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APKIL 29.| THE ISTEW YOEK CLIPPER 253 TVHI.U Ol'' CO.STEXT.H. J Hi,- ulipin-'r's Anecdotes, etc c im ..ns Jackson Family-sketch !£ Three K«t«w-Sketch (If red B. Wright—Skeie iiur Kiunpean Letter Our Isindon Teller. !",,! (.vmrhas—Mkelch ■I (»• Fesehknft" Troupe—Sketch |.,'il D. tltiwr-Sketch Vnielevlllc and Minstrel onerlcs Answered ,;,,r Chicago letter our Australian letter Clipper Post Office .. , IJlest by Telegraph ■ in the Bond ■••■•• Vaudeville Home List... Vaudeville Ihxde List .... 234. Xew York City—Review ami Ounnient.. 2o8, With the Hill Postern Inder the Tent* World of MM ■ liroiUs In the 1'rofessloo THEATRICAL CORUF.SPOXDKXCi:. X,.«r Hampshire Maine Massai-hnsetts V crmoiu West Virginia Pennsylvania Ohio I ..iil-lan.n Iilstrict of Columbia Tennessee i riniiecllcut Missouri • California Washington New Vnrk Slnie New Jersey 233, liiillaim M j rylainl I \l llS'Ll I iregnn Minnesota >.. • Alabama Keninrky cnlnnuk) Virginia Itlnsle Island MIHlignll Tevas Wisconsin 233. Nebraska hnra Illinois tor, j w Ma 24ri 2(7 24 T 247 247 ssa ■j-.ii •j.-.n ■ i • -» 2U2 .'.::, 2.14 . 2411, am ".-.:: 253 S3i SSI Ma 217 2.-.U 2.-.U U.-.1 SSI 251 MI Ml •41* MB 202 MS l'iij MB Ml sua Ma 2«:i 2IKS Ma Ma 203 Ma 2m: MB LATEST BY TE LE&RAPS Monday Xljrht'a Openlne* In All the Hlg Show Ton iix. (.OI.DF.X GATE (JLKAMNGS, (loud Hetiirns Are Reported From tin- Const. Kiirrinl Dhimtclirn fo'f hk New Ynnic C'i.iithr Sax I'iiaxtihco, April 25.—At the Coluiu- hl.1 this Is I he second nnil Inst week of (.nice Van Str.rtdlford. In "Hed Kcalher." K. II. Soiliern anil Julia Marlowe follow May 1. t'At.iKniiMA.—Tills I* the slxlh week of Margaret Angiin's season. "The Kternal Feminine" Is Ihe oiirrcnt oft'cring. "Mnrl- :iu:i" Tor inn tinee of 2<>. Iliisincxs has been very good. M'.-ifstic. —Opening yesterday 1'rnnfc lln- rnii. supported hy the house stock, in "The Vinegar Buyer." tliaxn riPKiiA IIoi'sk. —Sutidnv matinee, ".'.. marked The commencement of l-'lnrence Smne's Slimmer engagement. She is sup- ported hv Hie Ferris Co. "itrmisfurk" is ilie- opening piny. The company did en-el- tent work una opened lo big business. Aicazaii. —-when Knighthood Was In Flower" Is tills week's Wit t'i:.\TIlAi..—"Itohert Kminett" Is Ihe offer- ing; this week. Tivoi.l Ol'KLtA HorsK.—This Is I lie third week of "Florodorn." iittl'liHl'M.— Hill for (he week, opening 33: l.ydla Yen mans Tltns. Jack .Xorworlh, Louise Dresser, Bush-lie Vere Trio. Simon ■ lardner and Co.. Sydney Ihmiii and Co.. Her- liert Brooks, the Coliimlilnns and the Or- pheinu moving pictures. cin-rKS.—Itlli for the week, opening 24: YV. J. Kurils and his dog. Wlinlen nud Mo run, John T. Chick and Co., Mabel lainisnn, Oscar Tierre and the hlogrtiph. Kisi.'iikr's. —Itlll for the week, o|>enlng 24 : Leonard and Drake, Von Keller and Minn, Howard TlmrHton. Slgnor lllccuido Unix. Wells anil Wells. Vnrlck and l.eondo, Maude llnckwell nnd the moving; pictures. .Notks. —l.llllnn Klllott has Is'eu engaged for ehnriicler parts at the Central Thenlre. in lliis city The Knelsel "Junnel will give n series of t-oucerts In this city, com- mencing Tuesday. Muy °, under Ihe dlrec- llou of Will I,, tireenliniim. who will llM iMiiungi' llielr l^nclllc coast lour l-'lor- ence tie raid has hoen engaged for character parts villi the Alenziir Co Ysoye Is un- nonnceil for a series of concerts, in the Al- liaiiihrn Theatre here, nent month The Coiirled Opera (.'o. Iiroke the record for a week's receipts. For eight performances, six nighis nnd two matinees, the receipts were SSI.dno. or *1,000 more Ihaii the hlg week In Chicago, which hitherto held Ihe record. I'nr twelve performances here Ihe receipts were *I2(>.07!1. •'Parsifal" dreNv the biggest house of the senson—Jl.'.OOfl. KIIUM <i I'll 1:It POINTS. "Tlip f.rrnt Adventurer" Is Given Its Premiere in Philndelpliin— lllixillenn SImmvm An Iniiirm inu-ii « I'olliMt Inu the Close of the l.eiilcn Senson. Clinwiio. April 2.".—There were only three changes down town beginning Master week. Itnlierl Mantell opened. In "ltlclianl III." ul Hyde A Helinmn s. Sunday night, to • apnclty Sunday ufieriionn "Oulni-.v Adams Sawyer" began a fortnight at the ■ •mil N'orthern, before n larpe attendance. Monday night "The tllrl mid I lie llaadlt" returned lo the Suulelinker for • fortnight, opening big Vlnln Allen nt the Illinois. Mrs. e'lske at the t.'rund Opera House, l.llllnn Hussell nt the Cinrrick, and Klliel llarrymore nt Powers', are i-ou- tinned nttriicllnns Monday night Ihe Sain Morris Slock Co. took possession of Ihe Marlowe Theatre, lu Mnglewofld. ininsferrlng their Interest lu Ihe Avenue Theatre, which closed Saturday night The onllylng combination theatres, slock company houses, burlesque lesorls nud Kohl & Castle's vaude- ville houses all attracted the usual big Sun- day business On Sunday night Itiugliiig Una,' Circus ended lis Coliseum engngenienl and started East upon Its Summer (our. ItosTox. April 2.">.