The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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148 THE NE¥ YOEK CLIPPEE. Apeil l, Paducah H, Frvikfnrt (I. Tor In mouth, O., 7, lluntliifslnn. W. Vn., 8. Murphy, Joseph llin Kenncy. mgr.l—Omaha, Neb., 20-211, St. Louts. Mo.. April 2-8. Morrison, 1*wIh (Jules Mnrrjr. DiKr. J—Indian- spoils. In.!.. Sid, Sprliisfleld, v., 30. Qilurabus 31, April I, Zaiiesvllle 3. Melville, Rose (.1. It. Stirling, mitt.)— Cleveland, o„ a"-A|irii l. n. v. ciiy 3-8. MhiiIcII, Ilobcrt U.—Whecllni;. V7. V«., 20-Aprll Mason mul Mnson (Ilronilliurst ft Currle, nigra.) —I''orl Wayne. Ind., 20, Grand Rapids, Mich,, 30-Aprll 1, Detroit 2-8. llyrklc Harder Stock. Knstorn (W. n. Harder, iiusr.)—Morldon, Conn., 27-Aprll 1, New Britain 3-8. rdyrkie-llardcr Slock, Western (Kugenc J. Hall, ingr.)—Hast Uwijool, O., '2.1- April I, llainll- ton 2-0. , , , Hurray & Mnclcy (John J. Mtirroy. ingr.)—Lock- imrt, N. II., 27-Aprll I, Auburn 11-8. Marks Stock (Tom Mnrka. mgr.J—Crnotatou, Minn.. 2T-Aprll I. Fargo, N. Dak., S-S. Mark* Bros. (It. W. Marks, ingr.)-Bangor, Me., April 3-8. , „, ... May. Vciinn (II. A. Dn Bola, mgr.)—Columbia, I'a.. 27-Aprll 1, Chombersburg 3-D, Uagorslown, Mil., 11-8. Myers Stock (81m Allen, mgr.)—Lancaster, Ta., '27-Anrll I, Salem, ft, J.. 3-8. Mnllic! Clurs—Vlclorln, It C 27, Indrtlnltp. McDonald Slock (Gen. W. McDonald, mgr.)— Hi11.1, tiklii.. 27-Aprll I. Wichita, Kan., 3-15. Miillory. Ollflirtt—Pcn» Yaa, N. Y., April 7. 8. Metropolitan Stock. Stanlpy'i. (Harry V. Wins- Itiw. bus. itigr.)— Council Bluffs, la., 27-Aprll I. Atlantic 3-8. llsllho Slock (Wanl 11. Mulllce, mgr.)—Little. Volley. N. V., 27-Aprll 1. Kiiiikilpli 3-h. >luriav Comedy—Jackson, Midi., April 11-8. •■Mm. LpflliigwclFs lloola" (Chas. Frohnmn, mgr.) —-ft. V. City "7, Indcllnlle. "Mrs. Wtggs, of tlip Cabling? Patch" (Llebler * Co, nigra.)—X. Y. City 27-Aprll 1, Youngs- town, ()., 4, ■">. "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" (\V. N. Lawrence, mgr.)—N. Y. City 27, liidriinllc. "Miirrli'cc or Kilty" (Jutes Murry, uigr.)—Halt Lake City, U.. .10-April 1. "Moonshiner's Dnuiililor," F.istem (W. F. Mniiii, mgr.)—Siiglunw. Midi.. 20-21), Toledo, O., 30- April 1. Cincinnati 2-8. "MlnlHtcr'a Swectnpiirt," Bessie ClKton HI. II. Kldon, ingr.l—Richmond, llnl.. 20, Anderson 31), Alcxiiudrln 'II, Marlon April 1. Kcikomo 3, Van Huron -1. Wurreti G, HluiTloii tl, Montpellcr 7. llnririml Clly 8. "Midnight Flyer" (Kd. Anderson, mgr.)—Oltnm- Mil, la., 211, Oskuloosn 30, Grlnnell .'11, Mar- shnlltnvvn April I. Newton 3, Boone 4. Cedar llaplda ■'.. Ocdur Falla 0, Maaou City 7, l'ort Dodge 8. "My Wlfc'a Family" (I. Sclilenberg, mgr.)— Denver. Coin.. '.'(l-Anrll 1. Vlclor 3, Cripple Creek 3. Pueblo 4. Canon City r,, Kurt Collins (1. (Ireeley 7, Clieypiuip, Wyo.. 8. "MlManurl tllrl." F.natorn. Fred Raymond's (Ceo. Hpilee. nigr.l—Aahlalmla, <>., 2H. Dunkirk. K Y., :it>, Mayxvllle .'II, Salmnuiica April 1, Wursavv :i, UT'.y 4. Cuniiniliilgun !j, I'nlinyru II. Nea-ark 7. Clyde H. •'Missouri Clrl," M'eHlern, T'red Rnyiannd'H (Ilar- rv S. Ilot>plug. mgr. 1— Onlnr Itnplils. In.. 20, Vinton .'10. I.a rone 31. \Vn<erly April 1, lliim|i|..ii II, ochvelu -I, Inilqipiiilpiici! r>, Htraw- lierry I'olnt tl, Auiiiiiohii 7, Clinton s, Daren- |H,rt II. ■•MeFiitklmi'a Klala." (Iuh lllira (Clma. H. Ilnr- Ion. mgr.)—'11>rijiilo, Coll., 27-Aprll I, Wor- teller, Muhb.. 3-8. "More In bo I'ltli-.l Hum,". Cluia. K. llliiitpy'K--MliniciipiillH, Minn., 211 April 1, St. .lotfoph. Mo.. 7. 8. "Me. and I." Ilnrlltf * Si-nnimi's riCdnln J. Colin, ingr.l— St. IjmiIm, Mo., 2tlAprll 1. Knn- va» Clly 2-8. ".MiHiiiKhliier'a llnugbU'i," WoNlrru—Scallle, Wimli.. April 2-8. ■ NiPilli llriitlicra' Comeillaiw IK. .7. Mack, mgr.) ---ltiH'hitilpr. Minn., 27-Aplll I. l-'nrllmuK 3-8. Nch- York Playei-a, Marie Young's—St. Jolm'a, t)in'., 27-Aprll 1, l.'ai'iilimu 3-8. "■Vv York Hay by liny" (Geo. W. Wlnuplt, mgr.)—Hiirralo, N. Y„ 27-Aprll 1, Toledo, O., 2-.*i. Kent hi 7, S'ii'Iiil'IU'IiI 8. "Nellie, Hie Nen'H tllrl" (O. V. (loulil, mgr.)— Denver, Colo., 2tl-.\|.r!l 1. I.nmeil, Kim., 3, llilli'lllnaoil f. Ni-wton ."., Ktnpol'bl II, Topeku 7. I.'iwri'iin S. "NiiImkIj'b DuiIIiik" (.Siilllvnn, llarrla & Wuoda, nigra.I --I'blliiilpliililii. I'll.. 27-A|irll 1. "Ninety and Nine (While & AkIiiiibu, lugra.)— St. l/iulK, Mn., April 2-8, (I (limit, I'hmiiUT.v (AiiEiiatiiH I'lloil, ingr.)— Itrook- lyii. N. Y.. 27\prll 8. tl'Nell. Niinee (.loliu II. Selioerfil, mgr.l—Nor- n Irh, Conn.. 2tl, Nriv London lid. Ilrocklou, Miikh., 111. 'I'niininii April 1. BiMlon .'122. (isiniui Stiiek (Jolni fisiiiiin. uiitr.l—Slimier. S. (J., 27-Aprll I. til.viiipln MiiKtail tloiucdy (11. W. Priest, mgr.) — Nnrfiilk. Vii., 27-Aprll I. "Other tllrl" (Cliarlea I'l-nlimiin, uigr.)—Saa Diego, Cnl.. 211, I,os Auaelea 3Ii-Aprll 1. "Oar Now MliilMter" (Miller A Conyers, nigra.)— IllMllvllle. Mo.. 211. JenVi'.