The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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APRIL 22. TKffi J^EW IrTOBK CLIPPEB. 221) •si: Palace, Southard. "J-I--0; Lyceum, London, Gardner * Stoddard, Dinnlnlon, Winnipeg, Can., 1T ij.vlnnl. lkamlc, G. O. 11., Oram! Knplils, Mich., Oram. Marlou. Prnclor'a, Albany. X. V.. 17-22; f-.Wi'H. HniTalo. 24-30. i.'jnlnrr & Vincent, Howard, Host™. 24-31. tiid'rlll's Jtoukcys, O. 0. II., Indlauapolls. 17-22. Gnri Inetiu Flraaly. Publllunes, Havana. Cuba, 17- 20. iiLiriiticr * Barrett, Columbia, Clnclnnntl, 24-20. tirnkfo & Boll«r. OUmplc. Chicago. 17-22. neorite & Harrington, 0. f!.. Jiew Bedford, Mass., 17 22: 0. H„ Mt. Carmel. Pa.. 24-20. Glllcn. Tom, Para. Erie, Pa., 17-22; 0. O. H.. Harrlsbiinr. 34-20. Glrurd. Marie, London, London, Can., 17-22. Ollmoor A Leonard. Keeney'a. Bkln., 17-22. OlcMn. Mario. A. & 8., Boston, 17-29. Uleiisbns * Houlihan, O. O. II.. Chicago, 17-22. lilallys, Baby, Crystal. Milwaukee, Wis., 1T-22. Olcnroy A niissefl. Karl, Pueblo. Col., 24-20. •CM* 'of Death," Victoria, N. X. C. 17-22. Gulden, Jllchard. & Co.. Keith's, N. V. 0., 17-22. Cordon, Cliff. Sliea'a, Toronto, Can., 17-22. Cottleti. Mr. k Mrs., Crystal. Denver, Col., 17-22. Goforlb & Doyle Star, Muticlc, laid.. 17-22; Grand, .loltct. lit. 24-20. ij.oiMic. Archie, Loudon, 1/mdoo, Can., 17-22. (pinion, Kk'red. -London. I-ondon. Can., 17-22. lintiluli. Don & -Mar. Family. Mnlianoy City. 1'u , 17-22; Family. Oloverarllle. N. Y., 24-2(1. Gurman k Went, Sheedy's, Kail Rlrcr, Mass., 17-22. Godfrey k Henderson, Oriihcum. Kansas City, Mi... 17-22. linlden. Ham. Pastor's. X. Y. C, 24-20. Crrgurv * Wood, Pastor's. N. T, C, 17-22. drift Bros., Shea's. Buffalo, 17-22. Cravco, Margaret: Hlar, Toistka. Kan., 18-22. Grsminis, The, Nickelodeon, Kail Rlrcr, Mass., I7-22. Gross, Wot., Park, Providence, K. I.. 17-20. Grain, ydney. Harriet, Wilmington, Del., 17-22. Hsritnan k Bocbler, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis., 17-22. llshs>n*. Tlie, People's. Lowell. Mass.. 17-22. Hastings k Burns, Urphenm. New Orleans, 17-22. Harper. Desmond 4 Bailey, Atlantic Garden, ■FT. C. 17-22. Hal-want A Hayward, Star, Hamilton, Can,, 17- HackniseunihU. Geo.. Orplicum. Bkln., 17-22. llstlinvoy & Walton, filar, Hamilton, Can., 17- '."J; Trent, Trenton. N. J., 24-20. llsyrs i Healy, Orpheuin, New Orleans. 17-22. Harper, Lucille H., Gnlcly, Mprlngflekl, 111., 17- 2tV- Hinvey A Donne. Ratila Cruz, Cal., 17-22; Em- pire. San Kraft., 24-29. Hnnilins. Tile, Ornnd. ' Poentello. Ida., 17-22; Claims. Salt Inike City. U-. 24-29. Hay, Chas.. Uarrlek, Burlington, la.. 17-22. Hart, Sadie. Btlon. La Croase. Wis., 17-22; 1'nlqui. Kau Claire, Wis.. 24-20. Harris. Chas. A Kdna, Orpbcnm, Seattle, Wash., 17-22. Harrla A Delos, Arcade, Toledo. 17-22. Hansen. Mildred, Sueedy'a, Full River, Mass., 17-22. Hamilton A Wiley. Auditorium, Norfolk, Vn.. 17- 22. Hatch. Bros.. Crystal. St. Joseph, Mo,, 17-22; Crystal. Kansas City. 21-20. Haskell, l.oney. Amplilon. Bkln:. 17-22. Hen-maun, Adelaide. Victoria. X. Y. C, 17-22; Hand's, Troy. N. Y., 24-20. , • HajHMT, txwlin, Fnslor'H. N. *y. C 17-22. Heclow. Marie, Slur. Munclc, Did.. 17-22; Lyric, Cleveland. O.. 24-20. -, Ilenmnns (31. Hart's. Phlla., 17-22. Herbert A Willing, Gaiety. .Springfield. 111., 17- 22: Garrlck. Burlington. In.. 24-20. Hrrrniann, Great. C. OH.. Pltbtburir. 17-22. Holrflrm A tillu, Star. Atlanta. Ga.. .17-29. Hcalejs, The, Bradenburgb's. Phlla.. 17-22. Helm logs. Lewis A Ilcnnlnjrs. Cleveland, U., 17-22. llrfroii, Tom. Crystal. Marion. Ind., 17-22. Henry. Rugene. Mtaitdurd. Houston, Tex,, 17-22; siniiilanl. ■ Beaumont. 24-May 0. lli-.-lmv. Chas., BIJou. Qulucy, III., 17-22; Family, K. St. Louis, 24-29. Hcriiert's Dogs, Hoivard. Roston. 17-22. Herns Family, Temple. Detroit, Midi., 17-22. Ill.koy A Nelson, Keith's, Boston, 17-22. Hill'A Whit taker, Shea's. Toronto, Can.. 17-22. llllllnril. Robert, & Co., Temple, Detroit, Mk-h., 17-22. Hilton. Howard, Itoston, 17-22. 111)1 A Sylvlany. Shea's. Buffalo. 17-22. Hedges A Lnimcliiuerc, -Poll's, New Ilarcn, Conn., 17-22: Bijou, Jersey City. N. 1.. 24-20. Hone A Thels, Gift IL. Wausau, Wis., 17-22; CiiIeiiiiw, So. CRlciiRO, 24-20. llngliii. Krnrsl, AMNaK Toleilo. 17-22. Iluwunl, People's, Boston. Mass., 17-22. Iluhlxwiirtlui. The. Keltlx's. Biiston. 17-22. H..|brooks. The. Howafd, Boston. 17-22. Uopner. Lilau Wallace, A Co., Kniplrc, Bontim, 11 -22. Iloire AJ5dwar<ls, Pickwick, Sun Diego, Cal., 17- Hollands. Tlie, Atlantic Garden, N. Y. C 17-22; Pastor's. N. Y. C, 24-20. Howard, Henry & May, Wcast's, Peoria, III., 17 22. Holly A Median. Olympic. Chicago, 17-22. Hull. Alf.. Olympic, Cliiengo. 17-22. Holi-onilM.. Curtis & W»bli, Coloniut, X. Y. C. 17-22. Hue.v & Lee. Huyiiuirket. Chicago, 17-22. Howard'* Dogs A I'onles. «. 0. IL, Pittsburg, 17-22: Keith's, Cleveland. 24-20. Muol. FriHlerlck, Orpbeuni, New Orleans. 