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April 20.. THE 3SJJUW YOEK CLIPPKB. 251 Last week- "A Prisoner of-War" hart fair at- tendance Next week tin* nt'»<;k rnmpnny will lie seen In "The Man from Mexico." Takk l-Mf. T- WillMii. manager). -Week of 24: Tn> YVmdlnnd Xymplix, with Hug Knntii'V Sisters, H e a i ' l a and Violet Allen, Mr. nail Mn. Kdwitrd Ksmnwle. Charles F. Sp- inou, Carson llrothers, P.d. Clnijr, Probst Trio mill the blogrnpb. t'horldnh Simpson. Trovnlo ami James .1. Slorloii made decided ills last week, lluslurss to canaeity. Pai-AiT- — The Sleeping llenuty Ilur- lesiiuers. week of 24, will present "Sllstnkcs." The olio Includes: Voiding nrolhers. Del more and Darrcll. Paddy Joyce, Pdlih Huberts ami iVHrlen and Belmont. Fritz Haiison ami Arthur Pevlne will wrestle 20. Mike Keller, of llostou, nnd John McGrath (local) will meet 28. ■ ■ — I,ynn.—At the Lynn Theatre (P. G. Har- rison, manager) the Phetnn Slm-k Co. played to fair business ln.it week, considering the season. •IliiKler Blown" April SI, "The Show Girl" 29, f.ew Dockslndor's Minstrels 27. "Perk's Itml Hoy" 2!), May Irwin May J, l'cnberg Stock Co. 2-0. Gkm (C W. Hheufc, manager).—l'usiness remains vrry good. Red C Stiles, who ap- peared In Illustrated songs last (reek, was one of the hits of the allow. Hill week of 21: Wily Hriggs and George Hazard. l-:d. Hall nnd Harry Cain, Itrynii 1'. Collins, Willa Parker. Hurry L. Hanson and Harry nad Lottie lllnuchnrd. Sua:': Tiikatiik. Salem (Geo. II. Chcct- liam, manager).—"The Hliow Girl" S3, Lew Ikx-kstiulcr 2(i, "Peek';-. Itml I'.oy - ' 2S. Notts. —Manager F.dmiind V. Tin-lan. of lids elty. will ho seen In charge of a the ulriciil attraction at one of the Summer Ilarks In Portland, Me., again tills Summer. lere. Grady, manager of the I'rankic Carpenter Co., visited Ills home In Oils elty Inst week Frank !■'. Tnrley. of lingers- town. Md.. who has been seen hi this elty :md vicinity for a number of weeks th's S|irlng. as Happy Hooligan, Is meeting with great success In his work as a street adver- tiser here. Ills costumes are gotten up in a very attractive manner nnd lie always at- tracts attention The work on the Au- ditorium, Manager Harry Katzcs' new then- tre. Is Ixdng pushed rapidly, nnd it Is e\- ■erted lliat It will lie ready for the upi-iiing rot later Ihaii Sept. 1 Wally Clark. who appeared at the Gotn Theatre last week. Is a Huston Ixiy, and has just linlshcil tlilrtv nu-cossftil weeks with Itlondell & I-'onuos- ay's "Knlzpnjnnimcr Kids." lie left l.viiu SI for Philadelphia, where he has gone" to Join "Simple Simon Simple" Co. ■ North Ailnins—At the Empire (John II. Sullivan, manager) Franklin Woodruff, hi "On the Yellowstone." April IS, had two good houses and pleased. "The Isle of Spice" 22. Wine. Women nnd Song 2o. Itici(M<.si> (W. 1". Meade, manager).— This house closed a very successful season 13. Laura Dentin made a big hit last, week and received several Dotal offerings. She Is laying off" here for a couple of weeks. Notts.-- W. p. Meade, of I be liirhmond Theatre, will manage the theatre at Hnnsh: Valley Park I Ills season. The Nashville Trunliadours, June 2U. will he opening nl- trnctlon Prank llo/.oloy. a local boy, who Inis been Willi one of tbo Dennett & Moiillnii i:onipanlcs the past season, is hoiue. for Hi" Summer lames Ityau. a local bill poster, lias a position Willi' I lie Caslello & Greaves Circus for the coming season. ■ Fall Hlvcr—At the Academy of Music (Cnhn & (irnnt, inanagersi Coriuue Kunklo Co. pleased April 17-2", except IS, when ••Italics In Toylaud" was enjoyed liv a g'sal house. Due: Seward Stock Co. 2 1-21!, "IVggy from Paris" 27, 'The Awakening of Mr. Pipp" 28, Kellnr 2'J, Nuucc O'.Ncil Mav ;t. •The Kbow Girl" -1. SitKKDV'H Buna (P. P.. Cook, manager).-- Notwithstanding last week liehig Holv Week, this house did good liusitiess. closing the vaudeville season April 22. The P.ulliuioii Stock Co. will occupy the Isiards (hrongluoit tli«' Manner, wllh a change of |ilav weekly. "The Cnjun" opened 21. ror fin' wick. Nu-kkijiiikox til. It. Hamilton, umimgi-r). —Ijist week's business was up to Hie usual sinmlnnl. Kill week of 24: Alexander and Hill. Mike Scott, the Lcvitrils, Auger and Hanky and vilagraph. ■ llnlynkc. —The (I|hm-ji House (J. !•:. Shea manager) was dark Holy Week. 'The Isle of Spice" April 21. K.mimuk IT, P. Man-ay. iiiaungrrl. "Un Ihe yellowslone." tT-11». and like .V Harlan'* Co., 211-22, played In big business. P.iu.kcd: vanity Pair 27-211. High Hollers Mav Hi. Fmnr.ntiirs.