— FhsIit Monday onca- Ings were Inrge nt all houses. Oeo. M. Coliiiii. In "Mule Jolinnv Jones." was Ihe novelty. "Penliig to cnpucllv nt the llollls "Woodlnnd" tilled 'the Treiiinnl A hlgf nuilleiice saw "Klnrodora" lit Ihe Majestic. "Arizona" attracted a huge crowd nt the ftlnhe "A Prisoner of War." at flu" 'Iriiiul Opera House, whs largely pnlronl/.eil. "Conntrv Lanes and Clly Pavements" wits produced for ihe first lime on any singe by I lie Itowdoln Sipiure slock and pleased two big crowds The Cnstle Sipiare slock presented "Mary of Alngdnla" to ihe usual good houses...... Vaudeville and burlesque hnuses had capacity twice Thomas Jef- ferson canceled his engagemenl nl the Hos- ton Theatre owing tolhe death of his falher. The hnnsc will remain dark this week, open- lac nett Monday with "It Happened In Nnrdlnnd." I'liu.AiiRt.rillA. April 2.".—The end of l-em nud opening of L'asler Week breiighl a re- vival of Interest 111 Ihentres. and lust nlghl's audiences were of excellent size Mrs Campbell returned lo the Itrond nnd had no link of patronage "The School flirt." nt Hie rUrrickj "The Hoynl Chef," nt the (lieslnut; "The Mat.I and Hie Mummv." nc Hie Walnut, were isipuhir conliiiiicd'offer- o'k's Large auilicuces saw the first pro- duction of "The Oreat Adventure" at the Park, nnd received the production, with np- tmrent Rreat favor Oood att»Ddanee wai heslnweil on Ihe other combination offering-, while vaudeville, nt Keith's, attracted a filled Ik. use. ...The stock prodiiciloii, nl the Standnid, was ncisTded a hearty reception. ......The burlesque houses nnil other of- levlngs roiintl no i-.iiis,. fur complaint, Kansas City. April 2.*..—The Mnjestlc. our new vaudeville theatre, opened lis doors Sat- urday, nnd gave two performance-. io packet! audiences "Mrs. Wlggs of the l.'nhbnge Patch" opened a week's engagement nl the Willis Wood last nlghl. to a house which thoroughly appreciated the plnv and clever company The Grand had n liig Siinduy matinee and » packed night house to see "Texas." In which Robert Conness. of this city, scored a hit The Orpliemu was Illicit I wire, with Clayton White and Marie Suiavt in the headline positions .'At the tllllls llitghey MrOnvem. In "For l-'ame and Fortune." pleased the ihrlllseekers nt Ihe Auditorium The Woodward Stock Co. gave au excellent performance of "The llelle of ItlchiDond." The Century wns well lilleil. matinee and night, and the Dainty iiuchess was the offering. rixciSN.vn. April 2"i— K. S. Wlllnrd rqieued Monday night nt the ilrand. In "Oavid llarrick.' 'lo a gtsid alxnl audience. The Sunday openings were poorly at • tended, the pleasant wenther. together with Kasier Sundav. putting a damper on box of- II,,. receipts "Happy Hooligan." nt the Wnlnut ; "IVira Thorne." nt lleuck's, aud ".Vetlie. the News tilrl." at Ihe Lyceum. lielng the openings The Right Vnssnr tiirls hind Ihe vaudeville hill at ihe Colum- bia The stock company, at Itoldnson's. did well. In "llarbara I'rletchie." 'Che Thoroughbreds played to fair business Hi the People's. Wakiiixotox. April 2o.—l-'rnncis Wilson opened nl the National in n double bill. "Cousin Hilly" and "The Little Father of the Wilderness." to a full house ."The Sho-finn." ot Ihe Columbia, had a Inrge open- ing "Arizona" lilleil the Lafayette "A Ilacp for Life" packed the Academy "Jilt Jllsll." George Wilson and others crowd- ed Chase's, afternoon ami night Sim Ih'vere's Own Co. had two big :>iidlenccs in Ihe Lyceum. Mii.waikek. April 25.—The crowds were mil Sunday, and ail the local theatres en- loyed big attendance "The (ilrl and Ihe Knndlt.' nt the Diividnon: Itohert I'ltzslm- MM al the Allinmhrn. and lll> Ilrlgndlers. et the Star. tM>lng the benders The Tlinnliauser Co., at Ihe Academy, and "Uncle Tom's Cabin." nt the Bljon. were also in line with good houses both Sunday nnd Monday LotTKVM.i.r.. April 2.V—"Vivian's Pnpns" oiiened nt the Masonic to a splendid audi- ence "The Lighthouse hy the. Sen" at- traded a crowded house at ihe Avenue Sun- day The Cherry blossoms, nt the Buck- ingham, drew c apacity houses Sunday. anil) the Bill PMirol Xutk.n nan Local X<i. ?., Pittsburg.