17-22. Itnglies A Ki-lley, A. A S.. Boston, 17-22. Homes A Lewis, Kraiirals. Montreal. Can., 17- 22:'ColumblH. Boston. 21-29. Iliiegel Bros., Lyceum. Tni.-ooia. Wash.. 17-22. Hids-rs Ci). Bijou, Norfolk. Va.. 17-22. Hughes A Unielton, Sheedy's, Fall Hirer, Mass., I7."" HiiKiics" Musical Trio. Olympic, Chicago, 17-22; llsymarket. Chlcagn. 24-20. Hmdtiier, Chas., Grand, Huntington, W. Va„ 17- Hyde A Heath, Grnnil, Tacoma. Wash., 21-20. limj^s A Ryan, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 17-22; l-;inpli-e, llolsikcu, N. J., 24-29. Iiullnii Trto. rtixif liHnlcn, Lam-aster, Ps., IT Jackson A Douglas. Star, Hamilton. Cnn.. 17 Jam™ A Tiitvls, Brailenburgh's. Phlla.. 21-20. Jants. Klsle. H. A S., N. f. C, 17-22. Jackson A Wenln-orlh. t.'rystal. Marlon, Iml., 22; SlBr. Munclc, Ind.. 21-20. Jack. Mr. & Mrs., Crystal, St. .Joseph, Mo., Jerome. \nt, Proclnr'a. Newark. N. J.. 17-22, Jenimclte, T.llllim, Howard, Boston. 17-22. Jennelis. The. London, Can.. 17-22. Jennings A Renfrew,- Star, IlHinillon, Can.. rj. 17- 17- Jioinings A Jewell, Grand, Milwaukee, 17-22; HIJoil. Qlilucy. III.. 21-20. •J»y>1>. Paildy, People's, Lowell, Mass.. 17-22. JosK,.|jn Trio, Keith's. Boston, 17-22. •Johnson A Wells. Slien's. Ruffalc. N. Y.. 17 22. JniiiiKtiios, Musical, Bnrraaford Tour, Kngland, 11-May III. Josselln Trlu. Keith's. Boston. 17-22; Moore's, I'orllnnd, Mo., 21-20. hsufninu. lteba, Alhanibra, Lunikn. Kng., 17- May :tl. Knrlelll, I|o)>kliis. Loui>vllle. Ky., 17-22; Or- nlieum. New Orleans. La.. 24-20. Vnna. Charles, Keith's. Boston, 17-22. Kennedy & James, Proctor's. N. Y. tt. 17-22. bono. Walsh A Melrose, Proctor's, Newark. N. J„ 17-22. Kcnion. Dorothy, Oxford, Loudon, lCng., 17-May Keatons (.1), Keith's, phlla.. 17-22; G. O. II., Pittsburg. 24-20. Kelly A Vfolelle, Maryland, Ballo.. Md.. 17-22. belly. Walter C. C. O. IL. tTblcagn. 17 22. Kennedy A wilkens, Columbia. Biwton. 17-22. Kelly. Walter 0.. C. O. IL, Chicago, 17-22; Shell's, Ituffslo, 21-20. Kellcher, O. IL, Lewlston. Me.. 17-22. ber-ugh. Krtwln. A Co.. Park. Uric, Pa., 17-22; ,. O. O. IL, Harrlshnrg. 24-20. Kcenan. Krauk, A Co.. Colonial. N. T. <:., 17-22. Kennedy A Rnoncy. Keith's, N. Y. C 17-22; , Keith's. Phlla., 24-20. Kenyon A De Garho. Hipp., N. Y. 0.. 17-22. King. Will, Bliou, Diilntli, Minn.. 17-22; Unlyue, ,. .Winnipeg. Man.. 24-20. g ng, Grace, Keeuey's. Bkln.. 17-22. K 'Id Bros., Bijou, Norfotk, Va.. 17-22. K Ingsley A I*wls. IL A S.. N. Y. C 17-22. Mtnmnra Jaiw. Arcade. Toledo. 17-22. K'"fling, Florence, Casino, Manchester, N. IL, Klein, OH Bros. A Nicholson, Ornheum, Denver, Col., Hl-22. Klelst. Mhslcal. Orphenm, Denver, Col., lfl-20. Knight Bros. & Sawtelle, Orpbeuni, t«a Angeles, Cal., 1(1.20. Kiaipe. Fsiully. Mshanor Cllv. Pii., 17-22. h'dtllii & Wilson, IllBlum, Sail Lake flu. I'.. 17 .311. Ktfisel'M D,, gf . Keith's. Boston, 17-22. L * n ,9 , * lr ,* ,V, ■ S, • Itaclue, Wis.. I7K!: Blimi. rianvlllc. HI., 21-2U. ' Lntell. Kd., I'rs-lor's, Newark. N. J., 17-2. Lawrciiee A Thulnpsoii, Proctor's Ostli St.. N. Y. I '"phH^ , 2t. l 29 KCl,U ' ! '' *' Y C - U '" : K< ' , " , ''• L, .. V, .T ? *, w »ll""e. Colaiubla, SI. I«nls, 17-22; C. 0. IL, Chicago, 21-29, La Croix, Paul, Alcaxar. Denver, 0>l„ 17-22. Laverne. Marie, Starslanl, IMrCopatt, In., 17- 22: Grand, Jollet. III,. 24-20. , '"«.i K _ l,, " s :. Thc - n| JOti. Calumet. Mich,, 17-22; HIJou. Eacansbs. 84-28. J.a Vnlee Trio. H. A B., Rkln., 17 22. La Uolhe llros., Olympic. Chicago. 17-22. La .Mont. Ollle, Psrlur, Dulitlh, Minn., 17-22. FL22 * UUrtJ "' °* °' "'' a " ni ^Hltfrl Mich.. La Grecla. Lyceum. San Fran.. Cal.. 17-22. La Rex. Jos. I-'., London. London, Can., 17-22. '•a More A Kvans, Boston, I-owoll. Mass., 17-22. La /etlc, Ldwnnl, O, 0. It. tlrsud RapldB, Mich., 17-22; Main St.. Peoria. III.. 24-20. Lancaster, Fred., Lyceum. .San Frail., Cal.. 17-22. 17 2"™ * ''* Z ° 0C ' Crr *"'' 8t - Jo '«l> h . Mo., La Toska, Phlla.. Novelty, Fresno. Cal.. 17-22, L« Vine. Clmaron Trio, Orphenm, Kansas City, Mo.. 16-22; orpbeuni. New Oreuns. 23-29. Lane A Sualnetta. Bliou, Calnncl, Mich., 17-22; BIJou. Msrlnclle. wis., 24-20 . l.nvarnle Sisters. Parlor. Dnluth. Minn., 17-22. '•* ZfBe. Eil., G. O. IL, (irauil Rapids, Mich.. Ijtlnu, Mile, Proctor's 2UiI Street. N. Y. 0., 17- Larke A Aduina, Auditorium, Norfolk. Va„ 17-22. Lane, Clirls.. C. O. H., Chicago. 17-22. La Oette. Hippodrome. N. Y. 0.. 17-22. Lloyd, Herbert. Colonial, R, Y. C., 17-22. 1* Denf, Grent, Crystal. Milwaukee. 17 22; Smith's. Grand Rapids, Mich.. 2S-20. Italic. Geo. W., Orplieum, Sealtle. Wash., 17-22; Grand. Vancouver. R C., 24-20. I*vj-, Mrs. Jules, i Co., Fischer's. San Fran., Cal.. 17-20. I* Malre A Le. Jlalre, Kauilly, K. 81. touts, 111... 17-22. Le Clair, John. 0. 0. It. Plltahurg, 17-22: Co- lumbia, Clnrlnaati, 21-29. Is-.lre A Dallcy. Keltb'a, Cleveland. 17-22. Le Roy A Woodford, Shea's. Toronto. Can., 17-22. I*lgb Brosj., tl. O. It, Pltlsburg. 