-nii (Illy 30. I'ulton 31, Me\lii> April 1. I.nlllallina 3. Ilillililluil 4, Mo- berly S. Klrkavllle II. Maruii 7, UMifcoIlM 8. "ilriT NUigarn Kill In." C I llnwlaiitl ft CIIITord, mgra.l—IhiHilnga, Nelir., 21), tiriiixl Island 30, r.iliimiiiii 31. Lincoln April I. "On Ilia llildse lit MWiilglil," Western (1'rnnk liaianlo. mgr.)— Bridgeport. Cniui.. 27-20, New Daren HM April I. Kllznlietli. N. J.. 3-5, liar- ilKlnirg, I'n., (VS. "iil.l ArkaiiKair." I'riil ltn.vinoiid'K (Merle I!. Xiirlon. mgr.)—IJIehrlehl. Mleli.. 211, Union Clly :ir>. Culnn 31. lliillle Creek April 1, Naahvlllp I, r'om-ord 7. .In. kt-"ii 8. "nil Ihe YelloKHIi.iii" iP'rnnk I,. (Inoilwln. mgr.) lll'lilgl'lairl, fill— 28, 211. Lowell, Mass.. 30. "Old Farmer Hopkins" (Frank S. Ilnvlilaon, msr.l—lliniirr. La.. "•■<. Mnaiollii, Ark., 30, Lewlavllle .'II. Cuuiden April 1, tliirdon 3, Arkadelphla 4. Ilrlnkley ,1. "(lid Clothe* Mao" (Tom Norlll, mcr.l—l.url- iiioiv. N. link., 211, Jiiuieslown April 1, Aber- deen -I. "Out of lln- l'ol.t." lleiuy LI, Marks'—Mandies- let', X. II.. 27-211. I^iwell. MiiK».. 30-Aprll 1. "On Hie Sitwnms' lllvor" (Slalr & Nliiilul, iuktsI Piili'i'aini, N. J., ;ii)-April 1, llrooklyu, N. Y.. 38. P Perkins. Waller K. |Cluxtii;i Wllataeli, mgr.)— I'lill.-iilelpliln. I'.l . 27-Aprll I, I'nllon. W, It. (J. M. Slniil. mgr.)—Canonsbnrg, I'M., 211, Wasliliigiim 3(1, Wellstiur«. \V. Ya„ 31. Ilelhilre, (t.. April 1, llnriiearlllc 3, New- nik .'.. Paylon. t'arse, Stork I ll;ivf.l .f. Itumagc nnjr.l— tleiiver Pulls. I'n.. 27-Aprll I, Sew Cnntle 3-8. Paytmi Slsin* iliim S. Hull, liter.)—llrlslol, Tenii.. 27-Aprll I. Aslierllle, N. iT. ;t-8. 1'iiiivlr. Delhi IT. O. Tullle, ingr.l—Union, Mom.. 27-21), l.lnlio lulls, I.In. :m April I, llniltiirg II ", Si. Anlliuny US, lllnrkfoot 10, It. I'... ..I.ili, 12 I.1, Pulse, Mnhel ill. I'. IVIIIanl, mgr.)—Slauntou, Vh.. 27-April I. I'nlce Coiiiialy, II. K. Wlllnnl's (II. Mni'lyniip, mgr. i— MmilsloHii. Ti'iiu,, 27 211, Cirrrlaid 3t). April I, Miirfra»alami 3-S. Pimell-I'iirlello illiillnu 1'invell, mi;r.)—Ilea Molnea. la.. 27-Aprll I. I'lrkert Sti«-k (Willis I'likert, mgr.)— (ireiuivllle. s. t\, 'J7 April I, WliiKtim-SalMil. K. O., :t-8. "I'lsliller," Snlllviiu. Ilinrls ,v- Wooils' (Vreil llha-k, ingr.l- Shninokln. I'n., 2H. Hnrrlslinrg HIIAprll I. I'nlersnii. N. J.. (18. "l'rell.v I'egK)" lAlslon & Ihnter. logos,) — llilelph, (iin.. .'III. "I'e,k's Hud Buy." I.rroy ,1. Kreiuh's (Arlhur I .ii Mn it. mar. I- Island, III.. 211, Ullaea- lllie. III.. "II. Wiislilugtnii 31. "Prisoner or War." Forrester ,*i Mllti'iilluii'ii— I'leveliind. IV. 27 April t. "I'e.'k's Hail Hoy" (llisi. W. Ileatli, mgr.) — IMIeii. N. V.. 21V "I'naer of II.r Cross"—Ottmawa. la., "u. Oilnr llapiils 31, |liirii|i<,i'l April 1, Mn|.;ik.'lii 2, Miiseallne .'I. a "Qiiltiey Ail.uns Sawyer." Central (W. 17. Snel- llug. uigr.I — Pldladelplila, I'a.. April -T l.">. "Uitluey .Vilnius Sawyer." Woslrrn ll-'raiik M. Morgan, ingr.l — Lewlalmrg, I'a.. 2H, Nlount farmed .".IV Mnbituoy City April 1. Shrnainloati il. I'nttnvllle I. Freelaud .*>. Allrnlimu It. South lleltilehi'in 7. Ilnrrlslnirg 8, "Oneen of Ihe IllHhwav" i\V. Meihonni, iugr.1 — WaalilMgtoll, II. ('.. 27 April I. I I..I. .km. X. •t., US. "queen of I lie While Sinus." (A. II. Woods, mgr.I — Boston, Mass., 27 April I, IX lltissetl. Annie iCIois. I'roliniau, mgr.)—llulliilo, X. V.. .'tiiApill I. Ituhavu, lih'iiuur (LUdiler ,V Co,, tugra.1—SiPllug- fl.'l.l, Mass., 2»i Providence, 11. I., 30-Aprll 1, Newark, N. J.. 3 8. Rohertaon, Forbes (lilaw A Krlatigcr. rngn.)— Wnaulngtun, D. C, 27-Aprll 1, Baltimore, Mil., 71*8 rtogcra Broa. (Klaw 4 Krlnngrr, rogri.)—Chicago, 111., 20-Aprll 8. rtoherla, Florence (Fred Belaaco, mgr.)—Kanaaa City. Mo.. 27-Aprll I. Ilnya. Johnny and Kmma (Stair & Nlcolal, mgra.) — Chicago, III., 2(I-April 8. IhiMcll Broa. (Samuel Blalr, mgr.)—Clncltioat!, . ().. 20-Aprll I. Boner, Knthrrlne (Harry King, mgr.)—Bangot Me., 27-Aprll 1. Ilyan, Daniel—I'lillulelplila. I'n., 27-Aprll 1. Howe Stock <G. 1. W. Hue, mgr.)—Lawrence, Mnia., 27-Aprll 1. HotiiI Llllimiluiia. Una Hlll'n (Tlioa. It. Henry, mgr.)—Plllaliurg, I'a., 27-Aprll 1, Baltimore, Mil., 3-8. . Hpntfrow'a Jolly Pnthflndera (.1. H. Ilentfrow, mgr.)— Jnckaonvllle, III., 27-Aprll 1, Pwrli ,1-8. Ilowlnml'a Comedians (Wm. licbola. mgr.)—Wil- low Springs, Mo.. 27-29, SprlngQeld HO-Aprll 1, Lamar S-n. . _ Iteeorl Stock (Frank P. Haven, mgr.)— Zane»-rllle, O.. 27-30. Ilunkle, Corlnne. Stock (H. K. Hcxter, m»T.)— Ijiwrenee. Mass.. 27-Aprll 1. "Royal Slave." Norlhorn. Oordon ft Bpnnelt'a (Dave Wooila, mgr.)-—Clnrka»llle, la., 20, Mn- aim City 110, Aiminoan 31. Waterloo April 1, Armstrong 3, Algona 4, Blue Karth 5, Fair- mont. Minn.. II. inrkPOH 7, Lnrerni; 8. "Royal Slave." Southern. Gordon & nernielt's (D. M. ninckiiller, mgr.)—Lyona, N. Y., 29. Clyde 30, Weedannrt 31, Canandalgun April 3. Batavla 4, Penn Van 0, CoMlaail 0, Waver!? 