—Our Inst regular meeting. April Hi. was nue of Ihe besi mid mosi inlereslliig the local linil ever belli. All business wns transacted in a manner that reflects great credit on the new olllcers and members. We were honored by several visiting brothers. nuion»; them being Kd. Fake and J. W. Xetlrnn. of Xo. 4, nud Kid Koster. We ulso hail several Ml mill III of Xo. ". who live lu surrounding towns; Itros. Bill Jack. Jim Jones, lleo. Vandersllce. Lew llonser, Victor Cleveland. W. II. Hrou- mlller nnd lialpli Durrlnger. These members ul! came here to join Ihe I'awuee Hill Wild West Show, nnd Brn. Joe Howard has charge ot Ihe opposition brigade of the show. Dur- ing the past week we had the pleasure of meeting Brn. Thus. It. Hartley, of Xo. 111. here Willi "Trucked Around Ihe .World." This week we have Bro. Harney Smith, of So. 18. here In advance of "Xobody's Darling." Bros. C A Betls, Xo. .'i: Ira Koch. No. 24. nnil Harrv Crabtree, of Xo. :i. jinsaed through I" wltli lite Hying soundron for IPnglliig Bros. Thev stopped off long enough to say "hello lo t'he Iwys. I am very sorry to announce that on Sunday. April ft, Local Xo. :i had the misfortune lo Iohc a niosl esteemed member Bro. i:d. linker, of Hrnddock. l'n.. who passed away after an Illness of several months. The Interment was from the home of his broiher, John linker, In llrndibsk. The remains were viewed by many friends among the labor organizations, and several marched with members of Xo. " In n heavy rnlu to his lasl resting place. The floral tributes were many, among them being one from his fellow' memliers. a reproduction of the nniional button, set In n four foot panel of roues and carnations, resting on a six loot easel. The local regrets its loss MM wishes to exteud Its deeuest sympathy to Ihe memliers of his family. Bro. Henry Hither, of ihe Alliance, has transferred to Local No. :i. and the following applications hav» been received for membership: B. <>. Marsh Lawrence Mtirgus nnil W. I'. Dough- ertv 'Local No. 3 wishes to extend a hearty luvliulioii lo nil members of the Alliance to attend the local's meellugs when In or near I'iltshiirg where a pleasatil aflernoon can nlwavs he spenl. Meetings are held the first and third Sundays of each month. Swim r»a l^ctt. Xo. 12, Mii.waukkk. \\m We belli a very enthusiastic meeting Sundav April HI. when a namlier of Iniporl- nut matters were disposed of. Lornl affairs, in general, are highly sal Is factory. A num- ber of the brothers have left or are nlsjut 10 dennrl for Ihe Suminer. Chnrles Llmlbhike. rreil IJlck. Harrv Pitney nnd lieorge Cable have Joined lleiitry Bros.' car No. 1. Bro. cable being In charge of car. Hro. Arthur ihiiin. who Is advertIsliig ngetil of the Allium- brn. Is arrniiging for his annual fishing trip, lie will be arciimpimled by the advertising brigade of that thenlre. Bro. Fd. rJWtr, who luiK Is-en with the lliirnuni 4 Holley Show, Is lo be In Milwaukee for the .Summer, and will take charge of IliM Park. At the close of the BII011 season.. H10. D. Catneruii will leave for llochesler, N. \. Hro. Charles Waller will spend Knsler week ut Madison, Wis Hro. Mick, who has been wllh Ihe Cieiiin Cllv Bill Posting Co.. for I lie past four seasons. Is still In charge of Ihe central wagon, and with Hro. Waller Is doing good work AH road brolbers lire specially re- Minded lo keep lu close touch wllh I In- local, t'oiiiiiiiinlcnllons addressed lo \\ llllnui .Mick, sccrelarv S3H ''th Street, will receive prompt renlles 'nnd full Informulloii covering details of tlie local. Kd. Jereux. win. spent 11 week here. Is ahead of the "Von Yonsou" Co. Notks KI10M Heniliir. III. -A big. long I,111 board Is being put up he north sltle of West Main Sirwl. Jusl enst of Onklsnil Av It is opposite Ihe low of stores oil West Mala, and Is one of Hie biggest bill hoards in liociitur. being almost IIMI feel long. IIi.stkii All. Csr. No. 1. the firrnl \\. V. Unit Shows: c. II. Coleman, cur iiiannger: I! II Wheeler. Ibisk bill poster: C. Carey. W. B, .lohnsoii. II. Mason. <». K. Ksslnger. K. V. Iloiiner II. M-iilli. 'Ins Hrey. II. Wiley, c. linives. W. I!. Miller. I.„■""'>»•. It F. D..,- ehane. Ben Hash. Tom HIM. W. h. Nntin. Lou Donnellv: illlios. C. Anderson. P. Hrusll. Z. Liikensmcyer: programmes. .1. McKliinnn: porter. II. Illpons. *v«-» I'aIL H:1.1.1s. nfler closing bis jeeond successive season wllh llie Hiirke-MH'nnn l'n.. nt I'll 1 stop. Pa., April 1.1. o|iened wllh the Mortimer Snow Kiock Co.. nl the CnniT Siiuure Tlieatre. Scranfon, 17, playing Zndi- arias, lu "The Holy Clly." Ott tot Roada All Roalea Moat Reach Va Not Later Than Monday. nnAMATlC. A Ailnnis. Maude ; Charles Krohiunu. mgr.)