17-22. Lewis, AL, Bllou. Green Bay, Wis., 17-22; Bi- jou, Marinette, 24-29.. Leonnrd. Grace, Keith's, Boston, 17-22. 1* Barr. Palm, Cripple Creek, Col.. 17-22; Nov- elty, Solldn, 24 29. lister A Morse, Grand. Milwaukee, Wis., 17-22. Lewis A Clinpln. Crystal. Milwaukee, Wis., 17-22. Lemolr's Marionettes, BIJou, Dululb, Minn., 17- i»*> p LesTcr. Harry B.. Kemey's. Bkln.. 17-22. UsiDanl. tins. Culu.ur, Ijjs Angeles, Cal., 17-22; Pickwick, San Diego. 24-20. lm. Henry, H. A S-, K. Y. C. 17-22. Lee. Mr. A Mrs. Jas. P., A Little Madeline. O. 0. H , Butte. Mont.. 17-22; Helena, 24-20. I.rlpilg. Chase's, Washington. D. C, 17-22. Litchfield. Mr. A Mrs. Nell, New Bijou. Fall Rlrer. Mass., 17-22; Qarrlck, Wilmington, Del.. 24-29. Lindsay's Dogs A Monkeys, Dominion, Winnipeg, Can.. 17 22. Lillls. Frank G.. Parlor. Dululb. Minn.. 17-22. "I.MiuUI Air" (Fred D. Kugg), Orpbcum, Los An- geles. CuL. 17-20. LnckWoods, Tlie, A. A H., lloslon. 17-22. Lorette. Josephlae, Hoston, IaiwcII. Mass.. 17-22. Luring Bros.. Lyceum. San Fran., Cal.. 17-22. Loftus, <!ecella. Colonial. N. Y. C, 17-22. Lynch. Dick. Keith's. Pulls., 17-22. Maxwell A Dudley. Star, Hamilton. Can.. 17-22. Mack A Klllotf, Unique, L">s Angela, Cal., 17- 22; Pickwick, Ssn Illegri, 24-20. Mason-Keeler On.. Kellli's, Phlla.. 17-22. Mate's. Jack, Society Belles, Orpbeuni, San Fran.. Cal.. 17-22. Mnltlanil, Madge, Arcade, Toleilo, 17-22. Mariow. Pltinkelt A Co., Orpbeuro, Utlca, N. Y„ Mnynard. Lillian. Family, Slmmokln, Pa„ 17-22. Maurer. Clins. L.. Family. Sbnmokln, Pa., 17-22. Mack A Soiinra, Auditorium. Norfolk. Va.. 17-22. Mack. Tom: Lyceum, Han Fran.. Cal.. 17-22. Mnrlo A Aldo, Orrln Bros.'. Mexico. 17-Dec. 0. Mnildox A Prouly, Poll's, Springfield, Maas., 17- 22. Martha. Mile., Howatd. nuston, 17-22. Marriott Twins. BIJou, Dulsufiic. la.. 17-22. Martini A Max BHIIIan, raHtor's. N. V. C, 17- 22: Pavilion, Glasgow, Scot., May 8-1S. Macarte Sisters (»). Palace, I^Iccstcr,, 17- 22: Kniplle. Manctiester, 24-20; Kroplrc, Mld- illesboru, May 1-0; Hippodrome, London, 8-Juae 2(1. Majestic Trio, Keith's. N. Y. C. 17-22. Mngee. Clem C. Lyric. Denver. Col., 17-22. Mnrtell's MsrlonetteH, Parlor. Kverett, Wash., 17-22: Kdtson. Ccnlrnlla, 2-1-29. Ma Dell A Corbley, Poughkecisilc, N. t.. 17-22. Mnsscy A Kramer, Orpbeiuii, Sprlnglicld, 0., 17- Mii"g"H-. lack, Braiiciitiiirgh's, Pblta.. 17-22. Mnllland. Madge P., Arcade. Tolislo. 0.. 11-22. MMrllu A Rldgway. Itlallo. Utlca. K. Y-. 17-82. Mnlcoms. Tlie, Parlor, Diilnlli. Minn., 17 22. Murlnellas, Great. Garrlck, lliirllnglon. la., [7-J2. Martitierlle A Hanley, Proctor's Oth Ave, N. X, <;.. 17-22. Jlnrlln A Qulgg. Moss Tour. Kngland. IJ-W. Miirr A F.raOH. Boslun, l*wi'll. Mass.. 17-22. Mnntell's Markinctts, Boa Ton, Salt Lake, U., 17-22: Lyceum. Ogilen. 21 -20. "Magic Kettle" (Jos. Yarrlck), WoolworlU a, Lan- easier. Pn.. 21-29. Mnietles. Tlte, Hippodrome. X. ^ C-. 17-22. .Vniiliie BriK.. Kinplre. Isindon, Kng.. I7-1I0. Miaax A Macelt. Keith's. Boston. 17-28. Mnrlon A Deane. Family. Lancaster. Pa.. 17-22. Mnlhleus, Tie. Jack's. Chicago. 24-20. McKlnlcv. Mala?l, Orplicum. New tlrlriins. 17-22. McCarvcrs. The, Vancouver, B. C, 17-22; >lc- MeKlniioii A Reeil. Howard. Boston. 21-20. MKte A Cahlll. Olympic. (Jlilcngo, 11-22. McUauIey, Joi 1 . L'nliiue, Mlimeapolls. Minn., 17-.0. HeKtndrk A Shailacy, (lardrn, Grcenpolnt. N. Y.. McDoTia'lri. Chas.. Family, Lancaster. Pa.. 17-22. \lrt:iellnn. Jns.. Bljon. Ibilntli. Minn., 1722. MeMslion's Minstrel Maids, Orpbcum, New Or- leana. 24-20. ,-„« McSorlev A Kleannre, Gem. Illssouln. Jlon., li--9. MrCnrmlck A Barrows, Market St., Ottuinwa. In., 17-22. MeCunc A rirsuit, Nnllonal, Kansas Clly. Mo., 17- 22: Castle, Blooinlnglon, III.. 24-20. Merrill. Hal. Hayinarket. ClilcsKO. 17-22. Melville A Stetson. Keith's. N. Y. 0-. I'--;. Meier A Mora, Palace, Glasgow. Scot.. 17-22; Regent. Salfonl. Kng., 84-20; Palace. Manches- ter. Mac 1-11; Tlvnll, Birmingham. 8-Li. Meredith Sisters. Sloll Tour. Kngland. 17-May SI. Messenger Bojs Trio, Krle. Ph.. 17-82; llnrrlslinrg; 21-29. Merrill. Raymond. Kllte. Knvenporl. la., 17-22. Mrlvln Bros. {J). Mobnwk, Si-hems?taily, N. >-, Melvifle'. Jenn, Palm Gank-n, Scliuylrnllle, N. Y.. li-80. Meers Slslers. I.elpjlc. Ger., 17-30; Wlntergar- len, Iierlln, May I-31. ._ ,. Miller, Henry, A IK, G. O. IL. Pittsburg. Ii-as. .Allllmaii Trio. Trcnl. Trenton, V. J., 17-82; Maryland. Hallo.. Md.. 81-20. Mldgeley A. Carlisle. KrlHi's. X \. C.. 17-22. Mlskel. Cora. A Ph'ks. Bl>.u. Gn-en Bay. His.. 17-28: BIJou, Mnrlnelle. 21-29. Mitchells (31. Proctor's 2.-M SI.. N. V. 0.. 17 22. Mitchell A Browning. BIJou. Dululb. Minn.. 17- "". Mitchells. Three Fuany. Pmclor's 23d Street, X. Y. Oh 17-28. Mlldure. Cliss.. II. O. tt.. Pillsliurg. 17-22. Mlddlelons, The.. Grand. Opera House. Grand Rapids. Mich.. 17-22. Mills A Morris. Itand'.'i. Troy. X. \.. li-22. Moore. Aimubel. G. tt It. Grand Rapids, Mich.. 17-22. Mortons (II, Huyiiuirket. Clilcaso. 