7, Weill- Imm, I'a., 8. "Romance of Coon llnllow" (A. C. Allen, mgr.)— llloonillcld, Intl., 21). Bedford 30. Seymour .11, Munclp April t, Madlaon 3, Columbus 4, Frank- lin 5. Anderson 0, 8t. Marys, O., 8. "Koco for Life." Sullivan, Ilarria A Woods' (Leon Victor, mgr.)—Indianapolis, lad., 27-2D, Day- ton, (V, 3(l-April 1. "Knlned Llfp," No. 1 (Don Mncmlllan. rogr.)— Ironwoud, Mich.. 2D. Ilcsaemer 30, Cklnraali 31, Asllliiml. Wis.. April 1. "Real Wldov Ilrown"—Wheeling. \V. Va., 27-29. ■ Sotliern, K. II., and Julia Marlowe (Cbaa. Froh- iniiii. mgr.)—Lcjlngton, Ky.. 21), Knoivlllp. 'I'eiin., .1(1, Chnttniiooga 31. Nashville April I. Skinner, Otis Uos. J. Buckley, mgr.)—New Or- leans. I41., 117 April 1. Pndnciili, Ky., 7. Shea. '1'lininns K. (Xlson k Zimmerman, mgra.)— Iliiltlinore, Mil.. 27-Aprll 1. Stimrt. Ralph (Kdward Thurnucr, mgr.)—Vtw Inglon. D. 0.i 27-Aprll 1. _ . Sully, Daniel (W.llls K. Koyor, mgr.)—Rocliea- ler. N. Y.. 27-20. Byracoac 30-Aprll 1, Corn- log 3, Geneva I, Oawego 5, Watcrlovfn 0, Oort- lanil 8. Sidney, George fHUlr ft Nlcolal, mgrs.)— Hrnok- lyn, N. Y.. 27-Aprll 8. Smart Sel, tins HIU'k (W, II. Moore, mgr.)— Ilnltlinow, Md., 27-Aprll 1, Philadelphia, Ta., 3-8. Sherman ft Summers Stuck (Wm. II. Sherman, mgr. I—Calgary, N. W. T., 27, IndeBnlte. "MllK-rla" (Ilrndy A Grlsmcr, mgrs.)—Boston, Mass., 27 April 8. "Seminary Wit,™ M. D. Raymond's—Sumprnet, Pa.. 20. Jiihiialovvn 30. Altooiui 31, II arris burg April 1. Washington. D. C, 3-8. "Sweet Clnrer" IT. II. Hclinfcr, mgr.)— Ijiw- rencc. Knu., 31. "Sign of the Cross." No. 1 (R. (J. Craerln. mgr.) I/iwell. Mnss., 20, nrnektnn "(I, Taunton 31, Woonsocket, It. I.. April 1, Boston. Masu., 3-8. "Stinerha" (Wm. ft Blw. llanlon. nigra.)—Toledo, (V, 20-Aprll 1. "Shailows of a (ireat Clly" (C. II. Jefferson, mgr.)—Rochester, N. Y.. 27-20, Syracuse 30- A|irll 1. Boston, Mnss., ,'IK "Silver Dagger"—Camden. N. J., 27-29, Wil- mington, Del,, 30-Aprll 1. "Struggle for Cold," (laapart Urea.. (Jos. Mur- tluo, mgr.)—Ai:mn, «.. 27-20, Masalllon 30, New IM.ili.ileh.bin 31, Munalleld April 1. "SI Plunkard.'' J. C. Lewla' (W. A. Junker, mgr.)—f;ri'C]Lws.:l. Mlsa., 211, Jnekaou 30, Mou- i mo, I.a.. 31. Huston April 1. Slireve|vrt 2. "Spnn of Life" (Lewla Donnietln, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, I'n.. 27-Aprll I. llnlyvft?, Muss., 0-8. "Sunny South" iJ. C. Rockwell, mgr.)—Fair Ilnven. VI.. 20. WcCnrrlck FullB, S. Y.. 30, Se.rntoga 31, Ulcus Falls April 1, Wllllama- lown, Muss., 3, 4, Ileniilinjlon. Vt. 3. (I. "Sherlock Ilnlmes" (Bntliner £ C.-unphell. mgra.) —Vomits ii.wii. <)., 29, Cleveland April ,1-8. "Minnows of Sin" (Geo. II. Durnlllon, mgr.)— Dnltoi), Ga., 27 21). re Thurston, Adelaide (Clinton Wllatach, mgr.)— Montreal, Can., 27-Aprll 1. Turner, Clnra (Ira W. Jackson, mgr.)—Albany, X. Y.. 27-Aprll 1. Taylor Dramatic (Albert Taylor, iugr.)—New Or- leuiiH, La.. 27-Aprll 8. Thnrlier ft Nnshcr—Trenlon, N. J., 27-Aprll 1, llnrllngton, Vt., 3-8. Troy. Dunlin, Slock (Jan. L. Glass, mgr.)—Aah- IjiiiI. Wis., 27-Aprll 1. Duluth. .Minn.. 3-15. "Two Orplmna" (I.lebler ft Co., uigrs.)—Washing- ton, n. C 27-Aprll I. "Too Proud In Beg, ' Lincoln J. Carter's—Kansus Clly. Mn.. 20-Aprll 1, Ormiliu, Nehr., 2-5. "Te\aa" (BruadUiirat ft Currlc. mgrs, I—Oalres- t.ui, Tci'., 39, 30. IIiiiiHton 31, April 1, Bun Aiilonln 2-1, Austin t, Waco U. Dallas 7. 8. "Trip to Kgypt" (C. II. Kerr, mgr.)—Oklahoma Clly, Okla... 29, Outhrlo 30, ArknimaB City. Knn., U, Coffeyvllle April I, Plttabnrs S, Fort Scott 3, Chanute i, Iota 0, (Jurne'tt 0. Ot- Uwa 7, Tiipeka 8, IV "Trackeil Around the World" (A. II. Woods, mgr.)—Dayton, (>., 27-2D, IndlanupolU, Ind., ."lO-Aprll I, Clnclniiull. (V, 2-8. "Two Married Men," SnofTord'a (W. F. Thomas, mgr. I—lioiiverneur. N. Y., 20, Socket Ihir- lsir 30, 'I'liere;-! April I. Lowrlllo 3, Ilisiu- vllle I. Ilerkluiei' 5, Caiiajoluirle U, Cniiideii 7, (ir.irego 8. "Two .liilms" (C. i|. Allen, mgr.l—Treiitott. V. .7., 27-20, Atlantic Clly .10, 31, Burlington April 1, lloboken 2-3, Nca- Haven, Conn., tl-8. "Til)i to Africa"—Chicago, ill., 2(I-Aprll 1. D "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Al. VV. Martin's (lid. S. Mnrlln, mgr.)—MrKrccport, Pa,. 28. I in.ia, IV. 3D, Snuduaky April 1, Detroit. Mich., 2-8. "Uncle T'om'K Cabin, Slelson'a, Kaslern (fiee, I'eck, mgr.)--Xew Hnven. Conn.. 27-29, Wul- li-.igfor.l 3d, Khlgnport III, South Norwalk April I. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Stetson's, Central (Grant Luce, mgr.)—Syracuse. N. Y., 27-20, Ilocliester llll-Aprll 1. I'ntcrson. N. J.. 3.1. "Uncle '1'oin's Cahlii." Slelson's. Western (Win. Klbhle. ingr.l—Fort Atkinson. Win.. 20, Slough- tun 30, Klklioru 31, Mourn- April 1. Sluills- bing 3, I'hillerille I. "Uncle Tom'u Cabin." Stetson's. XnrtUcrii, Onirics (d riiirh, ui'^r.)—Mlssoutii, Man!.. 2t>. Helena 30. 