—Read- ing. Pn.. 2(1. Aileiiiewn 27. Wllkesbarce B*, Srmiiinii 2!i. Wlliiiliigloa. Del., May I, Tren- ton. X. J.. 2. 1'iiierson :l. Newark 4-4 Allen. Vlnln tCUarlcs W. Allen, mgr. i—Chtcaro. III.. 21-21). Milwaukee, Wis.. May Ml. Anglln. Margaret (Crank L. I'erley. ingr.)—Sun I'raaclsm. Cub. 24-May 13. AiiIt»>j Siis'fc |W Ik l'lttgerabl. nigr.l—roit«h- kee|isle. X. v.. 24-21). "Arliona." Ka<teru. U. P. Raymond's—Washing- ton. U. C. 24-2«. Kns.klyn. N. Y., May 1-0. "Arlnona." Western, M. U. RsynionU's—Boston, Mass.. 24-21). "At ihe obi Cross Roads" I Arthur C Alston. lugr. 1—Newark. X. J.. 24-2B. "Across the I'aelPc" (Barry Clay Blnney, m«r.) —X. V. Clij 24 2u. liri.iwiyo. X. V.. May 1-n. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Kllrny & Hritlou. ingrs. I — Walerioo. la.. 2I1. Keone 27. Atlantic 2S. Council Minn's Jn. Omaha. Nebr.. :in-Mnv II. "Ai old Point C.mifirl"—Newark. X. J.. May III. "American Mlnlsier" -Kansas City. Mo., ;iii-Mny il. "An Irishman's lloneynionii"— Riirliugton, Vt.. 2il. ■ lllniulie Holes (Dntlil ltelasco, mgr.)—X. Y. City 2t-May is. Ihirryinore, ICtbel (Charles Krohmnn, mgr.)—Chi- cago. HI., 24-2B. X. V. Cllv May MS llinglinoi. Amelia- -liifllanapolls. Intl.. 2T, I.eiiU- ville. Ky.. 2S. 2fi. Chicago, III., .May I-X.t. Itloir. Kiigeale (fleo. A. iilissneultial, uigr.i — Philadelphia. Pa.. 24 20. Iierniinl. Sam K.'liarles I'robiiiin, mgr.)—N". V. City .Muy I. Imlednlie. Illmlley. I'loreiKc iForrester * Millennial, mars.) ■ ■linlilioore. Mil.. 24-21), Waslilnglnn, D. C. May l«. bciticii Monti, in (W. C. McKay, ingr.)—Keene, X. It. 24-211. Ilri-i-kenrlilge Slis-k (l'li««. Ilrckearbk-e, lagr.) — I'cliir Itaplils. la.. 24-20. Bi-ssey, Jack. Slis-k iJ. F. Jersey, mgr.)— Qulncy. III.. 24-May II. Bcatoii's Coniedtnns (Perce R. Benton, mgr.)— Springfield. Mr.., 21-20. Pltislinrg. Kan.. .10 May P.IJoii Comedy. II. Wlbnoi Young's—Dliawa, Out., 24 2ii. "Iteu llnr" iKIaw k Krlanger. iiigra.)—Rich- monil. Va.. 24-211. Waslii'igton. fi I'.. May 10. "Itonnle Brier Bush" i Klrke l.n Shelle, mgr.)— Toronto. Can.. 24-211. Hamilton May 1, Peter- iHiro 2. Klmzsloii .'I. "Busier Brown." Western. M. H. Raymonil'a—- I'orllniol. Me.. 2(i. X. V. City May in. "busier Brown." Knstern, M. B. Itn.vinonil's— KabinuxiMi. Mb-h.. 2S. "iteauly lioeior" iTIhin, W. Prior, nigr.l—ICrte, Pa.. 24-2il. Lyiais. X. V.. 2S. Aiiluirn 21). Syru- .-use May l-:l, Wulerlown 4, llloversvllle •">. .I.ibiisinwii il. ''Itunker's Child" (Hurry Shannon, mgr.) — Ver- milion. S. Dak.. 211. HlooRlucld. Nebr.. 27. Wiiusii 2s, Plulnvlew 20. Verdlgree 20, Pierce Mny I. Randolph 2. Wayne .1. Waki4elil 4. Norfolk 5. "BeiMire of Men"—Omaha. Nebr,, May -4-it. V Cmter. Mrs. Leslie (l)iivld Reliisro, mgr.I — X. Y. City 24. hidelhllle. Ciinipbell, Mrs. Patrick (Charles Frohninn. mgr.) -Philiiilelplilii. Ph.. 24 2H. Plltshurg Mny III. Coinsiis-k. Nanueite (J. K. llnckeil. nun-, i - Plllslulrg. Pn.. 24-211. Iluirnlo. X. V.. .May III. I'rosouiii. llenrieltn i.Maiirlce Campladt. mgr.) - IJllisihi. Xebr.. 2U. Illliullil 27-211. SI. Jesepli. Mo., May 1, Aielilson. Kan.. 2, 'l'o|iekn ."., Kan- sas Clly, Mo., 4-11. Collier. William (Chnrles Friihnuin, mgr.)—bolt- ikui, Kng.. .May I 27. Coliiiii. lien. M. i Sam II. Harris, mgr.)-—Boston, .Unas.. 24-May 0. Crestoii Clarke (.lutes Murry, tugr.)- -Knit Claire, Wis.. 27. Si. Paul. Minn.. 4-11. Conk-Church Slock III. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Scrnn- lon. Ph.. 24-20. Wllkcsbnrre .Mny Ml. Curls Uruiiiiillc (M. II. Curls, mgr. i—Duntiur. Xebr.. 2H. Weeping Water 27. Niirlllltlli'M 28. Psidllloii so, Valley .Muy I. Wains) 2. North ■lend :t. Corroll Coroeily (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Porlsmisitli, O.. 27-20. Pomeroy May I-.", Pnrkersliurg. W. Vil.. 4-li. Curler's Cumeiliuns IV. C. Curler, mgr.l— Hoiib- lou. Tex.. 24-211. Heuimiiinl 27-.".0, Austin May 1-7. Chase-Lister—Cellar Rapids, In., "OMny 7. Clarke. Harry Corson- St. Paul. Minn., May 1-tt, .Mliuiea|Mills 4-li. Cinciniistl Stock, Clifford * Stevens'—Klwood, lad.. 24-211. Ilartfonl City Mny Ml. Cusbmau A- I'lnlre—Ciarludn. la., 24-21), St. Joeepb. Mo.. t'.n-Mny l:t. I'IiiiiiiIK'uoIk sifs-k (W. L. cbiimpeiiels, mgr.) — lliuiilsibll. Xebr., 24-21',. Century Slis-k—Peoria. III.. 24-2H. "College Widow" I Henry W. Suvnge, mgr. )— X. V. Clly 21. Iiiilellnlie. "Cliis-kers." Thus. W. Boss (Klrke l.a Slielle, mgr. i—Lansing. Mich., 2(1. Bay City 27. Snxl- naw 2S. Ixinilou, Can.. 20. Toronto May 1-lt. "I'oiinly Ctiuinnnn" I Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—- Unroll. .Mich.. 2420. Clurlilauli. I).. Muy I 41. *'Confession of a Wife" (A. 11. Woods, nigr.l-— < llulTiito. X. V.. 21-211. Bulllinore. Mil.. May III. "Curse of Drink" (.M. Hunly, mgr.)