17-22. Moore. Jock. Mnnhatlnn. NnrMk. \a.. 1722. Moorelienct. llnrry. ftljoii. Norfolk, Vs.. 17-. - 2. Morris, Jo... Hnwi:nl, Bo-tun. 17-22. Morrissey A Pts-lor, Itayainrkrt. Llllesgn. 17-22. Miitiarirl. Lb, Kslava. Madrid. Spuln, 17-30: rilyru- pis. Paris. Fr.. May 1-.1I. Moore A LltlleitHd. Victoria. N. Y. C. 17-22. Monroe. Jlack A Liwrenee, G. O. It, I'lllshurg, 17-22. Morris A Daly. People's, Marlboro, Mass.. 17-22. Morion. Phil. Finally. GI«Ter>vlIle, X. Y.. 17-28; Family. Pollglikeepsli-. 21-211. sloiillere Sisters. Folios Bergerc. Pari". I r., 1,-88. Morlo. Crvatal. St. Jn«eHi. Mo.. 17 rj. Mortons, Four Juggling. Grand, Jollet, III., 21-20, Monroe. Geo. W., dinse's. Wiishlliglon, II. ('., 17 22. Mlirplic. Mr, A Mrs. MarL. M.«,rr's, I'.irlhiBsl, Me.. 17 St. Murphv A Andrews. Li'iripn. Son 1'iilll., (.'si., 17 22: riM-lier'i, San I'run.. 21-20, Murphy, Nichols le Co., Shm's, Itiiffaln, 17-22. Navajo Girls. Colonial. N. Y. C, 17-22; or- plieuin. Bkln.. 21-20. Nelson-Farnuru Tnuiin-. II. A 11., Bkln., 17-22. Nellson. May. Rlulto. titles. N. Y„ 17-22. New York Newaboya' Quartet, Orpbeum, Utlea, X. Y.. 17-22. Nlhls-, KaV, Garrlck. Burlington, la., 17-22. Niblo, I'rcsl, Orphenm. Bkln., 17-22. Notes, The. Atlantic Garden. N. Y. C. 17-22. Nobles. Mr. A Mrs. Milton, Kcltu'a. Boston, 17- »•» Ogden, Helen. BIJou, Sheboygan, Wis., 17-22. Omar, Ben, London, l.onilon, Can., 17-22. Orpheus Coracily Four, Proctor's 12Stli St., X. Y. V.. 17-22. Ortetta A Taylor. Empire, Uolwken, X. J.. 17- 22. Otle, Nick. People'". Cedar Rapid*, la., 17-22. O'Btleu, Frank, Mobawk. Scbeneclady, N. Y.. 17- 22. O'Brien A Havel, Colonial. N. Y. C. 17-22. O'Brien A Buckley, Shea's, Buffalo, 17-22. Parker's Dog Circus. H. A II., Bkln.. 17-22. Pantrer Trio, Pastor's, X. Y. C, 17-22. P.iscatel. Zoo, Tolrslo. O., 17-22. Patrice, Victoria, S. Y. C„ 17-22. I'aultou. Dooley A I'aultou, Orpbeum, Mlnneais)- lis. 17-22; Memphis, Trim.. 24-29. Parker. Ward A Parker. Colombia. Boston. 17-22. Pateheu A Clifton, A. A 8,. Boston, 24-29. Parker A Florence, Manhattan. NorToU, Va., 17- Parish,. Main SI..- Peoria, III.. 17-23. ■ 'rake A De (Ironic, star, Atlanta, (in.. 17-211. Print. Fnsl A Annie. Main Street. I'eorla, lit., 17-22: O. It, Jauwville, Wis.. 21-20. Pewit, Orphenm, New Orleans, 17-22. ••Pliroso." Kmplre. Boston, 17-22. Piccolo Midgets, It A B., Bkln., 17-22; Proc- tor's |25t5 »t„ N. Y. C, 34-20. Pierre A Malzee, Kellli's. i'hlla., 17-28; Poll's, Sprlnglicld. Mass., 24-29. Pluck A Lock. BIJou. Osbkosli, Wis., 17-22; Oreen Bay.' 81-20. Powers A Freed, llnymnrkct, Chicago. 17-22. Powell's Electric Theatre, Orpbcum. Kansas City, Mo.. 17-22; Orplicum, Omaha, Neb., 24-29. Powell, Great, Kmplre, Itoslou. 17-—. Powers A Tbeobold, Lyceum, San Fran., Cal., Powell, Great, Kmplre. llostou. 1*-: owern i 17-29. Probst, Columbia, Cincinnati, 17-22. Pucks, Two. U, A 11., Bkln., 17-22. Qulglcy Bros.. 0. O. It, Pittsburg. 17-22. Raymond Musical Trio, Orphenm, New Orleans, 17-22. Rado A Bertram. Cnindcn. Osiudt'ii. N. J.. 17-82. Ratler, Allele. Temple. Detroit, Mich.. 17-22. Raymond A Trlcey, Kmplre, Colorado Springs, Col., 17-22. Raymond A Gts-d, Qulncy, III., 17-22. Rnckell A Ilaiard, Slielfleld, Kng.. 17-22; Blrm- lucbam, 21-20; Manchester, Mny 1-U; Lyric, Liverpool, si::. Radford A Vuleiillue, Allinmbrn, ParLs l"r.. May t-ai. Rsmonlers (3), I'niclur'a 23il Street, N. Y. 0., 17-22. lliibn. AL, Wheeling, W. Va., 17-23; K. I.Wer- liool. O., 24-20. Raymond, Llzxlc I!.. Povlllon, Glasgow. Scot., 17-22; Palace, Glasgow, 24-20: Grand, Man- chester, Kng., May 10; Lyceum. London. 8-27. Raymond, Ray, Lyceum, Sail Frau., Cal., 17-22, Relff Bros., Kianlra Tour, Kng., 17-20. Itellly, Johnnie, Bon Ton., Phlla., 17-28. Reno A Murray. BIJou. Maniuette. Mich.. 17-22. Remington, Muywc. Keith's. Boston, 17-22; Hath- away'n. New Bclfonl, Mass.. 84-80. Rcvnanl, Kil. V.. llulety, Oldbnm, Kng., 17-22; Regent. Salford. 24-29. Reed s Terrier's, Ktuplrc, Boston. 17-22. Rio Bros., Hippodrome, N. V. C. 17-22. Rich A Ilarrcy, G. O. U., Pittsburg. 17-22, Rice A Colien. 0. O. It. Chicago, 17-22. llichter A Itutb. Florenc-e. Ala., 17-28; Casllc, Hloomliigton, lit. 24-29. Rli-c A Prevost, Olympla. Purls. Kr.. 17-May 31. Rice A Adams, Manhattan, Norfolk, Vn., 17-22. Hire Family, Keith's, l'bllii., 17-22; Kcllh'a, N. Y. C. 24-29. Richards. Victoria. Rlalto, Ullca. N. Y., 17-22. Royer A French, Olympic, Chicago, 17-22. Rosa, Anncttu, Walker's. Boston. 17-22. Itossl Bros.. Orplicum, Mlnnrupolh), Minn., 17-22. Ridker, Ed. O, Allininhru, Savannah. Ga„ 17-29. Roberts, Hayes A Roberts, Pastor's, X. Y. C„ RuWaili"' Mrs. Slitnrt, Keeuey's, Hkln., 17-22. Rolfos. The. Atlantic.Garden, N. Y. G.. 17-22. Rooney A Bent. Kollh's. N. V. C, 17-22. Ross I re A Dorelo, Touring Kuro|ie. Itwhefort A May. Titles., N. Y„ 17-29. Roiinlilos (3), Grand, Jollet. III., 17-22; Or- plicum, Davenport, la.. 84-20. Ross, Ilesslr. Howard. Boston, 17-22. Rush A l-ewls. Slictfielil. Kng., 17-22; Leieeatcr, 34-20; Illaekliurn. May 2-0; Dudley, 8-1:1. Russell A Locke. Howard, Boslun. 