31, Great Fulls April 1. limit 3, I, llozc- iniiu 6, Livingston I). Billings 7. "Uncle Josh Snnioeliy" iJohn 1'. Donotiiir, mgr.) —Dei'atiir. ill., 20, Champaign 30. Rossrlllc 31, Dnnvllle April 1. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Wm. Ue Hart's—Jasper, Minn., 20, Dell Rapids, S. Duk., 1)0. Kg. u 31, Millllsuu April 1, II..'.run! 3, Woonsocket 1, Wolsey 5, lllglunoru (I, Milter 7, Huron 8. \ Vim. Billy IV—Sullivan. Harris ft Woods' (J. K. Rnberls, nn:r.j -Louisville. K}'., 2il-Ap:il 1, Clnelluiatl, (>., 2-8. Van Dyke * F.nton (F. Marl:, uigr.l—Knlamazoo, Midi., 27-Aprll 1, Muski'Kun 28. Vernon Stock (Hen.-. It, Vernmi. ingr.l—llninlng- ton. Vt„ 27-Aprll I. Hoodck Falls. X. Y„ 3-n. "Vlrglnlnti." Dustln Furniun (Klrke La Sbclle. mgr. I-Sun Fn-tiolsm, Cal.. 27-Aprll t. "Vivian's I'apns"- -M'tliuliiglim, Del., 31V Norfolk. V.-i,, April 1. itli-liiihind -V "Village I'osttnnsieL'"- AVlltl'iinsport, I'a^, April I. Alhnn.v, N. V.. tl-S. "Village Parson," W. K. X'liil-.erllle's—lUlea, N. V.. 31, April 1. Brooklyn 38. W Walsh, ltbinrbe (Wngcnhal* * Knnper, mgrs.) — N. V. Clly 27. linlellnlle. Walnwrlglil, MiiiIp (Jules Murry, mgr.)—York, I'n.. 20. Lancaster 31. Wllllnmsporl April 4. Wiinlp, Friderlrk. mul Knlliryn Klildpr (Wngeu- lials ft Kcuipcr. nigra.!—Trenton, K. J.. 31. Wilson. Frauds tChus. Froluunii, mgr.)—Phila- delphia. I'n.. 27-Aprll S. Wlllanl. K. S, (Cluis. A. Moore, mgr.)—Chicago, III.. 27-Aprll I. Warllelil. David (Unvlil lh-luseo. mgr. I -N. Y, Cllv 27. Iil.lcdulle Wilson. At. II. (Yule ft Kills, ingr.l—WlllUins- port, I'a.. '.'IV Allonnil 3D. N. I ltron.lhursi ft Currlc. X. I.. 27-Aprll 1, I'lilladeli K Ills. Nat Newark. 3-8. Wullc WUlltlocy (Attliur A. Lotto, I'UJ. uigt.)—. ngra.1 — hln. Pa.. Beaumoot. Tex., 29. Bbreveimrt, La.. 30. 31. Martball, Tex.. April 1, Dallas 3-3. Fortllorlh Ward'ft Vokea (Stair ft tflWhlt .% WfeL gg* rtpiue. IL I.. 27-Aprll 1, Newport 7, Fall River, WoU.Fh] Joe, All Star Slock—Baltimore, Mil., 27-Aprll 1, Norfolk, Va., 3, Richmond 4, Tren- ton, X. J.. 8. Walker Whltealdp (F.dw. K. Snjder, mgr.)— Clerelaiul, (V. 27-Aprll I. Williams ft Watker (Hnrtlg & Seamon, mgra.)— BoaloB. Mass.. 27-Aprll 1. , Wlnolnger Broa." Own (Frank Wlnnlnger, mgr.) —Portage, Wla., 27-Aprll 1, Winona, Wlno., 3-8 Wallace Theatre (Diiblnsky Broa., mgri.)—Sher- ianl. HI., 27-20, F.rle 30-Aprll 1. . _ .. Whyle Dramatic (Chas. P. whytc. TOrt)— «■»• rle. Okla., 20-21), Shawnee 30-Aprll 3, Little Iloek. Ark,. 4-8 , _,..,, Wood, Fannlq (Lester A. Davis, mgr.)—Westflcld, Mass., 27-Aprll ). . , Williams Comedy (T. P. De GabTerelly, mgf.)— Greensboro, Ua., 27-29, Uadlson 30-Aprll 1, F.atoulon 3-D. _„ "When We Dead Awake" (Maurice Campbell, tngr.)—N. Y. City April 3, Indcllnlle. " 'Way Down Bast," Eaatern (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Burlington, N. J.. April 3, F.aaton, I a., 4, Chester 5, Potlsvllle 0, Phcenlivllle 7, Phila- delphia (Frankford) 8. _ , " 'Way Down East," Western (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Little Rock. Ark., 20, Hot Springs 30, Pino Illufr 111. Memphla, Tcnn.. April 1, Jackson a, I'aducah. Ky.. 4, Murphjsboro, HI.. 5. Car- bondnle it. M'uunt Vernon 7. Centralla 8. "Way of the Transgressor" (Yale ft Kills, mgra.) —CUIcngo, III., April 3-8. "Weddeil and Parted," Sulllrnti. Harris ft Womla (Kd. N. McDowell, mgr.)—I. Y. City 27-Aprll 1. Providence, R. I., 3-8. "Wife's Secret" (Spencer & Aborn, mgra.)— Philadelphia. Pa.. 27-Aprll I, Syracuse, N. Y., 3-r>. Rochester 0-8. _ . "Weiliteil. But No Wife." Selma Herman (W. J. Fielding, mgr. I—Brooklyn, N. Y., 27-Aprll 1, Philadelphia, Ta., 3-8. "Why Women Sin" Of. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Beardstown, III.. 20, Gtlotburg .10. Decatur April I, Sprlnirteld 2. Bloomliigton 4, Larayette, Ind.. 5, Crawfonlsvllle il. Terre Haute 7. 8. "Why Olrls Leave" (Vance ft Sullivan, mgrs.I— LuulHtllle, Ky., 20-Aprll 1, (^ereland, O.. .1-8. "When the Bell 'Colls*' (Tr.vera Vale, mgr.l— Wilmington, Dei 27-20. Newark, N. J-. 3-8. "When Women Love." Kustcrn (Frank W. Nason, mgr.)—Brooklyu. N. Y., 27-ArrlI 1, N. Y. City 3-29. "When Women Love," Western (Frank W. riueon, mar.)—Washington, Pa.. 21), Charlerol 30, Unkmtown 31, April 1, Waynesburg 3, Councils- vllle 4, Mount i'leaannt 3. Scottdnlo U, Irwin - 7, Jeannette S. "Was She to Blame?" (Jed Carlton, mgr.)— Klkadpr. la., 29, North Mctlrpgor .10, Bos- coliel. Wis.. 31. Mum-ado April 1, Sandwich, Out., 3, luilpftnllp. "Was She to Illamp?" No. 2 (I{. I,. Paul, mgr.) —Norfolk, Neb., 30, Crelghton 31, Verdigris April 1. Y "Yon Yonson" (I!. V. Glrtuix. mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn., 2U-Aprll I, Mlnnea;.olls 2-S. "Yuunger RrolkcM" (A. A. Jack, mgr.)—Akron, • V. 31-April 1. "York Stale Folks" (Fred R, Wright, mgr.)— Zanesvllle, ()., III. Akron .\prll 5. MUSICAL. Bosin.i Ideal (I|ht.i (Burgess & Andrews, ingvs.) —I'rcscott. Ark . 