—Kva Tangunv. Hie star and owner of "The Sambo lliel" prodm-liou, lias IhsTi obliged to abandon her F.nslrrn tour and ruin-cl all he,- engagements for the i.-st ,,( Ibis season on accounl of throat trouble. Miss luiiEuny will spend t| tl . Suiuincr at lier home In this elty, and next season will star in the same iirodiicHou Franklin P. Woodruff, who niipcured here tliis last week as star In ''•hi Ihe Yellowstone," was cnpluiu of Ihe llolyoke luiseluill team. Ill 1'IIC;, and be was given a warm reception at Hie Umpire The- atre, 17, when lie was presented with a large basket of llowers by his old baseball associates und friends. rHNXStlAAMA. Plillndi-litliin. ...\s was lo bo expcclisl, tbeeo wiih a veiv nicteiial tailing off in at- leiiilnuce at Ho- local theatres last week, Holy Week, and ino-t ..f the attractions were for- tunate ,i nicy came out on an even keel on IM week a business. Hotter conditions, how- ever, are prevailing this week, ami our man- agers have secured a line ol attractions < ,il- cuaitcil tn stimulate interest. Itno.M. Sti;i:i:t TiIkvtm: iXbtun Jt Zlminer- man. lunnagem).—-Mm I'ani.k Camplieii, m •Ihe Soitcicss," holds the boards at tills bouse this week. It will be remembered ibat during her engagement here earlier la Ihe season Mrs. Campbell ii,j„ m | i„. r km , L . , mli the tlieatre remained dark for several day*. Ibis return engagement is partly In roin- pcnsiitlon |n|. ||,e forniet ilisap'poiniiiiont. I lie bouse was dark last week nu account of lis being Holy Week, and no engagement* are scheduled to follow Ibis week's offering. (i.MiuicK TiiKATui: il'i-ank Howe Jr., man- ager).—The audiences altracied to this house last week by labia Mav. in "The Heboid Uii-I." although not Inrne In size, were enthusiastic to a degree, and tliev gave promise thai Hie coniinuaiiou of the engage- ment this week will bring financial results Kinisfactory in any mnnagement. Next week, Pllis Jeffreys, In "London Assiuame." Ciikstxit Sri!t:i:r (ifKti.v lloisi: (Xljon & Zimmerman, m.inagersi.—This week at tills house, as Is tlie annual custom, the Mask ami Wig Club of Hie University of Pennsylvania is prcseiillng n burlesque. Ihe offering this year li-lng styled "Mr Hamlet of lieiiumrk." Audiences of good size were iitlraclisl by l'l-imrose's .Minstrels last week. I'liCsiM t Stim:k.i- Tiikatiik (Nixon A- Zim- merman, ma lingers l.—"The 1,'oyal Chef" con- linites to furnish entertainmeul during the current, wick ai Ibis bouse. Allioimh the nudieiices Inst week were not laruu they bbom/ed utinilsilaktible approval of the pru- diKiioii, which has also the beiielit of an ex- ceedingly clever cast. Next week begins a fortnight's engagement for The Sbo-ilan." W.u.nit Stim:i:t Tiii:vtkk |Krank llowa Jr.. manager).—'Hie current week is the fourth and last of Ihe engagement or "The Maid ami the Mummy" at this house. Itusi- ness has been very satisfactory nil through the engagement. Casino i PJkis, Koenlg ,t I.eilerer. iniina- gersi.—"Smliiug Island." which wus so suc- cessful at this house earlier In the season, retiiiiis Ibis week for a limited engagement. The company Is very nearly the same as seen here before. Following this conies the ■rat production of Lederern new offering, which has been christened "Cumin' Thro' the U.ve." Pack Tukatuk (P. G. Nixon Nlrdllugor, nmiiagei-).—Thomas K. Slien and his rom- paay arc appearing at (bis house this week m I lie lirst production on any stage of "The Ureat Adventurer," a Napoleonic play, by Untuning l'ullnck. The company is a latge one. and In some of the scenes lias the as- sistance of Hie Sixth Itegiment Hand, I'., and Hie Pelin Treaty l-ifc Corps. This cimagenieni Is fi only, next week bringing . meat for "Miss Hub While Hun it was Holv W -ih ,v ,, "dft»rd At Ihe New Hertford Mieatre (Win. 1!. Cross, iiialingeri Colonial stock Co. came to fair business April 17-22. 'Millies In Toy hind" did line business 1!). Irene Myers Slock Co. 21-211. , Hfriuw.w's (T. It. iinyles, manager).— •jood liusitiess was In order for week of 17. Hill foe week of 21: llotnmihe, Curtis nnd Vtelili, Konr liunbais, Mayine Iteiiilnglon ami picks. Itaby .Mabel's miiiuiils. Hooker I 11 nrbley, .Inrnhs inn! Van Trie. Harry li. Lester mid vilagraph. Lawrence.