17-22. Russell, I ■>■ ti, It 0. It, Indtaiisliolts, 17-22. Russell Trio. Rlalto, Htlra, N. Y.. 17-22. Kassell A Dunbar, Clueugrapn. Hpukune, Wash., 17-28; CrjsluL Seallle. 8-1-80. Iliissell, BIJou. Gaiety, lllrmlngliuni. Hug.. 17-22. Russell, Phil A Carrie, Bakrr, Portland, Ore, 17- IIvhii A IllclinetiL Orubenni, Bkln,. 17-22. Ryan A Dmiglnss. BIJou. Mnrluetle. Wis., 1722; BIJou. Oshkosli, 21-30. Itrnn. Lesler A Ryan, Opera Ilousi-, Dan bury, Conn., 17-20. Sato. o. K,, Palace, London, Kng.. 17 May .'II. S.iwrcllc A Heurs, Wcast's. I'curlu, 111,, 17-22; RIJoii. Diilsnpie. In.. 24-20. Ssliel. Josephine. It A S., N. Y. «,. 17-82. Seiilt. Ureal. Moore's. Portlalid, Me.. 17-82. Selieek Bros.. Hopkins'. Meiaplils, Trim.. 17-32. Shields A Pintl. Csdiimhls, St. Iwmls, 17-22. Sclles. Chus. A Tllllc. BIJou, West Superior, Wis., Srlbv"Kriie, BIJou, Dululb, Minn., 17-22; Uitlqur, Winnipeg. Can., 24-20. Sherman A De Forest. 11. A S., N. V. C. 17-28. Shaw. Mnry. A Co.. Kellli'M. Phils., 17-82. .Shannon, Wlnuiiu, A Co., Orphvuui, Snu I'ran., Cal.. 17 28. „ _ Simmons A While. Mohawk, Schenectady. N. Y.. 17-22. Sliiv.n-Gai-ilner Co., Orplicum. Shu Fran., Cal., 17-20. Sidilons Bros., Family. Sliamoklii, I'll., 17-22; Briidcubuigb's, Phlla., 2120. Simpson A I'lliiinii, Olympic, Ohlcago. 17-22. Sims. G. O. it. Grand Itaplds, Ml.-li., 17-22. Smlrl A Kessuer. Colunihlii. Cliicliiiinll, 17-22; Colonial, N. V. C, 34-29. Smith. Peter J., Main SI.. I'eorla. III.. 17-22. Smedley-Artliur Sketch Club, Columbia, Cincin- nati. 24 81). Snilth-Fnller. Tlieo., A Jenny St. George. Colum- blu. St. I«ula, 17-22; C. O. It, Chicago, 24- •89. Snyder A Buckler. Olympic. Chicago, 17-22. Snow, Oci. W., Illullo, titlca, N. Y„ 17-88. S|.l.-oll nrtis. A Mack. G. O. IL. I'lllshurg. 17- 22: Kinpln', Hnlsitan, N. ,t. 2129. Sprairuellos, Tlie, Howurd, Boston, 81-20. Spciliieu A Heron. Piislor's, N. Y. tt. 17-22. Spook Minstrels. Murtiiiid, Iislto.. Md., 17-33. Slercnsnn A Blsscll. (i, 0. It, Pittsburg, 17-32; KHth's, I'blla., 24-20. SHne A Kvans, Fntnlly. Lsnriisler. Ps.. 1722. Strullnii, Wai., Family. Shsinokln. Pa., 17-22. Stanley A Brtn-kmnn, Mnryliunl, Ballo., Md.. 17- Slevensrm 4 Bisserl, Kellli's. N. Y. 0.. 17-22. Slslcy A RlrlH-ok, Proi-tor's, Newark. N. .t. 17-28, Stevens. ICdwIn, Keltb'H, Cleveland. 17-82, Stuart. John F.. Memphis. Tcnn., 17-89. Slsiilevs. The, Pastors, N. Y. C. 17-88. Stevens, Kilty, Pickwick. Sin Dl«'ie>. Cal.. 17-82. SI id n-KM to Family. Deutches, Munich, tier.. 17- .",0: Concerl Itomnno, Turin. Italy. Mny 1.11. Si. Claire Sisters, Wodwnrth'x, Lancaster, Pa., 21-30. Sully A Phelps. Oshknsli, Wis., 17 82; Garrh-k, Itiirllugtiin. Is., 21-211. Siirii/nl A Rand, (iruml. Juliet, III., 1722; HI- Jon. 1>sh Moines, la.. 2189. Sylvan A O'Neill, National, Kansas Clly, Mo., 17 88. Sylvuu A O'Neal, Nulinnol, Kansas Clly, Mo., 17-82. Syiuouils, I/jt(le West, Family, l.micaaler, Pa., 17 -"2 Tanner"'* Gilbert, Ilnwanl. Boston. 17-22. Tasmania!! Troii|>c A Hn«e Agulnaldo. Shea's. To- routo, Can., 17-22; Proctnr'a 2ad St., N. Y. C. 24-20. Tarllon A Tnrllon, o. IL, C«s|ar Itaplds, la., 17- 88: O. It. Waterloo. 84-20. Taylor, Bmsle. Main SI.. Peoria, 17 88. Taylor Twin Slslers. Victoria. N. Y. 41.. 17-22. Teal. Raymond, Pickwick, Sail Dlcgu, Cal., 17-22; Lnliuie, I-o» Angeles, 21-29. Terrell Bros.. Keith's, N. Y. C-, 17-22. Terley, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 17-22. T*eHm»'» Cats, Mohawk, Hrbcuectady. N. Y., 17- ''2. 'I'enbrnnkc. tarnlierf A Trnlirnnte, Poll's, Spring- fleld. llm, 17 39. Tee-I A l.iiltell. I'.nilsce's. Tuci,ni:i, U's^h.. 17 82; Isli-on, Siilelll, Oil'., 24 20, Teuley. Klraer,. Proctor's. Nrwark. N, J.. 17-2'J. Thompson Sisters, Uohciuc, Sau Fran., Cal., 17- 2t>. Tlmhir. Spluvuuld A On., Grand Mllwaiikis', Wis., Thcls, "l.ulil. 0, O. II.. Chicago. 17.22. Tomklns, William, Orplicum, Drinrr Clly, Out, 17-22. Towel, Smith A Towel, Keith's, N. Y, G„ 17-28; Keith's, Vosloli. 24-29. Toledo A Price, Keeney'a, Bkln.. 17-22. Totilu Slsteri, Clone's, Washington, V. C, 17-22. TOO!, Blind. Kellli's, Ilnelou, 17-28. Tretoar. Keith's. N. I. tt, 17-22; Maryland, Ballo., Mil., 21-30. Tmba, Orpbetmi, Bkln., 17-22. Tyco A Jermon. 