29, tlurJnn 30. Stuttgart 31, April 1, Forrest City 3, I'nraguuld 4, Kennel t, . Mo., n, New Madrid li. Uaceola 7. Block I'.-ittl Tnoibnilnurs I Voclekel ft Nolan, jngrs.).—Atlanta, Ca., 20, Moron 110, Valdosia 31, Orulo. Flu., April I, T'nnipa 3, I'ul.ilkn 4, St. Augustine .'.. Jacksonville 0, llrunswiek, «a., 7. Waycrosa 8. "Balies Id Toyhni.l" (Itomllu & Mltdirll, mgrs.) —N. Y. City 27 April 1. "Bnhes In Toylnnd" (Hamlin ft Mitchell, mgrs.) —Akron, 0., 31, Youugalown April 1. "Beggur Prince, Opera, Ktln MerrlB (F. C Cooper, mgr.)—Three Rivers, Mich., 20. Bron- son 30, Hudson 111, Adrian April 1; Tecumseh 2, Chelsea 3, Oxford 4, Lipcer 5, Saniln, Can., 0. Cainidlun Jutillee Singers (W. T. Cary, mgr.)— Fiiavlllu. N. V-, 20. Sidney 30, Wullon 31, Delhi April 1. J. Huncock 3. Caiiitdlnn Colored Concert (William Carter, mgr.l —Tyrone. Pu., 30, l.cwlslo\rn 31, llocdvllle April 1, 2, Lock lluvcn II, Wllllnm-port 4, Jersey Shore 5. Ilughesvllle 0. "Chinese Honeymoon" (Sam S. Shnla-rl. mgr.)— St. Louis, Mo., 20-Aprll 1. Cohimhus, (V. 3. "Cltmalee" (D.mlel Frobuuiu, mgr.)—Doston. M^asa., 27-Anrll I, "Countir Girl" IJ. C. DulT, mgr.)— Philadelphia. Pa.. 27-Aprll 8. • Dunlels, Frank (C. II. Dllllnghnin. mgr.)—Vt- lanllc City, N. J., 31, April 1, 1'hlludelpbla, De Angells. Jefferson (Sam S. Shuherl, mgr.)— N. f. Clly 27, Indcllnlle. "Duchess of Daiiltlc" (Kdwanles ft Frohmun, mgrs.)—N. Y. City 27-Aprll 10. lingllsh Iimini (>i>era (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Suit Lake City, U., 27-29. I'liehlo. Colo., 31, Colorado Springs; April 1, Denver D-fl. "Karl and Ihe Girl" (Sam S. Shubert, mgr.)— Chicago. III., »-, lnilellnlte. Flake's. DimIc— Chl|.|iewa Falls. WIh.. 20, Meno- minee 3D. Kan Claire 31. Ilnyil April 1. "Fiurmkra" (Fisher ft Hylcy, nigra.)—N. Y. City 27, indefinite. "Forlune Hunter" (Millon ft Sargent Aliorn, mgrs.)—Johnstown. Fa.. April 3. Altooon 4, Tyrone fi, llcllclonte li, lienors 7, Lock Haven Glsser. Lulu. Opern (C. II. Dillingham, mgr.l — CliarlpHimi. 8. Ii, 27, Siiruniiah, till,, 28, Au- gusta 20. Atlanta 30, Birmingham, Ala., 31, Mobile April 1. "Girl ami the Ilaudll" (Frank L. l'orh-y, mgr.) —St. IsmN. Mo„ 20-Aprll I. Hopper. De Wolf iSniu S. Sliulvrl, mgr.)—Rich- mond. Vn., 27, Norfolk 28. Ne\v]iort News 211, Lynchburg 30. Fclcishiirg .'II, Auunpolls, Mil., April 1. Trenton, X. J., il. "Isle of Sploo." Kastprn IB. 0. Whlliiey. mgr.) — Newport. It. L, 27. New Ilcdford. Mass.. 28, Tamil.>u 211, Woonsocket, It. 1.. 30, Lvnn. Mnss., 31, I/iwell April 1, Salem 3, llnrerhlll 4, Ijiw- reui-e 3. llldcleford, Me., 0. Portland 7. 8. "Isle of Spice." Western (II. (',. Whitney, mgr.l —YoiiugHtnwii. (').. 27-20, Warren 30. Orpenvllle, Pa.. 31. Holier April 1, Du Ilols 3, cieorilehl 4, Phllllpsliiirg 3, Sunluiry 'i, .Malililloy City 7, Shenandoah 8. Kllliea llnnd IT. P. J. Power, mgr.)—Saltcoats, Scut., 21). I'liallirldge 30. Molherwrll 31. Diuu- hnrtoD April 1. Clydebank 2, Killiiburgh 3-8. I.elili f). Dumfries 10, Carlisle, Mug.. II. "Mother thsise" (Klaw ft Frlanger. nigra.)—Min- iieniio'.ls, Minn.. 211-Aprll 1. SI, Pnnl 2-g. "Xlulil mid the .Miiiium" (Chtirlca Marka, bus. ingr.l—New Uaveu, Conn., 31, Walerlmry April I. I'lilliidelphlii, I'n.. 3-8. "Naney Brown." Mary Marble (John W. Duuue, uiirr.V—lEIeluiiiiuit, Va,. 27-Aprll 1. Polhinl's Juvenile 0|icra—I'orlluarl, Ore., 29- April S. "Parsifal." In Kugllsh fHenry W. Savage, mgr.) —Milwaukee, Wis., 27-Aprll 1, Iiullsuannlla, Ind.. u-8. "Prliiee of 1'llsen" (Henry W. Savage, mgr).— Philadelphia, Pa.. 27-Aprll I. X. Y. Clly 3 8. "Peggy from Furls" (Madison Corey, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly 27-Aprll 1, "PUT, Parr. Ponf," IV. C. Whitney, mgr.l — Sprlnglleld. O., 2(1. Ciihuulais ,'tll, Youncstown II, Lexlnilon. Ky., April 1. "I'rlnei^N Chic" id. Frank Hurrell. mgr.)— I'ltlshurg. Pa., 27-Aprll I. Cutuinhln. 8. C, 7. "Professor Xeiatleon'' (R. Waile Davis, mgr.l — Buller. Pa.. 20. Itlissrll. I.llllilli (Sam 8. ShulaTt. mgr. I —Phila- delphia, Ph., 27-Aprll 1. Washington, D. C, ,1- Iti.j'iil Arlllk'rj' Poind (Jos. De VIIo, ingr.l—Al- hnille Cllv. N. J.. 27 May 12. "Ilunawiiys (Sum s. Shulserl. mgr.)—Norfolk, Vn., S», Pelcislsiig »i"i, Itlchmnuil 31, April 1. Atlantic City. N. J.. .">. "Royal Clief' (Sam S. Shubert, lugr.)—Scran- tun. Pa., til. Scliefr. Frllil (0. B. Pllllngbnm, mgr.l—Utlca. N. V.. 27. 2S. Glens Falls 20, Alliany 30, Troy 31, lllnghnmton April 1. Schuniann-llelnk. Mmlouic {V. C. Whitney, mgr.) —Jnekson, Mich., 2D, Indlannisills. Iud.. 31, April I. ' Snltuii or Sulu" (Henrv W. Savage, mgr.V— Full River. Mass.. April 3. "Silver Sllpiier" (John (\ Fisher, mgr.)- -Ilea Molnps. In., 21V Itiirllnglon 3D, Qulury, 111.. 31, Keokuk, la.. April 1. "San Toy" t.lnhn c. Fisher. mgr>—Monlrenl, Cull.. 27 April 1, Clllcngo, III.. .1-1.1. "Show isirl," IJisicm (II. C. Whliner. mgr.l — Memphla, Teuu., 27-Aprll 1, Louisville Ky., 3-D. "WJK^^wtTu? Uaudeville Route Ci$i. ii/wir :in-Aiirll 1. . _; •m **n This Hat !