—At Hie llpera House fCranl * Ciilin. inn lingers) this being Holv Week, business was very qiiiet. "The Flilbiislei" bad a fair house April 17. "The Final Wiibllng" came IS. Ward ami Yokes bail [air business pi. "Italics In Toyland" pleased 20. "Hnsler Brown" appeared In n fair house -•_••_•. Hooked: "Tlie Show Girl" 27, lioi-kslnder's Minstrels 2*. Tiiiiiiloii. --At lbe'1'aiinloii Thealre (Calm *_Grant, nianngeis). for the week of April I". Ihe Irene Meyers Stock Co. was I be at- traction, nnd did as well as rotlM lie c\- pectrd for the time. Grace G go. la "Abi- gail," gave a Very pleasing performance IS. ■*-—¥■ WMff VIHUIMA, Wlieellmr.—At tlie Court Theatre IK II r'riiiizhelm. tiianagcri "The Show Girl," April HI, laid good business. "The Sb'?|iiug Iteaulr and the lleiisl." 21. 22. did splendbllv. Com- ing: Amelia llliighnin 21. '■Holly Tolly" 2N, Primrose's Minsirels Mav :!. Bun Oi'Kii.i Iliirs;:' (Cbas. A. pelnler. mamgeri.—"Coon Hollow." April 17-IP. did well, iinrk 2H22. Coiiilm;: "Hut of the lold" 2l2i:. "HearN of l.ink" 27-20. Xicik. — itiii^iin ki nppeur May 9. is io i.nt, L I -_if. Hiotliers - Circus is billed Mmks. N'ouiui a ash Ai.ir.v nnd MM. KcoMi nnd Itelss ret lulled. April SB, from their Western lour with the Metropolitan t>|M-ra Company. Miss Allen sailed 22 f"c Lonibm. to appear lit Covent ttardeo. M. Itelss also goes to Covenl (,'atdeu. anil later lo Munich. Slgnor Scoltl will sail 27 on Hie lleuisclibiiul. Mine. N..|ilha will i-euialn in this country for some weeks. Li.r Sill liKUT leave-, for I.oOiI.hi. Kile . April 27. lo be plesenl. May IB. Ill Hie open- ing of Hie new Waldorf Theatre, In lhal city. Iiouse May 2.1. 21 and 2." It l» nn- noiinieil lhal •The Wiiudeier." a new comedy opera, by Frank .1. Palmer and 11. SI. Slntoii. will be produced at Ihe Chestnut Street The- alre .May 15, Under the nintiagoiaent of Frank Howe Jr The stock company from the Kiihinsou Opera House. Cluclunntl, under the management of Geo. P. and Liit'lla Porcpnugh Fish, fortnerlv In control o( Porepanghs The; aire here, is to begin a four weeks" engage- ment at Ihe Chestnut Street Theatre next month..... .The revival of "She Stoops to Conquer" Is to be seen at the Chestnut Street tipera House May 2.'«. 2(1 ami 27 'I'lies- dav morning, of last week, lalward Sneedcs shut Itessie H. Havls and then tried to kill himself at the Holed Douglass, Ninth nnd Walnut Sircets, tills city. Hoth« were tut-inhcrs of tlie chorus of School Girl" plnylng at the Garrlck aire. Until are expected to recover. Willow Grove Park Is lo open Slay 27. sa's llnnd opens the season, ami following conic Victor Herbert's Orchestra, Conway's Ithaca Hand. Wliecloek's Indian I'.anU ami Waller Hainrosoh's.Orchestra, with Siiusii to return anil close the season Louis Heck, leader o( the orchestra nt Keith's New The- urrc. and his wife, known to the vaudeville stage as Mabel Pckcrt. were found dead In their n part aunts here Sunday of last week. They had been asphyxiated by Illuminating gas, Hint there Is some doubt us to whether It was suicide or accident. The coroner's jury liruMghl In an open verdict, X. G. and IiriMii if one week return engnge- Considering . -k. Arthur Imnn, hi "The Itutiaways." did very nicely. Natiuvai. Tiiimtci: ijos'epb SI. Kelly, man- ageri. -Tne laebidraiua. "Her First False Step," belli:: the boards ai this Iiouse ibis .week, Willi "The Fatal Wedding" m-hodillcd In follow. The periormMiices of "In the Shadiw of darkness" were well attended bisi week. GitAMi Oi'Kii.i Hiiisi: (ti. A. SVe K efarlh, manager).— After a satisfactory week with "Arizona." this home now has "The Sem- inary Girl" for Hie Hrst time here. "Tlie Silver Slipper" is underlined for Hie coming week. I!i.ani:v's Aim'M Stimxt TllKATUB tSf. S. Schleslnger. manageii. The tirst perlorni- ailcs of "Sly Tom boy Girl" here are given al Ibis bonis this week. Lottie Williams and her company appearing In Hie easl. Satis- factory allcuilaiiee was la-slowed on the per- iNiiiianees of "The .Millionaire lietecllve" last wis-k. Next week, "Tlie Peddler." I'Koi'Mi'N Tiii:atki: (P. G. M.xon Nird- linger. iimnagcri.- "Tlie Sign of the Cross" is the apprapriate olferlUK for the canenl week. Lilly Clifford. In "How He Won Hit." fared well last week. Coining nexi week, "In Ihe Shadow of darkness." Glliiiiii AVEXIH TilKATiti: iSIiller ,t Kauf- litaa, inanagersi. -Ilusiucss was of sal Isfae- lorv proportions last week for Hie liussell Rrnthers, In "Tlie Fetaale lietecllves." This week the attraction Is "The 1'rlin.ss CUic." with Sophie llraudi in Ho- Icndim.' role. Sla- suii unit Mason, in "Fritz and Suitz," an: underlined lo follow. IlAirr'M Ni:w Tiicatri: f.lobti W. Hart, nianageri. Afler u week of well patronized pel f:ii-inaniTs of "Carmen." played by Slamle Fleming and her asm-iales. ibis house now has "The Ranch King." Next week, "Lost in New York." l-'iic.KCAi oil's Tiic.ai e.i: ISIiller ,v Kaufman, laaiiagersi.