—Brooklyn, X. V.. 24-20. "Convlii's llailgliler"--Xorfnlk, Va., 24-20. II Drew. John ICharles Krohman. mgr.)—Cleveland, I).. 24-20. Toledo May I, linyioa 2. Coliiuiluia :i. D'Orssy, I.nwreiH-e (Klrke l.a Shelle. iukcj - -.Min- neapolis. Mian.. 2.1 20. St. Paul 27-211. Daly. Arnold (Llebler * Co.. mgrs.(—X. Y. City 24-211. In- i.rasse. Joseph (Fnsl A. Ilajwanl. lugr.)—- Delpbiw, ().. 211. lliMllny 27, Xnrwalk iH. Asli- taluila 20, CVoioeaiit May I, .Newark. X. Y., 2, Oswego 11 DllgerCiiraell I W. K. Cornell, lagr.)—I.eeclibillK. Pn., 24-211. Vandergrlfi 27-2U. ICeW Kensington Muy l-il. He Vomle. Chester. Stock 11 '111 I |j«vy, ni|r.)—St. John. X. K., 24-May H. Dudley Dramatic i Frank Dudley, mgr.)—Seran- lou, Miss.. 24-Muy II. "Iiuvld Iliiriiin" (.liillns Culin. mar.)—Dayton, II.. 21-211. "Doru Thorne" (Ilowbiinl A I"lirroril. ingrs.) Cincinnati, il.. 2.".-21l. Chicago, 111., :io-Muj' lb "Devil's' Auction." Chas. II. Y'ale's— ilui'lpli. Can.. 27. lluiiillloa 211. "Hes|M'rate Chance." Fnrri'sler A Mlltenllisl's--- X. Y. Clly 24-2H. "Hurkesi IliiMsbi" tW. C. Cunnbighuni, mgr. | — Hals.ken. X. J.. 2:1-211. KllxnU-lb 27-20. lirook- lyn. X. V.. May I-a. "Down liy the Sea" ll'lill Hunt, mgr.)—Roches- ler. X. Y.. 24 2H, Syracuse 27-211, Montreal, Can., Mny 111. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Oscar Dane's—St. Joseph. Mo.. 2.'!-2ll. 10 Klllolt. Maxine IC. II. Dllllnidium, mgr i-- l.oiub.ii, Kllg.. 21, liiilellullc. Ildesoli. BoisM-l I Henry It. Harris, tugr. I—Boston, Mass.. 24. IliileUliltc. Kellpse Stis-L il.loyil & (tenter, mgrs.)—Ni'iiate, Lu.. 2U. Ln-svllle 27. .Mirny 2K, /nolle 211, Minis- Held Mny 1-3, Sbl-evepo-.l 4-11. Krkhartll A Hawkins' Ideals— Portlaiul. Ore., 24. 2C>. KIiiih. Wash.. 27-211. Ahenh-rn Muy III. "Ivliieullon of Mr. Plpp" I Klrke l.n Shelle A II. V. Arihur. mgrs.I X. Y. Clly 24, lialcllulle. "F.rriMui Hoy." Hilly II. Vim i Sullivan, Harris * Woods, mgrs.i C!eveliiii'l. fl.. 21-20. I'lllsloug, Pa.. May lit. "Klghl Belts." Urns. Ilvrne-- Provldeiue, It. I., 21-211. "l'j«eii|MNl from Slnir slog." Juuies II. Parker's — lluiiilni. Nebr.. 2i-2H. V I'lske. Mrs. Illsrrl.i.o Ijrev CHke. MET.)—CM- raai, III.. 24-May It l'areisli.ilo. Will. <t.lei,ler 4 Co.. mgrs.)—IlnfTalo, X. Y.. 24 2C T.ironli.. I'nu.. 27 2U. Fischer. Alice iF. <". Whliney, mgr.l—N. Y, CHr 24. Illiteflnlle. rilxsltiiuioos. Rol.t., and Julia May blfTord (Leon I'rbslinaii. mgr. •-- Milwsiikis., Wis., 2:1-20, I'enhf-ra Stock lOeo. M. I'enls-iv inxr.i— Mnrl- Isiro. Mm.-., 212!i. Lynn May in. I'leioba. Minnie i IV. II. iJraify. tugr. i—Plilladel- phbi. Pn.. 21. Iisleltlille. I'iske. Mny iJ. C. t'o-Krove. mgr. i - Pnlersoa, N. J.. 24 20. I'lyiui. .h.«*vh J-. Su«k IS. I.. Martin, mgr. I-- I'onlaii'l. Me. 24-20. 1'nrioiin. Win.. S(i«-t IliitTnlo. N. V., 21, lie let) Pile. 24-20. Huston, , Trenlrai, N. -Ilrrsiklyii. -San- Piiltoa Brea'.' Stock (Jack P. Hllues, mgr.)— Civile. Knu.. 24-21). tXmcordla May 111. Ferris Slock (Hick Ferris, nigr.)—fisn I'raurtaru. Cab, 24. in.lennlle. Freeman Flake and Nelly Lyons Healy—Bojue City, Wis., 84-20, Weal Branch 27-2H. Fowcetl Stock (G«»rge I'swcett. mgr.l—X. V. Clly Mny 1-0. "Fremled Finance" (Wm. A. Brady, Mgr.)— N. V. Cllv 24. Indefinite. '•Firm of Cunningham" (W. X. Lawrence, mgr.) —N. V. Clly 24. indefinite. "Falnl Wedding." Siilllvan. Harris * Wools'— Torente. Can.. 24 211. Phlladrlplila. Pa.. Mny I ll. "Palila llonianl" IF, Jack Foual, mitr.l—Kanka- kee. HI.. 20. Knox, Hub. 27. Valparaiso 2S. South Bend 2ft. (Irand Rapids. Mich.. nil-May ::. boon 4, Pontlae II. "For Fame and Forlnne" I Sullivan, Harris & Woo,!., nigra.I—Kansas City. Mo.. 21120. St. Louis :ll) May II. "For Her Sake" (Pilgrim * Killoti. mgrs.) — Plnitsville, Wis.. 2(1. I.aiica«ler 27. D«I«e*llle 2S. Madison 20. Waler(o«n .'10. Jefferson May 1, lluiclilhsoa 2. Kilgerion .1. Iiclolt 4. Flkhorn .*,, Bnrllnglon 0. "Fsclory lilrl." Knsiern I Phil lb Isaac, inar.l— Memphis. Teiin,. 24 20. Illnnbiglinm. Ala., Mny l-»l. "l'nsl Life In New Vnrk" I A. II. Woods, mar.) — Chicago. III.. IB-aS, SI. Louis, Mo.. May l-il. "For Her Children's Sake." Sullivan. Harris * Wooda'—X. Y. Clly Mny 1-20. "Friend of the Family" iW. K. Ourman. mitr.) — X. V. City 24-20. "Fighting Chance." Waller Kdwanla—Klrlimiinil. Va.. I lb "From Buns lo Riches." Joseph Santley (M. II. Meyers, ingr.I- Itnlilniore. Md.. May l-ll. a rhttdwhi, X. C. (flisi. J. Apiilelou, mgr.»