0. O. It, Indianapolis, 17-22. Tybclls. The, lllpiaslnuiie, N. Y. 0„ 17-22. Van Gntre A Coircly, Unlnuc, Mlun»|iolla, Minn,, 17-20. Van, Billy. Ilnyiuarkct, Clilcugo, 17-22. Vassar Girls (Si, G. O. It, Indianapolis, 17-22; Coluiuhlii. Cincinnati, 24-20. ^'enlalnn^l, Fischer's. Han Fran., Cal.. 17-22. Vrrua, Belle. Coin. Springs. Col,, 17-22. Vernelo A Co.. G. O. IL, Italic, Mont., 17-22; Anncoiida, 24-20. Venieltc A Dlcmnc, Clripie Nava, llonlcnur, Fr., 17-May 21. Ward A Currau, Victoria, N. Y. 0„ 17-82. Watcrbury Bros. & Teniiy, Olympic, Chicago, 17- rtn Watsull. Iliilchlns A KilnnnlH, Olympic, Chicago, 17*22. Warren A llownnl. Garrlck, Riirlltigloii, la,, 17- 2'J; BIJou. Drs Moines, 24-20. Watson A Morrlsscy, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn,, Wsldron Bros., Lnnduti. Isjiidon, Can., 17-22. Washer Bros., O. H„ Vancouver, II. C, 17-22; Star, Vaiicoiiver, 24-29. Warren A Rensbaw, Vaudeville, Atchison, Kau,, 17.33; BIJou, Drs Moines. Is.. 21-89. Wayne & Poane, Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., Hl-22. We4»h, Chas. & Jennie, Klectrlc, Waterloo, la., 17-29. Webbs (4), 11l|moilrou>c, N. Y. C. 17-82. uvsion, Prof,, Attdltotliitn, Norfolk. Vs., 17-23. Wrjcli, Jw, II. A B.. Bkln., 17-28. West, Ford A Dol, Poll's, Sprlnglicld, Mass., 17- Wost A Van Kldni. Orplieiun, law Angvlra, Cal., 17-22: Orplicum, Kansart Oily, Mo., 24-21). Wllsrlon A Le Hoy, Piiilngcs, Seattle, Wash., 17- 32. While A rjlmiuous, Mohawk, Scbeucvtady, N. V., 17-28. Wlillebc.til A Diamond, Uulipie, Mluiienisills, Minn., 17-20. Wlinlcn. Geo.. Nlckelodnm, F'nll River, Mass,, 17-23: People's, Lowell, 21-20. Wlllllams A Mllbum. Doiululon, Wluulia'g, Call.. 17-22; WaliMHTt, Wis., 2|.89. Wlrldum. Wm. It, Keith's. N. Y. 0.. 17-22. Wlora Trio, Colonial, N. Y. ll„ 17-22 . Wilson, Tony, Maryland. Ballo., Mil,. 17 82. Wilder, Marshall P.. Orplioiim, Ilka.. 17-22. Wlllard. Great, Gllibs, BunTalo, N. V., 17-22. Wills A Collins, Pickwick, Man Diego, Cat, 17- 22. Wilson, Geo., Colonial. K. Y. C, 17-22, Wonlcltc, Kstclle, A Co., II. A S.. N. Y. 0., 17- 22. Wooil A liny. Kellli's, Phlla., 17-82; Howard, Boston, 24-29. Wolf A Ziidclll. OrpUfilin. Hnrlugfteltl, 0., 17-23. Wood, tleii. It, It A B-. Bkln., 17-22. Woodwind. V. P.. Kelih's, Plilln., 17-88. WnlOng's StsllloDS A Dogs, lllngUngs' Circus, Clil- Cairo. 17-22. Wyiui & Hart, IJtiiluia, Halt take, II., 17-80, Young Amrrlcn Quintet. Iiriihcum, Bkln., 17-22. Young, Ollle A Bra., Kellli's, Providence, 17-22. Zut Zoius, Thc, Uruiul. Snn Diego, Cal., 17-22; H'way, Los Angelrs, 21-29. VmtM & Veruim, Temiile. Ilelroll, Mich.. 17-22. Zaru A Znrn, llaymurket. Chlcogu. 17-23, Zara A Stetson. <). 0. II.. Pittsburg, 17-22. Zaiiclgs, The, Temple, Uelmll, 17-22; Shea's, But- falo, 24 20. Zaito. Keith's. N, Y. C. 17-22. ZcL Raymond, Itlcliuioml, Ind., 17-22; Orpbcum, Springfield, 0„ 84-211, Zlnuner, John, Cook. Itocbeslcr, N. Y., 17-22, Zimmerman. Wally, orplicum, MluiicaiKilla, Minn., 17-22. Zlska & King, Clinse's, Wnslduglon, D. 0., 24-20. Zola, tJertle, People's, Lowell, Mans., 17-22, mMTn in nut pnorKssioN. ( .Mil (IHNIA, Ltia Anm-Ies.—At Uio MitNini Operil House (it C. Wyiill. iiiatuigeri "Tlio Vlr- glnlNn," with Dnstlti l-'iirnum, gave very sul- isfm'lory iicrfoi-muiii-cK April 11-8. ilruwi Vnit SI iiddlroni, 111 "lied I'Viillici," 11-10; Kolli mid 1)111 17 anil week, Julia Murlowe unci K. It Nnthcrn 24-29. Monuscu'H HlililiANK (Oliver Mnrosco, riianiiRci-l.—"A Prisoner of War," In Hie liutids of the alock ioiii|iany. drew well week ending «, followed by "Moillo L'I'IhIo" 10-10, "liotil In the DcHdrf' 17-82. lti;i,AHi:n (.1. It Itliti-kwiMMl, inuiiugcn. — "Cliark'.v'H Aunt" w:i» very wull iimsctiled by (he slock iiuuiiany nt. litis Iiiiiisu week I'lidlng t). "bust Itlver" HI iiticl week, a rO- vlvul u( "Old llclttollioi'K" l" mnl week. litiAMi 111m» lloiist: (I'liiieiuii Jjruwii. luuiiitgcri. —hi pivseotlng "Tlin Sign of thn l'"uiir' T n:i nn Initial ssTtrlu, llio Ulrlcli Block Co. sturU'd oil wiiut pi-onilwM to lie it pros- perous citrcer during a long Summer engiigc- ninal at (his house. "Hor MorrlHge Vow" li niiil neck, "Tim IJInck Umid" 17-22. Of.PlliiiiM (Uiiflln Iloek, general uiHIIHger). — Kculures 10 mid week : llnlnea iitnl Vli|o«i, Wyuuc WIiihIow, Kiii-IIs' doiss. Bom I'rnii- i-lsco. He Stiugs, Mufipils f)n llorlui, Mc- Mnlton'a Wiitcriticlon tllrls, W«'«t mid Van Widen, Sailor mid Harbuncio, i.'liiyloti While, Miulc ritinii'L Co. and tlrphcinu iiidIIou plc- lUITH. Ulg llllhluos. UxnHIM (llentz A /.itllcc, nruiirlularg).— Hill III tmd week: lluymowl T«il, Will mnl CollttiK. Mr. (ind Mm. Itlehards, KIM In HI ov- ens, waiter Perry, Herbert, frog man, and Ullll|IICI!Sl-OpC. Itiiii.vniVAV (A. .1. Mni-giinstiTii, tiiioiiigcr). —Hill 10 nud week: Itsytuoml, liiiiidiulT ex- poil ; rslinrv and iMIflon, Stuiirt, curtoonlal; Luclla Crotis, LatnotiL itii'l lialncit lili'dn, It. Clinton MoiilgoDicry, IIIiihIihIcJ songo ntnl luiitliiii pictures. Casino (A. 4. MaqgUMttra, inuruigcr),— Hill 10 and week: Tlie Kul /.iiiun. I.jdcll mid Karen, Jdxxlo Weller, 'J'riiinp, legless murvel; Welch (Old Mtiittund, Mudelhiu Howe, Ulna- iruled (iongs. and motion iilettircs. Noriis.--• Slmilcy .lolitiM, lute of llio Iliif- bank forces, Ih ictiiriiliig to Cbluigo Tlin Angel's 'Pheatre (Wm. Paul Allnii, lea- sec and manager ; Kiiluh Hay, iiskIhIuuI. itiaii- agerjl. a new place of iiiniiHcniciil, will upon Mar S ns u leii illld Iwcnly real liousc, wllh a seating Liipuclly «C Hull Thu l''lutu Shows uppcitr here 17, IS. a Onklniid.