- - "Caraien" Is Ihe offering by Lugcnle lllair ;ind her company lids week The admirable performanr** of ■The The- Soll- I'iltNliiii-K. — At the Nixon (Thus. P. Kirk, manager! the lingers Brothers April 24- 2P. "Hon Ilur" closed ll two weeks' engage- ment 22. Hie S. It. (1. HhtH being displayed all Huiuigli their ciigugeineut. Oils Skinner Slay l-S. \i:w At.nx (Harry Pavls. manager).— Sarali Tina::, supported by tie- Hairy Davis Klerk l'o.. appeared In "Trilby'' 21-211. Slips Trail Is a prime favorite here. Lust week "The Holy City" was presented and bud tair palromigc Annie Irish closed her en- guceiuenl Willi the stock company last week, and will go into vaudeville. "Leah, the For- saken." next week, with Sarah Trnax. Gavkit (Jas. K. Hit. manager).—"Tlio Sleeping lleniity and Ihe Ileiist" 24-211. Last week the bouse was dark. Paula Kdwardes, In "Wlnsoine Winnie." next week. IUqi'i;sNi: (SIcNuliy & Guild;, malingers). —"The Show Girl." wllh Stella Slayhew. 21-2'J. Last week "The Sliver Slipper hud good pulruiinge. Hilly 11. Villi, In "The Ihcaiul liny," will play a retain engagement next week. Giiaxii (Ilurry llavis, manager!.—The pa- trons are given another good vaudeville show 24-2tt, which includes Marcel's living pic- tures. Kilw-in Stevens. Leslie Jialley and Co., Dorothy .Morton. George W. Monroe, l'lircu Keatniis, Tony Wilson and llelnlse, Josephine Auioros, Slnnley nml Hiockmaii, Dick Lyacli, Gisirge Ansluii and Hie klnetograpli. Last week's bill had good patronage. ISi.ioi: (Mc.N'ully k Gullck, mnnngers).— "Xohodv's Darling" 21-211. Ijist week "Wetiib-il ami Parted" had good palronuge. "Wliv Girls L-ave Home" next week. Ainxii: (Harry Davis, iniiuager).-Tlie Avenue Dr.-uunili- Co. present •'Ibeliua" 21- 20. L:s.<t week "Ten Nighls In n l'.ar llooia" had good returns. The pillions do not seem to lire of this old piece. "Monle Cilslo" next week. Ljii-iiji: (li J. SlcCuMoiigb. manager). - lianicv Gllinoic. 21 2P. lit ■"l\tiluiilM">l I" .New 'York." iJisl. week "The Gunner's Male" did well, and gave the patrons a goad eiilerlainincnl. II was generally well played and well produced. At'lUKMV or Mi:sn: (Harry W. Wlllluina Jr.. iiiniiiigeri. — .Miner's Isolniulan liur- lesipiers 21-211. Last week fair's Tliornuxli- lireiis Itml iinusiitilly good opening nnd nfier- pieios, anil the comedy and music, coupled wllh n fair oil", made the entertainment, pleasing. Sam Devere Co, Slay 1-D. in'* ii t li in*" in i i"i in no * •■ •"■ /jriZii, lit st week, were tnllv appieclaleil by the patrons. Xexr week. Liigonie Glair, for lu/r llnnl week, will appear In a ni:iiib»r of revivals of her most popular plays. Slav S Ihe season for Ihe Hammer slock commences. Staxhaimi Tiikatim: iDaicy & Speck, man- agers).- "Lord Kdward." an Irish play, is presented Ibis week by the slock company. The iiert'oriiiances of "Devils Island" proved satisfactory lasl week. "Hecause She Loved lllm So" is in rehearsal for Ihe coining week. Sam;i:"s ISI.mr TltKATSK iCnrl Saake. man- ngerl. • "Cbar for Aciloii," "CounlesS llelene" and "lb-hind lie- .Mask" are II f- feiiiiL-s liy Hie German company at. Ibis house tills week. Kami's Ni:w Tiii:ati:k III. T. Jordan, t-esideci ma nager i.--Til" programme ibis week Includes: Albeit Chevalier. Cba-sino, Pddie Girard I Jessie Gni'lacr, the KI- gonas. Kelly and Violetie. Mnzuz nml Ma- wile. I.e liii.v ami Woodford, Cooke and Clin- ton, AI. Linircnce. the I'ryoiy, Ferrell llmt, Ktcrensoa and l!i<seil, Grace. I.ennai'd, .Ma- jestic Trio and the blograpb. ISoN Ton Tii i:\na: i Hon Ton Amuseiiient Co.. ma mi '-'"rs i. on Ihe prom-amm" IhlJ week are: The Four Mil- 1;-leers. Golden and Itiiahi'K. Harlow and Dailitu.'. hda I'onunery, .Self l.'iliott. Alice Jennings, I'onroy and Slau- niti";. Herbert De Yoy. Leon and Allen, Kdilh llleiiards and moving pictures. KiXVTSTil Sr:;::i:f lieiail llorst: (Frank rminoiil. inanagi-ri - Three new burlesques, "I'l-esbleiit lloosevelt Hunting Wolves." "Life liomrsnci- Aueiils. or You Slusl Die lo Heat II" and "The I.Tval Five nnd Ten Cent Stores." III! of tim-lv llllel-esl. nnd conllllll- Ing a siipcrabniidiin ■>• of laughs, are put on foe Hie Hrst lliii" Ibis week. I.vi'i:; mi Ttit'ATKi: tjidin IS. Jerama. man ageri. laileitaliuiieot Is pmrlib-d Hit- w-s.',- lv the liup-ibi) lbirb-iimrs. The New Ma- jesties provided a lively prosriuiimi' bit wi-k. whi'ii wu-, fully nppieebiled by lbs pal eons. TisMAUi-i;" ilToyd l.anniaii. nianageri - The patroi-. tallied out. in gwnlly number; Inst ive.k and beerll'y .ippbiudeil the per- formances elvll b.V ll" - I'ui-iall WidolVS. Thi< \vcfc. the Hon Ton-, hob) Ihe hoards. NiNi'i ami Am it Slist'.iMI it'. A. Hradi-u bui'gli. iii.