—St. I'uiil. Minn.. 24-20. Mloaenpolls 27-211, Knnsns Cllv. Mo.. Mnv I-:'., Lincoln, Xebr., 4, oninlin II. O. Urns' lieorge IWoi. A. Brady, nigr.l —Mlditle- inwu. Conn.. 211. Iiridgepuri 27. Yi'llmluKlon. Del.. 21b linlilioore. Md., May lib isallailu. aiistiu iThoriitou * Co., mgrs.)--Calm. lib. 20. Oweiisluiro. Ky., 27. HeiHlersiui 2s. Kvaiisvllle. Inib. 21). c.rltrltli. John Mobil M. Illckey. mgr.)—lied Wing. Minn., 211. La Crosse, Wis.. 27, Portage 2K. liriind Itiiphls 20. Stevens Point Mny I. Antlno 2. Wriusioi il. Merrill 4, RhlnclnniliT .*>, Kscn- iiaha. Mich., it. itilniore. Paul (Jab's Mnrry, ingr.) — riaveuport. In.. 20, Ion Clly 2S. itilniore. Harney i Hurry Montgomery, mgr.l-- Plltshurg. Pa., 24-211. ladloimiiollH, bid.. May 141. CobunliiH. II., 4-11. Units-win. Charles (John J. Kleriinu. mgr. I - Newiairl. II. I., 27. Fall River. Muss,. 2S. X". V, CKy May 1-0. linuv llnyward Slis-k iCarmeuleltn A Kress, mgrs.i— Sliaix Clly. In.. 24 Mny II. HirTonl lluerliiK -Preslon, In.. 24-20, Snbiiln May 1-0. "lilrl of Ihe Slreets." Lillian Mortimer (Waller D, Bntto. mgr.l Wiamsiickel. II. I., 2T, t'rort deuce May I HI. "lilrl in Hie Maim," Beatrice Vance (F.lm'r K. Vance, mgr.l—Viuingalown. O., 27-211. "Ureal 'Aiilomohlle Mystery." Itnrllg A Seumon's —Dertoll. Mich., 2:t-2li. "Cullly Coiiaclenec" (Fells Bleb mgr.) — Hols,ken, N. J.. 27-20. II Bucket!. James K.—Xewiirk. X. J. l'n.. May I, Sprlngllelil, Mass., J., ".. Ibtwlrey, Charles (Ben Slern. nigr.) N. Y.. 24-2(1. X. V. Clly May 111. Holland. Mildred tKilw. (.'. White, nmr.l ilnaky, lb. May 11. Ibirt. .loFenh. nud Carrie He Mar (Win. A. ltrndy. mgr. I- -Yonngstown. (I., 20. Ibinford, Charles It. IF, bnwreiiee. Walker, mgr.l Spurliinliilrg. S. I'.. 20. I'liurlode, X. C. 27. Creenalsiro 2S, Bnlclgh 21). Lyiichliurg, Va,, Mny 1. Petersburg 2, .Norfolk II, Xes-port News 4. Illcbiiioiiil .1, 0. Howard Hall (Henry Plerson. mgr. i— llilllinnre, Md.. 24-20. X. V. City Mny III. Hendricks, Ben (Win. ilray. mgr.I—.lamesiowii, X. Dak., 211. Valley Clly 27, Ciisaelliin 2s, Fnrgo 211, Wllllll|K>a, Mnli.. Mny I, 2. HlggbiK. David tsinlr -v Nlcotul, nigra.)-Cln- eliiiiull. (>.. HO Muy lb Burisyr, Heorglu iHarper * llelrlck, ingm.) — llenldsbiirg. Cab, 24-211, Ckbih May 111. Hiiyl's Couiisly ill. II. Allen, nigr.l—lliilbia, 1'ev.. 21-20, Furl Worth May Id. Haul Slock (M. A. Haul, mgr. I- Monroe, Mich., 24-21). Halls. Mr. mid Mrs. Hull C—Hfcveliu Point, Wis., Eft-May 2.1. llaiiiniouil. Cunt I ue (Clifton Whitman, nigr.l-- Norway. Me.. 21-211. Rocheslec, X. II.. 27 211, Keuiieliuuk. Me., May I-.'I. llrrahl Square Stock (Itliter k 1'aniiliawe, nigra,) —Fori Kent. Wis.. 21-2D. Ilaven-Howiitng Hbs'k (Waller Downing. mgr.J - Montgomery, Pa., 24-211. llewllt, Morgan, Stock ill. Stuart linstock, mgr, i --yionoiigiiheln, Pa., 2l'2ll, Rocliesier Muy l-.'l, (111 Clly 4-II. lllckmiin, (lay, Stis:k— llurllngtoii. lu.. Mny bit, "llunipty l)tun|ily" iKIuw & Krliuiger. ingra,)-- Boston, Muss., 24, hub-Unite. "Home Folks" (Joseph llrtHik*. nixr. 1 —Chlcuito, III., 21-20. "Heir In the lloornli" (Klrke l.a Shelle, mgr.l— X. Y. City 24, lialellnlle. "Henri or Miirylnnd" illiivld Reliisro. nmr. )-— Sieiiiu'iivllh. o., 20, Musi l.iverisml IT, Salem SS, Alliance 211. "Holy CKy," KiiHIeru, (lordlill A lleiiitett's (Mil- wurd Taylor, mgr. i—Vandergrlfi, l'n.. 20, In 'liana 27. lireenslmrg 2H. Wiishliiglnn 211. Kasi Palestine. (>.. Muy I, Toronto 2. Mlllerabiirg 1. Ilarlierlon ."■. Xorwnlk 0. "Holy Clly," Wcaicrn, lloribm ft Beaiiett'H (Henry Harrison, mgi.» Stougliioii, Wis., 2H. Wuler- lown 27, iiri-cn liny 211, (Islikosb ::n, Muallownc May 1, biidlngloii. Mich., 2, Cinlllluc 4. Ilelillng "Ills Highness. Ihe Hey" (Walter Lliidmiy, ir.gr ) - -Bnrllnglon, In., 27. "Her First False Stop." C. F. Whltaker'a <F., A. Schiller, mgi-.i — Plillnilelpblii. I'u., 24211, X. Y. City Mny l-fl. "How He Won Her." 0, F. Whllnker's (R. M. (Vitus, mgr. I—Richmond. Vu., 24-2(1, Phila- delphia. Pn., May I-lb 'Happy Hooligan." Western, (ins Hill's (AI. Hoi- son, ingr. I----Kscniinlia, Mich.. 20. Inlawmlng 27. Culuinel L'N. Hancock 20, Marquette .'II. Haiilt Sie. Marie May I, ManlalIque 2. (lliiilatiiiic :i. Oconto 4. "Buppy lloollgiill." Knstern. (bin Hill's Cliielu- null. (I.. 2:t 2H. "Ililliiini llcnrls." W. K. Xunki'Vllle's .. Ilrisiklyii, X. Y.. 24-2(1. "Ilaiis Bauson" (Jus. T. MeAlphi, inia.l llur- Inn, In., 20. I liwlu, .Mny IKilwiirit R. Sillier, mgr, 1 -New L011- iloil, Cullll., 20. Providence, R. I.. 27-1111. Lynn. MaMw. May 1. Titaiiion 2, Imperial Slis-k ((leu. II. Hamilton, mgr.l—Man Alilinilii. Tl'.\., 24, IlKlelhille. "Il llnip|»'iieit In Niirillnnd" 1II11111II11. Mlleh"ll A Fields, mgrs.)