- At llio Mucilonoiigl) (Hall k Barton, niamigcrsi the Noliln Stock Co.. In repertory, drew inlr ktswn April 3 M. "Tlin Vlrglulnn" played In ciipiii.lty himliicm 10. "The Otlter lllrl" 17. D*. LliniiMV (It M. Hlsliop, iiiuiiiigiTl. — IHhIi- «|i'k rooiiinny of players drew sncreKsfullr week ending 0, In "Aerosa llio I'ulouiiiL'. "llli-liellou" Ht-Hi. KoVKLTY crony I.iihclskl, iniihiigori. —Itlll 17 uud week: Willy lio.nei'l, slMiirmi mnl Duvls, llogiiii llros,, Walter Kernel, Hut (ill- h'.niH, ill "'1'anglefool:" IHto KleHclill, aalit] nud Ion picture*. IluslltesM was llniiicuso 10- 10. KNI'Hik (K. M. Carlson, inniingi-n.—PViil- ni ck 17 mnl week: ItulibliiH and 'I'renauiiin. Oht lluydi'ii. CiislnllcL Hint Hull. Maiiln ami llnyili'ii. tlin IM.-ks, "The Man Willi lln: lKuicb" and uiovlng pictures. IttiHluess Is graio. Hi i.i. (Ivl. Iloruri. malinger i. -Altnic. lions 17 nud week: Pnluier and Itublnson, the Murrells, I'nlsy Hwaln, Untieing Doyle, (lie sidonluH aud (lie vHiiKi'Dpe, lltislness la la H. It O. Ninr.H. The Nurrls A. Uowo'ClnuK iitlrinl- erl large crowda, two perfiirtmiiices, 10 Illclinrd .1, Jose slid concert coiiiiiniiy drew an cxcelletiL house, nt I In till Hon llsT It Aiktiv Finn, ii rlreiia hfind. wns found dc.-id hi ii rimlii ill Die PiiIiiiiiii lions,'. New York. April It. The mm: luy on the, Led puTlly ilresswif. mnl Hie gna wns esnipiiig iioiu mi open Jul above bin licud. Dine llrnliiini. H.vvin II. UUAIIAM, the fiinious composer mnl orchestra leader, whoso rtipntiitlon resin ililcUy it|Kiu Ihc uioalc lie wruln for llinil gau mid linn, noil Inter for Kd. Iliirrlgiin, tiled at Ills lioinn In llurlein, N. Y., Tucsiliiy tiiornlng, April 11, from kidney trouble, iifu-r nn Illness of six weeks. He was born In Kngland slxty-saveti yeiirs ago. mid nt the age of st.vtccu entnu to this country. He eti tallied riniiloymeiit ns a vlollnlnl in Tony JliMiro'a Minstrels, mid when nut twenty J'euro old was chosen ns the Hiring lender of tobluson's Military llnnd. Later he bcnttiic nn liveliest ru lender ntul wlekled Hie Imliiu nt Hit! New York llicnlrcs known ns the tllnlie, Iltillcr's, nt No. 44-1 Hroitdway; llie Union Siiunie, Wood's Minstrel Hull, tlie Tlieiilm t'oiulquc, thu lliii'i'lgnu A lliul Thentrc. nl No, 728 llrmidwiiy; the Park (now the Her- ald Hijiini-e). the lliiri'lgiia Tlutnlre (now Ihc ti'iirrlcki, and thc r.iiglc. which Ih tlow Uio Mnnlinlttin. He nlso wna lender at Hie Olympic, the tlriinil Opera House ami Will nick's. He cunipused the music of about two hundred songs, for which Kd. llsrrlgnu wrulc the words. Among the liesl renicmbercd songs were "Tito Market oii.Siilunlny Nigh I," "Pnildv Dtiffy'H Carl, I'lie Hahles In Our lltock. 'Maggie Muriihy's Home" und "The liltlle Widow Diinii. Ills wlfr, four iliiuglilci'H und two sons survive hint. Ills smiH urn Dttvld Rrnhiiiii ,lr., playing wltli "I'lieckers," und Ocot'ge ilrilliain, who Mtasardra him iih ioii- ilitclnr nt Willluek'H. 1 list (liiiiglileiH urn Mrs. Mdwuril llnrrlgnli, Alice and Rose Itruliiim nnil Mrs. A. II. Hciiolt. b'uiii'inl seivlcen were held on April HI, m Ills lute lionie. On the sidewalk were gntliereil iiboiil tlt'iv miislclims from tlin Asi'lieiibrticdcl Verelu ami the Wnllnck Tlieiitrii orcheslrn. which latter was eondinted for years by Mr. Urn- limn The liuislcluiis plnyeil Cho|iin'a flinc nil innrch on llio way to All Solum' Itoioiin Cutliolte f'lmrcli. At the church a low uitiss of tTijlilcui wns celebrnlcil hy tlie Itcv. Cor- iicIIiim K Crowley. Iiiteiiueiil was in t'al- vury Cemetery. D.1N Mi'l.'ui.t.oiiiiii, acting iiuinnger nud treasurer of the Kmplre Tlienlre, I'it tailing, 1'u., d'ed suddenly, from lieurl inlliiic, on the morning of Mnrcli 10, nt the liotiiu of Ids brother, K .1. Mcl'iilloiigb. In lliul clly. I'or yeura he mid his brother, B, J, Mc t'lillmigli, nmuitged the lliiiincMiie 'J'licnlie, I'ltlslini'g. tin wiw lionii In 1S1I'.', In Hun l-'mm-lHcii, nud ill uu early ago licrnine In terestod ill Ihc llli'illflcnl buslliesH. lie wnu lost ninuuger for AL lliiyiiiuii, wild whom he remained for seven years. After leaving I layman lie look up tlio niniiiigenienl of Die V. K. Uorta opera- Co., and iirtcr this baonne inn nn ger for Dave llciidiirstm, at thn Uu- ipiesnc, I'lllsbiiig, liming die lime lin nud Ills brother managed Ihc Oikiucsiui Theatre, la Pittsburg, llicy ulsu lliul llui l.'lilcugo Oiielu House. llKiiriiA I'ltANciM, a 1'iiinlcvlllo pm'foriuei', WIIH hurni'd to dculll by Hie explosion of u lump In Philadelphia, on Feb. 22. She inmle Iter lint impciirnucc wllh lliighoy .McCoy, ami llio team lieciiuie well known, dnltig u liotliig net. Afterwards Miss Kennels Joined hands wllh Kd. I.owro.v. the leuiii doing a chiiruclci' clmitgn ami boxing tu-l, la