-ii aeei-'. The pro:riauune In I lie Ibealre Ibis »i-k iucltiil"--: Harvey. James nml liavis. Marie Fbner. Maker and ItoMn son. Alls'll, Sniiib and Kl-ln ami I neraph. In It bonis JJIllstnl • lllaloi- . Hi i-l : Mile N.i, elli iioiei- i.-in Soil... Jo.-jnli Laai-. advertising ngi-nl at Harts Nen Theati.-, hai a tuiiiiit at thai i bo i niio ball ore: Tic Ala- s'-.I Si-. in-, lightening cnl- IMoAti. .-t'detoti ' onioi: ton Hie .-.i.. n : Mile i.Hu, nor- Scriniloii.—At the Lyceum (A. J. Duffy, liituiagerl Choral I'nlon niueeris April 21, 2."i. and uiatluce 2(1; "iinlncv Adams Saw- yer" 27. V. SI. C. A. Athletic Club 2S, .Maude Adams 2!>. "The Fortune Teller," 21, 22, drew good houses, Ai'Aia.nv (A. J. Daffy, manager.)—Tin; Conk -Church Slock d. week of 21. The Kirk liinwii Co., wis'k of J7, drew luryi: bouses. Stab (Alf. H. Ilerriiiglon, manager). - Fred Irwin's l',lg Show 21-211, Parisian Wld- ow-s 27-2P, dosing Ihe si-asoa at this house, which lias bisai tlie niosl successful hi lis history. Next season opens Aug. 21. Mali- nger llcrrillglou has plans, fur a new BUT- Icsipio Iiouse at Wllkcsbarre, to oi«'ti hi the Pall. Conrr Kip auk (II. I!. Kaller, uiaiiager). - Mortimer Snow <:••., In ■Dorothy Vci-lnui. of llaibloti Hall." week iff 21. "The Holy City," week of 17. had line business. OHIO. Cincinnati.- The local theatrical season Is drawing lo u close, itoblasiin's Open.' House will be Ihe first to ring down the eutj lain. It being iiiinounced that Ihe season n; this house will wind up wee* of April SO, The Forcpaugh Stock Co.. which nluycd nil season at lloblusoii's. will, after the closing of that house, leave for Philadelphia, lo III. a four weeks - engngemettl. tiuANti OiT.ttA itnt'sn (Hnrry Itiiliifortb ib John 11. Havlln, mnnngers).— K. S. Winntd iHinies April 24. "The. Hogers llrothers tn Pnrls" repeated their former triumphs bite Inst week. "The County Chnlrmnu" May I, W.ILNIT SllSKKT TltKATIlB (M. C. AmlC* son. manugerI.—"llnppy Hooligan" Is i.'oe April 2".. "Slierlock llolnies" made n rood hupresslon lust week, "ills Lust Dollar' lit). C.it.iMiiiA TmtA-riii! (M. C. Anderson, itnn- tigcrl.- The Fight Ynssar Girls bend the vimdevllle 2,'l. others on the bill nee: Juki inmikejs, Smedley-Arlhur Sketch Club, ■.Lil- lian T'vi-e ami Irene Jennon, Phyllis ;JI»n. Gallagher and llarrett, John Le t.Talt and Apollo. Uoiiinsiin's Oiimia UorsK (George i Lit ella Forepaugli l-Tsli. malingers). —The fore- paiifb Stock Co. will present "Itrrbara Prclichlc" 23. The company gave it .'redlt- able performance last week of "Frou Prou." "The Lady of Lyons" April 30, IIbivk's Di-Kiii IIoitsH (Hunk, tennessy l.niM-nsIer. -At the Fulloii Dje'ra llutisu tl'lias. A. Yecker, miiuageri "Prlnce.-s I'hie" ilr.-w a good bouse April IS. "i.Trls Will lie I ill-Is" did well 20. Lyman II. Howe's mov- ing picliires bad very good business 22. Prim- rose's Sllnslrcls 2 1, Nat SI. Wills, ill "A Sim of Heat," 2.I. Family i l-kl. Moznrl, malinger).-—Current at t met Inns Include: Takazawa Japs, Duller- tv's iioodles, Harry and Wolford. Davenport, .Miilliews and Newlon, SlcGralh Pros, und l-.'ddie Cassady. lliioi.' Gmuh.n (John It, Peoples, manager). — Tin; Benson opened 21 wllh the following bill: The Magic Keltic. "Cinderella '.llp-ln- ijnlc." Ilnlian Trio, Dixon ami Anger, the .Misses lielborg, Great Chick und local kinelu. gra|iii pteinrcs, recently lakeu. NiiTI.s. Saiilelie ,V Welsh I'.ros.' ClreuK opens lis season at SIcGiiuin's 1'nrk, 21 27. Itanium & I'.alleys Circus comes. May 1H. Coon Hollow" 22, "The 1-rherry llellcs" SI, H. A. II. Hand 20, Joe Hart nnd Carrie |m Mnr 8*. "Tlie Wlxnrd of Oi" 2H. I'AIIK TllKATBH ( V. ML JotltlSOtl, ■UMBHI. —"The Holy City" gave a lino performance. to a fair audience 15.. Nut C. Goodwin ilrfw bla; IS. "The Basmai llenuty atpl tbe Iieast" pioveil to bit; returns 10,. 20. Harrison .1 Wolfe 21. 22. "HKuto Arxes'! 24'. LlUu Glnser 2(1. "Tlio (llrl and the M6on" 'J7-2II. S'OTK.—William McOweo, n former prmn nent resident of Znnosvllle. O., ami at: mie /line it circus performer, died In Mils clly S0| from piieiiinnnlti, at the ago of Ufly yearn, » Akron.—At the Colonial (Uly S. Hill, manager) "Tlio llenuty nnd the Beast", had fjjree good houses April 17, 18. Nut I' Goodwin, In "Tlio Usurper," plenHed u good slaed nuillctice It). "Tto Devil's Auction'' 2<>, "YATasome Winnie" 21, Lnltt Glnser '.'