■ made up •• nenriT^Tr" curate o> it la puasllile to mnUc a n.t of ve.udevllle bookings. To ln«Sre In •rrtlon In this department the na«." ol the thentte or park, ns well >■> .T. le. mcr . .a'now^rl.-^Crr!- ,B. C. WJ ier. nyrr.)- V. l n U &l!ord, 2 Or.ce (S F **fg-Jff-]r Denrer, Colo., 27-Aprll 1. <alt Lake City, v., Win." Mnslenl (John B. Willi. »P;•)- H ' I A t"l C i• Md.. 28, 20. MnrtloBburg, W. Vn., 30-Aprll 1. "Winsome Winnie" (Sam S. Shubert. mgr-)— Kansas City. Mo., 2«1-Apr!l 1. "Woodlnnd" (nenry W. Savage, mgr-V-Mf* 1 port, Conn., 27, New Haven 28. Waterbury 20. Snrhigfteld. Mass., 30, Hartford, Conn., 31, April 1. llrooklyu, N. Y., 3-8. "Wliard of Ox" (Hamlin ft Mitchell, mgrs.»— Albany, N. Y.. 29. Brldgeiiort, Conn., April 1, "Wiiard'ot ilk" (liamlln ft Mitchell, mgrs.)— Hamilton, 0.. 30. s««u "Yankee Consul" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—Ch - cago. III.. 27-Aprll 1, Omaha, Neb., 2, 3, MU- wankee. Wis., U-8. BURLESQUE AND VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. Americans (E. D. Miner, mgr.)—Chicago, 111.. •Jli-Aprll 1, Detroit, Mich., 2-8. Bryant's. Barry C, Eitravaisania (C. II. Ken- von. mgr.l—Milwaukee, Wis.. 20-Aprll 1, Mln- neanolls. Minn., 2-8. , _ _ , Blue Ribbon (JlrW (Jack Singer, mgr.)— SL Paul, Minn., 20-Aprll 1. Chicago, HI., 2-8. Bowery nurlosn.ners, Hurtlg 4 Seamon'a (Joe Hur- tig, mgr.)—Chicago, Hi., 20-Aprll 1, Mil- waukee. Wis., 2-8. Bohemians (Thomas AV. Miner, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa., 27-20. Rending 30-Aprll 1, Philadelphia 8-8. Bon Tons (Rush & Weber, mgr?.)—Providence, ft. L. 27-Aprll 1, Boston, Mass., 3»8. Brlgcdlers (Harry Martell. mgr.l—3t. I-outs, Mo.. 23-Aprll 1, Kansas City 2-8. City Sports (Phil Sheridan, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa.. 27-Aprll 1, Reading 3-5, Scranton 0-8. Crneker Jacks. (Harry Leoul, mgr.)—Newark, N. J. 27-Aprll 1, Paterson 3-8. Cherrv Blossoms (Butler, Jacobs & Lowry. mgrs.) —Baltimore, Mil., 27-Aprll 1, Washington, D. C„ 3-8. Casad's Musical Comedy—Kn't Lynn, 111., 27- Aprll 1. Drverc, Sam—N. Y. City 27-Aprll 1, Scranton, Pa., 3-S. Reading 0-8. Duchess (Rush & Weber, mgra.)—Pitts- burg. Pa.. 27-Atrll 1, Cladnuatl, O., 1-8. Fay Foster Burleayuera (Joseph Oppenheimer, mgr.)—Louisville, Ky., 20-Aprll 1, St. Lotus, Mo., 28. Gay Morning Glories (Scrlbner & Drew, mgrs.)—> Holyoke. Muss.. April 3-3, Sprlnglleld 0-8. Gay Masquoruders (Jos. II. Barnes, mgr.)—Buf- falo, N. Y., 27-Aprll 1. Rochester 3-8. High Rollers (Wondlmll & Waldron. mgrs.)— Paterson, N. J.. 27-Aprll 1, N. Y. City 3-15. lrwlu's Big Show (Fred Irwin, ingr.)—Albaoy, N. Y.. 27-23, Troy 30-Aprll 1, Providence, R. I.. 3-8. Imperials (Williams & Burns, mgrs.)—Springfield, Mass., 27-20, Holyoke 30-Aprll 1. Boston 3-8. Innocent Maids (p. CL llnfTraan. mgr.)—New Britain. Conn.. 2». Mlddletown 30. Bristol 31, Merlden April 1, White Plains. N. Y., 3. Eliza- beth, N. J., 4, Pblludclphla (Frankford), Pa., Indian Maidens (Frank ». Corr. mgr.)— st r. City 27-Aprll 1. Brooklyn, K. Y.. 3-15. Jolly Grass Widows (Robert Fulton, mgr.)—Cin- cinnati. 0., 20-Aprll 1. I.ov.isillle. Ky., 2-8. Knlckerlsickers (Louis Ilotlc. mgr.)—Minneap- olis. Minn.. 2ii-Aprll I. St. Paul 2-8. Kentucky Belles (Whulleu Bros., mgra.)—Indl- nuopolls, lud.. 27-Aprll 1, Chicago. III.. 2-8. Ijifayette. the (ireat (T. Q. Lnfayettc, rajar.)— Cairo. HI.. 31. Memphis, Tenn.. April 3-7. Little Egypt's Biirlestjuers. Cllrl Grant's—New London. Conn.. 211. 3d, Wdltmantlc 31, Middle- tnwn April I. Merry Maidens (Butler, Jacobs * Lowry. mgrs.) —X. Y. City 27-April 1. Jersey City. N. J.. 3-8. .Majestic- (W. L. Ilulhinf, mgr.)—lloston, Mass., 27-Aprll 1. N. Y. City 3-S. New York Store (John S. Itaynor. mgr.)—Wash* ington, 1). C, 27-Aprll 1, Pittsburg, Pa., 3-8. Orphcnm Show. Martin Bock's—SL Louis, Mo., 20-Aprll 1, Chicago, 111., 2-8. Parisian Widow.) (Rush 4 Weber, mgrs.)—Bos- ton. Mass., 27-Aprll 1. N. Y. City 3-8. Reeves'. Al.—N. Y. City 27-Aprll 8. Hose Hill Kugllsh Folly (Rice & Barton, mgrs.) —Jersey City, N. J,, 27-Aprll 1. Philadelphia, Ta tl-S Rentz-Saiitiey (Abe Leavitt, mgr.)—ML Y. City 27-Aprll 1, Newark, N. J.. 3-8. Rice & Barton's nig Gaiety—Toronto, (Jan., 27- Aprll 1. Rose Sydell's l/mdoii Belles (W. S. Campbell, mgr.l—Brooklyn, X. Y.. 27-Aprll 1, Albany 3-5, Troy ML Reilly & Wood's (Pat Itcllly. mgr.)—Cleveland, O.. 27-Aprll 1. llullalo. N. Y., 3-8. Runaway Girls (P. S. Clark, ragr.)—Detroit, Mich.. 2li-Aiirll 1. Toledo. Ol, 2-8. Rogers Bros. Vaudeville (II. W. Rogers, mgr.) — Oil City, Pa., 27-30, Corry 31, April 1. Ash- tabula. O.. 3-5, Nlles 11-8. T.-mis -Atlantic lliirlcsquers. Hurtlg Sc Senmnu's 111. M. Itosenlluil, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., 27- Aprll 8. Tiger Lilies (Scrllmcr & Drew, mgrs.)—nolyokc, Mass.. 0-8. Thoroughbreds (Frank II. Curr, mgr.)—Philadel- phia. Pa.. 27-Aprll 1. llultlmore. Mil.. .1-8. TrocHdenjs (C. H. Waldrori, mgr.)