone Operu Hohw (.1. P. K. Chirk, tun linger) Mamie Fleiniav, In reperlory, urew big ausliu■•.» April •'! s. Kirk llrown. In reperlorv. Hi II. . 4 «» MA IKK, I'orllunil Al Ihe .li'lTemon H'abu f.- 'ir.iiil, tuniingers) "The Miiiiiiny mid Ilie I IuiiiiiiIiii; Ulid"' illtracleil a very BIimI lion e Atirll .". "The l.llile iiolcasl" drew a fair liainlii'i- 1 A large ami n|i|o "'-l.-iI Ire innii line graded Wlllnii L.-nkayc. in "The |'ii." ."•- "A Hugged Hero" eame lo fair icioui'. ii, and "The Isle of Spire" lire* big houses 7. *. "Tlie Hliepherd king" 10 IS. I'Ollll.AMi i.l. I:. Moore, luailliuei'l. Coll houses ruled w'ek of :;. For 10 nnil wee!, Itlehiird liulden and ■■oailnny, Iiimhi ..nil Anger, Keller ami Vlob-iii.. Mile. Ma Mini. Cool: ami I'lliilan, V. P. Wmuhvanl ami liie fryer*. ♦<-♦ IIaiiiiv St.oc,, who den loped lieklaw lis Ibe result of a plalol shoi woinul n, .u. .1 during ibe iii'i'liiruuirni' of I ■ I -; a .a -, i i|,.- |;..n Ton Thentre. l"l,llai|o||ilila. Man h I. i i« • owiliir. m Id. bom" in Hi.nitivia .- "i