-"'■. Hnrrlson J. Wolfe 27, "Tlio Wlaird of tls" 29. UN1CJPH (Aehllle Phllllon, m«nniror).—'"i'lie xflnlatrr'a Daughters" and "Hearts of Osk'.' ditvldcd week of IT, to fair business. The Vernu May Co., In repertory, week of 21. Notkn.— -Illngllnjs' Circus will be here Mny <l The Blnck Crook Co. was tlio attmc Hon at n social session of tbo local lodge of Elks, 20. i i -* Dayton At the Victoria (ft G. Mllh-r. National (Gil Uurro.«rs,_ k _mab«geri ivMIl" James J. April 2:1. Lust week "The Lighthouse lite Sea" was favorably recclvou. Jeffries 110. tatCBBM TtiKATnn (Ileuck, Pcjncssy ,V Stair, miiniigers).—"Nettle, lite Niws Girl." with Wnndn Ludlow In the title nde. Is due April 23. Lust week "Tlui. Jnino.i Hoys la MJssouH" pleased patrons of this Iiouse. Pi:on,K'H Tumtbh (Htibi'rt Ileuck. mnna- p'r).— Frank Cnrr's Thorutighbri'da will hold tln> Imnrds April 23. Cherry Hlossims drew fairly well last week, lluheinlan Iluttesiiuers at, tlosstf of tiik f.oiniY.—Manager J>hn II. Havlln left for New York last wee! I.ee Williams was hero last week The John Ibiblnson Shows will open lbs Benson !'l South Norwood April 24. Thn Theoilore T'houias Oreheslrii will play nt Music Hall Slny '■'• George K McCiinc irrlved la nilv'aiicu of "The County Chairman." ColntiiliiiH. —At tho Great Southern The- atre 1(1. SI. Ileffner, ronnnger) "Parsifal" crowded the house April 17, 18. The Stroll- ers Dranmllc Club of 0. H. If. drew a fair lmase In "Incog" 20. Amelia Illnghntn. la "Mile. Mnrnl," 2f.; Joo Weber's All Star Stnck Co. 27, "The Rogers llros. lu Purls' Slny 2, John Drew U, C'realortt and hU fatuous bund H. Kui'iui: tit. A. Wclsmaii, ui.inngerl.— "Mary, Ihe Magdalene," was priduced by Ihe stuck company week of April IT. rV* reek of 21, "The Kternal Clly, Week of Slav 1, "The Three Slusketcera. Gkami (A. G. Ovens, nmntiger).—Th< luiuse was dark week of April If, r'aaot * M Inst eels 21 20, Vogel's Mlnslrels 2S. Hutu ,stim:i;t i a. G. ovens, aunanari.—Tho Flehllne Slock Co. produced "Woniui AgalMt Wiimnir' and "laisl Lyniie" week good houses. For week of 21, ' Paradise" nml "Charity Hull" will be Vbe bill. "Kidnapped In New York" May l-S. •Pin-: Aham FomrrAiiiii 4.- Sri.i.s 'hiorui.aH' Kmiiimiiis Cmtkh Siuiws opened belr r-gti- lur eirciis season, to ciiormons aid enthusl- asllc crowds, April 22. The speelltors »cro da/.zleil by the gorgeous coal nines tnd ikirlni! feats "f (lu: viirbuts perfarauwo, ill b-adnra In Ibelr respective lines. Thn liree rlngn nnd livo singes were miitiiiuoiial,' occ-:plcd by a succcssliili of iirtlslle nnd Ihrlllng acts, while ihe acts "In the air" called orth great I rlbules of upplause. From the gorgisjus ■ ;«n- Ing parade In Hie last Hpcctiielll't srent In the churlol, sluiiillng anil hurdle rac—. tho programme whs great. Tbo list if perform- ers luilades: Keats und Koino, :he Adifrs, Sboklclil, Ihe Jap; Kh-hl ami line. |i.i-';an Urns.. T'ntiko. W. Donaldson, Join I'atter^:*, Prank St. Joint, Pbiinuiiilou nut Armeado, John Correii, .Miss M. Jeniictt, the A»rlnl Cnliiuililn.—Al Hie Cohuubln llpera House i.l. It. Hisslnger. manager 1 "tallies In Tovbliul" bad good biislni-ss April 2'l. "Miss Hob White" iliil fair business 21. Nat M, WIIK In "A Sun of Ib-st." 21. S.ii-riM.i.i: tt Wi:i.sit Itano.' K110WH 2'.). Krlc. At Xew Slajeslic (Frank Williams, BIllIMgrrl N. c. Goodwin. In "The I'siirper.'' greollv iileaseil. April 17. a liuite uiidlem e. 'The lleatitv Doctor" 24 21!, "The Wizard of l»z" 27. Pick i»t.i:a Hoisi: (John L. Gllson, man- ageri.— SIIH011 Almrn's I'ollle Vauilevilli: l'es- tlvul ni'i'iied 17, lildetlnilely. Hiippv Uoollgnn" ifitnrned, lT-ltl, lo H. II. !•- business. "Ait Orphan's Prayer" drew *oll 20-22. "Dnvld Hnnnp" 24-20. Oiikon (T t C. Uartaock. mnnngorV—Good teialoess was tho rulo *eek of 17. For week ••f 24 : Dnlllo De Gray, Sadley and McKeever. Wnl tor .tones and Dttnfee and Dnpree. Faiii GiuiitNtiM.—Tlie lAiritpaugh-Hells'I'll • ens cxlilblt hero April 25. I ' * Hamilton. -At tho Jefferson (Tom A. Smith, malinger) "The Show Girl" played I" n gnnrl hmtsn April 14. "Tho Minister's Daughters" drew ftdr houses Id. Um Ghisur, lu "A Mfulcnp rrlncess." pnrkwl the hotme. "Sherlock uolrflfs" 23, llaiulltmi 101k Minstrels Muy 8, 4, "The Power of tlio Crona" 7, "Running for Odlcn" 14. FottKi'Ainiii & Siibt.s MnoH.' CmctiH May I. ■ '/aviiesvllle.—At tho Wcller (J. O. Kltg Innd, manager) "Coon Hollow" did fiilfltiisl ness Anrll in. Pirn Kendall, 14, was cor dlnlly greeted. "Winsomti Winnie," l.T, de- lighted, a fair house "Tbo Show Olrl" is. Ai. n. Wilson 1l», "Tho Heart of Maryland" 21. Lulu Olnsor 22, . Sniidu»k.y.