—N. Y. City April 3-S. Utopians |T. W. Dlnkhis, tngr.)—Kansas Clly, Mo., 211-Aprll I. Imllniiii|»lls. lad., 3-8. Y'nnlty Fair (Robert Munchpsler. mgr.)—Ro- eliesler, N. Y.. 27-Aprll 1, Toronto, Can., 3-8. World Itenlers U. Ilerlierr Muck, mgr.)—Toledo, O.. 20-Aprll 1, Clevebinil 3-S. Vine. Women and Song (M. M. Tuelse, mgr.)— Holyoke, Mass.. 27-211. M.IM»llti:i.>. Borlow i- Wilson's (Lawrence Barlow, mgr.)— Mount Vernon. III., 20. Marlon 30, Fali-lleM 31. Princeton. Iud., April 1, Tell Clly 2, Bockport .'!, Jiisprr I, Hiinllngliurg 3. Dockstiider's. Lew (Chas. D. Wilson, mgr.)— WnslilugtiHi, D. C, 27-Aprll 1, Huston. Pa., 3, Atlantic Clly, N. J.. 0. Trenlon 7. Field's. Al. O. (Doc Qnlgley. mgr.l—Fort Dodge, la.. 2li. Slouv City 30, Omaha. Nehr., 31, April 1. Council Bluffs, la., 2, Waterloo 3, Cedar Rapids 4. I)aveii|H-irl 5, Dulmoue U, Ln Crosse, Wis.. 7, Madison S. Kenuinds', Billy It". Jay Smith, mgr.)—Paris, Ky.. 3D. Georgetown 30, Lexln.-trn 31. New Al- luiiy, liul.. April I. West Baden 2, Uedrnril 3, Washington 4, Vlnceniies !i. Henderson, Ky., 0, Dwetisixirii 7. llviitisvllli'. Ind., 8. Miiliarn's (Frank Stnluirn, mgr.)—Shawano, Wis., 20. Cllutoiivlltc 311, Autlgo 31, NelllsTille April Primrose. Gen. II. (James II. Decker, aigr.l— CliKliiiiall. II.. 2i;-April 1, Pittsburg. Pa., 3-8, un's. Gns (Fred D. Fowler, :nirr.)—Berwick, Pa., 211. Wlllhiimport 31. Yogel's iJoI.ii W. Vngcl. ingr.)—Rnckvllle, Ind., 20. Terre Ilnulc 30. 31. BraiH April 1, Indi- anapolis 3-5, Dayton, 0., 0 8. TEXT SHOWS. Illinium Si Bailey's—K, Y. City 27, Indefinite, state Shows—El Push, Tei.. April 3, Douglas, Aria., I. Blslicc 3. Nogules 0-, Ilcrmonslllo. Mex., 7. GiiaynuiB 8, Tucson. Aril.. 10. Phosncx II. YI mm 12, Imperial. Cnl . 13. lledlands 14, San Bernardino 13. ltiugllug Bros.'—Qilcago. III.. April 5, Indefinite. MISCELLANEOUS. Augustine (Chas. Illne, mgr.)—Topper Lake, N. v.. 27-Aprll 1. Snriuiac Luke US. Crulkst k—KprliigUehl, Vt., 30, Newinrt, N. II., April 1. Cnvad's Musical Comedy—Falrlund, 111., 27-Aprll Crislalplet Carni.'al (SI. Ileurv Walsk, mgr.)— Freei.irl. Me., 27-Arrll 1, Madison 3-S. Canavnuex (Geo. U. Ilanhm. mgr.)—Brownsville, Me.. 27-Aprll 1. Mllllr.orkei 3-8. Crystal Eye Carnival (It. II. Gray, mgr.)—Bris- tol. Vt.. 27-Aprll 1. Vrrgennes tl-S. Flints. Sir. and Mrs. (II. L. Flint, mgr.l—Spring- field. Mo.. 27-Aprll I. Cairo. HI., 3-8. Helm's fF. W. Curry, mgr. i—Sawyer. Wis.. 20. 30. Sturgeon Bay 31, April 1. Baileys Harbor tl. 4. Washington Island fi, it. Luxemburg 7, 8. Howell—White Now, Alts.. SC-Afrt 15. Dawson 24-Mnv 20. Eagle City 22-Jiine 3. I'reseellp IP. Wlllanl Magoon, mgr.l—l.lvermore Foils. Me.. 27-Aprlt I. SluTiiian's Moving Ptcliiri»s.-Moosini. Cisni.. 28 lid. Wllllmanlle 31. llockvlllc April 1. Ilsrt- for.l 2. Bristol 3. Manchester 4. Swallow ii Marklo Floating Palace—Parkcrshurr. W. Va„ 27 April K. Vim Cauipe—Mnysrlllc, Ky,, 27-Aprll 1, I.ulug- lou 3-8. rriinn an aula ucpu riineilg the nam. of the thentre or iinrk, as -vrell an (h city or town, MIST accompany enUI houklug aent a*. ' CBC * Abbott & Bryant, Grand, Mllwankee. 27-Anrii i Acker 4 Glldsy. Park, Woreesler, Mass ■,!' April I. " " Addison k Livingston, Parkersburg, W. Va 97 April 1. ' Zl ' Adallnp A Rubber. Odeon. Dayton, O.. 27-Ai.rii 1. Empire. Terre Hiiute. Ind., 3-8. ' *' Adsrlr'a Llous. Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. C ->7 April 1 ; Sheedy's, New Bedford. Mass .' 1 a Adair k Dahn. C. 0. H.. Chicago. 27-April 1 Adalre. Artie. Crystal. Milwaukee, 27-,\i, r il' 1 Adams, Mabtlle, Urpheum, New Orleans 1.. 27-Aprll I. " '■'• Adams, Musical, Jacobs', Peoria, III.. 27-Aprll 1 Adams ft Mack. A ft S.. Boston. 27-Aprll I Altons. The, Lyceum, Ogden, U., 27-Aprn' ■• Lyceum. Park City, 3-8. ' *» Akleana. The, Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., 27-Aprll Allen, Leon & Bertie, G. O. II.. Bulte, Meat 27 April 8. '" Albnro Trio, Atlantic Garden, N. y. c.. ■■;. April 1. Alllnl ft Mee. Earl, Pueblo. Cnl., 27-April I Alien, Searl ft Violet, Kccney's, Bkln., 27-Anril 1: Howard. Boston, 3-8. ' M Alllnl'a Monkey. Ampldon, Bkln., 27-Aprll 1- Victoria. N. V. C, 3-8. ^ *' Allison, Mr. ft Mrs., Cook. Rochester, S, y 27 April 1. Allen. Will F., Alhambra, Savannah, Ga.. 37. April 8. Allen * Delmaln. Haymarket, Chicago, 27-Aprll I. Allen. Phyllis, Haymarket, Chicago. 27-Aprll 1 Aldrich, Chas. 'I., Maryland, Ballo., Mil., 27- Aprll 1. Allaire ft Cavllle, BJJos, Green Bay, Wis.. 27- Aprll 1. Albany, Colonial. N. Y. 0, 27-ApIl I. American 'Prnmpeters (4), Park. Worcester. Miss.. 27-Aprll 1. American Olrls (12), Proctor's 5th Ave., N. I. C. 27-Aprll I. Amorous. Mmc.. Keith's. Provlilence, 27-Aprll 1. Antrim ft Peters. U. O. II., Indianapolis, April 3-8. Auger ft Hanlry, Howard. Boston, 27 April I, Anilerson-Goioes, Mohawk, Schenectady, N. Y., 27-A|irll 1. Apollo. Orphcum. New Orleans, Iji., 27-Aprll 1. Arlington k Uelslon, Crystal, Marlon, lad., 27- April 1. Armstrong ft Holly. Columbia, Cincinnati. 