INIIri. They look out their own hhow, nud Inlet on Jollied I lie .Mm L. Sullivan Co. for li season, ill lor which they sepiii-ulcd. Miss c'l'lllli'ls I lieu Joined liniids Willi Hose lluyilcll to do a stslct- net, as the IJoydell rJIsici'H. Tliey winked lo gel her fur neurly two yeiirs, mid Ihen Miss S'riiiuiH went In I'lilliidolplihi lo tmilelgu uu om-inllou fur apiionillcltls. Afler the opern IIna she recovered and liilenited lo retire from the Hinge when Hie scclilciil. occurred Which rcsiilleil In her dcnlli. Inlerineiil wns nt I'eriiwoud Cciuetery, l'lilludelplilii. .Ikssi: .1. IIOKouril, lonuet'ly of the ilofnrlli llros., died ul his home la llluoinlngloii. III., April I, from a. cnmpllenl Ion of discuses, ion traded four yours ngo, while n member of Hie Fortieth Itegluienl Itiiiul, In llio Philippine.. He wiih well known on I be vaudeville Hinge. Mr, (lofoi'lli wiih a member of llie V. II. K , No. 2111, Food do Lnc, Wis. Tile local Aerie In rilouiiiiiigton lank eluirgn of llie funeral. Ilia father, mother und liireii brollieia slir live liilll. Itdsi. N'HWKA.M, nn lOngllwh iiftroMii, died hi New York City, April H, fioni cniieei'. She was fni'llicl'ly Willi "FulllilHiiiii." lieeeiilly she hud liikeu mil. n liiirlesijue nimpitny. I'ANHV JtllVNObliH, Who lllld lll'CII III llio llirnli'lciil profession for itlioul. Iwrnily yours, died nl Iter home In Akron, o., April I, fioni dliilieles, aged thirty nine yeniH. She wn-i foruiely of llie Reynolds Sisters ll'iiiisy und Hnbci nud Inter traveled Willi liar liiinbuiid, W. W. Neitl, III llie nicdieliia IiiisIiicsm. Klin retired to prlvsln life iiboiil. live years ngo lli.r hiisbiind, Iter luollici' nud I wo hIhIciii survive her. K'HKIIKUII'K J. llilllUINO'lliN, who WHS lor llilrlylliree vcurs nniater nici-hnnle m Will luck's, Ne.w York, died April II, nl lilx liotin- in Hits clly, from dropsy and licnrl Inuililo. iigod sixty one years. He wiih Isirn ul llretil wood, I'isHi-x Co., Knglniid, nnil wiih liroiighl lo this count ry hy Lesler Wnllnck. Itefoiu coining hern lie wiih singe ciirpenler :it. llio Uriiry tune and I'ovenl. <iuiileii. KiiiiKitr S, I/A.SNIMJ, who wiih fur iniiiiy yea is ii well known liiiiHlclnii, died ul lib. home In Flushing, I,, I,. N. V., April 1, from heart failure. He wiih Iioiu In Albany, N. V . kIiIj -lliiiM- yerti'H ngo, and lippenred freipp'til ly lit uhiini reellnlH. II. T. (.'n.MCN, Hie well known I'lugilsli driiiiiiilisl. died In London. Kng., April Hi. lie wiih liorn In IH2I, nud IiIh llrsl plii'v wu > produced at the lirury Lime, London In ijtr.ii. I's.iMf lioMwoinii, ii veteran aelor, dleil very suddenly In his dreuslug I'ooia nl Mm illliin, Ark., Tuesday, April I, from lioni ■ (IIhciisc, aged novenly-ono .vein's. Mr. Has worth wiih lit Hie lime playing "Hip," wllh Kiln's "Itlp Vim Winkle" Co., with which lin laid been pluylng foe n yeur. He luol Lien on the Hinge nearly all bis life, mnl Imd plnyeil wllh many of llie old lime alill'i*. He wiih for a long I line wllh Joseph .IcflVi' Hon, wllh whom he received his Iroiiruetloii ■ far "Hip Vim Wlnlile." Mr. ItoHwarlli uii> widely known In Hie driinuilli' profcimloo The rctniiliiH were lairlcil In Morrlllnn \prll II, by Ihc MiiHonlr oiiler nud Kller'H Co. I'li.lNK Wii.i.imxn, InialiieKii mumiger for .lohn I'erslea'H New liiirden Tlienlre, M"io iihlK. Tciui.. died lit Houlli Mi-Alisler, I. T, Thursday, April l.'l, aged llihiynine yuat•-.. Mr. %\' II11 run ii WIIH l.ll rnuli: In Sun Aoloiilo. Tex., for IiIh heiillh. lie lllld lieen a sulTeii-i Iroiii (istliiiiu for .vein's, mid Mr. IVrslru had Kent him lii San Alllollln lo regiiln lib; Inoill'i Ills sudden iloalb was n. grent. surprise Mi IVralea had tilt: body hrriiiglit Imch lo Mem phis, and Intoned there, Mr. Wlllliuiin, «n. one of llui most, nopulur iiiuiuigors In lie Houlh. Loi'tM IhnK, miiHlciil dlrcelor of Kdlh I'hi'Hlrnil SI reel 'I'heslre, l'lilludelplilii, mid IiIh wife, who whh known mi 111 • - vaod'- vllle stage mi May llolle Ivkirl, were found iiHpli.rxlaleil by gas April Hi, in llie led room of llielr Hal ul I'ni'lisle mnl Loitilutrd St reels, I'lillarhdphbi. Iieullc uu. siippiiHeil In have r.'Hir 11iij through i Idem Mr. ami Mrs. T. W. Iv-kml Hliuiini llergi, parents of Mrs. Ileck, dlMciivercil the hodle. TllotlAH MlllllAV (lied III Ml, llollie In Hruoklyii. April <), ugeil llilely tiltu- mtri He was llie si-etile arlisl of Ho 1 I'lden Mu..ic lllld wiih Hie Him of Hie Isle Cluirh'S C. Mnr r»y. who for miniy yesrs bad chiirg" of llio lluhls nl Nlblo'H (IiiiiIoii, Mr. Murray win well known In Hie profession. He will tiiai rled seven mmilliH ngo, mid Ids wife, mother und three slHlers Hiirvlve liltn. Tlie liilermeiii iicciirred In (li'oomvond I'emelery, III, nud wns hugely nil ended Mr, llollummi nud Ihr slnff from Hie ICdeu Musee were present. Wir.i:v IIaiiii.ios-, uu mtor. muling u. uiilhui' lllld producer, died lit St. Junepb'a