—At tlio Opera House (King- ler & Hnillh, mnnngura) "Two Merry Trumps' laid a fnlr liaiiso Apirll 18. "Tho Merclmni of Venice" comes 2K, Mlldretl Ilullnittl Muy ll, "Tliu lulu of Spice" U, 4 « » LOUISIANA. New Mrlenns At tho Crescent (W. II. ItntvlcH, manager) Caroline Hull, iireseiillng "Vivian's)' r'ailOH, 1 ' enjoyed 11 good . week's business -April '1(1-22, nod Won much well g *V L? eiirueiln|iiireclnllon. Mtiry Marble, lu "Nilmy i'k n i Brown." 22 and week. Tiikatiih (Hy. Greenwiill, man Hnldwln .Melvlll" Stuck Co. ell F.hlrhlge, Miss I lay ward and Al. D'an. MInsos Mian, and Klluc unit Hud Gorman and Harry Luiiikiii. SI Marie ami Iliirir I.'Mr igo, Seven Wnlknwskvs, Seven Wirld Fn-ioilS o'lirlenx. Will Jeiinetl, Three I'.-wsper Itpin., IV. I, llryan, Tniiko, Daliio-tiii.'nell Troupe, F.llel Troupe, Kll, llaiuler La I'elle Trmipo, F • Nichols, Sliimle Kline, Yiko, ai. D-ni, Cbas. Clarke, Dcbollau llros., Pluus ami iho Fiiiiimiis I'riisper Troupe. Not'i.s.—Vogel's Sllustrels hive Iwea en- gaged to Cam Mi tlio eitlerliili men 1 al tho .Mystic Shrlners* balupiel, Aptil 2M iilenliiimy Park opens Its HIM -To. hiving lieen greatly enliilged, . Sillily new fMlurcH hare been added. The theatre ipens Mty 14, muter ihe luaimgeininit of W, W. 1'ronner, with high class vaudeville. (IIIKKWtt'AI.I, nger).- The It..-. Joyed big business week of Hi, preseiilltig "A ltnynr Sluve." Tho uielodrntnil was I111111I- sotnelv singed and iircaunted, nnd grenlly pleased. "The Convlet'H Dnuglitcr" 2.T-21I. I,vuir (Dnvlrs it Lolimann, mitiuigers I The Great Litfuvctte, for his second wee It. 19-22, did good biiRlness nnd scored beuvlly PAitANTA T n (Hlg. ii'nrnnta, tnaniiger).- - Prank Dudley und bis well hnlnuceil com puny, In repnrtory, week of 17, enjoyed good business. Tho Harris-IVrklnsou Stuck Cn. week of 24. Pukscii Ot'tatA HoitSH.—Tho iirlvnneii snln of "Parsifal," fur 01111 perfoi-niuimc, 24, was liuinense, itml no doubt nil iirevlous recofils nt Ibis plnyboiisn will be broken. , Oltl'HBilM (Miirttii Heck, geiiernl niiiim ;!er).—A good bill scored U big week's bind uess 17-22. Now bill for week of, 24; Mi'- Minstrel Molds. I, avian eimeron Dnrgnval, Godfniy and Iti'ii- tnl Crawford, Kurtoltl ami tlie dsln for tlie opening nf SVesi eml, us well nu lllo selectluu of iiniiiiigei. will ho decided within the next raw days by the N. 0. II. It.- Co., Who lnive tho lease for (Ills h»iihou. .... .Ho-far uoihlng bus been decided upon as lo wllilt will bociunc of Alb letlc I'lilk loliu ,1, lloyle, tjin well kmiAn slink iictor, as well us Prof. Klllngliui I'. I hi I foil r ■have rnliirned hoiilt) for 11 tnin-li needed rest. Kolh report. 11 prolltubto koakuii. . ■ ■ ■* , «■» ' 1 . ' . 'IIIHTHICT «)!•' CIIH MII1V. (To vein ml. -Al tbo'tiperii Hon— i.l. P. Hurl/, iiiaiingeil John Drev April 2 4 29. "The Coiinly chnlntiun" hid the hlggeatt bouse for the settsoii, 17-22. Lillian Kttsml May 1 o, lingers Itiothers Id Ciiijimai. (Drew At Ciuiip!--ll, ininie-ni. - -"WilliI Happened In Jones' Is tin- "J-ring; by the Gbiser llpera Co. tin current «e»lc Packed at every perfnruinii-e, April I7 22S, ivben "The Parish Priest" wus th-j Altrac- II011. "Tbo .Masked Hull" nfxt atet I,Vi-i:i:m (J. K. CookH'in, biansgeri.-Hilly 11. Van. lu "The Prranil Hor." ciirrcci *«-k. "Tin- Girl nnd tint Moon" lad fair L<i«lncs.l 17 22. 'Shore Acres" next week. Cm.vci.ami (J. K. t.'ooksen, msnii-rl.— ".Miv York Dav by Duy" IliK weefc lt.».-iicy lilltaore, lu "Klrlnapped lu N-w York." Imd gmnl busl s 17-22. "When i.e. Il-.ll Tolls" llexl WIS'k. Kimtii's (L. SI. Flrblt, mnmiger).—Henry Milb-r Is I be stellar niliinlloii oil the cur- rent weeks bill. 1 libera are: Sirs. A1111I0 Abls.lt. Howard's dogs and ponies, Put llo.iney and Marlon Pent. CHIT Gordon, Three .Manillas nail Delphian and Delmuin. Siau (Drew A; Campbell, imiuiigem). --T'lin Line milium Girls the current Week. .Miner's HiMlesipiers drew well 17-2a. Tho Knicker- bockers next week. WnsliliiKloii.—At the Nntlonill Theiilre HV. II. Ilapley. innniigev) Praneis Wllsmi ii|iIieiirs'ln" , l.'otiHln Hilly" tills woek. Miiad" Adams, lu "Thn Llltle Mlniatur," hud d- nervctlly good liutiseu lust weok. "lieu Ilur" May 111. CiiMttllltA (Joseph M. Liiekott, luiiiingeri. - TTils week. "The HhietJtiii." Ltisl week. Frank Dunlels, lu "Hergentil llriie," idtiyed In lurgu Inmliiess. '"Iliu Country Olrl Muy 1(1. I.ArAYimH (Ira .1, Lu Motto, manager). This week, "Arizona." IjisI; week, Lolllo Williams, In "My Tnmlmy Gli-I." imd mil houses, Flprenco Bindley, III The Street Singer," Mny Ml. Ai'Aiic-MY (J. W. I.yons, inanager).