27- Aprll 1; Olympic. Chicago. 38. Armstrong Bros., Family, Mabauoy Clly, Pa., 27- Aprll 1. Armstrong ft Vcrn. Wenst's, Peoria, III., 27-Aptli 1; Bijou. Des Moines. Is.. 3-8. Arnold ft Gardner, Family. Mabauoy Clly, I'a., 27- Aprll 1. Aahtous (2). Keith's, N. Y. 0., 27-April 1; Keith's, Phlla., 3-8. Ashtou k Karlc. Phllll|W. Richmond, Vs., 27- Aprll 1: Orphenm. Sprlnglleld. O.. 3-8. Attlla Troupe, Poll's, lirldgeimrt. Cuim., 27-April 1. Avon Comedy Fonr, Howard, Boston. 27 April 1. Arolos, Musical. 11. ft S.. N. Y. C, 27-Aprll 1. Raker, Ward, Colonial, N. Y. C. 27-Aprll I. Rarr ft F,vsna. Family, Lancaster. Pa., 27-Aprll I. Bailey ft Madison. II. ft 11.. Bkln., 27-Aprll I. Bates and Krnest, Ctnbna. Salt Lake, U., 27- April 1. Bander La Valle. IIIJ011. Dubuque, la., 27-Aprll 1 : Grand. Milwaukee. Wht.. 3-8. Barrlngton ft Martell. Pastor's. N. Y. C., 27- Aprll I. "Barn Dance, Great." Temple, Detroit. Mich., 27- Aprll 1. Bancroft. Musical. Family. Olorersvllle. N. T., 27-Aprll 1; Family, Poughkeoiwle. 3-S. Halley ft Fletcher, Proctor's, Newark, ft, J., 27- Aprll 1. Barry. Mr. ft Mrs. Jlmmle. Keith's. Clereiaad. 27-Aprll 1: G. O. II., Indianapolis. 3-8. Darren ft Belle, Pruclor'a 231 St., N. Y. C, 27- April I. Rarufitroni ft Veni, Weast's, Peoria, III., 27- April I. Barrett Slaters. Orphenm, San Fran.. Cal.. 27- Aprll 1 : Orphenm, l.os Angeles. 3-S. Barr ft Harvey. A. ft ».. Dotdon, 27-Aprll I.' Animal Actors. Pubilloncs, Havana. Cuts). 27-Aprll 4. Batrman, Tom. Bijou, Fall River, Mass., 27-April 1. Bancroft. London, I.melon, Can.. 27-Aprll 1. Barters. Original. Crystal, Wichita, Kaus., 27- Aprll 1. Barry & Halvers. Orphcum, New Orleans, 27- Aprll 1. Barlows, Breakaway, Music ffall, Gloucester, Mass.. 27-Aprll 1. Bates, Unite. National, Kansas Clly. Mo., 27- Aorll 1 ; Star. Topekn. Kan., 3-8. Bayes. Norn, Keith's. N. Y. C, 27-Aprll 1; Keith's. Ilutn., 3-8. Barlon. Nell, National, Ramus City, Mo., 27- April t. Ilaatnje Quartet. Proctor's SSth St., N. Y. 0.. 27-Aprll 1. Bnrilctts, Musical, BIJou. Bacliic, Wis.. April 3-8. BonmtrhiK. The. West Side. Janesrllle. Wis., 27- Aprll 1. Benton, Klwood & Maggie, BIJou, Duluth. Mlna., 27-Aprll I. Bedouin Arnlis. Olyisplc. Cn'rago, 27-Aprll I. llentann. Wallle. G. O. H., Grand Rapids, Mich., 27-April 1. Ileeinci- & Jiurgllng Girl. (I. .). II.. Crawl Rapids. Midi.. 27-Anrll 1: Lyric. Cleveland. 3-8. Beiithain ft ITenuan. Family, Rk-hmoml. Ind., 27-Aprll 1; G. 0. IL, Grand Rapids. Mick., Bell 'ft Richards. Family. Passaic. N. J., 27- Aprll I. Beeson .t Atberton. Main SL. Peoria, III., 27- April 1. Bonder. Lillian. Proctor'a 5th Ave., ft, Y. C. 27- Anrll 1. Be-Anos. The. Sl-ir, Hamlltou Cun.. 27-Aprll I. Benedict ft Powell Co.. A. ft S., Boston, 27- Aprll I. Bennett ft Illoh. Gieennnlnl. N. Y„ April S-8. Bellman ft Moore, Shea's, Buffalo, 27-Aprll 1; Keith's. Cleveland, :i-8. Bergln ft Beverly, A. ft S., Boston. 27-Aprll I. Bergerc, Valerie, ft Co., Keith's, Bosluu, 27- April 1. Birch, John, Keith's. Phils.. 27-Aprll I. Dions. Blnns ft Blnns, llaymurkel. Chicago, 27- Aprll 1. Blmm. Bomm, B-r-r-r, Poll's. Walerhury, Cona., 27-Aprll 1. Bloeksom ft Bums Colonial. N. Y. C. 27-Aprll 1. Blake, Murlon. Hub, SHIford, ilo-s . 27-Apri: 1. Blind Tmn. Keith's. N. V. C. 27-Aprll 1. Blanchnrda, The, Palace, Worcester, Mass., 27- April 1. Blnmpltln ft Hehr, Market St.. Otluuiwa, la., 27- Aprll 1. Blair, McNulty ft Amnion. Auditorium. Norfolk. Va., 27-Aprll I. Boyd. An-hle. ft Co., Keith's, N. Y. C. 27-Aprll t. Bobe. Cellna, Shea's. Toronto. 27-Aprll 1; Temple. Detroit. 3-8. Bowery Newsboys' Quartette, Olympic, Chicago. 27-Aprll 1. Bob Little, Auditorium. Norfolk. Va.. 27-April 1- liooker ft Caruley, Poll's, Sprlnglleld. Mass.. 2T- April 1. BorcIIy. Arthur, Orphtum, Sprlngdeld, O., 27- April 1 ; Dnytnn 3-8. Bolses. Four, Orpheum, Ixm Angeles, Cal., 27- April 1. Brand. Sadie, Rlalto. KImlra. N. Y.. 27-Aprll •• llrngg ft Asblon, Yale's, Kansas Clly, Mo.. 27- Aprll I. Brownings. Casio, Fall River, Mass.. 27 Apr" '• Ilrewers, The, Amlltoriinu. Norfolk, Vs.. 27- Aprll 1. Hinno ft RnsKell, Vlctorls, N. Y. C. 3T-A|a-|l 1. Bristol's Ponies, Richmond. No. Adams, SIs-s-. 27-Aprll I. Brynnt ft Ssvllle. G. O. II.. Indianapolis. 27- , April 1: Columbia. Cincinnati. 3-8. Brown Bros.. Olympic Chicago. 27-Aprll 1; Hay- marker. Chlcngn. 3-8. nrolwt Trio. O. I!.. Mllforrl. Mass.. 27-Aprll I. Bryant. Torn. A. ft S.. Boston. 27-Aprll 1. . Brehany, Ionise, Orphenm. Denver, Col., 87" April 1: Albuqucrnnc. ft, M.. 3-8. Brnce ft Dnlgnenii. Kniplre. Hnlsikea. N. J. 2.- _ April 1. Brows. Harris ft Brown. H. ft 8.. ft Y. C. 2'* April 1: Halhaway's. New Bedford, SIa««., 3-8. Brooks. Herbert. Orphenm. Minneapolis. Mian., 27-Aprll I : (iridieuni. Detiver. (M.. 3-8. Brs.tshaw. Chas. H., ft Co., Keith's, Providence, 27-Aprll 1,