—X. V. Clly 21-211. Bosinu, Muss.. Mny 111. "lu the Shadow of Darkness" IFIeldtug / iiiiise- lueni Co., mgrs. 1 riiiiidi-n. N. J., 21 2i.. Wll- mlngioii. Ih-b. 27 211, Plillndelphla, Pe.. Mny Ml. "In old Kentucky," .lueoli Lin's llutftil 1, X. V., 24-20. "lu Ihe Sunny Sonlb" U. (!. lluekweL, mgr.) - Oudensblirg, X. Y., 211. Potlsilaiu 27. Mnsselitu 2H, Maioue ail. SI. Albans, Vl.. M iy I. Han- ilolj.li 2. J JefTreys. Kills (Llebler « C,.., uigis.i — X. Y. Clly 21211. Pldlnilelplila. Ph.. .Mny III. Jefferson, .lonenh. Jr., A Win, W.—-Ail'lnil, Mleb.. 211. Ilriunl Ibipbls 27, Jlieksnii 2s. pal lie Creek 20. Jefferson, Ttiotaas Ibislim, Muss., 24'Jtl. Iniues J. Ji'tTrh-s 1 Sum v. Mull, ingr. 1 Cliuln- 11111I, (I., .'Ill-May it. "Jiiiocs Boys lu Missouri" ll'innk Hasiobi. ingr.) Chicago, lib. 2.'I-May at, "Jerry from Kerry." Piilten A Perry's -Joliimoii- burg. Pa.. 211. Minei bj.orr 27. Conders|o>r( 2s. "JiHt Before linwo" -KllKiiln-lli. N. J., 2120, Newark Muy III. "Jolly American Tramp"—V Y. city Muy l-fl. K Kellar. Hurry (Dudley MrAibv*. mgr.)—S. Y. Clly 24-20. Jersey Cllv, X. J., May ill. Kenoedy, James IO. K. Wee, nigr. 1 — f^hanon, I'U.. 24 211. Pnlersnn. X. J., Moy III. Karrotl. Dot U. (.'. Welsh, mgr.i—Yonkers, X. V.. 21-20. Klnrk-l rlinti (II. II. Klnrk. mgr.)—.N'nrrlslnwn, Pa.. 24 20. Ilnrrlsbiirg May 10. Kemieily's players il. II. Sliaimon, mgr.l—Kliiga- ton. Hub, 24-211. Keller Stock (A. M. Keller, mgr.)—Trinidad, Colo.. 24.Aug. 12. Keith Stock (Del Lawrence, mgr.)—Iswlaton, Ida.. 24. Indeilnlte. Kenneily Comedv IS. 11.' Kennedy, mgr.)—Kllen^ tllle, X. Y.. i4 2ft. I, Lnckoye, Wlliini (Wm. A. Broily. mgr.) Brock- con. Mass., 2U. Salem 27. I.ynn 2S, l.awrcnca 20, Lowell Muy 1. Worcester 2, H, Lawreiiee 4, I'oi-llailil. Me., ». I.ewlslon (1. ' l.nrlmer. Wright (Win. A. Brndy, nigr.)—Harts ford. Conn., 24-20. Lyceum Comedy (AI. S. F.vnns, ingr.)—La Salle, Wis.. S.'IHi). Long. Frank V... Stock i.M.s-t Sad Alll. ingr. 1 — Fort Ibsige. la.. 24-21). Lyceum Stock (P.. II. llrnsjenn, mur.)—Coleman, Tex.. 24-211. "Little Dtiieasi," (lisi. K. dill's—Montreal. Can., 24 2ft. , ' 'Little Homestead" (Wm. Mucauley. m«r.>— I'oriu.'e, Wis., 20, Stevens Point 27, Wauaau 2s, Antlgn 20. lireett Bay Ml, season ends. "Lvuiiin Twins al the Ilai-es" iLyman Bros, mgrs.)-Inula. Midi, 20. Bel.lliig 27. lirnml Rapids .'lO-Mny :l "l.lglilbnuse by Hie Sea" (Vance A Sullivan, mgrs. 1 — Loulsillle. Ky.. 2:i-'.'n, Cleveland, O., Mny 1-0. "Utile Oulcast." K. 1. Carpeuler's—Winnipeg. Man.. 24. 2.1, Hraflnn. X. Dak.. 30. Uraad Forks 27. Cnsikspin, Minn.. 2». Rralnenl 20, Si. Cloud lift. M Mniiaflelil. Rlcliard I lieu D. Stevens, nigr.l — llnsiklMi X. V.. 21-211. IliMgeporl. Conn.. Mu» I. sprlngileld. Muss., 4. May, Kilnn ICharles Frohninn. nigr.l — I'tillnilrh phla. Pa.. 24 211. Brooklyn. X. V.. Mny 1 (I. > Murphy, Joseph Kleorge Kenney, nigr. 1—X. Y. CKy 24-May 0. Mantell. Robert (Win. A. Brink, mgr.)-Chi- cago, lib, 24. Indeilnlte. .Melville. Rose (J. II. Stirling, nmr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 24 May n. Mason and Mason 1 llmadhmsl A Carrie, mgrs.i — Rocliesier. X. V.. 24-20. Syracuse 27-20. Phila- delphia. Pa.. May lit. Myrkie Harder Stock. Kaslera iW. II. Harder, mgr. 1 - -Sprlngllelil. Mass., 24-20, New Haven, Conn.. May l-fl. Myrkie Harder Slock. Western (F.ngriie .1. Ball. mgr.l -Fori Wayne, luib. 21-20, Jackson, Mich., Mav 111. Marks Slock it.hu Marks, mgr.)—IDiilutli. Minn,, 24. Iiiilellnlie. Marks Bros i.bs> Murks, imir.l- l.linlsay, (int., 24-27. Marks Bros. (R. w. Marks, mgr.)—Hlirrhrmke, Can.. 24-20, ottnwa May 111. May. Visum (II. A. I)u Hols, mgr.)—Akron, lb, 24-21). Toledo May Ml. Mnlhes. Clara—VletoHn, II. C. 21. Indeilnlte. Myers. Irene IW. II. Myers, ingr.) New Bedford, Mass.. 24-2U. Murray * Mackey l.lnhii J. Murray, nmr.) — Park' ersharg, W. Vu.. 24. Indefliille. McDoniild Slis-k Him. W. McDonald, nigr.I—' Wisslwiird. Okln., 24-211. Amnrlll'i, Tat.. Mar 1-0 ' .Me(ro|iolliun Slock. Stanley's (llsrrf V. Wins. low, mgr. 1 - lllilciigo, lib, 2( June I. Miller Bros. Stock -Inn's filly, Iowa, May Ml. ' "Mrs. LrfllugwelPa Bonis" (Chii». Frohguin, ingr. 1 N. Y. City 24-SH. "Mr*. Wlgks of Hie CmdMge Piiicli" ll.lehler A Co.. ingiB, i- Knnsns City. Mo., 21 2fi. Lin- coln. Nebr., Muy :i, Oinuliii 4. "Mrs. Templi'V I'elPKiuni" IW. X. Lawrence, mar.)- New Unveil. Conn,. 20. I lieu. N. v., 2N, Trenlon. X. J., 21b X. Y. Clly M.ny Ml. "Miiuuuv nud the Humiiillig Bird" iJii'les Murry, illgr. 