—Thl-i week. "A itinai for Imo." "Trnekeil Arniiml tlio World," lasl. week, whs HUlllelotitly ibrltl lug lu bring out cniwds. 'Pin: ItusKidl llrotli art. In "Tlui Poitmlo Dfltiietlves," May Ml. i.'HAHh'H (Miss 11. Winifred ]M Will, tiinti ugur).—Tim present week's bill Includes: "JI11 JllsU," George Wilson, Hpook Mliislreb. Ki Inmk Ill-others, Imposition li'mtr, Vim Al Hlyne und Henry, Zlska and King and Ho vllilgrnpb. Las! week, Annie Ahllotl lieuded u linn bill, Including George W. Jlntirne nml the wri'slliiig belli-. Iliialtiess good. Notk. —Tint Nlillnnul, Cnlumlilit, Liifiiyelle nnd Chine's close llielr duors Muy Hi. Th» Acndeiuy and Lyenilia retniiln i»|ieti until 27. Two or muro of lite hmtses tunned are liable lo present operu und comedy during Hi<> Hummer. SI ■♦ 'i 1 TUSSICHSUM. Viirk Al the York Dpern IIoiifp (II. ('. Pent/., manager) "I'lim-css chic" was pre- i-.enleil by n irnod eoiiipniiy April 17. "ISiils-s In Tovlaitd" came to a good house HI. "Girls Will l|i> Girl-" in-turn engagement 1 hnd good hnslnesA Primrose's Slliisircls 20, Prniicls WIP.iu Slav I. Wim.sh I'.io.o.' t'litci.H April 30. .Alli.oiiu.- -AI the Klevi-iilh Aveuili' fl|iera House ll. C. Slisbler. tunnager) Ihe KngliH Minstrels, a local orgaakoillwR, muffmei of incniLeri-. of (he nerial ord'-r of l-lngfes, ^-'ii-e a very crediinbb' perlnrnianee, to the cn- jenitv ol ihe boose, April 17. '-When Women Love" bml a big bouse Is. -Girls Will Rq iliil." did £i.,m| business HI. H.i'lley's mov- ing pb tores 211, liiiioei-ni Miihls 21, "Hut of lie- Fold" 22, "Two Married Men" 24, In- inoeiit Maids 1 ret inn ei^-agemenl I 2.*.. 2B, I't-burn-i- A: West's Slinslrels 27, "York Slate Folks" 2s, 2!i. «~»* llmitiT D. Ilvt'i'. malinger of Hie Pimdly T}:••:• it-.-. i:|..i. is-.iile. \. Y. was married al I'anol-ii. v .1.. on Slanli 22, to ills con .In, II. rtl-i i-. S. Hyde, of I'amileu. The Iter, Dr. Clarence A. Aaaun vlllclaUJ. Toledo. -At 1 he Valentino (Kdw. H. Plx, nianageri "The Itlvnls" was fairly wall por- trayed April i.'i. "Parsifal," 11), had a ca- puelly house. Lvcgi-.M (Prank Hurt, miinnger).—House ilntk Hi 22. .loseph Murphy 23-34. KiieiitK (AIsj Sbnplro, manager).—HI110 Kibleiii Girls ivere well rceelved HI und week. Itobb's Knickerbockers 211 and week. AiiiAloi (II. II. Lninkin, tnaniiger).—Por I he. closing ivcek of vaudeville, J7-22, Iho iiiiiiingcii 1. offered one of the strongest bills or Hie season. Krnest Hogniv made n big hit. Mr. und Mrs. ,11m Harry und Kltuintirn's .hips were oilier strong features. Thn liyron I Motrin* Slock Co., In "An American Clilzcn," OJiens 23. Htn-r'H (Prniik Hurl, inanager).—"Search- lli;lils of n Great lily," 13-10, und "Hnclo Toui'11 I'ublii." HMD, drew gisul houses. "Tb" King nf Tramps" 2U-22, "The Minis- ter's Duughlcrs" 2.". 2(1. Zoo i|-.-rail llros., proprlelors). — Good crowds conlluue to Hock to this place. The bill Includes: Slg. F.rnl. Dtlpree and Dnpree, Zhnuierinaii. I'rlncess Pauline, Prof. Itrlggs nml cliieiniilogi'iipb. Yoniiunloii 11, ,\ 1, the Opera lloiisi! (l-i.-r llb-e. inn nager 1 Psderewakl cuter- I lined a Inrg" nudb-iice April 17. "Hearts of Uuk." pleased IS, lb. "A Uouiaucu of Memphis,—Al. 1.1m Now Lyceum 1 Frank Gray, manager) darkness; prevailed April 13- i'li. There will be Uiree mora allruclloii' Alhcrlii Gallatin 24, "Vivian's I'lipns" 27. Joe Weber's All Star Klock May 1 The la-- aire then cIohph for the seuson. llot'MNM' (A. II. Morrison, nmiiugei-1. Splcitilid iiltentlanis! rewarded Hie llllllliige inent thn enllre week of 17. Tin- prngrain Itieludeil: Thereat) llorgoviil, Kbeek llros. Kllls-.Nowlun Trio, Harlnlle, Vernon, ven- ti-lloiinlht : Post Crawford nml coininiuv. In "Music Mad:" Carter k Wauira Co., lu "The Wlsn Mr. Conn," und Ihe blngiiiph. This Mil eoiicluiled tho season nt the then lie im April 30. Mr. HopkltiM opens Last Kail I'm!. for Iho Hummer. Ilfjot! (Ileiij. M. Hbiliibiii-k. manager 1 Hnvld itlggins pmsciileil "Ills bust Hoi bir" 17 anil entire week, to clowdeil Inn Mr. Illgglns und conipstty great lv plnn-ed tbe pntrons. The performance wus creillliibb'. "The Pactory Olrl" 24-21). ♦ ♦» ■ CKOliim TAniiABT, who hnn nlrendy written Ihroe Hiiceessful ncls for Gavin nnd Pinit. hits given them a unw (dm that, bv all in- counts, prombes In eellpHn Its prtji'i-esjior- Mr. Tnggarl Is also Hie aullinr nf 11 serial story, '"Jim Wllutss In lite Way," which Is It'iw luunlng lu Ailtomubilo 'J'vi'U-t.