1 llellevllle. Can.. 211. M0nlre.1l .Muy Mb "Moonshiner's Dnimliler," Fnslern iW. F. Mnnu, nmr. i- Si. binds. Mo. 2:1 211. Kansas Clly ill). May il, "Midnight Flyer" 1K1I. Anderson, mgr.l—Fort Madison, lu.. 20, sierlhiM. lib, 2s. Sprlngllelil :i(i. I.lichileld Mny I. Lincoln 2, HUnn X. Frees porl L llockforil •'. I'.lgln 0. "My Wife's Family" (I. Seldnnls-rg. ingr.)— Madison, Hub. 20. Richmond ft. Terre Hauls 25. ito.lfoni 211. .lasonvllle ,10, lloekvllle May I, rruwfnrilsvllie 2, Frankfort II, Blisimlnglou I. Lnfnyelle ft, Kuiikukrn. Ill,, II. "Mv Tom Boy Hlrl," Ijillle Williams (Henry tl. Wliieliell. mgr. 1- Philadelphia, Ph.. 21211. N< Y. City May III. "Missouri llli'l." Knsteru. t'red Raymond's (fleo. Ilcilce, nigr,) -Riitllind, VL. 2«, flranvllle, N. Y.. Muy I. Ruilanii, VL, 2. (Ireenwlclb X. V.. II. "McPiulilen's Plain." 'las Hill's (Clou. II. Burton, mgr.)- -Xew Haven, t'onii., 24-20. "Me, llhii and 1," Hnrllg & Seamnn's (1'ilwln J. Colin, mgr. 1- -Mlaiieiipolis, Minn., 13-21), Mil- waukee, Wla.. nn-May II. "More 1.1 He Plllisl Than' Scorned" (Al# 1*11, mgr.l Si, Louis, Mo.,' 23-29, Louisville, by., .'Ill-May II. ' 'Minister's DmiBhlers'' (drover Urns., tngra,)—• Tnleito, lb, 24-8H. N Xorlh Bros. Cnmeilliius lit, J. Muck, mgr.I— Ma- son Clly, la.. 24-JP, Sloliv Falls. S. luik., .'Ill- May 0. Xew York Fin vets, Marie Young's— lllclinniiul. Que., 24-20, Diinvllln >lny Ml. Xoble's Tlieulre (Wiirron Noble, nigr.)—Brook" lugs, S. Dak., May 1-0. Newman's KiiierlatMis (lbs! Newniiin, nmr. I — Vnllev Falls, Kail., 24-20. "Xew York Day by Hay" tlleo. IV. Wlnnelt, mgr.l Cleveland, fl., 24-20, l.niala May I, Lima 2, Andersoii, hid.,- 11, liidlniin|inlla ID. ".Nellie, ihe Xews Hlrl" (O. F. flniilil. mgr.)—• ciiicliiiuitl. lb. 211-211. Chicago, III., IKVMay HI. "Xolxidy's Darling." Siilllvan, Harris A Wissls'— ' Pltlsliiirg, Pn.. 24-211, Br'Hiklvn. X. V., Muy Ml • Olcott. Chuiincey lAiigitslus I'lloii, mgr.)—Hell- ver. Cilo.,, 2:1-2(1. Vlrlnr III). Pueblo May 1, Colorado Springs 2, Hull Lake Clly, P., 4 il. O'Xell. Niuice ijolin IL tirlinFffel, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly 21-211, Fall River. M 3. Osiiiuii stock (John Osiiiun, mgr.i - 1 bin lestoii. S. C, 21-211. Orpheiuii Slock Hvdwiu-d Doyle, mgr.)—CidnuV 111 is, lb, 24, Imlellnllo. "Oilier Hlrl," Lionel llarrymore (flliarlea Froli« in gr.i—Hall Lake filly. P., 21-20, Pueblo, Colo.. 2S. Colo ratio Springs 20. "Our New .Mlnlsier" Miller A I'onyers, nigra.)— Sprlngflelil. lib. 20, Ilecalur 27, Danville 2N, Jiickaoiivlllo 211, KnnsiiH City, Mo., :io-Mny IL "Over Nlugiira Falls" (Rowland A Clifford, mgrs.)— fxigaiispnrt. Inib, 20. I'eru 27, Toledo, ().. Oli-Mny 11, ML Cnihvrliii's, (Inn., II. "Old Clolhea Mall." James K. MllcOurdy— Prlneeloii, III., 24, Kewimee ;.".. Dwlght 20, Lciluglou 27. Hraeevllle 2S, .lollei 20, llneliie. Wis., lit), Milwaukee Mny Mb "Old Arkiimmw." Fred llnymmid's (Merle II. Norton. nigr.i-Alina.. Mich., 211.. Illiueii 27. Midland 2N, liny Clly 20, .'ID. Suglimw May I, Kusi 'lawns 2. Alpena 11, Ottawa I. "Old Fanner Hopkins" . (Frank H. Davidson, mgr. 1 llossvllle, lib. 20, Sheldon 27, Fowler. Inib. 28, fifssihiiul 2li. Mnnileelln Mny I. Mnnon 2. Reiisseluer II. R1101 4. PI) Inoill li .*,, Ilurlon II. I» Pulton. W. II. fj. Ml Htirfil, ingr. 1 Dnylnn, ft, ■ Soldiers' Hon 211, Si. Marys 27, I'lndley (H. Pnylnil, Corse. Slack lllnvld I. Illumine, nigr.l—• Hiilavhi. N. V.. 24211. Oswego May I it. Paybni Slsi.-rs ilian S. Ilovi, mgr.i- Augusta, (in.. 21-211. Savaiiiiuli May 1-0 Paige Couusly, II. F. WlllaBl'n — fiirlntli, Miss., 21 2(1. Sheltleld. Alll., Mny LU. Picker! Stock 1 Willis Plekerl. mgr. 1-Wllsiiu, N. C, 27-2II. Pelers Slock (Will \. Peters, /ngr I -Dover, K, II., 'JI 20. I'Iiiii-I'iiiiiiIiic Slisk (Win. II. siieriuiin. mgr.)—" Calgary, X.- W.T.,-21. Inileniilie. "Proud Lulril" (Hurt-Won ()iev Ffske, nigr.)—, X. Y. cit) 21, Indefinite. "Peddler." Suilivnii.- llnrr/s A W<«ida - --X. Y. City 24 20. Philadelphia, pn.. May Ml. "Powei of ihe ('rues'' il, p. Doisihiie, nigr.l — •I'irre Hiiiii". list. 80.- Ilm>ll 27. Union 2M. Hi-ilforil in Wesl BiiiIui: lid. Rlnombiglnn May I, Seymour 2. Madison II, Columbus 4, "Prisoner or War." Forrester A Mllleiilhal'a— Boston. .Mass., 21-2(1. "Peck's Had Ikiy" .Oivi W. Heath, nmr.l--Man« cliesler. X. IL, 20. Lowell: Mass., 27, |,ynu 21), n "Qiiliicv Aii.iuis Suwynr." Central (W. fl. Snella In-/, nigr.l—Cblciigo. Ill:, Zl May 11. "Qulncy Ailoma HaiVJtr." Western (Frank Ma Morion, nmr.)—Scranton, Pi., 27, Blngliiintou, X. Y.. 2n, 2P. "i/neen of ihe Highway" (W. VeOowsn, mgr.)-s I'oiisvllle, Pi.. 20, Hanletnii 27, Ashland 28, Muliimny Clly 20, Mer.ililou Muy It. Ilrldgee fiorl. Conn., 4 0. • H Rogers Itrna. (Klaw A Krl'aliger, nigra.)—PltlM